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This documents is prepared by Anuj Vijay Gadre, as a part of his Design Project. Set in Univers LT Std and DIN Std. Published at:


Anuj Vijay Gadre S0901103 PG Graphic Design 2009 National Institute of Design




Films are a medium have always intimidated me. Since my childhood they have been an integral part of my life. As an average audience I have been following a lot of popular trends related to films. The most prominent of these is the gossip.

The magazine as a form of publication has also been an area of my interest. To me, a magazine is a medium of fast and quick entertainment and knowledge. A magazine is loaded with images which also makes it interesting to look at. On the contrary to books, magazines have more crisp information which is delivered in a visually pleasing manner.

A magazine provides reader with information which is either contemporary or specific and supported quite well with visuals. The reader has a certain connection to the content as magazines are also audience specific. A magazine builds a relationship with the audience over a period of time. To me personally magazines have been a great source of latest happenings in the world of films, technology, politics and sports.

These days filmy gossip is served to us in many forms with the advent of electronic media. But before any of this was present film magazine was the only source for the masses and fan following to get slice of latest happening in the lives of their favourite people.


Redesign of a Film Magazine DESIGN PROJECT Duration: 5 weeks Guide: Rupesh Vyas Magazines in our country are as popular as their counterparts in rest of the world. While many international brand names of magazines like Forbes, Times etc., are arriving in India, their is already a huge local market for Indian magazines is well set with a decent audience and reach. While, I was never into serious reading, magazines were always a great source of knowledge, information and entertainment. From kid’s bimonthlies in childhood like Champak, Baalhans etc., to magazines in later stages like Filmfare, India Today, Outlook, Sunday Indian, Digit, 4P’s Marketing, etc., I have been into a constant contact with this kind of publication and its presentation of information has always enticed me.

Films are and have been my ever-present passion which I discovered of lately after working on various courses in NID. Also there is a identifiable need of bringing the change to the existing film magazines available in the country since the cinema is of the country is rapidly changing. There is a desperate need of giving the magazines a fresh look which also redefines the tonality of the information they carry.

After my study in Graphic Design I feel this is the right opportunity for me to retrospect and contribute to this dynamic medium hence magazine design.

Anuj Vijay Gadre


Semester 4

7 For the limited scope of this project I would look into four major film magazines of the country which are published in English and circulated across India. They are: FIlmfare, Cineblitz, Screen, Stardust.

A brief analysis of the Layouts, Typography, and visual language followed, in each individual magazine would define the need and selection for the magazine to be proposed for a change. After which the redesign part would include redisigning the template for one of the four selected magazine and creating guidlines for the content based on type, hierarchy and importnce of information.


1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

5th week

Analysis Redesign Documentation

Guide’s Signature

Student’s Signature

Date: Anuj Vijay Gadre


Semester 4

8 HISTORY OF MAGAZINES Though there may have been published material similar to a magazine in antiquity, especially perhaps in China, the magazine as it is now known began only after the invention of printing in the West. It had its roots in the spate of pamphlets, broadsides, ballads, chapbooks, and almanacs that printing made possible. Much of the energy that went into these gradually became channelled into publications that appeared regularly and collected a variety of material designed to appeal to particular interests. The magazine thus came to occupy the large middle ground, incapable of sharp definition, between the book and the newspaper. Magazines were the dominant mass medium in the United States from the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. They helped create a national culture of shared references, information, perspectives, and literature, and as the premier venue for advertising nationally available products, created a national material culture as well. In 2000, despite the rise of competing media, more than 17,000 consumer magazines were published in the United States. The 758 of those titles tracked by the Audit Bureau of Circulations, an industry group, reported over 378 million in aggregate circulation that year. Barely differentiated from newspapers in the eighteenth century, magazines soon functioned as more durable anthology and miscellany, defining national literature and national identity. Initially, ties to England were strong. The

term “magazine” itself originates with British monthlies, beginning in 1731 with the Gentleman’s Magazine, adopting the word’s sense of storehouse. Names of early-nineteenthcentury American magazines continued to suggest a collection of miscellaneous but precious contents, with such words as “museum,” “repository,” “casket,” or “cabinet” in their titles. Eighteenth-century American magazines were largely reprints from books, newspapers, and other magazines, often from England, though some editors sought out original contributions. In a country that lacked a class of professional writers, these were often hard to obtain. Nineteenth-century magazines likewise maintained strong ties to England’s literary production. As they reprinted British literature—pirated or paid for—they did less than they might have to foster American literature, until changes in copyright law made piracy a less attractive alternative to paying American authors. While periodical circulations remained small, however, reprints and exchanges among newspapers and magazines effectively distributed news, literature, and information nationwide. Individual eighteenth-century magazines circulated locally to only a few hundred and were short lived; the publishing historian Frank Luther Mott calls it unlikely that the aggregate circulation of all the magazines for any given period in the eighteenth century was ever more than five thousand. Many were church affiliated, and they included a children’s

