In his July letter, Mayor John Durkin addressed the issue of “low flying planes” over Roslyn. Durkin admitted that progress on this issue is “slow” while promising to keep working on it.
“One issue that continues to trouble us is low flying planes coming over our area,” the mayor wrote. “I belong to organizations such as Quiet Skies, looking to control the altitude and landing patterns of the planes coming into Kennedy and LaGuardia. The issue is…complex and difficult, the progress in affecting change is slow. But it is a quality of life issue for all of us that needs to be addressed so we will continue working on it.”
What is Quiet Skies? It is a federal program that, according to blogger Bob Burns, has been misunderstood through inaccurate reporting, being described as “a program through which Federal Air Marshals (FMA) surveil random travelers for no rhyme or reason.” Burns’ response is as follows:
“If your local police department had intelligence that your neighborhood was at an elevated threat for dangerous activity, you’d want an increased police presence until the threat was gone. Federal Air Marshals serve in that same capacity in the aviation environment; they are law enforcement officers who use their experience and training to identify things that are out of the ordinary in the aviation environment,” said Burns, who died unexpectedly in 2018 at age 48. “Over the years, Federal Air Marshals have used their skills and training to successfully respond to in-flight emergencies and non-terrorist incidents. Their on-board presence has defused dozens of situations that had the potential to escalate, placing the aircraft, crew, and passengers in further danger.
‘Quiet Skies’ is another tool that allows the Federal Air Marshal Service to more efficiently deploy law enforcement resources to focus on travelers who may present an elevated risk to aviation security. Through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA’s) Secure Flight Program and by leveraging Custom and Border Protection’s Automated Targeting System, TSA’s intelligence professionals develop a set of risk-based, intelligence-driven scenario rules, which allow us to identify international travelers who may require enhanced screening.
These rules have strict oversight by the Department of Homeland Security, including the privacy, civil rights and liberties, and general counsel offices.
“TSA uses this program to reduce the risk on airplanes by identifying passengers deemed to be higher risk according to certain travel patterns and other intelligence-based factors. Contrary to some reporting, the program does not take into account race or religion and does not designate individuals based on their observed behaviors onboard an aircraft. As trained law enforcement officers, Federal Air Marshals observe passengers in accordance with their training. When
FAMs are informed that a traveler identified through the intelligence-driven scenario rules will be on a particular flight or in the airport, they are able to observe the traveler in the airport and on the flight. Passengers referred to the program may require additional scrutiny for a certain period of time; however, TSA routinely removes passengers from the program sooner than the prescribed period if we become aware of information that indicates the passengers do not represent a risk.
“FAMs have and will continue to use a variety of tools and work with industry partners to detect, deter, and defeat any potential threat to the aircraft, crew, and
passengers. They play an important role in protecting travelers in mid-air and are essential to our national security,” Burns concluded.
In other news, the mayor addressed work on village hall, traffic islands, and Grist Mill funding.
“A lot of folks are asking about the work being done in front of the village hall,” the mayor continued. “That is a Key Span project that is going on throughout the area. They are upgrading substations and the work is scheduled to be completed by the end of August. Although this project was bigger than we anticipated, I must say the people working on it have been very conscientious about minimizing the impact. They have been pleasant and cooperative with us.”
On the matter of the traffic islands, the mayor added: “We have begun work on the three traffic islands at the northwest entrance to the village. This is an exciting project. The change will be dramatic when completed. We are hoping to have it planted by early fall and at that time we will have a beautiful, welcoming entrance to Roslyn.”
Finally, the mayor noted that Nassau County had committed to releasing an additional two million dollars from the county for continued restoration of the Roslyn Grist Mill.
Howard Kroplick, president of the Landmark Society told Durkin that a descendant of the Robeson family, for whom the mill is named, “made a substantial donation to the restoration project.”
On Thursday, Sept. 14, from 5:30 to 7 p.m, the Bryant Library will present a presentation by Jane Breskin Zalben.
The event will feature her latest book, Beni’s Tiny Tales: Jewish Holidays Around the Year.
Zalben is the acclaimed creator of the beloved Beni book series, including Beni’s Family Treasury and Beni’s Family Cookbook for the Jewish Holidays, which was an ALA Notable Children’s Book and a CBC Not Just for Children Anymore pick. She is the recipient of four Sydney Taylor Book Awards, most recently for A Moon for Moe and Mo.
A former art director at Scribner Books, Zelben taught illustration at the School of Visual Arts for eighteen years, and has written and illustrated over fifty books— picture books through young-adult fiction—over a four-decade career. Also a painter of contemporary abstract art, she splits her time between Long Island City and Port Washington.
According to her website, Zelben began drawing at the age of five. Born in New York City, her mother encouraged her daughter’s artistic talent by taking her for weekly art lessons at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
“Jane’s father called her drawings ‘love pictures,’” the site continued. “In the second grade, Jane began to explore her gift for writing by composing poetry for the class newspaper. She went on to receive a B.A. in art from Queens College and studied lithography at the Pratt Graphics Center. It is no wonder that today Jane Breskin Zalben is a well-known author and illustrator who has published over fifty books for young readers.”
Beni’s Tiny Tales: Jewish Holidays
Around the Year is thusly described by her publisher.
“Chronicling a full year of Jewish festivities—from Rosh Hashanah through Shavuot, with every momentous occasion in between—this one-of-a-kind treasury includes homespun family stories, origin notes, craft activities, songs, and recipes for each holiday. With ideas on how to make masks for Purim, recipes to bake fresh honey-dipped challah to mark the new year, and so much more, this interactive holiday collection begs to be revisited again and again.
“Beautifully crafted and with the right balance of factual details interspersed with fictional stories, this Jewish treasury
is a welcome introduction to each holiday in the calendar year, and it is all told through the lens of Beni’s bear family,” it concludes. “For parents who grew up reading Beni’s Family Treasury and Beni’s Family Cookbook, the family tradition lives on in this much anticipated compendium for contemporary readers.”
Zalben’s books remain popular with readers nationwide. Here are some online reviews for Beni’s Family Treasury: Stories for the Jewish Holidays.
“I ordered this book for my granddaughter,” wrote Rachel Steiner. “This is what her mother wrote me about it. It is very lovely. The illustrations are gorgeous.”
Silicon Valley Girl added:
“I love the way these stories are gentle, but not so conflict-free as to be boring. They manage to convey a lot of information about the holidays, too, in a fun, low-key way. The illustrations couldn’t be more charming. Best of all, children actually like them! I read ‘Beni’s New Year’
to a group of 5-7-year-olds this weekend, and they all sat still and listened, believe it or not, asking me to stop only so they could see the pictures.”
Zalben’s website: janebreskinzalben. com. Online registration required. Contact: Children’s Services at 516-6212240 or kids@bryantlibrary.org.
THE ROSLYN NEWS STAFF editors@antonmediagroup.com
Readers may recall that our August 23-29, 2023 edition featured a cover story on Salem A.M.E. and its efforts to obtain recognition as a Roslyn historic site. In the writing of this article, several missteps were taken that this paper would like to address. The body of the article includes a substantial portion of text from the Bryant Library’s Local History Blog post, published on January 3, 2022. This portion was included without requested permission to reprint from the Local History Collection, nor was proper credit provided for this information.
Stated eloquently by Michele Lipson, Director of the Bryant Library, “The Bryant Library is an important part of the Roslyn community... Our Local History Collection and the work of our archivists are our pride and joy. And, as a library, rules regarding copyright are foundational to us.” This publication in no way meant to breach the trust and respect we hold with the library, and hope to continue our valued relationship going forward. We want to take this time to thank the Bryant Library, as well as the archivists and the Local History Collection, for the wonderful work they do to preserve the history of Roslyn and beyond.
Chase and Skye from Paw Patrol joined Principal Mary Wood, Superintendent Allison Brown, and Assistant Superintendent Karina Baez to welcome incoming students at the annual Heights Kindergarten Bus Orientation on Monday, Aug. 28. Children and their parents had the opportunity to meet their bus drivers and learn important safety information. Youngsters also signed a Certificate of Commitment to Heights School.
(Photos courtesy the Roslyn School District)
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To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to editors@ antonmediagroup.com.
Preschoolers Story Time
Thursdays, Sept. 14, 28; Oct.12 and 26. Come and have fun with engaging books, songs, and interactive activities. There will be a greater emphasis on longer stories with more challenging content, and on independent participation. Preschoolers will be introduced to sounds, letter recognition, and literacy skills that will help them grow into readers. Registration required. Contact: Children’s Services at 516-621-2240 or kids@bryantlibrary.org.
Quilting Class: English Paper Piecing
From 12 noon to 2 p.m. Fridays: August 4, 11, 18, 25, &
September 1, 8, 15, 22. From 12 noon to 2 p.m. This is a beginner friendly quilting class. The patchwork technique of English Paper Piecing is done by hand; no sewing machine required. Learn a few simple stitches and watch the patterns come together. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-1961.
Foundations of Investing
From 1 to 2 p.m. Join licensed financial advisor Vincent Sama for a 30-minute educational seminar for people who want an overview
trusts and mutual funds are offered and sold by prospectus. You should consider the investment objectives, risks and charges and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information. Your financial advisor can provide a prospectus, which should be read carefully before investing. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your estate-planning attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation. The library is at 2 Paper Mill Rd. Call 516-621-1961.
Bilingual Storytime: English and Spanish
From 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Ages 3 to 7. Listen to stories, songs, and fingerplays while learning about other cultures in this bilingual (English/Spanish) storytime. Children will learn new
vocabulary in both languages and be introduced to the wonderful world of dual language learning. No Spanish background is required. Online registration required. Contact: Children’s Services at 516-6212240 or kids@bryantlibrary.org.
Fall Luminaries Craft
From 6 to 7 p.m. Grades three to five. Do you love fall? These fall luminaries are sure to bring the best of the fall tree colors into your home. Join us as we create this colorful mason jar. Online registration required. Contact: Children’s Services at 516-6212240 kids@bryantlibrary.org.
Crow Craft
From 6 to 7 p.m. Grades K – 1. Learn about crows at this craft program. Register online. Contact: 516-621-2240 or kids@bryantlibrary.org.
Dinosaurs ruled the earth for millions of years and have fascinated people since their discovery. The modern study of dinosaurs began in 1842. That’s more than 180 years! Here’s a simple craft you can use to make your own dino fossils.
