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Syosset High School Conducts 65th Annual Commencement
More than 560 seniors accepted their high school diplomas at Syosset High School’s 65th Annual Commencement ceremony held on June 21, 2023 at Hofstra University.
Students marched into Hofstra’s David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex to “Pomp and Circumstance” played by members of the Syosset High School orchestra. Senior members of High School vocal group The Adelettes performed a stunning rendition of the National Anthem.
This year’s class was highlighted by one U.S. Presidential Scholar, 16 National Merit Finalists, 39 National Merit Commended students, and six Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholars.
Syosset High School Principal, Dr. Giovanni Durante, delivered the welcoming remarks, praising students for their successful High School careers, and sending them off with well wishes for the future. “I have seen the great work you’ve done both inside and outside of the classroom, and want you to know that I believe in you,” Dr.
Durante said. “I have confidence in you, and I look forward to hearing about all of your future successes.” Dr. Durante also recognized seven graduates who would go on to serve in different branches of the U.S. military: Daniel Chan, Timothy Chan, Nathan Edwards, Michael Schroeder, Jacob Brockey, Madison So, and Anoushka Rishi.
Superintendent Dr. Thomas Rogers reflected on the unique challenges this graduating class has faced, having spent a bulk of their time in High School in the midst of a pandemic. He encouraged students to live the story that they want to tell. “May each of your chapters be full of exploration, discoveries, interesting new characters, and inevitable conflicts successfully overcome,” he said. “Live everyday with attention to intention. Surround yourself with people who make your story bet- ter. Leave room for your dreams to grow, along with your imagination. And keep notes, because these will be tales you want to tell.”
Board of Education President Thomas Rotolo and trustee
Carol Cheng also addressed the students, encouraging them to enjoy the next steps on their journey after High School. Mr. Rotolo also kicked off what he hopes will be a new graduation tradition. “No amount of artificial algorithms can compare to human emotions and feelings,” Mr. Rotolo said. “Now that I think about it, we should start a new High School graduation tradition of hugging each other for a minimum of five seconds. Get up!” The graduates and members of the administration stood up, embracing their classmates and colleagues in a touching moment of connection.
Class of 2023 Student Government President William Chantemsin and Senior Class President Parker Kim presented the class gift—benches for the courtyard outside of the High School cafe- teria. Class Speaker Anika Shah acknowledged the challenges of the past four years, and how her class was able to thrive despite them. “We definitely were not expecting an online freshman year, a hybrid sophomore year, and a junior year behind plexiglass and masks,” she said.
The Valedictorian Alex Lin Wang and Salutatorian Zachary Kam also addressed their class. Zachary Kam thanked Syosset families, teachers, coaches, and mentors for laying the foundation for their future success. Alex Lin Wang reflected on the question often asked of every child: what do you want to be when you grow up? “This is probably the worst question you can ask a kid,” he said. “As you know, dreams change. Whether you know what you want to do today, or discover it later—it will never be too late.”
The commencement culminated with each student receiving their diploma and the traditional cap toss.
—Submitted by the Syosset Central School District
Congratulations To The H.B. Thompson Class Of 2023
Approximately 350 H.B. Thompson Middle School eighthgrade students officially became Syosset High School students during a moving up ceremony on Friday, June 23, 2023.

The ceremony in the Syosset High School gym was led by Masters of Ceremony Saif Emara and Jack Ruppel. The two graduates introduced a recorded performance of the Star-Spangled Banner by the HBT Chamber Winds orchestra. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by graduate Abigail Ho.
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Thomas Rogers told students that as they move on to High School, it’s a good time to think about how they have changed since sixth-grade and who they want to become as they move on to High School. “You might be nervous about next year, but don’t abandon yourself just to fit in. Syosset is a place where we can be both unique and united,” he said.
Principal Kevin Bonanno also addressed the students, acknowledging the challenges they faced due to the pandemic during their time at HBT. “You walked into a different HBT than any other sixthgrade class…” Mr. Bonanno said.
“We understand how challenging a start that was to your time with us. Yet, you pushed through and persevered even as adults were constantly adjusting what you could and couldn’t do.”
Students received their certif- icates from HBT Administrators. Principal Bonanno commended the recipients of the Presidential Award for Educational Excellence, the Presidential Award for Educational Achievement, and the HBT Community Service Awards. At the conclusion of the ceremony, certificates in hand, the newly minted Syosset High School freshmen exited the gym, walking towards their next chapter.
—Submitted by the Syosset Central School District
H.B. Thompson Middle School eighthgrade students had a moving up ceremony on Friday, June 23.
(Photo courtesy Syosset Central School District)
Congratulations To The South Woods Middle School Class Of 2023
South Woods Middle School sent roughly 250 graduates off to Syosset High School during a moving up ceremony on Friday, June 23, 2023.
The ceremony was held in the Syosset High School gym. Graduates Ella D’Auria and Aaditya Sahu served as the Masters of Ceremony. A recording of the South Woods Vocal Jazz band’s rendition of the National Anthem kicked off the ceremony, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Sophie Weisz and Carina Zheng. Speakers included Board of Education Trustee Dr. Shany Park, Superintendent Dr. Thomas Rogers, and Principal
Michelle Burget. Graduates
Anoushka Jhaveri and Madeline Lee also offered reflections to their class.
Anoushka Jhaveri spoke about how the pandemic altered the class’s Middle School experience but did not stop the group from having fun. “We have made lifelong friends, learned valuable lessons, and created lasting memories,” she said.
Madeline Lee said that despite fears of entering Middle School three years ago, her experience at South Woods has been transformative.
“South Woods gave us a community of diverse individuals and opportunities to pursue our passions,” she said.
In addition to their certificates, several students were granted the Presidential Award for Educational Excellence, Presidential Award for Educational Achievement, and various Community Awards.
After receiving their certificates and being named Syosset High School freshmen, the students departed the gym, joining family and friends to celebrate the next chapter in their educational journey.
—Submitted by the Syosset Central School District