magazine, a music magazine, and women’s magazines. Like newspaper producers of the time, magazine publishers accepted fuel and produce as payment for subscriptions, and continued to accept such payment for advertising into the late nineteenth century. Most of the early periodicals were designed for the few who could afford them and can be fairly called “quality” magazines. In the 1830s, however, less expensive magazines, aimed at a wider public, began to appear. At first these magazines emphasized features that promoted improvement, enlightenment, and family entertainment, but, toward the end of the century, they evolved into popular versions that aimed at providing amusement. Women’s magazines frequently reflect the changing view of women’s role in society. In the 18th century, when women were expected to participate in social and political life, those magazines aimed primarily at women were relatively robust and stimulating in content; in the 19th, when domesticity became the ideal, they were inclined to be insipid and humourless. After about 1880, magazines began to widen their horizons again. The critical review developed strongly in the 19th century, often as an adjunct to a book-publishing business. It became a forum for the questions of the day—political, literary, and artistic—to which many great figures contributed. There

9 were also many magazines with a literary flavour, and these serialized some of the best fiction of the period. A few marked the beginning of specialization—e.g., Science.

India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan

The publishing of scholarly journals, begun in the 17th century, expanded greatly in the 19th as fresh fields of inquiry opened up or old ones were further divided into specialities. Numerous learned societies were formed in such fields as classical studies, biblical studies, archaeology, philology, Egyptology, the Orient, and all the branches into which science was dividing, and each society published a regular bulletin, proceedings, or “transactions,” which enabled scholars to keep in touch with what others were doing. In the sober pages of these journals, seldom read by the general public, some of the most far-reaching discoveries were first made known.

Important 20th-century magazines in India include the Illustrated Weekly of India (founded 1880), a topical review for educated readers; the Statesman Weekly (founded 1924), an illustrated digest of Indian news and views; the monthly general review Current Events (founded 1955); Thought (New Delhi, 1949–78/79), a political and economic weekly; the monthly Akhand Anand (founded 1947); and the weekly Akashvani (founded 1936), Dharmayug (founded 1950), and Mukhabir-I-Alam (1903). Sport and Pastime (1947), with offices in several cities, is well illustrated. Eve’s Weekly (founded 1947), in English, Urdu, and Hindi, is a popular women’s magazine. Bangladesh weeklies include Bangladesh Sangbad (founded 1972). Pakistani periodicals include the monthly Subrang Digest (1970) and the weekly Muslim World (1961).

10 THE SELECTED MAGAZINES In India, film magazine segment has been dominated by majorly four magazines. Contemporary magazines like Filmfare, Stardust, Cineblitz and Screen are the major players of this segment with varied audience. While Filmfare has been around for more than sixty years now, others like Stardust, Screen and Cineblitz were introduced in the seventies.


12 ANALYSIS A magazine has a varied set of components as a publication, that makes it different from each other and other forms of publications.


Year Editor Publisher Type Size Pages Binding Masthead Cover Grid System Typography


Type of imagery

1952 Jitesh Pillai TOI, WWM Biweekly 20 x 27.5 Over 150 pages Perfect Bound Gotham derivative Full Body Images, Spot Colours, Highlights 3x3 A good mix of Serif and Sans serif typefaces that are bold and clear at the same time. Colours in Filmfare are vibrant. Each section is colour coded and hence easy to spot. Standardized imagery, most articles are exclusively shot


Year Editor Publisher Type Size Pages Binding Masthead Cover Grid System Typography

Colour Type of imagery

1974 Nishi Prem VJM media Monthly 21 x 27.6 Around 150 pages Perfect Bound ITC Pacella derivative Full Body Cover, Formal Typeface, Cover Story and Highlights. 3 column or 2 column Vague typography at many places reduce the sheen of the magazine although typeface selection is quite good. Heavy use of black, and darker shades of hues. Same as filmfare.


Year Editor Publisher Type Size Pages Binding Masthead Cover Grid System Typography

Colour Type of imagery

1971 Priyanka Sinha Jha The Indian Express Weekly 26.8 x 35 Over 30 pages Centre Staple Custom logotype Cover Story Excerpt, Cover Story and 2 more stories. A 12-column Standard Grid as used in Newspapers Newspaper standard typography. Not Played much with although being a large format. Red evidently identifies with the language Large format enhances images


Year Editor Publisher Type Size Pages Binding Masthead Cover

Grid System Typography

Colour Type of imagery

1971 Shubha Shetty Saha Magna Publishing Co. Monthly 20.4 x 26.8 Over 150 pages Perfect Bound Custom logotype Full Body Image, 3 Column layout, Cover Story and 2 more sub stories 3 column or 2 column Poor typography and Bad selection of Fonts. Special Features have very bad Typography No standardized use of colour. Very few articles are exclusively shot. Images are not appealing.