2 cups our
1 cup salt
1/2 cup warm water
Plastic dinosaurs or other hard toys
Coffee grounds or cinnamon
Stir the salt and our together until mixed. If you want, add the coffee or cinnamon (or both!) to give the dough a more dirt-like texture. Add the water slowly until the dough is just coming together. Make a small ball of dough and use your hand to atten it to about a half inch. Press
the toy dino into the dough and then gently lift away. You can also use the feet to make foot prints.
You can bake these fossils at 250 degrees for 1 to 2 hours or until hard. It’s also ne to let them air dry. Other things make fossils too. Try using leaves, shells, or even plastic bones. if you want to make a necklace or ornament, make a hole in the fossil before baking or drying. You can even paint your fossil if you want.
Question: What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
Answer: Lunch and dinner.
According to Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, there are three species of hoopoe birds, identified by location, native to Africa, Eurasia and Madagascar. The three show slight differences in coloration but have similar habits and vocalizations. Their distinctive call sounds like “Hooo Pooo.” They are known to like the sound of music, pausing when hearing a tune, perking up their crests and moving their heads to the beat. They are 10 to 12 inches long with a wingspan of 18 to 20 inches. They are mostly cinnamon in color with black and white stripes on their wings and tails. They weigh 1.5 to 3 ounces and have an average lifespan in the wild of about 10 years. Their most distinctive characteristic is an orange crest of feathers
with black tips that stands erect when they are alarmed or excited. They have a peculiar courtship ritual: the male will present an insect to the female to win her heart.
The European and Northern Asian hoopoes migrate South to the tropics during the wintertime, while the
(Photo from superteacherworksheets.com)
They are preyed upon by largreptiles. Sometimes
Censorship of library materials is on the rise. There were 1,269 documented attempts to censor in 2022, nearly double from the year before and the highest number of challenges recorded since the American Library Association (ALA) began keeping records. These attempts targeted 2,751 unique titles, another record.
The majority of these challenges happened in schools. According to the ALA, nearly 51 percent of the demands to censor books targeted books, programs, displays, and other materials in school libraries and schools; 48 percent of book challenges targeted materials in public libraries.
Another trend for 2023 is challenges to multiple titles in a single request. The ALA’s report, released in March, states that 90 percent of the challenges for last year were for multiple titles, with 40 percent challenging 100 books or more.
The Nassau County Library System has not seen the surge in challenges being experienced in other parts of the country, and most interactions about materials are informal. “So what we’ve seen here in Nassau County are a handful of requests for reconsideration, which is where a library patron would ask that a certain book or display be removed from view, relocated to another part of the library, or otherwise restricted from certain parts of the community. Most of these requests that we’ve heard have been informal ones and truly nothing on the level of what we’re seeing in other parts of the country. Nothing like what’s going on in Texas or Florida or the Midwest… We’re not seeing a lot of formal requests. We’re seeing those informal comments: a phone call, email, or over the desk.” Nicole Sherer, assistant director at the Library System, said in a recent interview.
Even though each library is independently operated and locally governed, the Library has policies and procedures in place for when material is challenged. “Every library in New York State is required to have a collection development policy. And that governs how professional librarians select items for the library collection, because again, it’s all taxpayer funded. So we like to be really transparent about how we make our decisions. As a part of that policy, libraries will have a Request for Reconsideration form that patrons who have concerns about titles or displays can fill out.”
The form asks a series of questions designed to get to the heart of why the patron finds the material objectionable. “Basically
just says ‘what have you seen? where it how did you come across the thing in the library? Did you see it, or did you hear about it from someone else? What would you like us to do with this item? Are there other items that you would suggest to balance the item you find problematic?’ So that collection development policy is really kind of the backbone of this. Also, a lot of libraries will offer a ‘suggest for purchase’ to their patrons as well. So really, very transparent. We haven’t heard about many people having to utilize the policy or (having to) hand out those forms too much. Most of what we’re hearing is a little more casual than that.”
Sherer emphasized that most people are supportive of the library and its mission, and as such tend to be tolerant of a lot of different material. “Most people in every county value their libraries and we find that people really understand that libraries have a responsibility to provide content that covers a wide array of thought and perspective. That’s what public libraries are for. There is a great Jo Godwin quote- ‘a great library has something in it to offend everyone.’ And I think most people in Nassau County really understand that. So we haven’t really heard of any situations that may need to be de-escalated. it’s more passive than that. The most, again, not really conflict, but we do have some cases in Nassau, but this is actually more prevalent in other parts of the country, where controversial books go missing from the shelf.”
Providing a well-balanced collection that has something for everyone is a critical part of what libraries do for their community. Libraries are a community resource where everyone should be able to find something useful. Scherer puts
it this way: “The idea of developing and maintaining well-balanced collection is kind of the heart of the materials process in any library. And again, if you look at a library’s collection development policy, you’ll see a lot of language about the ethics that professional librarians use to guide that process. And it’s not just
ordering books and never interacting with them again. Librarians are really involved in making sure that they’re ordering things that are useful, that fit community need, that will not just be popular, but will make sure that the library presents a really robust perspective on the contemporary issues of the day.”
1. Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe
Number of challenges: 151
Challenged for: LGBTQIA+ content, claimed to be sexually explicit
2. All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson
Number of challenges: 86
Challenged for: LGBTQIA+ content, claimed to be sexually explicit
3. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
Number of challenges: 73
Challenged for: depiction of sexual abuse, claimed to be sexually explicit
4. Flamer by Mike Curato
Number of challenges: 62
Challenged for: LGBTQIA+ content, claimed to be sexually explicit
5. (tie) Looking for Alaska by John Green
Number of challenges: 55
Challenged for: LGBTQIA+ content, claimed to be sexually explicit
5. (tie) The Perks of Being a Wall ower by Stephen Chbosky
Number of challenges: 55
Challenged for: depiction of sexual abuse, LGBTQIA+ content, drug use, profanity, claimed to be sexually explicit
7. Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison
Number of challenges: 54
Challenged for: LGBTQIA+ content, claimed to be sexually explicit
8. The Absolutely True Diary of a PartTime Indian by Sherman Alexie
Number of challenges: 52
Challenged for: profanity, claimed to be sexually explicit
9. Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Perez
Number of challenges: 50
Challenged for: depictions of abuse, claimed to be sexually explicit
10. (tie) A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
Number of challenges: 48
Challenged for: claimed to be sexually explicit
10. (tie) Crank by Ellen Hopkins
Number of challenges: 48
Challenged for: drug use, claimed to be sexually explicit
10. (tie) Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews
Number of challenges: 48
Challenged for: profanity, claimed to be sexually explicit
10. (tie) This Book Is Gay by Juno Dawson
Number of challenges: 48
Challenged for: LGBTQIA+ content, providing sexual education, claimed to be sexually explicit
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New York Attorney General Letitia James and New York State Education Department (NYSED) Commissioner Betty A. Rosa issued guidance reminding New York public schools and local education agencies of their obligation to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in educational planning and decision-making. As states and school districts across the country adopt exclusionary educational policies that deny students from diverse backgrounds and identities access to a safe and affirming learning environment, Attorney General James and Commissioner Rosa are providing resources to school leaders that assist in fulfilling their commitment to ensuring every student in New York has the opportunity to learn free from the fear of discrimination, harassment, or intimidation.
The joint guidance offers recommendations for upholding the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in three key areas of the school experience: 1)
learning and teaching; 2) student discipline; and 3) addressing bullying and harassment. The guidance also warns against actions that may contribute to a hostile environment for students of diverse backgrounds and identities, such as banning books, and provides schools with resources to help create and foster environments that protect every student’s right to access equal education.
“Every student in New York is entitled to learn, grow, and discover in an environment free from discrimination or harassment,” said Attorney General James. “As states such as Texas, Florida, and Missouri are banning books and canceling classes, New York is making clear that diversity, equity, and inclusion will always be protected and central to our children’s education. We know that our kids and teachers thrive when they feel seen and heard, and I thank Commissioner Rosa and Chancellor Young for their partnership in supporting our communities.
If any student, parent, or teacher has concerns, I encourage them to contact my office.”
State and federal human rights laws prohibit discrimination in educational institutions on the basis of race, national origin, disability, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and age, among other protected classes. In addition, New York’s Dignity for All Students Act, which took effect in 2012 and was updated in 2021, requires that public schools create an educational environment where students are free to learn without fear of discrimination, harassment, or intimidation. In 2021, the Board of Regents adopted a policy urging districts to develop and implement policies and practices advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The guidance also warns schools and local education agencies against actions that may violate the law, including but not limited to: banning
books; prohibiting discussions of slavery, disability, or the LGBTQ+ community; preventing students from joining extracurricular activities or using specific facilities because they may not conform to gender stereotypes; barring a non-binary student from a single-gender extracurricular program; and forbidding natural hair or hairstyles most closely associated with Black people.
A school’s climate is one of the most critical predictive factors of its capacity to provide every student with an equal opportunity to learn and succeed, and the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and NYSED are committed to ensuring that students’ rights are protected at school. New Yorkers with information regarding misconduct such as discrimination or harassment in and out of the classroom are encouraged to contact OAG’s Civil Rights Bureau.
—Submitted by NYS Education Department
In just a few days, on the Jewish New Year known as Rosh Hashanah, the blast of the shofar will be heard. The High Holidays are a time that we Jews gather in prayer and concentrate on introspection. They are a time in which we give thanks for the ways we have been blessed and seize the chance to improve our relationships by making amends. During these Days of Awe, Jews acknowledge the Almighty as the creator and ruler of the universe, renew and strengthen their commitment to a spiritual way of life, and pray for a sweet, healthy and peaceful new year.
During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, as well as the days in between, Jews pray to be shown the mercy of our Creator’s forgiveness. They stand before the Omnipresent, knowingly sullied and impure, hoping that their supplications are enough to override any ways in which they have fallen out of favor. In
this day and age, I’d’ like to offer a word of caution to all Jews: If the Almighty grants us a place in the Book of Life in spite of our misdeeds, let’s not squander it by getting overly obsessed with the advanced technology that life has to offer. During these Ten Days of Repentance, it’s important that we remain focused on the spiritual, without getting consumed by all of gadgets, gizmos, and pleasures of
the physical world.
