On Tuesday, Aug. 1, Port Washington hosted its second National Night Out (NNO) at Lions Field. The national campaign is meant to cultivate relationships between the residents, police forces and elected officials. At NNO, residents have the opportunity to learn about local organizations and meet the faces behind them.
The Port Washington Police Department, the Sands Point Police Department, the Nassau County Police Department and the Port Washington Fire Department participated in the event to meet Port families. Port Washington Youth Activities, the Town of North Hempstead Community Services and Parks Departments, the Littig House Community Center, the Port Washington Public Library and other participating vendors also came to show support.
Last year was Port’s first NNO brought to the community by Town of North Hempstead Councilmember Mariann Dalimonte. While last year’s first event was a success, the community was excited to see that this year the event grew. Lions Field has more space than Alvan Petras Park, where NNO was hosted last year. With more space, police vehicles, fire trucks and ambulances were displayed, more activities were organized and more families gathered.
“We are so grateful to Al Eskanazy from the Community-Police Relations Foundation and Port Washington Fire Department for their generous donation of hamburgers and hot dogs, Arizona for their contribution of water, SPORTIME for organizing field day activities, and Port Washington Youth Activities for allowing us to use their fields, grilling, helping with parking, and so much more,” said Councilmember Dalimonte. “This event united the community and made this year’s event a tremendous success.”
“National Night Out provides children with a fun interaction with our local police officers, allowing them to connect on a personal level. It’s so important for them to see that police are our friends,” said New York State Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti (Assembly District 16). “It was such a special evening and I want to thank everyone who helped put these events together. We are so lucky here to have such community-oriented police departments. “
National Night Out is 39 years in the making, reaching 38 million neighbors in
17 thousand communities, according to the NNO website (natw.org). In New York, more than 150 cities host NNO with local support.
The Sands Point Police Department Union said, “It’s the goal of the Sands Point Police to build trust within our community. National Night Out allows our Police Officers to interact with the community, which will ultimately lead to a safer neighborhood. We want people to walk away and say, ‘Wow, what a great night.’ When that happens, we know it was a success.”
“The Sands Point Police Department is always honored when asked to participate in National Night Out. All the thanks go to Councilmemeber Dalimonte and our partners, the Port Washington Police Department, namely our good friend Chief
Del Muro,” said Sands Point Police Chief Thomas Ruehle. “This event is a great opportunity for the community to interact with our officers, see our equipment and technology, and for us to show them that we are here for the entire community to keep them safe. This is a great event that we will continue to support and participate in.”
Port Washington Police Chief Robert Del Muro said, “I was happy to see such a large turnout for our second annual National Night Out. We want to thank everyone that helped make this year’s event a huge success. It was great to reconnect with our long-time neighbors while forging new friendships. The unique camaraderie between the PWPD and our Port Washington neighbors was on full display at this event.
We are committed to working together to ensure the safety and security of our neighborhoods. We invite everyone to join us next year for this exciting opportunity to get to know their local law enforcement officers.”
In addition to fostering strong community relations, local law enforcement hosted a memorial softball game to honor Police Officer Brandon Wilson at National Night Out. Officer Wilson was a five-year veteran of the PWPD when he was killed in an auto accident while off duty in January 2022.
The Port Washington Fire Department and the PWPD played against each other in the game and the fire department beat the police department 14-6. Both teams wore jerseys with Officer Wilson’s name and badge number in his memory.
North Hempstead Town Supervisor
Jennifer DeSena, the Town Board and CSEA Unit #7555 have announced an upcoming blood donation drive to be held at Michael J. Tully Park, 1801 Evergreen Avenue, New Hyde Park on Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2023 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Appointments are preferred, however walk-ins will be welcomed if space permits.
To make an appointment, please visit: https://donate.nybc.org/donor/schedules/ drive_schedule/306436
For those who cannot make the blood drive at Clinton G. Martin Park, the New York Blood Center also has a convenient donor center located in Lake Success. You can
(Contributed graphic)
schedule an appointment at that location or at any other donor center by visiting the New York Blood Center’s website at nybc.org.
For more information about the upcoming blood donation drive, the Town encourages residents to call 516-869-6311 or 311.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
North Hempstead Councilmember
Mariann Dalimonte visited Twin Pines in Port Washington on July 24. Twin Pines was founded in 1972 as a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce, reuse, and recycle. The organization runs a thrift shop that sells clothing, home goods, books, records, toys, athletic equipment, accessories,
and jewelry. They also provide vocational training for individuals with special needs.
Twin Pines recently celebrated their 50-year anniversary serving the local community.
The Twin Pines Thrift Shop is located at 382 Main St., Port Washington.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
The Community Chest of Port Washington and the Town of North Hempstead hosted its annual Manhasset Bay Kayak Run, “Paddle for Port”, on Saturday, July 22. A family-friendly event, participants launched from the North Hempstead Town Dock or Manorhaven boat ramp in Port Washington and proceeded for a leisurely paddle around the bay.
The event is a fundraiser for the Community Chest of Port Washington, a non-profit, grant making organization that provides funding to more than 25 charities
that benefit Port Washington residents. The Community Chest is a non-profit organization whose mission is to raise funds for distribution to local charities dedicated to improving the lives of Port Washingtonians. Community Chest grants support programs for senior citizens, children, teenagers, and others in need-programs that serve approximately 7,000 Port Washington residents. For more information, contact the Community Chest at 516-767-2121 or visit www.portchest.org.
—Information from The Community Chest, compiled by Julie Prisco
The Nicholas Center (TNC) celebrated its largest fundraising event, Night in White, on Thursday, July 20 at North Hempstead Country Club in Port Washington. Co-Founders Stella L. Spanakos and Nicole Ferrara, elected officials and guests joined honoree Daniel Ryan and Unsung Siblings Foundation to mark a stellar year of meaningful vocational training, community partnerships and employment for autistic adults, who face a staggering 85 percent unemployment and under-engagement rate once school ends. The event raised over $200,000 to support The Nicholas Center. Event sponsors included Liane Kupferberg Carter & Marc Carter and Loren & Wayne King.
Founded in 2011, The Nicholas Center story continues to have an impact and make news. Says co-founder, Stella L. Spanakos, “This year we launched several new programs to advance opportunity and employment of autistic individuals, including a podcast, Agents of Humanity, co-hosted by four autistic adults, and Port Provides, powered by The Nicholas Center where our participants source, pack and deliver cleaning supplies and care items to pantries serving 1,400 neighbors-in-need in Port Washington.” Both PIX 11 and Channel 12 news covered this important story.
Honoree Daniel Ryan is a long-time supporter and advocate of The Nicholas Center (TNC) saying, “Philanthropy has always been my greatest priority. I have done my best to make sure I give back to communities in need.”
A father to three boys, including Jonathan, a young man with autism, Daniel Ryan is a passionate advocate for the special needs and veterans’ communities. He is a longtime supporter of The Nicholas Center both personally and via Unsung Siblings Foundation, which he formed in 2016 to address the needs of siblings of special needs individuals and the special needs community. Over the past 20 years, Daniel has raised over 10 million dollars for various charities.
The Nicholas Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization, supporting individuals with autism in leading full and productive lives in the community. A population facing 85 percent unemployment and under-engagement after age 21, the program successfully supports and advocates for inclusion and opportunity. It is a recipient of the NY Senate Empire Business Award, “the most socially innovative agency of its kind in NY State,” and Nonprofit of the Year and Diversity in Business awards from Long Island Business News. The Nicholas Center is a proud member of the Port Washington and Pleasantville Chambers of Commerce and the Business Council of Westchester. For event information, please visit tncnewyork.org
—Submitted by The Nicholas Center
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Sandwiched In with Max Alvarez
12 p.m.-1:30 p.m. (Library Lapham Meeting Room) Akira Kurosawa: Samurai of the Cinema. Join film historian Max Alvarez for this sweeping tribute to the life and art of the great Japanese storyteller and stylist whose work put Asian cinema on the world map and inspired generations of Hollywood filmmakers. Visit pwpl. org to register.
Medicaid Sign-Up Help
2:00 p.m. (Library North Study Room) Free walk-in assistance from the Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council.
Community Outreach from the Parker Institute
2:00 p.m. (Library Hagedorn Meeting Room) Representatives from their Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands Program will be available to provide information on their services to Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers, which include counseling, evaluation, information and referrals, and respite services.
North Shore Pops
8 p.m.-9:30 p.m. (Sousa Bandshell, Sunset Park) North Shore Pops.
Port Washington Farmers’ Market
8 a.m.- 12 p.m. (Port Washington Town Dock) The Port Washington Farmers’ Market is a local project managed by Port Washington-based non-profit Grassroots Environmental Education, every Saturday, rain or shine. Freshly picked local produce, flowers grown without pesticides, cups of organic coffee and homemade bakery goods. Visit pwfarmersmarket.org to learn more.
Costal Cleanup
9:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. (Manorhaven Town Park Boat Ramp, 158 Manorhaven Blvd.) Costal Cleanup of Manhasset Bay hosted by Manhasset Bay Protection Committee and Kostal Paddle. Register at manhassetbayprotectioncommittee.com
Just Sixties
6 p.m. (North Hempstead Beach Park) The Town of North Hempstead free summer events. See Just Sixties in concert. Call 311 for more information.
Funday Monday
11 a.m. (North Hempstead Beach Park) A Town of North Hempstead event for seniors. Rat Pack Tribute. Call 311 for more information.
Movies in the Park
8:15 p.m. (Martin “Bunky” Reid Park) The Town of North Hempstead free summer events. DC League of Super-Pets. Call 311 for more information.
Rusty Spurs
7 p.m. (Gerry Pond Park) The Town of North Hempstead free summer events. See Rusty Spurs (modern traditional country) in concert. Call 311 for more information.
