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ిల ల Proverb A blind man would be glad to see

RHYME: Hey diddle, diddle GOOD WORD: The cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon; the little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon.

Never take action when you’are angry


I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you.

STORY: The Umbaya, Orange Beef Mangoes and Purple Giraffe Frogs In a dark, dank cave, deep in the mountains of Ritalooloo, there lives a creature called the umbaya. Nobody knows where the strange looking creature got this name, and nobody knows what it means because it does not translate from any known language on earth. Its title, like so many things to do with the umbaya, is a mystery. Some things, however, are known. Many years ago, long before the vast plains of Ritalooloo grew into tall and imposing mountains, the land was full of umbayas. Thousands of them used to plod (for that is the best way of describing the movement of an umbaya) across the plains, in search of their favourite meal – purple giraffe frogs and orange beef mangoes. Let me tell you a little about these foods, for they are fascinating and quite unlike anything that the average man will ever have seen. Purple

giraffe frogs grow to the size of a small dog, and look quite like typical frogs apart from the fact that they are a deep purple and have necks the length of a man’s arm. Orange beef mangoes are about 6 foot high (the size of a fully-grown man) and are hairy, covered in hair, just like an orang-utan. The most incredible thing about the beef mango, however, is that its flesh, while still looking like that of a normal mango, tastes just like roast beef. Now, back to the umbayas. They are phenomenally hungry creatures, and can often eat over half their own body weight in one sitting. They are also disgustingly bad mannered, using not only their hands to shovel down the man sized mangoes and long necked frogs, but their oversized hairy feet and twelve foot tails as well. You see, umbayas are very social creatures, so social in fact that they don’t care how badly another umbaya eats, and so umbayas have never felt restricted by the human concepts of etiquette or manners. Nor do

umbayas care how bad another umbaya smells, how unkempt he looks, or how loud he farts. They carry on, happy and friendly, regardless. Above all this, however, the most fascinating thing about umbayas is that all of them live for exactly 627 years 4 hours 37 minutes, before curling up, tucking their heads into their bellies, and hardening into a big black rock. When an umbaya turns into a big black rock, it is the greatest moment of their lives. The other umbayas would cover the rocks in the orange skins of the orange beef mangoes before plodding and burping around the rocks in memory of the umbaya. However, the huge umbaya shaped rocks caused problems for the umbayas. For these rocks grew into huge piles, and they filled up the rivers in which the purple giraffe frogs used to live, forcing the long necked frogs to migrate up river, away from the umbayas. The piles of big black rocks grew so high that they blocked out the sun, stopping the orange beef mango trees from growing their delicious, man-

sized fruits. The umbayas not only lost their food, but also the plains on which they used to spend their days plodding the land and burping. With nowhere else to go, the umbayas retreated back, up into the mountains, away from where the warm plains used to roll down to the now rock-filled river. They found caves and huddled within them, where the remaining few umbayas nibbled on spider snakes and curdled wood slugs for sustenance. More umbayas passed away until before long only one umbaya was left. It (not he or she, for all umbayas were the same, exactly the same) sat on the edge of its cave and looked out over the land of Ritalooloo. And there it sits now, munching on curdled wood slugs and scratching its hairy belly, looking over the rocks and remembering the fun he had had, burping and plodding down on the plains.


Miles and Smiles are made 4m same letters. But u know the difference?? A Smile on Ur face keeps me happy even though im miles away from u.