During the High Holidays this year, let’s remember the true source of wealth, inner happiness and peace of mind. Let’s remain focused on the individual path we will aim to traverse this year, both spiritually and physically. Our Creator has given each of us our own unique potential to see through, independent of any outside influences that may hinder or enhance our efforts. He is watching to see what we will accomplish on our own, and how many rungs we will climb upon our spiritual ladder. AI and technological developments like it or not truly have no part in the equation. The only things that matter are the ways we hold ourselves accountable and show ourselves to be morally responsible in this world.
This last year was one of
hardship for people everywhere. Too many of our friends and neighbors continue to struggle in the wake of difficult health and economic challenges. And beyond our borders, many of our closest allies face the uncertainties of an unpredictable age. As the High Holidays begin, however, we Jews look back on all of the moments during this past year that have given us reason to hope.
Around the world, a new generation is attempting to heal from the pandemic and its consequences, endeavoring to tackle challenges by focusing on what really matters – education, friendship, family and community. As Jewish tradition teaches us, we may not complete the work, but that must not keep all of us from trying. In that spirit, I wish you and your families a sweet year full of health, happiness, peace, and accomplishment.
L’Shana Tova Umtuka – Happy and Healthy New Year 5784!
The towns of Massapequa and Massapequa Park combine for almost 40,000 residents. That’s a lot of people and potential neighbors.
When Rex Heuermann was arrested in connection with the Gilgo Beach murders, it brought unwanted national attention to our town. Instead of being known as the home of All-American hamburgers and Jerry Seinfeld, Massapequa is also now the home of a suspected serial killer. Soon after, Heuermann’s quiet and previously obscure street became a tourist attraction, much like Ocean Avenue in Amityville for its connection to the “Amityville Horror” tragedies.
Neighbors came out of the woodwork to declare they didn’t know Heuermann. Other than one next-door neighbor who said he was cordial with him, nobody else would admit to talking to any family members. Heuermann, now 59, lived in that house his entire life, and nobody knew him? Maybe it’s just par for the course in today’s world.
I can’t begin to tell you how many people have asked me if I knew Rex, considering he lived just a few short blocks from me and was in my age group. Know Rex? I don’t even know the people who live across the street
Paul DiSclafani pdisco23@aol.com
from me.
When my family moved to Long Island during the Great Brooklyn Migration of the late ‘60s, my parents took great pains to meet and become good friends with our neighbors. The Codys were on one side and the Angermans on the other. Down the block were the Gattos and the Mulfords. Across the street were the Bagnatos, the Olsens, and the Schneiders. My mother made friends up and down our block, far past the immediate next-door neighbors.
As kids, we were drawn to the neighbors who had kids our age and made it our business to meet and be respectful of their parents. That opened new worlds to us, spreading beyond the confines of our block. Our friends
on Westgate Road included the Melos, Boyces, Klesses, and O’Neills.
Over time, those neighbors (and friends) relocated or passed on, and with them, the tradition of knowing your neighbors.
After taking inventory of the houses surrounding ours on Park Lane, it turns out I know very few of my neighbors. My mother lives next door, so that’s an easy one. We’ve known our other neighbors, the Gilligans, for over 30 years. I can also extend one more house in each direction, but I don’t have a clue after that.
The house directly across the street from us was recently renovated and sold. I don’t know about you, but I sometimes feel like a five-year-old because I rarely cross the street. I met the new owner briefly while sitting on my front porch with Louie the Labrador. We waved and acknowledged each other, exchanging a few pleasantries. But other than that, how do strangers become friendly neighbors nowadays?
I don’t see my wife and I showing up at their doorstep after they officially move in with a casserole dish and a bottle of wine like you see on those old sitcoms. I’m not even sure we even own a
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000
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casserole dish.
My oldest son, James, told me that many of his friends who have recently purchased homes have no association with their neighbors. Why is that? Why don’t people today take the time to know their neighbors anymore?
I guess people are much more guarded than before. Our generation coined the phrase “stranger danger” and drilled it into our kid’s heads at a very young age. As parents, we may have followed the same thought process regarding our neighbors.
Although some neighbors on Long Island organize “block” parties to get to know everyone on the block, that isn’t always the case. Many congregate with their guests on their property instead of coming together as intended. It seems like a wasted opportunity to finally meet the people with the Blue Honda or the couple with the cute front porch.
So, just to be clear, I never knew the suspected Gilgo Beach murderer. And for the record, I never knew any other celebrities from Massapequa, like Joey Buttafuocco, John Gotti, Jerry Seinfeld, or Alec Baldwin.
But I went to school with and became good friends with comedian Bob Nelson; I just never knew where he lived.
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those withdementiaandother neurodegenerativedisordersandtheircaregivers.
I am the Executive Director of Long Island Alzheimer’s and Dementia Center, located in Westbury, New York. I appreciate Legislator Bynoe’s commitment to those living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers and agree with her that Nassau County must act swiftly to lift the financial barriers to participating in Project Lifesaver.
Each year, LIAD Center serves more than 3,000 families across all our programs and services,
including our social adult day program; individual counseling and caregiver support groups; inhome respite care; and educational webinars on topics of concern to those who are coping with the progressive cognitive decline of a loved one. Many of our families have confided in us that the challenges of caring for their loved ones who are experiencing cognitive decline are exacerbated by the tremendous financial burden of coping with chronic illness. It saddens me
deeply to think that a percentage of our community would be unable to afford this potentially life-saving resource for their loved ones. This proposed legislation could potentially alleviate this financial burden for caregivers, and encourage them to allow their loved ones to participate in enrichment programming outside the home.
The Baby Boom generation has already begun to reach age 65 and beyond, the age range at greatest risk of Alzheimer’s Disease; in
fact, the oldest members of the baby boom generation turned 74 in 2020. As America’s first suburban home to the original Baby Boomers, it should come as no surprise that nearly 20 percent of Nassau County residents will be over 60 by the year 2040. The population of Nassau residents between ages 55 and 64 has increased 48 percent since 2000. Despite this, we are woefully behind the curve when it comes to addressing the challenges of
I’m excited to present this second installment of LIGHT For Charity, which is an acronym for Long Island Giving Help Together For Charity. I started this column to shine LIGHT on different Long Island based charities that you may not have previously known about, and to let you know how you can contribute to a great cause if you wish to do so. All of the charities I select for my columns are tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations. I have no affiliation with any of the charities and I am not responsible for any of their operations.
I had a great summer at camp, but realize that not everyone has
that opportunity. This is particularly so for children with special needs, where suitable programs are very hard to find. I therefore wanted to shine LIGHT on a really special charity called The Anchor Program Fund. The Anchor Program Fund is a charitable, nonprofit organization that collects money to fund operations of a summer camp run by the Town of Hempstead called Camp A.N.C.H.O.R. “A.N.C.H.O.R.” is an acronym that stands for “Answering the Needs of Citizens with Handicaps through Organized Recreation”.
Camp Anchor offers a 6-week summer recreation program in Lido Beach, designed to bring happiness to children with handicaps and special needs that could not be properly attended to by other camps. The camp is open Monday through Friday (10am-3pm) and provides round-trip transportation for its campers. Activities provided include sports, arts & crafts, home economics, drama, pool, dance, music, equine therapy and more. Campers are grouped based on age, needs and abilities. Camp Anchor currently has 32 different summer
helping this population remain in the community.
On behalf of the families we serve, I call upon Nassau county’s legislatures to swiftly bring the Chesnel Veillard Program to the floor . This common-sense proposal will help keep our participants— and all of Nassau County’s growing population of adults with dementia—safer as they age in place.
—Victoria Cohen, LCSW, Executive Director, Long Island Alzheimer’s and Dementia Centergroups, and each group has the opportunity to go on 2 field trips each summer. Family and friends of the campers are invited to visit to see the children perform in annual camp shows.
Camp Anchor brings smiles and happiness throughout summers to children with handicaps and special needs. For more information on how you can help the Camp A.N.C.H.O.R. Program (whether by donating or volunteering), please visit www.campanchor.org.
—Kayla Donnenfeld, shining a LIGHT for Charity
Upcycled home decor, an innovative and environmentally conscious approach to interior design, has gained signi cant popularity in recent years. It’s a creative way to transform discarded or unused items into unique and stylish decor pieces that not only enhance the aesthetics of your home but leads to being a responsible consumer. is trend goes beyond traditional recycling by adding a touch of creativity and personalization to everyday items.
Creativity takes center stage in upcycled decor projects. The process involves envisioning new uses and forms for old items, turning them into functional and aesthetically pleasing objects. An old ladder can become a stylish bookshelf, a vintage suitcase can transform into a charming coffee table, and discarded windows can find new life as decorative mirrors. This creative transformation not only adds character to your space but also sparks conversations about the history and story behind each piece.
For insight into this trending hobby, pastime, and sometimes even lucrative side gig, we spoke with Cathryn Mezzo, a multi-disciplined artist in Mineola who upcycles as a hobby for herself.
“Does the aesthetics attract my eye, its shape and design? There are several things that I look at when I am shopping for a piece,” Mezzo shared. “It may be obscured by a dark stain or ugly cushion. I try to ignore the superficial aspects like the color or the upholstery.”
While visualizing a furniture piece’s potential, Mezzo said the first thing she looks for is dovetailing on the drawers.
“That means it’s well-made, not screwed together and will easily fall apart. I look for a logo or name on it, inside a drawer, on the back or underneath the piece. Usually as I am in the shop, I Google it to get some information, to check the brand name or the value. I bought something with a logo inside and brass accents once. The brass knobs were so dirty that it was hard to tell it was brass until I got it home and started polishing it.” It was a mid-century modern piece, worth more than the money that she spent on it.
Upcycling also encourages a do-it-yourself (DIY) mindset. Engaging in upcycled decor projects allows you to
explore your creative side and develop practical skills.
“A good cleaning with soap and water, sometimes a cleaning with lemon oil on the wood will help to bring something back to life,” Mezzo said. “Then you can start to see what really needs attention.”
From sanding and painting to sewing and repurposing, you can learn various techniques that not only benefit your home but can also lead to new hobbies and passions. DIY upcycling can be a fulfilling way to spend your time, enhancing your living space while nurturing your creative abilities.
“I got a sander for Christmas, so I am willing to go a little further like sanding and repainting something myself before I look for outside help,” Mezzo said. “If it is something that is supposed to look a little rustic or bohemian, then I will do it myself.” YouTube is loaded with DIY tips and
tutorials to help restore nearly anything yourself. Most people draw the line at cosmetic fixes before seeking help from a professional like recaning, reupholstering, major woodworking repairs.
