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The magnanimity of the building is seen along with the modest scale of the podium and the plaza levels which connect human to the spaces. The Louvers enhance the inherent verticality of the building.
The fluidity in the landscape that is translating to the building form makes the structure infinite. It connects spaces at various different levels. This building provides a setback from the hustling city of Chicago and gives a much needed visual break in the densely populated neighborhood of Streeterville and Downtown Chicago.

Green Pockets I Tactical I Nature
The River walk Level connects the majority of the buildings in the vicinity and creates a vehicular free pathway for the pedestrians This walkway gives an opportunity for various urban activities like cafeterias, street music , seating spaces, restaurants. It creates a pause in the fast city of Chicago and gives spaces for the pedestrians to roam along the River Chicago. The view from both the sides of the river proves to be an important vanity point to the The Beacon. The curvilinear shape of the river walk creates fluidity and connectivity between the building and the pedestrians.

This high rise residential and hotel building stand tall looks over the mighty city of Chicago. It offers exhilarating views of the city from all sides and dominates the architectural character on the Columbus Drive. The curve shape of the building maximize the views on all sides with flowing spaces giving a view of the horizon on all sides.
Rigid site boundaries with orthogonal edges and axes connecting the River walk and the Coloumbus drive.

Fluid edges at the River walk Level and connects the building to the river.
Bringing in the vehicular traffic from the north side for the drop- off for the residential as well as for the hotel users.