ANU LSS Election Guide 2018-19

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ANU LSS Election Guide 2018-19

Welcome Welcome to the ANU Law Students’ Society elections for the 2019 committee! The ANU LSS is the representative body for ANU law students, providing a wide range of social, educational and careers-oriented programs and events. With numerous publications, forums and events, the LSS is committed to strongly representing students’ interests and keeping them updated with developments in the legal profession. The LSS is an inclusive society and aims to support all students and make Law School the best experience it can be. The ANU LSS is dedicated to ensuring that the election process is as transparent and accessible as possible. Elections can seem foreign and scary to a lot of students, so we have put together this guide to give you all the information you may need about running in this year’s election. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been involved in the committee before, have attended our events or are totally new to the LSS – we want your nomination for 2019! There are a total of 29 positions up for election so please have a read and see if anything suits you. There is one new position for 2019, the position of Vice-President (Equity). There will also be one appointed position, Publications and IT Director, which will open for appointment after the elections have finished. Please do not hesitate to contact anyone on the committee if you have any questions about the different positions or get in touch with the Returning Officer for any general election queries. Good luck to all candidates!


























ANU LSS Organisational Structure

The Committee The Executive • President • Vice-President (Administration) • Vice-President (Finance) • Vice-President (Careers) • Vice-President (Competitions) • Vice-President (Education) • Vice-President (Equity) • Vice-President (Events) • Vice-President (Social Justice) The Committee • Publicity Director • Publications and IT Director* • Peppercorn Editor-in-Chief • Sponsorship Director • Careers Director x 2 • Competitions Director x 4 • External Competitions Director • Education Director x 2 • JD Director (Education) • JD Director (Online) • Wellbeing Director • International Students Director • First Year Officers** • Social Director x 2 • JD Director (Social) • BBQ Officer • Social Justice Director x 2 • Immediate Past President*** *This is an appointed role. **FYO Elections will take place in March 2019. ***This role is automatically held by the 2018 President.

President Description The President is the public face of the ANU LSS. They oversee and co-ordinate the work of all of the portfolios, and are in charge of all of the fiddly bits of directing an incorporated association. The President also coordinates corporate sponsorship and is the liaises with our valued sponsors. The President directly oversees the Executive. Constitutional Duties • To represent the Society and act as its Public Officer in accordance with Part 4 of the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 (ACT); • To further the objects of the Society; • To promote the Society; 17.1.4. to convene, or instruct the Vice-President (Administration) to convene, all General Meetings of the Society or its Committee; • To complete a report to form part of their handover, indicating what was achieved in the Society from the President’s perspective during their term, and suggestions for improvement in the following term; • To convene, or instruct the Vice-President (Administration) to convene, at least eight (8) meetings of the Executive; • The President may elect to convene weekly Executive meetings; and • To take responsibility for all the activities of the Society, which includes providing direction to the Executive. Current office bearer: Suchara Fernando Note: If you are submitting a nomination for an executive position, you must arrange to speak to the current officer holder in advance. Suchara can be contacted at

Vice-President (Administration) Description The Vice-President (Administration) is responsible for making sure that a beast with such diverse functions and people as the ANU LSS runs as a well-oiled machine. The portfolio’s work includes organising meetings, writing constitutional amendments, IT, publications, publicity, elections and much more. They are also responsible for the distribution of our fortnightly e-newsletter, letting law students know about everything that is coming up in the LSS calendar. In addition, they oversee the LSS magazine, Peppercorn. Constitutional Duties • To assist the President in the leadership of the Society; • To further the objects of the Society; • To keep and maintain all minutes, records and correspondence as may reasonably be required by the Executive for the proper conduct of the Society’s affairs; • To keep and maintain all records as required by ACT and Commonwealth law; • To act as President in the absence of that Officer; • To monitor all actions done by the Committee in the course of Society business for conformity with this Constitution; • To provide administrative support to the Executive; • To conduct the free and fair elections of the Society in accordance with this Constitution; • To ensure the Society has effective administrative procedures and practices; • To assist the President in effectively coordinating and communicating with the Committee and various sub-committees; • To administer the physical environment of the Society with a view towards best environmental practices and the promotion of the same; • To facilitate the handover process between outgoing and incoming members of the Executive; • To complete a report to form part of their handover, indicating what was achieved in the Administration portfolio during their term, and suggestions for improvement in the following term; • To take responsibility for all the activities of the Administration portfolio, which includes providing direction to the Publications and Information Technology Director and the Publicity Director, as well as providing oversight of the Peppercorn Editor-in-Chief when required; • To convene at least three (3) portfolio meetings; and • To carry out any duties assigned to them by the President from time to time. Current office bearer: Julia Faragher Note: If you are submitting a nomination for an executive position, you must arrange to speak to the current officer holder in advance. Julia can be contacted at lssadministration@