“If I am looking for something to be a highend finish, I leave that to the professionals,” Mezzo said.
Some of the quickest, most reliable resources to finding a good professional who specializes in the repairs you need are simply word-of-mouth. Ask a neighbor, post an “in search of” note on your neighborhood Facebook page and you are likely to uncover several suggestions.
Another advantage of upcycled decor is its affordability. Purchasing new furniture and decor items can be expensive, but upcycling provides a cost-effective alternative. Many
upcycling projects can be completed with minimal investment, often requiring just some basic tools, paint, and a healthy dose of imagination. This makes home decoration accessible to a wider range of individuals, regardless of their budget.
When you are in resale and thrift shops, or even get lucky and see something old curbside, it is easy to overlook a hidden gem. The ripped or worn fabric cushion, the wobbly leg or the stained armrest are all cosmetic and easily remedied. It usually costs less to make minor repairs and bring a piece back into luster than to spend top price on a brand-new equivalent, not to mention, that new piece will not survive half as many decades.
see UPCYCLE on page 6B
Find hidden gems to bring joy to your home decorDovetail Drawer Brass Knob An old school desk purchased in Vermont doubles as an amusing well-stocked bar in the dining room. School is definitely NOT in session. Photos by Cathryn Mezzo Originally dark brown with an unattractive cushion hiding its caned seat, this Italian chair was purchased for $35. The chair was professionally refinished in a creamy lacquer resulting in its sculptural appearance.
Kohler is a brand that consistently delivers innovative designs and customizable experiences. Celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, the company continues to o er what consumers need to feel comfortable and express their unique vision of home. Janine Gruen, showroom manager of the Kohler Signature Store by General Plumbing Supply in Manhasset, outlined the most recent updates.
For homeowners who are remodeling their bathroom or kitchen, the current looks are moving away from monochrome white or gray towards incorporating more natural wood. The fixtures also vary, with black or gold (or both!) providing a strong counterpoint to the clean, almost Scandinavian lines.
“In a kitchen and bathroom (remodel)
I am seeing a lot of natural wood and white, with gold and black fixtures. You know for a while everything was white and gray and I think people got a little tired of that monotonous thing. [Now we’re seeing] a lot of natural wood color as far as cabinetry. And then white (bathtubs and sinks) with either gold or black fixtures look really pretty,” said Gruen.
Kohler is working to connect its products to the Internet of Things, adding water control to smart home capabilities. This was introduced in 2018 and consists of smart connected plumbing fixtures including bathtubs, mirrors, shower heads, toilets, and shower valves. These new digital fixtures have WiFi capabilities, enabling voice assistant control through Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa or Apple HomeKit, and app control support via the Kohler Konnect app.
“There is something called Kohler Konnect. And that you control from your phone. You could set a time that you want the shower to start and you could give it directions. There’s also something new called h2wise. And that’s great if they are on vacation because it measures the water you are using. If they only want their kids to
take a 10-minute shower, they could control that from the outside. If someone has a leak in their house it will alert them to the fact that there is water running in their home. So that’s a nice feature too.” Gruen said.
Kohler has been collaborating with artists on their designs for some time. This ongoing project allows for some truly innovative choices, such as the collection developed with design firm SR_A and Dr. Samuel Ross. The Artist Daniel Arsham created a limited edition, 3D printed bathroom sink called Rock.01 that mimics natural shapes. The vessel sink 18.02, by Janet Echelman, was inspired by the molecular structure of water. There are also the Global collections, with painted designs by four female artists from around the world.
To celebrate the milestone anniversary, Kohler held a contest to bring back two of its iconic colors from the vault.
They collected more than 100,000 votes and narrowed the choices down to the two winners: “The colors that won were peachblow and spring green, so you’ll be seeing some of that being introduced into the stores, toilets and things in those retro colors.” Gruen said. This collection will allow homeowners to coordinate their toilet, sink, and shower in bold colorways that harken back to the ‘20s and ‘30s.
These modern, streamlined shapes in multiple finishes allow for almost endless variety, creating a truly custom experience that can meet every customer’s needs. Two of the most popular finishes are matte black and gunmetal. Referred to by Kohler as a ‘living finish,’ gunmetal will develop a blue-hued patina over time, while matte black’s color will remain a durable, powdercoat finish.
Kohler Konnect lets you control your water use from your device.
UPCYCLE from page 3B
Upcycled decor pieces are inherently unique and personalized. Since you’re working with items that have a history, each finished project carries a story.
“I have been upcycling decor forever, definitely since I got married, more than 30 years ago,” Mezzo said. “The first thing that I acquired were my husband’s grandmother’s chairs that are still my dining room chairs today.”
The chairs date back to the 1940s.
“We just recently had them refinished and reupholstered,” Mezzo said. “I always loved them because they have this beautiful carved backrest, in addition to the sentimental value.”
The bones of furniture made before the 1960s that are still in existence are of amazing craftsmanship.
“These chairs are rock solid,” Mezzo said. “Chairs now are not as well made; they are not as heavy, and they are always very expensive.”
Whether it’s a table made from reclaimed wood, or a lampshade crafted from old maps, your decor becomes a reflection of your individuality and taste. These pieces can’t be replicated in mass production, ensuring that your home truly stands out.
Embracing upcycled home decoration also encourages a shift away from the throwaway culture that has become so prevalent in modern society. It promotes a
sense of mindful consumption and a deeper appreciation for the value of items. Rather than discarding things at the first sign of wear, upcycling urges you to see potential in the old and to extend the lifespan of your belongings.
Upcycled home decoration offers benefits that extend beyond aesthetics. It’s a sustainable and creative way to decorate your living space while minimizing environmental impact. Through upcycling, you transform discarded items into cherished decor pieces,
each with its own story to tell. This practice encourages resourcefulness, creativity, and a sense of responsibility towards the environment, all while allowing you to create a home that’s uniquely yours. Whether you’re repurposing old furniture or breathing new life into forgotten trinkets, upcycled decor embodies the beauty of innovation and sustainability in interior design.
There are literally hundreds of thrift, resale and consignment shops, not only in Nassau County, but across Long Island
in any direction. It is nearly impossible to list every one of them. In addition to curbside on garbage night, eBay, of course, Facebook Marketplace and local online sale groups, here are a couple of places to start looking.
· St. Vincent De Paul in Garden City Park
· Savers in Hempstead
· United Methodist Church Thrift in Floral Park
· Wilson’s Dry Dock in Glen Cove
· Long Island Trading Post in Bellmore
Upcycling revolves around the idea of repurposing items that might otherwise end up in landfills. Old furniture, salvaged wood, vintage clothing, discarded glass bottles and various odds and ends can find new life as stunning decor elements. From small decorative accents to larger statement pieces, the possibilities are as diverse as the items themselves.
One of the primary benefits of upcycled home decor is its positive impact on the environment. By reusing materials, you reduce the demand for new resources and minimize the resources needed for manufacturing and transportation. This reduction in waste and carbon footprint aligns with a more sustainable lifestyle and helps combat the environmental challenges.
Visit www.cathrynmezzo.com and mezzoartanddesign.com to learn more about Mezzo’s work. Follow her on Instagram (@cmezzoart) for her daily updates and artistic revelations.
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As the crisp air and vibrant colors of fall usher in a new season, decorating your yard naturally can create a warm and inviting atmosphere that celebrates the beauty of this time of year. By incorporating elements from nature and embracing the essence of autumn, you can transform your outdoor space into a captivating and cozy retreat.
Utilize the abundance of nature’s bounty during the fall harvest. Display pumpkins, gourds, and squashes of various sizes and colors along pathways, steps, or on rustic wooden benches. These natural elements instantly evoke the spirit of autumn and provide a warm welcome to visitors.
Let the changing leaves be your canvas. Gather fallen leaves in rich hues of red, orange, and gold, and arrange them in woven baskets or scatter them along walkways. You can also create leaf garlands to drape across fences or porch railings, bringing the vibrant colors of fall closer to your living space.
Incorporate rustic elements like cornstalks and hay bales for an authentic fall feel. Prop cornstalks against the sides of your porch or door, and arrange hay bales as seating or as platforms for displaying other decorations.
Choose late-blooming flowers like chrysanthemums, marigolds, and asters to add bursts of color to your yard. Plant them in decorative pots or planters, and strategically place them around your outdoor space to create focal points.
Create charming pathways using pinecones, acorns, or small stones. Arrange them in patterns or shapes on the ground to guide visitors through your yard while highlighting the season’s treasures.
Beyond traditional carving, consider decorating pumpkins in various creative ways. Paint them with intricate patterns, use natural materials like twigs and leaves to craft unique designs, or stack them to create playful pumpkin “sculptures.”
Embrace the cozy ambiance of fall evenings with warm and gentle lighting. Use lanterns, string lights, or candles placed safely in glass containers to cast a soft glow across your yard.
Get creative with DIY projects using natural materials. Craft wreaths from
dried leaves and twigs, make garlands using pinecones and twine, or create a centerpiece by arranging branches and berries in a decorative vase.
Set up an inviting seating area where you can relax and enjoy the autumnal surroundings. Arrange outdoor furniture with cozy cushions and blankets, encouraging friends and family to gather for warm conversations and leisurely moments.
The beauty of fall lies in its simplicity. Let the natural elements shine by avoiding clutter and allowing the colors and textures of the season to take center stage.
By decorating your yard naturally for fall, you not only enhance the visual appeal of your outdoor space but also connect with the rhythms of nature. Embrace the charm of this season by incorporating these ideas, and let your yard become a testament to the splendor of autumn’s offerings.
roughout history, humans have often turned to superstitions as a way to bring comfort and a sense of control in the face of the unknown. Even in the modern world, where science and technology dominate, superstitions still nd their place, especially in areas as fundamental as homebuilding. Homebuilders and homeowners have held onto various superstitions, passed down through generations, as they embark on the journey of creating a safe and harmonious dwelling. Here are ve intriguing homebuilding superstitions, each with its own unique origin and signi cance.
One of the most well-known homebuilding superstitions involves the doorstep or threshold of a new home. It is believed that when entering a new home for the first time, it is essential to carry a loaf of bread, a pinch of salt, and a sprig of greenery. This ritual is thought to bring luck and prosperity to the new inhabitants. The bread symbolizes sustenance, the salt wards off evil spirits, and the greenery represents growth and vitality.
