2016 ANU College of Asia & the Pacific Undergraduate Guide

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A S I A A N D T H E PA C I F I C AT A N U Study and travel in the Asian Century

ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

Contents Study Asia & the Pacific at ANU because ...


Our grads get the jobs & become global citizens


Come study here so you can go there


Money matters


Our degrees Bachelor of Asian Studies Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) Bachelor of International Security Studies Bachelor of Pacific Studies Bachelor of International Business Bachelor of Languages Diploma of Languages

10 12 14 16 18 19 19

Canberra bucket list


Monolingualism is curable


What to do next


Asia & the Pacific at ANU


S T U D Y A S I A & T H E PA C I F I C AT A N U B E C A U S E . . .

1 you love adventure Don’t just study the region— go there. Experience complete cultural immersion with a program of overseas study, and return with the language skills and awareness of local issues that can only be gained from first-hand experience. And you might just have the adventure of a lifetime too.


ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

money does matter Adventures don’t come cheap, so who wouldn’t love a few thousand dollars in their pocket when they board the plane? Our ANU EngageAsia Travel Guarantee makes sure you have the funds you need to study and travel overseas.

you can see into the future And it’s our neighbourhood. The Asia Pacific region is home to approximately two-thirds of the world’s population. China’s economy has just surpassed the US as the world’s largest economy and India is set to follow suit by mid-way through the 21st century. They don’t call this the Asian century for nothing.

4 you want to stand out A deep understanding of Asia and the Pacific is more valued than ever before, yet there is a critical shortage of knowledge about our most important neighbours. By developing an expertise in the region, you will be at a distinct advantage when launching your career in the global marketplace.

only the best will do ANU houses the largest concentration of Asia Pacific researchers and scholars outside Asia, teaches the largest number of Asia Pacific languages in Australia, and is recognised as a world leader in teaching and research on the region. There’s nowhere better in the country for your studies of Asia and the Pacific.


Asia & the Pacific at ANU


OUR GRADS GET THE JOBS & BECOME GLOBAL CITIZENS ANU graduates can be found all over the world in exciting and challenging jobs thanks to the global skills they develop during their studies. And according to The New York Times, we’re number one in Australia for increasing our students’ global employability. There’s no better way to expand your world and prepare for the Asian century than with our specialist degrees.

Meet some of our recent graduates

Daniel Glover, 27

Rianna Tatarelli, 25

reakfast Radio Presenter at the B Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers

At ANU, Dan was a senior resident at his residential college. He also channelled his inner journo by writing for the student newspaper, Woroni. After graduating from his combined degree of Asian studies and arts, he pursued a career in the media. He now works as a breakfast radio presenter for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

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ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

As part of her combined degree of Asian studies and commerce, Rianna studied in Indonesia as part of the Year in Asia program. During her studies, she interned at the Australian Trade Commission in Jakarta as well as local Indonesian NGO, the Society for Health, Education, Environment and Peace. She is now working as a consultant for global accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Catherine Grawich, 25

Aaron Truman, 25

Sport Administrator at International Basketball Federation

I nvestigative Assistant at the Australian Federal Police

At ANU, Catherine enjoyed all things Japan and Northeast Asia. She was also heavily involved in basketball. After graduating from her Asian studies degree, Catherine volunteered in Fiji for a year as part of the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development program which deepened her passion for developmental issues in the Pacific. She now works for the International Basketball Federation, using sport as a tool for community development in Fiji, Vanuatu, Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Nauru.

Aaron enjoyed studying Indonesian at ANU. He was also the first ANU student to study in Bandung, Indonesia as part of the Asia Pacific exchange program. After graduating from his international security degree, Aaron joined the AFP as a Project and Policy Officer. He worked specifically on policy for Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea. He has since moved up the ranks within the Australian Federal Police and is now an Investigative Assistant.