16 WHY STARDUST A major reason for the selection lies in the cover page. ◆◆The fact that the layout of the cover page has remained constant since the beginning can be seen as a reason to change. ◆◆The Grid System followed in the magazine is not structures and breaks at many places. ◆◆The selection of typefaces is weak and does not give the magazine any visual language. ◆◆ The type of imagery used is also very crucial. There are lots of basic requirements which this magazine is lacking. For example absence of a content page causes the reader to be lost right at the beginning. ◆◆There is a vast difference in the type of images used in the magazine among each other. To get a visual language set there needs to be a code for the selection of imagery and the way it is to be presented in the magazine.


18 REDESIGN Role of Design

Options for LOGO, Masthead and Cover

The initial idea is to start setting the various attributes to the magazine which are required based on the current design and general understanding.

A cover page of a magazine ◆◆Identifies the magazine amongst others ◆◆Attracts attention towards the magazine ◆◆It creates a suitable mood for the reader ◆◆And the most important, helps in selling the magazine.


Masthead and cover are the face of a magazine. Its very important that a magazine has a appealing cover which makes it stand out on the stand alongside other competent. Also important is the recall value. So, a defined language and a standard masthead design is equally important to typography and imagery used.

Personality: Grace, Typography with heavy italic with swash cap; script type. Structure: Preferences to images, Content Page, Easy accessibility to most important sections. Masthead: Bold, Flamboyant, Sophisticated, Sparkly, Show-off Cover Page: Bold, Crisp, Distinctive, Perceptible Typography: Typefaces used can be both Serif and Sans Serif, Clear kerning and leading. Grid System: A standardized yet flexible system

Desired Guidelines: ◆◆Since the whole magazine is a slick magazine, that is, a magazine with glossy pages, the cover should also be a slick one. Although a heavier stock is advisable. ◆◆Since the cover of the magazine has not been changed since its beginning, it the first and foremost thing that needs a redesign. A new, crisp design to come out of the framed structure and use of imagery which falls under a system. ◆◆The cover image can be experimented with, it can be a full body photograph, or a bust size photograph, depending upon the placement and appeal. Hand painted covers can also be used instead of using the photograph directly. ◆◆With the rest of the cover being process colour, the masthead, can be in a spot colour to make it stand out. ◆◆Regarding the number of stories going on the cover, i suggest that should be just two. The cover story should take the lead, as it was in the starting yeras of the magazine.

19 EXPLORATIONS Options for LOGO, Masthead and Cover Starting from scratch to get a new look is difficult. After a lot of exploration on paper, I went on the software to carryout explorations with the Masthead/ logo and its application with an image. I chose one serif and one san serif typeface to play with its form. As serif, it was Bodoni for its contrast between its thin and thick lines. For the sans serif alternative I chose DIN and Avenir.


I tried by breaking the word stardust in two parts but not visually. Therefore the logo is a chunk of both the words clubbed together. A corner masthead can be visually appealing as well catches the attention because of the imbalance.


I tried by breaking the word stardust in two parts but not visually. Therefore the logo is a chunk of both the words clubbed together. A corner masthead can be visually appealing as well catches the attention because of the imbalance. Here I changed the typeface from a neutral one to a more modern one.


I tried by breaking the word stardust in two parts but not visually. Therefore the logo is a chunk of both the words clubbed together. Using the same idea I blowed up the mast head in a way that it will be used with the image, as a part of it. Here type blends with the image and yet stands out.


This is the most standard way of putting across a name of a magazine. Here typography, placement and colour of the masthead play a key role. The Colour used generally for such covers can be a Spot colour.


Dramatizing the use of type, was my idea behind this cover. The initial of the magazine is blown up to full cover and image is playing with the form of the letter, using overlaps. The bold use of type helps the cover to stand out.



Dramatizing the use of type, was my idea behind this cover. The initial of the magazine is the logo for the magazine. Though the name appears right below the initial, the first eye contact is with the letter. This is to create a iconic imagery for the magazine. The logo is balance by an equally appealing image. Initially I also intended to use the cat “NEETA� which is used in few inner pages.


STAR DUST Using the same idea of breaking the word using it together, I tried with various options. This exploration deals with a cover which uses a certain kind of images to get a fine balance between the type and the image and both no getting a lot of attention.


Playing with a form was the idea here. The most suitable and associative form was that of a star for this magazine. I incorporated the form and type as a badge for the magazine that would appear right above the cover image in bold and eye catchy colours.


Here again I tried to play with form STAR. But in this case I used an asterix as a symbol for star and combined it with type to add interest to the name it self.


I went back to the usual style of masthead, only to experiment with the case of letters used in the logotype. Lowercase letters add the essence of playfulness and less formality to the elan and cleanliness of a sans serif type.