Homebrew Music: Live at Lapham Series
7:00 p.m. (Library Lapham Meeting Room)
Homebrew music series brings people together over a shared love of music, and introduces our Library community to fine, local musical talent. One performer will serve as the evening’s compere and ‘headliner’, but the event will surely include a number of highly talented local players.
Sandwiched In with Eco-Photo Explorers
12:00 p.m. (Library Lapham Meeting Room and on Zoom) Eco-Photo Explorers will examine the historic past of Route 25 and its special place in the lives of all Long Islanders through photographs and stories. Join us for a fast paced tour of our own “Route 66” and see how many iconic places along the way you recognize! This is a hybrid program. Register at pwpl.org/events
Have you ever left something out in the sun so long, it changed color? The sun’s rays are full of a powerful energy called radiation, and that can fade the color out of objects. This can be used to produce some fun art on a bright day. You will need:
Construction paper
Objects (flat, solid items like rocks and leaves
Place your paper in full sunlight. Be sure to chose somewhere that will be in the sun for at least a few hours, like a window sill or on a picnic table or deck. Tape your paper down so it won’t blow away. Arrange your objects on the paper in a way that makes you happy. Once decorated, you can cover the papers with the clear lid. Leave your work for several hours. When you return, the sun will have
work well, but feel free to experiment!) Tape
A clear lid (optional)
faded the paper around the objects, but underneath them will still be the original shade. Experiment with different kinds of objects. Does adding the lid make the process go faster?
Flat-headed Cat
The flat-headed cat, according to the International Society for Endangered Cats in Canada, is one of the most unusual members of the cat family, with their long, narrow head and flattened forehead. They are the size of a domestic cat, but they have an elongated body, short legs with small, rounded paws and a short tail. Their coat is thick, soft and long.
Filling the role of a semi-aquatic carnivore, the long, narrow jaws and pointed, backward facing teeth help them catch and hold slippery prey such as fish and frogs. They can be found on Sumatra, an island in Indonesia; Borneo, an island in Asia; and the Malayan Peninsula. They are likely extinct in Thailand.
They inhabit tropical, lowland rainforests, swampy areas, marshes, lakes, streams, peat-swamp forest and riverine forest.
Very little is known about the flat-headed cat‛s ecology and behavior, but they are believed to be a solitary and nocturnal animal.
Threats facing flat-headed cats, one of the most endangered cat species in the world, include rapid loss of habitat due to human activities, toxic water pollution, persecution, depletion of fish stocks and snaring and poisoning.
What appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but not once in a thousand years?
Answer: The letter “M.”
With less than a year left before the 2024 midterm primary elections, numerous candidates have recently thrown their hats in the ring for NY-03 and NY-04 in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Those seats are currently held by Rep. George Santos and Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, respectively.
Here’s an early look at next year’s contenders, and what they’re saying as they plot the course on the long road to election day.
to run for Congress because the student loan debt that millions of Americans suffer from has created $1.7 trillion worth of debt. I went to law school later in life and incurred student loan debt.”
“Millions of Americans, including those in the 4th C.D. are saddled with debt from student loans and personal loans. Students as well as their parents who co-signed loans for them have been inflicted with debt. When I read about the recent legislation that passed in the House of Representatives, The Limit, Save, Grow Act which included the cancellation of the income driven repayment plan which has helped millions of Americans stay afloat, I decided to fight back against debt and run for Congress. The bill now sits in the Senate and hopefully will never be brought to the floor.”
“I am also passionate about ensuring that our 9-11 first responder retirees have the health insurance they were promised.” Read more at patmaherforcongress2024.com.
According to BallotPedia, a total of six candidates have declared their intent to run for D’Esposito’s seat, all of whom are Democrats. They include former Hempstead Town Supervisor Laura Gillen, real estate professional Gian Jones, and attorney and former figure skater Sarah Hughes, in addition to the following recent announcees.
in the State Senate. No one thought Kevin could win, but by running a people-powered campaign, he defied the political pundits and flipped a long-shot Republican seat. Now, he’s running against a MAGA Republican to flip this Congressional seat for Democrats and make sure Long Islanders have a true voice in Washington.” Read more at thomasforcongress.com.
corner of the district, home prices and rents are up, local businesses are struggling with increased costs, and residents aren’t sure what the future holds. Too many of our neighbors are experiencing more transience than a sense of security. And they are rightfully angry and scared about what’s happening.”
Read more at zakforcongress.com
decades in the NYPD serving and protecting our community before building a global security company from the ground up. I’m running for Congress to return integrity and a respected voice to the office, and to focus on issues like public safety, border security, and fiscal responsibility to get our country back on the right track.”
Kevin Thomas, Democrat
“In 2018, Kevin Thomas became the first Indian-American in New York history to serve in the State Senate. He is currently the Assistant Majority Leader and also serves as Chairman of the Consumer Protection Committee and sits on the Rules, Finance, Health, Judiciary, Local Government, and Agriculture committees. He has passed countless bills into law to make the lives of New Yorkers better. Kevin lives with his wife, Rincy, his daughter Layla, and their beloved family dog, Sirius.”
“I am running for Congress because women’s rights and human rights across the country are being reversed ... It’s hard to believe that we have gone back this far.”
“I decided to re-enter politics
“Kevin had been fighting to protect New Yorkers in the courtroom for his entire career, but he knew he could do more. So in 2018, he decided to take the fight to the state legislature — taking on an entrenched Republican incumbent
According to BallotPedia, a total of 12 candidates to date have declared their intent to run for this seat. Candidates who previously announced their intention to run include former state senator Anna Kaplan, Nassau County legislator Josh Lafazan, attorney and teacher Will Murphy, and journalist Darius Radzius on the Democratic side, and Queens GOP leader and January 6 attendee Philip Grillo on the Republican side, among others.
“Washington needs fresh, new faces that can get in there and make peace with the warring factions. I’m funding my own race and will take direction from no one except the voters who elect me. Our country is heading in the wrong direction and I am stepping up to the plate to turn it around. I know I’m not alone when I say changes must be made. That’s why I’m confident I can make waves getting back in the race for Congress. I am a man of the people, not the political class. I will dedicate my time and my resources to put a non-politician in this seat who has no motive except to do what’s right for this district and for America.”
Via press release
“I am also laser focused on delivering for the constituents of the 3rd District on Long Island and in Queens. They have been unfairly neglected. Constituent service will be a cornerstone of my campaign and time in office – whether it is helping a resident get a passport or making sure our communities get our fair share of funding from Washington, I will be there for them and that’s a promise. No problem too small. And I am prepared to work across the aisle to get things done and end the dysfunction in Washington.”
Via press release
Kellen Curry, Republican
“Trust in leadership is the fundamental building block of American democracy. But, how can we believe that our government is working for us when our leaders violate our ability to trust? In 2024, we have the opportunity to change our leadership and restore honesty and integrity to our congressional representation.”
“I spent the last four years defeating MAGA extremists across the country in some of the most competitive districts and states, and now, the reality is that this fight has come home. And that’s why I’m running for Congress: to defeat extremism and be a serious leader who will restore our sense of opportunity and pride in the district.”
“NY-03 isn’t the same district it was when I was a kid. Across every
“My campaign for Congress is about honest public service and hard work because my neighbors in Queens and Long Island deserve nothing less. I spent two
“From day 1 George Santos has completely violated our trust. As a result, our equities are not carried on Capitol Hill, our interest are not advocated for in the Congress and our phone calls continue to go unanswered. It’s time for change. It’s time for new leadership. And, it’s time for a fresh face that we can actually believe in. That’s why I’m running for Congress. If you want to join me in restoring trust to NY-3 please sign up to stay in touch and chip in a donation today.”
Read more at kellencurry.com
hen two of the most anticipated films of the year announced the same release date, July 21, social media exploded with buzz surrounding the movies Barbie and Oppenheimer Enter “Barbenheimer” — the Internet sensation created to describe moviegoers’ experiences watching both films as a double feature. Typically starting with a bleaker Oppenheimer, fans will immediately flock to Barbie to satiate their inner child for their second viewing of the day.
Excitement has been increasing on the red carpets leading up to the premiere, especially for Barbie — where the fashion has stolen the show. Inspired by past Barbie creations, Margot Robbie has been debuting iconic outfits inspired by the doll.
At the London premiere, Robbie wore a replica of “Enchanted Evening” 1960s Barbie in a Vivienne Westwood gown. Only increasing her accuracy, Robbie nailed her Los Angeles premiere outfit dressed in a sparkly black gown by Schiaparelli Couture as a nod to “Solo in the Spotlight” Barbie, also from the 1960s.
For Oppenheimer, the U.S. red carpet was canceled in solidarity with the SAG-AFTRA strike — and the UK premiere was cut
what is next for the studios. Will upcoming films be delayed? Will new projects still be written? The future is unclear for Hollywood.
As for Barbie and Oppenheimer, they were released just in time.
Here is my experience of the “Barbenheimer” double feature:
Based on the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the token “father of the atomic bomb,” director Christopher Nolan brought the controversial Manhattan Project to the big screen.
With a star-studded cast and intricate production, Nolan created the film to not only be a historical retelling but to offer a deep dive into Oppenheimer himself — including the moral guilt and emotional turmoil he suffered from his invention. Cillian Murphy, who starred as Oppenheimer, gave a raw and intense performance alongside Robert Downey Jr, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon and Florence Pugh.
However, fans of Pugh and Blunt may
majorly played with her nude.
As for Blunt, her main role in the film was to play the alcoholic wife — despite Kitty Oppenheimer having a background in scientific education and credentials of her own. Only towards the end was her intelligence answered, as she was socially and scientifically aware of her husband’s career.
Disappointing yet not entirely surprising, Nolan faltered in this otherwise engaging film by demoting the women of the project as solely mentally ill mistresses and troubled damsels in alcoholic distress.