Helen Zhang, 28

Samuel Wall, 26

hird Secretary (Political/Economic), T Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

egional Policy Coordinator at the R Motion Picture Association of America

Helen graduated in 2010 with a combined degree in Asian studies and law. She started her career in Beijing and Hong Kong with commercial law firm, King & Wood Mallesons. At ANU Helen participated in a range of extra-curricular activities including ANU Radio, Interhall Arts & Sports, the Australia-China Youth Dialogue as well as the ANU Students’ Association and the Law Students’ Society. She now works for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and has been posted to the Australian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, as Third Secretary (Political/Economic).

At ANU, Sam combined a Bachelor of Asian Studies with a Bachelor of Laws. He was involved in various conferences and extra-curricular activities including Asia Pacific Week, the inaugural Australia China Youth Dialogue and the Australia China Youth Association. He is now living it up in Singapore as the Regional Policy Coordinator for the Motion Picture Association of America.

Asia & the Pacific at ANU


COME STUDY HERE SO YOU CAN GO THERE At ANU we think the best place for you to be is … not at ANU. Because the best way for you to study the Asia Pacific region is by going there. Take advantage of our overseas study programs, experience cultural immersion, improve your language fluency, and come back with memories that will last a lifetime.

Year in Japan Alexandra Norris


d Year in In


perience I got to ex t a th is ia dones weather. dying in In om warm fr tu s s t w u o flo b d a ing goo as an Everything The best th ction I got 2 months. ositive rea 1 p r e fo r th e g m n sum enjoyi r stopped Also, I neve language. e jung Kulon th g peakin rhinos in U r fo g in k outsider s o I went lo limantan. to travel— nu, tans in Ka -u I also got g n tralian me ra o ark and on the Aus n tewed e s ft o ly t ite o n National P things, was defin g zy in ra c th t e rs m o e so r we ks! t the w I’ve eaten eek for fou d dog. Bu w n a a r e e ic p p tw o t like grassh st—at leas for breakfa buffalo skin

Patrick D


ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

I’m constantly learning, not only in class but also when I order a coffee and chat with my Japanese friends. Even going to the supermarket is an adventure! By living in the country, I’ve been able to connect with people and gain an understanding of contemporary social issues in Japan. My knowledge of Japanese society, along with my language skills, have become so much more relevant. By connecting with Japanese people, my confidence in using the language has increased exponentially. My Year in Asia has been an incredibly worthwhile experience.

Year in Asia This is the big one, our flagship program for your overseas study experience. One whole year in your chosen country, studying like a local and immersing yourself in the language as you make yourself at home in a new culture. The Year in Asia program can take you to China, Japan, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan or Vietnam. Just like the name says, the Year in Asia program takes one year, added to the length of your degree. After completing your degree and your year overseas, you will graduate with a Bachelor of Asia Pacific Studies (Year in Asia).

Year in K



ca Pies


It has o nly life. This been two wee ks and cit already of hot w y is amazing. I fe By day affles an the air is el I am part of d spicy thousan Seoul dokbok full of d ds of tw elicious i. By ink karaoke smells goers a ling neon lights night the skyli nd late ne is lit Every d night sh , and streets a with ay feels re filled oppers. like an a to see. w it h dventure I ha fu and I ca ve heard that in summ ll of new peop nnot wa le and s er, Jeju it to upd ig Is ate eve ryone o land is the plac hts n my ad e to be venture s there.

Year in Ch in James Wo



Seeing truly is believing ,a believed. S omething is nd Beijing needs to b e seen to b always hap every hour e pening on of the day. every stree Studying a me a fanta t corner, t Tsinghua stic opport U n iversity has unity to me helped me given et Chinese understand people my what it is lik that is both age, and e to come astounding from a cou ly ancient a China’s de ntry nd jaw-dro velopment ppingly futu is unparalle opportuniti ristic. led, and it es and cha brings unp lleng rewarding e recedented xperience fo es. Living in China ha s been a ve r me—my I could have Chinese ha ry imagined, s improved and I have more than made frien ds I will ke ep for life.

