AnuntAZ 1 februarie 2013

Page 1


é ACS Beauty Expert organizeaza cursuri acreditate Ministerul muncii pentru frizer, coafor, manichiurist, cosmetician. Reduceri in aceasta luna!, Tel: 0212420426

é Asiguram asistenta juridica si reprezentare in cauze civile, penale, comerciale, contencios administrativ, revendicari CEDO, Tel: 0722920072

é Ady Curier&Logistics ofera: servicii de transport rutier de marfuri, mobila si colete de la 1kg-22t cu auto noi cu GPS instalat in regim express si de grupaj intern si international la cele mai mici preturi. Detinem: personal c alific at 24/24 de l-d, asigurare marfa pentru fiecare autovehicul de 50000 euro, adycry1@ y ahoo.c om, Tel: 0754709173, 0737100603, Fax: 0314183556

é Frizer, angajeaza ACS Beauty Expert, pentru salon situat in sectorul 2,, Tel: 0212420426

AVOCAT OPERATIUNI REGISTRUL COMERTULUI BUCURESTI / ILFOV: GAZDUIRE, PRELUNGIRE SEDIU SOCIAL; PRELUNGIRE MANDAT ADMINISTRATOR, MAJORARE MICSORARE CAPITAL SOCIAL, CESIUNE PARTI SOCIALE, PUNCT DE LUCRU, INFIINTARI SOCIETATI COMERCIALE, PFA. ETC, 1 EUR, AV.OPREA.ALINA @GMAIL.COM, TEL: 0745078898 n Cabinet Avocat operatiuni Registrul Comertului Bucuresti / Ilfov: gazduire, prelungire sediu social; prelungire mandat administrator, majorare micsorare capital social, cesiune parti sociale, punct de lucru, infiintari societati comerciale, pfa. etc, 1 EUR,, Tel: 0745078898

Germania. Penthaus, Lux serios, Exclusiv din Düsseldorf (piscina, wirlpool, sauna, jacussi, privat, diskret), angajeaza fete frumoase si manierate chiar si pentru perioade scurte de timp. Castiguri lunare minime: 12000€. Oferim si pretindem seriozitate maxima. Id. mess: traumoase.dusseldorf, traumoase.dusseldorf, Tel: 004915773704009

é Asiguram servicii de transport marfa si mobila oriunde in tara s i in Bucuresti efectuam transport de marfa si mobila cu un parc auto care asigura orice tonaj s i v olum. Av em experienta necesara ca marfa dv. sa ajunga la destinatie in siguranta, office,, Tel: 07247244420, 0767419106 n Particular, construcþii case, zidãrii, tencuialã, ºape, zugrãveli, faianþã, instalaþii sanitare, Tel: 0767782653, 0733151433

pagina 2 / oferte de muncã România

01 Februarie 2013

é Agenþi vânzãri în

Agent Vanzari cu/fara experienta pentru companie internationala, posibilitate avansare, salariu de la 1200lei + bonusuri, Tel: 0728650079 Agent comercial. Firma Artizanat angajeaza fete serioase, tinere, cu atitudine pozitiva si abilitati de relationare cu clientii, in zona Afumati (complex China Town). Salariu 1200 lei, costache_nicu25@, Tel: 0766518132

é Agenþi marketing.

Inedit TV angajeazã ºi cautã colaboratori Bucureºti ºi toatã þara pentru Departamentul de Marketing. Câºtiguri substanþiale! Tel: 0760286661

Bucureºti ºi Ilfov. Comision motivant inclusiv pensionari,, Tel: 0728330750

é Agenti Pazã. barbati, femei si agenti interventie, pentru firma de paza. Carte de munca + salariu atractiv. 0755162034, Tel: 0721296652, 0767056551

é Agenti Intervenþie cu permis categoria B, agenti paza cu atestat si dispecer operator PC, angajam pentru Aba Security, Tel: 0213358420

é Agenti Intervenþie cu permis categoria B si atestat angajam pentru Aba Security, Tel: 0213358420

é Agenþi Pazã urgent, salariul 1000 net, Tel: 0760107633, 0213108660 é Agenti Pazã

în condiþii avantajoase angajam pentru SC Caldo Privat Security, Tel: 0786880791

n Agent Pazã. Mini Hotel, str. Opanez, Sect.2, angajeaza agenti paza receptie, de sex masculin si camerista cu experienta, conditii de salarizare avantajoase. Pentru mai multe detalii sunati sau e-mail 0721767622, Fax: 0241630545,

é Agenþi Pazã. Societate paza angajeaza urgent 20 agenti de paza din Bucuresti, calificati, posturi la interior, Tel: 0213152184

é Agenþi Pazã. Societate de paza angajeaza agenti de interventie din Bucuresti, cu atestat, constitutie atletica, permis de conducere, Tel: 0213129035

oferte de muncã România / info / pagina 3

01 Februarie 2013

AnunþAZ vã informeazã Românii cetãþeni europeni Sindicatul Românilor din Strãinãtate

în dialog cu românii de pretutindeni Regulamentul Comitetului Regiunilor Uniunii Europene (2). Continuãm rãspunsul pentru domnul Vasile O. din Timiºoara, care doreºte sã afle rolul autoritãþilor regionale ºi locale în Uniunea Europeanã. Astãzi vã prezentãm noi informaþii despre Regulamentul de procedurã al Comitetului Regiunilor. Îi rãspunde domnul prof. ec. Ion Voinea - Preºedintele Sindicatului Românilor din Strãinãtate. Aºa cum arãtam în ediþia de ieri a ziarului nostru Regulamentul de procedurã al Comitetului Regiunilor stabileºte funcþionarea ºi organizarea acestuia. Comitetul Regiunilor se reuneºte în Adunarea Plenarã, iar aceasta îndeplineºte urmãtoarele funcþii: adoptarea de avize, rapoarte ºi rezoluþii; adoptarea proiectului de estimare a veniturilor ºi cheltuielilor Comitetului; adoptarea programului politic al Comitetului la începutul fiecãrui mandat; alegerea preºedintelui, a prim-vicepreºedintelui ºi a celorlalþi membri ai Biroului; constituirea comisiilor; adoptarea ºi revizuirea regulamentului de procedurã al Comitetului; decizia de a introduce o acþiune pe lângã Curtea de Justiþiei a Uniunii Europene. Preºedintele Comitetului Regiunilor convoacã Adunarea Plenarã cel puþin o datã pe trimestru. În cazul în care cel puþin un sfert dintre membri solicitã în scris acest lucru, preºedintele are obligaþia de a convoca o sesiune plenarã extraordinarã. Cererea trebuie sã menþioneze subiectul care va fi dezbãtut ºi niciun alt subiect nu poate figura pe ordinea de zi a sesiunii extraordinare. Preºedintele trebuie sã transmitã proiectul de ordine de zi, bazat pe un anteproiect elaborat de Birou, membrilor ºi membrilor supleanþi cu cel puþin patru sãptãmâni înainte de sesiunea plenarã. Cu ocazia ultimei ºedinþe de dinaintea deschiderii sesiunii plenare, Biroul adoptã proiectul definitiv de ordine de zi. Sesiunile Adunãrii Plenare sunt deschise publicului, cu excepþia cazului în care se stabileºte altfel. La sesiunile plenare pot participa reprezentanþi ai Parlamentului European, ai Consiliului ºi ai Comisiei ºi pot fi invitate personalitãþi din exterior. Biroul Comitetului Regiunilor poate propune Adunãrii Plenare dezbaterea chestiunilor de actualitate pentru a purta discuþii pe marginea chestiunilor politice de actualitate cu implicaþii regionale ºi locale. Cvorumul Adunãrii Plenare este întrunit atunci când sunt prezenþi mai mult de jumãtate din membri. Adunarea Plenarã se pronunþã cu majoritatea voturilor exprimate, cu excepþia cazurilor în care regulamentul de procedurã prevede altfel. Biroul reflectã componenþa generalã a Comitetului Regiunilor. Acesta este compus din preºedinte, prim-vicepreºedinte, câte un vicepreºedinte pentru fiecare stat membru, alþi 27 de membri ºi din preºedinþii grupurilor politice. Biroul este ales de cãtre Adunarea Plenarã pe o perioadã de doi ani ºi jumãtate. Cu excepþia preºedintelui, a prim-vicepreºedintelui ºi a preºedinþilor grupurilor politice, celelalte locuri din Birou se împart dupã cum urmeazã: - câte trei locuri: Germania, Regatul Unit, Franþa, Italia, Spania, Polonia; - câte douã locuri: Þãrile de Jos, Grecia, Republica Cehã, Belgia, Ungaria, Portugalia, Suedia, Austria, Slovacia, Danemarca, Finlanda, Irlanda, Lituania, Bulgaria, România; - câte un loc: Letonia, Slovenia, Estonia, Cipru, Luxemburg, Malta. (Va urma). Vã invitãm sã urmãriþi serialul nostru consacrat acestui subiect ºi aºteptãm mesajele dumneavoastrã la e-mail sau postal la Dealul Mitropoliei nr. 5, sector 4 Bucureºti.

Securitate. SC é Agenþi Caldo Privat Security angajeazã în condiþii avantajoase, preferabil Bucuresti, program de lucru flexibil, Tel: 0757557067 Ajutor Bucãtar si livratori scuter (posesori de permis categoria B), restaurant Il Cantucio angajeaza, Tel: 0724744153 n Ajutor Bucãtar. Restaurant zona Buzesti angajeaza ajutor de bucatar si ajutor de ospatar, Tel: 0758220101 Manager si n Asistent Promoteri, angajam part-time, Tel: 0765344032

n Colaboratori. Asociatia Noi Iubim Viata cauta colaboratori seriosi pentru strangerea fomularului 230 de redistribuire a 2% din impozitul pe salarii. Program flexibil, seriozitate. Full time, part-time,, Tel: 0767666441 Firma de n Colaboratori. testare produse cosmetice, cauta persoane de sex feminin purtatoare de lentile de contact. Se ofera recompensa, iar cei interesati sunt rugati sa sune intre 09:00-13:00,,, Tel: 0724234422

é Constructor tipare cu experienta angajam pentru fabrica confectii, Sos. Viilor nr. 56, Tel: 0724515514 n Contabilitate primara, Mall Baneasa, numai cu experienta. Telefon orele 12.00-14.00,, Tel: 0788166861 n Croitor barbatesc. Caut croitor confectii barbati pentru un atelier de croitorie. Specializare confectionare sacouri si pantaloni,, Tel: 0745066175

é Bucãtari, ajutor bucatar, ospatari, femei servici angajam, Tel: 0731696741 n Calculator Pret Cost. SC Olympos Invest Srl angajeaza Calculator Pret Cost (cod COR 431101). CV la fax pana la data de 28.01.2013. Interviul va avea loc in data de 29.01.2013, ora 10:00 la sediul social al societatii din oras Bragadiru, sos. Alexandriei nr. 108, cladirea administrativa, jud Ilfov, Tel: 0745184342, Fax: 0314370868 n Cameristã cu calificare si experienta in domeniul hotelier minim un an,, Tel: 0212240282, 0728884854

é Croitor/easã la

masina de nasturi, butoniera si confectioner cu experienta pentru fabrica confectii, sos. Viilor nr. 56, 0724515514

Coafezã manichiurista, frizerita cu experienta minim 2 ani angajam, zona complex Domino, bvul Lacul Tei, Tel: 0726462739 n Coafezã-frizer, cosmetician, mani-pedichiura, unghii tehnice, urgent, Tel: 0766862072 n Colaboratori, colaborare inteligentã, persoane active, pensionari. Program flexibil 1000 Euro. Roxana, Tel: 0213162381, 0754290254

é Croitor/easã. Angajez croitoreasa, care sa faca produsul finit, de la croit pana la finisaje. Zona Vitan, Bucuresti. Program de lucru 8h. Salariu 1200 ron, Tel: 0767852304

pagina 4 / oferte de muncã România

01 Februarie 2013 n Maseuzã angajam pentru salon coafura, frizerie vis-a-vis Plaza Romania, Tel: 0722258777, 0723329376 pregatitori si n Mecanici, electricieni auto pentru service situat in Bd Expozitiei,, Tel: 0758111055, 0758111086

é Dispecer, operator PC si agenti paza cu atestat pentru Aba Security, Tel: 0213358420 n Electrician auto. SC Lucia Automotive SRL angajeaza Electrician auto cu experienta in Diagnoza. Serice-ul se afla langa cartierul Militari sector 6, 600 EUR/luna,,, Tel: 0720083701

é Electrician,

tinichigiu, mecanic pentru service auto, Tel: 0744799030 n Femeie de Serviciu, angajez pentru spaþiu comercial din zona Tineretului, Tel: 0722597374 n Infirmier/ã pentru camin batrani (de preferat interna), Pipera, Tel: 0726451626

