2023 Clerkship Guide

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The Australian National University Law Students’ Society
Connect with us on Begin your story now at ashurst.com/students 2


We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land on which we meet and gather, the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples, and pay our respects to elders past, present, and emerging. We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded and this always was and always will be Indigenous land.



We wish to thank all those who have made the production and publication of the 2023 Australian National University Law Students’ Society Clerkship Guide possible.

Our sincere appreciation goes to the authors who have contributed their wealth of knowledge and experience to the Guide.


The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or the Australian National University Law Students’ Society.

Although best efforts have been made to ensure that all the information in the publication is correct as at April 2023, this is subject to change without notice.

This publication is distributed free of charge with the understanding that the authors, editors, and any persons related to this publication are not responsible for the results of their actions or omissions on the basis of any information provided in this publication.

This information is advisory, and as such should not be relied upon as being professional advice.

Vice President (Careers): Lilli Black

Publications Director: Nikki Wade

Vice President (Sponsorship): Thu Vu

Careers Directors: Carmen Truong

Gypsy Polacheck

Rafael Priest

2 Australian National University Law Students’ Society

The ANU Law Students’ Society is grateful for the support of its 2023 sponsors




Guide 2023
Australian National University Law Students’ Society 06 / President’s Welcome 07 / Editor’s Note 08 / A Wellbeing Perspective 09 / Firms Offering Clerkships 10 / Clerkship Tracker 11 / Clerkship Application Resources Reading and interpreting the selection criteria Writing a captivating & concise cover letter Assembling a stand-out curriculum vitae Acing the interview 22 / Advice from Successful Clerks An experienced clerks tips and tricks Making the most of the clerkship process The ins and outs of applying for a clerkship Navigating the clerkship application process Advice on managing the stress of clerkship applications Picking the right firm for you Sliding into legal practice with a clerkship CONTENTS 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 14 15 17 20 4
Clerkship Guide 2023 35 / Premier Sponsor Firm Materials Allens Clayton Utz Johnson Winter Slattery 48 / Major Sponsor Firm Materials Allen & Overy Arnold Bloch & Leibler Clifford Chance Corrs Chambers Westgarth DLA Piper Gilbert + Tobin Herbert Smith Freehills 91 / General Sponsor Firm Materials HFW HWL Ebsworth White & Case 95 / Practical Legal Training Provider Materials College of Law Leo Cussen 92 93 94 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 36 40 44 Jones Day K&L Gates King & Wood Mallesons Maddocks MinterEllison Norton Rose Fulbright Thomson Geer 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 96 100 5


It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2023 ANU Law Students’ Society Clerkship Guide, presented by Ashurst. This guide seeks to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to begin your clerkship journey, and I hope that the content contained within its pages will support you throughout this process.

In creating this Guide, the LSS Careers team has incorporated a range of content from across the legal field with the aim of providing a holistic understanding of clerkships, the application process & the variety of opportunities available. Whether you’re still deciding if a clerkship is the right fit for you or seeking to understand which firm best matches your values, this guide will be an invaluable resource. The clerkship application process can be stressful, and the contributions & material contained within this guide seek to alleviate that stress and ensure you feel confident as you begin your journey. I would like to express my gratitude to our corporate sponsors, the ANU College of Law Careers & Employability Team, and recent clerks for their insightful contributions. The variety of content within this guide will, I hope, support you through every step along your clerkship journey. Regardless of whether you are set on pursuing a clerkship, I hope that the information contained in this guide will ease any concerns & answer any questions you may have.

As ANU’s peak representative body for law students, the LSS is pleased to once again present this guide at the LSS’ flagship Clerkship Information Evening. Bringing together our corporate sponsors and the ANU law community for an evening centred around supporting law students in the early stages of their careers, Clerkship Evening, alongside this guide, hope to equip you with the knowledge and skills required to understand the clerkship process. The LSS also organises careers workshops & numerous other exciting offerings in the careers domain across the year. I encourage you to keep an eye on our social media to learn more about the LSS’ opportunities in this space.

I would like to thank, first and foremost, the LSS Careers portfolio: Lilli Black, Carmen Truong, Gypsy Polacheck & Rafael Priest, for the incredible amount of time and effort they have put into ensuring this guide is a valuable resource for law students. Their dedication has made this publication possible, and I am grateful for the commitment and professionalism with which they have approached this guide. I would also like to extend my thanks to Nikki Wade, the LSS’ Publications Director, for her incredible work compiling this guide and ensuring its high standard. On behalf of the entire LSS Committee I would also like to extend my gratitude to our sponsors, whose support allows the LSS to continue to offer a varied and high-quality calendar year-on-year. In particular, we would like to thank Ashurst for their support as the naming sponsor for this guide.

Thank you also to you for your interest in this publication. I hope that the 2023 LSS Clerkship Guide provides a valuable insight into the clerkship process and serves you in good stead as we once more enter into clerkship season.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or Lilli if you have any questions about anything contained within this guide.

Warm regards & happy reading!

Australian National University Law Students’ Society

On behalf of the Australian National University Law Students’ Society, welcome to the 2023 Clerkship Guide, proudly sponsored by Ashurst. For this year’s guide, the LSS wanted to ensure that penultimate students were equipped with the best advice and resources before beginning the clerkship application process. Through student testimonies, firm sponsor material and application resources constructed in collaboration with the ANU College of Law, we hope that we are able to demystify the clerkship process and inspire penultimate students to consider a clerkship pathway.

If there is one piece of advice I’d like for you to take away from reading this guide, or our 2023 Clerkship Guide, it is that you have the power to do anything you put your mind to. The support from those who have been in your shoes previously is out there, and many of the individuals who have contributed to this guide have also expressed interest in supporting penultimate students in whatever way possible. We encourage you to apply for our Clerkship Mentoring Program, where we pair penultimate students with former clerks who are able to assist during the clerkship process. If we continue to foster our already strong culture of alumni supporting younger graduates and students, we can continue to show the rest of Australia that an ANU law degree isn’t just a fiveyear stint in Canberra. In fact, our community ties go far beyond Acton, and an ANU law degree can have a lifelong impact, shaping the careers of the future leaders and pioneers in the law. So, remember to never be afraid to send that email, ask for advice or request someone who inspires you on LinkedIn! You too, like the many others who have come before you, have the power to have a meaningful impact on the lives of others, mould the legal institution for the better and forge a career that will make your university-aged self proud. Never doubt your abilities and convince yourself that you aren’t capable – after all, you miss all the chances you don’t take.

In addition, I’d like to extend my gratitude to everyone who has taken the time to contribute to this amazing guide. Thank you Kobie, Khashif, Isobel, Henry and Lora – I know that your incredible advice will help many penultimate students as they navigate the clerkship process. To our wonderful sponsors, thank you again for your continued support which has made this publication possible for another year. To the Law Students’ Society team, I couldn’t have done this without you. My amazing directors, Rafael Priest, Gypsy Polacheck and Carmen Truong, you have all been great to work with, thank you for your dedication to your roles. To Thu Vu, our Vice-President of Sponsorships, thank you for your tireless work liaising with sponsors to ensure that this guide could come to fruition and include materials from some of the best firms in the country. To Nikki Wade, thank you for putting your heart and soul into this beautiful guide, you should be incredibly proud of your efforts! And to Neha Kalele, thank you for being such an amazing support over the past couple of months, this year is already shaping up to be an amazing one for the LSS and I cannot wait to see all of the wonderful things you accomplish in your year as President. And thank you reader for deciding to have a skim through this guide, I hope that it provides some direction and insight on the clerkship application process!

Clerkship Guide 2023 EDITOR’S NOTE


The clerkship application process can be stressful and anxiety-inducing. You might feel as though whether you are accepted into your desired clerkship will make or break your legal career. I hope that some of my perspectives help you to navigate this in a healthy and introspective way.

I feel like I’m not good enough to be a lawyer

I can confidently say that, unless the smartest law student in Australia happens to be reading this, there will always be a law student who is smarter than you. There will always be a law student who can speak more eloquently than you can. Probably many. You first have to accept that. Then you have to understand that there will never be a law student quite like you, with your exact skillset, worldview, passions and life experiences. As much as society has taught us to compare ourselves to others, everyone is on their own journey to feel fulfilled. This is not tied to how smart you are or whether you have the highest-paying law job, but what you feel your purpose is, and how in line what you are doing now is with that purpose. I believe that it is important to think hard about what your contribution to the world is; what makes you excited and impassioned (at least, don’t just choose a commercial law clerkship because you are studying law and commerce). Once you find a career path which lines up best with that, which may equally be outside of the legal industry, then you will always be good enough. The catch-22 is that you will never actually know if the clerkship is best for you until you try it, but you can hazard a good guess. Of course, you still have to do the necessary work of studying hard, building your knowledge of the industry, writing a catching cover letter and polishing your interview skills, but I hope this has helped you to do so with more confidence.

Anxiety during the process

As someone who is slowly overcoming anxiety, my advice would be that, whenever a feeling of anxiety arises, whether it is before an interview or at any time during the application process, unpack it. What exactly is making you feel anxious? You might be scared that you will mess up the interview or of the possibility that your application will be rejected after all the hard work you have put into it. These concerns are valid and normal. Once you have unpacked the anxiety, you are no longer controlled by it, and can then decide whether it is realistic and helpful to you. If it is not, then you can replace it with ways of thinking that are realistic and helpful to you. If you are anxious about the interview, the best thing you can do is prepare for it well, with the advice that is in this guide. If you feel anxious in the moments before an interview, ask yourself that if letting go of anxiety allows you to express yourself and perform better, then why feel anxious at all? The possibility that your application will be rejected after all the hard work you have put into it is an unfortunate outcome that looms over those who are brave enough to try. It is not easy to accept that we only have control over the very few things that we can actually control. A helpful way of thinking is that you can never fail because you either succeed or you learn. A clerkship is not the be-all and end-all; you don’t know if it would have set you on the right career path, or if a much better opportunity will present itself to you in the future which you wouldn’t have had if you were doing a clerkship.

The LSS is always available to help if you need any support. I hope you all find what you’re looking for!

Australian National University Law Students’ Society


A&O Allens

Arnold Bloch Leibler


Clayton Utz

Clifford Chance

Corrs Chambers Westgarth

DLA Piper

Gilbert + Tobin

Herbert Smith Freehills

HFW HWL Ebsworth

Jones Day

Johnson Winter Slattery

K&L Gates

King & Wood Mallesons



Norton Rose Fulbright

Thomson Geer

White & Case

Firms Canberra Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Perth Brisbane
Clerkship Guide 2023

* Note that these dates are a guide. The deadlines may differ depending on the firm you are applying with.

Recruitment Process Canberra and Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Applications Open 5 June 3 July 17 July 26 June Applications Close 2 July and 9 July (Firm Dependent) 13 August 11 August 30 July Offers made 13 September 18 October 11 October 15 September Offers to be accepted 14 September 18 October 13 October 15 September CLERKSHIP


11 Clerkship
Guide 2023

In this section of the Clerkship Guide, the LSS has partnered with the ANU College of Law Careers and Employability team to bring you the most current, relevant, and valuable information to boost your clerkship applications.

You will find the following resources:

Selection Criteria – Reading and interpreting the requirements of a clerkship selection criteria.

Cover Letter – Introducing yourself to your potential employer through a concise, focused and insightful cover letter.

Curriculum Vitae – Highlighting your strengths, experiences, and how they relate to your potential employment through a well structured and considered CV.

Job Interview – Calming your nerves, preparing, and walking in with confidence for your clerkship interview.


The question of ‘why’ should be your key focus throughout the clerkship application process.

The most common message we receive from employers about the clerkship application is that they are looking for applicants with a genuine passion and interest in working at their firm.

No single law firm or organisation are the same. Each has a unique culture, focus, and identity. Make sure you do your research to ensure these align with you.

Applicants may struggle to articulate precisely why they have chosen to pursue a clerkship, why they want to be a part of the firm or organisation, and why they feel that their skills and passions are well suited to that firm or organisation.

BEWARE of the ‘copy and paste’, mass application approach… More is not always better! Focusing on a smaller number of applications to firms that you have a genuine interest in working for will often result in better applications, with greater chances of success.


The clerkship application process will require an honest self-assessment. Ask yourself the following questions:

• What are my strengths and areas for improvement?

What do I want to achieve, not only from this opportunity, but beyond?

• What are my short, medium, and long term goals, personally and professionally?

What are my transferable skills from my current and previous jobs or volunteering experience?

*Note: Do not underestimate the value of retail and hospitality experience! Employers want to hear about the skills and personal qualities you developed in this work. Law firms, in particular, are looking for well-rounded, personable and committed applicants.

Australian National University Law Students’ Society


Consider the key professional skills that law firms are looking for:

• Communication Teamwork

• Problem solving

• Initiative and enterprise (commercial awareness)

• Planning and organising

• Self-management

• Trending skills:

Conflict management and resolution

• Diversity and inclusion

• Emotional intelligence

Adaptability (able to work in a fast-paced, changing environment)

• Ability and desire to build relationships

Intellectual curiosity

• Passion

… Which skills have you already developed through previous work, volunteer or leadership experience that may be transferable? Which skills do you want to improve upon?

Finally, consider what you are looking to get out of a clerkship. It might help to think of it as an internship:

To gain practical experience? … Insight into how professionals in the field approach problems and provide solutions.

To gain insight into certain practice areas? … Discover your legal passion and understand how the work in various practice areas differs from each other.

To build a network? … Exposure to a network of experienced professionals, with the potential of ongoing job opportunities.

To develop key professional skills? … Improved communication, teamwork, or problem solving skills, just to name a few (see above).


A knock-back in a clerkship application is not the be-all and end-all of your legal career. There is much to be taken from an unsuccessful application, and the best candidates will approach rejection with a growth mindset.

First, consider whether the firm or organisation was actually the right choice for you. Did your values and ambitions align?

Second, consider where you could have improved in the application process. You have now gained significant insight from the application and interview stages. Look back over your cover letter and CV with the benefits of hindsight. Consider what went right and where you could have performed better in the interview.

Finally, consider looking for any casual and/or part-time opportunities at any law firm to build up your work experience. There are many transferable skills that are relevant in a legal career from administrative roles within professional firms and government departments (keep your retail and hospitality jobs for weekends if possible).

Instead of viewing an unsuccessful application as rejection, view it as an opportunity to grow and improve your chances of success in your next job application.

Clerkship Guide 2023 13


The selection criteria is arguably the most important piece of information you will be provided with to inform your clerkship application. You must meet each criterion, and provide tangible evidence of this in your cover letter or CV.

Top Tip: Convert the selection criteria into a checklist.

This checklist will be something that you can refer back to during all stages of the application process. Use the checklist to structure your cover letter, addressing each attribute in a separate paragraph or combining certain attributes that you may cover with one example.

Sample Selection Criteria

Specter Litt Clerkship Selection Criteria

At Specter Litt, we are looking for individuals with the following attributes:

• You are committed to building strong relationships with our clients and the rest of the Specter Litt team.

• You are passionate about the Specter Litt values of integrity, teamwork, diversity and inclusion.

• You have commercial awareness and insight.

• You have a consistently strong academic record.

• You have a genuine interest in a career at Specter Litt upon the completion of your studies.

Commitment to building strong relationships with clients and colleagues.

Do you have strong verbal and written communication skills?

Do you have strong interpersonal skills?

Are you a trustworthy individual? (For example, did you handle money or a till in a hospitality or retail job?)

Are you a team player?

Passion for the firm’s values of integrity, teamwork, diversity and inclusion.

When have you demonstrated integrity?

• When have you demonstrated teamwork?

• Do you take active steps to improve your awareness of diversity and inclusion?

Commercial awareness and insight.

• Can you demonstrate an understanding of the commercial environment in which your clients would be operating?

Do you keep informed on the world of business and current affairs?

• Can you assess risks and manage conflict?

Consistently strong academic record.

Can you demonstrate commitment to your studies?

(A ‘strong academic record’ does not necessarily imply a high distinction or distinction average. Potential employers will not necessarily be deterred if you have been actively seeking out professional or nonprofessional experience and developing your skills throughout your time at university, perhaps at the expense of your GPA. You may want to explain the effect work, volunteering or other life events had on your GPA in your Cover Letter).

Genuine interest in a long-term career at the firm.

Are you a committed and loyal person?

• Do you have a genuine interest in the opportunities, values and culture at this firm?

Australian National University Law Students’ Society


A cover letter acts as your ‘get to know me’ on paper; The first insight your potential employer has into the passion, skills, experiences, and interests that may make you the right fit for the role. As such, a strong and engaging cover letter is critical to standing out in a highly competitive profession.

Reflect and plan

Start by reflecting on the experiences and achievements that have contributed to your development.

If you are struggling to critically reflect on your personal qualities, seek advice from your peers or colleagues. Discuss your strengths, weaknesses, and what you bring to a team.

Plan the structure of your cover letter.

Sample structure:

• Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: The organisation that you are applying to

• Paragraph 3: How you meet the selection criteria

Paragraph 4: How your personal values align with that of the organisation

• Paragraph 5: Conclusion and thanks

Frame your cover letter as the narrative of your pathway so far

Describe the experiences and achievements that have brought you to this point, and how these moments pushed you to apply for this role.

For example, if you are passionate about the environment, describe when you first developed that passion, how you volunteered at the Environmental Defender’s Office, specialised in environmental law or found a mentor working in environmental law reform. Demonstrate to the potential employer that this role is the natural progression in your pathway.

Remember that you don’t have to restate what’s in your CV, you would have attached that already. Go into greater depth on the significant achievements that may be overlooked on your CV.

If you have been provided with a selection criteria, carefully address each criterion.

Make clear the connection between your past experiences and the demands of the role.

Connect with the organisation

Try not to be too general - For example, stating something along the lines of “I would like to work in a large, prestigious firm with good training and development” can be applied to lots of organisations. Take the time to research and consider the culture, focus, or interesting qualities of the organisation.

You may even want to identify key people within the organisation (managing partners and other staff) and work the organisation has completed to show specific interest and demonstrate why you want to work there. Describe how and why you feel you would thrive in this environment.