Vice-President (Finance) Description With a large annual turnover across a diverse range of portfolios, the ANU LSS relies heavily on its Master of Coin (aka VPF) to ensure that the committee adheres to a strategically-allocated budget and comply with our financial and reporting obligations as an incorporated association. Our Finance portfolio is also responsible for ensuring the retention and promotion of our various sponsors, passing on benefits and discounts at various businesses to our members, organising and selling merchandise, and much more. Constitutional Duties • To assist the President in the leadership of the Society; • To further the objects of the Society; • To ensure the Society has effective accounting practices and remains solvent at all times throughout their term; • To liaise with any external accountant employed by the Society from time to time; • To keep the President aware at all times of the financial position of the Society; • To formulate a budget, in consultation with the Executive, for presentation to members at the first ordinary general meeting of their term; • To receive all monies on behalf of the Society, and deposit such monies to the credit of the Society’s bank accounts; • To maintain correct accounts of all monies received and expended; • To ensure that the funds of the Society are not disposed to any person, or for any purpose, unless authorised by the Executive; • Unless justifiably unavailable, to be a signatory to all cheques and withdrawals on the accounts of the Society; • To present to the Committee on request statements of the Society’s finance and of receipts and disbursements since the preceding report; • To present to the Annual General Meeting a statement of accounts; • To organise, order and distribute Society merchandise; • To submit reports and/or statements to relevant statutory, regulatory or other authorities as required by law in a timely manner; • To complete a report to form part of their handover, indicating what was achieved in the Finance portfolio during their term, and suggestions for improvement in the following term; To take responsibility for the Finance portfolio, which includes providing direction to the Sponsorship Director; • To convene at least three (3) portfolio meetings; and • To carry out any duties assigned to them by the President from time to time. Current office bearer: Nic Ryan Note: If you are submitting a nomination for an executive position, you must arrange to speak to the current officer holder in advance. Nic can be contacted at au.

Vice-President (Careers) Description The Vice-President (Careers) coordinates a large range of events, opportunities and resources to give law students a running start to their future in the legal profession. This includes skilling students up in LSS tailored career skills workshops, giving the low-down on clerkships and grad jobs in our two flagship publications, and connecting students with the most successful firms at the Careers Fair and the Clerkship Information Evening. Constitutional Duties • To assist the President in the leadership of the Society; • To further the objects of the Society; • To coordinate the enhancement of career options for law students through the provisions of relevant services and events; • To organise and facilitate careers events, which must include at least one careers fair and one clerkship information evening; • To produce careers publications, including at least the Careers Guide and the Clerkship Guide; • To complete a report to form part of their handover, indicating what was achieved in the Careers portfolio during their term, and suggestions for improvement in the following term; • To take responsibility for the Careers portfolio, which includes providing direction to the Careers Directors; • To convene at least three (3) portfolio meetings; and • To carry out duties assigned to them by the President from time to time. Current office bearer: Rocky Lagudi Note: If you are submitting a nomination for an executive position, you must arrange to speak to the current officer holder in advance. Rocky can be contacted at lsscareers@anu.