Medic Stomatolog. Clinica stomatologica copii si adulti, angajaza medic stomatolog cu experienta minima 1 an si asistenti medicali stomatologie, in Bucuresti, sector 3, zona Mihai Bravu, splaiul Unirii,, câºtig net n Menajerã, 100Ron contra ajutor menaj uºor fãrã rufe, pentru tânãrã maxim 45 ani, Tel: 0741181484 n Menajerã. Familie serioasa (sector 6) angajeaza menajera. Program de L-V de la orele 09:00 – 17:00. Activitati: menaj zilnic, gatit, spalat/calcat si cumparaturi minore. Cautam doar persoane care au experienta anterioara ca menajera in cadrul unei familii si poate prezenta recomandari. Relatii suplimentare la telefon, Tel: 0727960227 n Muncitor necalificat, angajez in domeniul reparatii auto, pt info sunati, salariu discutabil,,, Tel: 0741747556

FastFood si Shaormari. Se cere experienta, spirit dinamic. Angajam in zona Bucur Obor, CM. Program 12-24. Trimiteti CV cu foto la e-mail (cei selectati vor fi contactati), radu_futsal@ n Mãcelar si ajutor macelar cu experienta, zona Dr. Taberei Valea Argesului, Tel: 0722635546 n Manipulant marfa pentru depozit alimentar Doraly Afumati pavilion E, studii minim 10 clase, salariu net 1000Ron cu bonuri de masa incluse, program lucru 8:30 pana se termina activitatea, inclusiv sambata. Interviu dupa ora 10:30 la pavilionul E, Doraly Afumati,

Ospãtãriþã angajez, zona Colentina, Tel: 0752156560 n Patiser sau patisera angajam, Tel: 0214214215, 0723526253 n Patiser cu experienþã, zona Piaþa Delfinului, Tel: 0722597374

é Persoanã serioasa si matura caut pentru a o ajuta in obtinerea unui venit suplimentar, part-time pentru inceput, dan.money4u@, Tel: 0785055359

Piz z ar angajez , Tel: 0721769694, 0767989763 n Pregatitor/Vopsitor auto cu experienta minim 5 ani. SC Lucia Automotive SRL angajeaza, Service-ul este multimarca si se afla langa cartierul Militari sector 6, 500 EUR/luna,,, Tel: 0720083701

é Personal pentru

cusut si talpuitor manuali - firma de incaltaminte angajeaza, Tel: 0745068990

é Personal primirerecep þ ie, croitoreseretuºuri ºi cãlcãtorese textile, angajeaz ã spãlãtorie haine, Tel: 0755200012

Muncitor-confectioner tabla. Fabrica angajeaza pentru tubulatura ventilatie, Tel: 0724546379 n Muncitori necalificati in domeniul pal si accesorii mobiler, echipa circularisti operator masina abs, operator calculator, Tel: 0786625155

é Lucratori pentru

Persoane, studenþi, tineri. Vrei sã lucrezi într-un colectiv dinamic, vrei posibilitatea unei cariere? Te aºteptãm (în limita 6 loc uri), Tel: 0730566776

é Personal cu experienþã pentru urmãtoarele operaþii: subþiat, operaþii masã, cãptuºit, îndoit, curãþat, maºini de cusut 1 ac, 2 ace ºi strobel pentru formarea unei benzi de cusut în fabricã de încãlþãminte. Informaþii între orele 08,00-15,00 la telefon, Tel: 0371040151

é PROIECTANT MOBILIER. FABRICA LEMN MASIV SI PAL ANGAJAM PROIECTANT MOBILIER CU EXPERIENTA SI CUNOSTINTE AVANSATE IN VANZARI SI EFECTUAREA DEVIZELOR, OFFICE@PROEMSACO.RO, TEL: 0723333223 n Reprezentant vânzãri cu experienta minim 1 an in domeniul tamplariei PVC, Aluminiu si feronerie pentru tamplarie PVC. Angajator SCHONLINE ROMANIA. Salariu atractiv. CV la e-mail sau fax,, Tel: 0730502011, 0212405444, Fax: 0212406999

é Reprezentanti vânzãri Avon inscriem, castiguri mari, produse cadou, cursuri gratuite, posibilitati avansare, Tel: 0768321060, 0722930207 n ªofer taxi, angajez pe Logan diesel 24h 100 ron/zi, dispecerat AS Ilfov, Tel: 0722591833 n ªofer. Catering Orient, Calea Rahovei, angajeaza sofer cu masina personala si experienta in domeniu, Tel: 0728512616 n ªoferi TIR. Transporturi Auto Astra din Bd. Timisoara, 92A, sector 6, angajeazã ºoferi cu experienþã pe TIR de 20 tone pentru transport international marfã, transporturiautoastra@yahoo. com, Tel: 0723223002, 0214440951, Fax: 0217785785 n ªoferi. Step One SRL angajeaza soferi profesionisti (categoriile C+E) cu experienta minim 2 ani pentru transport intern si international, Tel: 0725006050

n Personal pentru bucatarie libaneza, Tel: 0762165539 n Personal curatenie. Firma de curatenie angajam personal curatenie birouri (femei de serviciu), program 8 ore, Tel: Spãlãtor auto. Personal cu 0744487695 n PERSONAL CURATENIE. experienta in domeniu COMPANIE ROMANEASCA angajam pentru spalatorie ANGAJEAZA URGENT auto, zona Dorobanti, PERSONAL CURATENIE salariu 800Ron, Tel: CLADIRE BIROURI (2 0763163617 PERSOANE). RELATII SI PROGRAMARI PENTRU n Tâmplar aluminiu si PVC INTEVIU LA TELEFON, TEL: pana in 40 ani cu permis auto, 0730713067 Tel: 0213185918

01 Februarie 2013

oferte de muncã România / oferte de muncã strãinãtate / pagina 5 auto cu n Tinichigiu experienta minim 5 ani - sc. Lucia Automotive srl angajeaza. Service-ul se afla langa cartierul Militari sector 6, 600 EUR/luna,,, Tel: 0720083701 n Tipograf pentru masina rotativa si plana, Ghilotinist, Legatorese pentru tipografie oras Pantelimon, Tel: 0741227999

é Uniunea Europeana. ªofer tir pentru comunitate, experienta minim 1 an, liviu.badea, Tel: 0722155565 n Vânzãtoare pentru magazin alimentar, magazin legumefructe si Plafar, cu experienta si recomandare, Tel: 0723579219, 0767533430 n Vânzãtoare magazin ceai Mall Baneasa, cu studii superioare, cunoscatoare limba engleza. Telefon orele 12.00-14.00,, Tel: 0788166861

é Videochat A&N angajeaz ã personal feminin cu/f ãr ã experienþã. Oferim 600$ bonus, avans 300$ imediat, salariu fix 1200$ ºi procente 50%-84%. Garant ãm r ealitatea anunþului, 0731080888

é Videochat 19

Studiouri Inovatoare angajeazã fete cu/fãrã experienþã. Caºtiguri garantate 2000$-5000$ lunar. Oferim 600$ bonus +500 lei cadou la interviu, 0768839893

n Videochat legal, contract+ asigurare medicala. Salariu 800$/luna+comision 50%+ bonusuri. Avans 500$. Cazare,,, Tel: 0763156150, 0735674012 Videochat Studio, salariu fix 800$+ c omis ion 50% +bonusuri bilunare. Bonus angajare 100$,,, Tel: 0734959924, 0760179243

é Videochat, modele cu/fãrã experienþã, angajeazã Glamorous Studio, bonus agajare 100 USD, Tel: 0761533932, 0724694232

é Videochat, Studio angajeaza personal feminin. Engleza sau franceza mediu, program 5-8h/z. Bonus la angajare 500$, Tel: 0767029413, 0736261274

é Videochat, Studiou ofera bonus 300$ la angajare, salariu fix sau comision 50-70%. Minim 18 ani, engleza sau franceza conversational, Tel: 0769552192, 0737412811

é Videochat,

activitate, angajam fete minim 18 ani, engleza mediu, bonus 400$ la angajare, salariu fix, avansuri, sistem motivant de bonusare, plata bilunar, Tel: 0765422974

é Australia. Australian Escort Agency va ofera posibilitatea unei colaborari de scurta sau lunga durata. Castiguri pe masura serviciilor dvs. Pentru mai multe informatii contactati-ne la numarul de telefon sau e-mail, raspundem si la beep; 8.000 EUR/luna, Tel: 00353877040870

n Videochat, tinere pentru videochat. Salariu intre 1.000 n Elvetia. Oferim locuri si 3.000$/luna, plata la zi sau de munca in night club bilunar. Cazare si program si studio cu posibilitati flexibil, seriozitate si profesionalism. Vino la Smiley foarte bune de castig! Studio si le ai pe toate + Cazare inclusa, bonus de angajare, 1.000 maxima seriozitate, $/luna,, 0724378789,

Tel: 0041767105838

é Videochat,

angajãm personal feminin cu/fãrã experienþã pentru videochat. Engleza mediu. Oferim training gratuit, avans 500$, salariu fix. Câºtiguri garantate. 1000$-5000$, Tel: 0765339754 n Vopsitor auto. Angajam vopsitor/pregatitor auto cu experienta. Service se afla langa cartierul Militari sector 6, 700 EUR/luna, 0720083701,,


n Franta. Angajam instalatori aer conditionat cu experienta cu permis conducere; nu se percepe comision; contract de munca; cazare gratuita; bani pentru masa; transport asigurat,, Tel: 0761131774 GERMANIA. C ASTIG 3.000-8.000EURO PE LUNA. CLUB DE ZI SI NOAPTE DIN GERMANIA C A U T A D O A M N E SI DOMNISOARE CU VARSTA 21-40 ANI SI ASPECT FIZIC PLACUT. C AZARE ASIGURATA SI ACTE LEGALE. LIMBA GERMANA SAU ENGLEZA D E PREFERINTA. FACEBOOK: D OR I N A MIHAELA (FOTOGRAFII CLUB), TOTO.DOMAN@YMAIL.COM TEL: 0757919152

Germania. Fete frumoase pentru VIP’s! Penthaus, Luxserios si Exclusiv (piscina, sauna, wirlpool, jacussi, privat) din Düsseldorf, cauta spre colaborare fete frumoase si manierate, in conditii legale, chiar si pentru perioade scurte de timp. Castiguri lunare peste 10000 Euro. Oferim si pretindem seriozitate maxima. Id. mess: traumoase.dusseldorf, traumoase.dusseldorf, Tel: 004915773704009

Eures Advisers, Belgium Source: Pôle Emploi, Public Employment Services, France; EURES Central Database; FOREM, Public Employment Services, Belgium;

n 1. Senior Site Superintendent Structural Steel Works; Description: For the construction of a football stadium in Saudi- Arabia, we are looking for a Senior Site Superintendent structural steel works. Your Role: You install and organize the structural steel works on the construction site (logistics, materials, people) You direct all aspects of the day-to-day execution of the project, and you monitor and coordinate work performed by the structural steel superintendents and workmen You lead, coach and manage several skilled and experienced site structural steel engineers You direct work sequencing to expedite project delivery and to minimize disruption of ongoing operations You plan the resources related to the structural steel works You select, audit and supervise subcontractors You maintain regular contact with the customers or their representatives You report directly to the Construction Manager on the progress and output of your own teams and suppliers Your profile: Bachelor or Master degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture By preference you have at least 8 years or more experience as a Senior Site Superintendent working on structural steel works You are fluent in English. Arabic, Dutch and French are an asset You identify with our core competencies by possessing an entrepreneurial mind, showing flexibility, being innovative and result-oriented while promoting teamwork You equally possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind and you are client focused You must have EU nationality or possess a transferable Saudi Iqama (working permit) A competitive remuneration package depending on experience including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. In addition we provide training and development programs within a professional environment, possibilities to expand your horizon and work on some iconic projects in the civil works and construction industry shaping the skylines and determining the image of the future. n 2. HPC analyst; Job description • You take part in the first-line support, you advise and assist researchers in using specialized software, modifying existing code and writing new code (using MPI, OpenMP etc. and optimizing for specific hardware); • You inform potential users within the university associations, research centers and industry, make them aware of the infrastructure and motivate them; • You develop courses, together with your VSC colleagues and other specialists, such that researchers use the infrastructure in an optimal way. You also teach some of the courses; • You identify the needs and you advise on software installation and upgrades. Profile • You obtained a PhD or master degree in sciences or applied sciences with an extensive ICT program; • You are familiar with scientific computing; • you are an experienced user of scientific software, both as an end-user as well as a developer; • You have a strong interest in computational problems, also outside the (applied) sciences (e.g., economics, medicine, sociology, linguistics) and you have extensive programming experience; • Since you will be working in an academic environment, we assume some affinity for scientific research; • You are interested in a customer-related service, you have excellent communication skills, in Dutch as well as in English; • You are flexible, responsible and a team player. We offer A full-time employment starting at July 1, 2013 or at a later date as agreed for a period of 1 year, which can be extended. Procedure A preselection is based on your letter of application, your letters of recommendation and CV. Selected candidates are invited for tests and/or an interview. Your application letter, 2 letters of recommendation and CV should arrive not later than April 30, 2013 at the Universiteit Antwerpen, attn. Prof. Annie Cuyt, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerpen, Belgium. More information: Prof. Annie Cuyt, tel. +32 3 265 3898 / +32 3 265 3860 or

