OUR MISSION: To Feed the Hungry
OUR GOAL: Donate 10,000 lbs. of Food and Raise $15,000
OUR MISSION: To Feed the Hungry
OUR GOAL: Donate 10,000 lbs. of Food and Raise $15,000
We are accepting donations the entire month of September.
Scan for Crowdfunding Link:
Drop o :
Canned Vegetables and Soup
Stu ng and Instant Potatoes
Personal care and toiletry items such as Soap, Shampoo, Lotion
$1.00 Provides 2 Meals
Toothpaste, Feminine Hygiene Products and more!
Island Harvest Food Bank has been at the forefront of ghting hunger on Long Island for over 40 years. Please help us in our mission by collecting non-perishable food items and bringing them to any of our o ces throughout the month of September. You can also help us raise funds by scanning the QR code above.
Your generosity will make a signi cant impact and help those in need.
a new school year: the outer and the inner needs.
AMANDA OLSENaolsen@antonmediagroup.com
September (or for some schools, even late August!) brings yellow buses, school supplies, and schedule changes. But shifting from the carefree days of summer into the classroom is about more than just pencils, notebooks, and getting back to a routine. Kids experience anxiety and stress whenever they transition from one life circumstance to another, just like adults. Being able to adapt is a life skill that must be taught. It is important for caregivers to recognize this and prepare themselves and their children.
Kathy Rivera, Executive Director and CEO of North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center, outlined a two key areas where caregivers can focus their attention when it comes to helping their children cope with
Pupil Personnel Services is an integral part of the educational system. PPS provides Districtwide school counseling services, clinical psychological and social work services, and health services. The PPS faculty and staff are in an ideal position to protect the health and safety of all students. The mission of all PPS faculty and staff is to utilize strategies, techniques, programs and services in order to maximize student progress in the least restrictive environment toward achievement of academic goals along with the essential personal, social and emotional complements that form the foundation of a productive
For the outer needs, the lens is about meeting the physical requirements in order to support the inner needs. First, make sure the child is on a healthy schedule when it comes to eating and drinking. “I think sometimes during the summers, you are not on schedule. The days are longer, and not really having a prescribed schedule, you eat very differently. And so when you’re back to that school schedule, you’re again eating differently, and if you’ve not adjusted your body to that, it will have an impact on your overall mental health and well-being, your ability to concentrate, your ability to problem solve and your frustration tolerance,” said Rivera.
Sleep is also crucial when it comes to our capacity to learn and tolerate discomfort. Not only are kids spending their days learning, they are also trying to grow and mature. Without adequate sleep, bodies are depleted and can’t perform optimally. “Another area of healthy habits from the outer perspective is sleep hygiene, especially with the adolescents who love to be vampires and be awake from midnight to 6 a.m. and then sleep all
day. (We should be) monitoring the sleep hygiene and trying to actually get them back on track sooner rather than later, not just the first week of school,” Rivera said.
The final component of the outer needs is activity. Rivera recommends a minimum of one hour of activity a day, and that activity should be disconnected from any device. “I think the last area in creating those healthy habits is movement. Young people live in a tech dependent world and they can often stay very still for many, many hours. That’s very dangerous for the body and clearly your overall mental health and well being. Make sure these kids are moving at minimum one hour a day, and disconnecting from their device. One hour does not sound a lot like a lot of time, but it is, especially for our youth. Over time, as you build that tolerance, you can increase those increments,” Rivera said.
For the inner needs, Rivera stressed four areas that should be touchstones throughout the year, but especially ahead of transitions: communication, language, resources and self-awareness.
The first two categories, communication and language, have an obvious link.
to function well, and all of our interactions as humans are based on relationships. “You need to talk about how your child is doing. What I like to describe it as is scheduling sort of wellness chat, write, having some useful questions around how are you doing? How are you feeling? For little kids especially, I think it’s quite important to ask very prescribed questions that have as
Communication is critical for relationships see BACK TO SCHOOL on page 6
future. The school counselors assist all students in the acquisition of the academic, career and personal/social skills required to become successful students and, ultimately, fully functioning, responsible citizens. To do so, a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate school counseling program has been developed to address the individual and collective needs of all students. In addition, our school counselors provide shortterm counseling regarding peer and family concerns. Our clinical faculty of school social workers and school psychologists provide counseling and support services for
students and families experiencing learning difficulties, emotional challenges, family crisis, health concerns, and other related academic, social and emotional problems. Most importantly, school counselors and clinicians, along with teachers and parents, become vested in students’ academic and personal success. The National Association of School Nurses defines school nursing as a specialized practice of professional nursing that advances the well-being, academic success and lifelong achievement of students. School nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development, promote
health and safety, intervene with actual and potential health problems, provide case management services and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy and learning.
Assistant Superintendent for Student Services: (516)267-7671
Director for CPSE/Elementary Pupil Personnel Services: (516)267-7679
Director for Secondary Pupil Personnel Services: (516)267-7672
—Information from the District Calendar
The final Manhasset Al Fresco will take place Sunday September 10 from 3:30-7:30 p.m.
Since this is a pedestrian only event, roads will be closed on Plandome Road from Park Avenue to Dennis Street. In addition to parking on the street, spots are also available at Town Hall Parking Lots from entrance on Andrew St.
There will be entertainment and appearances by local talent in addition to the outdoor dining and shopping. Some of the live entertainment includes John Byrnes Band, Glenn Strange, Hat Trixx, Porch Light and more.
Manhasset Chamber encourages all to come out for this great community event and support our local businesses. The Manhasset community is invited to stroll on Plandome Road in a safe and festive atmosphere. The Manhasset Chamber of Commerce will be providing photo opportunities, giveaways
and raffles by Shop Manhasset. Bring the kids to “Chalk the Town.” The Chamber will have a children’s activity table at the event.
Thanks to their generous sponsors, the Chamber is able to fund this event and make this year better than last. This event helps bring up the community’s spirit as well as drive business to local shops.
The event is hosted by The Manhasset Chamber of Commerce, whose mission is to enhance the economic vitality and quality of life of Manhasset. Manhasset Al Fresco was also made possible with the cooperation of the Council of Greater Manhasset Civic Association, Nassau County Police District, and the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department.
Visit https://www.shopmanhasset.com/ manhasset-al-fresco-2023 for full event details and follow @manhassetchamber and @shopmanhasset.
—Information from Shop Manhasset
This summer, Steve Brody was walking his dog, Sasha, right across the water from where the nature walk is on Manhasset Isle in Port Washington when he spotted pink flamingos. “Without exaggeration, it was breathtaking, I just stood there stunned,” Brody said. “I hope they plan to make another visit.”
On August 27, all companies were alerted to a reported kitchen fire in a residence in the Munsey Park section of Manhasset. Units encountered a fire which had originated from the stove area and had slight extension to the home. The fire was extinguished, and the smoke condition was vented.
—From the Manhasset Lakeville Fire Department Facebook
At a recent JFK Airport Chamber of Commerce event held at the Cradle of Aviation, Arthur J. Molins, General Counsel for Lufthansa Group of the Americas, spoke on the history and continuous advances and developments in aviation at JFK. A long time Manhasset resident, he was introduced by fellow denizen Al DePhillips of Airway and President of the Chamber. In the audience, and pictured above with them, are fellow neighbors Roel Huinink, President and CEO of JFKIAT that manages Terminal 4, and Dennis Klainberg, President of Berklay Transport/The Shipping Guys, LLC, a freight forwarding service.
The Manhasset Great Neck Camera Club will begin its “New Club Year” with a meeting on September 11, 2023 at 6:30 P.M. at the Manhasset Public Library, located at 30 Onderdonk Ave, Manhasset, NY. This meeting will feature a “Year In Review” presentation of high scoring photos from the past year’s Club competitions. A “Meet and Greet” takes place between 6- 6:30 P.M. These meetings are open to all.
The club is a welcoming group of photographers and can assist all classes and skill levels of digital photographers, from iPhone, Point & Shoot, Beginners, and Advanced. Visit their web site, MGNCC.org, which has links to the “Color Wheel”, the club newsletter, and a wealth of photography information. For further information please email mgncc@optonline.net
—Submitted by the Manhasset Great Neck Camera Club
many emotional words as you possibly can in there. So for example, what are you most excited about with going back to school? What are you most worried about? What are you most anxious about? What are you most afraid of?” said Rivera. Asking questions and gauging the answers also lets caregivers know if they need to seek interventions.
Giving children a variety of words to describe their feelings more fully helps them to know exactly what they are feeling. “The more words you use to describe emotion, the more it increases the vocabulary of your child. So when something’s going down, they will be able to describe it because now you’ve given them the language to use.”
It’s also important to know what kind of help is available and how to seek that help if and when it’s needed. Schools have a number of resources available within the system, but if kids and caregivers don’t know what they are or how to access them, they can’t use them when they are needed. “Know what your mental health resources are in your community, in your child’s school, and what’s available, and ask your child if they know. ‘Do you know who you would be able to go to your school? where you go find someone to speak if I’m not available about what’s going on with you?’ We want to make sure our child has sort of a safety plan, that they know who to go to and where to go. You want to make sure that you’re aware of this but more importantly, your child is also aware of it.”
Kids also need to have an adult who is
safe to talk to. “(Let your child know) that if something’s not going well, make sure you reach out for help. Whether it’s your dad, your mom, your aunt, whomever. I think that we as caregivers need to ensure that we are constantly messaging to our child that it is okay to ask for help. That there will be a time in your life where you’re going to be flooded with emotion, and you’re just not going to have the answers or know what to do. And you’d have to be able to turn to someone and feel safe enough to do that.”
Finally, creating self-awareness helps children understand their feelings and motivations so they can regulate and adapt to their circumstances. Employing communication
to put them in touch with their thoughts and feelings makes the difference here. “Ask them ‘what are you going to do for fun? What are you going to do to sort of, if you had a bad week, you had a bad day, you had a bad experience? What are you going to do to alleviate the stress?’ And ask them to define what are all the areas that could probably cause stress,” Rivera said. One thing that can help these changes stick is doing them together, as a family. When people model the behavior they are looking for in their children, the kids see that it is more than words and that it actually works.
Rivera stressed that the point of raising
kids is not to shield them from experiences, but to help them grow up to be resilient adults. “As caregivers, we have to remember that our job is not to help our child avoid the stress or avoid anything that could be emotionally difficult. It’s going to happen; we can’t shield them from all stressful situations or every kind of crises. Our job is to strengthen them and give them enough tools to mitigate those negative effects. You want them to learn self-awareness, so they can bounce back from any kind of setback and over time, do it a little bit more quickly and a little bit more independently.”
Joining Compass is the right move at the right time in my career! There is no other company with the breadth of talent, technology, marketing prowess and reach. This is why Compass has very quickly grown to become the #1 brokerage in the United States. I am proud to join a team of hardworking professional agents who offer first-in-class client service at every price point. I found a new home and the future is bright!”