Asia & the Pacific at ANU


M O N E Y M AT T E R S We know that money does matter, especially when you are thinking about studying overseas. That’s why we give cash to every single one of our students leaving on our study overseas programs. That means you!








to our students who receive an ATAR of 95+ and wish to go on Year in Asia (sadly not in addition to the other amounts on this page)







to participate in our Year in Asia program





to participate in our exchange program




to participate in an Asia Pacific study tour course or in-country language course

Year in Asia


In-country language courses

If you’re thinking about taking a gap year, think again! The Year in Asia program allows you to spend 12 months overseas in a chosen country. Travel and meet new friends while also getting a year’s worth of study under your belt. For more information check out pages 6-7.

Spend one semester studying at one of our partner universities across Asia or around the globe and gain credit towards your degree.

Travel during the summer and winter breaks with an intensive language course in Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand or India.

Study tour courses


Trade your seat in the classroom for a village hut in the mountains of Myanmar, a tearoom in Japan, or among palm trees in Hawaii.

Gain valuable work experience, and enhance your degree. Internships are available in Australia, Asia, and in Washington DC.

You will take preparatory classes at ANU beforehand, then spend four to six weeks overseas. v asiapacific.anu.edu.au/students


ANU College of Asia & the Pacific


There are loads of other grants and scholarships available to you. For example, the New Colombo Plan scholarships are valued at up to $67,000.

anu_asiapacific Asia & the Pacific @ANU Follow us on Instagram and check out some of our students on their overseas adventures.

Asia & the Pacific at ANU


OUR DEGREES Bachelor of Asian Studies Required ATAR 80 CRICOS Code 082710B

Australia is increasingly looking to Asia—strategically, economically, politically, and culturally—and all eyes are on the graduates of tomorrow to take us there. Will you be ready to lead us into the Asian century? With a Bachelor of Asian Studies you will master an Asian language, acquire in-depth contextual knowledge of the region, and graduate with the kind of Asian literacy that gets you noticed by employers. Combine your degree By combining your Bachelor of Asian Studies with a vocationallyoriented qualification such as economics, or law, you will graduate with two highly-regarded bachelor degrees and stand out from the crowd! Or, you could choose a vertical double degree: the Bachelor of Asian Studies/ Master of Globalisation. This unique program allows you to complete a bachelors and masters degree in only four years, setting you up for life.

From Qing to bling and everything in between; explore the highs and lows of modern China and how it has risen to the top (again) #HistoryofModernChina

Discover US foreign security policy & its continued power & sway on geopolitics in the Asia Pacific today #USSecurityPolicyinAsiaPacific

Career opportunities Our graduates find employment in marketing, international trade, banking and finance, teaching, tourism, translation, as well as all areas of federal, state and overseas government departments with policy and operational interests in Asia. Who knows where you will be after you graduate … a Japan specialist for the World Bank, a policy officer at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), or a human rights lawyer for an NGO in Indonesia?

What you need to know >> It will take you three years full-time to complete (single degree). >> You can combine it with other degrees to enhance your career options. >> You will complete a language, discipline and regional component. >> If you complete the Year in Asia program you will graduate with a Bachelor of Asia Pacific Studies (Year in Asia). >> This degree has an honours program which is a fourth year of research and coursework. You will receive $500 in this final year to support you with fieldwork or conferences. v asiapacific.anu.edu.au/students


ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

True or false: Slumdog Millionaire is an accurate portrayal of life in India? Study #Truth&FalsityinIndian History&Politics to find out!