Running at 3 hours long, Oppenheimer remained captivating despite the lengthy run time and persisted at keeping viewers focused. Following the beginnings of Oppenheimer’s journey into the theoretical world of physics, the film flashes back and forth between the pre and post atomic world. The parallel storylines allow viewers to visually witness the gravity of the Manhattan Project and the unfolding of Oppenheimer’s conscience.
Capturing one of the most well-known events in history, Nolan certainly delivers a powerful and emotional story about the weapon of mass destruction that has forever changed our world.
Anticipating a lighthearted and uplifting film right after Oppenheimer, I was sur-
played by Margot Robbie, begins to question death and her true self, she begins to morph into a human — with her feet going flat and her perfect skin revealing cellulite. Gerwig establishes tongue-in-cheek humor at the difficulties faced by women in the 21st century, while keeping it lighthearted enough that all women viewing can laugh along.
Meeting a mother and her daughter, Barbie learns that reality is not what it had seemed, and women do not rule the world as they do in her world. With Ken experiencing an identity crisis as well as learning about the importance of horses and the patriarchy in the real world, the entire universe of “Barbieland” faces chaos and destruction at their own reality being shattered.
Promoted as being a movie for everyone, Barbie offers relatability for viewers who have owned Barbies, and even for those who turn their noses at the thought of supporting a doll that, according to the daughter in the film, has set back feminism.
However, Gerwig plays into the idea of the insecurities Barbie has presented for young women instead of denying them, and created a film that recognizes the distress that the image of a “perfect Barbie” can have on children.
Through giving Barbie a three-dimensional personality outside of her two-dimensional plastic world, Gerwig successfully urges her audience to think introspectively about what it means to be a woman and the perfect,
It all started with a peanut.
At least, that’s how I remembered the first time we fed the birds in our yard. Bird seed was great, but it sometimes made a mess, especially if the squirrels decided to hang from their feet on the edge of the feeder. This acrobatic maneuver tossed the seeds everywhere, which eventually led to weeds that I pulled from our nearby garden.
I went to a little store up in Syosset one summer to inquire about the best type of feed that would yield the greatest variety of birds. They advised a few of their particularly expensive blends, which led me to Home Depot for a twenty-pound bag of “value bird seed”. Mostly cracked corn, the mix also contained pieces of hay, intact sunflower seeds, and millet. For a while, this seemed to satisfy our feathered visitors, until I spoke to a high school chum, who told me of the nuthatches that often frequented his feeder. I visited Agway, purchased a case of suet cakes, and convinced myself that I would finally see more colorful plumage in our backyard.
At first, the squirrels and starlings were the only diners on the suet cake. By the time they were finished with said cake, it was often reduced to a small round piece of suet. Oftentimes I chased the starlings and grackles that gathered in large groups, mostly because they ate everything in sight and left nothing for the smaller sparrows, cardinals, and juncos. Eventually, they left the yard, which brought out nuthatches, flickers, and a few varieties of woodpecker that grazed at the suet feeder that was hidden by bushy hemlocks.
My aunt told me about the chopped peanuts that she often fed the birds in her own backyard. I had seen bags of these nuts, which were rather expensive and didn’t
contain much. During a weekly visit to ShopRite, I purchased two jars of store brand peanuts to conduct an experiment. I wanted to assess the types of birds that would flock to the yard when they realized peanuts were available for dining.
Apparently, peanuts were a favorite snack in the bird world. As soon as I placed a few nuts in the hollow of our dogwood tree, several sparrows swooped down to have a meal. They were followed in shifts by cardinals, blue jays, squirrels, and finally, those dang starlings that made a mess everywhere and caused quite a ruckus on the deck. I tried to time the feedings to prevent the starlings and grackles from stealing all the nuts from the smaller birds, which was usually very successful, but sometimes I stood on the deck like a soldier outside Buckingham Palace, broom in hand, and shooed them away until they got the hint.
Back in March of this year, I noticed a pair of cardinals that began to stop by for a quick snack every morning. Most times, the male greeted me with his head cocked to one side. As I approached to drop off a pile of peanuts, he flew into the pine tree above me and chirped happily until I retreated
into the house. He was often accompanied by a female, whom he fed from his own mouth. Male cardinals will often feed females during incubation, so they do not have to leave the nest. However, there is also a term known as “courtship feeding”, where the male cardinal feeds the female to prove that he is adequately able to handle the task of providing for their nest.
The male and female cardinal continued to visit on the daily, anxiously awaiting peanuts when I let our dog Luna out into the yard in the morning. The female recently greeted me on our porch swing, which was only a few feet from my head. She chirped eagerly as I placed a buffet of sunflower seeds and peanuts in the “designated spaces” on the deck railing. She was already at the first pile of peanuts before I even walked away.
Our daughter came to dinner with her fiancé a few weeks ago and caught sight of the female cardinal as she perched on the deck railing and trilled sweetly. My daughter took a closer look and exclaimed, “Mom! She only has one leg!” Sure enough, the little female hopped to a pile of peanut suet nuggets that we left her and balanced herself carefully on one leg before she dined. It was
heartwarming and interesting to watch her, especially because she didn’t allow her disability to interfere with the activity of nourishing herself. It was a gift from the Universe for me, especially as I am currently in the throes of an MS flare. While it sounds silly, I kind of felt like the bird and I bonded.
Every morning, the cardinal song wakes me with a smile. As I let Luna into the yard, the cardinal couple fly over to greet me, their cheerful chirps entertaining and encouraging at once. The sparrows arrive around the same time as the squirrels, whose movements are easily tracked through the swish of arborvitae that line our yard. In childhood, I often longed to be the Disney princess who fed the birds that landed on her hand or shoulder. I’m no Disney princess, but I’ve got quite a few feathered friends that have gotten used to my presence and fly quite close to me. And to think, it all started with a peanut.
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000
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The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office released the following statement:
“Suffolk County District Attorney Tierney took office in January 2022. He is an experienced working prosecutor who began his career in 1992. DA Tierney will be the lead prosecutor in the case against Rex Heuermann. He intends to
prosecute this case fully and bring justice to the victims of this alleged serial killer. In addition, the DA’s office will continue to work with our Task Force partners to develop new evidence and prepare the case for trial.”
—Submitted by the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office
Scott Cobb, one of the killers of NYPD Officer Edward Byrne, is set to go free next month. Cobb is a convicted participant in the 1988 assassination of Officer Edward Byrne — one of the most heinous and noteworthy cop-killings in the nation.
“New York’s parole board should be ashamed of itself for releasing one of the criminals involved in the assassination of Officer Eddie Byrne,” said Michael D. Sapraicone. “I remember that fateful night in 1988 clearly. The tragedy struck the nation — and brought us as cops together with the community to make our neighborhoods safer. That will always remain Eddie’s legacy.”
“The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Program has helped police departments and communities
with critical federal funding to keep people safe, Sapraicone continued.
“These are the resources that elected leaders must stand behind — not the release of those who murder our heroes in blue. I will make this a top priority on Capitol Hill.”
“The parole of cop-killer Scott Cobb is yet another ludicrous, dangerous decision by New York’s parole board that cares more about cop-killers than the heroes who were murdered,” said NYPD Detectives’ Endowment Association President Paul DiGiacomo. “Officer Eddie Byrne’s assassination was an attack on every community in our city. As the parole board concerns itself with criminals, New Yorkers must send a message to Albany in the voting booth.”
—Michael D. Sapraicone, Oyster Bay
SEP 9Lar Enterprises Presents: Oh What A Night of Rock & Roll
SEP 14John Oliver Live
SEP 16Long Island Latin Music Fest.
SEP 17The Wiggles Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Tour
SEP 23Hermans Hermits starring Peter Noone
SEP 29Martina McBride
OCT 12Buddy Guy
OCT 15Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood
OCT 19+20 Lee Brice
OCT 21Monsters of Freestyle
JUNE 3 LiveNation.com
OCT 29Aqui Esta La Salsa
NOV 1Rumours of Fleetwood Mac
NOV 3 The Tenors: Now & Forever Tour
NOV 4Almost Queen - A Tribute to Queen
NOV 10Masters of Illusion
NOV 11Paul Anka
NOV 12Celebrating David Bowie featuring Peter Murphy, Adriant Belew, Scrote & more
NOV 19Howie Mandel
NOV 30Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
DEC 8Engelbert Humperdinck
DEC 9Daniel O’Donnell
DEC 12An Intimate Evening with David Foster & Katherine McPhee
Fronted by couple Jameson Jenkins and Danni Christian, with Cameron West on drums, Clover’s Curfew has created a sound and an energy that is impossible to ignore. Their unique blending of musical genres, coupled with their disparate vocal styles, results in an illustration of beauty in contrast. With catchy songs driven by a fierce energy, Clover’s Curfew brings an intensity to their music that can best be described as infectious.
Clover’s Curfew resides at the intersection of traditional folk music and punk rock, with influences that span a spectrum of rock and roll. Jenkins’ acoustic guitar is accompanied by Christian on a range of instruments including ukulele, mandolin, violin, and bass. West, the newest member of the band, adds a pulse that drives the band forward. The combination of Christian’s melodic voice contrasted with Jenkins’s growling, screamed vocals provides a steadfast energy.
Both Jenkins and Christian have a love of music that started early on. For Christian, she recalled spending hours listening and sharing music with her father. “I remember when I got my first little laptop, we’d send emails back and forth of songs to listen to. We’d be sitting next to each other, with our headphones on, listening.” Her early listening covered a wide range of styles from Bruce Springsteen to Barry White to Motown.
Jenkins’ early influences were largely punk, including bands like The Exploited and Murphy’s Law. Jenkins explained how their backgrounds have influenced each other over time: “Danni has a very full knowledge of folk. I think that we continue to rub off on each other and share that influence on each other.”