If you are applying to multiple organisations, avoid the copy and paste approach as much as possible. Each letter should be tailored to each organisation, clearly demonstrating a considered understanding of their unique values.

Style and syntax

Keep your cover letter to a page in length. Short and concise sentences demonstrate your ability to write effectively.

Check for punctuation, grammar, or spelling mistakes with a fine-tooth comb!

Guide 2023 WRITING
Australian National University Law Students’ Society


Career Objective

• This is a brief paragraph to inform potential employers of your intended career trajectory and aspirations. This should be 1-2 sentences long.



Your CV provides a summary of your education, employment history, skills, and professional and volunteer experience. It is an important opportunity to market yourself and highlight your strengths. The following tips are a guide to constructing a strong CV. 3

Education should be presented in reverse chronological order.

• You should include the institution, course, year of entry, and expected year of completion.

You should also include any academic achievements, honours, awards, or scholarships that you have received while studying, in addition to your current GPA.

• Undergraduate students may include their secondary study, particularly if you have an impressive ATAR or entrance mark.

Work Experience

Work experience highlights the experiences, skills, and achievements that make you a strong candidate.

As with education, work experience should be listed in reverse chronological order.

• You should include the job title, employer, start date and finish date, duties, and responsibilities.

• You may like to divide this section into ‘Professional Experience’ and ‘Volunteer Experience’.

4 6 7

Other Achievements and Extra Curriculars

This section will include any notable accomplishments and extra curriculars that may be relevant to the role or to your professional development, but do not fit into the education or work experience portions of your CV.

• For example, a leadership role you held at university, or your involvement in a youth organisation or student society.



Discussing your interest enables you to present yourself as a well-rounded, interesting candidate. It provides the potential employer with an insight into how you may fit in at the organisation.

• Your interests may be raised as talking points during the interview, so make sure they are genuine!


• You should provide at least 2 referees at the bottom of your CV. These individuals will be able to attest to your character, skills, work ethic, or past work experience.

• You should include their full name, role, organisation, and contact information.

It is important to ensure that you have received approval from your referees before including their contact information on your CV. Let them know to expect correspondence, and give them a brief description of the role and what your application entails.

Formatting your CV

• It is important that your CV has a neat and professional look. Avoid bright colours or graphics that distract away from the substance of the CV.

Online sites like Canva have fantastic free and easy to use templates to format an impressive-looking CV.

Clerkship Guide 2023


[Name] [Contact number]

[Email address] [Objective]...

Motivated, hardworking, and passionate. I am seeking to start my career in commercial law by using my strong problem-solving and communication skills in a clerkship with a leading multinational commercial law firm.


Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Arts

Your ‘objective is a concise description of your ‘why’. Articulate precisely why you are also interested in working in this field. Also provide a captivating snapshot of your most valuable skills or passions.

The Australian National University | [First year] – [Expected year of completion]

◊ Grade Point Average

◊ Academic Achievements:

o [Scholarship]

o [Award]

o [Academic prize]

International Exchange Program

[Exchange University] | [Starting month and year] – [Finishing month and year]

◊ Grade Point Average

◊ [Any interesting programs you participated in during exchange]

Secondary Education

[High School] | [Year of graduation]

◊ Results

◊ Academic Achievements


Make sure to emphasise the skills and experiences developed in previous roles that are transferable and relevant to the position you are applying for.

[Employer] | [Starting month and year] – [Finishing month and year]

◊ [Your skills and responsibilities in the role]

◊ [Your achievements in the role]

Write about your responsibilities and skills in one sentence to show how you demonstrated those skills

e.g. "Displayed my high levels of EQ through empathising with clients and understanding their interests and desired outcome.

Look to keep these sections to dotpoint form. This demonstrates to the reader that you have the ability to describe your most relevant experiences in a concise fashion.

Australian National University Law Students’ Society



[Employer] | [Starting month and year] – [Finishing month and year]

◊ [Your responsibilities in the role]

◊ [Your skills developed in the role]

◊ [Your achievements in the role]



This is where you can mention your work experience in areas like hospitality or retail. Firms want to hear about these experiences in your clerkship applications, as they demonstrate that you are a well-rounded, personable and committed applicant!

[Organisation] | [Starting month and year] – [Finishing month and year]

◊ [Your responsibilities in the role]

◊ [Your skills developed in the role]

◊ [Your achievements in the role]

Other Achievements and Extra Curriculars

◊ [Student organisation / society involvement]

◊ [Leadership position within an organisation, residential hall, or university society]

◊ [Academic mentoring]

◊ [Sporting or arts participation and achievements]

◊ [Any other achievements not mentioned in your education and experience sections]

Professional Interests

◊ [A description of any notable interests or passions]


When applying for a role in the legal profession or other highly commercial sectors, your interests section should have a particular focus on your passions within that profession. For example, when applying for a clerkship at a commercial firm, it will be valuable to indicate the practice groups that are of interest to you and why.

[Former Employer / Supervisor / Mentor / Colleague / Tutor] | [Contact details]

[Former Employer / Supervisor / Mentor / Colleague / Tutor] | [Contact details]

[Former Employer / Supervisor / Mentor / Colleague / Tutor] | [Contact details]

Clerkship Guide 2023


Congratulations! You have clearly made a positive impression with this organisation during the earlier application rounds. This potential employer has identified a number of positive qualities in you that suggest you would be a suitable addition to the organisation. The interview is your opportunity to reinforce those qualities and connect with the potential employer in person.

On the day…

• Be prepared. Consider the sample interview questions below, and attempt a practice interview with a friend or family member. Walking in prepared will ease your nerves and increase your confidence.

*Check out the personal articles from successful clerks in this Guide for some practical tips on acing your interview.

• Arrive on time (or early!) and dress in corporate attire – nothing too flashy. Remember that the potential employer is considering how you would represent the firm in front of a client.

Importantly, this interview is as much an opportunity for you to learn about the firm as it is an opportunity for them to learn about you. Look to learn more about the firm and its values, and truly consider whether it is the right fit for you!

Sample Questions

Personal and Career Related

• Before we get started, could you briefly introduce yourself?

Tell me about something that is not on your resume/ application.

What value matters to you most?

• Why law?

Why [firm]?

• What qualities do you think make a good clerk?

• What are you hoping to gain from this role?

Adaptability and Flexibility

Describe a time you dealt with negative feedback.

• Do you work best when receiving clear instructions or when given flexibility in decision-making?

What is the most unusual request you have had at work and how did you respond to it?

• Tell us about a time when something at work was changing and how you adapted to that change?

Analysis and Problem Solving

• Give us an example of a time when you used good judgement and logic in solving a problem. When have you set a goal and how did you achieve it?

• When have you gone above and beyond to do something?

• Describe a time you came up with an innovative solution to a problem.


Communication skills

• Describe a time when you had to use different communication styles to influence different groups or individuals.

Describe a time when you felt you did not communicate well. How did you correct the situation?

Describe a time when you had to communicate a decision to stakeholders knowing that the outcome was undesirable.

Teamwork and Conflict Resolution

Describe a time you overcame a barrier.

• Describe a time in which you dealt with a challenging team.

Have you ever had to make a tough call or hard decision in a team environment?

Diversity and Inclusion

• When have you had trouble with other people accepting your views?

Tell us about a time that you successfully adapted to a culturally different environment.

Integrity and Ethics

Describe a time in which you showcased our firm’s value of ____.

• When did you have to make a decision that went against your morals and values but was necessary or appropriate in the situation?

Management and Leadership

• Tell me about a time when you had to lead.

• Tell me about a time when your manager wasn’t present and you had to work/deal with a problem independently.

• Tell me about a time when someone was resisting you. What did you do?

Planning and Organisation Skills

• How do you deal with stress?

• Is your GPA a good reflection of your abilities?

Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stresses that tested your coping skills.

Tell us about a time when you had to complete a number of tasks with competing deadlines. How did you determine the priority tasks?

Questions for the Interviewer

What was your path to [firm] and your path within the [firm]?

• What are some interesting projects you have been involved in – to the extent that you can discuss them with me?

How did you decide to settle in your specific area of law?

What does training for clerks and grads at [firm] look like?

• Would clerks only work for one main partner at a time, or are they shared among the team?

How often is feedback provided? Do we get opportunities for partner interaction?

• In terms of pro bono work, how do these opportunities come up, and how do clerks and graduates usually structure this around their normal workload?

What would you like to see from me as a clerk or graduate?

Clerkship Guide 2023 21
22 Australian National University Law Students’ Society

An experienced clerk’s tips and tricks

Knowing if a clerkship is right for you

Outside of a general interest in commercial law, I don’t think you really know whether you’re interested in a clerkship until you do one. This is because commercial firms practice across such a wide range of areas – likely areas of law you haven’t had the opportunity to study yet –and the practice of working in a law firm in a particular area is really different to studying it. As a result, I think it’s worth giving it a shot, even if you’re not totally sold on it; even if it’s just to know that it isn’t for you.

Picking the right firm or practice area

By firm, I think picking the firm you get the best feel of in the interview stage is probably your best bet. By and large, I think the most important thing about the firm you choose is whether you feel like you fit in with the people, given that you’re likely to spend some time there both during the clerkship process and potentially after it too. One caveat to this might be if you’re interested in working for a particular firm due to their specialization in an area of law you’re really passionate about, but I think that’s generally the exception to the rule.

In terms of practice areas, outside of picking the practice areas that correspond to the subjects you liked studying, I really recommend trying out a practice area which you haven’t done before. The clerkship process is typically more about having a go at different things, and this is facilitated by most firms offering multiple rotations; so I’d recommend branching out and selecting at least one practice area which you don’t know much about. This might look like completing one rotation in a transactional area and one in a litigious area, or one in strategic advisory, or vice-versa.

Managing time and stress

The obvious answer is prepare early: have an updated CV ready, get a copy of your recent academic transcript, and note the relevant dates for applications and deadlines in your calendar. Outside of this, some people prepared cover letters beforehand, or conducted their research on the firms they wanted to apply to before applications opened, and so on.


On the topic of stress: stress is individual, and everybody processes things and copes in different ways differently. The only thing I’d add here though, is that it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get a clerkship, or bomb an interview, or don’t get your first preference. Law school and its students – and ANU is no exception – tend to be a combination of those who are high-achieving, and yet suffer imposter syndrome. Thus, it’s no surprise that clerkship season sucks for everyone, and it’s no fun getting rejected from one firm you really wanted yet finding out your best friend got an interview – or that you know somebody with several. Thus, I think it’s really important to keep a grounded perspective here: clerkships are very competitive, and there are lots of solicitors – and even those working in the big commercial firms – who didn’t get one the firsttime round. Do your best, but don’t beat yourself up about it.

Advice for the application process

In terms of written applications, I think the aim is to be short and concise. Address why you’re interested in commercial law; why you’re interested in that particular firm; and what you can bring to the firm as a prospective clerk. Opinions differ on this, but I’d always include something about my hobbies in my cover letter: it gives you something to talk about during the interview, and shows employers why you’re someone they’d want to have around in the office.

In terms of interviews and networking events: it’s a cliché answer, but I’d honestly just advise to be yourself. If you’ve gotten to the interview stage, you’re likely good enough on paper – so, just be yourself and sell yourself to the firm. I think it’s really important to note here that not every successful clerk is hyper-extroverted, who is crazy passionate about corporate law and has paralegal experience. Across the firms I’d clerked at, there were lots of different types of people – lots with no previous law experience, who were unsure that corporate law was for them – who still did great work and got offers. So, just be yourself and have fun with it.

Getting the most out of a clerkship

In line with everything I’ve said previously, my honest answer is just to have fun with it. Sure, it’s a tough process – but also a good learning opportunity, even if no offer comes at the end of it. If you’re one of the ones lucky enough to complete a clerkship, I got the most out of mine by really engaging myself: talking to my colleagues, getting to know them and the practice area, and generally just giving it my best go. To repeat myself, clerkships are more about just having a crack at different things and having fun –so I think you should aim to do just that.

Australian National University Law Students’ Society
Ashurst / Herbert Smith Freehills / King & Wood Mallesons

Making the most of the clerkship process

Knowing if a clerkship is right for you

In hindsight, I realize that a clerkship is right for you if you are genuinely interested in gaining practical legal experience and are willing to invest time and effort into honing your skills. It requires dedication and a genuine passion for the legal profession. Reflect on your long-term career goals and how a clerkship can align with those aspirations. Remember, a clerkship is not the be-all and end-all; it is simply a taster for experiencing private practice and a chance to see if working in this field is right for you.

Picking the right firm or practice area

When it comes to choosing the right firm or practice area for your clerkship, research is key. Look for firms that align with your values and have a good reputation in the industry. Consider the firm’s size, location and the type of clients it serves. Look for opportunities to work on matters that genuinely interest you and offer a chance to develop expertise in areas that align with your career goals. When I applied to Maddocks, their commercial and probity practice groups looked an excellent fit for me as they aligned with my interests. During my clerkship, the firm provided me with meaningful work that helped me grow as a legal professional in addition to helping me decide what I wanted to do once graduating university.


Managing time and stress

Managing time and stress during the clerkship application period can be overwhelming, but it is important to stay organised and focused. Create a timeline for completing written applications, preparing for interviews and attending networking events. Break down the tasks into smaller, manageable steps and prioritize them based on deadlines. Reach out to mentors or career advisors for guidance and support. Remember to take care of yourself and practice self-care during this period to manage stress effectively. Also try not to spread yourself too thin – focus on a few firms that genuinely pique your interest instead of applying a shotgun approach to clerkship applications. It can be tiring writing so many applications?

Advice for the application process

When it comes to the application process, attention to detail is crucial. Ensure that your written applications are well-researched, tailored to each firm and highlight your skills and experiences. . At this stage of your professional career, nobody is expecting you to have in depth knowledge of the legal profession. Rather, firms are looking for students who can be genuine and authentic in interviews, showcasing your passion for the legal profession and your willingness to learn and contribute. Network proactively by attending events, reaching out to alumni, and building meaningful connections. Remember that every interaction is an opportunity to leave a positive impression and potentially open doors for future opportunities.

Getting the most out of a clerkship

To make the most out of a clerkship, be proactive and take initiative. Seek feedback from mentors and supervisors to improve your skills and performance. Be open to learning from your colleagues and ask questions whenever necessary. Take on additional responsibilities and seek out challenging assignments to broaden your skill set. Build relationships with your colleagues and peers, as these connections can prove valuable in your future career. Lastly, be professional, punctual, and reliable, and demonstrate a strong work ethic.

Clerkship Guide 2023


The ins and outs of applying for a clerkship

A clerkship is an opportunity to sink your teeth into law in practice and to ‘try before you buy’ a corporate law job. A clerkship is just as much an opportunity for you to narrow down what area of law you would like to practice as it is an opportunity for firms to recruit.

If you are reading this guide, it is likely that you have some curiosity about the clerkship process. This, I believe, is enough to warrant giving a clerkship a go. There is value in putting yourself out there, finetuning your application/interviewing skills, meeting new people and having a hands-on experience with the law. If you are on the fence but have an inkling of curiosity, I strongly recommend you put your name forward.

Saying this, a clerkship is not for everyone. There is an attitude among law students that a clerkship is a rite of passage – this is absolutely not the case. A clerkship is not the only way into a successful practice in law – it is not even the only way to a successful practice in commercial law.

If you’re on the fence, here are some questions you might want to ask yourself:

• Am I curious about commercial law?

Do I want to spend my summer/winter doing a clerkship or are there other things (career or otherwise) I could be doing to meet my goals instead?

• Can I commit to the workload that comes with applications?

Which firm is right for me?

The first hurdle is knowing which firm is right for you is first figuring out who they all are. A great starting place is this Clerkship Guide and Clerkship Information Evening. From there, look to the resources the firm itself releases to see how they have positioned themselves against other players in the market. You’ll see lots of similar buzzwords used so it may be more helpful to understand what the firm values by looking to some of their tangible achievements. For example, what landmark cases have they worked on? What sorts of achievements are they recognised for in Doyle’s Guide, Best Lawyers, Chambers or in the AFR in your practice area of interest?

Some framing questions to help you figure out which firm is right for you might include:

Where is the firm based?

If you have ambitions to work internationally, you might want to apply for a firm with a strong international presence – or a partnership with another firm internationally.

What practice area is the firm known for?

If you have a practice area you are interested in, consider the reputation the firm you are applying for has in that area. A good way to see what practice area a firm specialises in is by looking to the firm’s ‘news’ section and checking out the practice areas they highlight. If you have a specific area of interest, have a look through publications like Doyle’s Guide and see what firms are recognised under that area.

How big is the firm?

Knowing how you like to work can help influence which firm you apply for. Do you work best with a small tight-knit team that a domestic firm provides, or would you prefer the hustle of a bigger international firm? If you have a practice area of interest, how big is that practice area in that firm?

What sort of cases is the firm known for?

Looking through the news to see the cases the firm is best known for or the clients the firm represents gives you a good view as to the type and area of work you will be doing in your clerkship and beyond.

Australian National University Law Students’ Society

What sort of pro-bono work does the firm do?

If you are interested in pro-bono work during your time at a clerkship and beyond, it is important to determine what sort of pro-bono or public interest work a firm engages in and how important it is to their identity. You can gauge this by looking to the hours they commit to pro-bono work and whether they have teams that are specifically employed to work in this area.

If you are doing multiple clerkships, it may be prudent to try several of the above options. For example, applying for a mix of mid-tier and top-tier firms with varying international presences to see which one suits you best.

Advice for the process WRITTEN APPLICATION

The cover letter is your opportunity to expand on the key points in your resume and give yourself the edge to stand out. It is important to use your cover letter and the space you are afforded in it to clearly express why you want to work for the firm, why you are a good fit for the firm, what skills you bring to this particular opportunity and lastly, some of your proudest achievements.