This superstition has its origins in ancient times when people believed in protective deities and spirits that dwelled in the thresholds of their homes. By placing offerings of food and greenery, individuals sought to appease these spirits and gain their favor. Over time these practices evolved into a more standardized ritual, even as the beliefs in spirits waned. Today, even those who don’t believe in supernatural forces often uphold this tradition, respecting it as a cultural and familial legacy.
The superstition of lucky numbers is pervasive in various cultures around the world, and it extends to the realm of homebuilding as well. In many cultures, the number 7 is considered highly auspicious. When constructing a new home, some individuals go to great lengths to incorporate the number 7 into their house number, the total number of rooms, or even the dimensions of certain rooms.
The origin of this superstition can be traced back to ancient civilizations, including the Babylonians and Egyptians, who believed that certain numbers held mystical or divine significance. The number 7 was often associated with completeness, perfection, and spiritual harmony. This belief was further reinforced by its appearances in religious texts and cultural practices.
The number 7’s reputation for luck has been embraced even by those who do not adhere to religious or supernatural beliefs. It has become a symbol of harmony and balance in home design, often used to create a sense of calm and tranquility within living spaces.
The superstition of incorporating oak and ivy into the construction of a new home is another intriguing practice. According to this belief, planting an oak tree on one side of the house and ivy on the other side is said to bring protection, strength and lasting love to the household. The oak is seen as a symbol of stability and protection, while ivy represents fidelity and growth.
This superstition has its roots in ancient Celtic and Germanic traditions, where both oak and ivy were revered as sacred plants. These plants were associated with powerful deities and were believed to possess magical properties. Oak trees, with their long lifespan and sturdy nature, were considered to have protective qualities, while ivy’s ability to cling and grow symbolized the enduring bonds of love and unity.
Incorporating oak and ivy into the home’s surroundings was believed to create a harmonious environment that would foster strong family connections and shield the inhabitants from negative energies. Even today, many homeowners choose to embrace this tradition, either symbolically by using oak and ivy motifs in decorations or practically by planting these plants near their homes.
The superstition of hanging a horseshoe above the entrance to a new home is prevalent in many cultures. The horseshoe is often positioned with the open end facing upward to catch and hold good luck. This belief dates back to medieval times when iron was considered a protective material against evil spirits and supernatural forces.
The origin of the lucky horseshoe superstition can be traced to a blend of folklore and practicality. Iron was believed to possess magical properties that could ward off malevolent spirits, making the horseshoe a natural choice for protection. Horseshoes were readily available and easily repurposed, making them a practical choice for inclusion in homebuilding rituals.
One common superstition in homebuilding involves breaking a bottle of wine or champagne against the foundation of a new house. This ritual is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil
spirits. The origin of this tradition dates back to ancient cultures, particularly the Greeks and Romans. In these societies, it was customary to pour libations to honor gods and seek their favor. The act of breaking a bottle symbolized the release of positive energy and the invitation of divine protection.
Over time, this practice transformed into a more symbolic gesture, and the breaking of a bottle evolved into a way of inaugurating a new home with positive vibes. The act of shattering the bottle against the foundation became associated with the hope for a happy and prosperous future in the new dwelling.
Homebuilding superstitions offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of human beliefs and practices. These rituals, originating from diverse cultures and time periods, reveal our shared desire for protection, harmony and good fortune as we embark on the journey of creating a home. Whether through breaking bottles, incorporating lucky numbers, or invoking the power of nature, these superstitions remind us of the fascinating ways in which our beliefs shape the spaces we inhabit.
Discover the latest gems in home decor with this season’s book releases. Immerse yourself in innovative design concepts, sustainable trends, and expert tips to elevate your living spaces. From minimalist chic to cozy maximalism, these books o er fresh perspectives, making your home a canvas of style, comfort and personality.
Ralph Lauren A Way of Living: Home, Design, Inspiration
A stunning celebration of Ralph Lauren’s signature home collections—including the designer’s own homes—which have inspired the world of interior design for nearly half a century.
The cinematic vision of Lauren is brought to life with a stunning and intimately written book that spans decades of innovation and influence by the iconic American designer. Ralph Lauren: A Way of Living, published by Rizzoli New York, commemorates the 40th anniversary of the
home collection with the first comprehensive volume dedicated to the signature style of Lauren and his pioneering lifestyle approach to design. From trailblazing innovations that revolutionized the home industry to conceptualizing residential retailing and perfecting the art of hospitality, Lauren has created a multifaceted world that evokes emotion and inspires a more beautiful way of life.
Heidi Caillier: Memories of Home: Interiors
In her debut book, designer Heidi Caillier shows how to mix moody color with layers of pattern, natural materials, and textures to
Summer and backyarding—the act of taking our indoor life outside—go hand in hand. This time of year especially, the backyard beckons for entertaining, working, exercising, relaxing and reconnecting. But those looking to make improvements to their family yard for even more backyarding fun this summer need to avoid some common backyard renovation mistakes.
Here are the top backyarding renovation mistakes to avoid:
• Not considering your yard’s full potential.
• Planting fake grass.
• Forgetting the “right plant, right place” rule.
• Not treating your yard like part of the connected ecosystem.
• Not utilizing community green spaces.
• Failing to keep safety in mind.
—Image and content courtesy of TurfMutt Foundation
create spaces that are both beautifully curated and comfortably livable.
Caillier believes that our homes should create a sense of place, and serve as the setting for lifelong memories. In her first book, she shares 12 houses from across the country, from the islands of Puget Sound to the Berkshires. The rooms of these houses are simultaneously nostalgic and of the moment. Caillier is a master of mixing patterns, combining florals with graphic lines and shapes, as well as using deeper, muddy colors to create coziness and warmth. There is a tension between masculine and feminine, modern and traditional as vintage pieces mingle with contemporary to create spaces that feel intrinsically inviting and effortlessly designed.
The long-awaited design book from Shea McGee, beautifully showcasing all that is possible for every room of your home.
of her new book suggests, designing rooms for maximum impact while also remaining approachable to any who enter is an art. But it’s also a skill that can be learned because it’s inside each one of us.
Erin Napier, designer, host of HGTV’s Home Town, and author of Make
Today, returns with a gorgeously illustrated and one-of-a-kind celebration of the homes we live in and love. Co-authored with her husband, Ben, the duo share a collection of essays walking us through every room in their home, telling the story of a family’s life, of the days that made their home the place she longs for when she’s away.
Our homes are more than an assemblage of bricks and glass, wood and nails.
Whether it’s through her thriving design business, Studio McGee, her popular Netflix series, Dream Home Makeover, or her online community of over five million followers, McGee has shown the world how the principles of high-end design can be applied to any home. As the title
They are the keepers of our childhood memories, our milestones, and heartaches. They evolve as we do. As a family grows and eventually retracts, a home can change hands and begin again. We are the chapters in the book of a house. They carry on after we are gone, setting the stage for another story, a new life, new memories.
—Descriptions and images courtesy of the respective publisher or Amazon. Compiled by Christy Hinko.
In recent years, a distinctive trend in home decor has emerged, captivating homeowners and interior design enthusiasts alike. e “man cave” trend has taken root, transforming traditional notions of interior design and rede ning the way people create and personalize their living spaces. A man cave is a dedicated space within a home, often designed with a masculine aesthetic and lled with items that re ect the occupant’s passions, hobbies, and interests. is trend is more than just a decorative style; it’s a manifestation of individuality, a space where one can retreat and recharge while surrounded by elements that resonate with their identity.
The concept of the man cave can be traced back to the idea of having a private space for relaxation, entertainment, and self-expression. Traditionally, these spaces were relegated to the basement or garage, serving as a workshop or a place for hobbies that may not align with the aesthetics of the main living areas. Over time, the man cave has evolved into a legitimate design trend, prompting a reimagining of how these spaces are utilized and styled.
One of the defining characteristics of the man cave trend is its emphasis on personalization. These spaces are often a reflection of the occupant’s interests
and passions, ranging from sports memorabilia and vintage arcade games to home theaters and even sophisticated cocktail bars. This level of customization empowers individuals to create an environment that resonates with them on a deep level, fostering a sense of belonging and comfort within their own homes.
The man cave trend draws inspiration from various sources. Industrial aesthetics, with their raw materials and rugged textures, are often incorporated to lend a masculine vibe. Exposed brick walls, metal accents, and reclaimed wood are frequently utilized to create a sense of authenticity and character. Color palettes tend to be rich and
earthy, featuring tones of deep blues, dark grays, and warm browns, which contribute to the cozy and inviting atmosphere of these spaces.
Another intriguing aspect of the man cave trend is its multifunctionality. While these spaces are often associated with relaxation and leisure, they are not limited to any specific purpose. A man cave can seamlessly blend entertainment, productivity, and personal growth. It can house a well-equipped home gym for fitness enthusiasts, a dedicated library for avid readers, or a recording studio for musicians. This adaptability adds to the trend’s appeal, as it caters to a wide range of interests and lifestyles.
Moreover, the man cave trend challenges traditional gender norms and encourages a more inclusive approach to interior design. While the term may suggest a space exclusively for men, the trend has evolved to encompass all genders and identities. Everyone deserves a space where they can freely express themselves and indulge in activities that bring them joy, regardless of societal expectations. In an era where self-care and mental
well-being are paramount, the man cave trend offers a unique solution for creating personal sanctuaries within the confines of one’s own home. These spaces serve as reminders that amidst life’s demands, carving out time and space for oneself is not only permissible but essential. By embracing this trend, individuals are taking a conscious step towards self-discovery and self-nurturing.
The man cave home decor trend has evolved from a modest concept to a transformative movement within interior design. By allowing individuals to create customized spaces that celebrate their passions and interests, the trend has redefined the way people relate to their homes. Whether it’s a high-tech entertainment hub, a serene meditation room, or a collector’s paradise, the man cave trend exemplifies the power of design to shape environments that foster self-expression, relaxation, and personal growth. As homes continue to evolve into holistic spaces that support various aspects of life, the man cave trend stands as a testament to the significance of creating spaces that resonate with the essence of who we are.