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
The Traci Conway Clinton Team annhance@compass.com
516.660.1680 @annhancedliving
As a leader and top producer on the North Shore for nearly 12 years, Ann has served her clients as advocate, advisor and partner in what is often one of life’s most important decisions. Ann combines an acute business sense with a critical eye for staging and presentation that helps buyers and sellers realize a property’s full potential in a dynamic market. She is a welcome addition to the Traci Conway Clinton Team.
“The Real Estate world would be a better place with more agents like Ann! She is the consummate professional and an outstanding advocate for her clients. She approaches every step of the buying/selling process with clarity, consistency and patience. I always felt that I had an advantage being represented by Ann. She develops a level of trust that makes you feel confi ent in ever piece of o r ing selling strateg nn represente wife an in oth the sale of o r first ho e an the p rchase of o r c rrent ho e here were co ntless times in various phases of both transactions where I was on the phone with Ann late into the evening as she walked me through a particular piece of the timeline I was unfamiliar with. In a competitive market like Manhasset, there is no agent that can represent your interests better than Ann Hance—no questions asked. Buying or selling a house can be a major headache...Ann makes it an enjoyable and memorable endeavor for you and your family.”
–Luke, Manhasset Buyer & SellerTo place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to editors@antonmediagroup.com.
Manhasset Al Fresco
The Manhasset Chamber of Commerce will host its Manhasset Al Fresco series of evenings out on the town for outdoor dining, shopping and live entertainment on Plandome Road. The event will allow for road closures for pedestrians and outdoor dining on Plandome Road and is scheduled to take place throughout the summer.
North Plandome Road will be closed to traffic from Hillside Avenue to Colonial Parkway: Sunday September 10, 3:307:30 p.m.
Car Free Day
The 11th Annual Car Free Day Long Island will take place on Friday, September 22, 2023. The Town’s
participation in the day-long global initiative is part of the Town’s effort to go green and to reduce its carbon footprint. To participate in this event, all you have to do is pledge to be car free or car-light by filling out the pledge form on www.CarFreeDayLI.com. Those who take the pledge will automatically be entered for a chance to win great prizes.
Nicholas Center Golf Outing
The Nicholas Center’s annual Golf Outing will take place on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at North Hempstead Country Club in Port Washington. Proceeds will benefit vocational training, community service projects and vital peer connections for Autistic adults. For more information, visit TNCnewyork.org or call (516)767-7177.
District 3 Boating Courses
Squadron: Captree - America’s Boating Course Contact: Eugene Johnson
Phone: 631-921-3403
Email: pwrbtr@aol.com
Location: Zoom
City: Babylon, NY 11702
Start Date: SEP 26, 2023 Time: 07:00PM
Cost: $60.00
Squadron: Port Washington -
America’s Boating Course
Contact: Mary Anne McCoy
Phone: 516-680-8636
Email: mmcnp@aol.com
Location: Virtual Classroom
City: Port Washington, NY 11050
Start Date: OCT 18, 2023 Time: 07:30PM
Cost: $60.00
Art at Manhasset Public Library
Compositional Inventions will feature paintings, drawings, prints and sculptures. The exhibition runs from April 16 through September 29. Curated by Thomas Germano and Juliette Vaissiere, this exhibition presents works by artists who visually compose in a
variety of mediums. Each has been asked to articulate in a short written statement their approaches to composition specifically found in the works on display.
Senior Talk Radio
Every Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. Listen to the Project Independence Radio Show at 88.1FM and WCWP.org. Tune in to hear the latest information from medical experts, elected officials, community organizations and many more! Learn what events and programs are happening around town in the Talk of the Town segment.
If you or someone you know is in crisis or feeling suicidal, call the Long Island Crisis Center 24/7 hotline: (516)6791111. The 988 Suicide and Crisis line is also available 24/7 by dialing 988 or 1-800-273-8255.
“I believe that quality dental care is best achieved through a collaborative team approach. This means not only partnering with his colleagues at the Smilist to offer the highest quality of care, but also working with you as the patient. You’ll be involved during each stage of treatment and we’ll work together to design the best possible treatment option for you and your lifestyle.”
Moriches Field Brewing Company received $18,750 to revitalize an empty downtown space.
Revitalization grants are just one of the ways we help businesses on Long Island and in the Rockaways. For Moriches Field Brewing Company, a grant from our economic development program was a perfect fit to help them renovate a previously vacant property. A discount through our Vacant Space Revival Program saved them more than $4,000 on their electric bills, and rebates for upgrading to LED lighting are keeping them saving month after month.
Helping revitalize our Island, one business at a time, is something we’re proud to be part of and something definitely worth celebrating.
Grants | Rebates | Incentives | Assessments | Community Support
For more information, visit PSEGLINY.com/EcoDev
(Cheers to that.)
While Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, it is actually a holiday to recognize the contribution of the American worker to our collective prosperity. The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, “before it was a federal holiday, Labor Day was recognized by labor activists and individual states. After municipal ordinances were passed in 1885 and 1886, a movement developed to secure state legislation. New York was the first state to introduce a bill, but Oregon was the first to pass a law recognizing Labor Day, on February 21, 1887. During 1887, four more states –Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York – passed laws creating a Labor Day holiday. By the end of the decade, Connecticut, Nebraska and Pennsylvania had followed suit. By 1894, 23 more states had adopted the holiday, and on June 28, 1894, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday.”
Funnily enough, two labor activists named Maguire, both from the 19th century, lay claim to the founding of Labor Day. The Department of Labor states that “Some records show that in 1882, Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, suggested setting aside a day for a ‘general holiday for the laboring classes’ to honor those ‘who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.’”
However, more recent research supports the claim of Matthew Maguire, an unrelated machinist from Paterson, NJ, who proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York.
The first proposal for the holiday suggested that the day should be celebrated with a parade to display “the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations”, followed by parties and festivities.
The effort to organize is actually as old as the nation itself. According to History.com, “The origins of the labor movement lay in the formative years of the American nation, when a free wage-labor market emerged in the artisan trades late in the colonial period. The earliest recorded strike occurred in 1768
when New York journeymen tailors protested a wage reduction. The formation of the Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers (shoemakers) in Philadelphia in 1794 marks the beginning of sustained trade union organization among American workers.”
Celebrating labor was not always in fashion, however. It is worth remembering that people literally fought and died for the right to organize and collectively bargain for better working conditions.
One notable strike is the Colorado Labor Wars, where the laborers of the Western Federation of Miners were pitted against the mine owners, who were backed by the state government. This dispute went on for two years, from 1903 to 1905. During that time, martial law was imposed and the National Guard was brought in to put down the strike.
Another strike that involved military conflict is the Battle for Blair Mountain, which was also a mining dispute. More than 100 people died in this conflict, which took place in 1921 and was part of the Coal Wars. It is the largest labor uprising in US history. The conflict ended when the Army arrived on the scene, as many of the miners were veterans themselves and would not fire on the soldiers.
Many of the rules and regulations workers enjoy today owe their passage to these conflicts, such as the eight hour work day and the 40 hour week, overtime pay and retirement benefits. The labor movement also led efforts to end child labor, provide health benefits and support workers who were injured on the job.
While membership in labor unions has declined since their heyday in the 1950s, organized labor has seen a resurgence in recent years. Amazon, Starbucks, and Verizon have all experienced attempts at organization, with varying degrees of success, Unions remain a force for labor, both
in the field and in government. “Unions continue to be the driving force behind higher wages, safer working conditions and better benefits, while providing unmatched job security for workers and their families. Now more than ever, we rely on our unions to protect and raise up the middle class against the various forces in society that continue to chip away at that stability and peace of mind.” Ron Gurrieri, CSEA Local 830 President, said in an email.
So as the summer ends and the focus shifts from fun to fall, it is worth remembering how many of the current work benefits are owed to these brave pioneers. Happy Labor Day.
known and admired the world over. Others were simply passing through after a long journey on foot and by bus or boat, trying to get to Chicago, or Canada, or back to Texas, or willing to accept whatever bus or plane ticket that officials in New York, Texas, Florida, Arizona, or other places were offering to new arrivals at the time.
Regardless of one’s stance in the voting booth, it’s apparent that our region has recently been rocked by the ongoing migrant crisis, wherein millions of people around the world are travelling far from home to seek better economic, environmental, and/or sociopolitical ground for themselves and their families. In New York State, migrants and frequently asylum-seekers from places like Ukraine, West Africa, South and Central America, and the Carribbean have been arriving in our cities and towns, and in many cases struggling to access the legal or even day-to-day resources they need to start a life here.
In some cases migrants have been bussed or flown to New York under false pretenses or against their will by other states, but most that I’ve spoken to in the past year or so seemed to be feeling happy and inspired about arriving in New York, a place that is
In Nassau County, the public and political tensions, conflicts, and confusion surrounding this reality have recently come to a head where Queens County borders New Hyde Park and Floral Park, at the massive and historical Creedmoor Psychiatric Center. The Creedmoor campus includes not only the Creedmoor Psychiatric Hospital to the north, just across from Alley Pond Park, but more than 50 acres of mostly green space dotted with brick buildings that house numerous rehab and long-term care facilities, a childcare center, and various other public services. On the southern edge of the Creedmoor community campus, in a parking lot off Hillside Avenue, several large tents were erected recently to feed, bathe, and provide cots to up to 1000 single male migrants. The Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Center (HERRC) also provides some services on site, such as phone access, and registration for basic
medical services, and has reportedly filled up quickly. The Creedmoor campus is also where a plan to develop housing, with 3000 units to start, was put forth with support from Governor Kathy Hochul and Queens Boro President Donovan Richards earlier this year.
When I visited Creedmoor and the HERRC there, it was in the days following multiple protests and press conferences there, where embattled U.S. Rep. George Santos declared that we should close our
borders, and where Curtis Sliwa, a Guardian Angels founder who was formerly both a candidate for NYC mayor and married to Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz, planned and executed his own arrest (which he has done two more times in other locations in the week since, in addition to holding a rally outside a Brooklyn Toys ‘R Us against the proposed HERRC at isolated Floyd Bennett Field).
It was very quiet at Creedmoor campus
on Thursday, August 24 as the sun shone for a while before the late-afternoon rains came. A few older men and women walked in paths across its wide, slightly overgrown lawns, or sat on porches of pre- or post-war group homes. Down on Hillside Ave., two women sat in chairs to check shelter residents’ lanyard IDs at the entrance to the HERRC, with a few scattered NYPD cruisers parked nearby. A handful of residents boarded city buses that came and went, or walked slowly toward Jamaica.
Across the street, in a small area of benches north of Detective William T. Gunn Playground, around ten people, mostly younger men from Africa, sat or chatted quietly with each other or with Healthfirst representatives to register for basic health check-ups or care from the state (such as bloodwork, or some free acetominophen). Two young people, a high schooler volunteering for a credit and a medical student planning to apply for residency soon, sat at a mostly bare folding table and smiled in welcome. They explained their role, and the high-schooler noted that neither of them spoke Spanish or French, so there had been a language barrier.