Vice-President (Competitions) Description The ANU LSS prides itself on an ever-growing competitions culture. The internal competitions—Mooting, Negotiation, Client Interview and Witness Examination—are designed to challenge students to apply your theoretical knowledge to real world situations. Winners of each competition have the opportunity to represent ANU at the Australian Law Students’ Association conference each July. As well as the internals and national championships, the LSS also offers the opportunity to participate in a whole bunch of prestigious external competitions, where students can compete against people from all around Australia in diverse areas of law. The Vice-President (Competitions) oversees this whole process, including organising competitions, finding judges and liaising with external competition organisers. Constitutional Duties • To take responsibility for the Competitions portfolio; • Reasonably delegating tasks, work-load, and responsibilities between Competitions Directors and External Competitions Director throughout the year; • Convening at least three (3) portfolio meetings per semester; • Liaising with the College’s Director of Mooting and Student Competitions and sponsors to further the competition portfolio’s relationship with the College and sponsors; • To ensure that all competitions are run in a professional and coordinated manner and to ensure those competitions are of the highest quality possible; • To ensure that, with the assistance of the Publicity Director, all competitions are widely promoted and attended; • To ensure the Society sends the highest quality competitors to the ALSA Championships, by facilitating the training and preparation of ALSA team members, providing assistance and support for the ALSA team members during the Championships to the best of their capacity and updating current ANU LSS Competition rules with changes to the ALSA Competition Rules; and • To complete a report to form part of their handover, indicating what was achieved in the Competitions portfolio in their term, and suggestions for improvement in the following term. Current office bearer: Victoria Hoon Note: If you are submitting a nomination for an executive position, you must arrange to speak to the current officer holder in advance. Victoria can be contacted at lsscompetitions@ She is currently overseas, so you will have to arrange for a phone or Skype call.

Vice-President (Education) Description The Vice-Presdient (Education) works to support the actual ‘education’ part of your law school experience. In short, the Education team has three main functions: education services, policy & advocacy, and connecting the ANU LSS with the Australian Law Students’ Association. Highlights of the Education calendar include the legendary Pre-Exam Tutorials, Laws1001, and the Education Speaker Series. Additionally, the Education portfolio is responsible for liaising with the ANU College of Law and advocating for students, ensuring that all academic policies and procedures (current or proposed) and address the needs, opinions and interests of students. The Vice-President (Education) will also find themselves helping individual students out with educational issues as they arise and working on projects with the ANUSA College of Law Reps. Constitutional Duties • To assist the President in the leadership of the society; • To further the objects of the Society; • To take responsibility on behalf of the Society for matters concerning education at the University; • To ensure there is adequate student representation on committees of the College: • To, under the guidance of the President, fulfil the Society’s obligations to ALSA; • To promote ALSA at the University; • To act as an advocate and representative for individual students, where the need arises, in relation to matters arising with the College; • To promote the interests of all groups that make up the student body; • To promote equal opportunity policies within the College; • To hold at least two (2) public forums on topics of relevant interest; • To promote the development of infrastructure beneficial to students in and around the College; • To complete a report to form part of their handover, indicating what was achieved in the Education portfolio during their term, and suggestions for improvement in the following term; • To take responsibility for the Education portfolio, which includes providing direction to the Education Directors, the Juris Doctor Director (Education) and the Juris Doctor Director (Online); • To convene at least three (3) portfolio meetings; and • To carry out duties assigned to them by the President from time to time. Current office bearer: Lauren Skinner Note: If you are submitting a nomination for an executive position, you must arrange to speak to the current officer holder in advance. Lauren can be contacted at lsseducation@anu.