n 3. Research Professor (tenure track); Job description The assignment consists of teaching, scientific research and academic service to society. During a period of five years (duration of the temporary appointment in tenure track), scientific research will be the main activity, with limited participation in the educational programmes. • You will expand the scientific research in the area of the research focal point Globalisation, Multilevel Governance and Federalism: your research focuses on the impact within your area of expertise of globalisation, multilevel governance and/or federalism on transboundary legal phenomena, with attention for the social and economic aspects. Your research connects to and, by this specific approach, adds value to the existing research programmes in the Faculty of Law (see > Research > Research Groups); • You will acquire and manage external funding (national and international); • You will supervise doctoral students; • You will offer scientific services; • You will be assigned limited lecturing duties. Profile and requirements • You hold a Master degree and a doctoral degree (PhD) in Law; • You have an international academic CV and perform qualitatively outstanding academic research in the broader field according to the domain involved; • The emphases in your teaching correspond to the UA educational vision; • Your academic qualities comply with the requirements stipulated in the university’s policy (; • You have leadership skills (or the potential to develop them); • You are quality-oriented, conscientious, creative and cooperative; • Applicants who do not possess the required command of Dutch are expected to meet the required level to be able to teach classes in Dutch in an academic setting within 3 years of their date of admittance. We offer • A full-time position as a lecturer in a temporary appointment in the tenure track for a term of five years. This position will lead to an immediate permanent appointment as a senior lecturer if your performance is assessed favourably on the basis of previously fixed and publicly announced evaluation criteria; • The earliest date of appointment will be 1 June 2013; • A gross monthly salary ranging from € 4.009,52 - € 5.910,19; • A dynamic and stimulating work environment. Interested? • Applications may be submitted only online, until the closing date March 23rd 2013; • The application form must be completed, including a detailed research proposal (mandatory) for the next five years (approx. 5 000 words) and a report of your previous scientific research activities (max. 5 000 words). In addition, you add two abstracts of the scientific content of the research plan – a scientific abstract and an abstract in layman's terms –maximum 500 words (or max. 4000 characters). All documents must be submitted in English; • A pre-selection will be made amongst the submitted applications. The remainder of the selection procedure is specific to the position and will be determined by the selection committee; • More information about the application form can be obtained from Ellen Huijer (tel. 03 265 31 45); • For questions about the profile and the description of duties, please contact Prof. Dirk Vanheule (tel. 32 3 265 58 54); • Further information regarding the special research status can be obtained from Dr. Eric Spruyt, Head of the Research Department (tel. 03 265 30 12); • Further information regarding the terms of the appointment can be obtained from the HR coordinator for academic personnel, Greet Dielis (tel. 03 265 31 53). n 4. Postdoctoral Researcher ; Job description: LMPH recently received funding from the IWT in the framework of the Strategic Basic Research (SBO) program for a project entitled “Fighting infectious diseases with combination therapy: targeting sociomicrobiological processes to circumvent antimicrobial resistance”. Our primary aim is to identify novel microbial targets involved in governing antimicrobial tolerance. Interfering with the normal function of these targets by using ‘antimicrobial potentiators’ will result in increased susceptibility of microbes to existing antimicrobial agents. This “weakening strategy” will translate to combination therapy of an existing antimicrobial agent with a specific antimicrobial potentiator, thereby increasing the effect of the former. You will be responsible for the daily supervision of master and pre-doctoral students working on the project. In consultation with the UA promoter, you will be in charge for the project management and the written and oral reporting to the IWT and other project partners in a timely manner. An active participation in meetings with the other IWT-SBO partners and the industrial advisory group is required. Profile and requirements • You hold a doctoral degree (PhD) in pharmacy, biology, biochemistry, bio-engineering, veterinary medicine or a related field. • A good knowledge of microbiology with experimental skills is essential. • Experience in cell-pathogen interaction is an asset. • Excellent verbal and written English communication skills. • Experience with project management is a plus. We offer • An appointment as a postdoctoral researcher for a period of 1 year, with a possibility for extension of 2 years. • The date of appointment will be as soon as possible. • A dynamic and stimulating work environment with a highly interdisciplinary research team. Highly motivated candidates can apply by sending a motivation letter, names and contact information for at least two references, publication list, and CV to before 15 February 2013.

n 5. MEP Managers allround; Description: BESIX is recruiting! For several of our international projects we are looking for experienced engineers and skilled professionals to reinforce our teams in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Qatar, Angola and Azerbaijan. Interested? Apply for our Job Day in Lisbon (Portugal) which will be held the 4 th of February 2013. YOUR ROLE You provide the know-how needed for the MEP aspects of our construction projects (with up to 90M in MEP works): design, performance, installation and the interaction with other trades. You coordinate the MEP design, purchasing and execution works by being the interface between all parties involved (the Technical Design Office, architects, project managers, etc.). You have an all-round knowledge of mechanical, electrical and plumbing works. You provide the planning input for the MEP works. You initiate and manage upstream scheduling for MEP sub-contracts and MEP designs. You assist in technical coordination meetings with sub-contractors and project staff. You are responsible for as-built documents and drawings, for performance tests, for commissioning and hand over, for snagging and snagging reports. OUR OFFER Our expatriation employees are offered an attractive remuneration package including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. WHAT'S NEXT? Do you think your profile matches for this position or for one of the positions listed on our jobsite? Yes? Please apply and send us your up to date CV and references in English. If your CV matches the profile we are looking for you will be invited to our Job Day in Lisbon the 4 th of February 2013. When selected you will receive an invitation by e-mail Wednesday 30 th of January 2013. Please apply via this website: job-day-portugal--lisbon-4-02-2013/ n 6. Senior construction managers civil works and/or buildings (m/f) ; Description: BESIX is recruiting! For several of our international projects we are looking for experienced engineers and skilled professionals to reinforce our teams in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Qatar, Angola and Azerbaijan. Interested? Apply for our Job Day in Lisbon (Portugal) which will be held the 4 th of February 2013. An overview of all our open positions for the Job Day in Lisbon can be found on the BESIX GROUP website via following link: job-day-portugal--lisbon-4-02-2013/ Here below you can already find out more about one of the positions we are looking for: Senior construction manager civil works and/or buildings(m/f): YOUR ROLE You are responsible for the management, development and planning of the on-site construction work. You install and organise the construction site (logistics, materials, people). You direct all aspects of the day-to-day execution of the project, and you monitor and coordinate work performed by superintendents and skilled workers. You lead, coach and manage several skilled and experienced site execution staff. You direct work sequencing to expedite project delivery and to minimise disruption of on-going operations. You plan resources. You implement and oversee ISO & VCA norms and standards. You select, audit and supervise sub-contractors. You report directly to the Project Manager on the progress and output of your own teams and suppliers. You are a Bachelor or Civil Engineer in Construction or the equivalent through experience. You have a minimum of 15 years of relevant experience in Project Execution and Site Management with a focus on either Civil Works (all concrete works, formworks, precast, foundation) or Large Buildings. You are fluent in English. Arabic, Dutch and French are assets. You identify with our core competencies.You have an entrepreneurial mind, are flexible, innovative and result-oriented and always promote teamwork. You possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind and are always focused on the client. By preference, you are immediately available (within 4 weeks of signing the contract). OUR OFFER Our expatriation employees are offered an attractive remuneration package including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. In addition we provide training and development programs within a professional environment, possibilities to expand your horizon and work on some iconic projects in the civil works and construction industry shaping the skylines and defining the image of the future. Do you think your profile matches for this position or for one of the positions listed on our jobsite? Yes? Please apply and send us your up to date CV and references in English. If your CV matches the profile we are looking for you will be invited to our Job Day in Lisbon the 4 th of February 2013. When selected you will receive an invitation by e-mail Wednesday 30 th of January 2013. Please apply through website: on-4-02-2013/

detalii la n 7. Senior project managers (m/f) (M/V) (Midden Oosten); Description: BESIX is recruiting! For several of our international projects we are looking for experienced engineers and skilled professionals to reinforce our teams in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Qatar, Angola and Azerbaijan. Interested? Apply for our Job Day in Lisbon (Portugal) which will be held the 4 th of February 2013. YOUR ROLE You supervise the execution and the technical content of Project Management, as well as the financial elements. You maintain good relationships with the local authorities, clients and suppliers. YOUR PROFILE You have a Master's Degree in Civil Engineering. You have at least 15 years of relevant work experience with a large construction company or main contractor (no consultancy). You have experience in the construction of large buildings and civil works with a value of 200 million Euro or more, such as shopping malls, hotels, museums, hospitals or other large infrastructural projects. You are fluent in English. Arabic, Dutch and French are assets. You identify with our core competencies.You have an entrepreneurial mind, are flexible, innovative and result-oriented and always promote teamwork. You possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind and are always focused on the client. OUR OFFER Our expatriation employees are offered an attractive remuneration package including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. In addition we provide training and development programs within a professional environment, possibilities to expand your horizon and work on some iconic projects in the civil works and construction industry shaping the skylines and defining the image of the future. WHAT'S NEXT? Do you think your profile matches for this position or for one of the positions listed on our jobsite? Yes? Please apply and send us your up to date CV and references in English. If your CV matches the profile we are looking for you will be invited to our Job Day in Lisbon the 4 th of February 2013. When selected you will receive an invitation by e-mail Wednesday 30 th of January 2013. Please apply through our website: job-day-portugal--lisbon-4-02-2013/ n 8. Senior site superintendents civil works (m/f) (m/v); Description: BESIX is recruiting! For several of our international projects we are looking for experienced engineers and skilled professionals to reinforce our teams in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Qatar, Angola and Azerbaijan. Interested? Apply for our Job Day in Lisbon (Portugal) which will be held the 4 th of February 2013. An overview of all our open positions for the Job Day in Lisbon can be found on the BESIX GROUP website via following link: on-4-02-2013/ Here below you can already find out more about one of the positions we are looking for: SENIOR SITE SUPERINTENDENT CIVIL WORKS (m/f): You implement and oversee the ISO & VCA norms and standards. You report directly to the Construction Manager on the progress and output of your own teams and suppliers. YOUR PROFILE You are a Bachelor or Civil Engineer in Construction, or the equivalent by experience. You have a minimum of 10 years of relevant experience in project execution and site management, with a focus on civil works including concrete and formworks (foundation and precast works of large building projects (not only road works)). You are fluent in English; Arabic is an asset. You identify with our core competencies. You have an entrepreneurial mind, are flexible, innovative and result-oriented and always promote teamwork. You possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind and you are client-oriented. By preference you are immediately available (within 4 weeks of signing the contract). OUR OFFER Our expatriation employees are offered an attractive remuneration package including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. In addition we provide training and development programs within a professional environment, possibilities to expand your horizon and work on some iconic projects in the civil works and construction industry shaping the skylines and defining the image of the future. WHAT'S NEXT? Do you think your profile matches for this position or for one of the positions listed on our jobsite? Yes? Please apply and send us your up to date CV and references in English. If your CV matches the profile we are looking for you will be invited to our Job Day in Lisbon the 4 th of February 2013. When selected you will receive an invitation by e-mail Wednesday 30 th of January 2013. please apply through our website: on-4-02-2013/

n 9. Senior technical office managers (m/f) (m/v); Description: BESIX is recruiting! For several of our international projects we are looking for experienced engineers and skilled professionals to reinforce our teams in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Qatar, Angola and Azerbaijan. Interested? Apply for our Job Day in Lisbon (Portugal) which will be held the 4 th of February 2013. An overview of all our open positions for the Job Day in Lisbon can be found on the BESIX GROUP website via following link: --lisbon-4-02-2013// Here below you can already find out more about one of the positions we are looking for: Senior technical office manager(m/f): YOUR ROLE You will be responsible for the management of the technical office and will do the follow up of the in situ design and adjustments, planning, method statements, etc. from start to finish. You manage a team of Project and Technical Engineers, ensure proper reporting to project management and make sure all contractual requirements are met. You ensure excellent communication with the client. You report to the Project Manager. YOUR PROFILE You have a Master's degree in Civil Engineering, preferably specialising in Architecture. You have at least 15 years of relevant work experience with a large construction company or main contractor (no consultancy). You have a good knowledge of Primavera 6; other software packages are an asset. You are fluent in English. Arabic, Dutch and French are assets. You identify with our core competencies.You have an entrepreneurial mind, are flexible, innovative and result-oriented and always promote teamwork. You possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind and are always focused on the client. By preference, you are immediately available (within 4 weeks of signing the contract). OUR OFFER Our expatriation employees are offered an attractive remuneration package including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. In addition we provide training and development programs within a professional environment, possibilities to expand your horizon and work on some iconic projects in the civil works and construction industry shaping the skylines and defining the image of the future. WHAT'S NEXT? Do you think your profile matches for this position or for one of the positions listed on our jobsite? Yes? Please apply and send us your up to date CV and references in English. If your CV matches the profile we are looking for you will be invited to our Job Day in Lisbon the 4 th of February 2013. When selected you will receive an invitation by e-mail Wednesday 30 th of January 2013. Please apply through our website: --lisbon-4-02-2013/ n 10. Conseiller qualite ndt (ut) (h/f); Description: En qualité de conseiller qualité, vous validez la conformité du produit par rapport aux requis du client par des contrôles de process, d'environnement et du produit. Vous etes au coeur de l'atelier pour répondre aux problemes qui se posent et vous participez a leur résolution. Pour mener a bien cette mission, vous aurez la responsabilité des tâches suivantes: 1. assurer la qualité du produit (métallique et composites) via le contrôle non destructif (ultrason); 2. collaborer avec la production pour les domaines suivants: -Gestion des priorités; -Sensibilisation des opérateurs a la qualité du produit; -Participation a l'analyse et a la résolution des problemes techniques; -Rédaction de la documentation technique relative au produit et des rapports d'inspection en français et en anglais. Employer Name: SONACA; Information - contact: Patricia Tilmant; Last date for application: 2013-02-18 n 11. Acheteur sous-traitance (h/f); Description: En qualité d'acheteur sous-traitance pour la direction Achats, vous assurez la gestion des achats d'un portefeuille de pieces mécaniques et/ou tôlées en relation avec les fournisseurs. Pour assurer au mieux cette fonction, vous aurez la responsabilité des tâches suivantes: -Participer a la définition et la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie Achats pour des pieces métalliques; -Concevoir et réaliser des actions de marketing-achat appropriées: prospection, visites de fournisseurs et veille technologique; -Sélectionner et agréer les fournisseurs les plus performants (qualité, cout, délais, service); -Assumer les aspects technico-commerciaux et contractuels des achats; -Assurer le suivi et la qualité des livraisons en collaboration avec les clients internes: Bureau d'Etudes, Qualité et Production. Employer Name: SONACA; Information - contact: Patricia Tilmant; Last date for application: 2013-02-18