Shortly after, two men walked up with a few questions in Spanish, for which the medical student brought out his phone with a live translation app, which proved to be pretty slow. I get by in Spanish, having learned it in school, so I asked, “What’s going on, guys?” and proceeded to translate back and forth for several minutes about how to receive the free medical check-up, whether a referral could be made for optometry (to replace one of the men’s thick, three-year old lenses; “three years,” he tried out carefully and successfully in English), and whether the Healthfirst intake specialist on site, who was helping a group of three young men in French, would be there doing enrollments for a while longer (the men speaking in Spanish had just gotten off work, were
hungry, and wanted to go eat quickly at the HERRC). In English I asked the specialist, whose eye I’d caught with my press badge and then again with my minutes of translation, and she nodded.
At one point, the medical student asked me how old one man was; he was 51. That meant he was also entitled to an endoscopy, the student said, which I explained for a bit, with decent success, before the man’s friend added, “Tu colon.” I joked, “Bienvenido a los Estados, cómo está su colon?”
Before the men left to eat lunch, the Healthfirst specialist called to and nodded again at the volunteers, who produced an almost-finished box of a dozen Dunkin Donuts, and the doctor smiled toward the three of us to take one. The men hesitated then took them appreciatively. I declined, but was assured, “We have lots.” So I accepted the last one in that box, having missed lunch myself. It was chocolate.
As I headed back north to where I’d parked, a saw a pair of young men in their late teens or early 20s walking excitedly in the same direction. They quietly said “Good morning” as they passed me, a bit shyly.
As I continued walking slowly, taking in the green campus and lawns around me, another pair of young men passed, one with his arm around the other. As I rounded the corner, I saw that they were heading into a gleaming mosque across the street from Creedmoor, and then they were gone.
There you are, standing in the kitchen, and your son reaches into the cabinet for yet another Oreo. inside your stomach sinks and once again you tell little Johnny “enough with the cookies.” Has mom suddenly turned into the “FOOD POLICE”? This scenario is all too common. I had one mom tell me she started secretly marking the boxes and jars to keep track of what was missing. Keeping our families healthy is crucial, it’s important to teach our children good fundamentals of healthy eating habits. The keys to reaching or staying at a healthy weight are regular exercise and good eating habits. Some people think exercise and good eating require lots of effort or planning. But that’s not true. In fact, the best way to work them into our lives is by making small changes that gradually become part of our routine. Below are tips for keeping our teens healthy.
• Budget your time—and money—by creating a planner that will detail the daily school-day lunches for that month. Make use
September 15 - New Moon. The Moon will be located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This is the best time to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight.
September 19 - Neptune at Opposition. The blue giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. It will
of Sunday leftovers and use fresh produce as soon as you buy it. Create a weekly shopping list to reduce trips to the store and allocate healthy prepackaged snacks for days without fresh fruit.
• The way food is presented affects how a diner perceives flavor; this is true even for kids. Make an effort to keep dishes looking attractive, wrapped and served in cool containers, and packed in lunchboxes that reflect the personality of your child.
• Before you plan the weekly lunch
menu, ask your child to identify five favorite food items that he or she would like to see in the lunchbox. Then encourage your kid to participate in the planning, preparing, and packing of the rest of the meals, creating a balanced menu of protein and complex carbs. Including them in the decision—and preparation—improves the chances that the lunch will actually get eaten.
• Even if he or she requests the same ham and cheese sandwich every day, it’s important to provide at least one or two different items in the lunchbox to expand a picky eater’s palate. However, throwing in a food your young food critic claims to hate will backfire, as they are likely to throw it out before trying it. Introduce those new or controversial foods at dinnertime, when your kid is presumably hungry and under your watchful eye.
• No matter how old your child is, include a sweet, encouraging note, a cartoon, a picture of the family pet, or even just a silly drawing to make them smile and be reminded of how much you
be brighter than any other time of the year and will be visible all night long. This is the best time to view and photograph Neptune. Due to its extreme distance from Earth, it will only appear as a tiny blue dot.
September 22 - Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation. This is the best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon. Look for the planet low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.
September 23 - September Equinox. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world.
September 29 - Full Moon, Supermoon. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This moon is also known as the Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the September equinox each year. This is also the last of four supermoons
love them.
• Roasted red pepper hummus and veggie wrap, pineapple cubes, blueberries.
• Almond butter sandwich on sprouted bread, carrots, organic iced tea juice box
• Turkey, apple and cheddar sandwich, grapes, Stoneyfield strawberry smoothie
• Banana sunflower wrap with granola, yogurt dressing, baby carrots, fresh mozzarella.
• Tuna sandwich, apple slices, celery sticks, organic almond butter
• Fresh roasted turkey and swiss rollups, cherry tomatoes, cheese cubes, blueberries
• Pita stuffed with chicken salad, orange slices, red pepper slices
• Healthy “Lunchable”: Organic meat rollups, gluten-free crackers, grapes, leather fruit strip, always make your own.
• Brown rice pasta salad, strawberries, Greek yogurt cup
• Pita filled with veggie sticks and chicken strips, organic animal crackers, sugar snap peas, strawberries
Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000
Publishers of
Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot
Great Neck Record
Manhasset Press
Nassau Illustrated News
Port Washington News
Syosset-Jericho Tribune
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The Roslyn News
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Angela Susan Anton
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for 2023. The Moon will be near its closest approach to the Earth and may look slightly larger and brighter than usual. —with information from seasky.org
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I was a beginning birder when I retired 21 years ago and went on bird walks often with North Shore Audubon Society. I wasn’t familiar at all with warblers. I previously had backyard bird feeders but warblers are not usually seed or suet eaters. Warblers can eat fruit but usually they prefer insects. So the best way to view warblers and learn about them is to go out in natural areas, parks and preserves such as Sands Point Preserve, Leeds Pond Preserve, Clark Botanical Garden, Roslyn Gerry Park, Welwyn, Garvies Point, Planting Fields Arboretum and nearby in Queens, Alley Pond Park. Three years ago I stood by two trees right by the bathrooms near the ball fields at Alley Pond Park for an hour observing several varieties of warblers feeding on insects during Spring or Fall migration. I don’t remember whether it was Fall or Spring but it had to be one or the other. I have numerous photos and fond memories from seeing migrating warblers at Jones Beach West End Median and the hedge row at the Jones
Beach Coast Guard Station. Yellow rump warblers will migrate through Long Island but sometimes they stay for winter. Breeding warblers, which are here in summer, include yellow warblers, redstarts and common yellowthroats. For the most part, Spring and Fall migration is when you can can observe warblers. The ones I mentioned so far are some of the easiest to identify in every season. However, in the Fall, identifying many types of warblers becomes difficult. There are a group that
look very similar and are called confusing Fall warblers. During the Fall migration, late August through October, these warblers lose their breeding plumage. The Warbler Guide app can help and there is a book by the same name. If you look up the following warblers’ Fall appearance you will see how alike they are: Chestnutsided, Blackburnian, Blackpoll, Bay breasted, Cape May, Pine and Palm. It also helps to take photographs to look at later and study. There are 38 species of
warblers that can be seen in the Northeast.
Experienced bird watchers wait excitedly for migration because they so enjoy seeing warblers probably more than other birds. They send excited messages to each other. When experienced bird watchers see a confusing Fall warbler they may spend some time debating which bird they are viewing using multiple books and apps. During Spring migration, which starts near the end of March and runs through late May, it’s different
because birds are vocal and can be identified by their calls and also their distinctive breeding plumage.
Because these birds are in constant motion, they can be challenging to see. But with practice it is possible to learn to identify them. Remember there are many opportunities to go with experienced bird leaders at Audubon Societies on Long Island. Now, after 21 years, I am one of many bird walk leaders. If you have any questions you can contact me at nsaudubonsociety@gmail.com.
From the many reviews of this book, one aspect of it was made abundantly clear, this book is a fun page turner.
“It’s Gothic fiction, it’s romantic suspense, it’s historical fiction, it’s a mystery,” James said. “It’s just all of the things I really like to read.”
James provided a summary of the book on her website, kelseyjamesauthor.com:
“Rome, 1965: Aspiring actress Silvia Whitford arrives at Rome’s famed Cinecittà Studios from Los Angeles, ready for her big break and a taste of la dolce vita. Instead, she learns that the movie in which she was cast has been canceled. Desperate for money, Silvia has only one choice: seek out the Italian aunt she has never met.
Gabriella Conti lives in a crumbling castello. Silvia’s mother refuses to explain the rift that drove the sisters apart, but Silvia is fascinated by Gabriella, a once-famous actress. And the eerie castle becomes the location for a new horror movie—and she lands a starring role.
Silvia immerses herself in the part of an ingenue tormented by the ghost of her beautiful, seductive ancestor. But when Gabriella abruptly vanishes, the movie’s make-believe terrors seep into reality. No one else on set seems to share Silvia’s suspicions. Yet as she delves into Gabriella’s disappearance, she triggers a chain of events that illuminate dark secrets in the past—and a growing menace in the present.”
James was connected with the Syosset Public Library through her publisher and publicist. Coincidentally, she was very
It was a night characterized by what happens when the community comes together to make something great.
The Syosset Public Library, Theodore’s Books in Oyster Bay and Mongo’s Coffee on Aug. 29 teamed up to put together a book talk with author Kelsey James, who The Woman In The Castello.
book talk with author Kelsey James, who The Woman In The Castello
familiar with the area because her husband is from Cold Spring Harbor.
husband her book
But James’s journey to getting her book published, and onto readers’ book shelves, was no easy feat.
and closer. Even when my plate became fuller, I was able to be more efficient with the time I had. You find those spare minutes when you can.”
Another hurdle in her journey was being laid off the day she submitted her first draft of The Woman In The Castello.
Hollywood Classic written by film producer Walter Wagner and columnist Joe Hyams, to explore the beginning of the paparazzi and the obsession with Hollywood actors in light of the affair between Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, as well as Italy as a popular movie set.
Much of James’s writing process took place during the height of the pandemic while working from home and taking care of her two-year-old. Prior to the pandemic, she did much of her writing on subways and New Jersey Transit.
“I’ve been working towards this goal for a really long time,” James said. “I’ve been doing creative writing my whole life, and becoming a published author has always been the dream. So I think having practiced my craft for so many years, you just get closer
“It definitely was one of those life is stranger than fiction moments, where it was a confirmation of sorts that something needed to change,” said James, who now works as the senior content marketing manager for Door Dash. “It’s interesting because in the first pages of my novel, the heroine gets fired from the movie that she’s casted in.”
James spilled many aspects of her real life onto the page; exploring motherhood and family, as well as her love of history. She also took inspiration from the non-fiction book, My Life with Cleopatra: The Making of a
“One of my majors was classical studies, and so I was studying ancient history, where you really had to put together stories from the past without a lot of information,” James said, later adding during her book talk that “one of the first trips I ever took in my life was to Italy. I spent three months there in college... I had this dream trip where I got to travel all over the country, exploring archaeological sites and museums.”
To purchase a copy of The Woman In The Castello, visit kelseyjamesauthor.com or stop by Theodore’s Books in Oyster Bay.
