10 minute read
Summer’s here and the time is right for jumping into the pool. But not at Christopher Morley Park. The venerable Roslyn area institution, famous for a variety of outdoor amenities, will not be operating its public pool this summer. In fact, the pool may be closed for good.
“The pool needs extensive repairs, and the usage has continually gone down,” said Darcy Belyea, the Nassau County Parks Commissioner. “The Parks Department is currently re-evaluating whether to continue to use the pool or to put other recreational attractions there instead.”
Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman said that the county is looking into another function for the pool in case needed capital investments will not be used for the pool’s future re-opening.
“If we don’t [use the funds] we will find another attraction to take its place. It may be some of these spray pads that seem to be very popular with younger kids,” the county executive said in a statement.
High maintenance costs combined with surprisingly low attendance numbers contributed to this summer’s closing.
The problem with low attendance, Blakeman said, began in the summer of 2020 and has continued into this year. In 2022, about 1,000 local residents used the pool.
Despite that, the pool has long been a favorite destination for North Shore area residents, especially youngsters attending day camps.
“It was about a week ago they informed me that they would not be opening,” said Rabbi Yaakov Reiter. “I was thinking that’s pretty sad. We hope there’s still a chance maybe they can open up - it would be great.”
Sean Johnson, of New Hyde Park, is disappointed that a place that has many memories for him will potentially not come back.
“I definitely think it’s going to make an impact on the community,” added New Hyde Park resident Sean Johnson. “I know I have a lot of friends that come here and now they have kids and they come here.”
On it went.
“I used to work at a summer camp in this park, it was really special to bring the kids to the pool,” said Barry Hott, of Great Neck.
“The local kids we would bring to the pool every day, and we’d use the little kiddie pool, the big pool, diving pool and it was just the memories that they would have created.”
Anton Bartul, also of Great Neck, was also surprised to see an empty pool.
“I was thinking to myself - why is there not water in the pool yet?” Bartul said.
“My goodness - as a kid, I remember the platforms that they had, and the really high platform - the Olympic three-meter platform. You would crawl up to that, and it’d take all the courage in the world to jump off,” he said.

It wasn’t just Nassau residents who lamented the closure.
“We still come here because there’s no good pool in the Queens area,” said Gabriel Khaimov, who lives in Forest Hills.
Politicians also had their say.
“I really feel terrible because I know a lot of different groups use the pool,” said Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggiWhitton (D-Glen Cove). “It’s a shame to see it happen. I know it’s a tremendous amount of money but I really do like to see things for kids to keep them busy… it’s a loss.”
Christopher Morley Park is a public, Nassau County-owned park. It opened in 1961 and occupies 98 acres of land in its location on Searingtown Road.
As with many parcels of land, both residential and commercial, the park was once home to the huge estates that defined the North Shore, in this case, the Nelly Ryan Estate. During the flush times of the early 1960s, the county purchased the park for $700,000. In today’s dollars, that would be about $7,120,030. Among its many amenities are a dog park, walking paths, a nine-hole golf course, three baseball and softball fields, four basketball courts, two pickleball courts, paddleball courts, a shuffle board, a picnic area, and a fitness trail. The park is named for Christopher Morley, a Roslyn resident who was also a popular 20th-century author.
The grounds are home to “The Knothole,” Morley’s writing studio. When Morley’s house was razed, the writing quarters were moved to a county park in North Hills.
In 1966, the Knothole was transferred to the park. The renovated Knothole, historians have noted, includes built-in bookshelves, a fireplace, and a bunkbed. The Knothole’s “dymaxion” bathroom was designed in 1936 by Morley’s friend, Buckminster Fuller, the renowned scientist and inventor.
---Information from various media outlets