It is critical that you tailor your cover letter to the firm you are applying for. As above, gauge what the firm stands for and be clear about what attracts you to it. From there, weave in some of your own skills, experiences or interests (from good grades in an elective, to an extra-curricular achievement or skills developed in a part-time job). Make sure to provide scope for your achievements. For example, setting out how many team-members you managed or how many hours you committed to the role.


To both calm your nerves and ensure you have the best response ready to go, prepare answers to common questions beforehand. Have a solid response to broad questions ready to go (for example, ‘tell us a bit about yourself’) and questions for the interviews in your back pocket. I recommend going in with a notebook and pen open and ready, so that if you get asked a tricky question you can write some parts of it down. When in doubt just slow down, take a deep breath and think before you answer. It is always better to have a moment of pause than to answer too repetitively or in an unstructured way. Confidence is key in these interviewers so walk in with your head high.

Remember that every firm and every interviewer has a different style so just let yourself slip into the flow of the conversation. Don’t let the fact that one interview is very different from another sway how you feel about your responses or put you off.


The networking events are an excellent opportunity to speak to employees of the firm in a more casual setting to pick up the ‘vibe’ of a firm. Take this opportunity to chat to as many people as you can – both employees of the firm and other clerks. I found the networking events to be a really good way to meet fellow students in the same process – don’t forget that this is an important part of the experience too! The networking events are often accompanied by information sessions. Remember that the events are really about the firm selling itself to you so ask questions, take notes and keep an open mind. When it comes to selecting which firm you want to clerk with or potentially take up a grad offer for, these networking events will inform that choice.

In conclusion

While the process of applying for a clerkship can be challenging and even sometimes disheartening, I strongly encourage people to apply. A clerkship is an invaluable opportunity to determine the direction you want to take your law career and to push yourself to put your best foot forward. Best of luck with the process!

Clerkship Guide 2023
Isobel Kuo
Arnold Bloch Leibler / King & Wood Mallesons

Navigating the clerkship application process

Applying for a clerkship is, undeniably, an intimidating prospect. As a penultimate student in 2021, I applied to a few firms’ summer clerkship programs. Ultimately, I was unsuccessful, despite reaching a couple of final interviews. I say unsuccessful, yet I came away from the application process with several takeaways placing me in better stead when application season rolled around in 2022. I imagine that my experience might differ slightly from that of my peers, and I hope that I can offer a valuable perspective to those interested in applying.

This leads to my first and best tip - don’t be dissuaded by the inevitable setbacks. For those focused on a career in a commercial law firm, a clerkship in your penultimate year of university, whilst valuable, is not the be-all and end-all. For all students remotely interested in practising law, the application process is a great opportunity to reflect on your goals and interests, and to develop your application and interview skills.

Picking the right firm or practice area

The larger firms all operate across a vast array of practice areas, though the available practice areas may be limited by the city you apply to. Researching partner profiles can provide a great steer on which practice areas have a presence in a particular location - if it is not explicitly stated on their website.

In terms of cultural fit, researching online is a great place to start. However, in my view, you will get the best sense of the people and the workplace by asking questions and getting to know the lawyers you will interact with at networking events and the interviews.

Additionally, the firms will often put you in touch with one or more lawyers who have recently undertaken a clerkship or graduate program themselves. This is a great opportunity to pick their brain and to sound out whether the workplace is a good fit for you.

Advice for the application process

As with any job application, your written materials, including your cover letter and resume, should be tailored to each firm and demonstrate your understanding of the type of candidate the firm is seeking. Addressing the firms’ values and position description in your cover letter is a handy way to achieve this. During an interview, take the chance to ask questions about how the firm assists its people in developing and refining their skills. This demonstrates you have turned your mind to your professional growth, and the interviewer’s answer can provide valuable insight on the available supports. Ultimately, the partners are seeking clerks that they would like to work with and rely on. Showing genuine enthusiasm and curiosity goes a long way.

Managing time and stress

Applying for clerkships can be stressful and timeconsuming. It is important to prioritise self-care and to create a schedule that allows you to balance your application work with your other commitments. Where possible avoid leaving the application to the last minute, as it will invariably take longer to complete than you plan for. Be aware that final round interviews often coincide with the midsemester assessment period, and plan accordingly.

Getting the most out of a clerkship

Practising in an area of law can be quite different to studying it, so be open-minded about the practice areas you want to sample,

Be receptive to constructive feedback. Use the opportunity to learn as much as possible about practising law, build relationships with mentors and colleagues, and gain a better understanding of your own work style.


Advice on managing the stress of clerkship applications

Picking the right firm or practice area

Finding the right firm is all about the culture and the people as you’ll spend most of the time with the people. Through the application process, I found that the culture and interpersonal dynamic varies across firms and different locations of the same firm. Therefore, the interview process and networking events are a great way to get a tangible feel of these often-nuanced differences between the firms. In terms of practice area, research and assessing your interest is useful, however, be open to exploring different practice areas through your clerkship and graduate rotation. Your interests and goals may evolve over time as you gain more experience and insight, and it’s important to remain flexible and open to new opportunities.

Managing time and stress

The application period for law firm clerkships can be a stressful and time-consuming process. My main tip is to stay organised – many students might be applying to multiple firms (in multiple states even) as well as balancing various other activities. Therefore, it’s important to stay on top of the key deadlines and dates for events and interviews. This was the time I leaped into using my calendar and noted down every event so that I can see at a glance all the clerkship related activities I have each week. This also allowed me to plan my travels and study plans in advance of any interviews or events so that I could find time to take a break during the middle of this stressful period.

Advice for the application process

Throughout the process, my main tip is to know your story. Think about your journey – what were the different points in your life that have brought you to this point (when you are writing your clerkship applications) and incorporate these personal motivations to your clerkship application. This process will differentiate yourself by highlighting your unique skills, experiences, and achievements that make you stand out from other applicants.

Networking events can be daunting at the start, but it is a great event to start building your professional network and talk to graduates or lawyers in different practice areas – particularly before the actual interviews. This stage of the process was particularly useful in helping me to get a ‘real feel’ of the firm’s culture in a more relaxed and casual setting – outside of the formal interview process, as well as enabling me to form a more tangible vision of each firm and their different personalities.

Getting the most out of a clerkship

A clerkship is a valuable opportunity to gain practical experience and exposure over a short space of time. Be proactive and actively seek feedback: Take the initiative to seek out matters or areas of law that you are interested to learn. Be proactive in seeking feedback and demonstrate your enthusiasm to learn.

Learn from observing: Take advantage of opportunities to observe experienced lawyers and partners in action. In addition to the skills I gained

Clerkship Guide 2023


Picking the right firm for you

Which firm is right for me?

An essential step in the clerkship process, in addition to writing a strong application and preparing for a successful interview, is to think strategically about which firms you are interested in. This is important because not only will it make sure that your clerkship experience fits with your interests and aspirations, but also because ultimately this is where you might be accepting a job as a graduate.

However, distinguishing between firms based on their online presence or promotional materials can be challenging. For this reason you may want to develop a set of criteria to guide your decision-making process. Importantly, your criteria should focus on what you value in a workplace and a career. Some of the following questions may be helpful in developing your own criteria.

The firm

• Is the firm international or domestic?

• What practice areas does the firm specialise in?

Does the firm offer the opportunity to work from other offices within Australia or Globally?

How is the firm recognised in the market? Top tier, middle tier or bespoke?

• What is the size of the firm? What is the size of the office you are applying to?

Who are the firm’s major clients? Do the projects they work on interest you?


• What programs or initiatives do the firm have by way of Pro-Bono, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, LGBTQI+ and First Nations people?

Are there any social or sports groups that are part of firm culture?

Have the people running the information sessions given you a good impression about the culture of the firm? How have they described what working there is like?

Clerkship and Graduate Opportunities

How many clerks does the firm take each year? Does the firm normally offer graduate positions for the clerks?

What access to training is provided in the clerkship and as a graduate?

Do you get to preference where your rotations are for the clerkship?

• Is the clerkship experience only in one office or do you spend time in other offices?

• What is the career progression for a graduate?

Australian National University Law Students’ Society

Why I applied at Allen & Overy

I applied and ultimately accepted a clerkship at Allen & Overy because I wanted to work in a firm that was involved in complex international work while at the same time maintaining close links between junior and senior lawyers in the team. I valued this access to experienced lawyers (and in many cases experts in their field) as I saw this as something that will develop my own skillset especially in the beginning of my career. I also wanted the opportunity to be able to work at other offices in the global network, so the option to work in London, Tokyo or New York (to name a few) was a big draw card. I also found that the culture really stood out as one that was consistently inclusive and welcoming which was demonstrated through the entire application process all the way to my role as a graduate.

TIP: Reach out to graduates or previous clerks at ANU or on LinkedIn. Most will be more than happy to let you know what their experience was like on their clerkship or has been like as a grad.


It can almost be guaranteed that you will get a question at the start of an interview where you will need to introduce yourself and explain why you are applying to that firm. Because you know this question will be coming it’s a great opportunity to have a prepared answered that is sure to impress.

It can also almost be guaranteed that at the end of the interview the firm will ask you if you have any questions. A great question to ask is what the firm thinks separates them from other firms in the market. If you ask the same question in several different interviews you will also be able to compare what resonates best with you.

TIP: You might find it helpful to record a video of yourself answering these questions and then ask yourself which information is relevant or can be excluded from your answer.

Clerkship Guide 2023
Zachary Oakes Allen & Overy

Sliding into legal practice with a clerkship

Picking the right firm or practice area

Start with knowing yourself. Think: What am I interested in or makes me tick? What are my strengths and weaknesses? Then research law firms. Stalk websites, social media pages, and ask around to find out what their culture is like (Linkedin can be helpful with this). Do they align with your values? Will they give you the kinds of career opportunities you are looking for? For me, I chose to apply to KWM because of its AsiaPacific centricity, and I’d heard the firm had an amazing culture and extensive pro bono work.

Regarding practice areas, my biggest tip is to be open-minded. Although it is always good to do your research into what different practices areas may look like, including current legal and market trends, ultimately you never know until you experience it. It is far more common for someone to go into a practice area they never would have considered but end up loving.

Lastly, go into your interviews with the idea that you will get an offer for every law firm you applied for, and you must make a choice on where you do your clerkship. Take every opportunity to ask your own questions at those interviews so you can make an informed decision for yourself.

Advice for the application process

In the interview, just be yourself! Haha, just kidding (but not really). There’s no doubt interviews are extremely nerve wracking. It’s normal to be nervous in an interview, and in my experience, the interviewers during the clerkship process understand that and have always been really proactive in being friendly and never adversarial. My key tip is that going into a clerkship interview, tell yourself that your focus is on being friendly back (and in that way, to focus on being yourself). Think of it as a second date where the first went really well. How this looks in practice can be following up a statement the interviewer just said about themselves with a follow-up question that you would ask your friend if your friend had made that statement. They don’t expect you to act like a professional who’s been in the industry for several decades. It’s understood that you’re a student, and they’re looking to hire a student, so don’t be afraid to prioritise friendliness.

The networking event of the clerkship application process was definitely a surprise for me. If you’re nervous, don’t feel like you have to “stand out” at the event. Just being there with a genuine effort on meeting people at the firm is enough. Don’t feel guilty if you feel like you have to leave early, and don’t worry if you spend the whole time talking to one person. If you’re not sure where to start, look for the people who interviewed you and thank them. You’ve got this!



In what follows, you will hear from some of the top commercial law firms in the country about what they are looking for in a clerkship applicant, and what you could gain from a clerkship at their firm.

The following section will feature:


Clayton Utz

Johnson Winter Slattery

Allen & Overy

Arnold Bloch & Leibler

Clifford Chance

Corrs Chambers Westgarth

DLA Piper

Gilbert + Tobin

Herbert Smith Freehills

Jones Day

K&L Gates

King & Wood Mallesons



Norton Rose Fulbright

Thomson Geer


HWL Ebsworth

White & Case

33 Clerkship Guide 2023



Great change is here. Shape the future with Allens


A clerkship at Allens is the first step in a rewarding legal career, and will give you invaluable insights into our work and culture. With support from a buddy and development supervisor, you’ll work on real matters for real clients and be involved in a variety of projects. The programs:

 run from three to 10 weeks;

 are available at our Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney offices;

 feature ongoing support, including a buddy system; and

 include exposure to one or two practice groups.


In each rotation, you’ll gain a depth of experience that comes from seeing matters through to the end, and get exposure to stimulating legal challenges. At Allens, we don’t work in silos, meaning you won’t be limited to working with only one partner or by your practice areas. You’ll work alongside a range of partners and lawyers, giving you exposure to a wide variety of tasks. Working with different teams and leading organisations, you’ll grow a solid skills base and develop the agility needed to thrive in our ever‑changing world. The programs include:

 two 12‑month rotations in different practice areas;

 secondment opportunities in London or Asia, via our alliance with Linklaters, or with clients;

 ongoing supervision, coaching and mentoring;

 completing a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (via University of New South Wales); and

 a 12‑month weekly legal seminar series (Cornerstone Program).

ALLENS CONFIDENTIAL PODCAST graduates.allens.com.au/allens-confidential-podcast

ALLENS VIRTUAL INTERNSHIP theforage.com/course-catalog/bkpwC4BQR5T7poydC/Allens

STUDENT NEWSLETTER graduates.allens.com.au/life-at-allens

LINKEDIN linkedin.com/company/allenslawfirm

19503D Find out more at graduates.allens.com.au Allens is an independent partnership operating in alliance with Linklaters LLP.
At Allens, we’re focused on equipping our people with the skills and experience they need to be the lawyers of the future. We’re ready to define tomorrow. Are you?
Until now, I hadn’t really considered what my career might look like after my clerkship...
Since joining Allens however, I found myself completely inspired, especially by the female powerhouses.

Great change is here. Shape the future with Allens

At Allens, we’re focused on equipping our people with the skills and experience they need to be the lawyers of the future. We’re ready to define tomorrow. Are you?

With us, you’ll be more than a lawyer. Our people are technical experts, but they’re also trusted business advisers who think bigger, more broadly and more strategically. Together, we solve complex legal challenges, and collaborate across practice areas and disciplines to guide our clients.

We work across borders too, thanks to our alliance with Linklaters. This provides opportunites for our firm and our people, including annual rotations in Linklaters London, Hong Kong and Singapore being available to our graduate lawyers.

An early legal career at Allens includes highly tailored training through the Allens Academy. Developed in partnership with the University of New South Wales, our Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice will help you transition from law graduate to legal expert and trusted business adviser.

In a rapidly changing world, we seek opportunities to innovate by embracing creative thinking , new approaches and emerging technology. We don’t just seek opportunities to benefit ourselves and our clients, we believe strongly in driving positive change to do right by our community too, as demonstrated through our strong pro bono practices.

Our teams are open, inclusive and encouraging , giving you the opportunity to learn and grow while feeling supported. You’ll have the flexibility to drive your own career, and we’ll recognise your achievements and hard work as you progress through the firm. Are you ready to begin?

19503D Find out more at graduates.allens.com.au Allens is an independent partnership operating in alliance with Linklaters LLP. LINKEDIN linkedin.com/company/allenslawfirm ALLENS CONFIDENTIAL PODCAST graduates.allens.com.au/allens-confidential-podcast STUDENT NEWSLETTER graduates.allens.com.au/life-at-allens ALLENS VIRTUAL INTERNSHIP theforage.com/course-catalog/bkpwC4BQR5T7poydC/Allens
Another fantastic initiative from Allens to engage future talent! As a candidate, I am excited at the prospect of joining such a fantastic and innovative firm.
     
       39




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We advise major corporations, funds and governments on their most challenging transactions and disputes. We have 80 partners and 180 lawyers located in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Brisbane and Perth.



Our lawyers take on the work that re ects their ability, not their job title. You’ll bene t from a bespoke professional development program. There are no barriers to your success with us.


Our lawyers work collaboratively across practice groups, always with a focus on quality legal work, exceptional client service and delivering on our client’s commercial objectives.


Your career. Your choice.

To apply for a clerkship position, submit your CV, covering letter and current o cial academic transcript via our website.

Any questions email Wilma.Lewis@jws.com.au or phone 02 8247 9630.

Our ethos is: “we’re in it together” and it’s what we live by. We pride ourselves on being down to earth, approachable, but always high performing. jws.com.au



Restructuring & insolvency

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Intellectual property & IT

Energy & resources

Competition & antitrust

Environment & planning

Private equity & venture capital



Projects, infrastructure & construction

Funds management

Foreign investment


Corporate crime & investigations

Life with us has more bene ts than just working for a large corporate rm. We will put you at the forefront of Australian commerce, working with our clients on their most complex and business critical legal work.

Experience a full-service firm
Real estate

What does a day as a clerk at Allen & Overy look like?

Our summer clerkship program is a great way to experience firsthand our work and culture. In addition to completing rotations in two of our practice areas in the Sydney office, our previous summer clerks (prior to the global pandemic) have been able to spend one week in one of our Asia Pacific offices during the program. This experience will give you a greater understanding of our global network and a taste of future international opportunities at Allen & Overy.

What skills can clerks expect to gain from the program?

You will gain real experience working alongside our lawyers on real deals and cases as well as specifically designed exercises that provide a valuable insight into the role of an Allen & Overy lawyer. Bespoke training will be provided by some of our leading lawyers in Australia and across our global network.

Why Allen & Overy? What qualities make your firm stand out?

Allen & Overy offers candidates dynamic and progressive careers. As one of the few fully integrated (financially and operationally) global elite law firms operating in this market, candidates are assured of receiving the full benefit of our global network whilst working in a collegiate, friendly and hands-on environment.

What does Allen & Overy’s clerkship application process entail?

Our online application form will be available on our website between 5 June and 9 July 2023. You will be required to provide your CV, current transcript and answer 10 questions within a 50 word limit. There will be two interviews – the interviewers will be a mix of Partners, Senior Associates and HR.

The interviews will focus on your desire for a career in commercial law and look for examples and evidence of teamwork, communication skills, planning and organisation, problem solving and commercial awareness. Candidates will be assigned a junior lawyer ‘buddy’ to support them through the entire process.