Travel in-country for two weeks and dig up the dirt on China #ArchaeologyinChina

To see more tweets on courses you can study as part of this degree follow us @ANUasiapacific

Harry Kuang Former Director of ANU Asia Pacific Week, Harry Kuang says he’s found a winning combination in his Asian studies/law degree. I began my university experience studying commerce and law, but all my friends were studying Asian studies. As a result, I sat in on one of the classes and found I really liked it. I was totally immersed. So I dropped commerce, picked up Asian studies, picked up Chinese language, found out more about Chinese culture and history—which is my background—and never looked back. In my fourth year, I also elected to study a minor in Japanese language, reflecting how flexible study options at ANU are. In 2014, I was the Director of ANU Asia Pacific Week, an interdisciplinary student-run conference. We select 100 of the brightest delegates from around the world—usually students—and show them the best that ANU has to offer. An integral part of the week is allowing them to network with each other; we recognise they’re likely to be the future leaders of the region. The conference provides sessions on issues affecting Asia and the Pacific, aiming to broaden their areas of expertise. For example, my focus is China, yet through Asia Pacific Week I really gained an insight into issues facing the Pacific and Southeast Asia. That’s one of the goals of the week: to highlight how interconnected the region is. My flexible Asian studies and law double degree combines my two passions. I really enjoy courses where there’s a crossover between the two disciplines, and I can apply both. I don’t see one trumping the other and I hope to use both in my future career. It’s a winning combination. You can’t go wrong with it, really; having an Asian studies and law background has the potential to open so many doors.

Asia & the Pacific at ANU


OUR DEGREES Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) Required ATAR 99 CRICOS Code 043746B

If you are high achieving, curious and ready to be a leading mind in the Asian century, this is the degree for you. This program gives you the opportunity to undertake a custom-made, research-focused degree and is the only intensive undergraduate program in Australia to combine a specialisation in Asian studies, language and incountry study with research. We’ll pair you with an academic mentor carefully chosen from our world-leading research staff, equip you with independent research skills and design a program as exceptional as you are. Career opportunities The Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) is your gateway to a career in research and further education. It also equips you with highly marketable skills in independent research and analysis, communication and teamwork—valued by employers across all fields.

What you need to know >> It will take you four years full-time to complete (single degree).

Study Korean history to see how Kpop has changed its tune #Music&SocietyinTwentiethCenturyKorea

Censorship, consumption and connectivity: Explore the fascinating emergence of media cultures across Asia #MediaInAsia

>> Two referee reports are needed to apply. >> You will need to maintain a high distinction average to remain in the program. >> You can negotiate the courses you will study with an Asia Pacific focus.

1930 til today: Discover dynamics of power at play between Japan, Korea, China, & the USA #IRinNorthEastAsia

>> You will receive $1,500 (including $500 in your final year) to assist with research, fieldwork or conferences. Take a leap out of the classroom and into the world’s biggest ocean #PacificIslandsFieldSchool

To see more tweets on courses you can study as part of this degree follow us @ANUasiapacific

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ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

Catherine Perry From studying banking in China to the way of the Samurai, Catherine says she has found the flexibility she was looking for in the Bachelor of Philosophy. From a young age, I have been fascinated by learning Asian languages. Attending a school with a large number of Chinese students fostered this interest. As I grew up, my desire to be engaged with the Asian region only got stronger, and I knew at university I wanted Chinese to make up a major component of my degree. However, I had no idea which course to pursue, given I also had interests in the areas of business and economics, and wanted to study these at a higher level. So, the Bachelor of Philosophy (PhB) program at ANU immediately jumped out at me, as it is the only degree of its kind in Australia that allows complete flexibility with subject choices. I was surprised to find a program in which it was not necessary to complete any form of ‘major’ or ‘minor’. I was further drawn to the program upon discovering that PhB students would be able to do one-on-one projects with lecturers on subjects of their choice. Given ANU has the most renowned Asian studies department in Australia, the chance to work closely with lecturers was an opportunity not to be missed! So far I have explored projects that focus on issues from banking in China to the importance of Zen Buddhism in the way of the Samurai. I can’t wait for what is still to come, including the possibility of studying in China for a semester. The PhB has offered me so many opportunities to extend myself, and to discover where my true interests lie. The degree has helped me confirm my aspiration to work in Asia, where I hope to combine my interests in both language and business.