Italy, classic cinema, mystery and so much more
On Thursday, Sept. 14, the New York Chapter of Senior America. Inc. is hosting its annual Fall Fashion Show with entertainment and a luncheon. About 30 women from the New York chapter will participate in the Cameo Club’s Fashion Show to display gorgeous gowns, ready-to-wear outfits and provide wonderful musical entertainment. Senior America. Inc. works to ensure seniors have a better outlook on aging. The New York chapter of Ms. Senior America started in 1972 and works to promote a positive image of aging for seniors in New York.
Senior America is a non-profit organization designed to enrich the lives of seniors and work together to spread positive energy to the lives of others. The organization engages in programs and activities to enhance the lives of senior Americans. The current New York Chapter Cameo Club president, Doloros Hoffman, and other chapter members organize monthly luncheon meetings for Cameo Club members. The Cameo Club consists of close to 100 members, with about 30 regularly attending meetings.
In addition to club meetings, the organization hosts entertainment showcases, the spring Pageant and the fall fashion show. The fall fashion show has been going on for at least 20 years and is at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury.
The fall fashion show is one of the biggest annual fundraising events the New York chapter hosts. Senior America New York Chapter State Director Virginia Werner, pageant queen in 2013, said, “A lot of work goes into the show, and it’s a lot of fun for everyone.”
Starting last year, chapter member Carol D’Amato has been organizing the fashion show portion of the show along with long-time members Assistant State Director Elisabeth Zamarilli and State Director Marleen Schuss. D’Amato owns a clothing store, All Dazzle, and helps style and accessorize the models.
“We always have gowns, and we call it the ‘extravaGOWNza’ part of the show,” said Werner. “They are usually gowns from our own closets that we accessorize. Then there is the ready-to-wear part, and we have a theme each year. Last year, it was contemporary ready-to-wear, and this year, it is glam disco. We’re not talking ’70s and bell bottoms, but disco is having a bit of a revival, so this is a modern version.”
In addition to the fashion portion of the show, there is entertainment. New York chapter members Edna Kaufmann and Pat Tropea help facilitate and choreograph the entertainment. Kaufmann is a 90-year-old woman with a powerful voice who spent years designing costumes and sets for theaters. Now, she uses her talents to help create magical entertainment for the fall fashion show.
The entertainment is themed after popular Broadway shows. In previous years, they sang songs from The Wizard of Oz and South Pacific.
“This year’s theme is a secret,” said Werner. “But it’s a very big, very well-known show, and they have several songs prepared to perform. Our fall fashion show just keeps getting better and better every year.”
In addition to the live performances, New York Senior America has DJ Curtis Maxwell play upbeat and fun music for all to enjoy.
Kaufmann puts together beautiful raffle baskets to raise money for New York Senior America. The baskets are made up of donations from shops and organizations that are friendly with the New York chapter. Chapter member Mary Ann Smith helps organize the fundraiser portion and runs the ticket sales for the 50/50 raffle.
Some of the 30 ladies participating are in every aspect of the fashion show. The ladies run back and forth, modeling, performing and putting on a fantastic show.
This year’s Ms. New York Senior Mae Caime, 65, is participating in the show. “She’s just amazing,” said Werner. “She’s
been on missions to Ethiopia and is a nurse. She is involved in quite a number of civic organizations.”
Each year, each chapter of Senior America hosts a Pageant to select a woman over the age of 60 to represent the chapter in the Ms. Senior America Pageant. Queen Caime will represent New York State at the Ms. Senior America Pageant this year in Atlantic City. “I can tell you, it’s hard work,” said Werner. Werner was crowned Ms. New York Senior in 2013 and participated in the Ms. Senior America Pageant. “There are two days of preliminaries and then one day of finals. The woman who wins represents the nation, Senior America, and seniors.”
Werner shared that in the last few years, at least four Ms. New York Seniors were top 10 finalists, and two of those were in the top five. “New York is well represented with many really talented ladies,” said Werner. “We are about inner beauty. And some of our top ladies aren’t skinny models; they are mature women.”
The kindness, generosity and talent of the New York Queens make them stand out in the pageant. Werner said, “one woman can really sing; she would give Kelly Clarkson a run for her money. And another lady is a comedian; she is one of those people that when she walks in a room, you just start to laugh with her.”
Ms. New York Senior and the Senior America organization work to inspire confidence and help friendships blossom.
The Fall Fashion Luncheon/ Entertainment will be held on Thursday, Sept. 14, at Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury. Tickets are $75. The New York Chapter of Senior America is currently recruiting for its 2024 pageant. Visit www. newyorksenioramerica.org to learn more.
About 20 percent of American adults have memory problems, according to a report published by Harvard University. And that percentage is expected to grow as our population ages. Here are some things you can do to keep your memory sharp:
Solve puzzles, plan strategies, learn a new language. Read regularly; reading stimulates the brain, enhances vocabulary and cognitive skills. Listen to or play music.
Maintain regular interactions with family, friends and social groups promoting cognitive behavior.
Try using memory aids such as acronyms, visualizations or rhymes; break large amounts of information into smaller pieces for easier recall.
Embrace lifelong learning to keep your brain active and adaptable. Travel when possible; new places expose you to new sights and sounds, enhance brain plasticity, forming new connections in your brain.
Practice such techniques as meditation, deep breathing, yoga and tai chi which can help reduce stress and improve memory. Meditation can increase gray matter in the brain’s memory-related regions. Also, stay organized; use planners, calendars, and digital tools to manage tasks and reduce stress.
Get seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night to support memory consolidation. Eat a balanced diet, including foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins that promote brain health (e.g., berries, fatty fish, leafy greens). Drink enough water throughout the day; dehydration can affect cognitive function. Get regular physical exercise; activity improves blood flow to the brain and supports the growth of new neurons.
If memory issues persist or worsen, consult a medical professional to rule out underlying health conditions.
Consistency and patience are key when working on memory improvement. For best results, create a well-rounded approach that combines multiple strategies.
—Lynbrook Restorative Therapy and Nursing
Friends For Life makes it possible for seniors to live in their own home. Our extraordinary family of caregivers can attend to your loved one, so you can get back to being a daughter or son. You can depend on us!
If you are stuck on where to begin with Medicaid, you are in the right place. We are New York Medicaid experts who care. We will help guide you through the process of Medicaid planning and give you the information necessary to get on the right path.
Some ways to battle against memory loss as you age are to manage stress, remain social and maintain a fit lifestyle. Lynbrook Restorative Therapy and Nursing
Re tirement marks a significant milestone in one’s life, representing the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. As you transition from a structured work routine to a life of leisure, one exciting aspect to consider is the opportunity for travel. Embarking on journeys that were previously limited by work commitments and time constraints can be one of the most fulfilling ways to celebrate your newfound freedom. Planning for travel after retirement involves a blend of careful preparation, setting realistic goals, and embracing spontaneity.
One of the first steps in planning post-retirement travel is envisioning your dream destinations. Whether it’s exploring ancient ruins in Greece, lounging on pristine beaches in the Maldives, or immersing yourself in the vibrant cultures of Asia, retirement opens the door to turning these dreams into reality. Make a list of
places you’ve always wanted to visit and experiences you’ve longed to have. This list will serve as the foundation for your travel plans and help you prioritize destinations based on personal preferences, budget, and accessibility.
Financial considerations play a crucial role in shaping your travel plans during retirement. Assess your retirement savings, pension, and other sources of income to determine a reasonable budget for your travels. Remember to account for various expenses such as
transportation, accommodation, meals, and activities. While you may want to indulge in luxurious experiences, it’s essential to strike a balance between comfort and sustainability to ensure your savings last throughout your retirement years.
Flexibility becomes a valuable asset in post-retirement travel planning. Unlike the rigid schedules of your working years, retirement allows for greater spontaneity. While having a general itinerary is beneficial, leaving room for
unexpected detours and last-minute decisions can lead to some of the most memorable experiences. Embrace the freedom to linger a bit longer in a destination you’ve fallen in love with or to change course if you stumble upon a hidden gem that wasn’t on your original list.
Travel insurance becomes increasingly important as you age, making it a key component of your planning process. As your health needs may change, having comprehensive travel insurance that
You’ve done a lot of learning and exploring in your life – and you’re
of creative thinkers and active minds, and find your inspiration
unique equity model offers the opportunity to earn appreciation and create
accredited community the perfect choice for those seeking
programming, and resort-style amenities, you can spend less time worrying
Isn’t it time you invited more opportunity into your life?
covers medical emergencies and trip cancellations ensures peace of mind throughout your journeys. Look for policies that are tailored to seniors and consider your specific health requirements when making your selection.
When planning for travel after retirement, consider the mode of transportation that aligns with your preferences and physical abilities. Cruises, for instance, offer a relaxed way to explore multiple destinations without the hassle of frequent packing and unpacking.
Train journeys can provide scenic and leisurely travel experiences, while air travel remains a convenient option for reaching far-flung corners of the world.
Integrating a sense of purpose into your travel plans can add a meaningful dimension to your post-retirement adventures. Consider incorporating volunteer opportunities or educational experiences into your itinerary. Engaging with local communities through volunteering can provide a deep sense
of fulfillment, while participating in workshops or cultural exchanges can enrich your understanding of the places you visit.
As you plan for travel during retirement, also think about how your trips can strengthen connections with loved ones. Invite family members or friends to join you on specific journeys, creating opportunities for shared memories and quality time together. Multigenerational travel can bridge generational gaps and provide a unique
way for family members to bond.
Planning for travel after retirement involves a blend of preparation, flexibility, and purpose. With careful financial planning, a sense of adventure, and the willingness to adapt to unexpected twists, your post-retirement travels can become some of the most rewarding and cherished experiences of your life. From fulfilling lifelong dreams to embracing new cultures, the world is yours to explore and savor at your own pace.
your physical health. The camaraderie and shared goals in these activities make exercising more enjoyable and sustainable.
Retirement opens the door to a new chapter of life, one that offers the freedom to explore new activities, pursue passions, and spend quality time on your own terms. Among the many enriching opportunities that retirement brings, staying socially active stands out as a vital aspect with a plethora of benefits. Engaging in social interactions and maintaining connections with others can contribute significantly to your overall well-being and enhance the quality of your post-retirement years.
Socializing after retirement has a positive impact on mental well-being. Engaging in conversations, sharing experiences, and participating in group activities stimulate your mind and keep it active. Regular social interactions can help prevent feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression, which sometimes accompany major life changes like retirement.
Staying social provides a sense of purpose and belonging. When you’re part of a community, whether it’s through clubs, volunteer work, or social gatherings, you feel valued and needed. Contributing your time, skills, and knowledge to others can give your life a renewed sense of meaning and fulfillment.
Being social often involves learning from others. Engaging in conversations with diverse individuals exposes you to different perspectives, new ideas, and a wealth of knowledge. Whether you’re discussing books, world events, or personal experiences, each interaction presents an opportunity to learn and grow.