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

When hiring in to Allen & Overy, we are more interested in where you are going than where you have been, and what kind of lawyer you can become is more important than your current knowledge of the law. We look for:

Mental Agility - Applies a sharp and insightful mind to work challenges. Accurately analyses information, including numerical data.

Change Agility - Thrives on change and actively instigates innovative improvement. Is passionate about learning and keen to develop skills and knowledge to enhance performance.

People Agility - Builds consistently excellent working relationships with clients and colleagues. Uses deep understanding of others, from all backgrounds, to adapt influencing style. A supportive colleague and team-player.

Solutions Agility - Highly energetic with keen focus on results. Persists to overcome obstacles. Delivers work in an efficient, effective, timely and technology-savvy way. Meets deadlines and has a fine-tuned detail and quality ‘radar’.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to Allen & Overy’s program?

The online application is the first opportunity to stand out, so make the most of it with thorough preparation. Remember that interviews are a two way process – use the opportunity to ask questions and get to know us.

FIRM PROFILE Clerkship Guide 2023 49
Belong. Excel. A career in Law – Australia Visit allenovery.com/careers Accept Shape what’s next.

Your future starts here

At Allen & Overy, you don’t have to blend in to belong and you don’t need to wear yourself down to excel. Join our summer clerkship program and we will support you to learn as much as possible about who we are, give you access to the people and leaders you’ll work alongside and develop the skills you need to excel with us. Global reach, local depth – We are one of the largest and Lasting relationships, market leadership – We combine High-performance culture

IT’S TIME | SYDNEY A Career in Law – Australia | 2023 2 51

What does a day as a clerk at Arnold Bloch Leibler look like?

During your clerkship, you will experience a glimpse of our graduate program, including information sessions with each of our practice groups and be involved in a number of extracurricular and networking activities. You will be given real work, real responsibility and real contact with partners and clients in meetings. A highlight of our clerkship program is a day out with one of our clients. We find that this unique experience connects the dots for clerks to see and meet the people that lie at the heart of the firm’s identity. It also provides the opportunity to hear from our clients about why they have chosen ABL and what they’re looking for when they come to us for legal advice.

Why Arnold Bloch Leibler?

ABL is well known for being the go-to firm when it matters. We pride ourselves on providing strategic guidance and solving complex problems related to our clients’ commercial interests, legal position and reputation. This means that our legal staff are exposed to interesting and varied work where they can fully utilise their skills and potential. We do not try to be everything to everyone − rather, we strive for excellence in our chosen areas of expertise. We encourage our employees to bring their whole selves to work each day, recognising that diversity of thought, background and life experience all contribute to our distinctive culture and the solutions we deliver for each of our clients.

What does Arnold Bloch Leibler’s clerkship application process entail?

We keep things simple in the application process - you’re asked to upload your CV, transcript and a covering letter. When it comes to the interview, we only hold one round. You’ll meet with two partners and a member of HR for approximately half an hour. Our interviews are informal as we feel it’s the best way to get to know you − we also know that we deal with incredibly impressive candidates, and we know you’re asessing us too − so we like for you to feel comfortable and to be able to make a judgement on whether you can see yourself working with us. After your interview, we provide you the opportunity to have a coffee with one of our graduates or junior lawyers. They have been through the clerkship process and can answer any questions you have for them.

We can arrange to hold both the interview and the post-interview ‘coffee’ via Zoom for candidates applying from ANU.

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

We look for exceptional people who are seeking, and can provide, something extraordinary. We value good grades and intelligence, as well as life experience, lateral thinking, imagination and a passion for the law. We look for people who know how to use initiative and accept shared responsibility for their career development. The other personal qualities we consider are a willingness to learn, sense of humour and preparedness to assume responsibility.

FIRM PROFILE Australian National University Law Students’ Society 52

Wednesday 18 October 2023


What does a day as a clerk at Clifford Chance look like?

Throughout the clerkship or graduate program you will be closely supported both informally and through formal mentoring with advice and guidance from your supervisor in each of your seats, We will make sure that your energy and time are focused on activities that will best develop your legal and business skills.

You could be drafting and proofing documents, conducting due diligence on a client’s acquisition target, meeting clients, preparing documents for a court hearing or creating a data room ahead of a major transaction. Most of your time will be spent working in teams where you will make an important contribution to their success – you may even run some smaller transactions for clients.

What skills can clerks expect to gain from the program?

Our clerkship and graduate programs are designed to help develop the fundamental skills that allow our lawyers to succeed – the ability to build relationships, deliver outstanding service, have a keen commercial insight and business awareness, a strong ability to lead and manage and the ability to clearly articulate ideas.

Why Clifford Chance? What qualities make your firm stand out?

What makes Clifford Chance lawyers different?

Firstly, our collaborative and adaptable culture. We work together across borders, languages and legal systems, sharing insights and expertise to achieve our clients’ commercial goals. Secondly, we’re pioneers, working on many ‘first of a kind’ deals. Finally, it’s the nature of our people. Highly professional and self-assured, with an entrepreneurial streak, they embrace our culture of learning and are more than happy to share their expertise and knowledge.

What does Clifford Chance’s clerkship application process entail?

• Online written application.

First round interview with HR and a Lawyer (CV Blind).

• A written case study followed by a second round interview with a Partner, Lawyer and HR.

Offer of Clerkship/Graduate Program or feedback from the process.

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

Clients expect more from their lawyers than ever before. They look to us as business partners on their journey to achieve their objectives. It’s not just about precedents and compliance, but finding new ways to build relationships and deliver the results that matter. Focus on these core business skills and consider examples from your academic, professional and personal lives.

As well as providing us with basic information about your background and education, this is your opportunity to tell us what it is that makes you exceptional – we receive a very large number of applications from people who’d like to join us, so you should think about how you’re going to set yourself apart. We want to know what you can bring to the work we do at Clifford Chance. This is a crucial part of the overall process, and we’ll be looking for excellent communication – make sure your answers do you justice.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to Clifford Chance’s program?

Avoid submitting a generic or “copy and paste” template application. This can lead to inadvertent errors (like putting the wrong firm name!) and delivers a less authentic submission. Reviewers want to know you have taken the time to consider the firm and how working there would align to your experience, skillset and goals.

FIRM PROFILE Clerkship Guide 2023 55





We are a premier global law firm committed to setting the standard for excellence in legal skills and client service around the world.

Joining us means sharing that commitment, a drive to innovate and grasp new opportunities as we help our clients to address a wide range of business, financial and legal issues.

We’re looking for the brightest and most talented individuals irrespective of background – ambitious people who offer new ideas and fresh perspectives, and who will ultimately be able to give our clients a competitive advantage.

If that sounds like you, and if your aim is to work at the cutting edge of commercial law, with outstanding legal and business training, and equally impressive ‘on the job’ experience, take a closer look at Clifford Chance.


We use our quality legal advice, our reputation for excellence and innovation, and our international reach to get clients the best possible results. The firm is built around five global practice areas:

• Global Financial Markets (Finance and Capital Markets) (GFM);

• Corporate;

• Litigation, Dispute Resolution & Risk Management and Incentives (L&DR);

• Real Estate; and

• Tax; Pensions, Employment.

• In Australia we are focused on GFM, Corporate and L&DR as practice areas

Client challenges rarely fall within one practice area so we work together through international, cross-practice teams who share deep experience in specific sectors ranging from energy to

healthcare. The matters we tackle include cross-border, groundbreaking global transactions and cases.

Clients come to us for large, complex, global deals and disputes that demand a sophisticated blend of business understanding and legal knowledge.


Our vision is to be the global law firm of choice for the world’s leading businesses of today and tomorrow.

Today our firm enjoys a position at the forefront of our profession. We are proud of what we achieve every day, working in collaboration and partnership with our clients and wider stakeholders to secure their long-term, sustainable success.

But we are not complacent.

Our strategy recognises that the world we operate in is changing and that we too must be ready to change if we are to continue to lead and shape our sector:

• Right markets — ensuring we have market-leading capabilities in the geographies that are most important to our clients today, and in those that are likely to be critical to their future growth.

• Right work for the right clients — ensuring we are the best placed firm to advise leading organisations internationally on their most complex, strategic and reputation critical opportunities and challenges.

• Innovation & Best Delivery — reshaping our services to make delivery ever quicker, simpler, more efficient and more robust; and deliver a truly world class client service every time.

• Best team — fostering an inclusive, ambitious and meritocratic environment; ensuring we recruit and develop the very best talent, who can enjoy the best careers.

March 2023
The pursuit of the firm’s vision and strategy is grounded in our most important commitment: to act as an ethical and responsible business. 56


What kind of work can a clerk expect to do? Our clerkship program is designed to provide you with a real insight into a legal career at Clifford Chance in Australia. Throughout the program, you will work alongside all levels of lawyers, including partners, while you assist with real-time matters.

Throughout the clerkship you will hear from various practice areas which helps you develop a comprehensive understanding of life at a leading international law firm.

Who is eligible for clerkships?

Students must be at least in their penultimate year and are available to participate in the March 2025 Graduate Program.

Max Beavis

Office: Sydney

Clerkship year: 2019

Joined the firm: 2020


Do w e make graduate offers to the open market, or just through clerkships?

Graduate offers are primarily made from our clerkship program. However, we also consider applications from students who have not participated in our clerkship program.

Important Dates

Sydney Perth

ClerkshipApplication Dates 5 June - 2 July 2023 26 June - 30 July 2023

Clerkship Program Dates November 2023January 2024 NovemberDecember 2024

University: University of New South Wales

Our firm’s culture is tangible from the interview stage – unlike other firms you are given the opportunity to meet lawyers of all levels, this is refreshing as it gives you insight into the different personalities and backgrounds we have here and allowed me to decide whether this was the right firm for me.

The interviews in Australia are CV-blind which ensures the process is unbiased and also gives me impetus to be my true self during the interview.

I joined the Sydney office Winter Clerkship in 2019 where I rotated through the Corporate and Litigation & Dispute Resolution teams. A huge highlight for me was the week-long trip to Hong Kong that the firm arranged which allowed us to experience and understand the global network the firm offers.

For me, this reinforced the importance of working for a firm that would provide me with every opportunity to better my skills as a lawyer and develop my commercial acumen. Through my clerkship I saw the firm’s structure and flat hierarchy translate into practice - everyone is accessible, and you are always working with a wide range of people throughout the network.

My advice: Be ambitious! Clifford Chance is a firm which rewards people who are willing to step outside their comfort zone, be challenged and are committed to taking that extra step for the clients.

It takes immense drive and motivation to stay ahead in a world that’s changing as fast as ours. If you’re excited and inspired by that, Clifford Chance could be the right firm for you.

To Learn More scan the QR code

For any enquiries please contact our graduate recruitment team via Grads.Australia@CliffordChance.com

www.cliffordchance.com 2203-000223

What does a day as a clerk at Corrs Chambers Westgarth look like?

Who better to answer this question than someone who has completed a Corrs Chambers Westgarth seasonal clerkship?

Edward Wiggins recently graduated from ANU and was a 2021/22 summer clerk in our Sydney office. In February 2023, he commenced the Corrs Lawyer Development program.

“A day in the life of a clerk at Corrs is a taste of life as a lawyer. You are assigned a graduate and an associate or senior associate as your buddy and mentor, as well as a supervising partner for each rotation. The work will be a mix of tasks that each of the three assigns you – shadowing, drafting, and reviewing. On top of this, the firm makes every effort to teach you about the firm as a whole in terms of its ambitious and positive culture and you will also enjoy a social side to the clerkship. Your days will include training sessions, social events, networking opportunities and so much more.”

What skills can clerks expect to gain from the program?

Clerks can expect to gain time-management and legal drafting skills. It will also teach you how to confidently communicate ideas in group settings and to seniors.

Why Corrs Chambers Westgarth? What qualities make your firm stand out?

Our culture is defined by excellence, collaboration, commitment and respect.

Our lawyers work together across practice groups to deliver exceptional results and support you in building your future, wherever you want to take it.

Our success is based on the success of our people. We encourage individuals to play to their strengths. We bring our diverse and talented lawyers together to create top-performing teams.

The combination of these factors creates a firm that celebrates its independence, is open to new ideas, has the courage to think and act differently from the rest of the market, and thrives on new challenges and opportunities.

What does Corrs Chambers Westgarth’s clerkship application process entail?

When applying for a clerkship at Corrs you will submit your resumé and transcript. You will also need to complete an online application form answering two short written-response questions. No cover letter is required.

Those successful in securing an interview will be allocated a Corrs buddy who will provide support throughout the recruitment process which includes interviews, our Taste of Corrs event and other networking events.

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

We look for clerks who can make a positive contribution to the firm and help us in delivering legal excellence and outstanding client service.

We want people who bring out the best in those around them, work well in a team and take pride in their work and achievements.

We assess against a broad criteria which considers business and commercial acumen, initiative, ethical behaviour, previous employment, legal excellence, a commitment to commercial law, energy and drive, involvement in community life and strong interpersonal skills.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to Corrs Chambers Westgarth’s program?

Be prepared and be yourself.


Our significant work

We let our work speak for itself. We’re proud to work with some of the biggest organisations in the world on their most important matters.

Our clients include more than half of the top 50 ASX-listed companies, some of the largest privately owned companies in Australia and a number of global Fortune 500 companies.

We work with well-known organisations like AGL, Amazon, Australia Post, BP, Blackstone, CBA, Coles, eBay, Google, Johnson & Johnson, Medibank, NAB, PayPal, Stockland, TPG Telecom, Rio Tinto, BHP, TransGrid, Wesfarmers and Westpac. We also work with Federal and State governments, as well as on high profile and market-leading transactions.

Our Lawyer Development Program

The Lawyer Development Program is designed to support you in the formative stage of your career. It aims to build the capabilities and relationships that will drive career progression and underpin future successes, as rapidly as possible. Unique features of the program include:

• Mentor partner – You will be allocated a mentor partner (in most cases your supervising partner in your first rotation) who remains in this role throughout the program and potentially beyond. This will build a personal and enduring relationship that transcends everyday transactional work. You will also be supported in each rotation by a supervising partner and SA/SC who will source meaningful and challenging work.

• 12 x 6 x 6 rotation structure – The first practice group rotation is 12 months to ensure you have time to learn on the job and build strong capabilities and relationships in your first year. In the second year, when you have an increased level of experience and confidence, you will complete two six-month rotations in order to gain exposure and build relationships across different groups.

• Formal learning – The program incorporates comprehensive formal learning opportunities including our national Graduate Academy, local Graduate Orientation, practical legal training with the College of Law, practice group induction sessions and the national Legal Excellence program.

Corrs Graduate Academy

At the start of the Lawyer Development Program, we bring all our graduates together in one location for a multi-day learning experience where you can meet with your peers, learn and have fun.

Graduate Academy is specifically designed for new graduates and aims to:

• welcome you to the firm;

• help you to understand the future direction of the firm and our vision for success;

• develop the core knowledge and skills essential to being an effective graduate;

• further develop your connections with peers in person; and

• meet and learn from firm leaders.

Diversity and inclusion

We strongly believe that diversity in all its forms should be embraced and celebrated. This benefits our people, our clients, our firm and the industry at large.

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion includes gender equality, cultural diversity, LGBTIQ+ inclusion, First Nations inclusion, flexible working, carers support and disability inclusion and accessibility.

Corrs was recently named a WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality for the seventeenth year in a row, named a DCA Inclusive Employer (2021-2022) and was the only Australian law firm to be recognised as a finalist for outstanding diversity and inclusion in the 2023 Chambers Asia-Pacific & Greater China Awards.

Corrs Chambers Westgarth is Australia’s leading independent Australian law firm. We’re known for delivering legal excellence, exceptional client service and outstanding results.

Pro bono and community

We have a long and proud history of helping those in need, and you will have the opportunity to contribute and make a real difference.

We focus on how we can strategically make a long-term difference for a wider range of people by addressing systemic inequalities, and inspiring a new generation of lawyers to embrace their passion for pro bono work to create lasting impact.

Throughout 2022 we contributed over 28,000 hours of pro bono and community work for those who needs it most.


We recognise the importance of health and wellbeing and are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace through a range of programs and policies.

Our wellbeing program provides a range of initiatives to assist people in maintaining good overall health. Some of our activities include mixed netball, pilates and yoga, touch football, cricket day, Friday night drinks, family days, trivia nights, annual legal retreats and end of year / financial year parties.

International opportunities

We invest in international experiences that help our lawyers grow their skills, cultural understanding and relationships worldwide.

Through our long-term relationships with leading law firms across the world, we advise on the most significant global matters and connect with the best lawyers internationally to provide our clients with the right team for every engagement.

Our international program allows you to gain experience, skills and relationships that will provide enduring benefits throughout your career. In addition to our roles advising on significant global matters, connecting with the best law firms and lawyers internationally, we offer:

• Scholarships which provide financial support for the completion of postgraduate study at leading institutions including Oxford and Cambridge.

• International secondment opportunities to premium independent firms in locations such as New York, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Milan, Madrid, Mumbai, Singapore and Tokyo.

Australian Law Firm of the Year 2022 Chambers Asia-Pacific & Greater China Region Awards

Key dates 2023

Corrs Chambers Westgarth @CorrsLaw @Corrslawyers corrs.com.au/careers @corrslawyers Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Clerkship applications open Monday 5 June Monday 3 July Monday 17 July Monday 26 June Clerkship applications close Sunday 9 July Sunday 13 August Friday 11 August Sunday 30 July Seasonal clerkship offers Wednesday 13 September Wednesday 18 October Wednesday 11 October Friday 15 September Cassandra Galea People & Performance Consultant +61 2 9210 6314 cassandra.galea@corrs.com.au Alarna Barling People & Performance Consultant +61 3 9672 3070 alarna.barling@corrs.com.au Emma Hughes People & Performance Consultant +61 7 3228 9465 emma.hughes@corrs.com.au Jennifer Jacobs People & Performance Consultant +61 8 9460 1621 jennifer.jacobs@corrs.com.au

What does a day as a clerk at DLA Piper look like?