The band got its start when they began writing music together in early 2018, but their story begins long before that. Jenkins moved around frequently with his family in his youth and eventually landed at Sachem North High School. After sharing a few classes together, Jenkins and Christian became friends. Over the next several years they passed in and out of each other’s lives as they each navigated different relationships and musical endeavors.
They began writing music together on a cheap ukulele Christian bought. As Christian put it, “I bought this cheap little ukulele, brought it over to his place that night and we started playing it. That was the night that ignited everything.” At the time, Jenkins’ band was in the process of breaking up, but Christian’s band was still going. Jenkins accompanied them on a trip to Austin,
Texas, where they were playing the South By Southwest festival. Then something shifted. Christian and Jenkins continued writing together and creating new music as cracks began to emerge in her band. The songs written together on the cheap ukulele became the genesis of Clover’s Curfew.
With the excitement of a new musical beginning, as well as having overcome personal struggles, Jenkins and Christian launched themselves in a new direction.
Then came the pandemic. The virus was not enough to stifle the creative energy for Clover’s Curfew. As they explained, “Let’s figure out the next step, We’re grateful at least we had each other and still had songs right? And we could still do the things that needed to be done.”
Within a short time they had added what may be considered one of the signature elements of the band, an old camper van dubbed “Pearl”. Soon they were on the road with a van full of instruments and batterypowered amplifiers. It was on this trip that a new era for the band emerged. As they put it, “well, we’re musicians. Everybody’s turning to the internet. We have the internet. You know what, let’s make a YouTube series
and we’ll provide music to people who don’t have music right now and keep it fun and interesting.“
They continued their tour, making music to share with the world and meeting some of the people who helped shape the band’s future. Among them was Jesco Payne, who operates Low Shelf Recording in Portland, Oregon. Christian recalled: “I was like, ‘let’s hit him up, let’s try to do a song,’ So we met up with him in Portland. It was a very weird time to even be in somebody’s house. Especially not knowing each other, we were just two random strangers who were traveling in our van.” They recorded two singles at Low Shelf, “From My Throne” and “Make Believe.”
They returned to New York before briefly heading out once again, this time doing collaborations with artists such as Laura Jane Grace of Against Me! and Abby The Spoon Lady. Recently they have added their current drummer, Cameron West. He comes on board in time to head back to Portland to record their latest Album, Sail Away, at Low Shelf Recording.
At the time of publication Clover’s Curfew is in the second leg of their nationwide tour. In October they will be returning to Long Island. Follow their Instagram account at @cloverscurfew or on YouTube.com/@ CloversCurfew. October may be a long way off, but catching this band live will be an experience well worth the wait.
Clover’s Curfew blends traditional, raw elements for a sound that’s all their ownClover’s Curfew is Jameson Jenkins, Cameron West and Danni Christian. (Photo by Clovis Bloom Photography)
I bought this cheap little ukulele, brought it over to his place that night and we started playing it. That was the night that ignited everything.”
—Danni Christian, Clover’s Curfew
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You need vaccines throughout your life. Adults need to keep their vaccinations up to date because immunity from childhood vaccines can wear off over time. It is important to have your titers checked annually during your annual doctor’s visit.
A titer test is a blood test that detects the presence and levels of certain antibodies in an individual’s blood stream. The test is often done to determine if the individual is immune to a certain virus or if they require a vaccination to increase their immunity. You may already have immunity to the virus that is being tested due to previous vaccinations or if you had contracted the disease in the past.
If a titer test reveals that your antibody count is lower than the acceptable immunity threshold, you may require a vaccine or booster to increase your immunity to that virus.
You are also at risk for different diseases as an adult. Vaccination is one of the most convenient and safest preventive care measures available.
All adults should get:
• Flu vaccine every year to protect against seasonal flu
• Td/Tdap to protect against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough)
Based on your age, health conditions, vaccines you received as a child, and other factors, you may need additional vaccines such as:
• Chickenpox
• Hepatitis A
• Hepatitis B
• Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
• Meningococcal
• Pneumococcal
• Shingles
1. You may be at risk for serious diseases that are still common in the U.S. Each year thousands of adults in the United States get sick from diseases that could be prevented by vaccines — some people are hospitalized, and some even die.
Even if you got all your vaccines as a child, the protection from some vaccines can wear off over time. You may also be at risk for other diseases due to your age, job, lifestyle, travel, or health conditions.
2. You can’t afford to risk getting sick. Even healthy people can get sick enough to miss work or school. If you’re sick, you may not be able to take care of your family or other responsibilities.
3. You can protect your health and the
health of those around you by getting the recommended vaccines.
Vaccines lower your chance of getting sick. Vaccines work with your body’s natural defenses to lower the chances of
getting certain diseases as well as suffering complications from these diseases.
Vaccines lower your chance of spreading certain diseases. There are many things you want to pass on to your loved ones; a vaccine
preventable disease is not one of them.
Infants, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems (like those undergoing cancer treatment) are especially vulnerable to vaccine preventable diseases.
Vaccines are one of the safest ways to protect your health. Vaccine side effects are usually mild and go away on their own. Severe side effects are very rare.
Cohen Children’s Medical Center has been rated the best children’s hospital on Long Island—and second highest in New York State—while earning top 50 national rankings for exceptional care in eight pediatric specialties, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2023-2024 Best Children’s Hospitals.
In addition, Cohen Children’s achieved the highest rankings in New York in the areas of pediatric nephrology, pulmonology and urology.
U.S. News has ranked Cohen Children’s among the nation’s top pediatric hospitals for the 17th consecutive year. The Northwell Health children’s hospital also serves as New York’s largest Level 1 pediatric trauma center and a primary destination for emergency care.
Cohen Children’s achieved top 50 national rankings in eight pediatric disciplines:
• Nephrology-tied for 20th in the nation
• Cancer-ranked 25th in the nation
• Pediatric pulmonology/lung surgery-ranked 25th in the nation
• Pediatric urology-ranked 25th in the nation
• Neurology/neurosurgery-ranked 27th in
the nation
• Neonatology-tied for 27th in the nation
• Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinologytied for 34th in the nation
• Gastroenterology and GI Surgery-49th in the nation
“Once again, Cohen Children’s Medical Center has achieved high rankings for the groundbreaking work being done by our team members in a variety of specialties,” said Michael Dowling, president and CEO of Northwell Health. “We understand how stressful a hospital stay can be—not only for
Adults can get vaccines at doctors’ offices, pharmacies, workplaces, community health clinics, health departments, and other locations. To find a vaccine provider near you, go to www.vaccine.healthmap.org.
Most health insurance plans cover the cost of recommended vaccines. Check with your insurance provider for details and for a list of vaccine providers. If you do not have health insurance, visit www. healthcare.gov to learn more about health coverage options.
Talk with your healthcare professional to make sure you are up to date with the vaccines recommended for you. For more information on vaccines, visit www.cdc.gov/vaccines/adults or use the AdultVaccine Assessment Tool at www2. cdc.gov/nip/adultimmsched/ to find out which vaccines you may need.
—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
our young patients but for their families. For this reason, every member of this hospital’s staff works together to provide a comforting and healing environment for the children and the people who love them.”
Not only did Cohen Children’s rank No. 2 in New York, it also ranked in the top 10 in the mid-Atlantic region, which includes Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.
“We are very honored to receive these latest rankings,” said Charles Schleien, MD, MBA, senior vice president and chair of pediatric services at Northwell Health, and the Philip Lanzkowsky Chair and Professor of Pediatrics at the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. “We continue to be inspired by our mission of providing stateof-the-art medical care to all of our patients in an environment of dignity and respect.”
To view U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Children’s Hospital’s” edition, go to: https://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/ pediatric-rankings
—Cohen Children’s Medical Center
Conventional wisdom holds that storing fat around your belly puts you at increased risk for type 2 diabetes. But surprising new findings from the University of Virginia School of Medicine suggest that naturally occurring variations in our genes can lead some people to store fat at the waist but also protect them from diabetes.
The unexpected discovery provides a more nuanced view of the role of obesity in diabetes and related health conditions. It also could pave the way for more personalized medicine—treatments tailored to the individual. For example, doctors might prioritize weight loss for patients whose genes put them at increased risk but place less emphasis on it for patients with protective gene variants, the researchers say.
“There is a growing body of evidence for metabolically healthy obesity. In this condition, people who would normally be at risk for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes because they are obese are actually protected from adverse effects of their obesity. In our study, we found a genetic link that may explain how this occurs in certain individuals,” said researcher Mete Civelek, PhD, of UVA’s Center for Public Health Genomics. “Understanding various forms of obesity is
important to tailor treatments for individuals who are at high risk for adverse effects of obesity.”
As medicine grows more sophisticated, understanding the role of naturally occurring gene variations will play an important role in ensuring patients get the best, most tailored treatments. The new work by Civelek and his team, for example, indicates that variants can simultaneously predispose some people to store fat at the abdomen— thought to put them at increased risk for a cluster of health problems called metabolic syndrome—while also protecting them from type 2 diabetes. (Metabolic syndrome raises the risk for diabetes, stroke and other
serious health issues.)
One of the metrics doctors use to determine if a patient has metabolic syndrome is abdominal obesity. This is often calculated by comparing the patient’s waist and hip measurements. But Civelek’s research suggest that, for at least some patients, it may not be that simple. In the future, doctors may want to check a patient’s genes to determine how to best guide the person down the road to good health.
and School of Engineering. “To our surprise, these five regions decrease an individual’s risk for type 2 diabetes.”
“We found that among the hundreds of regions in our genomes which increase our propensity to accumulate excess fat in our abdomens, there are five which have an unexpected role,” said Yonathan Aberra, the lead author of the study and a PhD candidate at UVA’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, a joint program of the School of Medicine
In addition to producing surprising findings, Civelek’s research provides important new tools for his fellow researchers seeking to understand the complexities of gene variations. The sophisticated approach Civelek and his collaborators developed to identify the relevant variants and their potential effects will be useful for future research into metabolic syndrome and other conditions.