Asia & the Pacific at ANU


OUR DEGREES Bachelor of International Security Studies Required ATAR 90 CRICOS Code 082704M

It’s a dangerous and uncertain world out there. From violence in the Middle East, to global warming and its impact on human populations, there’s a whole range of factors which threaten the globe. Lucky we have part of the solution. When you study the Bachelor of International Security Studies you delve deeply into the contemporary security threats facing nations, international organisations and businesses around the world—including the threat of military power, civil war, terrorism, cybercrime, environmental degradation and food security to name just a few. Combine your degree By combining your Bachelor of International Security Studies with a vocationally-oriented qualification such as economics or law, you will graduate with two highly-regarded bachelor degrees, opening up even more career opportunities.

Career opportunities Our graduates find employment in government organisations such as the departments of defence and foreign affairs and trade, Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation, the Australian Federal Police, as well as multilateral bodies like the United Nations, and private international security businesses. Kick start your career in international relations; whether that’s working for the United Nations or Interpol, in foreign affairs or an intelligence agency, or providing advice on security threats to corporate Australia!

What you need to know >> It will take you three years full-time to complete (single degree). >> You can combine it with other degrees to enhance your career options. >> You will major in international security studies and minor in one of 23 options. >> This degree has an honours program which is a fourth year of research and coursework. You will receive $500 in this final year to support you with fieldwork or conferences.

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ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

A major pacifist power in Asia Pacific with a bad memory of war? Understanding #JapansSecurity Dilemmas

Nuclear weapons & Asia Pacific states: Learn what makes them tick #NuclearPoliticsinAsia

Shifting allegiances: Examine all the issues as China elbows in on the Australia-US relationship #AustraliasSecurityInTheAsianCentury

Use theories and themes to learn of the extremes; from war to ISIS and other forms of crisis #CopingwithCrisis #InternationalSecurity

To see more tweets on courses you can study as part of this degree follow us @ANUasiapacific

Thomas Murphy Tom says his degree has helped him forge friendships and find internships, all while trying to solve the security challenges that keep world leaders up at night. Having studied Japanese in high school, I started off doing a double degree in law and Asian studies. I took an elective from the International Security degree and very quickly realised that this was very much what I wanted to study. We analyse the security issues that keep world leaders up at night—issues like North Korea, cyber-security, the South China Sea disputes, and Australia’s maritime environment. Combining international security with law has been very useful because there are always legal factors to a security issue, and often security issues are reflected through the law—terrorism is a good example. We also have access to some amazing academics like Hugh White and former Admiral Chris Barrie, all of whom have an opendoor policy for students. My friends and I have even teamed up with academics to make submissions to government on topics like Defence white papers and Australia’s UN Security Council seat, which has sometimes involved meeting federal ministers. The other great thing about the degree is that some courses have field trips, and the Security and Defence Studies Centre organises events like wine and cheese nights with academics, paintball, laser tag, and BBQs. I’ve also forged some great friendships with like-minded people. When I graduate I want to work either in foreign affairs, or in an international law firm, with a focus on the Asia Pacific. My International Security degree has already helped me get into internships and open doors in this area.

Asia & the Pacific at ANU


OUR DEGREES Bachelor of Pacific Studies Required ATAR 80 CRICOS Code 075274J

Did you know the Pacific is the largest geographic region on the planet and hosts 20 per cent of the world’s languages? Did you also know that the largest concentration of Pacific experts in the Southern Hemisphere work or study at ANU? Join an elite group of international graduates who understand Oceania with a Bachelor of Pacific Studies. Australia’s long engagement with the Pacific Islands region sets it apart from the rest of the world. ANU is the only place in Australia where you can develop an in-depth understanding of the cultural, social, environmental, linguistic and political contexts of this diverse region with a specialised undergraduate degree and major. The Bachelor of Pacific Studies is also designed to allow you to pair a discipline with your regional specialty. Combine your degree By combining your Bachelor of Pacific Studies with a vocationally-oriented qualification such as economics or law, you will graduate with two highly-regarded bachelor degrees, opening up even more career opportunities.