30 Desired Guidelines:

Structure Structure of the magazine consists of the following. ◆◆Basic Format: Magazine, Newspaper, Tabloid, Mag papers and Newsletter. ◆◆Paper Size: 10 1/2 x 13 inches (Life), 8 1/2 x 11 inches (Time) and 5 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches (Reader’s Digest) ◆◆Line of magazine papers: Structure depends upon the users. Most people are readers who read the magazines from front to back. But there are also a lot of people who are browsers and read a magazine back to front. A good structure would identify its content and use a structure that favours both. ◆◆Page Numbering: Desired by readers. ◆◆Columns: Choice of one column to five column layout. Lesser number of columns tend towards a book, and more numbers of column tend towards a newspaper.

A new Cover page and Masthead to break away from the monotony of the existing one.

Size of stardust falls under the general A4 size magazine. This is most widely used entertainment magazine size and good for images as well as handles text very well.

Tried and tested, a 3 column layout is the standard for this size of the magazine.

A content page to be introduced to help readers get to the desired content of the magazine. To favour both readers and browser, assign content in such a way that image heavy content goes towards the back and copy heavy content comes towards the front.

31 TYPE SELECTION A magazine generally is set in different typefaces as depending upon the content. For bringing a definite language in the magazine I tried to freeze on atleast one typeface family from each, Serif, Sans serif and Script typefaces. Based on the desired look and feel of the magazine I chose the typeface from the following





Univers LT Std

Lobster 1.4

Janson Text LT Std

Avenir LT Std

Lobster Two

Garamond Premier Pro

Fedra Sans Std

Kepler Std


32 Finally, after judging them based on contrast quality, readability in small point sizes and novelty of use, I zeroed upon Janson, Univers, Avenit and Lobster 1.4.

Janson Text LT Std Univers LT Std Avenir LT Std Lobster 1.4


12 mm

21 mm

14 mm

14 mm

12 mm

12 mm

Grids Coming to the inner pages, I started to explore the possibility in Grids. The page size, kept the same and played with various margins.

18 mm

Standard 3 x 4 grid

27 mm

Flexible 12 x 6 grid

34 21 mm

21 mm

14 mm

A rigid 6 x 6 grid

14 mm

14 mm

14 mm 27 mm

27 mm

Finally I took the flexible 12 x 6 grid and added additional 4 horizontal divisions to the page. This helps when there are images that are not in sync with the 6 division grid. A 12 division grid can be used as 3-column, 4-column and 2-column page .

35 EXPLORATIONS Content Page Adding a content page was my first structure redesign guideline. A content page is an important guiding element for a reader to get what he or she is supposed to read ahead in the beginning of the magazine. For browsers, a content page is the quickest way for them to reach their favourite section of the magazine.



Cover Story



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque

Scoop of the Month




Blast From the Past

Neeta’s Natter



Court Martial

Curtain Raiser


PUBLISHERS’s Information

This spread highlights the cover story on one side and displays the publisher’s information which is essentially missing in Stardust. The other page of the spread is a balanced layout of important sections and all the other content.

7 STARDUST June 2012

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque



Star Track

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque

134 Movie Mail Bag

140 On the Sets

June 2012 STARDUST





36 CO N






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque

Scoop of the Month


70 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque




Blast From the Past

Neeta’s Natter



Court Martial

Curtain Raiser



Star Track

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque

xx Movie Mail Bag

xx On the Sets

86 145

This spread is a has the cover story and few more images from other stories on one side while other is the text heavy page.



PUBLISHERS’s Information


7 STARDUST June 2012

June 2012








Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque


70 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque

Scoop of the Month

112 Blast From the Past

45 56


Movie Mail Bag

140 On the Sets



145 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque

96 Court Martial

7 STARDUST June 2012


Curtain Raiser



Like the earlier this too is separated with text on one side and images on the other.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque



Neeta’s Natter

Star Track

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque






8 STARDUST June 2012

96 32

38 IN






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Aliquam vehicula leo a orci bibendum laoreet. Praesent congue ullamcorper rhoncus. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar metus, quis laoreet libero feugiat id. Etiam ut arcu accumsan mauris

For exploring the inner pages, I have picked up one kind of article from each sections of the magazine and redesigned them based on the selected grid and typography system.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus tincidunt magna at pharetra. Nunc mollis lobortis sodales. Curabitur sed interdum dolor. Sed purus eros, porttitor cursus hendrerit a, mattis volutpat erat. Fusce scelerisque hendrerit justo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque

44 STARDUST June 2012

ac metus elit, vitae convallis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam suscipit orci sed neque tincidunt sollicitudin. Mauris at mauris ut quam auctor ultrices in eget purus. Sed sed arcu in felis ultrices pharetra at quis ligula. Vestibulum quis felis est. Vivamus hendrerit augue egestas nisi pharetra eget porttitor ligula feugiat. Integer et vehicula sapien. Vivamus rhoncus dapibus mi eu dapibus. Nulla augue nunc, scelerisque at consectetur in, tristique a elit. Mauris eu diam eget ante sollicitudin pharetra sed ac lacus. Vivamus sit amet ullamcorper turpis. Morbi mollis venenatis sollicitudin. Vivamus metus quam, commodo in fermentum ac, blandit quis urna. Fusce euismod felis eu erat ultri-

cies accumsan. Donec odio mi, dapibus sed laoreet at, auctor ac odio. Nullam sapien dolor, blandit scelerisque dapibus id, laoreet in mi. Nam sit amet interdum ligula. Duis ac feugiat sem. Etiam id eros lorem. Curabitur pretium ligula dui. Quisque dignissim, justo eu consequat pretium, augue tortor mollis nibh, eu accumsan mauris odio ut dolor. Vestibulum eros eros, sagittis sed sagittis ut, pharetra vel libero. Etiam nisl massa, malesuada non ullamcorper vel, suscipit nec est. Morbi fermentum vehicula ultrices. Aliquam sagittis placerat convallis. Donec sodales, felis eu malesuada volutpat, ipsum felis egestas lectus, sed sollicitudin justo magna at mi. Duis tellus erat, scelerisque eget tristique ac, imperdiet volutpat nisi. Ut vitae lectus vel

June 2012







39 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Aliquam vehicula leo a orci bibendum laoreet. Praesent congue ullamcorper rhoncus. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar metus, quis laoreet libero feugiat id. Etiam ut arcu accumsan mauris

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus tincidunt magna at pharetra. Nunc mollis lobortis sodales. Curabitur sed interdum dolor. Sed purus eros, porttitor cursus hendrerit a, mattis volutpat erat. Fusce scelerisque hendrerit justo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque

Existing and redesigned.

44 STARDUST June 2012

ac metus elit, vitae convallis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam suscipit orci sed neque tincidunt sollicitudin. Mauris at mauris ut quam auctor ultrices in eget purus. Sed sed arcu in felis ultrices pharetra at quis ligula. Vestibulum quis felis est. Vivamus hendrerit augue egestas nisi pharetra eget porttitor ligula feugiat. Integer et vehicula sapien. Vivamus rhoncus dapibus mi eu dapibus. Nulla augue nunc, scelerisque at consectetur in, tristique a elit. Mauris eu diam eget ante sollicitudin pharetra sed ac lacus. Vivamus sit amet ullamcorper turpis. Morbi mollis venenatis sollicitudin. Vivamus metus quam, commodo in fermentum ac, blandit quis urna. Fusce euismod felis eu erat ultri-

cies accumsan. Donec odio mi, dapibus sed laoreet at, auctor ac odio. Nullam sapien dolor, blandit scelerisque dapibus id, laoreet in mi. Nam sit amet interdum ligula. Duis ac feugiat sem. Etiam id eros lorem. Curabitur pretium ligula dui. Quisque dignissim, justo eu consequat pretium, augue tortor mollis nibh, eu accumsan mauris odio ut dolor. Vestibulum eros eros, sagittis sed sagittis ut, pharetra vel libero. Etiam nisl massa, malesuada non ullamcorper vel, suscipit nec est. Morbi fermentum vehicula ultrices. Aliquam sagittis placerat convallis. Donec sodales, felis eu malesuada volutpat, ipsum felis egestas lectus, sed sollicitudin justo magna at mi. Duis tellus erat, scelerisque eget tristique ac, imperdiet volutpat nisi. Ut vitae lectus vel

June 2012


40 “Nulla augue nunc, scelerisque at consectetur in, tristique a elit. Mauris eu diam eget ante sollicitudin pharetra sed ac lacus.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus tincidunt magna at pharetra. Nunc mollis lobortis sodales. Curabitur sed interdum dolor. Sed purus eros, porttitor cursus hendrerit a, mattis volutpat erat. Fusce scelerisque hendrerit justo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque ac metus elit, vitae convallis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam suscipit orci sed neque tincidunt sollicitudin. Mauris at mauris ut quam auctor ultrices in eget purus. Sed sed arcu in felis ultrices pharetra at quis ligula. Vestibulum quis felis est. Vivamus hendrerit augue egestas nisi pharetra eget porttitor ligula feugiat. Integer et vehicula sapien. Vivamus rhoncus dapibus mi eu dapibus. Nulla augue nunc, scelerisque at consectetur in, tristique a elit. Mauris eu diam eget ante sollicitudin pharetra sed ac lacus. Vivamus sit amet ullamcorper turpis. Morbi mollis venenatis sollicitudin. Vivamus metus quam, commodo in fermentum ac, blandit quis urna. Fusce euismod felis eu erat ultricies accumsan. Donec odio mi, dapibus sed laoreet at, auctor ac odio.

Existing and redesigned.