The tools could also prove invaluable in the development of new and better treatments for metabolic syndrome, the scientists say.
“We now need to expand our studies in more women and people from different genetic ancestries to identify even more genes that underlie the metabolically health obesity phenomenon,” Civelek said. “We plan to build on our findings to perform more experiments to potentially identify a therapeutic target.”
To keep up with the latest medical research news from UVA, subscribe to the Making of Medicine blog at www.makingofmedicine.virginia.edu. —University
Parents have the power to instill many health life lessons in their children, such as brush their teeth twice a day, eat their veggies, always buckle up and never smoke. One more vital action to add to these basics: protect their skin from the sun. Research has shown that 90 percent of the two most common types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), are associated with ultraviolet (UV) exposure, and they can be serious and disfiguring. Just one blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence more than doubles a person’s chances of developing melanoma, which has a higher chance of spreading than other types of skin cancer. Indoor tanning increases the risk of all three main types of skin cancers. Getting kids into the habit of daily sun protection, including sunscreen, clothing and seeking shade, helps ensure that they’ll practice it for the rest of their lives. And the best time to start is right at the start.
The challenges: You’ll never encounter less resistance to sun-protective measures from your child than you will at this stage of life. Enjoy it! Challenges may come from outside pressures—going on an annual family beach vacation, for instance, or
attending outdoor events.
Avoid it: The consensus of our experts is clear: Babies need to be kept out of the sun, period. Dermatologists also advise against using sunscreen on babies under six months due to their delicate skin.
Keep them covered: If infants must be outside during the peak sun hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., use everything in your arsenal to protect them: Look for shade, use stroller awnings, and provide physical protection including a hat, sunglasses and sun-protective clothing.
Instruct (and remind) caregivers, too: Babysitters, day-care providers and family may mean well, but don’t assume they’re following your rules. Be a clear and consistent enforcer.
Model good behavior: Lay the groundwork for a lifetime of sun safety by wearing sunscreen and taking other sun-protective measures yourself daily. They’re watching, and it’s never too early to set a good example.
The challenges: At this age, kids can be squirmy or downright resistant when you try to apply sunscreen. It’s often a battle of wills. If kids are in outdoor activities at day care, preschool or camp, caregivers may not be as vigilant about reapplying sunscreen as you would like.
Through Rapid Diagnosis, MSK helped Kieran get biopsied, diagnosed, and started on his cancer treatment, all within 10 days of his first appointment. “It felt like MSK’s main goal was to get me better as fast as possible. You could tell that they cared.”
Establish habits: At six months, it’s time to apply sunscreen to babies’ exposed skin. Fragrance-free “physical” sunscreens, with mineral active ingredients zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, are least likely to cause a reaction in sensitive skin. Keep up with covering up, too. Introduce cool rash guards with ultraviolet sun protection (UPF), hats, sunglasses—and seek shade when available. Get them involved: Toddlers like to feel in control, so give them choices and let them help in the application process. Little hands can grip a sunscreen stick. While sunscreen spray is fun, make sure to avoid inhaling by spraying it into their hands and letting them rub it in.
Make it fun: Children can be squirmy. To get the job done, master the art of distraction. Sing songs, create easy-to-remember mantras.
“I like to say, ‘If you can see, then there’s UV!,’” said Elizabeth Buzney, MD, a dermatologist at Brigham and Women’s Health in Boston and Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.
“Teach your child that UV stands for ultraviolet light from the sun and that you need to protect the skin from it during the daylight hours.” You can even add a few drops of food coloring or superfine glitter to make sunscreen more exciting for little ones.
Enlist help: Talk to a director at your child’s day care, school, camp or athletic facility to ensure they can enforce sunscreen application. Ask if they have shade or shade structures to provide some relief from the sun during peak hours. You may have to be proactive.
The challenges: Unfortunately, the i dea that tanning is attractive still has a deep hold and can be tough for even a committed parent to combat. And it’s not just peers who may be pressuring teens to tan. More people develop skin cancer from indoor tanning than develop lung cancer from smoking. No wonder the practice is banned in Australia and Brazil, and it is outlawed for people under 18 in 11 other countries and 20 states (plus Washington, D.C.).
Boys can feel pressured to tan as well. “My son was told at sleepaway camp that he looked good when he was tan,” said Amy Wechsler, MD, a New York City dermatologist and psychiatrist. Teens of both sexes (and adults) who are into outdoor sports have the challenge of keeping exposed skin protected for hours at a time.
Make sun care part of skin care: Use a teenager’s natural interest in their appearance to make the case for sun protection. Many skin-care products and cosmetics contain broad-spectrum sunscreen, and it’s a good way to motivate them to wear sunscreen daily. Cute rash guards, cover-ups, sunglasses and widebrimmed hats are also easy and fashionable ways to sneak in sun protection.
Be direct: Have an honest conversation about the dangers of tanning—and that there’s no such thing as a “healthy tan.” If your teen burns, push harder on the need
for UPF clothing, hats, sunglasses and shade.
Get real about social media: Remind your teen that social media is full of retouched images, skin-enhancing filters and dangerous misinformation. Suggest board-certified dermatologists your teens can follow for accurate info.
Fake it: A self-tanner is an option if teens insist on tan skin for a special event. Just make sure they still cover up and use sunscreen; a faux glow won’t protect.
“I tell my patients to get it before the beach vacation, so they don’t feel the need to sit out in the sun to get a tan,” Dr. Buzney said, while reminding them that a fake tan provides minimal protection from UV rays. Sunscreen is still a must.
Bottom line: Since people acquire approximately 25 percent of their lifetime UV damage before age 18, you can’t start teaching kids about sun protection too soon.
“When I was growing up, my parents felt very strongly about not smoking and always wearing a seatbelt in a car, and I’ve never smoked and never not worn a seatbelt,” said Dr. Wechsler. “With my kids, I added helmets for biking and skiing—and sun protection.” Chances are, those are lessons her kids will take to heart.
Visit www.skincancer.org for mo re information.
—Cathy Cavender writes for the Skin Cancer Foundation.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 6 Americans (48 million) get sick from foodborne illness each year, and the risk rises in summer as the warm weather boosts bacterial growth.
Easy ways to prioritize fire and food safety at your next BBQ:
This spacious fieldstone cape-style home at 51 Mayflower Ave. in Williston Park sold on July 19 for $950,000. It is located within the Herricks School District. It boasts a stone fireplace, four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The updated extended kitchen has granite countertops, a Viking stove and convection/ microwave, Sub-Zero fridge and separate freezer and porcelain floors. The ceiling is vaulted and includes skylights. The kitchen has access to a patio and oversized yard. The property is 60’ x 100’ and includes an attached garage. The home is close to schools, shopping, transportation and parks.
This stunning colonial at 598 Marcellus Rd. in Williston Park sold for $1,420,000 on June 30. It is located in the award-winning Herricks School District. A two-story entry foyer welcomes you to 3,000 sq. feet of living space (not including the basement) completely renovated and expanded with gleaming hardwood floors and Andersen windows throughout. The kitchen features stainless steel appliances, a center island, beautiful quartz countertops and a tile backsplash. The family room with fireplace and custom built in bookshelves is entertainment-ready. The first floor also includes a junior suite bedroom (or can be used as an office). The second floor boasts master bedroom with en suite and two walk-in closets. Three additional spacious bedrooms
and a bathroom complete the second floor. The home has an LG washer and dryer, conveniently located on the second floor. The lower level is completely finished with a full bathroom and a separate entrance. The large front porch made from composite
captures the beauty of real wood without the upkeep. The fencedin backyard and detached garage are complete with electric. The lawn has a sprinkler system and new sod. The property is near shopping, restaurants and the railroad station.
• Keep your raw and cooked meat utensils separate. Using different plates and tongs for raw and cooked meat ensures cross-contamination can’t occur. If you’re working with limited containers, place cooked meat directly onto your guests’ plates so that the board or plate is only used to bring raw meat to the grill. Make sure to use hot, soapy water to wash anything that raw meat has covered thoroughly.
• Make sure your meat and side dishes are covered. While it’s tempting to put on a spread and then turn all of your attention to the grill, it’s much safer to keep your side dishes covered with foil or clingfilm right up until you need to use them to avoid any bugs or bacteria sneaking in. You’ll also want to keep your meat refrigerated until the grill has heated up - unless the product says it needs to reach room temperature first.
• Avoid placing hot dishes on cold and wooden surfaces. Not only can placing hot dishes on
your countertops cause blistering or burning but it can also make it harder for your guests to keep track of which containers are too hot to touch. Place glass or metal dishes on a wooden chopping board or cooling rack so that it’s easier to distinguish and so you avoid damaging your kitchen surfaces.
• Make sure your grill is clean before firing it up. The best time to clean your BBQ is immediately after it’s heated but before you start cooking again, as this will make it easier to get grease off and ensure you’re not contaminating food. Brush off the grates and racks once they’re cool with a wire brush, scraper, or scourer, and keep an eye out for any debris that may fall onto the hot coals while your food cooks.
• Keep a bucket of water or sand nearby. Your BBQ should ideally be set at least 10 feet away from your house and should have a bucket of water or sand close by for emergency extinguishing. If your BBQ uses gas, don’t use water and instead opt for sand or salt, as water on a grease fire can cause a flare-up. Make sure to close the lid once adding your water/sand to help starve the fire of oxygen.
Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.
Sleep plays a vital role in the body’s cycle of healing, growing and rejuvenating. The DUX® Bed’s unique, customizable component system provides unrivaled ergonomic support to help you experience significantly higher quality sleep. Resolve to invest in your health. Visit a DUXIANA® store near you to discover the difference The DUX Bed can make in your life.
