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ిల ల ా త:

ెల గ పదం: పదం:

పండ ెట ాళ

మ!- Brain

ెబ ల

య! – Saint

పద1ం: పద1ం: ఉదకమ 3456డ% హయమ ను మదమ న ను#$9ంగ చుండ% మ ే; భంబ = >దవ&కడ నున, వృషభమ జదువC యD Eచుకడక ఁ జనక ర సుమI!

#$డ%ప& కధ అ*+,-ి చూడ% న*+,-ి చూడ%

మంY మDట: మDట: సం Pషం డబ P ాదు అ Z మనసు

3త9ర1మ : 3త9ర1మ EరJ 3K గ రLం దగM రక , Nవ&O P

సంబం[Zం -

QజృంRం ే మదప&టSనుగ దగM రక , ఆవ& దగM ర ఉన,

Yన Z

ఆబUతV వదW క , Qద1*+రOC అల 9C దగM రక 56ళ క మ .

ిల ల Proverb Debt is the worst poverty

RHYME: Rolly





Rolly Polly Rolly Polly Up Up Rolly Polly Rolly Down Down Rolly Polly Rolly In In Rolly Polly Rolly Out Out Out

Up Polly Down Polly In Polly

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph


Fresh fried fish, fish fresh fried, fried fish fresh, fish fried fresh


A mother duck and her little ducklings were on their way to the lake one day. The ducklings were very happy following their mother and quack-quacking along the way. All of a sudden the mother duck saw a fox in the distance. She was frightened and shouted, “Children, hurry to the lake. There’s a fox!” The ducklings hurried towards the lake. The mother duck wondered what to do. She began to walk back and forth dragging one wing on the ground. When the fox saw her he became happy. He said to himself, “It seems that she’s hurt and can’t fly! I can easily catch and eat her!” Then he ran towards her. The mother duck ran, leading the fox away from the lake. The fox followed her. Now he wouldn’t be able to harm her ducklings. The mother duck looked towards her ducklings and saw that they had reached the lake. She was relieved, so she stopped and took a deep breath. The fox thought she was tired and he came closer, but the mother duck quickly spread her wings and rose up in the air. She landed in the middle of the lake and her ducklings swam to her. The fox stared in disbelief at the mother duck and her ducklings. He could not reach them because they were in the middle of the lake. Dear children, some birds drag one of their wings on the ground when an enemy is going to attack. In this way they fool their enemies into thinking they are hurt. When the enemy follows them this gives their children time to escape

య వత SMS ,!’. / l’.. _/_.l.’_’.__ ,’>,_,_,_,_,/_, A boat is waiting 4u..! It take’s u into a “Dream Land” Good night and Sweet dreams.

()”"”() ( ‘,’ ) _’ ‘ ‘_ Hey u!!! Yes you.. The cute one holding this phone! Are you asleep? Just wanted to say Good Night..

See stars are blinking, Moon is shinning & breeze is singing… Bcoz I ask them to greet U a special Good Night…!!!!

A very original Good Night wish only for you!!! Beware of cheap duplicates; I am the only authorized dealer of Good Night wishes. Good Night and Sweet Dreams

(>"*"<) ( - , - ) zzz--(">--<")---Sshh...... its only me putting a blanket on u so that u wont get cold, have a warm & nice sleeP! GOOD NIGHT


Who invented Napier’s Bones John Napier William Oughtred Charles Babbage Napier Bone

2. 1. 2. 3. 4.

8 15 24 35 48 63 _? 70 80 75 88

3. Union Information and Broadcasting ministry recently gave an indication to change which of the following laws on a larger scale, as the existing provisions of the Act are inadequate to cater to the phenomenal growth of the print media in view of the liberalization of the government policies? 1. Press & Registration of Books Act, (PRB Act) 1867 2. The Delivery Of Books ‘And Newspapers’ (Public Libraries) Act, 1954 3. Indian Press (Emergency Powers ) Act 1931 4. none 4. In a single throw of a dice, what is the probability of getting a number greater than 4? 1. 1/2

2. 2/3 3. 1/4 4. 1/3 5. If every alternative letter starting from B of the English alphabet is written in small letter, rest all are written in capital letters, how the month “September” be written. (1) SeptEMbEr (2) SEpTeMBEr (3) SeptembeR (4) SepteMber (5) None of the above 1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (5) 5. (4) . 6. After allowing a discount of 11.11% ,a trader still makes a gain of 14.28 % .at how many precent above the cost price does he mark his goods? 1. 28.56% 2. 35% 3. 22.22% 4. None of these 7. The largest copper producing country in the World is 1. Chile 2. Russia 3. South Africa 4. China