Our clerkship programme starts with an induction. This induction provides an in-depth introduction to the legal sector and the firms practice groups. It also builds your professional skills and workplace capability. Throughout the induction there will be opportunities to hear from and network with senior members of the firm.

Once you are inducted, you’ll have the opportunity to complete work placements in our different practice groups. You’ll be given real responsibilities. Whether you’re attending a court hearing, contributing to a client meeting, or assisting a large corporate transaction, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to reach your potential.

Why DLA Piper? What qualities make your firm stand out?

We’re a global business that’s redefining the expectations of a law firm. We operate across more than 40 countries, but we’re still locally connected. That’s because trusting, collaborative relationships with our clients and each other are at the heart of our success. We’re creating exceptional experiences, outcomes and growth for our clients and people.

We make this happen with a culture where you bring your passion and individuality to work every day. No two careers – or two people – are the same at DLA Piper. We want you to reach your full potential as part of a diverse, global team that thrives on collaboration, seizing opportunities and commercial edge. Here, personal growth goes hand in hand with professional development to shape your individual career journey.

What does DLA Piper’s clerkship application process entail?

Complete our online application form and upload a copy of your CV. This should showcase your achievements and experiences. You will then be asked to complete a awareness question. If your initial application is successful, you will be invited to complete online psychometric testing. Our interview process is a 1:1 Partner interview in our office. You will also be invited to a cocktail evening. We will be in touch as soon as possible after your assessment period. Offers are made in accordance with the Law Society guidelines.

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

We are seeking applicants that are passionate about a career in Law and becoming a future graduate solicitor. We do not expect applicants to have had prior experience in Law. When applying, we’d encourage you to think broadly about your experiences and achievements from your recentpast and ensure these are clearly articulated on your CV.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to DLA Piper’s program?

Take the time to investigate who we are and the type of work we do so you can tailor your application to demonstrate why you are interested in a clerkship at DLA Piper. We are looking for authenticity

FIRM PROFILE Clerkship Guide 2023 61

DLA Piper


Our Firm

We’re a global business that’s redefining the expectations of a law firm. We operate across more than 40 countries, but we’re still locally connected. That’s because trusting, collaborative relationships with our clients and each other are at the heart of our success. We’re creating exceptional experiences, outcomes and growth for our clients and people.

In everything we do connected with our People, our Clients and our Communities, we live by our values.

90 +

40 +

Number of offices arround the world

300 + Lawyers in Australia

Number of countries in which we operate 4 Offices in Australia Be

Supportive Be Bold Be Collaborative Be Exceptional

Clerkship Programme

Graduate Programme

Recruitment Process

Find out more about our programmes and application dates:

Brisbane, Melbourne Summer Nov/Dec 2023, Winter June/July 2024 4 weeks Perth Summer 1 Nov/Dec 2023, Summer 2 Jan/Feb 2024 4 weeks Sydney Summer Nov/Dec 2023 and Jan/Feb 2024 8 weeks ONLINE APPLICATION ONLINE ASSESSMENT INTERVIEW FIRM INSIGHT EVENING CLERKSHIP PROGRAMME 63

What does a day as a clerk at Gilbert + Tobin look like?

From your first day, you can expect to be involved in some challenging matters, and your work will be presented to clients. Often, you’ll work directly with a partner on a matter, or as part of a bigger team on larger transactions. While every experience varies, you might be asked to draft documents and memos, carry out research, attend client meetings and court, and assist with preparing for hearings or negotiations.

“There is a great balance of mentorship, socialising and challenging work throughout the clerkship… In Disputes + Investigations I was given the opportunity to work on large-scale arbitrations that spanned decades, as well as fascinating class action and administrative cases. In the Competition + Regulation group I was given the opportunity to work on matters including media monitoring for Meta and international competition matters such as drafting briefing notes for a telecommunications CEO to present at a public conference with the PNG Competition Regulator.” Taynissa Vakeeswaran, former Summer Clerk + current Graduate

Why Gilbert + Tobin? What qualities make your firm stand out?

With a challenger mindset, G+T is always pushing the status quo and taking a stand on things that matter. As a young and independent firm, we’re not constrained by tradition, so we are always open to change, new ideas and different perspectives on how to deliver the best outcomes to our clients. We work within a flat structure, which means our clerks and graduates have direct access to lawyers and partners who are experts in their fields, as well as matters that will improve their skill sets and career prospects.

G+T presents a unique opportunity for you to make a name for yourself through the matters and transactions you work on, with personal accountability yet supported by those around you.

“Our culture is quite unique, with its focus on innovation and change. It challenges you to do better, and to be bold and stand by the advice we give. But one thing that surprised me when I joined is how caring it also is. It’s not just about getting the work done – there’s genuine empathy, and a lack of formality or bureaucracy.” Anna Sparkes, Chief People Officer.

What qualities and experience for you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

Our culture is built on inclusivity and individuality, and we want you to feel like you can be yourself at work. Our people are ambitious, creative and entrepreneurial – they bring energy and a cando mindset, and are willing to challenge assumptions. If that sounds like you, you’ll feel like you belong here.

Australian National University Law Students’ Society 64



G+T has the momentum and energy to be Australia’s best corporate law firm. Our clients turn to us at pivotal moments in their growth trajectory – from industry-shaping M+A deals to high-stakes disputes and regulatory work.

From your first day with us, you’ll be given work that matters – not paperwork. You’ll be exposed to milestone deals and major clients across Australia, Asia, Europe, North America and emerging markets. And you’ll feel like you’re making a difference and learning from the best lawyers in their fields.

You’ll also have the opportunity to work in practice areas focused on ESG and the transition to renewable energy, as well as emerging regulatory change and tech transformation.

Join our team in Sydney’s Barangaroo precinct, and work alongside Australia’s leading practitioners in:

+ Banking + Finance

+ Competition + Regulation

+ Corporate Advisory

+ Disputes + Investigations

+ Energy + Infrastructure

+ Intellectual Property

+ Legal Service Innovation

+ Pro Bono

+ Real Estate

+ Technology + Digital

If you share our entrepreneurial spirit and restless energy, you’ll feel like you belong with us here at G+T. And you’ll see how quickly our network can open doors to experiences that will take you further, faster.

Launch your career with G+T

» Visit gtlaw.com.au/starthere

“As a progressive firm, we are constantly changing and always thinking about the future. That’s why we’re always looking for fresh ideas and energy. For talented people who will make an impact in their careers, wherever that takes them.”



There’s never


“I think graduates today are looking for the whole package – collaborating with the best people on interesting work, being stimulated in an inspiring office, being valued for their input. And I feel like I’m in the perfect place for that at G+T.”

We’d love to hear from you.

+61 2 9263 4575


can take you.

Our clerkships in Melbourne, Perth or Sydney offer a unique chance to experience one or two practice areas in corporate law, and learn from some of Australia’s most talented legal minds. In Sydney, we offer a summer clerkship with two 4-week rotations across two practice areas and the option to apply for the Aurora Internship, a fully funded 5- to 6-week winter internship.

Is a G+T clerkship right for me?

The G+T clerkship experience is open to law students in their penultimate year of study, as well as final year students for our Melbourne and Sydney offices. Our culture is built on inclusivity and individuality, and we want you to feel like you can be yourself at work. Our people are ambitious, creative and entrepreneurial – they bring energy and a can-do mindset, and are willing to challenge assumptions. If that sounds like you, you’ll feel like you belong here.

What will I experience?

During your two-, four- or eight-week clerkship (depending on location), you’ll be provided with a supervising partner, a mentor and a buddy who will help you develop your day-to-day legal and personal skills. You’ll also grow with the help of structured in-house training, covering drafting and technical skills through to business development and personal branding. You’ll mainly work within one or two of our corporate law practice areas, and you’ll also have the chance to work on innovation projects or pro bono matters. This is your opportunity to explore areas you’re interested in, push out of your comfort zone and bring your own ideas and perspective to the team. Plus, you’ll build a valuable network that will support you throughout your career – wherever it takes you next.

I’ve clerked at another firm – can I still apply?

G+T clerks typically receive priority offers for graduate roles, and we have a high conversion rate. However, graduating students are always welcome to apply to our 18-month graduate programs. Look for graduate vacancies on our website.

Clerkship application dates

July 3 2023

August 13 2023

Monday, June 26 2023 Sunday, July 30 2023

been a
time to be part of G+T. The pace is fast, the energy is high, and the people are smart, supportive and fun. Open the door to opportunities without limits, and see where G+T
» Learn more about our clerkship programs
July 9 2023

What does a day as a clerk at Herbert Smith Freehills look like?

You will gain a deeper understanding of life at the firm and what your future could look like if you join us. Some key features of our seasonal clerkship program include the opportunity to:

Attend client meetings, and be part of delivering real work to our key clients.

• Research tasks, BD work

Attend workshops and presentations with your team Contribute to the pro-bono team

• Be part of our Digital Law Group and Innovation team by volunteering to work on their projects

Attend networking events with clients and HSF staff

Why Herbert Smith Freehills? What qualities make your firm stand out?

At Herbert Smith Freehills we offer graduates to work with some of the best lawyers and best clients across the world; to develop themselves personally and professionally in a supportive environment that values diversity; to build strong trusted adviser relationships with clients; to build a global career and to embrace thinking beyond borders.

By joining Herbert Smith Freehills, you will become an integral part of one of the world’s leading law firms. Our clients include many of the largest and most respected organisations across the globe. We’re proud that they trust us with their most important transactions, disputes and projects. And we thrive on the challenges of bringing new perspectives to their most critical issues. We are leading in innovation through industry transformation and thought leadership.

What does Herbert Smith Freehills’ clerkship application process entail?

Candidates are asked to submit a CV, cover letter and transcript. We will also ask you a few questions about your “Why HSF” and your interest in commercial law. We conduct two round of interviews both one on one with a Partner.

We will also invite you to an Information Evening and Cocktail Party before your first and second interviews respectively. Clerkship offers are based on feedback from our partners, and discussion among the recruitment panel.

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

Great lawyers are both curious and creative. We encourage you to challenge assumptions and open yourself up to new ideas. It’s this growth mindset that creates opportunities for you and your clients. So, what exactly are we looking for?

There’s no single path to becoming a commercial lawyer. We look beyond your academic record and your technical aptitude. We’re focused on finding people who have the curiosity to explore all the angles and the empathy to place themselves in their client’s shoes. Building great relationships takes a certain understanding and as our global village gets ever smaller, we look for graduates who think of themselves as citizens of the world.

We recognise and value the differences that make us unique. By embracing diverse views, we can provide our clients with innovative solutions. We are not looking for the finished product and we know that gaining legal work experience is increasingly difficult. What we are looking for is your potential to become a Herbert Smith Freehills lawyer. Demonstrate the transferable skills you have gained through the experience you have, legal or nonlegal.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to Herbert Smith Freehills’ program?

Be clear on your ‘why’. What is it about commercial law that is driving you to apply, and why Herbert Smith Freehills specifically? Also think about your legal and nonlegal experience and consider what skills it has developed, but also where it has driven your interest in furthering your experience going forward? It also helps to practice writing a cover letter, give it to friends or your professors to review.




With over 25 offices spanning Asia, Europe, Australasia, and the Middle East, careers at Herbert Smith Freehills offer our graduates the opportunity to experience being part of a truly global law firm. Working with some of the most significant organisations in the world, opportunities to have social impact, and learning from our world-class team every day will enable you to create solid foundations on which to build your career in law.

We’re proud to say that we put people first. Our firm is built on a diverse culture, reflective of the societies in which we live and work. That’s why inclusivity is key to our success. At Herbert Smith Freehills, you’ll be valued for what makes you different and accepted for who you are. We recognise the power of diversity and inclusion to drive innovation, collaboration and business outcomes. So, whether it’s working on the latest advancements in digital law, taking part in some of the biggest mergers and acquisitions around, or helping people through our extensive pro bono work – you’ll develop the skills to solve the most complex challenges in thoughtful and innovative ways.


Great lawyers are both curious and creative. We encourage you to challenge assumptions and open yourself up to new ideas. So, what exactly are we looking for?

There’s no single path to becoming an exceptional commercial lawyer. We look beyond your academic record and your technical aptitude. We’re focussed on finding people who have the curiosity to explore all the angles and the empathy to place themselves in their client’s shoes.

In line with our 10 Actions for Change we are proud to use the Rare Contextual Recruitment System (CRS). The CRS allows us to understand each applicant’s achievements in the context that they have been gained. We understand that not every candidate’s achievements look the same on paper – and we want to recruit the best people, from every background.


We select many of our graduates through our vacation clerkships. During this immersive experience, you’ll receive hands-on practical experience, as you work on some of the diverse challenges facing the team you’re collaborating with.

You will gain a deeper understanding of life at the firm and what your future could look like if you join us. Some key features include the opportunity to:

• Sit within a specific team, delivering real work for key clients

• Before you join, submit a preference for a team to tailor your experience

• Navigate the first step of your career with partner and graduate mentoring support

• Attend workshops and presentations covering all our practice areas

• Contribute to our pro bono practice

• Work with cutting edge technology through our innovation projects

• Networking opportunities to meet people across the firm



We're Herbert Smith Freehills, one of the world's leading international law firms. Join us and you'll be at the centre of high-profile cases, highimpact deals and you'll grow from new experiences every day.


We offer a range of summer and winter clerkships across our Australian offices. If you have queries about graduate or vacation clerk positions, please visit our website: careers.herbertsmithfreehills. com/au/grads/vacation-clerkships or contact one of our graduate recruitment consultants.


Rachel Kok
T +61 2 9225 5054
HERBERTSMITHFREEHILLS.COM 2023 © Herbert Smith Freehills NOF227445_A4_Advertorials (2023) /090323
Positions 35–40 Clerkship programs 1 Summer Applications for all 2023/24 programs open 5 June 2023 Applications for all 2023/24 programs close 9 July 2023 Offers made 13 September 2023
note: An application
should only be submitted to the office where you intend to start your career as a graduate. Multiple
will not be considered.


“I felt HSF appreciated my different experiences and found that the other clerks and people at HSF were such a diverse bunch, some similar to me. I had a rather scary image in my head of what a big commercial law firm looked like, so I was surprised to find that, everyone at HSF - and I mean everyone from HR, the lawyers, admin staff, IT support, knowledge support, to client services - were all so supportive, strikingly warm, and caring.”

Tell us about yourself? What was your pathway to HSF? How was your pathway different to other people’s?

My name is Sara! I was a Sydney vacation clerk over the summer of 2022/23. At that point I had finished my sixth year (going onto seven) of what was supposed to be a five-year combined science and law degree, so in some ways my pathway may have been different to others who were applying at the time.

What were your expectations before joining HSF? How did your experience match or differ from your expectations?

I think there's this myth that to be successful in law, you need to fit into a

"mould" of sorts. But I quickly learned that this wasn't true. I'm from an immigrant Japanese family without an academic or corporate background. Throughout university, I was never a person to take up active roles in societies or do many competitions. Instead, I used the time to pursue my other interests by joining a medical think tank and working on some medico-legal personal projects, or organising workshops and conventions focused on issues in regional Japan with a Japanese student body.

I felt HSF appreciated my different experiences and found that the other clerks and people at HSF were such a diverse bunch, some similar to me. I had a rather scary image in my head of what a big commercial law firm looked like, so I was surprised to find that, everyone at HSF - and I mean everyone from HR, the lawyers, admin staff, IT support, knowledge support, to client serviceswere all so supportive, strikingly warm, and caring.

Can you describe a typical day at HSF?

As a clerk, every day was so dynamic so I'm not sure if there is a typical day! I got to the office a bit before 9am to grab coffee at the Level 33 cafe, maybe with some avo toast. There was always someone there, and sometimes we'd do something fun before work. (there was a time we got watermelon cake from across the road for "breakfast".)

Once I got to my desk, I checked through emails and my calendar for the day before starting on some of the tasks my team gave me. There was a variety of work, all of which were so interesting that I often

didn't notice when the clock ticked past 5.00 pm, until one of the lawyers emphasised that I should go home. The tasks allowed me some insight into what it might be like to be a lawyer in that team. I dug into complex legal questions which also prompted me to think about what commercial lawyers do in context of the needs of corporate clients. I even got to attend a client presentation, which was certainly a highlight! Not to mention, getting to learn from leaders in the field was an incredible experience that really motivated me to learn more.

Throughout the day, I had coffee with different people in the firm and different presentations from practice groups, which allowed me to learn a lot more about the firm and be better connected with the people. I was surprised and grateful that HSF and my team were so encouraging to do this, even if it meant that at times I would be away from my desk a lot.

We also had different committees and projects within the clerkship, which gave us an opportunity to take ownership of our experiences and contribute to the culture of the firm. The Multicultural Network gave us the opportunity to organise one of their events too.

After work, the clerks would go out almost every day. We became so close over the 2 months, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them again, especially the clerks from overseas and interstate! :)

HERBERTSMITHFREEHILLS.COM 2023 © Herbert Smith Freehills NOF227445_A4_(Sara Komatsu) /170323 69
Sara Komatsu Vacation Clerk 2022/23

What does a day as a clerk at Jones Day look like?

At Jones Day’s Sydney Office we offer our clerks real work for real clients, to provide you with opportunities from day one to learn what the practice of law is about. You will work with graduates, associates and partners in a wide variety of tasks including drafting transactional documentation, conducting research, writing advices and learning about the mechanics of closing a deal. You will also have the benefit of training sessions and seminars that provide you with insight into the practical ‘nuts and bolts’ of legal practice, as well as the substantive legal work that we do at Jones Day.

In addition to this, throughout your clerkship, you have the opportunity to participate in specific clerk functions, sporting activities as well as numerous social functions available to all staff members.

What skills can clerks expect to gain from the program?

During a clerkship at Jones Day, you will:

See deals and cases from beginning to end. You will never have to drop an interesting case or deal to move on to another department.

Develop strong client bonds, working closely with clients from the offset.

• Receive well-rounded training, assisting with all aspects of a transaction. There are no set ‘graduate’ tasks to hold you back.