Love is post paid,one month u dont pay,conection will be cut. But friendship is life time prepaid whether u pay or not, incoming is free for lifetime. I may be gone for a minute, for hours, for a day. I may not be able to say good am, good pm or good night but I'll never try to say goodbye to a person who has been A special friend is rare indeed, it beems to be special breed, yes, perfect friends r very few, so lucky I m for having you Someone ask me to describe u in two words he expect me to answer The Best but i did not answer i just smiled and said No Comparison

ŕ°Ż ŕ°ľŕ°¤ REASONING REASONING QUESITONS: 1. There are 3 triplet brothers. They look identical. The oldest is John, he always tells the truth. The second is Jack, he always tells a lie. The third is Joe, he either tells the truth or a lie. Jimmie Dean went to visit them one day. He was wondering who was who. So he asked each person a question. He asked the one who was sitting on the left: “Who is the guy sitting in the middle?â€?. The answer was “He is John.â€? He asked the one who was sitting in the middle: “What is your name?â€?. The answer was “I am Joe.â€? He asked the one who was sitting on the right: “What is the guy sitting in the middle?â€?. The answer was “He is Jack.â€? Jimmie Dean got really confused. Basically, he asked 3 same questions, but he got 3 different answers. Which is not true? 1. left most is joe 2. middle is jack 3. right is john 4. middle is john

2. Consider the following statements: 1. The Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) had recommended that the Department of Personnel of a State should be put under the charge of the Chief Secretary of the State. 2. Chief Secretary of a State is not involved in any manner in the promotion of State Civil officers to the All-India Services. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 1. Only 1 2. Only 2 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Neither 1 nor 2 3. Average age of students of an adult school is 40 years. 120 new students whose average age is 32 years joined the school. As a result the average age is decreased by 4 years. Find the number of students of the school after joining of the new students: 1. 1200 2. 120 3. 360 4. 240

ŕ°Ż ŕ°ľŕ°¤ REASONING 4. On sports day,if 30 children were made to stand in a column,16 columns could be formed. If 24 children were made to stand in a column, how many columns could be formed? 1. 48 2. 20 3. 30 4. 16 5. 40 5. A square is divided into 9 identical smaller squares. Six identical balls are to be placed in these smaller squares such that each of the three rows gets at least one ball (one ball in one square only). In how many different ways can this be done? 1. 81 2. 91 3. 41 4. 51 6. A man owns 2/3 of the market research beauro business and sells 3/4 of his shares for Rs.75000. What is the value of Business 1. 1500002. 13000 2. 240000 3. 34000 4. 38000 7. The cost of 16 packets of salt,each weighing 900 grams is Rs.28.What will be the cost

1. 2. 3. 4.

of 27 packets ,if each packet weighs 1Kg? Rs.52.50 Rs.56 Rs.58.50 Rs.64.75

8. Find the value of (21/4-1)( 23/4 +21/2+21/4+1) 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 9. The product of two fractions is 14/15 and their quotient is 35/24. The greater fraction is 1. 4/5 2. 7/6 3. 7/5 4. 7/4 10.500 men are arranged in an array of 10 rows and 50 columns according to their heights. Tallest among each row of all are asked to fall out. And the shortest among them is A. Similarly after resuming that to their original podsitions that the shortest among each column are asked to fall out. And the tallest among them is B . Now who is taller among A and B ? 1. A 2. B 3. Both are of same height 4. None

ŕ°Ż ŕ°ľŕ°¤ REASONING . 11.Choose the pair of numbers which comes next 75 65 85 55 45 85 35 1. 25 15 2. 25 85 3. 35 25 4. 35 85 5. 25 75 12.A piece of cloth cost Rs 35. if the length of the piece would have been 4m longer and each meter cost Re 1 less , the cost would have remained unchanged. how long is the piece? 1. 10 2. 11 3. 12 4. 15 13.Solid cube of 6 * 6 * 6. This cube is cut into to 216 small cubes. (1 * 1 * 1).the big cube is painted in all its faces. Then how many of cubes are painted at least 2 sides. 1. 56 2. 45 3. 23 4. 28 14.Find the average of first 40 natural numbers. 1. 40 2. 35 3. 30.6 4. 20.5 5. None of these

15.1, 5, 14, 30, ?, 91 1. 45 2. 55 3. 60 4. 70 16.There is a shortage of tubelights, bulbs and fans in a village – Gurgaon. It is found that a) All houses do not have either tubelight or bulb or fan. b) Exactly 19% of houses do not have just one of these. c) Atleast 67% of houses do not have tubelights. d) Atleast 83% of houses do not have bulbs. e) Atleast 73% of houses do not have fans. 1. 42 % 2. 46 % 3. 50 % 4. 54 % 5. 57 % 17.If 9 engines consume 24 metric tonnes of coal, when each is working 8 hours a day; how much coal will be required for 8 engines, each running 13 hours a day, it being given that 3 engines of the former type consume as much as 4 engines of latter type. 1. 22 metric tonnes. 2. 27 metric tonnes.