Bring along some of the comforts of home on your next camping trip. Search around your home to see what items you can repurpose at your campsite.
• Place a compact area rug on the floor of your tent for a cozy environment. A small rug at your tent’s entrance can help to keep from tracking dirt inside. Bring one from home or find one at a yard sale or thrift store. A carpet runner over your tent threshold also means no more tripping in or out of your tent.
• Use battery operated candles around your campsite at night when you need a bit of extra light and ambience. Make sure you use rechargeable batteries and that they are fully charged prior to your outing. You will still want to make sure you have a good reusable battery operated lantern or two. Lanterns can be hung in the vicinity of your campsite as well. Don’t forget a headlamp for those late-night trips to the restroom.
• Bring blankets from home and place them on your air mattress or cot.
• Use a crate or tote to transport some needed items to the campsite. You can then use the crate as a small side table
inside your tent. Baskets are another option for transporting items and can be used to decorate your space. A suitcase is another potential table in the making. Either use “as is” or cover with a cloth.
• Jazz up campfire favorites such as hotdogs and s’mores. For hotdogs, consider special toppings such as a homemade chili. Get creative with the chocolate you use for your s’mores - and you can think outside the graham cracker box as well - putting your roasted marshmallow and chocolate in between two favorite cookies instead. Charcuterie also can transport and keep well at a campsite. No matter what you choose for your menu items, make sure you properly dispose of wrappers and packaging. Remember, such items should never go in a campfire.
• Bring a blanket and/or pillows for a mealtime picnic.
• Use cloth napkins-mix and match with this environmentally friendly option. Rinse out after use and be ready to reuse again.
• Bring some of your favorite card or board games-or try something new. Visit a local thrift shop for game ideas - just make sure all pieces are there prior to purchase.
Puzzles and books can also capture interest and provide entertainment under the stars-those too can often be found at yard sales and thrift stores. Such purchases provide savings while promoting reuse.
• If you are camping with children, ask about the Junior Naturalist Program when you check in. The journal is packed with fun activities including some to teach your kids about sustainability. When the journal is complete, an embroidered patch is earned!
• Bring a French press or other manual coffee or tea maker. A warm cup of coffee brewing can add aroma and taste to your outdoor adventure. Put any used grounds in an empty container and dispose of
them properly. Coffee grounds are also a great way to dispose of the grease from cooking bacon. Just add the grease to your container of coffee grounds and let it cool.
• Reusable plastic containers can be used for cold lemonade or other beverages. Remember to save containers for recycling and to return deposit containers at redemption centers after your trip.
• Some campgrounds require clear trash bags to dispose of your garbage. Check with campground staff before you go so you are in the know!
Visit a DEC campground for your summer camping trip(s). Remember to Leave No Trace and carry out what you carry in.
—Submitted by the NYSDEC
Dr. Robert R. Dillon (Bob), of Walden and Plainview, NY, passed peacefully on July 28, 2023, after experiencing medical complications following spinal surgery. He grew up in Bayside, Queens with his parents Marie and Martin, who predeceased him, and his 4 brothers (Matthew, Terrance, Dennis and Kevin) and sister, Maureen. Although drafted by the Detroit Tigers out of Loyola High School in NYC, he opted to pursue a career in education through St. John’s University in Queens. There he obtained his Doctorate in Education.
During his more than 45-year career in education, he served as Superintendent of four school districts, East Meadow UFSD, Sugar Loaf UFSD, Abbott Union UFSD and Eastport UFSD. He was the driving force that led to the successful merger of Eastport and South Manor UFSD.
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Dr. Dillon was dedicated to fostering the next generation of school leaders and mentored many seeking their administrative certifications while teaching at St. John’s University, SUNY at New Paltz, St. John Fisher University and Dowling College.
Since 2015, he has led Nassau BOCES, a cooperative of the 56 school districts in Nassau County, leaving a legacy that will impact the students of Nassau County for decades. Whether navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic, pushing for increased mental health student support, or innovating numerous programs, he has revitalized, transformed and enhanced educational opportunities for all students.
He served on many advisory boards
and councils, including the Long Island Power Authority, SCOPE Education Services and SUNY Old Westbury’s School of Education.
He is survived by his childhood sweetheart Patricia Maureen (Patty), son Christopher and his wife Jessica, grandchildren Kylie and Brendan, daughters Deirdre and Caitlin, brothers and sister and their respective families. He loved golf, camping, and fishing and was an avid NY Giants fan. He was dedicated to his family, and wanted to make sure everyone was happy and well provided for. He was incredibly generous, kind and hard-working. His family would like to thank NYU Langone Hospital and all of the staff for their unwavering support and care.
Visitation was held from 3-8pm on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at Fairchild Sons Funeral Home (1201 Franklin Avenue, Garden City). A funeral mass was celebrated at 10:45am on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at The Cathedral of St. Agnes (29 Quealy Place, Rockville Centre). Interment followed at Queen of Peace Cemetery on Jericho Turnpike in Old Westbury.
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Nassau BOCES Educational Foundation.
City Councilmember Linda Lee, who spearheaded the rally and a previous one last week, also added that the lack of transportation and process of gathering resources such as air conditioners and water to the shelter will prove rather difficult.
On Jul. 26, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced the parking lot of the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens will become a shelter set to house 1,000 migrant asylum seekers. The shelter is only available to males and will provide services including medical care and meals.
Mayor Adams stated that thousands of “asylum seekers” are transported to NYC per week with no intention of stopping. Some Creedmoor residents without children will be given a 60-day notice to find different living arrangements in order to make room for incoming families. Officials said the migrant center should be running in full capacity some time next month.
Twenty-four hours after Mayor Adams confirmed the news about Creedmoor, a press conference and protest were held on-site approximately 30 minutes apart.
Joe Concannon, chairman of the Queens Village Republican Club, directed the movement gathering around 100 concerned citizens.
“We have to make a very strong
stance against this for our community,” Concannon said. “It doesn’t just affect the Bellerose-Queens Village community.” Concannon explained his thoughts to his fellow protesters, expressing concerns over public safety, schools and the impacts suspected to fall on communities. There are multiple schools in close proximity to the migrant shelter including Parsons Preschool and Martin Van Buren High School on Hillside Ave. Citizens are worried
that bringing in a large number of migrants will make the surrounding areas unsafe for children and schools.
Another rally was held inside a local senior resource center organized by Northeast and Central Queens elected officials, who stated they felt Creedmoor is not a suitable site to house migrants due to its distance from public transportation. State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky said “Creedmoor is not the place to dump 1,000
“The opening of the newest Humanitarian Emergency response and Relief Center is a testament to New York City’s resilience and our commitment to provide for those in need,” said NYC Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol. Since the humanitarian crisis began, NYC has opened up 190 emergency shelters, including 12 other large-scale shelters.
The Creedmoor Psychiatric Center is located on Winchester Blvd. in Queens Village. It was named after the Creed family, who farmed on the land. In the early 1870s, New York State purchased land from the Creeds and sold it to the National Rifle Association of America. The NRA constructed a firing range which lasted 20 years, but declined in public interest with regular noise complaints.
The hospital, originally named the Farm Colony of Brooklyn State Hospital, was established in 1912 with 32 patients. Increasing to 150 patients in the first six years, the census swole to 7,000 inpatients by 1959.
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 24 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Responsibility and power go together. Taking responsibility gives you power, and you can’t have real power if you don’t take real responsibility. is week, you’ll take on a cause wholeheartedly and make it your own. It won’t be long before you are known for this and it is indeed a part of you.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). e eyes in your head can only see what’s visible, and even then, as they are only focused on one thing at a time, they miss a lot. But your invisible eyes can see invisible things and many things at once. You can trust the information they take in this week.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). While some will be inclined to spin the roulette wheel or pull on the handle of a slot machine, hoping for destiny’s favor, you prefer to base your nances on something far less precarious. You’ll nd security in a fair exchange of sweat to dollars, and you’ll leverage your work and talent to make a tidy bundle this week.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). It’s exciting to be around passionate people, though there may be consequences to bringing them in to certain environments where caution is what’s called for. Your heart may be such an environment. You will learn a fuller range of someone’s personality and get a sense of how they might t into your world.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Silence is wisdom’s favorite dancing partner. It will take a great deal of restraint not to say what pops to mind, but you’ll hold back and observe, intent on listening carefully and reading the room accurately. You will wait until you are convinced your input will be helpful, then you’ll give generously.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). ere are those who ask things of you all day long, but they are not the ones who need you the most. e neediest will be quiet and may not even know what to ask for. You’ve a talent for sensing the best way to take care of people. Just remember that you can’t give what you don’t have. Replenish yourself.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You crave certain aesthetic standards -- a blessing and a curse. You feel it is your responsibility to nd, appreciate and utilize the splendor around you. It’s not always easy, but it pays o for you. People warm to the loveliness you cultivate, and portals of opportunity open wide.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). e body has its own intelligence. It’s not hard for you to imagine that your muscles, bones and cells hold energy of things forgotten, but do they also hold the energy of experiences to come? Your intuition will tingle this week, and acting on your inklings will bring you good fortune.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). At times, your sensitivity and empathy have been exploited, but these qualities are not a weakness. Quite the opposite is true. Your deep understanding of others is a remarkable ability, your connection a most precious gift. You will use your talents with discernment and make a di erence.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You may feel stuck, but it’s because you are buying into an illusion. With a little detachment, you’ll notice your rights and freedoms and you’ll clearly see what limits are imaginary. Pretend you’re an actor playing a role that just happens to be “you.” Step outside of it for a moment to decide how best to play this.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). A chasm of confusion matches an age gap. If you feel misunderstood by the generation before you and underappreciated by the one behind you, know that you’re not alone -- it’s the same for every generation. Because you’re wise beyond your years and youthful inside them, you are uniquely quali ed to solve this.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your mental fortitude is impressive. When your mind grabs onto an idea, your body will obey. You have serious follow-through and won’t have to muster up the motivation to complete your tasks because you’ll be driven by deep and mysterious motivation.