• Hone your technical skills as a lawyer, learning different styles and techniques from many lawyers.

We want you to finish your summer clerkship with an accurate picture of what being a Jones Day lawyer is like.

Why Jones Day? What qualities make your firm stand out?

Lawyers who begin their careers with Jones Day in Australia work on demanding and complex matters and help find solutions for multinational clients confronting significant legal challenges. Our lawyers advise on multijurisdictional mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, corporate governance, capital markets, intellectual property (including communications and technology transactions), labor and employment, and litigation and dispute resolution.

And summer clerks have the opportunity to be involved from the moment they join the Firm.

We distinguish ourselves by:

• giving clerks exposure to a broad range of domestic as well as regional and international work;

offering clerks the combination of a friendly and dynamic office environment supported by established resources of a large global law firm; and ensuring that a clerk’s contribution to the Firm is real from day one as clerks work directly with associates and partners.

What does Jones Day’s clerkship application process entail?

Applications should be made by submitting your Cover Letter, CV and Academic Transcript through our website –www.jonesday.com/en/careers/locations/australia.

We start our recruitment process by inviting candidates to our Clerkship Information Evening where we tell you more about life at Jones Day. You’ll hear firsthand accounts from our graduates, associates and partners. Following this, there are two rounds of interviews for our Clerkship programs. These can be in-person or online and will both be with two senior lawyers or partners. They will last approximately 30-40 minutes. The interviewers will be assessing candidates against the competencies that are essential to be a successful summer clerk, graduate and solicitor at Jones Day.

Before the interviews, all candidates have the chance to chat with a graduate or junior associate who can answer any questions the candidate may have about life at Jones Day.

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

We are looking for exceptional and independent individuals with strong analytical and communication skills. Apart from strong academic achievements, it is important to demonstrate an ability to deal effectively with people in a professional environment. You should be flexible and creative in your approach to work, and be able to work cooperatively and responsibly in a teamwork setting.

Overall, we are seeking people who want to do the highest quality work in a friendly and cooperative environment, who demonstrate the ability to rise to a challenge and who are committed to constant growth in a dynamic professional environment.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to your program?

Jones Day has a different offering from other firms in the Australian market and we like to see that candidates have recognised and understood that difference and can explain why they want to work for Jones Day.


Looking for a law firm that really is different?

K&L Gates is about more than practicing law or making a living. It’s about building something amazing - creating a legacy for you, the firm, our clients and the communities we serve.

Why K&L Gates?

K&L Gates is one of the largest law firms in the world with offices located across five continents. We have four offices in AustraliaSydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth - with 75 partners and more than 200 lawyers. We are a fully integrated network of lawyers and legal professionals who believe that clients need more than technical legal skills; they need insightful and practical advice on the diverse issues that affect their businesses, delivered with unparalleled client service. Our combination of practice strength, global platform, and unsurpassed client service is a true differentiator in the legal services marketplace.

What to Expect?

During your clerkship, you will work closely with a supervising partner or special counsel/ senior associate who will be responsible for your daily work. A graduate or junior lawyer will also provide ongoing support throughout your time at the firm. In addition to the daily on-the-job feedback and guidance you receive, you will also be involved in a structured review at the conclusion of each rotation. Professional development is provided throughout your clerkship. It begins on your first day with a comprehensive induction program and continues throughout the clerkship program, enabling you to learn important skills that will lay the foundation for your legal career.

Hands-on Experience

You will be embedded into the practice areas and be involved in real legal work right from the start, giving you an in-depth experience and providing a real insight into life as a commercial lawyer at K&L Gates.

What we look for in potential clerks

We are looking for smart, imaginative and hardworking people with diverse backgrounds, experiences and ideas to join us. We seek out clerks who have a variety of experiences both personally and professionally. We want to see that have the ability to manage the balance between your university studies, work and personal life.

Tips for future clerks

First impressions count, so make sure you consider this when preparing for your interview. Be honest in your responses and don’t be afraid to ask questions about us or the firm that are specific to what you are looking for in an employer.


We accept graduate and clerkship applications in line with law society guidelines in the relevant state. Please check our website for application dates by office location.

Contact details

Tania Brierley

Recruitment Consultant

P +61 3 9640 4214

W www.klgates.com



Looking for a law firm that really is different?

Where you can be empowered to DISCOVER quality work and clients, DEVELOP through opportunities to learn more while growing your career, and THRIVE in a diverse and inclusive culture?

Then join our global community of talented visionaries.

To le arn more about how yo u c an disco ve r, develop, a nd thrive in a dynamic global law firm, visit k lgates.com/careers.


K&L Gates LLP. Global counsel across five continents. Learn more at klgates.com.


I meet up with other graduates during lunch, where we discuss our week ahead and plans we have for the weekend.



I recently became a Lawyer in the Real Estate group in Sydney. I primarily act for investment funds, asset managers, listed real estate groups and property developers. I have a number of years’ experience working in the property sector, and have particular expertise in acquisitions and disposals of a diverse range of assets, title structuring and subdivisions, projects due diligence and transactions and complex leasing. This is a day in my life as a Graduate Lawyer at K&L Gates.”

As a morning person, I prioritise waking up early enough to go to the gym or fit in a run before leaving for work. I find it is important, especially during busy periods, to move my body and enjoy some time away from the screen.

I arrive at work early to get a head start on the day, create a to-do list for urgent tasks, and action any emails from clients in different time zones. I also take some time to read the latest commercial property news in the AFR and similar publications. K&L Gates is strongly focused on developing lawyers with a strong commercial acumen and understanding.

I grab breakfast with colleagues from the buffet selection provided by K&L Gates under the Konnect - Breakfast and Barista program.

My first task of the day is preparing for an upcoming settlement of a large commercial asset in Sydney. I have various deliverables, including preparing e-conveyancing aspects of the transaction via PEXA, drafting ancillary documents to the contract for sale, and maintaining an up-to-date completion checklist.

I attend the Library and Research Services Graduate Training Session, where the in-house librarians teach us about legal research software and best practices when dealing with complex legal research.

Our Corporate team needs a due diligence report for the proposed acquisition of an energy company. I undertake searches of the relevant statutory bodies in relation to the land required for the project, noting any material issues that may have risen.

I prepare the first draft of commercial leasing documents for an investment fund client owning multi-story tenancies in Sydney. I prepare these documents by marking up precedent templates previously settled with the client.

I meet with a Senior Associate in my team to discuss my proposed amendments to the precedent documents and offer advice on any points of concern.

After reviewing the documents with my supervisor’s comments, I prepare a draft email attaching the documents to be sent to the client and forward this to our Partner for final approval. I find it invaluable to review my Partner’s further amendments to ensure that I learn from any changes and how to implement these in future.

I dial into a call with a client and several K&L Gates lawyers to discuss a completion date for our client’s takeover of a company. We advise on the property aspects that arise from this transaction, including undertaking the assignment of the leases and occupation agreements from the seller to our client.

Once the call is concluded, I discuss the outcome with our Partner and map out an action plan moving forward. I update my file notes of the conversation and save it to the matter, as well as updating the completion plan and circulating the updated checklist to our client and team.

I send a few final emails and check in with my team to see if anyone needs assistance before heading home for dinner and time with family and friends.

LUNCH 6:00 AM 7:45 AM 8:30 AM 8:45 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 5:00 PM 5:45 PM 1:00 PM klgates.com
Reilly King, Lawyer Graduate Lawyer (2022), Seasonal Clerk (2020/2021) Studied: Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Arts
Find out more at https://www.klgates.com/australia-graduates

What does a day as a clerk at KWM look like?

A day as a clerk at KWM could involve a range of different activities and work tasks, no two days will be the same! You will attend structured learning and development sessions, be exposed to a variety of work through taking instructions, meeting clients, or drafting memos and documents. You will work as part of an inclusive and collaborative team, spending time with your supervising partner, development coach and buddy and attend our innovation and climate change projects designed for clerks. There are many social events throughout your clerkship program so you will also build close relationships with your cohort.

What skills can clerks expect to gain from the program?

Our Clerkship Experience Program will allow you to develop skills through on-the-job experience, informal learning and formal learning. Some skills in which you will develop are commercial awareness, communication, teamwork, research and problem solving skills.

Why KWM? What qualities make your firm stand out?

Our global footprint and unique depth and breadth in Asia give our people exciting cross-border and cross-cultural experiences. We enable our people to build their cultural intelligence and international skills by working with each other across regions and collaborating around shared opportunities.

What does KWM’s clerkship application process entail?

The application process will entail:

1. An online application. This is an opportunity for you to tell us about you, what are your interests outside of law and why you are interested in KWM Canberra.

2. Two interview rounds with our recruitment committee and People & Development team

3. Attend an event in our offices where you will get exclusive insight into a significant deal that has recently taken place.

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

We value a range of skills and experiences in our employees and recognise that a diversity of strengths leads to best results. We are looking for people who have an intellectual curiosity and are intrinsically motivated. Excellent marks are not necessarily a predictor of career success.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to KWM’s program?

Be yourself and keep an open mind.

FIRM PROFILE Australian National University Law Students’ Society 76


We are redefining what a law firm can be. Working for some of the world’s most innovative organisations, our people go beyond the law. They are inventors, designers, and pioneers –translating smart ideas into ground-breaking solutions.

Culture of innovation, collaboration and high performance.

Multiple career pathways where you can shape your future

World-class training and coaching to unleash your full potential.

High impact work for the world’s leading organisations.

Relationships that last a lifetime

W E O F F E R c a r e e r s k w m c o m / e n / g r a d u a t e s - a u s t r a l i a kwm.com


We’re King & Wood Mallesons The top tier international law firm, from Asia, for the world The world’s leading organisations turn to us to unlock opportunities and deliver smart, considered, and confident advice Where others see problems, we see possibilities

Our impact:

Innovation is in our DNA We equip our people with the skills to partner with our clients and bring to life pioneering solutions which will help them to adapt, reinvent and evolve. We believe innovation comes from giving our people room to grow At KWM, our people are encouraged to shape their own career path, supported every step of


the way with world-class training, coaching and hands-on experience

Diversity of thought, perspective and experience is critical to our culture. We provide a broad, inclusive and open environment in which our people are fully supported to bring their whole selves

We are making progress towards our target of 40% female representation at partnership level

Our programs

Our LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Network at KWM (LINK) raises awareness of and advocates in relation to LGBTIQ+ issues and concerns, and promotes inclusion, provides support and builds a sense of community for LGBTIQ+ identifying people and allies


Applications open: 5 June 2023

Applications close: 2 July 2023

How to apply: Via our online application system Head to our website link below

We offer clerkships that give you insight into what it’s like to be a lawyer at King & Wood Mallesons You’ll get to know our people, the way we work, our culture, practice areas, clients and more

You will learn the day-to-day skills to get you started, the core practice teams at King & Wood Mallesons, our culture, and our people You’ll find that people from every part of the business will help you by sharing their knowledge and supporting you through the early stages of your career and beyond.


We offer a unique future-focused experience and invest heavily in your development to support you throughout your journey You will benefit from a bespoke comprehensive learning and development program tailored specifically for our graduates

Over 90% of our lawyers delivered 44,240 pro bono hours in FY22

Over 231 organisations received legal assistance in FY22

Our commitments:

Becoming certified carbon neutral by December 2022 Setting science-based targets by December 2023 and reaching net zero emissions by 2050

Over $766,000 was raised & donated via DigDeep® (workplace giving project) to 27 community organisations in FY22

Our graduate program has an emphasis on legal excellence, technical expertise, commercial skills, knowledge management, legal project management, innovation, social and self-development and client focus.

We offer:

Culture of innovation, collaboration and high performance.

Multiple career pathways where you can shape your future

World-class training and coaching to unleash your full potential

Source 100% renewable energy for our Australian operations before 2024 Update and re-certify our Environmental Management System by June 2022 Undertake various energy, paper, water and waste reduction initiatives (ongoing)

High impact work for the world’s leading organisations Relationships that last a lifetime.

Key contact:




TEL +61 2 6217 6645


careers kwm com/en/graduates-australia

Reduce our emissions by: Complete Complete

What does a day as a clerk at Maddocks look like?

In our clerkship program, we understand the importance of giving our clerks access to the real work we do for our clients. As such, on any given day, our clerks may be attending client meetings, preparing research memos or briefs or attending Court. Each clerk has a Coordinator, usually at Senior Associate level, whose role is to ensure the clerks see the variety of work and clients across their practice team.

We invest in learning and development training to ensure the transition from university is supported. Our clerks will have sessions on effective legal writing, library and research training and business development skills interspersed in their clerkship program.

Finally, we recognise the differences between a university subject and the corresponding practice area so we arrange for our clerks to have sessions with each practice team to delve into what life looks like in practice and get to know people around the firm. It helps that at Maddocks, many of our people have been in your shoes. This means you can hear lived experiences about how to navigate clerkships and graduate programs, as well as how our people found the team they now practise in.

Why Maddocks? What qualities make your firm stand out?

What distinguishes Maddocks is the diversity of our client base and our people.

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and to making a difference in the communities in which we operate, means there are opportunities for you to play a greater part than your everyday role.

We have a strong commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace. This is encapsulated in the work that us undertaken by our Maddocks Gender Equality Network, Maddocks Pride and Maddocks CALD (Culturally & Linguistically Diverse) groups. These groups are open to all Maddocks people as a way of promoting career development and networking opportunities for women, LGBTQ and culturally diverse employees and their allies.

We provide pro bono legal services and financial assistance to community organisations and individuals in need. There are opportunities for all of our people to complete pro bono work, assist community groups to receive crucial funding and volunteer with community organisations.

We take the fun of creativity seriously. Law firms need to be constantly evolving, so we train and encourage our people to closely examine the way we work with each other, for our clients and improve by empowering our people to create ideas and drive change.

What does Maddocks clerkship application process entail?

Our summer clerk application process includes:

Submitting your CV, cover letter, academic transcript and responding to short answer questions

Attending an information and networking evening

Participating in one interview with a People & Culture representative and a Partner

Attending a cocktail evening with staff and Partners

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

At Maddocks, we want to know you! We understand it is a difficult process but there are a few tips to help you put your best foot forward.

Firstly, do your research. A great application will display that the candidate understands the work that we do, who our clients are, our practice areas and the incredible culture and values that makes Maddocks unique. Beyond this, the candidate will have expressed why they want to work at our firm and how they see themselves contributing at Maddocks.

Secondly, take your time when preparing your application. Check spelling and grammar and ensure your application reads well. These are the easy parts if you allow yourself the time to edit.

The best applications will show us who you are. Tell us about experiences, your interests or hobbies outside of university and work, where you have demonstrated a quality that you’re proud of.

Lastly, develop your network. Your application will shine if you take the time to research beyond the webpage and connect with people at Maddocks. Find out as much about us as you can, speak to our people, attend clerkship events and ask questions about things that are important to you.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to your program?

The experience you are about to embark on is a once in a career experience. Never will there be an opportunity for you to research as much about firms, meet and network with as many firm representatives and it’s about you finding the firm that fits best with your values. See the whole process as a learning experience as well as an opportunity to secure a clerkship at a law firm.


From Day One you will have challenging, meaningful work, gain exposure to clients, be given a good level of responsibility, work in a supportive and collaborative team and have regular access to our partners.

The training you receive throughout your clerkship will ensure you are thoroughly prepared and ready to get involved in and contribute to client work straight away.

The program begins with a comprehensive orientation which includes training and development activities.

Join our clerkship program and become part of a firm where you’re involved from Day One.

Scan this QR code to find out what it’s like to work at Maddocks.


How has your career developed during your time at Maddocks?

My time at Maddocks has allowed me to develop from a university student to a junior lawyer. I have undertaken my Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (GDLP) and been admitted with my cohort, had access to a large number of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs, some of which were targeted toward graduates, and the opportunity to learn by undertaking interesting work under the mentorship of brilliant lawyers.

Throughout my graduate year, Maddocks has invested in me and my learning, teaching me practical and technical skills I will use throughout my career. The graduate program has also allowed me to explore practice areas that interest me and discover the areas of law that I enjoy most and that suit my work style, helping to guide where I take my career next.

What teams were included in your firm rotation as a clerk?

As a clerk, I rotated through the Dispute Resolution and Litigation team and the Employment, Safety and People team. Working across teams allowed me to meet more people, gain a broader view of life at the firm and narrow down what practice areas interest me most.

What teams have you worked with as a graduate?

As a graduate, I have worked with the Property, Commercial (ICT) and Dispute Resolution and Litigation teams.

I have been able to work across a broad range of public law related work, including:

– Assisting with leasing arrangements for Commonwealth facilities

– assisting in negotiating high-value contracts such as agreements to design, construct and lease large bespoke facilities and Commonwealth contracts with large multinational ICT corporations, and

– administrative reviews and disputes in the AAT, Federal Court and alternative dispute resolution processes.

Meet Zoe Cooper

Zoe is a Lawyer at Maddocks, having recently completed the Graduate and Summer Clerk programs in Canberra.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned so far during your time at Maddocks?

The most valuable lesson I’ve learnt so far is to not be afraid to ask questions. All of the lawyers here at Maddocks are friendly and willing to help you to learn, and no questions are too silly.

How did the Maddocks Clerkship set you up for success?

I completed my clerkship in Sydney before transferring to the Canberra office. My clerkship was my first exposure to life in a corporate law firm and set me up with the basic skills and knowledge that I needed to navigate the workplace and all the new types of work I am doing. The clerkship allowed me to understand the Maddocks culture in an in-depth way, and I was able to hit the ground running as a graduate.

What advice would you give a potential seasonal clerk?

Soak in the experience and connect with the people around you! The lawyers and support staff you meet in the clerkship will be some of your best mentors, and everyone here is very supportive. Never turn down an opportunity to meet someone new or to catch up over a coffee.

For more information on career opportunities at Maddocks, please contact:

Samuel Jurd | People & Culture Manager +61 2 9291 6286 samuel.jurd@maddocks.com.au

We recruit our Graduates from our Summer Clerk program and assist them in completing their Practical Legal Training.