య వత REASONING 8. 2 numbers differ by 5.If their product is 336,then the sum of the 2 numbers is: 1. 21 2. 51 3. 28 4. 37 9. Pipe A can fill in 20 minutes and Pipe B in 30 mins and Pipe C can empty the same in 40 mins.If all of them work together, find the time taken to fill the tank 1. 17 1/7 mins 2. 20 mins 3. none 4. 50 mins 10.A / B = C; C > D then 1. A is always greater than D 2. C is always greater than D 3. B is always less than D 4. none 11.Which of the following numbers is divisible by 3? (i) 541326 (ii) 5967013 1. (ii) only 2. (i) only 3. (i) and (ii) both 4. (i) and (ii) none 12.ATP stands for: 1. Adenine triphosphate 2. Adenosine triphosphate 3. Adenosine Diphosphate 4. Adenosine tetraphosphate

13.Ronald and Michelle have two children. The probability that the first child is a girl, is 50%. The probability that the second child is a girl, is also 50%. Ronald and Michelle tell you that they have a daughter. What is the probability that their other child is also a girl? 1. 1/2 2. 1/3 3. 1/4 4. 1/5 14.Veselin Tapolev who became the World Champion recently, is associated with which of the following games/sports ? 1. Chess 2. Golf 3. Snooker 4. Badminton 5. None of these 15.1,2,6,24,_? 1. 111 2. 151 3. 120 4. 125 16.Some green are blue. No blue are white. 1. Some green are white 2. No white are green 3. No green are white 4. None of the above

య వత REASONING 17.What is the missing number in this series? 8 2 14 6 11 ? 14 6 18 12 1. 8 2. 6 3. 9 4. 11 18.In a journey of 15 miles two third distance was travelled with 40 mph and remaining with 60 mph. How much time the journey takes 1. 40 min 2. 30 min 3. 120 min 4. 20 min 19.To 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, we add 5 lts of pure water. What is % alcohol. 1. 20% 2. 34% 3. 15% 4. 14% 20.

A three digit number consists of 9,5 and one more number. When these digits are reversed and then subtracted from the original number the answer yielded will be consisting of the same digits arranged yet in a different order. What is the other digit? 1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

4. Mala = 45yrs, Sam = 41 yrs PREVIOUS WEEK ANSWERS:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1 2 1 1 1

6. 2 7. 1 8. 2 9. 5 10.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

2 3 2 1 4

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

4 2 2 1 4


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Cమaర ాC,,



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ాసు e5ాc.

కc ి

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ఉంచుక C

కopK సు e5ాc. ఇలD ేయడం వలన చరaం సుC,తమ Kా, ప4 ాశవంతంKానూ అవ&తVం Z


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р░╕ р░┐ р░Вр░Я р░ир▒Б


р░ор░ВY Z.

Cр░оa Qр░д; *3р░▓ р░о sр░п р░ир░▓

h sр░пDр░▓

р░╕р░оDр░и Iр░╕р▒Б eр░Вop.


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గృ ణ ల - వంటల ఆ ి రసం: రసం:

ా1బ సలD : సలD :

ావల-ిన ప 3 ా ల : ల :

ావల-ిన ప 3 ా ల : ల :

బ\#ా9య – 3 మ క ల

ా1బ మ క ల -ఒక కప

పంచ 3ర - తKsనంత

ా1 f మ క ల -ఒక కప

Eళ – 4 కప

బ ాE మ క ల -ఒకకప

మ క ల ే-ిన ఐ

టమDట~ మ క ల - ఒక కప

తయD Q[3నం: Q[3నం

పY hరప మ క ల - 6

బ\#ా9య C క I- -ి, మ క ల Kా

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KsంజలC ే- -ి ఆ మ క లC Eళ C,

పంచ 3రC

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కc ి

hశLమంలb Cమaరసం, h sయDల

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ా1బ సలD -ిదuం. ఆ Kా1C

అం ే బ\#ా9య 1 -ిదuం.

ఎం P ఇ Z.

ఉప గకర vన


గృ ణ ల - వంటల ా1ర సూ£: సూ£: ావల-ినQ: Q ా1ర - 4

ఉop న తర5ాత >క జ¨న, ింopC కల#ాc. తర5ాత


అల ం - 1 అంగ ళం #$డవ& మ క

మ క ల

56న,- 1 టSబ సూ9=

ఉop న తర5ాత 56న,, h sయDల

బంKా¥¦ దుంప - ½ క£ చక Kా

#$op 5+-ి కల#ాc.

క!; sంY ఉప - రJY (1 ట§సూ9=) నల h sయDల - ½ ట§సూ9= >క జ¨న, ింop - టSబ సూ9= ©Lª - 1 టSబ సూ9= ఆ ే«ాల : ాల ా1ర లC మంY Eళ P కopK,s మ క ల Kా ే-,ి ఆ మ క లC, అల ం మ క లC కc ి ఒక #ాత4 లb #$య1 ద }ట| ~c.