Vice-President (Equity) Description The Vice-President (Equity) is a completely new position for 2019. The ANU LSS is committed to doing more to support students from marginalised backgrounds or who might be struggling through law school. There is a lot of scope in this role to explore new ideas and lead the way for change in the LSS. Constitutional Duties • To assist the President in leadership of the society; • To further the objects of the society; • To create events and advocate for equity issues such as inclusivity, diversity and representation; • To consider and provide guidance on equity issues for all events, competitions and initiatives in terms of access and costs; • To advocate for students in individual matters relating to equity issues; • To respond to other equity issues as they arise; and • To take responsibility and oversee all the activities and provide direction to the International Students’ Director, the Wellbeing Director and the four (4) First Year Officers. Note: If you are submitting a nomination for an executive position, you must arrange to speak to the current officer holder in advance. As this is a new position for 2019, it is required that you speak to the President. Suchara can be contacted at

Vice-President (Events) Description Let’s face it: law school just wouldn’t be law school without the parties. The Vice-President (Events) is in charge of all LSS social events, including Law Ball, O-Week party, first year social events, JD meet-ups, lunchtime sport, BBQs and more. Constitutional Duties • To assist the President in the leadership of the Society; • To further the objects of the Society; • To run a variety of social and competitive events to accommodate the diversity of the student body; • To complete a report to form part of their handover, indicating what was achieved in the Events portfolio in their term, and suggestions for improvement in the following term; • To take responsibility for the Events portfolio, which includes providing direction to other committee members in the portfolio; • To run at least three (3) portfolio meetings during their term; and • To carry out duties assigned to them by the President from time to time. Current office bearer: Lucy Price Note: If you are submitting a nomination for an executive position, you must arrange to speak to the current officer holder in advance. Lucy can be contacted at au.

Vice-President (Social Justice) Description The LSS has a strong tradition of involvement in a range of community and public interest law initiatives, spear-headed by the Vice-President (Social Justice). Introduced in 2007, the Social Justice portfolio endeavours to keep all law students engaged with issues of equality, opportunity and justice all year round. Projects include the Social Justice Speaker Series, annual ‘Law in Action’ trip to Cambodia, Social Justice Mentoring Program and fundraising and outreach opportunities. The portfolio provides students with a forum to discuss the ways in which legal education, the legal profession and the law itself deal with minorities, diversity and structural disadvantage. Constitutional Duties • To assist the President in the leadership of the Society; • To further the objects of the Society; • To coordinate, facilitate or promote activities pertaining to social justice issues that may be funded by the resources of the Society; • To promote social justice in the College community, both by assisting in the social welfare of law students, and engaging the College in social justice issues in the wider community: • To assist in equity and diversity issues affecting the student body; • To support the activities of social justice organisations on campus and in the community, whose activities affect law students; and • To facilitate law students’ engagement with the activities of social justice organisations, both on campus and in the community; • Host at least four (4) events including, but not limited to careers events, social events, educational events relating to social justice, which are to be conducted in a manner that promotes diversity, inclusion and accessibility; • To complete a report to form part of their handover, indicating what was achieved in the Social Justice portfolio in their term, and suggestions for improvement in the following term; and • To carry out duties assigned to them by the President from time to time. Current office bearer: Sarah Svehla Note: If you are submitting a nomination for an executive position, you must arrange to speak to the current officer holder in advance. Sarah can be contacted at au.

Administration Portfolio The Administration Portfolio is led by the Vice-President (Administration) and contains three members: the Publicity Director, the Publications & IT Director and the Peppercorn Editor-in-Chief. The Admin Portfolio is focused mainly on tasks that keeps the cogs of the LSS machine turning.

Publicity Director

Description The Publicity Director works with the Vice-President (Administration) to promote the Society’s events, services and information to its members. Key skills include graphic design and experience in marketing, running social media pages and photography. Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Administration); • To take responsibility, under the guidance of the Vice-President (Administration), for the publicity of the Society; • To proactively seek out events, services and information from other Portfolios to publicise and promote through appropriate mediums which shall include systematic lecture announcements, notices and other such visual advertisements, products, social media and any other Executive-approved medium; • To ensure that all relevant sponsorship obligations of the Society are met and coordinated; and • To generally promote the Society through appropriate mediums and assist in recruiting members.