44 STARDUST June 2012

Nullam sapien dolor, blandit scelerisque dapibus id, laoreet in mi. Nam sit amet interdum ligula. Duis ac feugiat sem. Etiam id eros lorem. Curabitur pretium ligula dui. Quisque dignissim, justo eu consequat pretium, augue tortor mollis nibh, eu accumsan mauris odio ut dolor. Vestibulum eros eros, sagittis sed sagittis ut, pharetra vel libero. Etiam nisl massa, malesuada non ullamcorper vel, suscipit nec est. Morbi fermentum vehicula ultrices. Aliquam

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl.” sagittis placerat convallis. Donec sodales, felis eu malesuada volutpat, ipsum felis egestas lectus, sed sollicitudin justo magna at mi. Duis tellus erat, scelerisque eget tristique ac, imperdiet volutpat nisi. Ut vitae lectus vel justo rutrum vulputate. Vestibulum gravida tristique ipsum, eu aliquet metus scelerisque eget. Quisque suscipit sodales leo, et adipiscing lectus tempus vel. Morbi velit augue, sodales sit amet ultricies sollicitudin, varius at nunc. Aliquam sed lacus augue.

Aliquam vehicula leo a orci bibendum laoreet. Praesent congue ullamcorper rhoncus. Praesent tincidunt pulvinar metus, quis laoreet libero feugiat id. Etiam ut arcu accumsan mauris lacinia cursus in in libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla eu diam malesuada ligula dignissim pretium. Suspendisse tincidunt leo at arcu scelerisque eget tristique odio tincidunt. Aenean ut turpis quam, a pretium sapien. Maecenas elementum commodo elementum. Nunc augue nibh, cursus eu blandit quis, volutpat a nunc. Aenean sodales ornare pulvinar. Curabitur diam lacus, placerat non imperdiet at, pharetra non erat. Duis egestas leo et leo pulvinar pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus tincidunt magna at pharetra. Nunc mollis lobortis sodales. Curabitur sed interdum dolor. Sed purus eros, porttitor cursus hendrerit a, mattis volutpat erat. Fusce scelerisque hendrerit justo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque ac metus elit, vitae convallis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus

June 2012






COURT MARTIAL Nulla augue nunc, scelerisque at consectetur in, tristique a elit. Mauris eu diam eget ante sollicitudin pharetra sed ac lacus. Vivamus sit amet ullamcorper turpis. Morbi mollis venenatis sollicitudin. Vivamus metus quam, commodo in fermentum ac, blandit quis urna. Fusce euismod felis eu erat ultricies accumsan. Donec odio mi, dapibus sed laoreet at, auctor ac odio. Nullam sapien dolor, blandit scelerisque dapibus id, laoreet in mi. Nam sit amet interdum ligula. Duis ac feugiat sem.

Existing and redesigned.

44 STARDUST June 2012

42 LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISCING ELIT. DONEC MAGNA LIGULA, SCELERISQUE UT LAOREET IN, FERMENTUM SIT AMET IPSUM. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus tincidunt magna at pharetra. Nunc mollis lobortis sodales. CURABITUR SED INTERDUM DOLOR. SED PURUS EROS, PORTTITOR CURSUS HENDRERIT A, MATTIS VOLUTPAT ERAT. FUSCE SCELERISQUE HENDRERIT JUSTO SIT AMET TINCIDUNT. Pellentesque ac metus elit, vitae convallis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam suscipit orci sed neque tincidunt sollicitudin. Mauris at mauris ut quam auctor ultrices in eget purus. Sed sed arcu in felis ultrices pharetra at quis ligula. Vestibulum quis felis est. Vivamus hendrerit augue egestas nisi pharetra eget porttitor ligula feugiat. Integer et vehicula sapien. Vivamus rhoncus dapibus mi eu dapibus. NULLA AUGUE NUNC, SCELERISQUE AT CONSECTETUR IN, TRISTIQUE A ELIT. Mauris eu diam eget ante sollicitudin pharetra sed ac lacus. Vivamus sit amet ullamcorper turpis. Morbi mollis venenatis sollicitudin. Vivamus metus

Existing and redesigned.

44 STARDUST June 2012

quam, commodo in fermentum ac, blandit quis urna. Fusce euismod felis eu erat ultricies accumsan. Donec odio mi, dapibus sed laoreet at, auctor ac odio. Nullam sapien dolor, blandit scelerisque dapibus id, laoreet in mi. Nam sit amet interdum ligula. Duis ac feugiat sem. ETIAM ID EROS LOREM. CURABITUR PRETIUM LIGULA DUI. QUISQUE DIGNISSIM, JUSTO EU CONSEQUAT PRETIUM, AUGUE TORTOR MOLLIS NIBH, EU ACCUMSAN MAURIS ODIO UT DOLOR. Vestibulum eros eros, sagittis sed sagittis ut, pharetra vel libero. Etiam nisl massa, malesuada non ullamcorper vel, suscipit nec est. Morbi fermentum vehicula ultrices. Aliquam sagittis placerat convallis. Donec sodales, felis eu malesuada volutpat, ipsum