దుంప కto3

అC, ప¬ s;Kా ఉop న తర5ాత Yవరలb ©Lం 5+-ి 5+op 5+opKా !*3c

ఆనం 3C ెక " ావయD1 చంద4ం! ఇప oే E గ sం ే ె#ా9రJ మD5ాళ " అ*3,డ% o3క| సుంద . "ఎందుకంo­?" అ*3,డ% చంద4ం. "®ీ^ ంద నువ&O ఇY న ెక bounce అ]ందట" అ*3,డ% o3క| . " రJ నయం ే-ిన జబ కto3 ! sKs వY ం Z" బదుc 3 డ% చంద4ం. అదృష| ం "మD *3న,Kా s death certificate submit ే- ; ాE మD అమaక pension ఇవOరట. అ ే ో ఇY ప&ణ1ం కట{| eంop o3క| KారJ. "ఓ.. అలDKా... 3C ం ²~గ1ం.... ఇంత © *3న, Kా s, treat ే-ిన o3క| fవరJ? "ఆయన అదృష| వంతVలంop.. ఏ o3క| treat ెయ1ల´దంo­... ఆయనంతట ఆయ*+ #µయDరJ...."

ఆనం 3C బc "ఏవంoో¶... ఈ ^ మన }¥·¸ సంవత¹రం Cంopం Z. వ ే టప డ% eopC పట4ంop. పలDº ేసుక ం 3ం" ె ి9ం Z సుగ ణ.

"ఎందు మనం ే-ిన తప క 3C, బc ెయ1డం?" }దQ QరJసూ ; అ*3,డ% ప4 »£. క fం "క fంట{ #µ]*3, ా1ంop కto3 ల´క ంo3 అం 3 ¼కట½ అన,య1KారJ వంట ఎలD ేస; ు*3,రJ ాంత>a Z*3?" ఆశ ర1ంKా అopKsం Z #$రJKsంట అంజమa.

"ఆయన photographer క 3. Dark roomలb పC ెయ1డం ఆయన అల5ాటS" ేcకKా ె ి9ం Z ాంతమa.


భగవ »M త మgడవ అ[31యం-కరa అ[31యం కరa గమ మgడవ «¾ కం: కం: ¿L భగ5ాను5ాచ: భగ5ాను5ాచ: లb -ిa= ZOQ[3 CiాÀ ప& ా #µ4 ా;మయDనఘ | జÃÄన K న ాంఖD1*3ం కరa K న ÅKs*3ం ||

р░╡р▒Гр░жр▒Бuр░▓ 3р░д9р░░1р░В: 3р░д9р░░1р░В #р░╛р░кр░░┬О┬Пр░дVр░бр░╡р░Ч р░У р░Ер░░J_*3! р░к┬мр░░O ┬К р░▓bр░Хр░о р░и р░╛р░Цр▒Б1р░▓р░Х р░Ь├Г├Др░и┬ар░Чр░о , ┬ар░Ч р░▓р░Х р░Хр░░a┬ар░Чр░о р░Ер░ир▒Б fр░Вр░б% Qр░зр░о р░▓р░Ч р░Ер░ир▒Бiр░╛├Ар░ир░о *3 р▒З р▒Жр░к9р░мopр░п р░Вoр▒Жр░ир▒Б. 5р░╛1р░ЦD1: 5р░╛1р░ЦD1: "р░Ер░ир░Ш" - '#р░╛р░кр░░┬О┬Пр░дVo3' р░пC р░Ер░░J_р░ир▒БC ┬┐Lр░Хр▒Гр░╖├Й р░оg s; р░Ер░Я{ р░╕р░В┬▓U[Zр░В р▒Жр░ир▒Б, Yр░д; р░о #р░╛р░кр░░┬О┬Пр░др░ор░Ч р░ир░к┬Уoр▒З р░Ер░Вр░жр▒Б р░м4р░╣a Qр░ж1 р░Ър░Х┬Др░Ч


р░Ч р░б├Л р░Х

р░о s



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р░Ж[31!a eр░к р▒Зр░╢р░о р░Ер░дC Kр░╛Qр░В р▒Жр░ир▒Б.

р░Ч f; sр░ВKs

K┬Б 3р░Ь├Г├Др░ир░о р░ир▒Б

ఆతa Q«ాO ాC Effective Quotation Swami Vivekananda


Inspiring Messages Famous Quotes by Swami Vivekananda.

All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying. Therefore love for love’s sake, because it is law of life, just as you breathe to live. Our duty is to encourage everyone in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.