Publications & IT Director

Description The Publications & IT Director’s main tasks include designing all the major LSS publications and updating and looking after the LSS website. Knowledge or ability to learn Adobe InDesign is essential. This is a very skill-based role based on improving the LSS’s reach to students through digital forms. Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Administration); • To take responsibility, under the guidance of the Vice-President (Administration), for the use of information technology within, by or for the purposes of the Society; • To carry out the collation and design and of the Society’s publications under the guidance and instructions of relevant members of the Executive; • To maintain and update the information technology hardware and software of the Society; • To take responsibility for the maintenance of the Society’s website; and

Administration Portfolio • To facilitate the efficient operations of the Society insofar as they relate to information technology. Please Note: As this is an appointed role, applications will open after the formal elections. Keep an eye on the LSS Facebook page and website for dates. Appointment will be through a one-page application and any relevant samples of work.

Peppercorn Editor-in-Chief

Description The Peppercorn Editor-in-Chief is in charge the LSS online and print publication, Peppercorn. They manage their own sub-committee of content editors and an art and design editor. This role is ideal for someone with experience in student media, editing and writing articles and providing content that would interest law students. Constitutional Duties • Peppercorn is the official quarterly publication of the Society. • Peppercorn aims to publish a range of law-related and topical current affairs articles, including, but not limited to, scholarly articles, creative writing, cartoons, satire, as well as reporting on the events of the Society.

Finance Portfolio The Finance Portfolio is led by the Vice-President (Finance) and contains the Sponsorship Director.

Sponsorship Director

Description The Sponsorship Director mainly manages the LSS community sponsors. They ensure that the LSS meets all of its sponsorship obligations and works on bringing new sponsors to the LSS. This role involves communication with sponsors and working out how the LSS can bring the benefits of their business to our members. Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Finance); • To take responsibility, under the guidance of the Vice-President (Finance), for the Sponsorship portfolio; • To ensure that all sponsorship obligations of the Society are met and coordinated; and • To develop new sponsorship opportunities for the Society while strengthening existing sponsor relationships.

Careers Portfolio The Careers Portfolio is led by the Vice-President (Careers) and contains two Careers Directors.

Careers Director x 2

Description The Careers Directors both work with the Vice-President (Careers) to deliver career-orientated events and services to law students. This include helping prepare profiles and content for the Careers Guide and Clerkship Guide, organise Clerkship Night and other practical-skills events throughout the year. Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Careers); • To take responsibility, under the guidance of the Vice-President (Careers), for the Careers portfolio; • To ensure that, with the assistance of the Publicity Director, all careers services are widely promoted, attended and utilised; and • To coordinate a range of careers services aimed at enhancing the career prospects of law students.

Competitions Portfolio The Competitions Portfolio is led by the Vice-President (Competitions) and contains five directors: four Competitions Directors and one External Competitions Director.

Competitions Director x 4

Description The LSS hosts four styles of competitions throughout the year: mooting, client interview, witness examination and negotiation. Senior competitions run in Semester 1 and novice competitions in Semester 2. Each Competitions Director is in charge of one of the competitions and takes the lead on organising competitors, questions, judges and drop-outs under the guidance of the Vice-President (Competitions). Prior experience in LSS competitions and ideas for improvement is of most value to these roles. Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Competitions); • To take responsibility for competitions allocated by the Vice-President (Competitions); • To run the allocated competitions in a professional and coordinated manner and to ensure those competitions are adequately judged and organised; • To ensure that, with the assistance of the Publicity Director, their allocated competitions are widely promoted and attended; • To ensure the Society sends the highest quality competitors to the ALSA Championships by facilitating their training and preparation in the allocated competitions; and • To provide assistance in the operation and promotion of all other competitions, where necessary or as directed by the Vice-President (Competitions).