Word Find
HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis
Holiday Mathis
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 24 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
By Holiday Mathis
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Even though it pleases you to know that you make someone’s life easier, you can’t be everything to another person. Relationships bene t from a sense of pacing and a little more space. Don’t be afraid to let others miss you at times this week. It’s a form of appreciation!
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). ough a cash ow opens to you, keep in mind that meaningful lifestyle upgrades won’t be bought with money. e most signicant improvements will be born of compassion. You’ll direct a warm and caring spirit toward yourself and to everyone around you, and things get immediately better.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Attention is not a one-size- ts-all situation. You’ll t yourself like a key to another person’s preferences. It may take time and experimentation to gure out what ts, but when you get it just right, the heart door swings open. is will come with various advantages, though the other person’s well-being is all that matters to you.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). When others around you don’t acknowledge what you are experiencing, it makes you question your reality. Try not to fall for this. ere are people with a similar resonance to yours and you will nd them. A sense of relatability and belonging like this doesn’t happen every day, which is why you’ll cherish those relationships.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). What you once considered important will fade into the priorities of the group. Working toward common goals lends stability beyond what you, or any individual, could achieve alone. You’ll put your e ort into things like fostering trust, economic integration and shared prosperity, and build a shared success story.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re well aware of the e ect you have on others and of your power to stir up feelings and cultivate vibes. And though you can’t control everything about how you are perceived, you can absolutely go for a particular reaction. You’re capable of creating a speci c experience for others, and you’ll thrive in thrust of this challenge.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll nd that the concept of “deserving” is problematic in general, and rife with moral implications and complexities. It won’t help to speculate about what is fair for anyone else. Such a thing is unknowable. Focus on you this week, and not on what you deserve but on what works for you or doesn’t.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A feeling cannot be wrong or right; it just is. Emotional balance is achievable when you welcome whatever feelings come up for you, even the ones that are disruptive and unwieldy. If you accept them without judgment, they will calm down and settle in. Overall, you will be stronger.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Everyone is seeing something di erent. Experiencing another perspective takes work. You’ll move to try and deepen your understanding, which could involve stooping, climbing or assuming uncomfortable positions. Empathy is always a worthy endeavor.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). e path of destiny is not always smooth, but rocky roads aren’t designed to trip you up. is terrain provides an opportunity to be a little more careful. Success is a function of sturdy shoes, steady company and the tenacity to keep stepping forward.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Intense emotions burble to the surface this week. e feeling may seem out of step with the win or loss that triggered it. e mismatch of intensity is a sign. is is really about something that happened long ago -- a feeling that’s been trapped all this time. Historical emotions need release and expression, too!
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll be attracted to people who are worth the extra e ort it takes to get to know them. Trust will be earned and given in its own mysterious timing. Be patient. Relationships change the ways in which you are powerful. You will lose control in one area to gain more in another.
You’re not the sort of person who waits to see what’s in it for you. You’re a giver who brings a sharp intellect and keen curiosity to each new circumstance. Life serves up beautiful happenings to entertain and delight you. You’ll spend a good deal of time on projects, and you’ll creating an aesthetic around you as you make, design or embody your ideas. More highlights: an excellent reason to shed some possessions or property to trade up, celebratory news from afar and an ancestral bestowment.
International Word Find

Aussie barbecue
Solution: 24 Letters
Word Find
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 24 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Aussie barbecue
Solution: 24 Letters
Beer Bench Bikes
Birds Buns
Burn Buses
Cask Chops Cook Deet
Eggs Embers Enjoyment Family Fields
Fire Fish Games
Beer Bench Bikes Bins
Garages Gates Grass Gutter
Hall Hat Hose Kennel Light
Pests Prepare Relax Salad
Shrubs Spade Sport
Sunbake Table Tomato sauce
Tongs Trees
Washing line
Solution: An open invitation for flies
CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236
Date: 7/26/23 Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com
Solution: An open invitation for flies
Creators Syndicate
Contract Bridge
By Steve Becker
Date: 7/26/23
737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com
Lay that pistol down
notrump if West has the king of clubs. Indeed, in that case a successful finesse would net you 11 or 12 tricks.
But if you begin by attacking clubs and East has the king, you might not make the contract. This could occur if West started with five or six hearts and the ace of spades.
Once you recognize the nature of the threat posed by West, it is not difficult to find the right countermeasure. So at trick two you lead the queen (or jack) of spades instead of attacking clubs. This play virtually eliminates any chance of going down.
If someone points a gun at your head, it is a good idea — as a matter of self-preservation — to disarm him if you can safely do so. An analogous situation arises at the bridge table when a particular opponent threatens your chances of making the contract. In such a case, you should do all you can to eliminate the threat.
Consider this deal where West leads a heart and you win East’s ten with the queen. Obviously, you’ll have no trouble making three
If West has the ace and takes it, you plan to duck his heart return and win the next heart. When you then try the club finesse, you’re on safe ground. Even if the finesse loses, either East will not have a heart to lead (because West had five originally), or East will have a heart (because he started with four, which means that West had only four).
Of course, if West does not take the first spade, you can then turn your attention to the club suit to guarantee making nine tricks. Thus, whatever West does when you lead the first spade, the contract is assured by attacking spades first.
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle

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