Even the greatest fool can accomplish a task if it were after his or her heart. But the intelligent ones are those who can convert every work into one that suits their taste. Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers and let them go their own way.

ఆతa Q«ాO ాC


Each work has to pass through these stages— ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood.

“Comfort” is no test of truth; on the contrary, truth is often far from being “comfortable”.

Watch people do their most common actions; these are indeed the things that will tell you the real character of a great person.

Whenever we attain a higher vision, the lower vision disappears of itself.

బ రL పదును MATHS

ఒక అర Î తన 5ారసతOం ఎవ s ఇవOలD


అC ఆలbYసూ ; , అతop ఇదW s క మDరJల ఒక ప Ï }డ 3డ%. ఆ ప Ï ఒంటÐల పం ెం. ఎవ s ఇంటÐ C 3నంKా 56ళ తVం ో 5ా ఆ పం ెంలb Qజ త. ఇదW రJ క మDరJలt 3లD ^ల గమ1ం ల´క ంo3 అలD !రJగ తVంటరJ. అల-ి #µ] ఒక ెc5ాన 5ా s సల¢ eసం పట| ణం 56Ñ సల¢ Iసుక ంట~రJ. ఆ త ాOత ఇదW రJ ఎంత 5+గంKా 56ళ గల అంత 5+గంKా 5ా s పట| *3C బయల ే s 56ళ 3రJ. 5+గంKా 5+ళ o3C ఆ ెc5ాన 5ాడ% ఏh ె ి9 ఉండవచు ?

SIMPLE: 5ాల Kా ఉన, ఇంట కప ద నుంచుC ఒక eop ప&ం^ గ డ%WC }op ే అ Z ఏ పక 5ాల తVం Z?

LOGIC: ఒక Òబ~¶, ÓకL5ారం పట| ణం లb 56¥¦ డ%, అక డ ఒక ా!4 గop#ాడ%,

మ sయ


వ Zc 56¥¦ డ%. అ Z ఎలD ాధ1ం అ]1ం Z? సమ sW ; ారJ?




బ రL పదును KARUJI:

X≠G, అంటS ఒక 3ంట½

ఇందులb 3*3 ఉంట~].


>దట వరJసలb A,B,C fండవ వరJసలb F,G,H ఉంట~], Yవ s మgడవ వరJసలb L.M,N ఉంట~]. ఈ Lంద Z ఒక ఉదహరణ

X < 1G, అంటS , G ఒక 1 ఎడమ మ ందు వరJసలb X ఉం Z X < > 1G, అంటS , G ఒక 1 ఎడమ ల´ 3 క op మ ం Z వరJసలb X ఉం Z

పక న QopKా ఉన,Q ట{క ల . X=G, అంటS X,G, ఒక 3ంట½ *+ ఉంట~]

బ రL పదును Lతం 5ారం సమD[3*3ల : సమD[3*3ల : MATHS:

SIMPLE: బయట 56ౖప&

ఒక 56ప& మ ందు eop C Iసు f¥¦ c, త ాOత Ôయ1ం బ ా; C Iసు fÑ అక డ


}ట|c, ఈ ా s eop C Ôయ1ం బ ా; P ఉంచక fంoో 56ౖప& Iసు f¥¦ c. ఇప డ% eopC fంoో 56ౖప& }ట| నక C Iసు f¥¦ c. అప డ% నక , Ôయ1ం

బ ా|



ఉ*3,]. ఇప డ% 56Ñ eop C




Iసు f¥¦ c. ఆందరÖ ఒక 56ౖప& CంY ఇం N 56ౖప& 56Ñ #µయDరJ.





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Šక ๆల ఞ . . . . ? DAYS


January 1

World Peace Day

January 1

Global Family Day

January 5

World Environment Day

January 5

Louis Braille Day

January 6

World Day - War Orphans

January 10

World Laughter Day

January 12

National Youth Day ( Birthday of Swami Vivekananda)

January 15

Army Day

January 24

National Girl Child Day of India

January 25

Toursim Day (INDIA)

January 26

International Customs day

January 26

Republic day (INDIA)

January 27

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 28

Data Protection Day

January 30

World Leprosy Eradication Day

January 30

Martyrs’ Day

January 30

Sarvodaya Day

ఆస ;కర vన CజÃల అ s ా అంతట~ టÐc×µ= Iగల 1.1,525,000,000

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*3 *+ట మDట ఒక



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గ s;ంచుక C

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5ాట C

స s


క ంభ eణ3లt, ఆరJ

మDనభంKాల 2012 లb........

ేసుక C Nత; సంవత¹రం లb QజయDలC

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ఆRవృ Zu

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ప¬ను e5ాc

ప sప¬రÉంKా

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