External Competitions Director

Description The LSS sends representatives from ANU to several external competitions throughout the entire year, in Canberra and interstate. This role involves coordinating applications for external competitions, finding and training competitors and managing everything external competitions under the guidance of the Vice-President (Competitions). Prior experience in external competitions and ideas for improvement is of most value to these roles. Constitutional Duties • To carry out the duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Competitions); • To take responsibility for facilitating the Society’s involvement in external competitions, which include intervarsity competitions, national competitions other than ALSA, and international competitions; • To select students to represent the Society at an external competition should there be more applicants than spots available; • Selection may be done in conjunction with the Vice-President (Competitions) and/or a representative/s from the College, but may also be done solely by the Director, depending

Competitions Portfolio on the discretion of the Vice-President (Competitions); • Should there not be a consensus amongst the relevant selecting parties, the Vice-President (Competitions) will have final say; • Selection methods may include holding internal rounds, conducting interviews or “mini demonstrations”, reviewing written applications, or any other means which the relevant selecting parties agree is necessary; and • To arrange for advertising of the external competitions, any registration or other arrangements that might be necessary, and any training of competitors that might be able to be arranged.

Education Portfolio The Education Portfolio is led by the Vice-President (Education) and contains four directors: two Educations Directors, one Juris Doctor Director (Education) and one Juris Doctor Director (Online).

Education Director x 2

Description The Education Directors will assist the Vice-President (Education) to act as advocates and represent law students in educational matters. This includes helping individual students with academic issues, organising panel events and pre-exam tutorials. A passion for educational advocacy, effecting change in law school and ideas of how to help students is best for this role. Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Education); • To take responsibility, under the guidance of the Vice-President (Education), for the Education portfolio; • To assist the Vice-President (Education) in maintaining comprehensive representation on all relevant committees of the College and other relevant fora; • To promote the interests of all groups that make up the student body; • To make representations and submissions to the College or relevant bodies on matters affecting higher education; • To ensure that, with the assistance of the Publicity Director, all education services are widely promoted, attended and utilised; • To coordinate a range of educational services aimed at enhancing the study of law; and • To promote equal opportunity policies within the College.

Juris Doctor Director (Education)

Description Similar to the Education Directors, the Juris Doctor Director (Education) is solely focused on educational issues for JD students. Again, a passion for educational advocacy, effecting change in law school and ideas of how to help students is best for this role. This director also assists the Vice-President (Education) with individual student enquiries specially relating to JD students. Constitutional Duties • The duties of the Juris Doctor Director (Education) are the same as the Education Directors, excepting that such duties must be carried out with a special focus on, and for the benefit of, students enrolled in the Juris Doctor program. Special Requirement: Candidates must be enrolled in the JD (On-Campus).

Education Portfolio Juris Doctor Director (Online)

Description The JD Director (Online) will assist with the dissemination of resources produced by the LSS with the JD (Online) cohort, ensure that the special needs and interests of the students in this program are met and represent these special needs and interests on relevant committees within the College. Constitutional Duties • To assist with the dissemination of resources produced by the Society to students • undertaking the Juris Doctor (Online) program; • To ensure that the special needs and interests of students enrolled in the Juris Doctor • (Online) program are communicated to relevant parties within the Society and that such • needs and interests are accounted for in the activities of the Society, where relevant; and • To represent the special needs and interests of Juris Doctor (Online) students in relevant fora, including committees within the College, where deemed appropriate by the President and the Vice-President (Education). Special Requirement: Candidates must be enrolled in the JD (Online). Please note that no part of this role involves on-campus participation and that this position can be filled by a student living anywhere in the world.

Equity Portfolio The Equity Portfolio is led by the Vice-President (Equity) and contains two directors and four officers: one Wellbeing Director, one International Students Director and four First Year Officers.

Wellbeing Director

Description The Wellbeing Director will promote the interests of affected or disadvantaged groups and groups that need particular representation that constitution the student body, organise events and produce resources that promote the mental and/or physical wellbeing of members and liaise with and assist other portfolios as appropriate for the purpose of carrying out these functions.

Equity Portfolio Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Equity); • To assist the Vice-President (Equity) in maintaining comprehensive representation on all relevant committees of the College and other relevant fora; • To promote the interests of affected or disadvantaged groups and groups that need particular representation that constitute the student body; • To organise events and produce resources that promote the mental and/or physical wellbeing of members; and • To liaise with and assist other portfolios as appropriate for the purpose of carrying out the abovementioned functions of the Wellbeing Director.