You’ve a new comfort level within yourself. As you nurture and appreciate what’s special about you, others see it, too, and put your talents to work. A showcase seems custom-made for you, and you’ll gain many fans who continue to support you in the years to come. More highlights: ere’s a move that o ers you the chance to reinvent yourself. You’ll purchase property. You’ll have the spiritual comforts of connection, the warmth of solid relationships and the reassurance of good humor.
Solution: 24 Letters
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 24 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Solution: 24 Letters
Aloe Arum Aster Bluebell Bright Bulb Card
Solution: Spring is their time to shine
Solution: Spring is their time to shine
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Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com
1. The bidding has gone: Partner You Pass 1 ♠ 2 ♦ ?
What would you bid now with:
♠ AK763 ♥ J5 ♦ J2 ♣ K1073
2. You are South, and the bidding has gone:
1 ♦ DblePass1 ♠
2 ♦ 3 ♠ Pass ?
What would you bid now with:
♠ J843 ♥ 74 ♦ 953 ♣ A862
3. You are South, and the bidding has gone:
WestNorthEastSouth PassPass1 ♠ 2 ♣ Pass2 ♥ Pass ?
What would you bid now with:
♠ 74 ♥ 962 ♦ AK7 ♣ AKQ87 * * *
1. Pass. The best way of deciding what to do is to apply, in reverse, the general rule that an opening bid facing an opening bid equals game. Here you barely have the values for an opening bid, and partner, who passed initially, is known to hold less than 13 points. It is thus highly unlikely that your side can make a game. The only question remaining, therefore, is where your best partscore contract lies.
Partner’s two-diamond response (not forcing because he passed originally) promises 10 or more points and a good suit. It also
Date: 8/9/23
By Steve Beckerdenies support for spades. With no good reason to think that a better contract than two diamonds is available, you should pass while you still have a chance for a plus score.
2. Four spades. This isn’t much of a hand, but its actual value depends much more on what you hear than on what you see. Partner is virtually guaranteeing nine tricks with spades as trump and is asking you to carry on to game if you have anything at all to contribute. So, although his three-spade bid is not forcing, you should happily bid four on the basis of your J-8-4-3 of spades and ace of clubs. Partner might have either of these hands:
♠ KQ1072 ♥ AK5 ♦ 8 ♣ KQ94
♠ AK92 ♥ KQJ85 ♦ A7 ♣ K5 and you would want to be in game opposite both.
3. Four hearts. Despite partner’s initial pass, you should have a reasonably good chance for game. True, you have only three small hearts, but that should not deter you, since partner is sure to have at least five very good ones for his two-heart bid. He might have any of these hands:
♠ J6 ♥ KQJ87 ♦ QJ4 ♣ 932
♠ A92 ♥ Q1087543 ♦ 8 ♣ J4
♠ 83 ♥ AQJ54 ♦ Q963 ♣ 53 and you belong in four hearts with each of them.
Tomorrow: On the beam.
©2023 King Features Syndicate Inc.
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
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Port Day Camp, the summer branch of the Port Washington Children’s Center’s programming, has returned.
Camp began on Monday, July 3 and runs for six weeks until Friday, Aug. 11. The summer is divided into two, three-week sessions, with themed dress-up and event days planned on the calendar.
The camp is based out of Manorhaven Elementary School and features two age groups: the Sound Sailors—pre-K through third grade — and the Bay Buccaneers— fourth to sixth grade. All campers participate in activities, ranging from art and drama to science and sports to instructional and free swim. In addition, water play is held everyday both onsite and at the Manorhaven Pool. The Bay Buccaneers enjoy additional, out-of-camp experiences at Gold Coast Table Tennis, Blue Moon TaeKwonDo and Koastal Paddle, all located in Port.
Port Day Camp staff and administrators look forward to providing their campers with another fun-filled summer.
You’ve done a lot of learning and exploring in your life – and you’re not done yet. So join us at Peconic Landing, a welcoming community of creative thinkers and active minds, and find your inspiration on our scenic waterside campus on the North Fork of Long Island. Our unique equity model offers the opportunity to earn appreciation and create a legacy for loved ones, making our Fitch-rated, internationally accredited community the perfect choice for those seeking financial security. With award-winning services, engaging cultural arts programming, and resort-style amenities, you can spend less time worrying about your future and more time discovering new passions. Isn’t it time you invited more opportunity into your life?
Marcia H. Hegeman died on July 15, 2023 in Scotia, NY at the age of 101. She was predeceased by her loving husband of 78 years, H. Clinton Hegeman (Clint), owner of the family business, Howard C. Hegeman Agency Inc. They lived in Port Washington for over 30 years and raised four children there before moving to State College, PA. She was a devoted mother, busy homemaker, and a member of the Garden Club of Port Washington and a P.E.O. member (a service sisterhood) across three states, serving two terms as President in State College.
—Submitted by Jan Altman
Steve Petersen, 81, passed away peacefully at home on July 25, 2023 following a lengthy illness.
Steve was a Vietnam Veteran, Bronze Star Recipient, and retired from the United States Coast Guard. He was very active in the Coast Guard Combat Veterans Association.
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NASSAU CitiMortgage, Inc., Plaintiff AGAINST Robin A. Liddle, Jeannine E. Liddle a/k/a Jeannine Elizabeth Liddle, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered May 3, 2023, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on August 17, 2023 at 2:00PM, premises known as 12 Sands Court, Unit E-5, Port Washington, NY 11050. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Manorhaven, County of Nassau and State of New York, SECTION: 04, BLOCK: 059, LOT: 0681. Approximate amount of judgment $577,522.54 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #004200/2016. The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the NASSAU County COVID-19 Protocols located on the Office of Court Administration (OCA) website ( https://ww2.nycourts.gov/ Admin/oca.shtml) and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale. Only Bank or Certified check payable to the Referee will be accepted for the downpayment. No third party check or cash will be accepted.
Lisa Segal Poczik, Esq., Referee Frenkel Lambert Weiss Weisman Gordon, LLP 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 01-080179-F00 76929
8-9-2; 7-26-19-2023-4T#241742-PORT
Steve is survived by his wife, Kay; son, Will (Michelle); daughter, Demi; and granddaughters, Kaylen and Brooke. He is also survived by sisters, Karen, Candy (Dave) and Anice; nieces, Laura (Ken), Sherry (Mike) and Lauren (Jeff); and great-nephews, Sam, Ben and Maxwell.
—Submitted by Laura Harper
Mark C. Bevilacque, age 65, of Port Washington passed peacefully after a five year battle with cancer on July 25, 2023. Mark exuded energy, humor, faith, kindness, and love to all. He is survived by his wife, Ann Mathisen, and children Beryl, Luke, Blaise, Laura and Brieg. As a resident for 35 years, Mark loved the camaraderie of Port. He especially enjoyed Manhasset Bay, the library, Harbor Deli, Frank’s Pizza, the Training Station, the Port Yacht Club, Secor Drive, Reid Avenue, Capri Marina, St Peter’s and Shelter Rock Church.
—Submitted by Ann Mathisen
In pursuance of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the Office of the County Clerk of Nassau County on June 1, 2023, I, Malachy P. Lyons, Jr., Esq., the Referee named in said Judgment, will sell in one parcel at public auction on August 30, 2023 at Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Ct. Dr. North Side Steps, County of Nassau, State of New York, 11501 at 2:00 PM the premises described as follows:
26 Linwood Road South Port Washington, NY 11050
SBL No.: 00404065 00330
ALL THAT certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Manor Haven, County of Nassau and State of New York. Road;
Anton Media Group celebrates the lives of all those in the community. We publish obituaries of residents and former residents at no charge to the families as a courtesy. We do this within the shortest time frame possible according to space availability. Email no more than 100 words to obits@ antonmediagroup.com, or mail to 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501.
The premises are sold subject to the provisions of the filed judgment, Index No. 008879/2014 in the amount of $631,054.77 plus interest and costs.
The aforementioned auction will be conducted in accordance with the Court System’s COVID-19 mitigation protocols and as such all persons must comply with social distancing, wearing masks and screening practices in effect at the time of this foreclosure sale.
Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP
Attorneys for Plaintiff
500 Bausch Lomb Place Rochester, NY 14604
Tel.: 855-227-5072
8-16-9-2; 7-26-2023-4T#241776-PORT
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Sands Point will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. in the evening at Village Hall, 26 Tibbits Lane, Sands Point, New York to consider the adoption of the following proposed Local Laws:
1) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 127, “Rental Dwelling Unit Registration” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
2) Proposed Local Amending Chapter 145, “Subdivision of Land” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
3) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 88, “Fireworks” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
4) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 103, “Licensed Occupations” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
5) Enacting a Proposed Local Law re Landscaping of the Frontages of Institutional Properties located within the Village of Sands Point
6) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 1, “General Provisions” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
7) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 85, “Filming” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
8) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 132, “Site Plan Review”; Chapter 145, “Subdivision of Land”; and Chapter 176 entitled, “Zoning” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
9) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 84, “Filling, Excavation Grading” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
10) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 82, “Fees Deposits” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
11) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 131,
“Signs” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
12) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 176, “Zoning” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
13) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 70, “Docks, Floats, Piles and Boat Lifts” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
14) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 157, “Trees” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
15) Proposed Local Law
For more information, contact 516-465-4774 or email htract@tscli.org.