n 12. Business analyst & architect (h/f); Description: Vous aurez pour mission de traiter et de suivre l'ensemble des demandes relatives *aux systemes SAP ECC (module PP) et MII*, soit: -piloter les projets de développement et d'optimisation des fonctionnalités disponibles sous les systemes SAP et MII intégrés pour supporter la gestion de la Supply Chain, les opérations de production et de maintenance; - participer activement, au sein de l'équipe en place et en tant qu'architecte, a l'amélioration de l'ensemble des processus informatiques supportés par SAP (modules MM, SD, CATS/PS, PM, QM, et FI/CO mais surtout PP); le cas échéant, amener a la remise en question et/ou la refonte de certaines solutions; -assurer le support et la formation des utilisateurs. A cette fin, vous serez amené a: -analyser les besoins fonctionnels des utilisateurs, consigner/transcrire, faire approuver les spécifications technico-fonctionnelles et rédiger les cahiers des charges techniques; -effectuer ou suivre la conception (customisation et/ou développement) jusqu'a la mise en production, en passant par les processus d'acceptation; -suivre les aspects contrôle " Qualité, Cout, Délais " de ces projets, indicateurs a l'appui; -prendre en compte l'intégration des solutions proposées/avec les autres modules SAP et le reste du SI; -recenser les limites et/ou dysfonctionnements du systeme en place et proposer des solutions visant a les résoudre de façon pérenne et évolutive; -documenter les installations concernées, rédiger les procédures et modes opératoires selon la méthodologie définie; -assurer la communication interne et externe sur les processus mis en oeuvre; -participer au développement de l'expertise du service en charge des installations SAP; -assurer le service aux utilisateurs.

n 13. Ingenieur calcul (h/f); Description: En qualité d'ingénieur conception et justification des structures, votre rôle est de participer aux projets en développement, concernant l'idéalisation, le dimensionnement, et la validation de nouvelles structures métalliques/composites (en étroite collaboration avec les services de conception et des matériaux et procédés). Vous contribuerez au développement des modeles Eléments Finis, aux analyses structurales et a l'élaboration des dossiers d'analyse et de justification. Vous contribuerez aux spécifications et rapports techniques sur essais structuraux de validation. Employer Name: SONACA; Information - contact: Patricia Tilmant; Last date for application: 2013-02-18 n 14. Design engineer (h/f); Description: Votre mission consistera a développer ou a faire développer des solutions techniques sous forme de dossiers de définition au sein du service Bureau de Conception impliquant les tâches suivantes: -Réaliser des études de faisabilité ainsi que des études détaillées de structures aéronautiques; -Proposer, analyser et développer de nouvelles solutions compatibles avec le cahier des charges; -Fournir une définition (modeles 3D et plans 2D) orientée moyen de production et optimisant le cout global; -En support du Design Leader, assurer la gestion quotidienne du travail des designers affectés a son équipe (distribution des tâches, support technique, contrôle des plans); -Rédiger des notes techniques synthétisant les différentes études; -Présenter et défendre les intérets de SONACA devant le client. Employer Name: SONACA; Information - contact: Patricia Tilmant; Last date for application: 2013-02-18 n 15. Ingenieur industrialisation achats (h/f); Description: L'ingénieur industrialisation achats aura pour missions d'apporter son expertise dans diverses technologies; ses analyses techniques permettront au département de faire les bons choix QCD. Ses compétences, sa rigueur et son dynamisme en feront un élément décisionnel incontournable. Pour mener a bien ces missions, vous aurez donc les responsabilités de tâches suivantes: -Apporter un support technique aux sous-traitants dans le cadre de dossiers complexes-Auditer techniquement, sélectionner et accompagner les sous-traitants-Gérer des dossiers / projets techniques complexes:-Sous-traitance de systemes complets-Etablir les devis de pieces/systemes dans diverses technologies-Cohérence transversale des familles de pieces-Anticipation des problemes de fabrication-Participer aux négociations commerciales en développant un argumentaire technique-Initier, mettre en place et tenir a jour des KPI et les présenter a la hiérarchie -Amélioration continue:-analyser, proposer, Optimiser (pieces, matieres) -participer activement aux projets de réduction des couts-réaliser les Trade-off technologiques; Employer Name: SONACA; Information - contact: Patricia Tilmant; Last date for application: 2013-02-18

detalii la n 16. Research Professor (tenure track); Job description The assignment consists of lecturing duties, scientific research and academic service to society. During a period, limited to five years (duration of the temporary appointment intenure track), scientific research will be the main activity. • You will join the Bio imaging lab at the University of Antwerp which has an exceptional reputation for non¬invasive in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of small laboratory animals (for reference list see Fout! De hyperlinkverwijzing is ongeldig. The main research focus of the Bio-Imaging lab is life imaging of neurodegeneration, - regeneration (including stem cells and neurogenesis) and neuroplasticity. For the latter they use the songbird model. The Bio-Imaging team moved March 2011 to an exquisite new facility harboring a separate 'Specific Pathogen Free (spf)' and conventional small animal animalarium including aviaries for songbirds. The new facility has 3 high field small animal MRI systems including two 7Tesla (one spf) and one 9.4Tesla system from Bruker, ideally suited for high resolution imaging of all aspects of the rodent brain. The lab also includes in vivo bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging equipment (ideally for monitoring e.g. neurogenesis using lentiviral vector technology) and two micro CT systems from SkyScan. The Bio Imaging belongs to a larger imaging consortium within the University of Antwerp, EGAMI (mirror word for IMAGE;,which enables the team to haveadditional access to the newest microPET/CT/SPECT equipment and microscopy instrumentation (life cell imaging, confocal and electron microscopy). The Bio Imaging Lab wants to attract an outstanding neuroscientist who is seeking opportunities for using in vivo state-of-the ¬art MR imaging techniques to answer specific research questions, who is willing to collaborate with the existing teams, benefiting from the outstanding expertise in this research field, and who is capable of expanding the scientific research on in vivo small animal imaging ongoing in the Bio-Imaging Lab. • You will acquire and manage external funding (national and international); • You will attract and supervise doctoral students; • You will be assigned limited lecturing duties related with imaging and/or neuroscience courses within the Biomedical scienceseducation. Profile and requirements • You hold a doctoral degree (PhD) in neurosciences and/or neuroimaging and have several years of postdoctoral experience; • Having experience in small animal neuro MRI is a bonus; • You have an international academic CV and perform qualitatively outstanding academic research in the targeted field of this application (track record of high impact journals and external funding signaling a creative and productive research mentality); • Your dynamic teaching approach corresponds to the UA educational vision (; • Your academic qualities comply with the requirements stipulated in the university’s policy (; • You are quality-oriented, conscientious, creative, team playing and communicative. We offer • A full-time position as a lecturer in a temporary appointment in the tenure track for a term of five years. This position will lead to an immediate permanent appointment as a senior lecturer if the performance is assessed favourably on the basis of previously fixed and publicly announced evaluation criteria; • Date of appointment: Oktober 1st 2013; • A gross monthly salary ranging from € 3.853,96 - € 5.680,89; • A dynamic and stimulating work environment; • State of the art Small animal MRI instrumentation; • Imbedding in a research team with extensive experience in neuroMRI ( Interested? • Applications may be submitted only online, until the closing February 10th 2013; • The application form must be completed, including a detailed research proposal (mandatory) for the next five years (approx. 5 000 words) and a report of your previous scientific research activities (max. 5 000 words). In addition, you add two abstracts of the scientific content of the research plan – a scientific abstract and an abstract in layman's terms – maximum 500 words (or 4000 characters) each. All documents must be submitted in English; • A pre-selection will be made from the submitted applications. The remainder of the selection procedure is specific to the position and will be determined by the selection committee; • More information about the application form can be obtained from Ellen Huijer (tel. 03 265 31 45) or Robin Wynants (tel. 03 265 31 41); • For questions about the profile and the research, please contact Prof. Annemie Van der Linden (Bio Imaging Lab tel. +32 3 265 2775, secretary: TEL 03 265 27 80); • Further information regarding the special research status can be obtained from Dr. Eric Spruyt, Head of the Research Department (tel. 03 265 30 12); • Further information regarding the terms of the appointment can be obtained from the HR coordinator for academic personnel, Greet Dielis (tel. 03 265 31 53).

n 17. ICT Engineer Software development; Description: DC is a small company specializing in risk analysis. We are currently looking for a software engineer to help develop our new software in risk analysis for motorsports. With your experience in web-based development you will help our company grow from start-up to becoming an established company in the world of motorsports risk analysis. You can work indepent as well as in team and are very flexible. To learn the field of risk analysis and develop the needed software you will recieve an extra education while you work. Help in accomodation can be discussed with the employer. When applying please use reference "DC - software engineer"; n 18. Upholsterer; Description: You will be responsible for renewing modern and traditional furniture (chairs, armchairs, seats) and will carry out the upholstery in accordance with the specifications made (e.g. renewing the springs, stuffing, upholstery and finishing). You will make the patterns and cut fabrics/leather according to these patterns. You will also be involved in the development of new models and/or in adapting the existing collection. You are willing to learn BASIC Dutch. Interested ? Send your CV by mail to n 19. Senior MEP Electrical Engineer; Description: For various international projects, we are constantly looking for experienced MEP professionals. Your function: · You coordinate the MEP project execution works on site with focus on the electrical engineering works with focus on the high voltage works. · You assist in technical coordination meetings with subcontractors and project staff. · You manage a small team of MEP engineers and make sure to follow up deadlines closely. · You will report to the MEP manager. Your Profile · Bachelor or Master degree in electrical engineering engineering. · Minimum of 8 years of relevant experience in a similar position and industry. · You are fluent in English. Arabic, Dutch and French are an asset. · You identify with our core competencies by possessing an entrepreneurial mind, showing flexibility, being innovative and result-oriented while promoting teamwork. · You equally possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind and you are client focused. You will be working in the Middle East. A competitive remuneration package depending on experience including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. In addition we provide training and development programs within a professional environment, possibilities to expand your horizon and work on some iconic projects in the civil works and construction industry shaping the skylines and determining the image of the future. n 20. Senior MEP Mechanical Engineer; Description: For various international projects, we are constantly looking for experienced MEP professionals. Your function: · You coordinate the MEP project execution works on site with focus on all mechanical engineering works (HVAC, others). · You assist in technical coordination meetings with subcontractors and project staff. · You manage a small team of MEP engineers and make sure to follow up deadlines. Your Profile: · Bachelor or Master degree in mechanical engineering with a specialization in HVAC. · Minimum of 8 years of relevant experience in a similar position and industry. · You are fluent in English. Arabic, Dutch and French are an asset. · You identify with our core competencies by possessing an entrepreneurial mind, showing flexibility, being innovative and result-oriented while promoting teamwork. · You equally possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind and you are client focused. You'll work in the Middle East. A competitive remuneration package depending on experience including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. In addition we provide training and development programs within a professional environment, possibilities to expand your horizon and work on some iconic projects in the civil works and construction industry shaping the skylines and determining the image of the future. n 21. Conseiller qualite ndt (ut) (h/f); Description: En qualité de conseiller qualité, vous validez la conformité du produit par rapport aux requis du client par des contrôles de process, d'environnement et du produit. Vous etes au coeur de l'atelier pour répondre aux problemes qui se posent et vous participez a leur résolution. Pour mener a bien cette mission, vous aurez la responsabilité des tâches suivantes: 1. assurer la qualité du produit (métallique et composites) via le contrôle non destructif (ultrason); 2. collaborer avec la production pour les domaines suivants: -Gestion des priorités;-Sensibilisation des opérateurs a la qualité du produit;-Participation a l'analyse et a la résolution des problemes techniques;-Rédaction de la documentation technique relative au produit et des rapports d'inspection en français et en anglais. Employer Name: SONACA; Information - contact: Patricia Tilmant; Last date for application: 2013-02-18

n 22. Senior Site Superintendent Structural Steel Works; Description: For the construction of a football stadium in SaudiArabia, we are looking for a Senior Site Superintendent structural steel works. Your Role: You install and organize the structural steel works on the construction site (logistics, materials, people) You direct all aspects of the day-to-day execution of the project, and you monitor and coordinate work performed by the structural steel superintendents and workmen You lead, coach and manage several skilled and experienced site structural steel engineers You direct work sequencing to expedite project delivery and to minimize disruption of ongoing operations You plan the resources related to the structural steel works You select, audit and supervise subcontractors You maintain regular contact with the customers or their representatives You report directly to the Construction Manager on the progress and output of your own teams and suppliers Your profile: Bachelor or Master degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture By preference you have at least 8 years or more experience as a Senior Site Superintendent working on structural steel works You are fluent in English. Arabic, Dutch and French are an asset You identify with our core competencies by possessing an entrepreneurial mind, showing flexibility, being innovative and result-oriented while promoting teamwork You equally possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind and you are client focused You must have EU nationality or possess a transferable Saudi Iqama (working permit) A competitive remuneration package depending on experience including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. In addition we provide training and development programs within a professional environment, possibilities to expand your horizon and work on some iconic projects in the civil works and construction industry shaping the skylines and determining the image of the future.