All levels welcome. Adults and Teens 16+
Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 10 am-12:30 pm and 1:30-4 pm
Fall Session I (7 weeks)
September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24
Fall Session II (7 weeks)
November 7, 14, 21, 28, December 5, 12, 19
Thursdays: 10 am-12:30 pm
Fall Session I (7 weeks)
September 14, 21, 28, October 5, 12, 19, 26
Fall Session II (7 weeks)
November 2, 9, 16, 30, December 7, 14, 21
Tuesdays: 9:30 am-12 pm
Fall Session I (6 weeks)
September 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24
Fall Session II (6 weeks)
November 7, 14, 21, 28, December 5, 12
Tuesdays: 1-3:30 pm
Fall Session I (6 weeks)
September 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24
Fall Session II (6 weeks)
November 7, 14, 21, 28, December 5, 12
Wednesdays: 10 am-1 pm
Fall Session I (6 weeks)
September 20, 27, October 4, 11, 18, 25
Fall Session II (6 weeks)
November 1, 8, 15, 29, December 6, 13
Thursdays: 9:30 am-12 pm
Fall Session II (6 weeks)
November 2, 9, 16, 30, December 7, 14
New data reveals the states spending the least amount of money on home improvements in America.
The study, conducted by Contractor Growth Network, analyzed home improvement expenditures compared to the median household income across every state, as reported in the Consensus Business Builder between December 2021 to December 2022.
1Mississippi Mississippi is spending the least amount of money on home improvements. The state, which has a population of 2.95 million, is spending an estimated $2,547 per year on renovations, which is 5.1 percent of the median household income ($49,111).
In second place is Arkansas. The state is home to three million people, where households spend $2,705 per year on home improvements. This is 5.1 percent of the median household income in Arkansas, $52,123.
3West Virginia West Virginia, home to 1.7 million people, takes the bronze medal. The median household income is $50,884, and each household spends 5.4 percent of its median income on home makeovers, totaling $2,770 per year.
4Louisiana Louisiana comes in fourth place. The southern state, with a population of 4.6 million, spends 5.2 percent of the median
household income ($53,571) on home improvements, totaling $2,834 annually.
5New Mexico
New Mexico takes fifth place. Home to 2.1 million people with a median household income of $54,020, households spend $2,839 annually on home improvements. This equates to 5.2 percent of the median annual income.
In sixth place is Kentucky. The state, with a total population of 4.5 million, has a median household income of $55,454; each household spends $2,845 on home improvements, totaling 5.1 percent of the median household income.
7Alabama Alabama comes in seventh place as the state spending the least on home improvements. The
• Mississippi crowned the state spending the least on home improvements, totaling 5.1 percent of the median household income.
• Arkansas, West Virginia, Louisiana and New Mexico round out the top five.
• The study analyzed home improvement expenditures compared to the median household income across the country.
state, which has a population of 5 million, spends an estimated $2,874 per year on home renovations. This is 5.2 percent of the median household income of Alabama ($54,943).
In eighth place, with a population of 3.9 million, Oklahoma households spend an estimated $2,935 on home makeovers. The data shows that this amounts to 5.1 percent of the median household income, which is $56,956.
With a population of 6.8 million, Indiana households spend $2,967 on yearly home improvements. This is 4.7 percent of the median household income,
which is $61,944, the lowest out of the top 10 list.
10Ohio Ohio is the 10th state spending the most on home improvements across America. Home to 11.7 million people, households in this state spend an estimated $3,034 annually; this is 4.8 percent of the median household income ($61,938).
A spokesperson at Contractor Growth Network has commented: “There has never been a better time to renovate property in America. In fact, research shows that home improvement market sales amounted to $558.3 billion in 2022, further projected to reach $621.3 billion by 2025.
“This study highlights the states investing the least amount of money in home improvements. However, while these states pay less than others, the percentage of the money paid compared to median household income is similar, if not the same or higher, as the states spending the most on home improvements.
“Therefore, this study suggests that while these states spend less on home improvements, all areas across the country reserve a similar proportion of household income to spend.”
—Submitted by Contractor Growth Network
What do UFOs, LIV Golf, artificial intelligence, and IRS whistleblowers all have in common? They are just a few of the subjects addressed in the more than 1,000 congressional hearings held in 2023 thus far. While the number of congressional hearings held each year can vary widely, depending on factors such as legislative agenda, issues requiring oversight and the political climate, the 118th Congress is on pace to be one of the busiest on record.
remain an essential part of the legislative process because they allow for lawmakers to gather information useful in their decision-making. For US citizens, open hearings on policy matters allow us to witness elected officials in action and listen to expert testimony firsthand. This level of accessibility underscores the principles of transparency into the legislative process and public engagement.
For most of us, these hearings can be frustrating to watch. The amount of political grandstanding and filibustering that occurs can leave the average person exhausted – and the fact that few result in a new law causes one to become disinterested in the entire process. Having said all this, congressional hearings play an essential role in promoting democratic principles, accountability and public engagement, and are more than just a distinctive feature of the US government. The frequency and openness of these hearings, combined with their unique scope and powers, distinguishes the US government from all other countries and serves to protect, We the People. For congressional members, hearings
Equally as important, hearings are a vehicle for congressional members to fulfill their oversight responsibilities. Congressional committees have significant powers of investigation, including issuing subpoenas, compelling witnesses to testify under oath, and accessing sensitive documents – all required tools for achieving accountability and providing public awareness.
While other countries may have their own forms of legislative scrutiny, the scale and visibility of US congressional hearings is unparalleled. We do ourselves a disservice when we fail to appreciate this powerful mechanism that citizens in other countries would welcome the opportunity to have.
Concerned residents and state lawmakers recently hosted a rally to call for the appointment of a dedicated Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) president. The event, which took place in response to growing concerns about the current management structure, highlighted the urgency of focusing on the needs of the largest commuter railroads in the nation.
Following the retirement of the previous president in February 2023, the present management arrangement involves a single individual overseeing both the Metro North and Long Island Rail Road. However, voices from the community have expressed concerns about the apparent lack of attention given to such a demanding rail system.
The discontinuation of the 20-trip LIRR ticket plan was a poignant illustration of the necessity of a devoted LIRR president. The consequences of this decision have disproportionately affected hybrid workers and remote students, who heavily relied on the plan’s affordability and flexibility. This action imposed an additional financial burden on regular commuters and posed a potential
threat to the use of public transportation, which could exacerbate congestion and environmental pollution.
During the rally, Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages and other lawmakers emphasized the urgency of filling the vacant LIRR leadership position with an individual who can fully dedicate their energy to the task.
Senator Kevin Thomas stated “the Long Island Rail Road needs a full-time President whose expertise and energy can go solely towards ensuring efficient and reliable service. Leaving Metro North and LIRR with a shared President raises legitimate worries about their ability to support both railways. This is not just about a position. It’s about a genuine commitment to the well-being of residents and the growth of our region. I join my colleagues in urging the MTA to appoint a permanent LIRR President as soon as possible.”
Senator Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick stated “One only has to look at the deteriorated condition of the Valley Stream LIRR Station to see the fiscal mismanagement of the MTA system. Our community can no
longer shoulder the weight of haphazard taxes and tolls while enduring the elimination of the one-way Atlantic Terminal ticket. The MTA must take responsibility for the excessive burden they’ve imposed on Long Island.”
Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti stated, “I have developed a working relationship with Interim President Catherine Rinaldi, but we need more than interim leadership. Whether it’s Ms. Rinaldi or someone else, we deserve someone who can focus their attention — full-time — on the busiest commuter rail system in the country. With the large-scale changes implemented this year, we must have a singularly dedicated President running the Long Island Rail Road.”
Assemblywoman Taylor Darling echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the significance of a tailored approach to the Long Island community’s transportation needs. “Long Island is a unique and special place. With such a diverse population, infrastructure like the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) must have proper and adequate oversight to ensure our communities are adequately
cared for as they commute. In unity with Assemblywoman Michaelle C. Solages and fellow members of the Assembly, I wholeheartedly endorse the appointment of a President to oversee LIRR operations exclusively. This step is essential to ensure the railroad system continues serving our communities effectively.”
“As the busiest commuter railroad in North America, the LIRR demands a president that will focus fully on ensuring its efficiency,” said Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square). “Just as a train needs a conductor to steer it towards its destination, the LIRR needs a capable and dedicated president.”
Assemblywoman Michaelle C. Solages expressed her gratitude to all who participated in the press conference, saying, “Today’s event underscores our community’s commitment to ensuring the vitality of our transportation infrastructure. The Long Island Rail Road is a lifeline for so many residents, and we must have dedicated leadership to chart its course.”
—Submitted by the Office of Assemblymember Solages
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Suspense is in the air as you plan your next move. No one knows what your play is going to be, and though you may have worked it out carefully, even you are buzzing with anticipation. is is most of the fun right here, the rush of adrenaline and your heart beating with the dangerous possibilities... like winning!
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ll collaborate so well this week that you’ll hardly notice where your own knowledge ends and the knowledge of others begins. In a group of strong talents, this shouldn’t be a problem. It will be better not to worry too much about individual credit and instead pretend the group is one mind working toward a single agreed-upon goal.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Compromise doesn’t have to mean one person’s happiness is diminished. You’ll place the needs of others on par with or above your own this week. ough it causes you to juggle your priorities, you’ll be happier for it. Your graciousness tips o a chain of events and you’ll be welcome in new places.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Who is easier to forgive, yourself or others? Who is easier to work for, compromise for, impress or disappoint? Who is easier to love? Your attitude and circumstances improve in equal measure to your treatment of yourself. To discuss or journal on the topic will bring a breakthrough for you at this insightful time.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Life is a balancing act that you perform like a cat -- with improbable moves and a sort of grace that surprises everyone, even yourself, with its ability to stick the landing. You don’t have to know how you’re going to manage; it’s less of an intellectual process than you might imagine. You just have to trust that you will.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). People who are a good t for you may not have the same opinion as you, but you’ll share values. You’ll hear a person’s preferences and interests early in a relationship, but values take longer to reveal themselves, especially the important ones like honesty, integrity and graciousness. Take your time and you’ll get the t.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Desire is like a cosmic lighting director. Possible routes to the wanted thing become illuminated, and everything else recedes to the shadows. It’s good for getting what you desire, but bad for seeing all. On your way to getting what you want, it is lucky to employ the eyes of objective parties for the sake of perspective.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your feelings are a tidal ebb, pulling away from the shore of a relationship, giving the space to the scene while you gather yourself in some deep center. All is oxygenated by the way life moves. You are healthy and vibrant this week as you give up some of your resistance to the natural back and forth.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). ere is no single person in charge of holding all the pieces of this grand puzzle together. You’ll be reminded how you need your teammates even when you don’t agree with one another -- and this week, disagreement expressed in a respectful, organized and mediated way is especially healthy for the group.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your emotional intelligence is a service to those around you. You sense things like sadness without drawing too much attention to the state. You help others feel better without making them feel vulnerable or embarrassed about what they’re going through. rough empathy you create meaningful connections. Your presence brings solace.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). As you adapt to the ever-changing circumstances, it is natural that there will be trying moments -- even failing moments. Negative feelings will melt away this week as you give yourself compassion when you nd out what doesn’t work. It’s the action or strategy that didn’t work, not you, so there’s no need to personalize every part of the process.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Loved ones will involve you in what could be thought of as a stressful situation, or you could see the scene as a chance to prioritize di erently, handle challenges and learn through the process. Your connection to others inspires, organizes and builds you. As you solve problems, virtues like tolerance and compassion emerge.