Career opportunities As Australia’s engagement with the Pacific increases, so too does the need for graduates with Pacific expertise. Those specialising in the Pacific include politicians, lawyers, activists, journalists, scholars, writers, researchers, climate experts, and policy makers.

What you need to know

Hawaii. Samoa. Fiji. #PacificIslandsFieldSchool will take you there, for the local lessons of a lifetime.

Explore current debates in international relations, security, humanitarian aid & immigration in which Oceania & Australia must work together #Australia&Oceania

Explore the war of words between the Allies, Japanese and Pacific Islanders over the Pacific War #WarintheIslands

>> It will take you three years full-time to complete (single degree). >> You can combine it with other degrees to enhance your career options. >> You will major in Pacific studies.

From Independence to Intervention: Investigate the dramatic political change that is taking place across the Pacific #PacificPolitics

>> You will minor in one of 32 options or complete another major in one of 21 options. To see more tweets on courses you can study as part of this degree follow us @ANUasiapacific

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ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

Veitania Lepani Meet Pacific pioneer, Veitania Lepani, the first graduate of the Bachelor of Pacific Studies. I graduated from a Bachelor of Pacific Studies majoring in anthropology. The interdisciplinary focus of the Pacific studies courses was a personal highlight for me. The program provided insight into historical and contemporary issues such as colonialism, World War II, development, gender, and Pacific relations with Australia, and its place in the world. As part of my degree I went to Samoa with the Pacific Islands Field School. That was amazing! It’s an annual in-country course which takes undergraduate students to different countries in the Pacific, such as Fiji, Solomon Islands, and Hawai’i. During our three weeks we collaborated with other students from the National University of Samoa and the University of the South Pacific. The whole experience was centred on cross-cultural exchanges of the arts, and cultural and social practices. I was initially inclined to do the Bachelor of Pacific Studies program because of my Papua New Guinean heritage, but I would definitely recommend studying the Bachelor of Pacific Studies to any student who has an interest in the other side of the too often hyphenated ‘Asia-Pacific’. Gender relations and children’s education in the Pacific are the two areas that I am most interested in. My top career goal is to work in an NGO or agency in the Pacific Islands or here in Australia that has connections with the region.

Asia & the Pacific at ANU


OUR DEGREES Bachelor of International Business Required ATAR 86 CRICOS Code 047472C

Your vision is global, not local. You want to travel, and to work around the world. You want the language skills to succeed in the globalised marketplace. Above all, you aspire to lead. The Bachelor of International Business will equip you with the detailed business knowledge and negotiation, conflict resolution, marketing and management skills you need to fulfil your aspirations. Your Asian language skills and specialised knowledge of the Asian market will set you apart when prospective employers are looking for expertise in the world’s largest economy.

Career opportunities Our graduates find employment in international trade and global sourcing, research analysis, international accounting, marketing, and in the import-export sector.

What you need to know >> It will take you three years full-time to complete (single degree). >> You will study a business and economics component, an Asian society and language component, and an elective component. >> You can only commence this degree in semester one of each year.

Lewis Hirst My interest in Japan was born when I went to Tokyo on a family holiday when I was little. I don’t want to say I fell in love, because that’s a bit clichéd, but I had an amazing 10 days and was inspired by the wonderful contrast between the traditional and the hypermodern. At the end of school, I was interested in the Asian region, particularly the business dynamics and economic issues, so I thought I should back this interest up with some serious business knowledge. The Bachelor of International Business works really well for me because I can apply the theory of international business to the fascinating context of Asia and the Pacific. I think it’s a really good choice. I get access to incredible researchers and dynamic thinking in the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, and then the ANU College of Business and Economics prepares students really well for doing business internationally. It’s a wonderful marriage, really. I’m interested in going down the pathway of management consulting. It will allow me to work with the private sector, but still be creative. Plus, I can live and work in Asia.