n 23. Senior Site Superintendent Mechanical Works (MEP); Description: For the construction of a football stadium Saudi Arabia, we are looking for a Senior Site Superintendent mechanical works (MEP) Your Role: You install and organize the mechanical works on the construction site (logistics, materials, people) You direct all aspects of the day-to-day execution of the project, and you monitor and coordinate work performed by the mechanical superintendents and workmen You lead, coach and manage several skilled and experienced site mechanical engineers You direct work sequencing to expedite project delivery and to minimize disruption of ongoing operations You plan the resources related to the Mechanical Works You select, audit and supervise subcontractors You maintain regular contact with the customers or their representatives You report directly to the MEP Construction Manager on the progress and output of your own teams and suppliers Your profile: Bachelor or Master degree in Mechanical or Electromechanical Engineering By preference you have at least 8 years or more experience as a Senior Site Superintendent working on mechanical works (elevators, fire fighting, etc) You are fluent in English. Arabic, Dutch and French are an asset You identify with our core competencies by possessing an entrepreneurial mind, showing flexibility, being innovative and result-oriented while promoting teamwork You equally possess excellent communication skills, an analytical mind and you are client focused You must have EU nationality or possess a transferable Saudi Iqama (working permit) A competitive remuneration package depending on experience including fringe benefits such as accommodation, transport, flight tickets, school fees for the children, etc. In addition we provide training and development programs within a professional environment, possibilities to expand your horizon and work on some iconic projects in the civil works and construction industry shaping the skylines and determining the image of the future.

01 Februarie 2013

oferte de muncã / cereri de muncã / vânzãri terenuri / case-vile / pagina 9 Sultanate of Oman. We have opened a new institute for Electronic Maintenance for aircrafts in Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman. We are looking for teachers and professors from Romania in these specialties: 1) General English Language; 2) Computer Skills; 3) Specialized English language in electronics; 4) Fundamental sciences; 5) Electricity and electronics; 6) Aircrafts electrical systems; 7) Aviation instruments; 8) Electronics fundamental; 9) Aviation communications; 10) Avition rules and regulations; 11) Human factors and communications. We offer: Good salary, Free residency for singles. The Conditions: No less than 4 years’ experience in all subjects mentioned above; Health medical test; Prefer singles, 1.500 EUR,,, Tel: 0096893878425

é UK (Anglia). Firma londoneza angajeaza mecanici si instalatori de ascensoare, cu experienta, pentru lucrari in strainatate. Pachet salarial atractiv, asigurare medicala si conditii foarte bune de lucru. Sunati zilnic intre 12.00-18.00. Trimiteti CV la e-mail, a.jaeger@asg-london, Tel: 004982714258669

n Doamna fara obligatii, ofer ingrijire doamana bolnava. Am experienta 6 ani si recomandari, Tel: 0735359473

Fost ofiter, experienta inginerie, marketing, administratie, PR, comunicare, germana, franceza, engleza. Seriozitate, corectitudine, perseverenta, autodidact, dorin2000ion@yahoo .de, Tel: 0733593420

n Militari Piata Veteranilor, intravilan, 650mp, toate utilitatile, Tel: 0722260444


é Clinceni, Putul Olteni, particular vand teren cu deschidere la drum principal 25m si deschidere la drum servitute 53m, teren util 1325m, toate utilitatile, 60.000 EUR, Tel: 0762699012 é Berceni proprietar, teren intravilan 360mp (300 mp utili), langa vile noi, iesire Berceni, 120 m de Drumul Judetean, C+I, Puz (p+1+m), zona lacuri agrement, curent electric, plata cash sau rate, Nicu Catalin, 9.990 EUR,,, Tel: 0723569599, 0762481038 é DÂMBOVIÞA, TÃRTêEªTI, LOTURI INTRE CASE 530 MP, GAZE, STALPI DE CURENT TRIFAZIC LA LOTURI, SE POATE CONSTRUI IMEDIAT, URBANISM P+2, 20 MIN DE PTA VICTORIEI PE DN7, AUTOSTRADA 4 BENZI FARA BLOCAJE IN TRAFIC, é Berceni Comuna, str. 10.500 EUR, Primaverii, cartier Eco-land 3, PARTICULAR@TERENURILA proprietar, ocazie, teren PADURE.RO, intravilan 500 mp (400 mp HTTP://WWW.TERENURILAPA utili), acte: c+i, PUZ (p+1+m), DURE.RO, TEL: 0722677873, lacuri agrement, drumuri 0765555614 amenajate, curent la lot, Nicu Catalin, posib. Rate, Dumitrana, 6.500 EUR, Magurele, teren,, Tel: intravilan 2400mp, 0723569599, 0762481038 zona vile, gaze, n Buzãu 44ha pasune, carte accept schimb cu funciara, 1.000 EUR/mp, Tel: 0722260444 diverse, 15 EUR/mp, n Cãþelu, str. Viseul de Sus, urgent, vand casa batraneasca demolabila cu teren generos 400mp, cu viþã de vie plantata, pret discutabil. Merita vazut. Dispune de toate utilitatile, 114 EUR/mp,,, Tel: 0731499412 n Centura, vand teren in marginea Bucurestiului, suprafete intre 200 si 750mp sau mai mari la cerere, 39 EUR, Tel: 0752077761

Tel: 0768612102, 0760587365

n Giurgiu, Plopºoru, teren intre case, pret negociabil, 12 EUR/mp,, Tel: 0721492576, 0723545721 n Gruiu, teren intravilan, lotizat 2x1000 mp, facilitati in proximitate, se poate construi imediat, 12 EUR/mp,, Tel: 0723613212

é Austria, in centrul zonei termale Bad Waltersdorf, zona mirifica, casa parter + 2 etaje, 426mp, gradina 815mp, constructie 1999, piscina, inc alz ire in pardos eala, termopan de lemn, 450.000 EUR, Tel: 436767177491, 0762698180

Braºov, Predeal, pensiune P+E+M, teren 500mp, amprenta 180mp, construcþie la gri, apã, canal, c urent, gaz e, Tel: 0722520460

Clinceni, cartier privat, Ordoreanu, particular vand teren cu casa construita la rosu (schita deosebita), parter 150mp, etaj 110mp, living, dining, 3 dormitoare, 2 bai, teren 520mp cu drum servitute de 8, 5m (bariera intrare), distanta de padure 20m, toate utilitatile, 105.000 EUR, Tel: 0762699012

Constanþa, Almãlãu, casa cu 8 camere, anexe, vita-de-vie, curte 2000mp, apa curenta, 25.000 RON, Tel: 0766374432

pagina 10 / vânzãri case-vile / garsoniere / 2 camere

n Vidra Ilfov, particular vând casã, 3 camere, bucãtãrie, luminã, fântânã, deschidere 20m, teren 2000mp, Tel: 0767782653, 0733151433

n Dâmboviþa, sat Patroaia Vale, vand vila 1000mp, nefinisata, 80km de Bucuresti, 21.000 EUR, Tel: 0764395389

Ciprian é Dorobanþilor, Porumbescu nr 4, vand vila compusa din 7 camere, 3 bai, 3 bucatarii, pe 3 nivele (demisol, etaj 1 si mansarda parterul detint de alt proprietar) in suprafata totala de 230mp. Interioarele sunt nefinisate, 249.000 EUR,, Tel: 0723175939

n Giurgiu Bâcu Dragomireºti, casã din cãrãmidã P+M la cheie, toate utilitãþile, gaz, apã, fosã, pivniþã, teren 500mp, discutabil, 62.000 EUR, Tel: 0722325373, 0724341829

é Militari-Rosu proprietar, imobilul este disponibil pentru mutare imediat, are toate actele facute, acces pe drum de servitute cu latimea de 4m, beneficiaza de put cu adancimea de 50m, canalizare, gaze, electricitate, iar dotarile includ: usa metalica, gresie, faianta, parchet laminat, tavane false, aer conditionat, DigiTv, telefon. Casa este construita din caramida Porotherm de 25cm, are acoperisul din Lindab, termosistem, curte amenajata, podul este mansardabil cu o suprafata de aproximativ 60mp, piscina este inclusa in pret, dar nemontata.Imobilul se vinde complet mobilat (Mobexpert) si utilat.Accept schimb cu apartament de 3 sau 4 camere + diferenta.Pret Negociabil, 199.000 EUR,, Tel: 0766269183

é Obor, vand Casa P+3 Constructie 2006 complet mobilata 400mp P+3. Pentru detalii contactati-ma,, Tel: 0764009499

c omplex é Pipera, imobiliar. de vanzare casa p+1+M, 4 camere, 3 bai, bucatarie, 2 terase, gradina 60mp. Complexul este format din 250 vile si paza 24h. Se v inde mobilata, 1 4 8 . 0 0 0 E U R , c o s t e l _ d _ t a n a s e @ y, Tel: 0723553726 Prahov a Predeal, in apropiere de pârtie, particular, vand vila p+1+m, 150mp, intrari separate, imbunatatiri, teren 350mp, 0213351000, 90.000 EUR, Tel: 0744152433, 0744640168 n Prahova, Sinaia, vila deosebita cu terasa anexa, teren sport, sauna, drumul spre Cota, cu teren cca 3000 mp, cu aprobare de constructie Hotel in aceiasi locatie. Pret negociabil, 1 EUR, Tel: 0722560760

n Teleorman, Siliºtea Gumesti, casa 2 camere, hol, bucatarie, fanar, livada pomi, teren 1600mp la asfalt. Ideal, pentru pensionari sau pentru cei care vor sa retraga la tara, 8.000 EUR, Tel: 0721586818

n Alba Iulia Piata vand apartament 2 camere, constructie 2010, Tel: 0744545847 n Alba Iulia Piata vand apartament 2 cam, parter, si 3 cam gen penthouse, in bloc de lux, constructie 2010, Tel: n Drumul Taberei, langa Billa, 0744545847 garsoniera cf.I, et. 9, balcon, pret fix, 30.000 EUR, Tel: 0729233740 Basarabiei Arena Nationala, Drumul Taberei, vand n 8/10, bloc 87, reabilitat, garsoniera mobilata, acte parchet, termopane, liber, la zi, totul functional, 51.800 EUR, Tel: 0722628256 Basarabiei, Complex Noor, mobilier, aparatura noua, n vand apartament 2 camere, et 8/11, 80 mp, constructie 2008, 45.000 EUR, Tel: 0744545847 ramo_baby4u@ particular, 2 n Berceni, Tel: camere, complex Huedin, et. 3/4, 50mp, usa metalica, 0723228215 termopane, bloc izolat, negociabil, 43.000 EUR,, Tel: n Militari, zona piaþa Gorjului, 0745254406 etaj 1, decomandatã, n Braºov, Poiana Braºov, termopane, balcon inchis, aer vand apartament 2 camere condiþionat, et. 7/9, bloc mixt, renovat si cheie.pret 40.000 EUR, Tel: 0724526154 negociabil, 1 EUR, Tel: 0722560760 n Bucureºtii Noi sect. 1, et. 1, bloc 1 Mai (Mihalache), Av decomandat, reabilitat termic, centralã Popisteanu, particular, termicã, 55.000 EUR, Tel: vand garsoniera dubla 0726846348 n Bucureºtii Noi vis-a-vis in vila cu curte Teatru Masca, et. 2/10, gresie, separata, suprafata faianta, parchet, termopane, balcon inchis, 57mp, liber, 38mp, dependinta 52.000 EUR, Tel: 0723137681 22mp, curte 20mp, n Bucureºtii Noi, apartamente 2 camere decomandate, 69.000 EUR, Tel: bucatarie inchisa, constructie 0213444062, 0212207835 2012, foarte aproape metrou parc Bazilescu, direct dezvoltator. 57000E - 60000E, Tel: 0765266209

n Cantemir particular, 50 mp, renovat recent. decomandat, et. 6/7, vedere stradala, é 13 Septembrie, Sebastian, 61.000 Euro negociabil, Tel: Prosper, proprietar, 40 mp, 0735352774 conf 1, decomandat, et. 3/8, balcon, 1988, intabulare, cadastru, energetic, n Dristor vand apartament 2 37.800 EUR,, Tel: camere confort 1 decomandat, Tel: 0722250586 0720621100

