All You Need To Know About Liquid Matte Lipstick Lipsticks are fun for sure! No doubt in that. But the process to pick one is not always the best part! No doubt, our decision to buy liquid lipstick online always brings a sense of happiness. Only to find out later that we could have grabbed a better deal!
Whether you are into liquid matt lipstick or you are just a beginner to absorb any information that would come your way, here are a few insights from us to you: 1. Prep your lips well Lips need to be prepped well for a liquid matt lipstick application. By putting Vaseline and making sure the lips are well hydrated, we avoid the chances of our lips looking dry and all chapped. If we have tried using different varieties of lip balms, we can also use glycerine in our normal daily lip care routine. Also while applying lipstick; we can stick to applying Vaseline, at the very starting of our makeup, so the lips absorb it well and are ready to take the matte lipstick.
2. How many coats do you go for? One best qualities of matte lipstick are, they do not need more than one coat to go for! If you are going for more than one coat, then it will look weird and very soon, it will appear chappy and will begin to crack as well. Isn’t this good news for us girls who want to keep every bit of their favourite shade safe? Just to keep using it for a longer period? Ain’t this a money-saving idea too? You get your favourite shade once and keep using it for years!
3. No rubbing of lips after liquid matte lipsticks, please! We can opt for a waterproof matte liquid lipstick but we can never keep opting for rubbing our lips after wearing our liquid matte lipstick. Once we have the lipstick on, it is time for the perfect matte to finish its work and let the lips get their glow on their own. With repeated or even one time rubbing, we will make the lipstick appear chapped and the lip would turn out to be super dry. And clearly, we don't want that!
4. No touch-ups, please! We girls like to be particular about our make-ups and thus, not even a little of here and there goes well with us. With liquid matte lipsticks, even a little touch up will not bring good results. This will bring cakiness on the lips that we surely don't want to go for! Since matte lipsticks are too good in their hold, they don't need any further touch-ups.
5. You will need a good make-up remover Because matte liquid lipsticks have a good hold, you surely would need a good make-up remover. The only reason is, they are a bit stubborn in coming out!
Which ideas are you already trying and which ones are you thinking of trying now?
To be honest, few girls feel bored after using one or another kind of lipstick. And the search then begins to get something more! Also, which shade of matte lipstick is your favourite? Do share it in the comments below!