3. 26 metric tonnes. 4. 25 metric tonnes. 18.In page preview mode: 1. You can see all pages of your document 2. You can only see the page you are currently working 3. Satyam BPO Services 4. You can only see pages that do not contain graphics Ans: 4. 19.A house wife saved Rs. 2.50 in buying an item on sale .If she spent Rs.25 for the item, approximately how much percent she saved in the transaction ? 1. 8% 2. 9% 3. 10% 4. 11% Ans: 2. 20.I have trouble _____. 1. to remember my password 2. to remembering my password 3. remember my password 4. remembering my password

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వయసు "అబ ... H>క& 0ావ జంRా ధన ంత0 . మWఆCడ బదg ా \, ఆయW ా \ ఒక3 =ెబ క +oRdటA&డ." సం eషంRా hె+ా:డ. Gదంబరం. "ఏం మం=kh>LHేం?" క త©హలంRా అHIRాడ. ఏ ాంబరం. "వయసు Uరjగ తNన\=k క=>. అందు అలసట అన\డ.. అం ే! మ0ా\టr నుంG నల గ రj మనుషNల ప చకచక hేసT ున\=k" అన\డ. Gదంబరం.

ఉతT 0ాల

" వలం ఉతT 0ాల 0ాసూ T బతNక తN?>\ ా? z ఉతT 0ాల అంత Cల @ౖన ా? ఏ మW"గజSౖను క ?" క త©హలంRా అHIRాడ. ఆంజ?9య ల . "అవ ను. డబ పంపమ మW?>న\క 0ాసూ T ంటAను" బ రంRా hె+ా:డ. రమణ. (=«?9\ ాసT modernRా ... "ఏ టr వలం computer 8ద బతNక తN?>\ ా? బA గ ల వRS¬0ా 0ాసుT?>\ ా ఏ టr?" క త©హలంRా అHIRాడ. 0ా­. "అవ ను. డబ online transfer hెయ"మ మW Daddy Email పం ిసT ూ ఉంటAను" బ రంRా hె+ా:డ. అరCంద.)


ప సT కం "అ=ేంటA ... 0Sండూ ఒ రకం ప సT ాల®ందుక q?>\వ ?" R101 అHIRాడ. Bప . "ఈ ప సT కం hే ల2 ఉంటx సగం ప0 °ల +ాZUౖనటx అ 0ాసుం=k. అందు 0Sండ. q?>\ను" hె+ా:డ. R10.1

ఈl & qడ.క ?>న\ e "?>న\ నువ ఈl & ఎపQడ. @s tవ ?" "?9ను ఈl & ఎపQడూ @ళbల±దు. అp?> zక ఆ సం=ేహం ఎందుక

వGLం=k?" ఆశLర"ంRా ప \ంh>డ. ?>న\. "మ01 మ8] ఎక3డ నుంG Dసు qh>Lవ ?"

english medium "బAబ_ ఏ=k z ?²రj చూ ించు, అ, ఆ.. అను" అ?>\డ. H>క& 0ామ e. పక3?9 ఉన\ 0ామ తంHI "మW ాడ. english medium అంH³ అ, ఆల 0ావ " అ?>\డ. H>క& e


భగవ=«´ త మ_డవ అ >"యం-కర] అ >"యం కర] yగమ మ_డవ ~µ కం: కం: న కర]ణ> మ?>రe÷“ ?@\ ౖ ష3ర]¶ం ప రj·o¸\ ే ! న చ సన\¶స?> =ేవ Zి=ంkO సమ kగచL !! చL !!