felis egestas lectus, sed sollicitudin justo magna at mi. Duis tellus erat, scelerisque eget tristique ac, imperdiet volutpat nisi. Ut vitae lectus vel justo rutrum vulputate. Mauris quis lorem nisl. Fusce nec mauris nisl, a sagittis nibh. Vestibulum gravida tristique ipsum, eu aliquet metus scelerisque eget. Quisque suscipit sodales leo, et adipiscing lectus tempus vel. Morbi velit augue, sodales sit amet ultricies sollicitudin, varius at nunc. Aliquam sed lacus augue. ALIQUAM VEHICULA LEO A ORCI BIBENDUM LAOREET. PRAESENT CONGUE ULLAMCORPER RHONCUS. PRAESENT TINCIDUNT PULVINAR METUS, QUIS LAOREET LIBERO FEUGIAT ID. Etiam ut arcu accumsan mauris lacinia cursus in in libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla eu diam malesuada ligula dignissim pretium. Suspendisse tincidunt leo at arcu scelerisque eget tristique odio tincidunt. Aenean ut turpis quam, a pretium sapien. Maecenas elementum commodo elementum. Nunc augue nibh, cursus eu blandit quis, volutpat a nunc. Aenean sodales ornare pulvinar. Curabitur diam lacus, placerat non imperdiet at, pharetra non erat. Duis egestas leo et leo pulvinar pretium. LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISCING ELIT. DONEC MAGNA LIGULA, SCELERISQUE UT LAOREET IN, FERMENTUM SIT AMET IPSUM. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus

ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus tincidunt magna at pharetra. Nunc mollis lobortis sodales. CURABITUR SED INTERDUM DOLOR. SED PURUS EROS, PORTTITOR CURSUS HENDRERIT A, MATTIS VOLUTPAT ERAT. FUSCE SCELERISQUE HENDRERIT JUSTO SIT AMET TINCIDUNT. Pellentesque ac metus elit, vitae convallis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam suscipit orci sed neque tincidunt sollicitudin. Mauris at mauris ut quam auctor ultrices in eget purus. Sed sed arcu in felis ultrices pharetra at quis ligula. Vestibulum quis felis est. Vivamus hendrerit augue egestas nisi pharetra eget porttitor ligula feugiat. Integer et vehicula sapien. Vivamus rhoncus dapibus mi eu dapibus. NULLA AUGUE NUNC, SCELERISQUE AT CONSECTETUR IN, TRISTIQUE A ELIT. Mauris eu diam eget ante sollicitudin pharetra sed ac lacus. Vivamus sit amet ullamcorper turpis. Morbi mollis venenatis sollicitudin. Vivamus metus quam, commodo in fermentum ac, blandit quis urna. Fusce euismod felis eu erat ultricies accumsan. Donec odio mi, dapibus sed laoreet at, auctor ac odio. Nullam sapien dolor, blandit scelerisque dapibus id, laoreet in mi. Nam sit amet interdum ligula. Duis ac feugiat sem.

scelerisque eget. Quisque suscipit sodales leo, et adipiscing lectus tempus vel. Morbi velit augue, sodales sit amet ultricies sollicitudin, varius at nunc. Aliquam sed lacus augue.

ETIAM ID EROS LOREM. CURABITUR PRETIUM LIGULA DUI. QUISQUE DIGNISSIM, JUSTO EU CONSEQUAT PRETIUM, AUGUE TORTOR MOLLIS NIBH, EU ACCUMSAN MAURIS ODIO UT DOLOR. Vestibulum eros eros, sagittis sed sagittis ut, pharetra vel libero. Etiam nisl massa, malesuada non ullamcorper vel, suscipit nec est. Morbi fermentum vehicula ultrices. Aliquam sagittis placerat convallis. Donec sodales, felis eu malesuada volutpat, ipsum felis egestas lectus, sed sollicitudin justo magna at mi. Duis tellus erat, scelerisque eget tristique ac, imperdiet volutpat nisi. Ut vitae lectus vel justo rutrum vulputate. Mauris quis lorem nisl. Fusce nec mauris nisl, a sagittis nibh. Vestibulum gravida tristique ipsum, eu aliquet metus

ALIQUAM VEHICULA LEO A ORCI BIBENDUM LAOREET. PRAESENT CONGUE ULLAMCORPER RHONCUS. PRAESENT TINCIDUNT PULVINAR METUS, QUIS LAOREET LIBERO FEUGIAT ID. Etiam ut arcu accumsan mauris lacinia cursus in in libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla eu diam malesuada ligula dignissim pretium. Suspendisse tincidunt leo at arcu scelerisque eget tristique odio tincidunt. Aenean ut turpis quam, a pretium sapien. Maecenas elementum commodo elementum. Nunc augue nibh, cursus eu blandit quis, volutpat a nunc. Aenean sodales ornare pulvinar. Curabitur diam lacus, placerat non imperdiet at, pharetra non erat. Duis egestas leo et leo pulvinar pretium. LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISCING ELIT. DONEC MAGNA LIGULA, SCELERISQUE UT LAOREET IN, FERMENTUM SIT AMET IPSUM. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus

June 2012





43 RE


facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus tincidunt magna at pharetra. Nunc mollis lobortis sodales.