Scan this QR code to discover more about what it’s like to work at Maddocks.


What does a day as a clerk at MinterEllison look like?

A clerk in the Canberra office will typically work on a variety of matters involving our clients such as the Commonwealth, companies, and private individuals. The tasks and completed tasks range from drafting an advice to assembling court documents for a hearing. A clerk will have the opportunity to observe interesting hearings and meetings with clients, consultants, and judicial officials, providing an insight into how MinterEllison lawyers navigate every aspect of the legal system.

What skills can clerks expect to gain from the program?

As a clerk and then a lawyer, you will learn every single day and constantly have questions. It makes such a difference to feel free to approach team members to ask questions, bounce ideas off them or ask for further guidance. A great support system we use is being assigned a buddy. As a clerk and as a graduate, you will be assigned different buddies in each team you work in and other team members will look out for you, even if they aren’t your assigned buddies.

Why MinterEllison? What qualities make your firm stand out?

At MinterEllison, undoubtedly our amazing people are our biggest drawcard and make the most significant impression on our prospective clerks.

As a Firm we’re driven by a strong sense of purpose. We create lasting impacts with our clients, our people and our communities.

We know, in a world of relentless disruption, we also need to think beyond the law. We’re driving digital transformation and embedding a culture of curiosity and innovation. We’re investing in adjacent consulting capabilities that enable us to provide seamlessly integrated solutions to our clients. And our people are committed to making a meaningful difference in the communities they live and work in.

What does MinterEllison’s clerkship application process entail?

In summary our application process involves, an online application form, games based psychometric assessment, a video assessment and in person interviews. Further useful information is available here

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

At MinterEllison we are not looking for people to fit a mould. Academics are just one piece of the puzzle and we recognise the strength that diversity can bring to a team. Work experience, extra-curricular activities, sporting participation, music and travel are all important criteria to us. We want you to bring your whole self to work - individual strengths and diversity are what build our teams up to be the successes they are.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to MinterEllison’s program?

Bring your whole self to the clerkship process and draw from your life experiences as you connect with people in the firm. Minters is interested in learning about you and how your experiences and interests have shaped you and led you to pursue a clerkship. It’s important to be yourself and demonstrate your unique strengths because Minters wants to hear about how your particular skillset and personality can add value to the team.


Early careers at MinterEllison

Our clerks and graduates tell us that three key things make the MinterEllison experience:

1. Experiencing high profile matters in a top tier firm

2. Our culture

3. Our learning and development programs

Learn by working on real challenges

Right from the start you’ll work on real client engagements, preparing you for any challenge. Discover new areas of practice, and learn the technical knowledge and tools you need to achieve your career ambitions.

An award winning start to your career

Winner, Most Popular Clerkship Employer

Top100 Graduate Employer Awards 2023

Top Graduate Employers 2023

Australian Association of Graduate Employers


Finalist, Most Popular Law Employer

Top100 Graduate Employer Awards 2023

Top Intern Programs 2022

Australian Association of Graduate Employers

Five reasons we’re different Great roles in great matters

Our industry go-to-market strategy is key to achieving our growth ambitions. You could be working on the matters changing the landscape of law and legal practice.

Feed your curiosity

Our learning programs will help you build the skills you need to be the trusted advisor of tomorrow.

A focus on you

Our wellbeing program, leave policies and entitlements ensure our people are supported.

An inclusive culture

It’s no surprise that the MinterEllison workplace culture is awarded key inclusion awards and benchmarks. We’re truly inclusive and value diversity in all its forms.

A passion for social justice

You’ll have the chance to join our pro bono and community investment program to help address disadvantage.

For information and to apply visit graduates.minterellison.com

Early careers at MinterEllison

Lauren Barrett, Lawyer, Canberra shares her career journey, hints and tips.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am Canberra born and bred, and I am currently a graduate lawyer at the MinterEllison Canberra office. I started at Minters as a clerk in the summer of 2019/2020, and then began the graduate program at the start of 2021. My time at Minters so far has been a great learning opportunity and I’ve also been lucky to work and connect with a range of talented and supportive people.

What rotations have you done?

As a clerk, I rotated through the Dispute Resolution team, the Insurance and Corporate Risk team and the Competition, Risk and Regulatory team. As a graduate, so far I have rotated through our Public Admin team and again through our Competition, Risk and Regulatory team. I’ve intentionally tried to get a taste of different teams in both the transactional/commercial and the litigation space to see where I am suited and what subject matter interests me –that’s the beauty of the rotations!

What was it that attracted you to MinterEllison?

As a university student, I hoped to work somewhere that I would learn new skills and be exposed to a diverse range of matters and clients, but most importantly to me, I hoped that I would work alongside people who would challenge me, support my learning and growth, and that I would get along with on a personal level. During the clerkship process, I found that everyone at Minters was down to earth and easy to talk to, which was the key factor that attracted me to the firm.

How has the team at MinterEllison helped to support you?

As a graduate lawyer, I’m learning every single day and I constantly have questions. It makes such a difference to feel free to approach team members to ask questions, bounce ideas off them or ask for further guidance. Another great support system is being assigned a buddy. As a clerk and as a graduate, I have been assigned different buddies in each team that I have worked in, and they have always been patient, supportive and encouraging. I’ve also found that all your team members will look out for you, even if they aren’t your assigned buddies.

Do you have any advice for those going through the clerkship process this year?

Bring your whole self to the clerkship process and draw from your life experiences as you connect with people in the firm. Minters is interested in learning about you and how your experiences and interests have shaped you and led you to pursue a clerkship. It’s important to be yourself and demonstrate your unique strengths because Minters wants to hear about how your particular skillset and personality can add value to the team.

If you could tell your uni-self one thing, what would it be?

Take every opportunity that is offered to you during your university years! Getting involved in activities, clubs or programs, or going on student-led trips can lead to so many great things, including making new friends. Once you start putting your hand up for things, a snowball effect occurs and more exciting learning and social opportunities tend to get thrown your way. Having a go and taking opportunities also makes you a well-rounded person as you enter your career.


approach and like to get our clerks involved in a wide variety of work. No two days are the same but they usually include attending clients meetings and teleconferences, court visits, research, preparation of court documents, drafting deeds/contracts, discovery and much more!

Why Norton Rose Fulbright? What qualities make your firm stand out?

Commitment to our Early Talent cohort’s development - our Summer Clerkship program is carefully curated by our dedicated people and development team to provide our clerks with a taste of real life as a graduate at an industry leading global law firm. We run our clerkship for 10 weeks over the summer and provide our clerks with the opportunity to rotate through two practice areas of their choice.

As a global firm, we understand the importance of becoming a well-rounded legal practitioner with international experience. As such, we provide our graduates with the opportunity to complete a six month secondment in one of our international offices.

To date, our international trainee program has seen our Australian graduates complete secondments in London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing, Dubai, Johannesburg, Abu Dhabi, Athens, Paris and Shanghai.

What does Norton Rose Fulbright’s clerkship application process entail?

Students need to apply online through our website. Your application will need to include a one page cover letter, CV and your most up to date academic transcript. We only accept online applications.

What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

Strong academic results are important, but rest assured this is not the only criteria we assess our candidates against. Norton Rose Fulbright seeks well-rounded candidates who have strengths beyond academia including work experience and extracurricular interests.

We also look to candidates with strong commercial awareness, a global outlook, open mindedness and long term motivation for a career in the law. Most importantly, we look for candidates who are curious, authentic and keen to give everything a go!

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to Norton Rose Fulbright’s program?

Authenticity is key. We pride ourselves on being a firm that values the individual contributions of every single employee and embrace the diversity of thoughts, background and experiences when working together. Keep that in mind when you meet with us - we want to get to know the real you and what you’re passionate about outside of the law.

FIRM PROFILE Clerkship Guide 2023 85

Our Clerkship program

Change Navigators

Our clerkship program

Scan to learn more about our Graduate opportunities

Experience a real taste of life as a graduate. Our clerkship program is the primary source for our graduate academy which feeds directly into our international opportunities. Wherever you look, you will be immersing yourself into new opportunities such as attending client meetings, visits to court, exposure to our deals, culture, practice areas and a lot of additional activities such as pro bono, fundraising, and social committee events.

Once you apply, your application will be reviewed and if successful in securing an interview, you will also be invited to an information evening to learn more about our firm and meet our people. Below are the key dates for our upcoming program.

Brisbane Monday, 17 July 2023

Friday, 11 August 2023

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

November 2023 - December 2023 (Summer)

1 x 4 week program, 1 rotation

June 2024 - July 2024 (Winter)

1 x 4 week program, 1 rotation

Sydney Monday, 5 June 2023

Perth Monday, 26 June 2023

Melbourne Monday, 3 July 2023

Graduate academy

Sunday, 9 July 2023

Sunday, 30 July 2023

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Friday, 15 September 2023

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

November 2023 - February 2024 (Summer)

1 x 10 week program, 2 rotations

November 2023 – February 2024 (Summer)

1 x 10 week program, 2 rotations

November 2023 – December 2024 (Summer)

1 x 4 week program, 1 rotation

June 2024 – July 2024 (Winter)

1 x 4 week program, 1 rotation

This is the most important part of your journey with us. It is also a journey in itself. Over the course of the program, you will develop a vast range of knowledge and skills, gain exposure to different sectors and work environments, and will ultimately build up the experience you need to become a qualified lawyer.

We offer a 2 year program consisting of 4 x 6 month rotations. Our aim is for each graduate to complete at least one transactional and one litigious rotation during their program.

All graduates will be supervised by a partner and mentored by a senior lawyer, in addition to being paired with a buddy who has recently completed the graduate program at the firm.

International opportunities

You have the opportunity to apply for an international rotation and pro bono secondment. To date, over 100 Graduates have been sent on 6 month rotations to London, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Athens, Paris, Singapore, Hong Kong and Beijing.

All graduates will be admitted to practice within their first year of the program (Nov-Dec).

All graduates will be enrolled in Practical Legal Training with The College of Law and will receive continuous training throughout the program.

12 months into the program, graduates can be permanently placed in a team of preference as a lawyer. Others will benefit from 3rd or 4th rotations.

Working in a global law firm means global opportunities – and that means getting the experience of working in our global offices. We are committed to our graduates building connections with their peers overseas, build upon their legal knowledge in a different jurisdiction and experience life on the other side of the world so that when they return, they can play a pivotal role in our global connectivity and contribute to our success as a truly global law firm.

If you would like to learn more about our opportunities, please visit our website or contact our team directly: nortonrosefulbright.com/graduates | australian.graduates@nortonrosefulbright.com

Office Applications Open Applications Close Clerkship Offers Made Clerkship Program
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© Norton Rose Fulbright Australia. Extracts may be copied provided their source is acknowledged. 50084_AU – 03/23

Our Clerkship program

Change Navigators Our firm

We provide the world’s preeminent corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have more than 3,000 lawyers and other legal staff based in Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Africa. Recognized for our industry focus, we are strong across all the key industry sectors. And in amongst that global network, you’ll find some of the finest minds in the legal sector – all ready to aid your development.

Practice areas

Antitrust and competition

Banking and finance

Commonwealth Government

Corporate, M&A and securities

Employment and labour

Environment and planning

Intellectual property

Litigation and disputes

Projects and construction

Real estate


Risk advisory


Our values

Our values are our hallmarks. They sing through in the work we do and the relationships we build. And, of course, they’re principles we’ll pass on to you.


We’re a team of the highest calibre, providing consistently high quality work, because our clients always come first.



Scan to learn more about our Graduate opportunities

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion is a critical business issue at Norton Rose Fulbright in Australia.

We value difference and appreciate the variety of perspectives that this brings to our business. We know that if our people are able to be themselves at work, they are more engaged and productive. We aim to create an inclusive culture where every individual can bring their whole self to work and have a sense of belonging.

We base our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion on six key pillars:

Gender diversity

Cultural diversity

LGBTIQ+ inclusion

Disability confidence

Family & those with caring responsibilities

Flexible work

We are proud of the recognition we receive for our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion in Australia.

We share our knowledge and we work to support one another across teams and borders, because our team culture makes us who we are.

We’re trustworthy, open and fair. We respect colleagues and clients deeply, and we work to the highest ethical, professional and business standards.

Law around the world nortonrosefulbright.com Law around the world nortonrosefulbright.com
© Norton Rose Fulbright Australia. Extracts may be copied provided their source is acknowledged. 50084_AU – 03/23

What does a day as a clerk at Thomson Geer look like?

Clerks at Thomson Geer are provided with meaningful work for real client’s right from the start of their clerkship. Specific tasks depend on the practice area they work with. Common tasks include:

attending client meetings;

• observing court proceedings;

• conducting research;

drafting correspondence and documents; due diligence and disclosure.

What skills can clerks expect to gain from the program?

Each clerk has a supervising partner and dedicated liaison lawyer who will provide feedback on work, and help develop communication, drafting and legal research skills as well as learning what it is really like to work in a law firm.

Why Thomson Geer? What qualities make your firm stand out?

Thomson Geer provides an excellent opportunity for junior lawyers, being large enough to attract high quality work while maintaining small teams that enable junior lawyers to get exposed to all aspects of the matters they work on. We have highly collaborative teams and Partners who take a direct interest in our junior lawyers.

What does Thomson Geer’s clerkship application process entail?

Stage 1 is an application through our website which involves answering some basic questions about yourself and uploading your cover letter, CV and academic transcripts.

Stage 2 is a video interview. This consists of 3 questions which are sent to candidates on Friday. While it should only take a short time to complete, responses are due on Sunday night. Having time to reflect on the questions and prepare your responses gives you the opportunity to present at your best.

Stage 3 is an in-person interview with our Partners. What qualities and experience do you look for in potential clerks applying for your program?

All of our clerks are viewed as potential graduates, and all of our graduates as potential leaders. We therefore look for the same qualities in our clerks and graduates that our lawyers need to possess.

They need a critical and curious mind and are passionate about developing solutions in their commercial context. Our lawyers work collaboratively in diverse teams with both senior and junior practitioners across legal disciplines and jurisdictions.

What is your top tip for prospective clerks applying to Thomson Geer’s program?

Some things which will make you stand out from the crowd are:

A genuine interest in the areas of law in which we practice

• Demonstrating an understanding of, and interest in, the commercial environment

Demonstrating a dedication to pursuits outside your university studies, whether it be in work or community interests.

A strong work ethic, and a critical and curious mind.

Most importantly, be yourself. A diverse range of people is important to our success and we love to see personality in your application.


Reach your potential

Join a major Australian law firm.

Starting your legal career at Thomson Geer will o er you real, hands-on experience across a wide variety of commercial disciplines and industry sectors, in a supportive and collaborative environment.

We’re ready for you

With over 560 people, including 138 partners across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra, we’re one of Australia’s 10 largest law firms and its 5th largest independent one.

Our industry coverage and client work is diverse and we are regularly engaged on challenging, complex, commercial work.

We o er a flexible, friendly and professionally stimulating environment that puts both our trusting client relationships and our sta ’s wellbeing and development at the forefront.

From day one, you’ll be an active participant in the team, involved in all aspects of legal practice, and working directly with experienced practitioners.

Are you ready for us?

We’re looking for hard-working and motivated law students who have excelled academically, are customer focused, commercially minded, work well in a team environment and are ready to commence their career with a major law firm.

We are especially keen to talk to students who have, or are working towards a second degree in technical fields, such as commerce, engineering and science.

Who are we looking for?

All of our clerks are viewed as potential graduates, and all of our graduates as potential leaders. We therefore look for the same qualities in our clerks and graduates that our lawyers need to possess.

Our lawyers are genuinely interested in our clients and their businesses. They need a critical and curious mind and are passionate about developing solutions in their commercial context.

What it’s like to work for us

The law is an incredibly rewarding profession, but we recognise it can be demanding. For this reason we create an environment that is flexible, friendly, personable, collegiate and professionally stimulating.

Our clients are at the centre of everything we do; so it is not only the collaborative, supportive relationships we have with each other, but also the well-established, trusting relationships we have with our clients, which make Thomson Geer a great place to work.

Our wellbeing@work program supports employees to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

We also have an active social committee, providing lots of opportunities to develop close relationships with your colleagues.

Developing you

We will dedicate time to your development as an upand-coming lawyer in our team: an investment in you is an investment in our future, and the future of our valued clients.

You will find that our partners and sta are approachable and happy to share their knowledge and experience with you. We encourage our clerks, graduates and trainees to get as much exposure to di erent practice areas and ways of working as they can – this is a reflection of how we work as a fully integrated, cohesive, national team.

Our Graduate Program

Students who complete a clerkship with us will be eligible to be considered for a position in our next graduate program. This program runs for 12 months and includes rotation among di erent practice areas to help determine the area of law which best suits you.

We want to hear from you

If your ambition is to develop a career in commercial law and you possess the drive to make your ambitions a reality, we want to hear from you!

Applications for our 2023/2024 Sydney and Canberra Summer Clerkships open on 5 June 2023 through our website.

Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Perth | Adelaide | Canberra Thomson Geer @ThomsonGeer tglaw.com.au
” “ ”
I felt included and part of the team from day one which made me comfortable being myself, and made it a pleasure to come to work.
I applied with Thomson Geer because it is a large Australian corporate law firm that is continuing to develop even further. I very much wanted to be a part of that growth and development. The depth and nature of work was also significant.




Entrepreneurial | Creative | Collaborative

Who are we?

HFW is an international law firm with a strong global presence and a reputation for providing an excellent service to an impressive list of domestic and international clients. With over 600 lawyers working across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia, we take a progressive approach to our role in commercial business – thinking creatively and pragmatically to support our clients. With our head office in London, HFW provides a global and seamless service 24 hours a day.

We are leaders in our specialist sectors, being Shipping, Construction, Commodities, Corporate & Commercial, Insurance & Reinsurance and Aerospace.

Our clerkship program

Our clerkship program will introduce students to all of our sector groups, providing an opportunity to understand what different areas do, and meet our professionals across all areas. During the clerkship, you will be assigned a mentor and buddy in one of our major sector teams, predominantly Insurance/ Reinsurance and Construction, where you will experience working on real matters, both domestic and international. You will also have a key contact in other groups to facilitate exposure to the work of that group.