Amending Chapter 145, §145-32.4, “Capital Reserve Fund and Repair Reserve Fund”
16) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 121, “Private Streets, Maintenance of” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
17) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 141, “Streets and Sidewalks” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point
18) Proposed Local Law
Amending Chapter 12, “Eth-
ics, Code of” of the Code of the Village of Sands Point PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at said time and place of Public Hearing all interested persons who wish to be heard will be heard. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES INC. VILLAGE OF SANDS POINT PETER A. FORMAN, MAYOR LIZ GAYNOR, VILLAGE CLERK
Thursday, October 26, 2023 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Leonard's Palazzo
Great Neck, NY
Nassau County Police Commissioner
Patrick Ryder You're invited to celebrate our accomplishments as we continue to provide hope and a better future for survivors of abuse. Please scan code to purchase tickets or sponsorship.
SPORTIME, the New York area’s most substantial operator of stateof-the-art racket sports facilities, today announced a $7 million renovation and modernization of the former Port Washington Tennis Academy, which launched the careers of John McEnroe, his brother Patrick McEnroe. McEnroe Co-Directs the John McEnroe Tennis Academy. He also serves as President of both the Johnny Mac Tennis Project charity and the International tennis Hall of Fame. Also included are Vitas Gerulaitis, Tracy Austin and other legends. The facility will now be rebranded SPORTIME Port Washington/JMTA Long Island and will be the Long Island home of The John McEnroe Tennis Academy.
“Our new Port Washington facility has been a part of American tennis history on every level, and a part of the history of the McEnroe family. We are proud to be able to make this restorative investment and to return this iconic facility to elite status,” said SPORTIME CEO Claude Okin. “Bringing the Port Washington facility into the SPORTIME family of clubs, and bringing Johnny Mac back to Port, along
with the John McEnroe Tennis Academy, will truly link the past with the future in Port Washington. Our belief is that our investment and expanded commitment on Long Island will be great for local players and families, and for the racket sports business here.”
“The Port Washington Tennis Academy, now SPORTIME Port Washington/JMTA Long Island, is a special New York place that is part of tennis history, and was a big part of my life and my brothers’ lives when we were training as juniors,” said tennis legend John McEnroe. “I am thrilled to be able to expand my Academy to Port Washington, a full circle moment for me. I look forward to supporting and mentoring a new generation of talented and motivated
young players there, and across the tri-state area.”
Upon completion of the facility renovations, currently underway, SPORTIME Port Washington/JMTA Long Island will provide SPORTIME members and guests, and John McEnroe Tennis Academy students, with 7 beautiful soft-surface, Har-Tru tennis courts, 6 new hard-surface tennis courts and 12 new, dedicated, pickleball courts in their own building. These upgrades, along with countless others, and with SPORTIME’s introduction of John McEnroe Tennis Academy programming, will make SPORTIME Port Washington/JMTA Long Island a premier destination for adult and junior tennis and pickleball on Long Island. Scheduled to be completed by
September 2023, SPORTIME’s $7 million dollar + facility improvement project will include the following:
• New or refurbished roofs for all buildings
• New court building interiors with upgraded insulation in all buildings
• New and improved court lighting in all buildings
• Upgraded locker rooms
• New, easily accessible bathroom locations, in addition to the locker rooms, near courts and dining areas
• New HVAC systems serving the entire facility—all court buildings will now be air-conditioned, providing comfortable temperatures and dehumidification
• Conversion of 6 existing Har-Tru courts to 6 new, cushioned, oversized hard courts, so that our future John McEnroe Tennis Academy stars, and adult players, can play, train and compete on both surfaces The John McEnroe Tennis Academy now has its second Long Island location at SPORTIME Port Washington/JMTA Long Island, 100 Harbor Rd., Port Washington, NY. For more information, visit www. SportimeNY.com/portwashington. —Submitted by SPORTIME
As antisemitism continues to spread across the globe, the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County (HMTC) — Long Island’s only Holocaust museum, located in Glen Cove — aims to stand up to all forms of hate.
On Sunday, August 20, Dana Arschin, HMTC storyteller and former Fox 5 reporter and fill-in anchor, will host a Beach Party Fundraiser for HMTC. The event, which will be located on a private beach in Port Washington, will honor Lizzy Savetsky and Dr. Ira Savetsky.
Individual tickets cost $200, and couples tickets cost $360 together. Proceeds will go directly toward continuing the amazing work the HMTC does in Holocaust education.
“Every year, we educate students,
nurses and law enforcement in-person, either at our center or inside schools. We also educate students who live across the country and in Canada via zoom,” said
Arschin. “Middle and high school students from districts across Long Island come to our center almost every weekday during the academic year. They hear first-hand
testimonies from Holocaust survivors and second-generation survivors (children of survivors). The students also get tours of our museum exhibits.”
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Some of the money from the fundraiser will cover transportation expenses for survivors who travel to and from the center and schools, which traditionally costs the HMTC thousands of dollars each year. In addition, the proceeds will ensure that Arschin can continue to document first-hand testimonies from Holocaust survivors.
“I shoot, write, narrate and edit short documentaries on Holocaust survivors. I typically interview at least one survivor every week all across Long Island and the five boroughs of New York City. Incredibly, my stories often get more than 100,000 views, just on Instagram alone,” said Arschin. “It’s an honor and a privilege to have this opportunity to keep stories alive. The proceeds from this event will help make sure the entire HMTC team continues to educate for generations to come.”
The event, scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m., will feature platters of food from the Taste of Puebla food truck, as well as cocktails from Heering Cherry Liqueur. There will also be a bonfire with s’mores kits available, dessert from Dough Doughnuts and chocolate-covered pretzels from Fatty Sundays.
Honorees Lizzy Savetsky and Dr. Ira Savetsky will be in attendance and will make remarks. Both Lizzy, a Jewish activist and fashion influencer, and Ira, the grandson of a Holocaust survivor and a plastic surgeon, have used their platforms to teach the lessons of the Holocaust and to stand up to hate.
“I greatly admire the Savetskys for being bold and standing up to hate. They use their
public social media platforms to educate their followers about antisemitism. They are proud of their Jewish traditions and their ancestry. We are honoring them for being upstanders in their communities.”
Arschin, herself, has a deep connection to the Holocaust and hopes her work can continue to amplify its important lessons.
“I really wanted to find a way to get families involved with the museum and also just to put the museum on their radar and have them know about the HMTC. I’m really hoping to bring awareness, to get people interested in the Holocaust and also bring people together in a beautiful way,” said Arschin. “I’m the granddaughter of a
101-year-old Auschwitz concentration camp survivor. My Poppy turns 102 in March. I believe it’s my obligation to keep survivor stories alive and the only way I can do that is to get future generations involved and interested.”
The Beach Party Fundraiser will be an intimate evening, where attendees will learn about the HMTC, mingle, eat good food and dance, thanks to DJ Paulie Shoes from Bright Lights Inc., who is donating his DJing services for the event.
“Even though we’re a Holocaust museum, our events don’t need to focus on tragedy. After the Holocaust, many of these survivors thrived and created beautiful
families and generations more to come. I also want people to think about the HMTC as a welcoming place, not someplace that’s always so sad.”
As the last generation of Holocaust survivors passes away at an alarming rate, the importance of Holocaust education and first-hand documentation only grows.
“If we don’t share the lessons of the Holocaust, history is doomed to repeat itself. So we are doing the best we can to make sure this never happens again,” said Arschin.
For more information, or to buy tickets to the Beach Party Fundraiser, Dana Arschin can be reached at dana.arschin@hmtcli.org.
North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and Councilmember Robert Troiano are proud to announce that Charles J. Fuschillo Park has reopened after the Town embarked on an extensive renovation project to bring major improvements to the park. Supervisor DeSena and Council Member Troiano celebrated the reopening with a ribbon cutting celebration on Saturday, July 22 that was attended by hundreds of residents.
“The long-awaited multi-million-dollar rehabilitation of Charles Fuschillo Park in Carle Place is officially complete, and we are so excited that it has reopened to the community,” Town Supervisor DeSena said. “The finished product is a truly spectacular community park that has received its most extensive set of upgrades in nearly 30 years, and we are so excited for families and children in Carle Place to enjoy these new amenities. This park rehabilitation will greatly enhance the quality of life of our residents, and also represents a new benchmark for accessibility in our Town as the newly installed playground is the first in the Town of North Hempstead which is fully accessible for children with disabilities to enjoy.”
“After many years of visioning, public par-
ticipation, planning, and designing, we are excited that the renovation project at Fuschillo Park has been completed,” said Councilmember Troiano. “Our goal throughout this process has been to transform Fuschillo Park into an exciting recreational destination for our residents – especially those in the Carle Place community. I am thrilled that residents are now able to experience the new Fuschillo Park.”
The recently completed renovation project at Charles J. Fuschillo Park included a new playground, a splash park, outdoor fitness equipment, a shaded picnic area, games, and more.
The grand opening celebration featured a ribbon cutting, live music provided by the “Yes We Can” Band, a DJ, lawn games, a hot dog stand, and ice cream truck.
Tune into the Town’s award-winning government access television station, North Hempstead TV (NHTV), to see the special celebration. Residents will be able to watch the program on channel 18 or 65 on Cablevision and channel 46 on Verizon FIOS, on the Town’s social media pages, or by visiting: www.mynhtv.com.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
North Hempstead Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and Councilmember Peter Zuckerman recently attended the Wellness Wednesday event hosted at Whitney Pond Park in Manhasset. The event gave residents the opportunity to learn various life-saving techniques including CPR, stop the bleed, Narcan administration and AED use.
The event was the second in a series of Wellness Wednesdays events, which are held in partnership with North Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center.
Upcoming Wellnesss Wednesday events:
Aug. 9: Skin cancer screening
11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Manorhaven Beach Park
Aug. 16: Every stage of life cancer screenings (informational session)
11 a.m.-12 p.m. at Clinton G. Martin Park
For more information on the Town of North Hempstead and the entire schedule of upcoming Wellness Wednesday events, please visit our website at www.northhempsteadny.gov/sunscreen.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead
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