Neeta’s Natter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus tincidunt magna at pharetra. Nunc mollis lobortis sodales.

••• Curabitur sed interdum dolor. Sed purus eros, porttitor cursus hendrerit a, mattis volutpat erat. Fusce scelerisque hendrerit justo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque ac metus elit, vitae convallis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget facilisis placerat, cursus sed massa. Nunc sodales neque quis nibh eleifend sagittis. Etiam sit amet leo at risus ornare aliquet. Phasellus sagittis dui nec quam aliquet accumsan. In rhoncus tincidunt magna at pharetra. Nunc mollis lobortis sodales. ••• Curabitur sed interdum dolor. Sed purus eros, porttitor cursus hendrerit a, mattis volutpat erat. Fusce scelerisque hendrerit justo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque ac metus elit, vitae convallis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac

Existing and redesigned.

44 STARDUST June 2012

turpis egestas. Etiam suscipit orci sed neque tincidunt sollicitudin. Mauris at mauris ut quam auctor ultrices in eget purus. Sed sed arcu in felis ultrices pharetra at quis ligula. Vestibulum quis felis est. Vivamus hendrerit augue egestas nisi pharetra eget porttitor ligula feugiat. Integer et vehicula sapien. Vivamus rhoncus dapibus mi eu dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper. Nam at justo lectus, a lobortis dui. Vivamus enim est, suscipit eget

senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam suscipit orci sed neque tincidunt sollicitudin. Mauris at mauris ut quam auctor ultrices in eget purus. Sed sed arcu in felis ultrices pharetra at quis ligula. Vestibulum quis felis est. Vivamus hendrerit augue egestas nisi pharetra eget porttitor ligula feugiat. Integer et vehicula sapien. Vivamus rhoncus dapibus mi eu dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula,

June 2012





44 Vidya Balan Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper.

44 STARDUST June 2012

45 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut laoreet in, fermentum sit amet ipsum. Duis risus nisi, feugiat non porta a, vestibulum id nisl. Ut pharetra felis et justo dapibus ac auctor mauris ullamcorper.

Existing and redesigned.

44 STARDUST June 2012

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna ligula, scelerisque ut

June 2012






Films being my passion, this project helped me to look into the history of Indian film magazine which are integral to film appreciation, promotion and news. Also I got to go through the history of magazine design in India, briefly.

By this project I learned how powerful as a medium is a magazine. It has to attract both short and long attention span of reader hence provide to both readers and browsers. The form has to be user friendly, the type has to be readable and at the same time, it should be flashy and attract people to sell itself.

Content wise I learned that Stardust has been started on the lines of filmfare but has now reduced to cheap imagery, more gossip content and hence a limited readership. If they improve on their readership, they should move towards what Filmfare and Cineblitz do- improve on their content and imagery. Or towards screen which incorporated regional cinema too and is weekly. Hence a total image REDESIGN is the only way for stardust to get back into the league of its competitors.

48 BIBLIOGRAPHY ◆◆Brockmann, Josef. Grid systems in graphic design: a visual communication manual for graphic designers, typographers, and three dimensional designers = Raster Systeme für die visuelle Gestaltung : ein Handbuch für Grafiker, Typografen, und Ausstellungsgestalter. Niederteufen: Verlag Arthur Niggli ;, 1981. ◆◆Gordon, Stacey. Magazine design that works: secrets for successful magazine design. Gloucester, Mass.: Rockport, 2001. ◆◆Hurlburt, Allen. “Magazine.” In The grid: a modular system for the design and production of newspapers, magazines, and books. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1978. 47. ◆◆Nelson, Roy Paul. Publication design. Dubuque, Iowa: W.C. Brown Co., 1972. ◆◆Owen, William. Magazine design. London: L. King, 1991. ◆◆Samara, Timothy. Making and breaking the grid: a graphic design layout workshop. Gloucester, MA: Rockport Publishers, 2002. ◆◆Walker, Ronald. Magazine design: a hands-on guide. London: Blueprint, 1992.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank whole heartedly to Mr. Rupesh Vyas, my guide. Under his guidance the project went in the right direction and he supported me althrough out. I would like to thank my friends for their constructive criticism and time to time help. Finally I thank my family for their support.

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