Revanta Surya Homes
K 1 Zone – Suryaa Homes • The Zone ‘K’ covers an area 12439 Ha. having two sub zones K-I with an area of 6515 ha The sub zone is bounded by Delhi Rohtak Rail- way line in the North, existing HT power line on the West, boundary of Dwarka sub city on west • The objectives of the Master Plan for creation of sustainable physical and social environ-ment for improving the quality of life. For reducing the pollution level creation of the green area and the open spaces and manage-ment of the natural resources has been con- sidered, in this zonal plan. While preparing the detailed sector lay out plan, this aspect shall be suitable taken up. • The Smart City will include : 1.State of art infrastructure development. 2.Eco friendly environment. 3.High frequency mass transport system. 4.Uninterrupted Water and Power supply 5.High speed internet coverage 6.Responsive emergency medical services. 7.Dedicated bicycle lanes
For More Details Visit: Contact Us : S-1, II Floor, Centric Plaza, Sector- 11, Pkt-4, Plot No-8, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 8800173192