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ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

OUR DEGREES Bachelor of Languages Required ATAR 80 CRICOS Code 073988B

If you’re a lover of languages, then you’ll love ANU. In the 2014 QS World University Rankings by Subject, ANU was ranked number one in Australia and 14 in the world for modern languages. At the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, we offer the highest number of Asia Pacific language programs outside of Asia itself. When you study this degree you will graduate with true language fluency, preparing you for the increasingly international workforce of the Asian century.

Career opportunities Our graduates find employment in language teaching and analysis, translation, diplomacy, trade, defence, journalism, tourism, and many other fields.

What you need to know >> It will take you three years full-time to complete (single degree). >> You can combine it with other degrees to enhance your career options. >> You will study language components and linguistics components.

Diploma of Languages You can add a language to your studies by taking the Diploma of Languages alongside any bachelor degree, or after you’ve finished. You’ll graduate with language proficiency—and the qualification to prove it.

What you need to know >> The Diploma is equivalent to a language major. >> Y ou can study it at the same time as your bachelor degree, or afterwards.

Kaitlin Hawes I saw this degree when I was in Year 11 and I just knew, ‘That is what I want to do’. I went full steam ahead to get here. I love it to pieces! You have freedom to do multiple languages too. You can do Sanskrit, you can do Urdu, you can do Mongolian. It’s incredible! There’s the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific Students’ Society, which is exceptionally good, and a kabuki club (traditional Japanese theatre), which is the longest-running kabuki troupe outside of Japan. There’s also a student Language Exchange, which runs in various languages during the week, where you can talk with native speakers at ANU for conversation practice. These meetings quickly turn into friendship circles and we will often watch movies together afterwards, or go to karaoke, or things like that. ANU has a leading status in Asia, so if you want to work in Asia, saying you went to ANU is very good for connections. And when you’re doing your research, the textbook you have is usually written by somebody in the faculty. You know you can just go to see them, and ask them questions. These people are my lecturers and they literally wrote the book on this subject!

>> Y ou may only be able to undertake one or two courses towards this qualification each semester. v asiapacific.anu.edu.au/students

Asia & the Pacific at ANU


CANBERRA BUCKET LIST Your university experience might take you to exotic destinations all over Asia, but it starts right here in Canberra. Make sure to tick off your Canberra bucket list before leaving.

Join a toga party in O-Week. J oin a political rally at Parliament House (toga optional). M ake a spontaneous trip to the snow after class. M ake a spontaneous trip to Chicken Gourmet at 3am. F ind your inner Psy at Korean karaoke. G et psyched at an AFL game at Manuka Oval. Get on a first-name basis with the campus duck population. B etray the ducks at Tak Kee Roast Duck Inn. E at too many pies during rugby league season. Eat dirt on local mountain bike trails. S tick to the dance floor at Mooseheads. S tick to your guns—tell all the haters how much you love Canberra.


ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

MONOLINGUALISM IS CURABLE There’s no reason to be tongue-tied in the Asian century. We offer the largest range of Asia and Pacific languages taught in the Englishspeaking world. Whether you choose to study online or on campus, our classes are interactive, you’ll be taught by leading language and culture specialists, and have access to our state-of-the-art language learning facilities.

Languages Depending on which degree you choose, you can study the following languages: Korean Mongolian Persian Russian Sanskrit Tetum Thai Tibetan Urdu Vietnamese

Arabic Burmese Chinese French German Hindi Indonesian Italian Javanese Japanese

What to do next To apply

For more information

Domestic students apply through the Universities Admission Centre (UAC) online. Visit www.uac.edu.au/undergraduate

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International students apply directly to ANU. Please visit www.anu.edu. au/study/apply/anu-undergraduateinternational-applications

E domestic.enquiry@anu.edu.au or international.enquiry@anu.edu.au T 1800 620 032

Asia & the Pacific at ANU


ANU College of Asia and the Pacific HC Coombs Building 9 The Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200 Australia T 1800 620 032 E domestic.enquiry@anu.edu.au international.enquiry@anu.edu.au W asiapacific.anu.edu.au CRICOS Provider Number 00120C

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