Your power grows this trip around the sun, and some will even think of you as an entity because you symbolize something larger than an individual. ough others consider you self-actualized, you’ve yet to scratch the surface of what it means to be you. You’ll explore new meanings by learning skills, forging relationships and operating in new territories. More highlights: Your eye for collecting pays o . Something you own is worth way more than you think. You will have easy friendship, amazing chemistry and ful lling work.
Solution: 19 Letters
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
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who’s been to the wars before, decides to protect against a possible 4-1 trump division by crossing to the queen of clubs at trick two in order to lead a low heart toward dummy’s J-4.
This works out nicely when West goes up with the queen and leads another spade. South wins with dummy’s king, cashes the jack of trump, leads the queen of diamonds to his ace, draws West’s remaining trumps and claims the rest of the tricks and his slam.
West goes home bemoaning his ill fortune in having encountered a South who found the way to hold himself to one trump loser. But later that night, West suddenly realizes he could have defeated the slam.
All he had to do, after winning the queen of hearts at trick three, was to return the king of diamonds! It would then have been impossible for South to score 12 tricks.
Consider this deal where West leads a spade against six hearts. Dummy wins with the queen, and if declarer now plays the A-K of trump, hoping for a 3-2 trump division, he goes down one.
Instead, let’s assume that South,
He could take the diamond king with the ace and cash the jack of hearts and queen of diamonds, but then he would not have been able to exit the dummy without allowing West to score a second trump trick.
Unfortunately, West’s king-ofdiamonds return came a few hours too late.
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
A Nassau County nonpro t organization is seeking sealed bids for purchase and installation of security related enhancements. The project includes installation of security lm to protect vulnerable windows. Selection criteria will be based on knowledge of security technology, provide and install the equipment within our time constraints, prior experience and references, cost. NYS MWBE certi cation a plus. Speci cations and bid requirements can be obtained by contacting us at: gnsecdoors@gmail.com.
All interested rms will be required to sign for the proposal documents and provide primary contact, telephone, fax and email address. Bids will be accepted until 5pm on 9/25/23 and work is to commence by: 10/2/23 and be completed no later than 10/31/23.
Teachers, Aides & Nurses should ll out an application at www.gardencity.k12.ny.us. Human
& Leadership Development tab, employment opportunities. SUBSTITUTE: Cleaners & Drivers can call 516-478-1900 to apply.
Description: The
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Federal, New York State and local laws prohibit discrimination because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, familial status, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability in connection with the rental, sale or nancing of real estate. Nassau
prohibits source of income discrimination. Anton Community Newspapers does not knowingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect housing discrimination, call Long Island Housing Services’ Discrimination Complaint Line at 800-6606920. (Long Island Housing Services is the Fair Housing Agency of Nassau and Suffolk Counties.)
The Sixth Squad reports the details of a robbery that occurred on Tuesday, Sept. 5, at 1:55 p.m. in East Hills. According to detectives, a female victim, 36, stopped for gas at the Mobile Gas Station located at 449 Glen Cove Rd. The victim had asked an unknown female subject to move her U-Haul truck in order for the victim to pull her vehicle up to the gas pump. The female subject did strike the victim to the ground. At which point two unknown male subjects exited the U-Haul truck and one of the subjects also began to kick, punch, and strike the victim. The female subject then ripped a necklace from the victim’s neck. All three subjects entered the U-Haul and fled westbound on the Long Island Expressway South Service Road. The female victim refused medical attention at scene. The investigation is ongoing.
The first suspect is described as a black female wearing white T-shirt, black biker shorts, and black/white sneakers.
The second suspect is described as a black male with short dreads wearing black shorts and baby blue
basketball shorts.
The third suspect is described as a black male wearing a white tank top, black shorts, and white sneakers.
Pictured here two of the suspects. Detectives request anyone with information regarding the above listed crime to contact Nassau County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-TIPS or to call 911. All callers will remain anonymous.
—Submitted by the Nassau County Police Department
U.S. News and World Report has issued its annual report on the Top 1,000 high schools in the United States for the year 2023.
Three schools from the Roslyn area — Herricks High School, The Wheatley School, and North Shore High School — were among them. Herricks stood as number 257 on the list, while The Wheatley School was number 305 and North Shore at 335.
Overall, 23 Long Island high schools were in the Top 1,000. Sixteen came from Nassau County, seven from Suffolk County. The top ten from Long Island were: Jericho High School (104), Garden City High School (199), Great Neck South High School (205), Manhasset Secondary School (251), Herricks High School (257), Cold Spring Harbor High School (268), The Wheatley School (305), North Shore High School (335), Syosset High School (336) and Half Hollow Hills High School East (367).
“I congratulate the entire
Herricks school community on this outstanding designation,” said Herricks Superintendent of Schools Dr. Fino Celano. “This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, staff, parents and greater community.”
The top five in Suffolk are: Cold Spring Harbor High School (268); Half Hollow Hills High School East in Dix Hills (367); Harborfields High School in Greenlawn (373); Half Hollow Hills High School West in Dix Hills (561), and Babylon Junior-Senior High School (846).
The 2023 Best High Schools
edition evaluated nearly 18,000 public high schools at the national, state and local level.
The rankings, according to U.S. News and World Report, are based on six factors: college readiness, reading and math proficiency, reading and math performance, underserved student performance, college curriculum breadth and graduation rates.
“Having access to a strong high school program is paramount for students as they face an ever-changing world,” says Liana Loewus, managing editor of education at U.S. News in a statement. “Making data on our high schools available helps parents ensure
their child is in the educational environment that best sets them up to thrive,” she added.
The highest ranked public schools in the 2023-2024 Best High Schools national rankings, the publication added, are those whose students achieved exceptional scores on state assessments for math, reading and science. These schools also had strong underserved student performance, college readiness and curriculum breadth, as well as graduation rates.
The top 10 nationwide are: The Early College at Guilford (NC), Signature School (IN), School for Advanced Studies
Roslyn Board of Education
President Meryl Waxman
Ben-Levy and Superintendent Allison Brown welcomed the entire faculty and staff back to the district for two Superintendent Conference Days, held Aug. 30 and 31.
“Each year on this day, my heart is filled with joy and gratitude as I look out and see the entire educational staff assembled together,” said Brown. “It is my honor to lead this district and I am so grateful to have such a wise, dedicated, and experienced staff.”
“On behalf of the entire Board of Education, I want to express our deepest gratitude for the dedication and passion that our faculty and staff bring to the district,” said Waxman Ben-Levy. “As always, we remain steadfast in our commitment to ensure that every student thrives.”
—Submitted by the Roslyn School District
(FL), The Davidson Academy of Nevada (NV), Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (VA), The School for the Talented and Gifted (TX), Tesla STEM High School (WA), Academic Magnet High School (SC), Oxford Academy (CA), and Payton College Preparatory High School (IL).
The top Charter schools are: Signature School Inc (IN), BASIS Peoria (AZ), Albuquerque Institute of Math & Science (NM), BASIS Scottsdale (AZ), and BASIS Oro Valley (AZ).
The top Magnet schools are: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (VA), The School for the Talented and Gifted (TX), Tesla STEM High School (WA), Academic Magnet High School (SC), and International Academy of Macomb (MI).
Finally, the top STEM schools are: High Technology High School (NJ), BASIS Scottsdale (AZ). Academy for Mathematics Science and Engineering (NJ), Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (VA), and BASIS Chandler (AZ).
On Tuesday, Aug. 29, Roslyn Middle School hosted their annual sixth grade orientation for students and their families. While the children met with their teachers, families met with the building level administration team. During the visit, students and their families were given the opportunity to tour the building. Students also had fun decorating their lockers. Pictured here are events from that day.
(The Roslyn School District)
Notice of formation of Elan Coaching LLC. Articles of organization filed with the Secretary of State of N.Y. (SSNY) on 10/11/2022. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 21 Peppermill Road, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose: Any lawful activity.
9-20-13-6; 8-30-23-16-20236T-#242223-ROS
SUPREME COURT: NASSAU COUNTY. LOAN FUNDER LLC, SERIES 6646, Pltf. vs 635 BRYANT GROUP CORP., et al, Defts. Index #608672/20. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale dated March 9, 2022, I will sell at public auction on the north side fronts steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on October 3, 2023 at 2:30 p.m., prem. k/a 635 Bryant Avenue, Roslyn, NY a/k/a Section 20, Block 88, Lot 16. Approx. amt. of judgment is $1,153,203.74 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale.
MARK RICCIARDI, Referee. DEUTSCH SCHNEIDER, LLP, Attys. for Pltf. 79-37 Myrtle Avenue, Glendale, NY. File No. LF-175#100691 9-20-13-6; 8-30-2023-4T#242263-ROS
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at 8:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 the Historic District Board of the Incorporated Village of Ros-
lyn will consider the following new applications:
1. Application No. 8385
Vanessa Weissler
91 Remsen Ave.
Section 7 Block 106 Lot 159
Extension of existing black wrought-iron fence around rear yard,
2. Application No. 8388
Craig Westergard
1635 Northern Blvd.
Section 20 Block M Lot 48
Erect a pre-fab greenhouse in yard on 8’ foundation wall
3. Application No. 8386
William Bruckman
25 Main St. Section 7 Block B Lot 517 New Sign (Pietro’s)
The meeting will be held IN PERSON at the Inc. Village of Roslyn Village Hall located at 1200 Old Northern Blvd, Roslyn, NY 11576. 9-13-2023-1T-#242605-ROS
Notice is hereby given that an Annual Election will be held on the 14th day of December 2023, at the Bryant Library 2 Paper Mill Road, Roslyn, New York 11576 between the hours of 4:00 P.M. and 9:00
P.M., for the purpose of electing one (1) Commissioner of the DISTRICT for the term of three (3) years commencing January 1, 2024.