International Students Director

Description The International Students Director works with the Vice-President (Equity) to represent the interests of international students at the College of Law. This includes organising social and educational events for international students, running the International Students Mentoring Program and developing resources to assist international students. Constitutional Duties • To carry out the duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Equity); • To take responsibility, under the guidance of the Vice-President (Equity), for promoting the interests of international students at the College; • To organise social and/or educational events for international students; • To develop resources to assist international students; and • To liaise with and assist other portfolios as appropriate for the purpose of carrying out the above functions. Special Requirement: Candidates must be an international student.

First Year Officers x 4

Description The LSS has four First Year Officers, three LLB students and one JD student. They advocate for the interests of first year students on the society, provide a great way to easily get involved in the LSS at the start of your law school experience and complete rotations through the different portfolios of the LSS. Applicants to these positions must be in their first year of law (either LLB or JD (On-Campus)). They will be elected in a separate First Year Officer Election in March 2019.

Events Portfolio The Events Portfolio is led by the Vice-President (Events) and contains three directors and one officer: two Social Directors, one Juris Doctor Director (Social) and one BBQ Officer.

Social Director x 2

Description The Social Directors will assist the Vice-President (Events) in organising amazing social events including Law Ball, O-Week party and BBQs. It is a great role to ensure students have fun whilst dealing with the tribulations of law school. Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Events); • To take responsibility, under the guidance of the Vice-President (Events), for the Events portfolio; • To assist in running all social events approved by the Executive; • To organise initiatives within the College, including but not limited to parties, sporting events, and other gatherings of a social nature; • Where appropriate, to develop relationships with other faculties and universities, with a particular focus on inter-faculty and inter-university sporting events and initiatives; and • To ensure that all social events are of the highest quality possible.

Juris Doctor Director (Social)

Description Similar to the Social Directors, the Juris Doctor Director (Social) is solely focused on educational issues for JD students. Again, a passion for hosting JD specific social events and ensuring that JD students have opportunities to meet other students is essential. Constitutional Duties • The duties of the Juris Doctor Director (Social) are the same as the Social Directors, excepting that such duties must be carried out with a special focus on, and for the benefit of, students enrolled in the Juris Doctor program. Special Requirement: Candidates must be enrolled in the JD (On-Campus).

BBQ Officer

Description In this fun and exciting role, the BBQ Officer is in charge of organising and running BBQs for social events under the guidance of the Vice-President (Events). Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Events); and • To organise and run barbecues as directed by the executive.

Social Justice Portfolio The Social Justice Portfolio is led by the Vice-President (Social Justice) and contains two Social Justice Directors.

Social Justice Director x 2

Description The Social Justice Directors will aid the Vice-President (Social Justice) in providing a range of community and public-interest law initiatives. This includes helping to organize events and projects and provide students with the opportunity to discuss the ways in which legal education, the legal profession and the law itself deal with minorities, diversity and structural disadvantage. Overall they should attempt to engage law students with issues of equality, opportunity and justice. Constitutional Duties • To carry out duties assigned to them by the Vice-President (Social Justice); • To take responsibility, under the guidance of the Vice-President (Social Justice), for the Social Justice portfolio; • To ensure that, with the assistance of the Publicity Director, all social justice events, resources, and programs are widely promoted, attended and utilised; • To assist in facilitating social justice events as identified; • To develop and maintain relationships with the College and other relevant social justice groups at the University; and • To ensure that all Social Justice events are of the highest quality and in line with the purposes of the Social Justice portfolio.

Nominations How to Submit a Nomination

1. Read through all the different position descriptions and decide which position(s) suits you best. 2. Speak to the current committee member (required for executive positions, recommended for committee positions). 3. Purchase your LSS 2018 membership or check that your LSS 2018 membership is valid (you can do this by checking through your QPay app or emailing Nic at lssfinance@anu. 4. Download the nomination form from our website page “Getting Involved”. 5. Print it out and acquire the signatures of two voting or paid LSS members. 6. Scan the form. 7. Write a candidate statement that adheres to the specified word limit. 8. Find a high quality photograph of yourself. 9. Email the completed form, candidate statement and photograph to the Returning Officer, Nic Ryan, at Don’t leave submitting your nomination to the last minute! If there is an error in your application, it will need to be fixed during the nomination period.