Social engagement encourages physical activity and a healthier lifestyle. Participating in group exercises, dance classes, or outdoor activities with friends can motivate you to stay active and maintain
Retirement can bring its share of adjustments and challenges. Having a strong social network provides a support system to lean on during times of stress or uncertainty. Friends, family members, and social acquaintances can offer encouragement, empathy, and practical advice when needed.
Regular social interactions have been linked to a reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults. Engaging in conversations and social activities that require mental effort can help keep your brain sharp and functioning optimally.
The company of others often leads to increased feelings of happiness and contentment. Laughter, shared experiences, and a sense of belonging contribute to a positive emotional state. Building and maintaining friendships in retirement can lead to a more joyful and fulfilling life.
Retirement offers the time and freedom to meet new people and expand your social circle. Joining clubs, hobby groups, or taking classes exposes you to individuals who share your interests, making it easier to form meaningful connections.
Social connections can open doors to exciting adventures and new experiences. Friends may invite you to travel, explore new places, or try activities you’ve never considered. These opportunities can add a sense of excitement and exploration to your retirement years.
Research has shown that individuals who maintain strong social connections tend to live longer and enjoy a higher quality of life. The emotional and physical benefits of being social can contribute to an overall healthier and more fulfilling retirement journey.
There are more than 250 clubs and centers located throughout the County which provide programs that offer opportunities for productive and satisfying use of leisure hours. Information on meeting time and place of groups in local communities can be obtained from:
Nassau County Office For The Aging (516) 227-8959
Nassau County Senior Center Network
Funded by the Nassau County Department of Senior Citizen Affairs, and operated by voluntary non-profit agencies, these Centers provide nutritious lunches, transportation, social, educational and recreational programs. Learn more.
Nassau County Office For The Aging— Wellness Programs
The Nassau County Office for the Aging funds varied recreational and wellness programs at some clubs and centers in the County.
For information on activities and schedules, contact: (516) 539-0150
Nassau County Department Of Parks, Recreation And Museums
This department coordinates special
programs and facilities for senior citizens at many Nassau County parks. For information, call:
Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation and Museums
Eisenhower Park, East Meadow (516) 572-0200
Town And City Recreation Programs
Each town and city conducts recreation
programs, trips and various other services and activities for their residents. For further details, contact:
Town of Hempstead
Department of Senior Enrichment
200 North Franklin Street, Hempstead (516) 485-8100
Town of North Hempstead
Department of Community Services
1601 Marcus Avenue, Manhasset (516) 869-6311
Town of Oyster Bay
Department of Community Services
Division of Senior Citizen Services
977 Hicksville Road, Massapequa (516) 797-7900
City of Glen Cove
Office of Senior Services
130 Glen Street, Glen Cove (516) 759-9610
Long Beach Recreation Department Magnolia Boulevard and West Bay Drive, Long Beach (516) 431-3890
Catholic Charities
Recreational Services
For Senior Citizens
Staff provides assistance to interested individuals in the organization and development of Senior Adult Clubs and refers individuals to clubs for membership. For further information, contact:
Bi-County Alliance of Senior Clubs
90 Cherry Lane, Hicksville (516) 733-7051
Visit www.nassaucountyny.gov/3293/ for-seniors for more services, programs and resources in Nassau County.
—Information compiled by Chrisy Hinko
Retirement marks a significant shift in one’s financial landscape. The transition from a regular paycheck to relying on savings and investments can be both liberating and challenging. Managing expenses after retirement requires careful planning, prudent decision-making, and a clear understanding of your financial goals and limitations. By adopting a proactive approach and implementing effective strategies, you can navigate your post-retirement finances with confidence and security.
The first step in managing expenses after retirement is to assess your financial situation comprehensively. Take stock of your retirement savings, pensions, Social Security benefits, and any other sources of income. Factor in your regular expenses
such as housing costs, healthcare, insurance premiums, utilities, and daily living expenses. By understanding the inflows and outflows of your finances, you can create a clear picture of your financial standing.
Crafting a detailed budget tailored to your post-retirement life is paramount. This budget should align with your financial goals and reflect your changing priorities. Start by categorizing your expenses into fixed and discretionary categories. Fixed expenses encompass necessities like housing, healthcare, and utilities, while discretionary expenses cover leisure activities, travel, and entertainment. Creating a budget ensures that you allocate funds wisely and avoid overspending, helping your retirement savings last longer.
As you manage expenses after retirement, it’s crucial to prioritize essential expenses. Healthcare costs often increase with age, so ensure you have adequate coverage
and understand the terms of your health insurance. Additionally, prioritize housing costs, as your living situation can significantly impact your financial stability. Consider downsizing or relocating if it aligns with your financial goals and lifestyle.
Entering retirement with outstanding debts can put unnecessary strain on your finances. Focus on reducing high-interest debts such as credit card balances and personal loans. By paying off debts before retirement or developing a repayment plan, you can free up funds for other essential expenses and activities you’ve been looking forward to enjoying during retirement.
Investment diversification is a key strategy for managing expenses after retirement. While you may have shifted to a more conservative investment portfolio, it’s essential to strike a balance between risk and return. Diversifying your investments across various asset classes can help protect your savings from market volatility while providing the
potential for growth.
Determining a sustainable withdrawal rate from your retirement savings is a critical aspect of managing expenses. The four percent rule, which suggests withdrawing four percent of your initial
retirement portfolio and adjusting for inflation annually, is a common guideline. However, personal circumstances and market conditions can influence this rate. Regularly review your portfolio’s performance and adjust your withdrawal rate accordingly to ensure your funds endure through your retirement years.
Understanding the tax implications of your financial decisions is essential in managing expenses after retirement. Different income sources, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, and withdrawals from traditional retirement accounts, can be taxed differently. Explore strategies to minimize your tax burden, such as Roth conversions or timing withdrawals strategically.
While frugality can be a valuable approach to managing expenses, it’s essential to strike a balance between enjoying your retirement and being mindful of spending. Evaluate each expense to
determine if it aligns with your priorities and brings you joy. Making conscious spending choices can help you derive more satisfaction from your expenses and ensure you’re allocating funds to experiences that matter most to you.
Flexibility is key in managing expenses after retirement. Unexpected events, market fluctuations, and evolving priorities can impact your financial situation. Regularly review your budget, investment portfolio, and financial goals. Adjust your plans as needed to accommodate changes and ensure your financial security remains intact.
Managing expenses after retirement requires careful planning, disciplined budgeting, and a proactive mindset. By assessing your financial situation, creating a realistic budget, prioritizing essential expenses, and making informed financial decisions, you can enjoy your retirement years with confidence and peace of mind. Remember that your retirement journey is unique, and by tailoring your strategies to your individual circumstances, you can create a fulfilling and financially stable post-work life.
The Over 50 Fair will amaze the large crowd of Long Island Baby Boomers and seniors who will attend this year’s event. The Over 50 Fair returns to the Hilton Long Island/Huntington on Sunday, Sept. 10, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. More than 25 classes will be presented, including some very unusual offerings:
• Dream interpretation
• Ghost hunting
• “Manage your money without your honey”
• How to improve your dating and sex life after 50
• “How my positive attitude helped me beat breast cancer”
Additional classes will include Social Security, stress reduction, a comedy show, a dance demonstration, Medicare, and yoga.
In addition to the classes, there will be more than 80 businesses and organizations promoting a diverse assortment of local products and services, including health and wellness, travel, attorneys, jewelry, and assisted living options.
Local beauty queens from the Ms. New York Senior America pageant, including 2023 winner Mae Caime, RN, 2015 winner CJ Marie, and 2010 winner Elisabeth Zamarelli, Ph.D. will be in attendance.
This year’s event will feature a blackjack table with “funny money” where attendees can play the popular casino game.
In the Singles Lounge, singles can
Have some fun with the photo booth. Over 50 Fair
relax, mingle, win a free matchmaking membership and maybe meet their “special someone.” A free photo booth with props will also be available.
Admission tickets, which include access to all classes, exhibitors, and attractions are $5 online, $7 at the door, and free for Veterans with ID. Those who pre-pay will receive a special raffle ticket at registration. The Hilton Long Island/Huntington is located at 598 Broadhollow Road (Rt. 110), Melville, just south of the Long Island Expressway. Free valet parking will be available at the rear (Grand Ballroom) entrance. Visit www.Over50Fair.com for more information on this and future events. —Submitted by the Over 50 Fair
Not long ago, my cat, Alice, more affectionately known as “the marshmallow,” was taunting the dog and leading her on a chase through the house. She ran to her favorite “safe base” when they normally play this game, to the stairs leading up to the second floor, on her favorite step that puts her just above the dog’s eye level. These two continued to do battle for a few minutes longer until Alice realized she was losing and the game was not fun anymore. She knocked one of the spindles out of the railing trying to fit her fluffy body through the opening between spindles where she had made dozens of escapes from previously.
As I examined the destruction and wondering if it would be an easy fix, I noticed that all of the spindles along the handrail were not identical. The design carved along the length of each one was just slightly different, not obvious at a simple glance. I began asking a few carpenter friends about this inconsistency and was intrigued to learn that it is not a mistake or a show of poor carpentry skills.
In the realm of construction, where precision and skill meet innovation, traditions and superstitions have managed to find their place, often adding a touch of mystique to the practical art of building. One such intriguing belief is the carpenter’s superstition of turning one spindle upside down when constructing a staircase. This seemingly whimsical practice is steeped in history, symbolism and a touch of the supernatural.
The origins of the superstition are thought to date back centuries to a time when architecture and spirituality were
intricately intertwined. Staircases, serving as connectors between different levels of a structure, were believed to bridge the earthly realm with the spiritual or ethereal one. In this context, staircases were seen as potential pathways for spirits—both benevolent and malevolent—to traverse between worlds.
To counteract the perceived threat posed by evil spirits, carpenters began the practice of incorporating an upside-down spindle amidst the regular ones in a staircase’s balustrade. This solitary inversion was thought to disrupt the smooth progression of spirits, confusing and warding them off. The spindle, often placed inconspicuously, carried with it a protective significance, aligning the construction with spiritual beliefs.
The superstition of the upside-down spindle in staircase construction was based on the belief that evil spirits could only move in straight lines. The disrupted pattern created by the inverted spindle served as a deterrent, preventing these entities from navigating the staircase and infiltrating the living spaces above. In this
way, carpenters sought to create not just functional structures, but ones that offered spiritual security as well.
Beyond its supernatural connotations, the superstition also touches on themes of duality and balance. The staircase itself represents a transition between two different states—ascending and descending, going from one level to another. By introducing an element of asymmetry through the upside-down spindle, a balance is created. This balance mirrors the equilibrium desired in both the physical structure and the spiritual protection it offers.
The superstition encapsulates the intersection of craftsmanship and belief, reminding us that construction, though a technical pursuit, is also an art form with cultural and spiritual dimensions. Even in the face of modern skepticism, the tradition persists, showcasing the resilience of folklore and the human tendency to imbue the mundane with meaning.
I spoke to a couple of carpenters and learned three things about this oddity.