Notice is further given that pursuant to Subdivision “20” of Section 215 of the Town Law, a Resolution has been duly adopted by the Commissioners of such District providing that candidates for the District offices shall file their names with the Secretary of the District or at the District office no later than 3:00 P.M. on November 10, 2023; and in addition, require that such nomination be submitted in petition form, as provided by the District subscribed by not less than twenty-five (25) qualified registered voters of the District.
Dated: September 7, 2023
Roslyn, New York Board of Commissioner
Michael J Kosinski, Chairman William K Costigan, Treasurer Sanford E Klein, Secretary
A viso de elecci6n
Distrito del agua de Roslyn Water
Se da aviso de que se realizara una Elecci6n Anual el 14 de diciembre de 2023 en la Bryant Library 2 Paper Mill Road, Roslyn, NY 11576 entre las horas de 4:00 p.m. y 9:00 p.m., con el prop6sito de elegir un ( 1) Comisionado del Distrito por el termino de tres (3) arios, a partir del 1 de enero de 2024. Ademas, se da aviso de que, de conformidad con la Subdivision “20” de la Secci6n 215 de la Ley de la Ciudad, los Comisionados de dicho Distrito han adoptado una resoluci6n que establece que los candidatos para el Distrito deberan presentar sus nombres ante el Secretario del Distrito o en el Oficina del distrito no mas tarde de las 3:00 pm el 10 de noviembre de 2023 y, ademas, requieren que dicha nominaci6n se presente en forma de Petici6n, segun lo dispuesto por el Distrito y disponible en la oficina del Distrito durante el horario comercial habitual, suscrito por no menos de veinticinco (25) votantes registrados calificados de el distrito.
Junta de Comisionados
Distrito del agua de Roslyn Water
Michael J. Kosinski, Presidente
William K. Costigan, Tesorera Sanford E. Klein, Secretario Fecha: 7 de September de 2023 9-13-2023-1T-#242612-ROS
GIVEN that a public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Flower Hill will be held on the 20th day of September, 2023 at 7:00 PM, at Village Hall, 1 Bonnie Heights Rd., Manhasset, NY 11030.
1. Application of Nicole Moudis, 27 Northwoods Road, Manhasset, NY 11030 also known as Section 3, Block 13904, Lot 87, for variance of §240-6(L)(1) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to construct an office over the existing garage where the floor area ratio is 4,794.23 s.f. and the maximum permitted is 4,500 s.f.
2. Application of Mr. Mrs. Paul Parziale, Maple Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050 also known as Section 6, Block 55, Lot 123, for variance of §119-1(A) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to construct a 4-foot fence on a front yard eastern property line where such fences are not permitted.
3. Application of Mr. Mrs. Michael Weiss, 58 Hewlett Lane, Port Washington, NY 11050 also known as Section 6, Block 58, Lot 114A for variances of §§240-9(C) , 240-6(L), 240-9(E)(1), 2409(I)(c) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to construct
To Submit Legal Notices for LLPs, LLCs, Summonses, Orders to Show Cause, Citations, Name Changes, Bankruptcy Notices, Trustees Sales, Auction Sales, Foundation Notices
a two-story, single-family dwelling where the proposed lot coverage is 5,225 s.f. (25.77%) where the maximum permitted is 4,055.6 sf (20%); proposed floor area 7,107.3 s.f. where the maximum permitted is 5.060 s.f. proposed rear yard setback is 10.1 ft. where the maximum permitted is 25 ft., the proposed rear yard patio setback is 0.0 ft. where the minimum required is 10 ft.
4. Application of Mr. Ilon
Wu, 33 Birchdale Lane, Port Washington, NY 11050 also known as Section 6, Block 55, Lot 117, for variance of §240-9(F) of the Code of the Village of Flower Hill. The applicant seeks to construct a roof over a cellar entrance where the side yard setback is proposed at 8’6” and the minimum required is 10 ft.
Persons who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating
in said hearing should notify Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Clerk, at (516) 627-5000 in sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing.
By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals
Michael Sahn, Chairperson Ronnie Shatzkamer, Village Administrator Flower Hill, New York
Dated: September 13, 2023
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James L. Buckley, the former junior Senator from New York, died recently at 100, ending a life that included a long career in public service.
Buckley, running on the Conservative Party ticket, served only one term in the Senate (1971 to 1977). Still, his career represented both a stunning upset in the 1970 race, one that paved the way for Alfonse D’Amato’s upset victory of longtime GOP Senator Jacob Javits in the 1980 primary, and his subsequent election to the U.S. Senate that year. D’Amato, whose candidacy was endorsed by the Conservative Party, was re-elected in both 1986 and 1992 before losing to Charles Schumer in the 1998 contest.
Buckley’s victory did not occur in a vacuum. It represented the fruition of years of hard work from the New York Conservative Party, one founded in 1962 as a reaction to then-Gov. Nelson Rockefeller’s reign and the latter’s refusal to assist Richard Nixon’s 1960 presidential bid in New York State.
The Conservative Party first received notice in 1965 when Buckley’s younger brother, William Jr., ran on that party’s ticket for mayor of New York City. Faced with a choice between John Lindsay and Abraham Beame, the younger Buckley brightened an otherwise humdrum race with colorful quips and an unabashed conservatism. Out of the run came Buckley’s finest book, The Unmaking Of A Mayor and a celebrity that inspired the creation of Firing Line which became television’s longest running talk show.
In 1968, James Buckley took the plunge, running also on the Conservative Party line, this time in a three-man Senate race between Jacob Javits, the incumbent Republican, and his Democratic challenger, Paul O’Dwyer. The always-popular Javits prevailed by a 50 to 33 percent margin over O’Dwyer, with Buckley scoring 17 percent.
Also in 1968, Robert F. Kennedy, New York’s junior Senator, met a tragic end, assassinated in Los Angeles while running for president. Rockefeller appointed Charles Godell, a Republican who continued Kennedy’s liberal voting record. In 1970, Buckley ran again, beating both Godell and the Democratic Party candidate, Richard Ottinger, winning 39 percent of the vote to 37 for Ottinger, with Goodell trailing in third. Buckley won 37 counties, including a majority in Staten Island and incredibly enough, pluralities in Queens, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties.
In the Senate, the man often aligned himself with Sen. Jesse Helms (R—NC), that body’s most conservative solon. He also was a conservationist, working on the Committee on the Environment and Public Works. He also proposed a Human Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, while opposing school busing, affirmative action and President Nixon’s policy of gradual withdrawal from Vietnam.
Six years later, Buckley, running in the shadow of Watergate, lost his re-election bid to Daniel Patrick Moynihan. The election wasn’t close, but that matchup almost didn’t happen. In the primary, Moynihan defeated Rep. Bella Abzug (D---NY) by a mere 1,000 votes. Had the more liberal Abzug won, Buckley’s chances in the fall campaign would have increased markedly. The New York Times played a role. That paper’s publisher, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Sr., insisted that John B. Oakes, his editorial page editor, endorse Moynihan, a very rare move by a paper bound by “church and state” separation on such matters.
After losing to Moynihan, Buckley relocated to Connecticut, where he lost a 1980 Senate contest to Christopher Dodd.
In 1984, President Reagan appointed him as an Undersecretary of State for security assistance, as President of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty and finally, to fill a seat on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
The Buckley story will always be the 1970 Senate race. The state, then and now, was liberal. In the 1960s and ‘70s, however, the metropolitan area was in constant upheaval: Rising crime, white flight, school busing
orders, urban renewal.
That era also saw a conservative undertow from the five boroughs and Long Island, expressed most clearly in Dick Young’s sports column, which dominated the then-popular New York Daily News.
Buckley’s victory represented a revolt by the “unmeltable ethnics.” His coalition included working-class Irish in Woodside and Park Slope, Italians in Bensonhurst and Throggs Neck, conservative Jews in Borough Park and Canarsie, Greeks in Astoria, Poles in Maspeth and Greenpoint. Buckley’s death was an occasion for much reflection. On National Review Online, Jack Butler lamented “the decline of American politics, in one senate seat,” adding: “Buckley was defeated in 1976 by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a respected public servant in both Democratic and Republican presidential administrations. A thoughtful man whose writings could challenge left-wing orthodoxy, Moynihan nonetheless often voted party line. But as far as Democrats go, we could get far, far worse than he.
“In 2000, Democrat Hillary Clinton…won the seat. She had never lived in New York before deciding to run for Senate there. Nor had she been involved in politics in the state meaningfully. She left the Senate in 2009 to become President Obama’s Secretary of State, a position that transitioned seamlessly…to her run for president of the United States.
“After Hillary came Kirsten Gillibrand. Appointed to the position in 2009 by New York Governor David Paterson, she won it in her own right in a special election in 2010, then in regular elections in 2012 and 2018…
Gillibrand abandoned any pretense of moderation in the Senate, claiming in a 2018 interview that she was ‘embarrassed’ by her prior defense of gun rights and ‘ashamed’ of her previous dissents from the left-wing line on immigration. During the Trump years, she became exhibitionist about her views and her opposition to Republicans, especially to Trump himself. It was an obvious prelude to a 2020 presidential run. That run ended in failure about five months after it began. She had failed to gain any real traction, despite her enthusiastic support for ‘gay rights.’
“So, there you have it: From Buckley to Gillibrand, a demonstration of the downward trajectory of our politics, illustrative of at least some of the trends that have fed into that decline,” Butler concluded. “But don’t worry: Things could always get worse.”
How did it happen? New York is no longer a contested state, as it was in the 1970s and ‘80s. The New York of 1970 has, for all purposes, long perished. The Archie Bunker neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens are now populated heavily by immigrants from Asia and Latin America, whose votes swing Democratic. As important is the shift left by suburban women voters, due to the abortion issue. The flight from the city to suburbia has been replaced by more millions, many of them Republicans, leaving the state altogether. To New York Republicans, plus the conservative punditry, these changes don’t register. Buckley spent his final decades living quietly in Connecticut. Whether he knew that his New York of angry outer borough ethnics had disappeared remains unknown.