How to Write a Candidate Statement

• Introduce yourself, your year level, any other degree and any relevant experience or policy that makes you the best candidate for the role. • Adhere to the word limits: Executive positions: 200 words and Committee positions: 150 words. • They will be published on our Facebook page, election event and website. • If you are running for multiple positions, you must provide a different candidate statement for each position.

Elections Timeline • • • • • • •

Tuesday 18th September at 9am: Nominations open Friday 28th September at 5pm: Nominations close Saturday 29th September: Publication of candidate statements Tuesday 2nd October at 9am: Voting opens Thursday 4th October at 5pm: Voting closes Thursday 4th October, evening: Candidates are informed of results Friday October, 10am: Results are made public

Rules (as per the Electoral Regulations)

Eligibility • Candidates running for an executive position must first contact the relevant Vice-President or the President to be eligible. You will be asked to declare that you have done this on your nomination form. • Exception: VP Equity. You must speak to the President. • Candidates running in the election must be both a paid and voting member of the Society – e.g. both a paid LSS member for 2018 and a law student at the ANU. Conduct – Dos and Do Nots • You can promote your candidacy on Facebook. You can set up a Facebook page or event for your campaign. • You can self-promote and ask voters to place you as their first preference. • You cannot set up a polling station/booth. • You cannot advertise any remarks or insinuations designed to vilify or slander another candidate. • You cannot make any comments, remarks or insinuations recommending voters not to vote for another candidate. • You cannot give any money or give or sell food, drink, drugs, clothing, stickers, badges or any material which, in the opinion of the Returning Officer, is designed to promote your candidacy. • You cannot encourage a non-candidate to do any of the above four things – eg. You cannot ask another non-candidate to give out prohibited material on your behalf. • You cannot place advertising material around the College of Law. • You cannot campaign during any classes conducted by the College of Law. • You cannot campaign during any time as designated by the Returning Officer. • You cannot run on a ticket. • You cannot make reference to another candidate for the purposes of the election in published material. How to report a suspected violation • Email the Returning Officer at

Elections Breaches • The Returning Officer has the power to declare breaches of the electoral regulations. • They can deal out the following punishments: disqualification, warning or any other penalty that they see as appropriate. • The candidate will be notified of their breach via email. Appeal process • Candidates can appeal a decision of the Returning Officer within 24 hours of being notified. • They must do this in written notice submitted to the President ( • The decision will then be reviewed by the Appeal Committee. • They will sit as soon as is reasonably possible after the appeal is lodged. • Their decision is final. • The Returning Officer will be present at the Appeal Committee meeting or make a submission to the Appeal Committee.


• Results will be communicated to all candidates on Thursday evening. • You can result numerical results for the position that you contested by email to the Returning Officer.


• Constitution (available on the LSS website) • Electoral Regulations (available on the LSS website) • Any questions/confusions: email the Returning Officer at

Handover Handover Requirements

• As part of your nomination form, you will have to confirm that you are willing to fulfil handover requirements as part of your role. • Your new role will officially start on December 1, but you will need to engage in handover commitments earlier than that.

Handover Timeline

• Oct/Nov: Individual handovers for each portfolio. Each 2018 Vice-President will arrange for a handover from the 2018 office bearers to the 2019 office bearers. A time will be chosen by all involved to best suit. • Oct/Nov: The 2019 executive will choose a day for the entire 2019 committee to meet and begin their roles. • December 1: Official handover date between the two committees.

Importance of Handover

Handover is an incredibly important part of your time on the LSS. It is essential that you ask your predecessor for all the information that you will need to fulfil your role as well as any advice or recommendations they may have on how to move forward.

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