Some carpenters told me that, while they know of carpentry superstitions, their clients prefer consistency instead of seemingly errored or mismatched shapes, sizes and out-of-order. Several carpenters had never heard of this homebuilding superstition.
One carpenter told me that his reasoning for installing one spindle upside-down or purposely adding inconsistencies in his work is rooted in his personal religious beliefs. He said Jesus was a carpenter and only Jesus is perfect.
As construction practices have evolved over time, the superstition of the upside-down spindle has endured, often passed down through generations of carpenters. In an age where science and technology dominate the construction industry, this tradition stands as a testament to the enduring power of cultural beliefs. While some may view it as a mere curiosity, others continue to uphold it, recognizing its historical and symbolic importance.
It’s worth noting that this superstition, li ke many others, can have variations across different cultures and regions. While the core concept of using an inverted spindle for protection remains consistent, the specific reasons, rituals and beliefs associated with it may differ.
The superstition of turning one spindle upside down when building a staircase is a example of how cultural beliefs and practical craftsmanship can merge. This practice, rooted in ancient spirituality and protective symbolism, offers a glimpse into the connection of the physical and spiritual worlds.
Check out Anton Media Group’s special section, Design & Decor, inside your local hometown paper next week for more homebuilding superstitions.
Whether you are buying, selling, relocating or investing, feel free to contact me today to discuss any of your real estate needs!
did a great job assisting me with the purchase of a home. She was very involved in all aspects of the closing, super responsive, and looked out for my best interest. Highly recommend working with her!”
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A fun craft for this time of year is branch weaving. This craft works best with branches that were freshly trimmed from a tree, but you can do it with ones you find on the ground too, as long as they aren’t rotten.
A branch in the shape of the letter “y”
Yarn or fabric scraps
A scrub brush (optional; for cleaning)
Take the branch and clean it up a little by rubbing off any dirt or loose bark. You can do this with your hand or a stiff brush. Once your branch is clean, take the string and loop it over the top part of the “y” so it makes lines like a ladder. You can tie off each wrap to keep them tight. When you reach the end of the “y” make a knot around one side and cut off your string.
Next, take your yarn scraps and weave them through your string. Go over and under the strings from one end to the other. Don’t worry too much about getting every string. Just make a pattern that pleases you. If you want, you can push your scraps up to make them tight. This will make the pattern more noticeable.
Once the space between the branches is full of scraps, tuck in all your ends. You can put a dot of glue on each end to make sure they don’t come unraveled.
es io What word begins with E and ends with E, but only has one letter? s er Envelope.
Smithsonian‛s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute, Gila monsters are one of the few species of venomous lizards on the planet. Rather than injecting venom through hollow fangs like venomous snakes, Gilas have enlarged grooved teeth in the lower jaw. When they bite, their powerful jaws chew the venom in through capillary action along the grooves in these teeth. They are black, patterned along their backs with contrasting pink and orange. The largest lizard in the United States, Gila monsters can measure up to 22 inches in total length. They are desert dwellers, living primarily in Arizona and Mexico, the extreme southeastern corner of California, the southern tip of Nevada and the southwestern corners of Utah and New
Mexico. Their name comes from the Gila River, where the lizards are common. They most often raid nests to prey on small birds and eggs. They can also catch mammals, lizards, frogs, insects and carrion. They can eat up to one-third of their body weight in one meal. They can live 20 or more years in human care, though the record is 36 years. They are most active in the morning, but they spend most of their lives underground. Most of their above ground activity is in
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction al ays in a straight line o e letters are used ore than once ing each ord as you find it and hen you ha pleted the pu le, there ill be letters left o er hey spell out the alternati e the e of the pu le
By Holiday Mathis By Holiday MathisARIES (March 21-April 19). You’re not surprised when answers elude you or prizes play hide and seek, but you don’t expect to play such games with your own feelings. Perhaps this week you’ll be stymied about what you’re going through, unable to give it a name, and this is only because it’s new. Stay curious and keep coming back until you know what this is about.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your mood: candid. With your lters down, you may reveal things you didn’t mean to, but since you’re living to your own code, the shared information can only liberate you. at’s the bene t of accepting yourself in all honesty. You don’t prefer publicity, but when it happens, it’s no big deal.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It’s perfectly normal to feel unmotivated at times and therefore a silly thing to ght. Get rest when you can because a shining focal point enters your scene this week, which will be wonderfully disruptive. Everything aligns to draw you toward it. You’ll then stop thinking things should be di erent and start living your best life.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’re so good at prioritizing. You’ll think about what’s actionable, relevant and necessary. ere are things you’re still waiting for, but only with a sliver of your attention. What you put on the front burner needs stirring. e rest you can check in on from time to time with but a glance.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll be letting go of a problem. is is not the same as solving it. Solving isn’t always required. Dissolving will work better. e issue dissipates and loses meaning. You no longer see it as a negative if you can see it at all. ere’s a promising new place to focus your mind, and it’s exciting to see di erent things take shape in your life.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). More logical people may think it’s a waste to spend so many hours fantasizing, but they just don’t get it. Your creativity is boundless, and fantasizing unreasonably gives you access to stratospheric ideas. Shoot for the sun. You could hit the moon, or you could hit the oor. But that’s better than shooting for the garbage can and hitting the oor.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If you don’t feel you can say no to someone, how can you be sure you’re ever really saying yes? Maybe what you’re saying is, “Sure, it’s easier just to do things your way.” You’ll work toward healthy relationships, which include the freedom to thrash out di erences and establish mutually acceptable boundaries.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Consider going easy on yourself and giving yourself participation points instead of only rewarding yourself if you win. Internal harshness creates an energy drain you don’t need this week. Instead, go for a little sugar and self-care to encourage your next incarnation into being.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Emojis can be perceived di erently, not only by di erent people but on di erent platforms and devices. e same will go for other kinds of communication this week. You will prevent misunderstandings by checking in to get clarity about what other people perceive and experience. You’ll bring harmony to your scene.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ve expected a lot from yourself and now it’s time to ease up on the demands. Take the break; avoid burnout and injury. Who said you have to be the best at everything? It’s not necessary (and could be detrimental) to always be doing something. Bonus: Someone is very attracted to the way you kick back and have fun.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll be presented with a group challenge and may feel a pressure to belong, t in, in uence and the like. Avoid looking at the group as though it’s one entity. Instead, see each person as a separate individual to get to know. And remember, with individuals, everything is negotiable.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). ere’s something exciting and attractive about unpredictable people, but ultimately, they could distract you from this opportune moment to make real progress toward your goals. Seek stability. Focus on what you know and can control. In predictable circumstances, you will create brilliant systems and excel.
Pleasure is gratitude and gratitude is pleasure. With these states as one, you’ll continuously live in joy and appreciation. You already have all you need, and once you realize this, you’re unstoppable. You’ll work your talents and they’ll multiply. Polish those and an exponential process kicks in. Whatever shows up, you will use, help or enjoy it. You don’t have to covet, cling to or hoard anything. Relationships get easy; life becomes tidy. You’re somehow both powerful and free.
Solution: 15
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but al ays in a straight line o e letters are used ore than once ing each ord as you find it and hen you ha e copleted the pu le, there ill be letters left o er hey spell out the alternati e the e of the pu le
Solution: Weekend boat trip
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might be divided 3-3 and, failing that, the spade finesse might work.
All these possibilities added together make South a huge favorite for the contract. Yet, as the cards lie, he would go down one by pursuing this line of play, since both finesses fail and the clubs break 4-2.
However, South can improve his chances of getting home safely by altering his play slightly. After drawing trump, he should cash the A-K of clubs, in that order, to guard against the possibility that East has the doubleton queen. In the actual case, this safety play succeeds, and South makes the contract.
depends solely on
favorable distribution of a suit or the success of a finesse, all you can do is hope that the Fates will be kind to you. However, some hands that may seem to depend on luck can be salvaged by finding a way to reduce the luck element.
Consider this deal where South is in five diamonds and West leads a heart. East wins and plays another heart, ruffed by South.
There’s no denying that after this start, declarer has an excellent shot at the contract. He can draw trump, play the K-x of clubs and finesse the jack. If the jack wins, he is home free. But even if it loses, the clubs
Note that rejecting the club finesse doesn’t hurt declarer’s chances one bit. If the queen doesn’t appear, South simply leads his remaining club toward the J-6. If West has the queen, or the suit divides 3-3, the contract is home since dummy’s fourth club becomes declarer’s 11th trick.
By playing in this fashion, South makes the contract not only when West has the queen of clubs or the suit breaks 3-3, but also when East has the Q-x. The club finesse should therefore not be attempted.
Note also that if an extra trick cannot be produced in the club suit because East started with four or more clubs to the queen, South still has the spade finesse in reserve.
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
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Allen C. Schwab of Manhasset, NY, passed away on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at the age of 71, following a courageous and private battle with esophageal cancer.
Allen C. Schwab of Manhasset, NY, passed away on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at the age of 71, following a courageous and private battle with esophageal cancer.
Allen grew up in Plandome Manor, NY and attended Paul D. Schreiber High School. He was a graduate of Villanova University’s School of Business and worked as a technician at Verizon. After 32 years with Verizon, he retired in 2010. In his retirement, he volunteered for the INN Soup Kitchen and worked part-time at the Great Neck Park District’s pool and ice rink.
Allen grew up in Plandome Manor, NY and attended Paul D. Schreiber High School. He was a graduate of Villanova University’s School of Business and worked as a technician at Verizon. After 32 years with Verizon, he retired in 2010. In his retirement, he volunteered for the INN Soup Kitchen and worked part-time at the Great Neck Park District’s pool and ice rink.
Allen’s survivors include his wife Cheryl; his daughter Madeleine; his brother Richard (Sharon); his nephew Taylor; and friends from all chapters of his life. A memorial will be held Saturday, September 23rd, 2 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock in Manhasset.
Allen’s survivors include his wife Cheryl; his daughter Madeleine; his brother Richard (Sharon); his nephew Taylor; and friends from all chapters of his life. A memorial will be held Saturday, September 23rd, 2 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock in Manhasset.
—Submitted by Roslyn Heights Funeral Home
—Submitted by Roslyn Heights Funeral Home
Cat lovers in the Town of North Hempstead are facing a dire situation. We are the only town on Long Island with no cat shelter; the Town Animal Shelter only admits dogs. We also have the worst program for fixing cats (Trap, Neuter, Release | TNR) of any town. As a basis of comparison, North Hempstead has a once a month program for residents whereas Hempstead fixes cats on a daily basis.
Kathleen Lane Rice
The tragic result of this is huge amounts of cats starving and dying on the streets. The situation started while Jon Kaiman was Supervisor about 15 years prior. Construction on a cat shelter had started when for some reason he stopped it. The contractor sued the town, forcing the town to pay a 130K settlement.