01 Februarie 2013

n Giurgiului, vand apartament 2 camere, semidecomandat, etaj 5/10, mobilat, discutabil, 38.000 EUR, Tel: 0746265894 é Titan bloc 2006, 2 camere decomandat, parchet masiv, gresie si faianta Italia, centrala proprie, aer conditionat, usa metalica, usi interior lemn. Bucatarie deschisa mobilata. Baie mobilata. 5 min metrou, 64.000 EUR,, Tel: 0731200697

é Iancului, vand apart. 2 camere renovat complet si are imbunatatiri. Bloc 1981. Et 5/8. Pret 68.000 euro, 0722302444

é Mihalache Ion, Aviator Popisteanu, Apartament 2 camere confort I, semidecomandat 9/10, zugravit recent, gresie, faianta, termopane, rulouri exterioare, usa intrare metalica, mobilat partial, A/C, 53.000 EUR,, Tel: 0742090992


Titan Parc, langa Magazinul Titan, vedere panoramica parc , rec ent renov at. 59.900E. Agentia imobiliara Geogogr, Tel: 0728111415 n Titan Th.Pallady, 2 camere, 5/10, imbunatatiri, pozitie stradala, 47.500 euro negociabil, 0725186384, Tel: 0725186384

n 1 Decembrie Bd, Pallady, Aleea Livezilor nr. 18, apartament 2 camere confort 2, dotari: aer conditionat, geamuri termopan, cada hidromasaj, usi schimbate, discutabil, 28.000 EUR, Tel: 0732401943

n Alba Iulia Piata vand apartament 3 camere gen penthouse, constructie 2010, Tel: 0744545847 n Alexandriei vand casa la curte, 3 camere, cu gaze, Tel: 0769770129

n Bãneasa, Antena1, str. Dobrogeanu Gherea, ap 3 camere, 90mp, 2 bai, balcon, etaj1, finisaje lux. Vand sau schimb cu teren in zona Damaroaia, Bucurestii Noi, Domenii, Mihalache, 90.000 €,, Tel: 0765477415 n Berceni zona linistita, 3/4. decomandat, amenajat modern la cheie, spatios, liber, variante, 58.500E, Tel: 0741579051, 0733840424 n Berceni, apartament 3 camere, 1/8, imbunatatiri, fara intermediar, 67.500 EUR, Tel: 0728064333

n Cornetu, centru, vand apartament 3 camere sau schimb cu Bucuresti, fara asociate, Tel: 0767970129

01 Februarie 2013

vânzãri 3-4-5 camere / spaþii / schimburi / cumpãrãri imobile / închirieri imobile / pagina 11 n Lacul Tei, sector 2, in spatele Institutului de Constructii, proprietar vand apartament 3 camere, constructie 1987, semidecomandat. 2 bai, vedere lac, parc, 79.000 EUR, Tel: 0722355627

n Colentina, Bucur Obor, vand ap 3 camere 75mp, confort 1, decomandat, 4/10, vedere spre parc Primaria sect 2, 1 min de statia metrou Obor, deasupra magazinului Tip Top, balconul mare, 75.000 EUR,, Tel: 0762562293

é Drumul Taberei urgent Valea Ialomitei, 2 bai, bloc 1979, 9/10. centrala, AC, T+P+G+F, UM, stare buna, cadastru si intabulare. Accept credit, 52.000 EUR, ramonaadrianaganea@yahoo. com, Tel: 0724572700

n Ghencea, particular vand apartament 3 cam, CF 1, 2 bai, gresie, faianta, parchet, termopane, aer conditionat, renovat recent, balcon închis termopan, et 5/8 in bloc din 1983, stradal, 67.000 EUR,, Tel: 0724460971, 0724211024

é Ghencea, vand ap 3 camere, semidecomandat, 10/10, 1985, 74 mp, gresie, faianta, parchet, termopane, instalatii electrice si sanitare schimbate recent, usa metalica, terasament facut recent, bloc civilizat si f bine intretinut. Accept si schimb cu ap 2 camere sau garsoniera cu spatiul locuibil mai mare, plus diferenta, 62.000 EUR,, Tel: 0766776446

é Gara de Nord, vis-a-vis de Gara, Bd. Dinicu Golescu, apartament 3 camere + dependinte; Arie construita: 67, 30 mp + balcon (3, 54 mp) = 70, 84; Arie utila = 60, 09 mp; Blocul construit in 1960 are 7 etaje si lift cu selectie automata comenzi, are structura in cadre si z idarie de caramida, plansee de beton armat, sistem de incalzire Radet, grup sanitar cu baie, instalatie electrica si bucatarie cu racordare la gaze (are apometre, nu are repartitoare in bloc). Spatiul este intretinut dar nu s-au realizat imbunatatiri/ renovari. Datorita unei bune administrari costurile de intretinere sunt minimale iar confortul termic este asigurat in conditii optime pe toata perioada rece (Octombrie - Aprilie). Destinatia de baza: apartament locuinta, destinatia actuala: sediu firma, birouri proiectare. Se poate cumpara de catre persoana fizica sau persoana juridica, eventual si predare societate cu sediul in apartament (2005). Locatie deosebita pentru contacte firme cu parcare comuna intre blocuri. Pret negociabil, 6 5 . 0 0 0 E U R , arhintex_arhinvest@, Tel: 0727320025, 0213161319

é Griviþei, Pta Chibrit, Semidec omandat 5/7, Reabilitat termic, renovat, termopan, alarma, usa metal, usi interior noi, parchet, parcare ADP, Negociabil, Intabulare, Cadastru. Foto pe site, 6 2 . 0 0 0 E U R ,,, Tel: 0768391718, 0744375883

n Iancului 77mp utili, dec, termopan, termoizolatie, stradal, dubla vedere, liber, urgent, exclus agentii, 46.000 EUR, Tel: 0734749118, 0752702447

é Militari, Gorjului, semidecomandat; et. 4/4; 70mp; lux; AC, centrala Viessman calorifere noi, alarma, parchet masiv, termopan lemn; instalatie electrica noua, 75.000 EUR, ciprianzeca@, Tel: 0754070766

n Foiºorul de Foc str. Zece Mese, 5 camere, confort 1, 1930, 190mp, parter in vila p+1 compus din 5 camere si dependinte, Tel: 0744676268 n Foiºorul de Foc, str. Zece Mese, cf. 1, 1930, 190mp, parter vila (P+1) compus din 5 camere + dependinte, Tel: 0744676268

n Brâncoveanu

Giurgiului, str Luica nr 120, sector 4, vand spatiu comercial, stradal, Tel: 0722235195, 0722246890

n Militari, Gorjului, proprietar, vand apartament 3 camere, 3/10, conf. 1, decomandat, 70mp, bl. 1979, 2 gr.sanitare, 2 balcoane, g+f+p+t+um, aer conditionat, mobilat, 69.000 EUR, Tel: 0721276577

n Sãlaj, str. Humulesti, nr. 2, sector 5, proprietar, vand apartament 3 camere, etaj 8/10, negociabil, 40.000 EUR, Tel: 0743535010 n Sebastian parc, vand apartament 3 camere, confort I, 5/8, decomandat, constructie 2001, pret discutabil, 85.000 EUR, Tel: 0722239087, 0728211179

n Unirii Traian, vand apartament 3 camere, parter, termopane, centrala de apartament, pret negociabil, 47.000 EUR, Tel: 0720857704

n Central, plec din tara, garsoniera, mobilat, tot confortul, oameni seriosi. Jean-Claude, Tel: 0762746710 n Coºbuc rond, garsoniera la curte, 32mp, decomandata, mobilata, Vand sau schimb utilata, aer conditionat, casa langa Valenii de gresie, faianta, parchet, incalzire Munte (Prahova) cu termopane, centrala, 900 RON/luna, Tel: apartament sau bani, 0745008041 Tel: 0768577325 n Decebal, Muncii, proprietar, bloc mixt, dec, 40 mp, cf 1, et 5, vedere in spate, recent renovata modern, tv digi + internet wi-fi, scara curata, interfon si monitorizare, intrare din bulevard si din spate, locuri de parcare fata spate, tranvai, metrou, autobuz, 100m, 340 EUR, Tel: n Bucureºti, particular cumpãr 0728110384 în rate, direct de la proprietar, casã (vilã), chiar/ºi cele n Dristor, Baba Novac, executate silit, construcþie Posta, Unitatii, 3/10, dupã 1995, Tel: 0722797759 Schimb apartament 2 cam. ultracentral in Constanta cu ap. 2 cam. ultracentral Bucuresti, Tel: 0744574788

decomandat, 36mp, parchet, um, masina spalat, mobilat frumos, pentru 1-2 pers. 200Ex2, 0723713816, 0216442571

n Mihai Bravu, Racari, 5/8, bloc 85, 90mp, 2 gr. sanitare, 2 balcoane, centrala proprie, liber, 72.900 €, 0722628256

n Pantelimon, Morarilor, apartament 4 camere, 11/14, 1979, vedere Lac, lipit de parcul Morarilor, ap decomandat, 3 balcoane mari, 88mp locuibili, 102mp cu tot cu balcoane, 2 bai, centrala de apartament noua, apa contorizata, 2 lifturi, scara fff curata. Fara Agentii! 71.000 €, Tel: 0730166661

n Colentina inchiriez camera la curte, utilitati, 400 RON, Tel: 0768372103 n Crângaºi camerã la curte, intrare separatã, Tel: 0761616266 pensionari n Iancului, inchiriem o camera din doua unui salariat/ate, conditii é Drumul Taberei, Favorit, garsoniera, 2/10, g + f + p + t, excelente, Tel: 0769642679 um, mobilata, canapea, sifonier, birou, utilata- aragaz, frigider, masina spalat, cuptor microunde, cablu TV, internet, 210 EUR/luna,, Tel: 0729882698 metrou, n Energeticienilor n Brâncoveanu nr.9-11 Oltenitei casa curte, 2 camere langa Real Vitan, proprietar semidecomandate, g, f, p, t, inchiriez garsoniera utilata si buc separata utilata, baie mobilata lux, comuna, 700 ron/chiria + 500 1.000 RON/luna, Tel: ron/garantia, Tel: 0723713816, 0732513855 0216442571 n Fizicienilor, proprietar ofer garsoniera, etaj 5/10, mobilata, utilata, parchet, balcon inchis, 200E plus garantie, 200 EUR/luna, Tel: 0770333092, 0761323663

Cumpar apartament la parter 2-3 camere cu vad pentru salon infrumusetare, Tel: 0729342004 n Lacul Tei cumpar apartament 2-3 camere, suprafata 50-60mp particular ofer pe loc 40-50mii euro, Tel: 0722504033

n Drumul Taberei garsoniera curata, mobilata, g, f, p, um, fara intermediari, tel dupa ora 18.00, 180 EUR/luna, Tel: 0736525582 n Drumul Taberei, Piata Celibidache (fosta Moghioros) garsoniera gresie, faianta, termopan, usa metalica, A/C, curata, libera, mobilata, complet utilata, 200 EUR,, Tel: 0730587345

é Giulesti cartier rezidential Dolce Vita, garsoniera de lux in vila, mobilata, utilata, balcon, loc parcare, centrala termica, termopan, usa metalica, 1.000 RON/luna, Tel: 0723290887 n Giuleºti, inchiriez o camera la curte, etaj, baie proprie, acces bucatarie, incalzire centrala, pret negociabil, Tel: 0721351542 n Grigorescu metrou, inchiriez garsoniera mobilata, et10, minim 6 luni, chirie anticipat, Tel: 0765821177

é Nerva Traian Octavian Goga, particular inchiriez garsoniera stradal utilata si mobilata complet lux et 3/8, 350 EUR/luna,, Tel: 0724254224 n Splaiul Unirii, Camera de Comert, proprietar inchiriez garsoniera mobilata amenajata, 1.500 RON/luna, Tel: 0727847705, 0744494392 n Titan, zona Policlinica Titan sector 3, inchiriez garsoniera complet utilata, Tel: 0722315556

pagina 12 / închirieri oferte garsoniere / 2-4 camere / spaþii comerciale / cereri / auto-moto particular, n Universitate, garsonierã 28mp, mobilatã – dotatã modern, uºã metalicã, termopan, gresie, faianþã, parchet, 225 EUR, Tel: 0722388563 Mall inchiriez n Vitan garsoniera mobilata, utilata, geam termopan, gresie, parchet, stradal, 280 EUR/luna,, Tel: 0722194973

n Berceni, Sun Plaza, 2 camere decomandat, nemobilat, faianta, gresie, parchet, aer conditionat. 0726209520, Tel: 0724034109, 0213107778 n 13 Septembrie, Novaci, 2 camere, 64mp, mobilat modern, utilat complet, 1+1, 350 EUR/luna, 0733022568