వృదుOల >త:ర"ం: >త:ర"ం మ ¹ి






స ర +ా \ +,ందల±డ.. కర] >"గమWత మ hే అంటx కర]ల hేయక ంH> ఉండడం వల?9 ;°మ +,ందల±రj. ా"ఖW": ా"ఖW": ఈ ~µ కమ ల2 6దటr +ాదమ కర] మWర´ మ ను గ 01ంG, 0Sండవ +ాదమ జ¼½న మWర´ మ ను గ 01ంG Cవ01ంచబHIం=k. కర] మWర´ మ ను అనుస01ంGన ాడ. తన


ధర]మ ను,


కరT వ"మ ను, తన యత కర]మ ను ఆచ01ంచక+opనh¾ అత GతT ¸ k కలగదు. అతT 01 అతడ. ?@ౖష3ర]¶ ఆత] Zి hేరజ¼లడ.. అలWR జ¼½న

మWర´ మ న




>"గమWత మ hే ;°Zి=O k ?@న\టr బడయజ¼లడ..

మWత మ hే,


ఆత] C~ా ా Effective Quotation Swami Vivekananda


Inspiring Messages Famous Quotes by Swami Vivekananda.

Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so. If there is sin, this is the only sin ? to say that you are weak, or others are weak. No need of looking behind, FORWARD! We want infinite energy, infinite zeal, infinite courage, and infinite patience, then only will

great things be achieved. Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true. Do not hate anybody, because that hatred which comes out from you must, in the long run, come back to you. If you love, that love will come back to you, completing the circle.

ఆత] C~ా ా


GOD is to be worshiped as the one beloved, dearer than everything in this and next life.

First, believe in the world—that there is meaning behind everything. Desire, ignorance, and inequality—this is the trinity of bondage.

Say "So'ham, So'ham" whatever comes. Tell yourself this even in eating, walking, suffering. Tell the mind this incessantly—that what we see never existed, that there is only "I". Flash-the dream will break! Think day and night, this universe is zero, only God is. Have intense desire to get free.

బ రB పదును MATHS

గHIయWరం అలWరంల2 ఎందుక 9 ·ాల


C0ామం ఉంటcం=k? ఎందుక 10 ·ాల C0ామం ఉండదు?

Why is it very common to have a 9 minute snooze interval on alarm clocks, why not 10 instead?


ÁIÂ ల2 వZిసT ున\ ఒక వ" T మ ంబÃౖల2 SIMPLE: zక ఎంత ఎక3వ ఉంటx అంత తక 3వ చూ ాTవ ? ఏ ట=k?

ప¦డLల±మ ?


బ రB పదును X≠G, అంటx ఒక =>ంటÄ KARUJI: ఇందుల2 3*3 ఉంటAp. 6దటr వరjసల2 A,B,C 0Sండవ వరjసల2 F,G,H ఉంటAp, Gవ01 మ_డవ వరjసల2 L.M,N ఉంటAp. ఈ Bంద=k ఒక ఉదహరణ

ఉండవ X < 1G, అంటx , G ఒక 1 ఎడమ మ ందు వరjసల2 X ఉం=k X < > 1G, అంటx , G ఒక 1 ఎడమ ల±=> క HI మ ం=k వరjసల2 X ఉం=k

పక3న CHIRా ఉన\C టcక ల . X=G, అంటx X,G, ఒక =>ంటÄ ?9 ఉంటAp

బ రB పదును Bతం ారం సమW >?>ల : సమW >?>ల : MATHS: ె| @ౖన ాడ.


మరjL Kమ hె+ా:డ.. SUDOKO: LOGIC: తన గ రBం [రj ¸కB ారం

SMIPLE: ఎక3H> ాదు,


ప ంw గ డ ను Uట&దు KARUJI:


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