Kathleen Lane Rice was born September 22, 1926, in Syracuse, NY and passed peacefully on August 2, 2023 in her 97th year. Devoted wife of the late Patrick F. for 59 years. Loving mother of Kathleen Rice Regan (Craig), Daniel Rice, Patrick Rice (Carla), Thomas Rice (Donna), the late Joseph, Mary Lott (James), James Rice, Matthew Rice (Kerry). Cherished grandmother of Sarah (David), Tyler (Donna), Elliott, Forrest, Kieran, Kathleen, Mia, Patrick, Brady, Griffin, Charlotte, Darby, Taylor, Gavin and four great grandchildren.
We are saddened to announce the passing of Antonio J Cianciulli, beloved father, husband, and nonno, on August 19, 2023. He fought hard the past year through a difficult battle with cancer. He was 61 years old.
Tony was such a selfless and good hearted soul. He raised his family of two daughters, Nicole and Gina, with his wife Maria. He was the proud owner of Soundview Landscaping in Port Washington with his brother. He loved spending time with all of his family, going to his cabin upstate with his friends and traveling to Italy. He will be greatly missed and in our hearts forever.
Kathleen was predeceased by her parents and deeply loved siblings, Ellen, John, Larry, Peter, James, Nancy Byrne. Funeral Arrangements were entrusted to Roslyn Heights Funeral Home. To leave condolences and for charity information, visit Kathleen L. Rice tribute page at RoslynHeightsFH.com.
Notice of formation of East Egg Lacrosse LLC. Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/27/2023.
Office locations: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 978 Adams Ave., Franklin Square, NY 11010. Purpose: Any lawful act.
9-20-13-6; 8-30-23-16-20236T-#242146-MAN
—Submitted by Maria Cianciulli
—Submitted by the Roslyn Heights Funeral Home
Anton Media Group celebrates the lives of all those in the community. We publish obituaries of residents and former residents at no charge to the families as a courtesy. We do this within the shortest time frame possible according to space availability. Email no more than 100 words to obits@ antonmediagroup.com, or mail to 132
A dedicated group of activists, of which I proudly identify myself, have spoken about this at every town board meeting for quite some time as well as staging protests in front of town hall. North Hempstead is a wealthy town and we are simply asking for humane conditions for cats on the streets. It is crucial to note that residents who don’t turn a blind eye to their suffering are forced to incur large medical costs and TNR costs out of their already overtaxed pockets. We humbly ask all animal lovers to call their representatives and urge them to rectify this situation in an expeditious manner. Too much time has passed and a change in leadership can only help.
—Stuart Kroll, residentE. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501.
Anton Media Group celebrates the lives of all those in the community. We publish obituaries of residents and former residents at no charge to the families as a courtesy. We do this within the shortest time frame possible according to space availability. Email no more than 100 words to obits@ antonmediagroup.com, or mail to 132 E. Second St., Mineola, NY 11501.
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on February 3, 2017. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 “Rain or Shine” on the 26th day of September, 2023 at 2:00 PM. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Plandome Heights, County of Nassau and State of New York.
visit Auction.com at www. Auction.com or call (800)
Dated: June 21, 2023
Premises known as 2 Shore Road, Manhasset, NY 11030.
(Section: 3, Block: 171, Lot: 312)
Approximate amount of lien $903,742.38 plus interest and costs.
Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale.
Index No. 004468/2008.
Ralph Madalena, Esq., Referee.
McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLCAttorney(s) for Plaintiff 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 840 New York, NY 10170 Tel. 347/286-7409
For sale information, please
During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale.
9-13-6; 8-30-23-2023-4T#242267-MAN
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election of the qualified voters of the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District (hereinafter called the “Fire District”), in the Town of North Hempstead, Nassau County, New York, will be held in the Fire District, on Tuesday, October 10, 2023. The polls shall open at 12:00 o’clock Noon (Prevailing Time) and shall remain open until 9:00 o’clock P.M. (Prevailing Time) or as much longer as may be necessary to enable the voters then present to cast their votes.
ny No. 1 Firehouse, Bayview Avenue, Manhasset, New York.
FURTHER GIVEN that for the purpose of encouraging greater participation such election, the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District has been divided into four election districts. These Manhasset-Lakeville Election Districts and the polling places for each district are as follows:
Manhasset-Lakeville Election District A includes all of Nassau County Election Districts 58, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 104 and those portions of Nassau County Election Districts 17, 56, 57, 59, 60 and 99 which are within the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District. The polling place for District A is Compa-
Manhasset-Lakeville Election District B includes all of Nassau County Election Districts 21, 106, that portion of Nassau County Election Districts 22 & 28 which are east of Middle Neck Road and that portion of Nassau County Election District 23 which is south of the Long Island Railroad Right-Of-Way. The polling place for District B is Company No. 3 Firehouse, 25 Prospect Street, Thomaston, New York.
Manhasset-Lakeville Election District C includes all of Nassau County Election Districts 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and that portion of Nassau County Election Districts 22 & 28 which are west of Middle Neck Road. The polling place for District C is Company No. 4 Firehouse, 97 Jayson Avenue (intersection of Northern Boulevard and Jayson Avenue), Great Neck, New York.
Manhasset-Lakeville Election District D includes those portions of Nassau County Election Districts 34, 72, 73, 74 and 77 which are within the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District. The polling place for District D is Company No. 5 Firehouse, 21 78th Avenue and Stewart Avenue, New Hyde
All references herein to Nassau County Election Districts are to those within the 16th Assembly District.
FURTHER GIVEN that pursuant to the resolution adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fire District on August 24, 2023, the following Proposition will be submitted to the qualified voters of the Fire District for approval or disapproval: PROPOSITION
All residents of the Fire District who were duly regisContinued on page 12
On Saturday, Aug. 26, the Manhasset Bay Sportsman’s Club held the annual Richard Peneski Sr. Snapper Derby. All in attendance enjoyed a beautiful morning on Manhasset Bay at the Port Washington Town Dock.
The Snappers were biting this year and lots of kids caught fish. Matthew Russo had the first Snapper for the boys and Sophia Capogna had the first catch for the girls and both were awarded new Rod & Reel Combos. Jacob Scheinberg, Jake Rogowsky, John Franco Capogna, Chase Bria, Nico Biancoviso, Miller Roth, Asher Beatus, Patrick Schuler, Anthony Capogna and Francesca Capogna all registered some nice fish! Ryder Seid registered the most Snappers caught, with six.
All the kids really enjoyed fishing off the dock with their family and friends. Manhasset Bay Sportsman Club provided rods, bait, snacks and drinks that were enjoyed by everybody. Boys and Girls 16 and under received raffle prizes and each participant received a Manhasset Bay Sportsman Club water bottle.
The Manhasset Bay Sportsman’s Club would like to thank the Town of North Hempstead and Duffy’s Bait and Tackle for their contributions and assistance and all the members who assisted with the derby.
—Submitted by the Manhasset Bay Sportsman Club
tered to vote with the Nassau County Board of Elections on or before Monday, September 18, 2023, shall be eligible to vote at said Special Election.
August 24, 2023
Town of North Hempstead - Board of Zoning Appeals
Pursuant to the provisions of the Code of the Town of North Hempstead, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Zoning Appeals of said Town will meet at Town Hall, 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset, New York, on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 to consider any matters that may properly be heard by said Board, and will hold a public hearing on said date to consider applications and appeals.
The following cases will be called at said public hearing starting at 10:00am.
APPEAL #21449 – Matthew & Kimberly Albert; 33 Rocky Wood Road,
Manhasset; Section 3, Block 72, Lot 209; Zoned: Residence-B
Variances from 70100.2(A)(2), 70-100.2(A)(4) and 70-202.1(C) to legalize fencing (a retaining wall) in a front yard that is too high and legalize retaining walls that are too high.
APPEAL #21455 – Fifth Avenue of Long Island Realty Associates, LLC (Hirshleifers Coffee Bar); 2080 Northern Blvd., Manhasset, Section 3, Block 183, Lot 12; Zoned Business-A/ Parking District Conditional Use 70-126.F for the relocation and expansion of a retail food use (coffee/snack bar) within a retail space. Plans are available for public viewing at https://northhempsteadny.gov/bzs.
ersons interested in viewing the full file may do so by any time before the scheduled hearing by contacting the BZA department via e-mail at BZAdept@northhempsteadny.gov.
Additionally, the public may view the live stream of this meeting athttps:// northhempsteadny.gov/ townboardlive.
Any member of the public is able to attend and participate in a BZA hearing by appearing on the scheduled date and time. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker.
Written comments are accepted by email up to 60 minutes prior to the hearing. Timely comment submissions will be made part of the record.
DAVID MAMMINA, R.A., Chairman; Board of Zoning Appeals
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Inc. Village of Plandome Manor will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. for the review and consideration of the adoption of Local Law 2 of 2023, amending Chapter 206. ‘Trees’ and Local Law 3 of 2023, amending Chapter 189. ‘Streets and Sidwalks’of the Village Code of the Village of Plandome Manor. A copy of the draft local law is on file with the Village Clerk’s office. The public hearing will be held at Village Hall, 55 Manhasset Avenue, Manhasset, NY 11030.
Dated: August 31st, 2023
For many children, learning an instrument is one of the benchmarks of the elementary years. For some kids, it might be a few tunes and a scale on the recorder, or a couple of years of piano lessons. For others, however, their instrument of choice is in the strings, and their goals extend beyond the basics. Pluckd Studio has been in the business of helping young musicians achieve their best for the last ten years. Their program takes students to the next level when it comes to performance and technique on violin, viola, cello and piano.
Pluckd Studio was founded in 2013 by Julliard graduates Roslyn Huang and David Gale, two best friends with different backgrounds who came together to create a music community that would appreciate, understand, challenge, and embrace every child just as they are. Their unique approach fosters musical talent and creates a vibrant community centered around giving back to society through the talents of our young musicians.
“It’s never too young to start because, you know, music teaches you music. A lot of people are very familiar with the Mozart effect, so it teaches coordination skills, analytical thinking. It’s never too young to start. It’s actually better to start younger because they’re more receptive, and a little bit more flexible,” Huang said.
One part of the training at Pluckd is for children who want to achieve better New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) scores. NYSSMA sponsors solo and small ensemble festivals statewide
where students are given a performance evaluation that involves playing a graded solo from the NYSSMA Manual, playing scales and sight reading. “That’s actually what we specialize in, because a lot of people come to us from other schools, other teachers, and we have been able to consistently increase your scores by two to five points,” Huang said.
Gale pointed out that the school does many practice performances in front of a panel of judges who are professional musicians to help the kids prepare for NYSSMA. “We have an intensive workshop solely to prepare kids and to help them achieve to help them increase the scores. We do performance classes, which is sort of like a mock audition, where (the student) comes in, they play their piece, the sight reading, their scale. I have a panel of professional musicians who play on Broadway, in the New York Philharmonic and they come in, they give them a score, they give them comments. Most of the kids do it like two or three times, so that when they actually walk in to the actual NYSSMA and there’s only
one teacher they’re like, ’Oh my god, it’s so easy.’ because in our workshops, there’s like three to four faculty members.”
Unlike traditional music schools, they are on a mission to not just teach music but to instill a sense of belonging and purpose in the students. They provide a collaborative and supportive environment where students can explore their musical passions while also understanding the importance of using their talents to make a difference.