Our graduate program

Graduates will participate in a 12-month rotational program. This will include three placements, two of which will be in your local office, with the option of a third in either another Australian office, or one in our APAC network, dependent on availability.

What does HFW look for?

HFW looks for people who have a global mindset and an interest in international matters, with a particular affinity for our specific sectors and focus, and interested in disputes matters. We look for people who aren’t afraid of a challenge, and are eager to learn the skills that will be required to shine in their careers. Our ideal applicant is down-to-earth, well rounded, with good attention to detail and a teamoriented mindset. We also look for people who are open to and will chase opportunities, and have the intellectual rigour to work on complex matters.

Our culture

HFW is a collaborative, team oriented environment. We are inclusive and have a diverse variety of team members enabling different ideas and approaches to thrive. Our entrepreneurial culture means that you can see ideas implemented quickly and we are nimble in response to client and market requirements. This is a workplace where we expect respect and open communication and get it every day.

How to apply

Applications for clerkships can be submitted via www.hfw.com/careersAPAC

Applications should include a current CV, a copy of your academic transcript, and a cover letter addressing why you would like to work with HFW, what you can bring to the team, and something that will help us get to know you, such as your extracurricular activities and interests.

hfw.com 92


As Australia’s largest and fastest growing legal partnership, we are proud to offer our staff unrivalled career development opportunities and provide them with a chance to work with Australia’s most highly regarded commercial organisations, as well as Commonwealth Government and State Government Departments and Agencies. Our differentiators include the following factors:

• A lower ratio of Solicitors to Partners than any other major Australian law firm which juniors benefit from by having greater access to Partners;

• Transparent career development framework ensuring all team members are aware of expectations and advancement opportunities;

• Promoting and rewarding talent based solely on merit ensuring all team members grow and reach their full potential; and

• Effectiveness in life as a value promoted through encouragement of work-life balance.


HWL Ebsworth has over 1,700 staff with more than 270 Partners across our 9 offices. We offer a unique Graduate program whereby we recruit for our Law Graduate program through the Clerkship program.

Within the Clerkship program you will gain a genuine insight into our Practice Groups and culture. The program is tailored to present you with hands-on experiences and training to develop your legal skills and knowledge whilst providing feedback, support and the chance to network with a range of practitioners throughout the firm. You will be exposed to a broad range of work within your designated Practice Groups and the program has been designed to enable us to get to know you on both a personal and professional level.

Following the successful completion of our Clerkship program, Clerks will be considered for a Law Graduate position. The Law Graduate program provides you with the opportunity to gain solid in-depth experience while rotating through different Practice Groups to assist you in determining your direction post admission. The firm also supports our Law Graduates with their PLT and admission to practice requirements.


Applications Open May 2023

Applications Close June 2023

Recruitment & Offers: August 2023

Clerkship Commencement: November 2023

To apply for our Clerkship or Graduate Programs, you will be required to complete the online application form and provide a copy of your academic transcript along with any additional supporting documentation that you would like us to consider.


Please visit our Graduate Centre on our website www.hwlebsworth.com.au or by scanning the QR code.

There you can find information and key dates for our Clerkship and Graduate Programs, as well as contact information for our People & Development team.


Together we make a mark

Discover White & Case

Working across borders

Over the past 100 years, we’ve built an unrivalled network of 44 offices in 30 countries. That investment is the foundation for White & Case’s client work in over 180 countries.

Many White & Case clients are multinational organisations with complex needs that require the involvement of multiple Firm offices. We believe global exposure is an integral part of becoming a great lawyer, and our graduates and trainees are encouraged to take up international secondment opportunities, either as a part of their program, or early in their career.

Virtual Learning Platform

Our virtual learning programs are a great opportunity to discover life as a White & Case graduate or trainee, and experience the stimulating and challenging reality of working as an international commercial lawyer.

You’ll gain insight into the fast-paced innovative projects and matters our teams work on and gain valuable skills on true-to-life legal tasks. This experience will be recognised on our application forms and will demonstrate your interest in law and White & Case.

All of our global virtual learning programs can be found on Forage, by searching “White & Case”.

Global Citizenship

Global Citizenship comprises pro bono, volunteering, charitable giving, legal education and environmental sustainability. It helps us fulfill our responsibilities to the global community with the greatest possible impact.

Lawyers from every office and practice participate, with more than 122,000 hours of free legal services provided last year.

Our Global Pro Bono practice allows our junior lawyers to build a network outside of their initial practice and team, both locally and globally. It also gives them the opportunity to implement their theoretical learnings from law school, and take a degree of ownership early in their careers.

Practice areas in Asia-Pacific


Capital Markets

Commercial Litigation

Debt Finance

Energy, Infrastructure, Project and Asset Finance

International Arbitration

Investment Funds

Mergers & Acquisitions and Private Equity

Restructuring and Insolvency


White Collar

Ready to find out more?

White & Case offer a four-week winter program in Sydney and four-week summer and winter programs in Melbourne.

Please note the following Australian clerkship application periods:

2023 Sydney Winter Clerkship: Closed (Applications will open in March 2024 for our 2024 program)

2023 – 24 Melbourne Vacation

Clerkships: 3 July – 13 August 2023


1 by The Legal 500 for Project Development and Project Finance

114 nationalities represented across the firm

Asia-Pacific M&A Chambers Asia-Pacific, 2022 – 2023

Pioneering, united, human – three values that shape our distinctive culture and differentiate us from others.
Band 1
offices across 30 countries 94

Clerkship Guide 2023




PLT built by you, for you


Select your schedule

Get admitted pronto. Or take it slowly to balance other commitments. You can complete the PLT in 15 weeks or 30 weeks.

Pick your learning style

Get comfy at home. Or connect with your peers in person. Learn the way you want – the choice is yours.

More intakes than anywhere else

Start when you’re ready with nine intake dates throughout the year in the Australian Capital Territory

Study at a time that suits you

Whether you study during your morning commute or late at night, you can study when you are most productive.

Support to suit your needs

Create the best study experience for you with support from a mentor, career coach and the profession.

Build a career you love

Engage in virtual internships in legaltech, mediation and more. And upskill in cutting-edge tech like PEXA.

Learn more at collaw.edu.au/PLT


Marianne Anderson is driven to learn and pursue professional excellence.

After immigrating to Australia in 2011 as a teen, she juggled multiple jobs to help keep her family her sights on pursuing her own ambitions. This is the story of how Marianne rose through the ranks from fast food to family law. And how she’s not done yet. In fact, her burgeoning legal career is just getting started.

The juggling act

When I was 18, my family and I immigrated from the Philippines to Australia. We brought

I wasted no time leaping into work.

I worked in retail. Fast food. Telecommunications. I was a baker’s assistant. I delivered catalogues.

At one point, I was juggling three jobs at the same time. It wasn’t a glamorous experience. But ultimately, I’m grateful for the grit I cultivated from those times and the hard-won skills I picked up from each job.

I gained invaluable foundational skills – like dealing with challenging customers and doing calculations on the

Emerging legal ambitions

After three years on my feet, my family and I were secure enough to pause. And I had the freedom to contemplate my ambitions.

Inspired by the iconic Elle Woods in Legally Blonde I enrolled in a Bachelor of Laws at Central Queensland University.

child. That, plus the fact that I was studying online, made academia tough. And slow-going.

The degree was highly theoretical – as most law degrees are. But thankfully I gained realworld experience when I secured a role as a Legal Assistant with Kelly Legal in 2017.

then, I was already looking ahead.

Study and support at the College

After graduating, I enrolled to get my PLT with the College of Law.

I chose the College because I sensed that they cared deeply about their students’ development. In my law degree, the large class sizes didn’t make for an intimate experience. Neither did the purely on-paper feedback.

impression. I believed they would give me personalised support when I needed it.

to defer my PLT part way through.

Hitting pause: A program that adapted to my needs

I was pregnant with my second child when I started my PLT. This pregnancy was tough – and I knew I needed to hit pause on my studies. The College accommodated my needs, without question.

Months later, after I gave birth, I was ready to return. my studies with raising another child doable.

weekly readings and submit assessments on time. Because life happens, with my family falling ill.

Thankfully, the College understood my work and family commitments.

They checked in when I had trouble submitting on time. They granted me extensions which

to my studies and absorb the learnings. The College made studying fun, not stressful.

Just the beginning

Thanks to the assistance I received, I completed my put the theory to the test. And the skills I gained have carried across as I’ve supported clients at Kelly Legal. On 11 July 2022, I was admitted as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of Queensland. I was overjoyed. I savoured the moment.

Learn more at collaw.edu.au/PLT


When can I start PLT?

nine intakes each year in the Australian Capital Territory. This means you don’t have to wait to start a break or travel before starting your PLT course.

What are the components of Practical Legal Training?

1. Coursework

2. Work Experience

3. Continuing Professional Education

How will I learn?

You can choose to study entirely online. Or you can opt for a blended experience incorporating both online and face-to-face learning.

And depending on your lifestyle, you also get to choose between full-time and part-time study.

Choose TWO from the following:

• Administrative Law Practice

• Banking and Finance Practice

• Consumer Law Practice

• Criminal Law Practice

• Employment and Industrial Lawyer Practice

• Family Law Practice

• Planning and Environmental Law Practice

• Wills and Estates Practice

How long is Practical Legal Training?

Full-time course: 15 weeks.

Part-time: 30 weeks. This is a good option for students who work full-time or have other commitments.

How much work experience do I need?

Choose from two formats:

• 0 days + additional 8-week online program

• 15 days + additional 6-week online program

Online 5 days online Full-time or part-time

Blended 5 days in-person Full-time or part-time

Is there any choice of subjects?

You will complete 5 compulsory subjects and 2 electives.

Compulsory subjects

Complete all the following:

• Civil Litigation Practice

• Commercial and Corporate Practice

• Ethics and Professional Responsibility

• Lawyers’ Skills

• Property Practice

• 75 days

When can I do my work experience?

You can undertake your work experience before, during and after your Coursework component of PLT.

If you are undertaking the 75 days work experience format, you can accrue up to 60 of your 75 days of work experience in the two years prior to starting your Practical Legal Training.

How much does it cost?

Australian citizens & permanent residents and New Zealand citizens: $10,150

Overseas and international citizens: $14,650

How do I enrol?

You can apply to enrol online at the College of Law’s website collaw.edu.au/plt

Enrolments close one week before the course start date.


Be the Whole Lawyer.

Discover Australia’s leading PLT program.

The legal profession is evolving. Clients and employers are not only seeking legal professionals with technical expertise, but lawyers who are empathetic, adaptable, creative and ethical. That’s why we’ve updated our Practical Legal Training (PLT) program to give law grads the skills to confidently enter the legal profession and thrive.

The Whole Lawyer

Four professional capabilities are taught and developed throughout our PLT program to help you become the whole lawyer – technical capability, human skills, character, and adaptability.

Technical Capability (TQ)

will enhance your ability to work with clients across a range of entry level practice areas. With the support of expert legal practitioners, you’ll run simulated client matters to learn essential legal and business skills, processes and procedures to work effectively with clients.

Human Skills (EQ)

are critical for effective client interaction, negotiation, and advocacy. Through immersive learning and an optional industry secondment, you’ll fast track your journey to becoming an empathetic lawyer with advanced emotional

The skills you’ll develop within each of these four professional capabilities are designed to help you be successful and confident in your legal career from day one.

Character (CQ)

helps you to become a values-driven and selfaware lawyer, acting with integrity. Explore ethics, professionalism and reflective practice through a program of mentoring lasting 20-weeks full time or 30-weeks part

Adaptability (AQ)

has the power to transform you into a curious and creative legal thinker, capable of adapting to diverse circumstances and needs. Leo Justice Lab will set you up with legal tech awareness, critical mindsets and collaborative problem solving skills, to become a leading innovator in the future of law.

Your Story, Your Career.

Six Reasons to Complete PLT at Leo Cussen

#1 Be the Whole Lawyer

Experience learning that’s designed to ensure you enter the legal profession as a confident, creative and adaptable lawyer.

#2 Simulated Legal Practice

Make the most of the opportunity to practice negotiation, advocacy and working with clients in our simulated law firm environment.

#3 Mentoring

Receive personal support, advice, and industry insights by working closely with an experienced lawyer throughout your PLT.

#4 Your placement sorted

Take advantage of our extensive network of industry partners, and let us find your work placement for you. *Extra fee applies.

#5 Develop skills for the future of law

Learn innovative mindsets and methods by taking part in our Leo Justice Lab, where you’ll work collaboratively with a team to solve a real world access-to-justice issue.

#6 PLT personalised

Choose the learning method that suits you – blended, online or onsite. And with 28 combinations of electives, you can build the course for the career you want.

Find out more: Chat with us: Enrol now:

Be the Whole Lawyer.

Discover Australia’s leading PLT program.

After completing your law degree, the next step to becoming a qualified Australian lawyer is completing your Practical Legal Training (PLT). Leo Cussen’s PLT program immerses you in the practical work of a lawyer, teaching you the skills you’ll need to be the Whole Lawyer from day one.

By completing your PLT with Leo Cussen, you’ll stand out in the profession as the Whole Lawyer. As a Whole Lawyer, we’ll not only develop your technical legal skills, but also your adaptability, character, and human skills so you can enter the legal profession as a confident lawyer from day one. These are the skills that employers are looking for in law graduates.

You’ll put your learning intro practice and discover what it takes to be a real lawyer in a simulated law firm environment. Throughout the program, you’ll be supported by an experienced lawyer who acts as a mentor. Your mentor will provide you with personal support, advice and industry insight as they guide you through the program.

How is the course structured?

Through Leo Cussen’s PLT you’ll experience learning that’s designed to ensure you enter the legal profession as a confident, creative and adaptable lawyer. To develop these skills there are four key areas of our PLT program so you can be the Whole Lawyer:

1. Rotations

You’ll progress through five rotations that reflect the experience of a law graduate in a simulated best practice national law firm. The five rotations are: Induction, Transactions, Specialist, Disputes and Profession Ready.

2. Immersives

You’ll participate in immersive learning that develops the people skills you’ll require for the legal profession. Here you’ll interact with your mentor and other grads and progress your skills in interviewing, negotiation and advocacy.

3. Mentoring

Throughout the program, you’ll be guided by an experienced lawyer who will provide you with personalised coaching. Alongside your mentor, you’ll work closely with a supervising lawyer who is a practice area expert.

4. Leo Justice Lab

In Leo Justice Lab, you’ll work in a team to generate realworld solutions that help impact the justice gap. You’ll develop skills for the future of law, including innovation and collaborative problemsolving.

Your Story, Your Career.
Find out more about Leo Cussen’s PLT program at leocussen.edu.au/plt

My Clerkship Experience

Anneke Watson, Seasonal Clerk

Studied: Bachelor of Laws (Hons)/Bachelor of Arts

Rotations: Employment, Digital Economy & Transactions

Why Ashurst

I chose to work for Ashurst due to its reputation as a leading multinational law firm which offers exciting opportunities for career progression. The more I researched about the firm, the more attracted I became to both its stellar professional reputation and its inclusive, down-to-earth culture. Ashurst’s values of quality, collaboration and out-of-the box thinking ensures that its lawyers are always delivering effective and creative solutions to client problems, making it the perfect firm to begin a career in law.

Your work as a clerk

In my clerkship, I rotated through the Employment team and the Digital Economy and Transactions team. In my Employment rotation I wrote advices, conducted legal research and drafted court documents. While rotating through Digital Economy and Transactions I attended numerous client meetings, conducted case-law research and assisted in preparing a presentation to a client. I thoroughly enjoyed the variety of the work in both rotations and appreciated the opportunity to be involved in tasks with practical significance to the firm.

As a clerk I also worked on four different team projects. This included an optional pro bono research project for the firm, an additional pro bono project for Canberra Community Law, a project based on innovating the clerkship recruitment process and a presentation on a chosen area of Commonwealth commercial activity.

Social aspects of the clerkship

The social experience at Ashurst is one of my favourite aspects of the firm. From Friday afternoon drinks in the office, to team development dinners, there are always plenty of events going on. Importantly, as a clerk, you are always encouraged to attend any and all social events and made to feel very welcome.

Career development at Ashurst

I was extremely impressed with the level of investment that Ashurst puts into the professional development of its clerks and graduates. At the start of our clerkship, we had a two-day induction which helped introduce us to the firm, including a research tutorial (which I wish I could have done at the start of my degree!). The Ashurst Canberra office is also extremely

collaborative, so there are lots of valuable opportunities to learn and work with a variety of senior lawyers over the course of the clerkship. Each clerk also had a junior lawyer allocated to us as a buddy who mentored us throughout the process and answered any questions we had.

Ashurst in the community

Ashurst is renowned for its commitment to giving back to the community. Ashurst treats all its pro bono work as extremely important – in fact, all pro bono hours count towards its lawyers’ billable targets. Over the course of the clerkship, I had the opportunity to work on a pro bono project for Canberra Community Law. My team was responsible for creating a presentation on social security law that could be presented to and utilized as a resource by volunteers working in this area. This gave an overview of the laws governing key payments such as the Disability Support Pension, Youth Allowance and Jobseeker.

Application tips

My biggest piece of advice on applying for a clerkship is to create a narrative for yourself, using the experiences you have accumulated through your work, sport, studies or volunteering to highlight what you can bring to the firm. Ashurst is not looking for any particular person so don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd. I would also strongly recommend talking to everyone you can at clerkship events or through your own personal network to gain an accurate impression of the firm and what distinguishes it from other top tier law firms.

Who should apply

An Ashurst clerkship is a great way to spend the summer. You will have the opportunity to work in an incredibly friendly and supportive office with industry-leading experts while developing skills you will be able to take with you throughout your entire career.

At Ashurst our people are our greatest asset.

We invite you to explore the stories of our people, history and culture at all levels of the firm, both past and present and hope that in doing so, you will reflect on creating your own story at Ashurst.


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