é Baneasa, Ion Ionescu de la Brad, apartament 2 camere mobilat si utilat complet, ultramodern, parter, zona linistita, 380 EUR,, Tel: 0731113256 n Berceni apartament 2+1 camere, etaj 1, stare exceptionala, se preteaza pentru cabinet medical, Tel: 0722333207 n Drumul Taberei etaj 1, decomandat, mobilã nouã, aragaz, frigider, urgent, Tel: 0728005657, 0748959515 n Floreasca proprietar, zona linistita Parc GaribaldiKaufland, bloc 3 nivele gen vila, toate dotarile, 260 EUR/luna, Tel: 0744483067, 0765455725 n Floreasca, Parc Garibaldi Kaufland, bloc 3 nivele gen vila, toate dotarile, proproietar, zona linistita, 260 EUR/luna, Tel: 0744483067, 0765455725

é Iancului, 2 cam sd mobilat renovat in ap de 3 cam et6 contorizat bloc 1982, varianta inchiriere 3 cam sau vanzare 3 cam 1050 euro mp, 250 EUR/luna, 0744317850

n Militari particular, stradal, Iuliu Maniu 71, bloc reabilitat, curat, contorizat, utilat+mobilat, usa metalica, cablu, internet, Tel: 0744118569 n Obor, inchiriez apartament 2 camere renovat, toate utilitatile, et. 3/4, 250 EUR/luna, Tel: 0763662911 inchiriez n Panduri, apartament 2 camere stradal, decomandat, confort 1, mobilat si utilat. Pret 1+1, 280 EUR/luna, Tel: 0766329941 Rahova, n Sebastian, apartament 2 camere, confort I, decomandat, et. 5/8, mobilat, utilat, 230 €/luna, 0786623043 n Turda, 1 Mai, proprietar, confort 1, decomandat, izolat termic, utilat, mobilat, AC, geamuri, termopan, gresie, faianta, negociabil, 390 EUR, Tel: 0748146749

n Brâncoveanu Giurgiului, str Luica nr 120, sector 4, inchiriez spatiu comercial, stradal, Tel: 0722235195, 0722246890 n Brâncoveanu spatiu 150 mp. Se preteaza la multiple activitati, Tel: 0721898817 n Giurgiului Toporasi, inchiriez é Otopeni, inchiriez spatiu comercial 80mp stradal, restaturant cu 2 etaje o Tel: 0723330690 capacitate de circa 80 de persoane complet mobilat Giurgiului, vis-a-vis bucatarie toate facilitatile necesare, 1.800 EUR/luna, Piaþa Progresul,, clãdire birouri 700mp Tel: 0764009499 clasa A -Ds+P+3 n Prelungirea Ghencea, 1) spatiu stradal, etaje, perete cortinã, Inchiriez aproximativ 20mp, toate utilitatile. climã, încãlzire Pret 350 euro negociabil. 2) Inchiriez spatiu/garaj stradal centralã, 380W, 30mp, toate utilitatile. Pret 350 telefon, internet, euro negociabil, 350 EUR/luna,, Tel: parcare 20 locuri, 0723651125 preþ discutabil, Unirii -Fântâni, particular, n Rahova inchiriez spatiu 8 EUR/mp, Tel: 2 camere, vedere comercial, 40mp, stradal, vad excepþionalã, 65 mp, et. 3/7, comercial, trafic auto si 0722100011 complet utilat ºi mobilat pietonal, toate utilitatile, Tel: nou, lux, lãmpi cristal n Ialomiþa, Slobozia, inchiriere 0767634447 Boemia, bucãtãrie franke, spatiu comercial 75 mp, utilitati n Timpuri Noi in piata, de aer condiþ ionat, ultramoderne, curent 380v, inchiriat spatiu 15mp dedicat monitorizare alarmã, loc alarma, aer cond. Pentru pescariei, cu camera frigorifica cazino, banca, farmacie, 10mp, Tel: 0213317670 parcare, Tel: 0733106680 cabinet medical, notariat, etc, n Voluntari, Metro, la curte, Tel: 0727965205 particular, 2 camere+ n MIHAI BRAVU bucatarie, mobilate, incalzire lemne, Tel: 0724788667 PROPRIETAR,


é Bãneasa Penthouse Nord, 5/5, 250mp, constructie 2007, finisaje superlux (granit, marmura, parchet masiv), vedere superba lac, loc parcare, complet mobilat si utilat, doar agentii, exclus site promovare, 1.500 €/luna, 0744561746 n Militari Apusului, confort 2, mobilat, utilat, 250 Euro/lunã sau vânzare 56000 Euro, Tel: 0723966893, 0771304450

Afumaþi, DN2, 12000mp, inchiriem spatii comerciale, depozite, birouri, proprietar, pret atractiv-sub zona, parcare, show-room, Tel: 0734902647, 0213194933

n Olteniþei nr 115 si Vacaresti nr 201- cedam spatiu casa Amanet utilat complet, autorizatii, Tel: 0767043543, 0744331478

n Caut chirie garsoniera confort 1, 2, sector 3 (preferabil Titan, 1 Decembrie, Salajan, Balta Alba dar nu exclud alte zone). Curata, mobilata sau partial mobilata (minim pat, frigider, televizor). Termen lung. Rog seriozitate (prioritate proprietari). Ofer maxim 700 RON (pot oferi anticipat chiria in functie de pret). Vizionari dupa ora 16.30 (sambata, duminica toata ziua), 700 RON,, Tel: 0727133692

é Subaru Forester, sg/sg5; an fabricatie 2007; km: 95.000; caroserie a/c break; nr. locuri 5; capacitate cilindrica (cm3) 1994; putere kw 116; benzina; tractiunea 4 x 4; culoare gri metalizat (originala). Dotari: proiectoare de ceata; geamuri electrice fata/ spate; inchidere centralizata; sistem antifurt electronic; aer conditionat (clima); trapa plafon; jante de aliaj usor; radio cd (cd changer si 7 boxe); anvelope 5 buc; nr. chei: 2; unic proprietar (persoana juridica); pret (in lei) negociabil, se adauga TVA, 7.000 EUR, arhintex_arhinvest, Tel: 0727320025, 0213161319 n Citroen C4 Coupe producþie Franþa, 1.6 diesel, negru, toate reviziile efectuate la zi, carte service, 127.000km reali, stare ireproºabilã, înmatriculatã RO, 4.300 EUR, Tel: 0767232887

01 Februarie 2013

é Peugeot 307 2.0 Hdi break, oferta limitata (valabila doar in perioada 01.02.2013 08.02.2013). Prima insciere iunie 2005, Computer de bord; Închidere centralizata; Radio/CD; Volan reglabil, ABS; Alarma; Controlul tractiunii; ESP, Comenzi volan; Geamuri colorate; Geamuri electrice. Este un motor extrem de fiabil, puternic. Costuri de intretinere mici (comparativ cu alte marci). Merita achizitionat. Pragul spate dreapta putin indoit (usor de reparat). Alte detalii la telefon, 2.500 EUR,, Tel: 0729006626

é Logan, Supernova, Dacia, Cielo, Matiz Tico, Citroen, Chevrolet, Renault, Opel, Skoda, Solenza, Peugeot. 1994. Si cu mici defecte, Tel: 0212551102, 0721309765

é Piese auto import

noi, dezmembrãri absolut orice marcã, Tel: 0744495564, 0722640080

01 Februarie 2013

electro / matrimoniale femei / prietenie-mariaj / pagina 13

é Show 100 % real. Te plictisesti si tot cauti pe net ca sa scapi de plictiseala, suna-ne, iti garantam clipe relaxante si placute, alaturi de 2 fete cu chef de sex, oral, normal, anal (show lesby real), 150 RON/ora, Tel: 0720344241

é Calculatoare laptopuri, monitoare, imprimante noi, second-hand, garantie, service. Vand, angeloangeloo@,, Tel: 0722213283, 0765476882

é Vand sistem Dynacord Max 5, Boxe Dynacord F 150 (2 bucati) 400W; Boxe Dynacord F8 (2 bucati) 500W; Mixer Dynacord CMS 1000; Putere Dy nac ord PM 2600 (2600W); Puterea si mixerul sunt in Case. Arata si functioneaza ireprosabil. Pret usor negociabil. 6.150 €, 0741204608

monitoare n Achiziþionam televizoare lcd calculatoare, laptopuri componente nefurate asigur transportul inclusiv weekend. 0746283201, Tel: 0723984654, 0768790654 garantat: n Cumpãrãm Tv-LCD, laptop, camerã video, GPS, iPhone, tabletã, magnetofon, aparat foto digital, é Blonda sexy! La mine ai parte de mult respect, rasfat, diverse, Tel: 0785699822 igiena, discretie si nu te grabesc sunt 100 % reala “si nu sunt doar vorbe” convinge-te: anal, normal si oral neprotejat! 150 RON/ora, Tel: 0736857814

Cumpar laptop, tableta, led tv laptop, tableta, gps, home cinema, aparate foto, camere video, videoproiector, sony vaio. Convenabil, 0721939023, 0761038905,

é Nimfomana! Asteapta sa ma vezi... sunt sexy si atragatoare imi place foarte mult sa fac persoanele sa se simta fff bine cu mine, 150 RON/ora, Tel: 0721998508


Reparatii frigidere casnice si comerciale, congelatoare, c onv enabil, garantie, 0212328660, Tel: 0728247631, 0722565401

é Bunã rãu! Ma consider o fire sociabila, fara inhibitii, fara fitze, si dornica tot timpul de ceva nou, oral deep, normal si Anal in diferite pozitii. Sigur vei reveni! 150 RON/ora, Tel: 0723934502

é Buna rau! Te astept intr-un ambient intim si discret pentru a fi ghidul tau pe culmile placerilor. Sex oral si normal in diferite pozitii, 150 RON/ora, Tel: 0762567888

é Reala 100%, lucrez absolut singura pe cont propriu, pozele sunt ale mele. Doriti discretie, placere, relaxare, fara batai de cap, fara probleme? Atunci contactati-ma. Sex total, pupici, 150 RON/ora, Tel: 0731152484

é Superba! Adina! Daca te-ai saturat de escorte grabite si fitoase, vino la mine pt a iti oferi o ora de neuitat! 150 RON/ora, Tel: 0734811449

é Barbat divortat, simpatic, 48ani/1, 74m/80kg doresc sa cunosc o doamna draguta, gospodina 38-45ani pentru prietenie-casatorie. Rog seriozitate, Tel: 0723474101 n Divorþat 53 ani, 1, 70/68kg, caut partenerã pentru prietenie, cãsãtorie, cu un copil minor, prezentabilã, maxim 45 ani, 0726933784 n Doamna deosebita, ocazie unica, 48 ani, intelectuala, 1 copil, caut intelectual pana in 55ani, cu situatie materiala, dornic de casatorie, 0769837086 n Doamna foarte serioasa, 62ani doresc sa cunosc un domn serios, peste 64ani, in vedere prieteniei, eventual casatorie, Tel: 0724980350 n Doamna 63 ani, fizic placut, vaduva, pensionara, fara vicii, fara obligatii doresc vaduv pentru casatorie, conditii asemanatoare, 0720375287

é Doi colegi, sefi promotie, 75 respectiv 78ani, electonist / problemist sah-mate, dorim cunostinta doamne de varste apropiate, profa mate, inclusiv convietuire, independenta, Tel: 0771227214, 0318006320 n Domn in varsta de 84ani, f.f.f. serios, situatie bunicica doresc cunostinta o doamna f.f serioasa pentru discutii de prietenie si cunoastere, Tel: 0216887600 n German doreste sa cunoasca tanara doamna, in scopul casatoriei, 004915730387702 n Italian in Romania cu afaceri doresc sa cunosc o fata pentru prietenie si ajutor reciproc, Tel: 0764478574 Pensionar, singur, 1.70m, 75ani, serios, manierat, doresc sa cunosc o doamna 1.65m, 70ani, serioasa, care dores te sa alunge singuratatea pentru restul vietii, Tel: 0730723780

é Pens ionar, s ingur, 1.70m, 75ani, s erios , manierat, doresc sa cunosc o doamna 1.65m, 70ani, serioasa, care doreste sa alunge singuratatea pentru restul vietii, 0730723780 n Prezentabil, fizic placut, 45/1.80/80, sentimental, sufletist, fara obligatii, divortat, nevicios, serviciu, locuinta, doresc partenera viata serioasa, stabila, draguta, pasionata calatorii, 0767606056

pagina 14 / animale / pierderi / citaþii-licitaþii / afaceri firme

n Pierdut carnet de student pierdut emis de facultatea Spiru Haret, pe numele Meleanca Dana Costina. Il declar nul,