Prior to the pandemic the pair was offering lessons in the students’ homes, but the business has grown to the point that they now have two locations, one in Manhasset and one in Syosset. The Manhasset location is at Christ Church at 1351 Northern Blvd. The school is open Mondays to Fridays 2:30 p.m. through 9:00 p.m., and Saturdays 10:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m.
Brand new this year, Pluckd is offering school teacher-approved winds, strings, brass, and percussion instrument rentals starting at $59 for the first four months. All instruments ship directly to homes for free, have a 100% rent to own option, and flexible
exchanges. To rent an instrument please visit: www.nemc.com/pluckd-studio.
Tuition is billed monthly on the following scale: $53.00 for 30 Minute Private Lesson, $79.50 for 45 Minute Private Lesson, and $95.00 for 60 Minute Private Lesson. The group lessons are based on the group: $15.00 for 30 Minute Group Lesson/Twinklers (Under the age of 6), $20.00 for 45 Minute Group Music Theory/Ear Training Class, $18.00 for 45 Minute Group Lesson/Beginners and $25.00 for 60 Minute Group Lesson/ Advanced Beginners-Intermediate. Ensembles have a set price of $200 per Semester. The String Ensembles perform at monthly outreach concerts as part of their curriculum.
Enrollment and registration at Pluckd Studio are open year-round, providing convenient opportunities for students to join the musical community at any time. Parents and students can visit their website at www.pluckd.studio or call (516)218-5110 to set up a free trial lesson.
—With informaton from Pluckd Studio
In a landmark decision, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first at-home oral pill, zuranolone, for treating perinatal or postpartum depression (PPD), a condition one in eight women experience. The decision is the culmination of decades of preclinical research done by scientists worldwide and the most recent clinical trials, led by Northwell Health’s The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research’s Kristina M. Deligiannidis, MD, professor at the Institute of Behavioral Science at the Feinstein Institutes and the director of Women’s Behavioral Health at Northwell’s Zucker Hillside Hospital. Deligiannidis has been the principal investigator on national multi-site clinical trials that led to the oral neuroactive steroid zuranolone’s approval.
The announcement was made just weeks after findings from the SKYLARK Study, a phase 3 placebo-controlled clinical trial of zuranolone (50mg), was published in The American Journal of Psychiatry. Results showed rapid, clinically meaningful improvements in depressive symptoms. Some women reported a significant improvement in their symptoms by day three (after two doses) and sustained through day 45 (end of the trial).
“After years of dedicated research and collaboration with other scientists around the country, women living with postpartum and perinatal depression have a new, at-home, easy-to-use treatment option that
has the potential to alleviate their symptoms,” said Dr. Deligiannidis. “PPD is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. With the FDA’s decision today, we may be able to reverse this and help many more women in need.”
Evidence suggests that PPD is partly due to a disruption in the normal interaction between the nervous system’s stress response, gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA) signaling and neuroactive steroids (NAS). The SKYLARK and ROBIN clinical trials – which provided the research data to support the FDA’s decisions – showed the most substantial results for improving depressive symptoms in women with PPD.
In 2021, Dr. Deligiannidis reported the publication of the phase 3 results of the ROBIN Study, which were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Psychiatry. The trial demonstrated the improvement in depressive symptoms with zuranolone at 30 mg versus placebo in patients with PPD and that zuranolone was generally well tolerated. Based on those results, the team began to study the safety and efficacy of 50 mg of zuranolone.
Over the past 15 years, Dr. Deligiannidis has received research support by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and non-profit foundations to understand
how neuroactive steroids are involved in the development of perinatal depression, specifically how they shape brain chemistry and brain circuitry in perinatal women. In 2019, through Dr. Deligiannidis’ clinical trial leadership, the FDA approved an intravenous infusion of the drug brexanolone (Zulresso) to treat the symptoms of PPD. While a landmark decision, the need for women to receive brexanolone at an infusion clinic or health system was a barrier to care. This new treatment, zuranolone, a pill, can be taken at home.
“Dr. Deligiannidis is a leader in clinical trials for postpartum depression, a condition that affects millions,” said Kevin J. Tracey, MD, president and CEO of the Feinstein Institutes, Karches Family Distinguished Chair in Medical Research. “The FDA approval stemming from her work will make available new therapeutic options that are clearly needed.”
The Feinstein Institutes and Dr. Deligiannidis lead in researching new methods to diagnose and treat perinatal depression. She received more than $4 million in multi-year grants to use non-invasive brain imaging to study how the condition develops in women and to develop novel treatments, including bright light therapy, sleep modification and non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation to treat major depressive disorders.
—Submitted by the Feinstein Institutes
In advance of the start of the school year, New York Attorney General Letitia James and New York State Education Department (NYSED) Commissioner Betty A. Rosa today released “Know Your Rights” guidance affirming that every student between the ages of 5 and 21 has the right to a free public education in New York, regardless of the student’s nationality or immigration status. The guidance details schools’ responsibilities in accepting new students and warns against the implementation of policies or requirements that would prevent noncitizens, undocumented students, and families without a lease from registering for school.
Under New York law, students between the ages of 5 and 21 have the right to a free public school education. Any policies that prevent students from enrolling in their local public school violate that lawful right. Federal and state laws require public schools to accept and enroll school-age migrants and other students experiencing
homelessness, or living in shelters or other temporary housing, even if those students cannot provide proof of residency, school records, or other documents usually required for enrollment.
In order to attend a school district’s schools for free, students must live in that district. While schools can ask families to submit documentation proving residence, they must accept many different kinds of proof, including but not limited to:
• Letter or affidavit from the student’s landlord;
• Letter or affidavit from a social worker, teacher, lawyer, religious leader, or other individual with personal knowledge of the student’s residence;
• Pay stub that shows the student’s address;
• Bill for a utility or service, including cell phone, that shows the student’s address;
• Membership documents based on residency, such as library cards, whether or not they show the student’s address;
• Government-issued identification that shows the student’s address; and
• Documents issued by a government agency, such as a local social services agency or the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, among others.
When a student requests enrollment, the school must allow the student to begin attending classes the next school day, or as soon as possible. The student then has three business days to prove residency. If the school decides the student is not a resident and therefore not eligible to attend, the school must provide a written notice explaining the decision and how the student can appeal.
New York schools should not impose residency requirements for students that would make it difficult for noncitizens, undocumented students, and students who live in rented homes without a lease to register for school. Such policies include:
• Requiring proofs of residency be less than
30 days old;
• Requiring students to present proof of residency more than once if residency has not changed;
• Making home visits to investigate every student who does not have a lease or deed;
• Denying enrollment if a student or their family cannot provide a voter registration card or driver’s license;
• Requiring a social security number or any details about a student’s immigration status as a condition of enrollment; and
• Reporting or threatening to report information about a student’s living situation to local code-enforcement authorities.
The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) encourages New Yorkers who have been denied enrollment at their local public school to file a confidential complaint online with the Civil Rights Bureau.
—Submitted by the Office of the State Attorney General
1 Muriel Road
Manhasset Bay Estates
Saturday, September 9th | 1:30 – 3:30
Sunday, September 10th | 12:00 – 2:00
Port Washington, NY – This elegant 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath Brick Colonial, is gracefully situated adjacent to the Plandome Country Club Golf Course in the enclave of Manhasset Bay Estates which includes beach and mooring rights (with fee). Thoughtfully designed and well appointed, this property epitomizes timeless sophistication and modern comfort. The main level boasts a formal living room, elegant dining room, well-appointed kitchen, powder room, mudroom and an extra room that can be used as a den or an office. The second level features a luxurious primary bedroom with en suite bath. Two additional well-proportioned bedrooms share another beautifully renovated bath. In addition, there is a large, full basement and detached garage.
The backyard features a graceful brick patio and landscaped grounds overlooking the golf course. This exceptional property marries classic design elements with contemporary amenities, offering a lifestyle of comfort and refinement. Convenient to town and train. MLS# 3500875. $1,399.000.
Gale Keenan
Associate Real Estate Broker
Laura Dunphy
Real Estate Salesperson
This year marks 22 years since the September 11th attacks in 2001. Below are some memorial events happening throughout the Town of North Hempstead where residents can pay their respects and remember those who lost their lives.
Thursday, Sept. 7
• At 7 p.m, the Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and the Town Board invite residents to join them at the town’s Annual September 11th Memorial Ceremony at Tobay Beach. For more information, visit the Town’s website at www.oysterbaytown. com or contact the town’s Department of Community & Youth Services at 516-797-7925.
Saturday, Sept. 9
• At 8 p.m., the Sousa Memorial Bandshell is hosting the Red White and Blues Band. Visit sousamemorialbandshell.org for additional information.
Monday, Sept. 11
• At 8:15 a.m., the Town of North Hempstead will host a 9/11 Memorial Service at Manhasset Valley Park on East Shore Road and Northern Boulevard. All are welcome to the ceremony. The Town of North Hempstead September 11th Memorial at Manhasset Valley Park features
a stately 19-foot-long steel beam from the World Trade Center. If you have any questions, please call the Office of the Town Clerk at 516-869-7610.
• At 7 p.m., the community is invited to join the clergy of Temple Beth-El of Great Neck at the 9/11 Memorial Bridge (Bayview Avenue in Saddle Rock, next to the library). Standing on the bridge from which many in the community witnessed the towers fall, the community will join together, taking a few moments for memory and reflection, song and hope. For more information, visit www.tbegreatneck.org or call 516-487-0900.
• At 8 p.m., the Interfaith Candlelight Memorial Service will take place in Mary Jane Davies Park on Plandome Road in Manhasset. The service will be led by clergy from Manhasset’s synagogues and churches. A choir from Manhasset High School will sing. Members of the Manhasset/Lakeville Fire Department will hoist a large American flag behind the gazebo. The service is sponsored by the Manhasset Clergy Association. For further information, call Rev. Jimmy Only of The Congregational Church at 516-526-8391. In case of rain, the service will be held at St. Mary’s.
—Information compiled by Julie Prisco
Town of North Hempstead Councilmember Veronica Lurvey and Mariann Dalimonte were proud to join the Town’s Department of Community Services to thank the student volunteers who worked throughout the summer to put on the weekly FunDay Monday events at North Hempstead Beach Park. Volunteers were presented citations to thank them for their commitment to the Town’s senior residents.
In late August, the Town of North Hempstead hosted its final FunDay Monday of the season. FunDay Monday is a popular free program for seniors in the town. It is organized and hosted by the Town’s Department of Community Services. FunDay Monday offers hundreds of seniors from across the town the opportunity to gather for games, music, dancing, entertainment, and exercise.
On Aug. 21, the Town of North Hemp-
stead hosted its most popular FunDay Monday event, Hometown USA Salute to the Troops. The event was an exciting celebration of American traditions with crafts, hobbies, demos, musical performances, a classic car show and a special Salute to the Troops. Also performances by the Quatrain Barbershop Quartet and Bud & Linda as well as a vintage car show on the boardwalk.
—Information compiled by Julie Prisco