Pierdut act concesiune cimitirul parohiei Buna Vestire Bellu, pe numele Cozma Vlad. Il declar nul,



n Costel Import Export SRL, J40/13593/1991, CUI 3324427 a pierdut certificatele constatatoare de la sediul social din Bucuresti, sector 1, Bdul Manta nr 25 si de la punctul de lucru din Bucuresti, sector 3, Bdul Octavian Goga nr 2, bloc tronson 1, et 7 si anexele de la punctele de lucru din Bucuresti, sector 1, B-dul Magheru nr 29; Bucuresti, sector 1, Pta Romana nr 9, parter; Bucuresti, sector 1, Calea Victoriei nr. 91-93; Bucuresti, sector 1, Sos Pipera nr. 4; Bucuresti, sector 1, sos Nicolae Titulescu nr 88, parter, ap 2. Le declara nule, Tel: 0752300252

n Pierdut cereri de asigurare seria AXA nr. 707320, 707321, 707328 si FAN nr. 15047, 15048, 15050. Le declar nule, n Pierdut proces verbal de primire a locuintei incheiat 01.07.1992, pe numele Ionescu Ion si Elena. Il declar nul, n Pierdut contract inchiriere si proces verbal predare primire pe numele Mali Cristiana. Le declar nule, n Pierdut Certificat Constatator nr. 286619/2005 punct lucru Paºcani str Gãrii nr. 11, bl.G3 parter judeþul Iaºi al firmei Dalcom Co SRL, CUI 15458970, J40/6952/2003, n SC Grant Taxi Service declar pierdut certificat de agreare seria OBT8 nr. 9679. Il declar nul,

n Judecatoria Sector 3 Bucuresti. Sedinta din Camera de Consiliu din 18.12.2012. Indreptare eroare materiala strecurata in Sentinta Civila nr. 13202/29.08.2012 Dosar 40544/301/2011, publicata in ziarul Anunt AZ din 14.12.2012, pag. 13. Pentru aceste motive, in numele Legii, dispune: Admite cererea formulata de catre petenta Boghita Marioara, domiciliata in Bucuresti, str. Parfumului nr. 28, et. 3, ap. 11b, sector 3, in contradictoriu cu Stoianovici Gabriel, domiciliat in Bucuresti, str. Parfumului nr. 28, et. 2, ap. 9, sector 3. Dispune indreptarea erorii materiale strecurate in sentinta civila nr. 13202 din 29.08.2012, pronuntata in dosarul nr. 40544/301/2011, in sensul ca la adresa intimatului se va trece Bucuresti, str. Parfumului nr. 28, et. 2, ap. 9, sector 3, in loc de str. Parfumului nr. 28, et. 3, ap. 11b. Cu drept de apel in termen de 15 zile de la comunicare. Pronuntata in sedinta publica, azi, 18.12.2012. Presedinte: Georgeta Coman. Grefier: Cristina Bucur,

Lichidatorul judiciar numit in dosarul 1083/93/2012 – al Tribunalului Ilfov – sectia civila, debitoare SC Mega Cargo SRL, cu sediul in str. Livezi nr. 6, bl. T 1-5, sc. 2, et. 3, ap. 21, Popesti Leordeni, jud. Ilfov, inmatriculata la Reg. Com. sub numarul J23/316/2006, cod unic de inregis trare 18403383, notific a debitoarei, asociatilor, creditorilor, ONRC, ORC Il f o v , propunerea formulata, in s entinta c iv ila din 24.01.2013, de intrare in faliment prin procedura simplificata, pronuntata de judec ator s indic , desemnandu-se ca lichidator judiciar Best Insolvency SPRL, Tel: 0213308399, 0723310054, Fax : 0213303372 n Paratul Cirlig Relu Daniel cu domiciliul in Bucuresti str. Livezilor nr. 24, bl. 35, et. 2, ap. 126, sector 5 este chemat in judecata de catre Ion Verona domiciliat in Bucuresti sector 5, in Dosar nr. 30155/302/2012 din 31 ianuarie, n SC AQ Classic SRL, cu sediul în Bucureºti, str. Academiei nr. 4-6, sc. 1, et. 1, ap. 2, sect. 1, este chematã în instanþã, cam 121, 6-C3, in ziua de 18.02.2013. ora 8.30, in calitate de intervenient, în proces cu Sc Sky Technology Consult SRL-reclamant ºi Toma Dobriþa pârâtã, pentru fond-pretenþii, în dosarul nr. 12927/300/2011, aflat pe rolul judecãtoriei sector 2 Bucureºti, bd. Unirii nr. 37, sector 3,

01 Februarie 2013

garantat: n Achiziþionez Tv-LCD, laptop, camerã video, GPS, iPhon, tabletã, magnetofon, aparat foto digital, diverse, Tel: 0785699822

é Doamna cumpãr picturã româneascã ºi strãinã, argintãrie, sticlã semnatã, porþelan, mic mobilier, obiecte din bronz ºi antimoniu, etc, Tel: 0721491271, 0214113048

é Navomodele plantat la pescuit. Navomodele direct la producator. Constructii Reparatii Navomodele Custom. Venim in ajutorul tuturor celor care doresc un navomodele excelent echipat complet la cele mai bune preturi. Dispunem de cele mai noi modele de pe piata Navomodel Delfin – o stabilitate si un gabarit deosebit gata de a va nadi locul cu cantitati impresionante de mixuri pelete sau boiles-uri. Navomodel Carp Range gabarit redus cu un plus de viteza face din acest nou navomodel necesitatea unui pescar care are nevoie de plantari rapide si de spatiu in automobil. Se pot achizitiona si in rate cu cardul sau direct la producator. Reparatii upgrade. Venim in sprijinul dumneavoastra pentru a avea parte de performanta, calitate, seriozitate la cele mai bune preturi. Garantia este de 1 an cu drept de prelungire, 1.750 RON,,, Tel: 0768895826, 0726424099

éP a r f u m u r i Parfumuri deosebite la doar un click distanta de tine. Platiti doar pretul parfumului. Toate cheltuielile de expeditie sunt gratis oriunde in Romania. Vizitati site,,, Tel: 0720264874

n Consultanta comert exterior si intermediere afaceri China-Romania,,, Tel: 0246215953, Fax: 0246215953 finantare. n Consultanta Proiecte, planuri de afaceri si planuri de marketing,, Tel: 0246215953 n Preluam firme cu datorii in conditii legale prin Registrul Comertului, notariat, asiguram schimbarea sediului social,, Tel: 0756578334 n Preluam societati cu orice tip datorii, Tel: 0731729911

n Vand utilaje brutarie folosite 6 luni, 0722235195, 0722246890 n Vand 2 locuri de veci la Website é Realizare Ghencea 2 Domnesti, Tel: Profesional. StarWebs web 0767970129 design Bucuresti, servicii de web design, realizare site-uri de prezentare, magazine online, optimizare SEO, promovare google, promovare online, 100 EUR,,, Tel: 0722406872 é Vand bormasina cu acumulator Li-Ion, 18 V, DWT n Vand SRL din 2011, fara Tel: 0744365553, SWISS, ABS18 SLI BMC, pret datorii, 405.60 inclusiv TVA, 0721715915,, Tel: 0722266344 n Vand Solar Nou, vertical, 54 de tuburi, multiple functiuni; Posturi de lucru complete pentru Coafor, cosmetica, manichiura, pedichiura, scafa é Vand / Inchiriez mobilier si echipament patiserie - fastfood, 0727965205 Spalatorie Auto, n Vand ugent covrigarie Prelungirea Ghencea, patiserie, vand 3 linii de 4 rampe, sala productie covrigi, gogosi, patiserie, curent trifazic, asteptare, complet 10.000 EUR, Tel: 0734960745, utilata, 28.000 EUR,,

diamed_47@yahoo .com, 0723651125

n Credite în lei cu rate fixe, dobândã 11, 9%, sume 1.00050.000Ron, Tel: 0765935293 n Credite nevoi personale, refinantari, chiar si pentru cei cu intarzieri,, Tel: 0729945460, 0765502524 Doua batrane foarte necajite cu venituri foarte, foarte mici si cu chirie la proprietar roaga oamenii cu suflet bun si cu credinta sa le ajute cu lemne de foc. Va multumim si sa va dea Domnul sanatate! Adresa: Gara Catelu, str. Elbrus nr. 35A, Anca si Emilia, n Proiecte finantate de stat prin Programul Start 2013, 500 EUR, Tel: 0246215953,

n Vand afacere la cheie. Include stoc, mobilier, angajati, locatie. Amplasat in Carrefour Colentina, insula cu bijuterii fantezie si accesorii, 3.000 EUR,, Tel: 0737385891

é Vand Service Auto multiplu + parte ITP si cladire comerciala P+4, Berceni, Tel: 0722246890

meditaþii-cursuri / construcþii-amenajãri / pagina 15

01 Februarie 2013

é Amenajari

n Limba spaniola, meditez copii si adulti, experienta meditatii, atestat, traducator autorizat, 35 ron/2h, 0730580309 n Meditatii engleza, orice nivel, profesor cu experienta, Tel: 0765861707 deosebita n Profesor cu experienta meditez matematica fizica orice nivel, inclusiv Evaluare Nationala clasa a 8-a, Bac, admitere facultate si studenti ! La cerere lucrez in toate vacantele + week-end ! 0722456047,

interioare apartamente case spatii birouri la preturi foarte ieftine, Tel: 0768577325 LA é MATEMATICA, DOMICILIUL DUMNEAVOASTRA. METODA MODERNA. GARANTAZ INSUSIREA MATERIEI, TEL: 0213137034 Profesor, n Matematica, sedinte individuale, domiciliul elevului, rezultate rapide, succesul garantat, simplu, comod, eficient, 0761929678

é Cadastru / intabulare. Firma de topografie realizam cadastru apartamente / terenuri, alipiri, dezlipiri, intarusari, planuri de situatie la preturi avantajoase si in scurt timp. Onorariu de la 300 lei, office@, www.customsurvey. ro, Tel: 0724943293

Echipa profesionala, n Arhitect, Ordinul execut lucrari de la Arhitectilor, autorizatii centura pana la construire, locuinte, acoperis, amenajari vile, magazine, hale, consolidari, extinderi, interioare exterioare, apartamente, case, supraetajari; hale, canale, cavouri, la 0213152081, Tel: preturi de criza. Costi, 0724642436, Tel: 0768311717 0213141996

n Instalator autorizat ANRE si ISCIR execut instalatii gaze, termice, sanitare, scurgeri, canalizare, Tel: 0724125280

é Echipa execut amenajari interioare apartamente case case la rosu la preturi avantajoase, Tel: 0768577325

é Faianta, gresie,

lavabila, parchet, tencuieli, glet, instalatii electrice+ sanitare, rigips, Calitate la pret rezonabil, 0740760502

é Montaj parchet.

Oferim servicii de montaj parchet laminat la cele mai mici preturi si cele mai ridicate standarde. Montam orice tip de parchet laminat in cel mai scurt timp. Pret 6-10ron/mp, alinpislaru@, Tel: 0764854184 n Jaluzele exterioare (rulouri), AL 280 Ron, PVC 180 Ron, Tel: 0722766562, 0214304183

01 Februarie 2013 n Jaluzele exterioare (rulouri), aluminiu - 260 Lei/mp; PVC 170 Lei/mp. Montaj gratuit, Tel: 0765884500, 0744102003 n Montam parchet, gresie, gips carton, gleturi si lavabila, construim case la rosu, Tel: 0742528815 n Raportare statistica Intrastat, n Particular, construcþii case,, Tel: zidãrii, tencuialã, ºape, 0246215953 zugrãveli, faianþã, instalaþii sanitare, Tel: 0767782653, 0733151433


é Cabinet Avocat operatiuni Registrul Comertului Bucuresti / Ilfov: gazduire, prelungire sediu social; prelungire mandat administrator, majorare micsorare capital social, cesiune parti sociale, punct de lucru, infiintari societati comerciale, pfa. etc, 1 EUR,, Tel: 0745078898

é Servicii Contabile. Oferim servicii contabile da la A-Z pentru societatii comerciale, 200 RON,, Tel: 0766198154, 0763214766

é Ady Curier&Logistics ofera: servicii de transport rutier de marfuri,mobila si colete de la 1kg-22t cu auto noi cu GPS instalat in regim express si de grupaj intern si international la cele mai mici preturi. Detinem: personal calificat 24/24 de l-d, asigurare marfa pentru fiecare autovehicul de 50000 euro, 0754709173, 0737100603, Fax: 0314183556,

é Asiguram servicii

de transport marfa si mobila oriunde in tara si in Bucuresti efectuam transport de marfa si mobila cu un parc auto care asigura orice tonaj si volum. Avem experienta necesara ca marfa dv. sa ajunga la destinatie in siguranta, office@ transportmarfarutier. ro, www.transportmarfa, Tel: 07247244420, 0767419106

é Transport Marfa. Oferim servicii in transporturi cu autoutilitarele Iveco Daily si VW Lt 46 intern si extern, colaboram cu persoase fizice si juridice. Adrian Nicoara, Buzau,, Tel: 0727170217, 0742829636

é Camin de

batrani, nou infiintat, oferim supraveghere permanenta, asistenta medicala, curte amenajata. Primim batrani (de la 1400 ron/luna) sau in schimbul locuintei, Tel: 0724384433, 0765215056

é Concurs Radio Power Pro-G. Prinde codul zilei. Intra in cursa pentru 100 RON zilnic. Trimite SMS la numarul 1261 cu textul TXT CRONOLEAD si codul auzit la radio, contact@,

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