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ిల ల Proverb A bad corn promise is better than a good lawsuit.
RHYME: To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, dancing a jig; To market, to market, to buy a fat hog; Home again, home again, jiggety-jog; To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Home again, home again, market is done.
GOOD WORD: Arguing with a woman is like trying to fold the airmail edition of 'The Times' in a high wind.
A cricket critic A black bug's blood Irish wristwatch
ిల ల The
A Lion and a Bear captured a Kid at the same moment, and began to fight for it. Finally, they were so exhausted that they had to lie down. A Fox, who had been watching them all this time from a distance, thought it was the perfect moment to approach. He seized the Kid in an instant and ran off with it as fast as he could. The Lion and the Bear saw him, but not being able to get up, said: “How foolish we proved ourselves to be for not having shared the prey in a friendly way. Now we have nothing left, while the Fox will enjoy a great meal.” Those who have all the toil do not always get the profit.
ŕ°Ż ŕ°ľŕ°¤ SMS (GUD MRNG SMS)
The sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily & butterflies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up & give a big yawning & say gd morning to u.. Stars r seen 2gether, yet they r so far apart, True friends may not meet everyday but remember they r always linked heart 2 heart. Good Morning A smile is a way of writing your thoughts on your face, telling others that they are accepted, liked and appreciated. So here's a big smile just for you. Good am!
ŕ°Ż ŕ°ľŕ°¤ REASONING
1. Superheroes Liza and Tamar leave the same camp and run in opposite directions. Liza runs 1 mile per second (mps) and Tamar runs 2 mps. How far apart are they in miles after 1 hour? 1. 10800 mile 2. 19008 mile 3. 12300 mile 4. 14000 mile 2. A = 5, B = 0, C = 2, D = 10, E = 2. What is then AB + EE – (ED)powerB +(AC)powerE = ? 1. 113 2. 103 3. 93 4. 111 3. A man can row upstream at 8 kmph and downstream at 13 kmph.The speed of the stream is? 1. 2.5 kmph 2. 4.2 kmph 3. 5 kmph 4. 10.5 kmph
4. Find what is the next letter. Please try to find. O,T,T,F,F,S,S,E,N,_ What is that letter? 1. B 2. S 3. Q 4. T 5. O 5. There are 3 societies A, B, C. A lent cars to B and C as many as they had Already. After some time B gave as many tractors to A and C as many as they have. After sometime c did the same thing. At the end of this transaction each one of them had 24. Find the cars each originally had. 1. A had 21 cars, B had 39 cars & C had 12 cars 2. A had 39 cars, B had 39 cars & C had 12 cars 3. A had 39 cars, B had 21 cars & C had 19 cars 4. A had 39 cars, B had 21 cars & C had 12 cars
ŕ°Ż ŕ°ľŕ°¤ REASONING 6. A papaya tree was planted 2 years ago. It increases at the rate of 20% every year. If at present, the height of the tree is 540 cm, what was it when the tree was planted? 1. 432 cm 2. 324 cm 3. 375 cm 4. 400 cm 7. A boy has Rs 2. He wins or loses Re 1 at a time If he wins he gets Re 1 and if he loses the game he loses Re 1. He can loose only 5 times. He is out of the game if he earns Rs 5. Find the number of ways in which this is possible? 1. 14 2. 23 3. 16 4. 12 5. 10 8. Five racing drivers, Alan, Bob, Chris, Don, and Eugene, enter into a contest that consists of 6 races. The results of all six races are listed below:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Bob always finishes ahead of Chris. Alan finishes either first or last. Eugene finishes either first or last. There are no ties in any race. Every driver finishes each race. In each race, two points are awarded for a fifth place finish, four points for fourth, six points for third, eight points for second, and ten points for first. If Frank enters the third race and finishes behind Chris and Don, which of the following must be true of that race? Eugene finishes first. Alan finishes sixth. Don finishes second. Frank finishes fifth. Chris finishes third.
9. One of the following is my secret word: AIM DUE MOD OAT TIE. With the list in front of you, if I were to tell you any one of my secret word, then you would be able to tell me the number of vowels in my secret word. Which is my secret word?
ŕ°Ż ŕ°ľŕ°¤ REASONING 10. In the following figure: ABC D EFG H I Each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is: a) Represented by a different letter in the figure above. b) Positioned in the figure above so that each of A + B + C,C + D +E,E + F + G, and G + H + I is equal to 13. Which digit does E represent? 11. In the following figure: AD BGE CF Each of the seven digits from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is: a)Represented by a different letter in the figure above. b)Positioned in the figure above so that
A*B*C,B*G*E, and D*E*F are equal. Which digit does G represent? 12. Mr. and Mrs. Aye and Mr. and Mrs. Bee competed in a chess tournament.Of the three games played: a)In only the first game werethe two players married to each other. b)The men won two games and the women won one game. c)The Ayes won more games than the Bees. d)Anyone who lost game did not play the subsequent game. Who did not lose a game? 13. Three piles of chips-pile I consists one chip, pile II consists of chips, and pile III consists of three chips-are to be used in game played by Anita and Brinda. The game requires: a)That each player in turn take only one chip or all chips from just one pile. b)That the player who has to take the last chip loses.
ŕ°Ż ŕ°ľŕ°¤ REASONING c) That Anita now have her turn. From which pile should Anita draw in order to win? 14. Of Abdul, Binoy, and Chandini: a) Each member belongs to the Tee family whose members always tell the truth or to the El family whose members always lie. b) Abdul says ''Either I belong or Binoy belongs to a different family from the other two." Whose family do you name of?
A.16 B.24 C.30 D.64
17. If the operation,^ is defined by the equation x ^ y = 2x + y,what is the value of a in 2 ^ a = a ^ 3 A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.4
15. In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls A.y/(x + y) B.x/xy C.x/(x + y) D.y/xy
18 .A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee,putting in 2 parts of a 33p. a gm. grade to 1 part of a 24p. a gm.If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm. to 2 parts of the less expensive grade,how much will the shop save in blending 100 gms. A.Rs.90 B.Rs.1.00 C.Rs.3.00 D.Rs.8.00
16. What is the maximum number of half-pint bottles of cream that can be filled with a 4-gallon can of cream(2 pt.=1 qt. and 4 qt.=1 gal)
19.There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination. Among these questions are 50 mathematics problems.It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each maths problem as for each
ŕ°Ż ŕ°ľŕ°¤ REASONING other question. How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problems A.36 B.72 C.60 D.100 20.In a group of 15,7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not studied either. How many of these studied both Latin and Greek A.0 B.3 C.4 D.5
Answer of last week: 1. Ans: 4. 2. Ans: 1. 3. Ans: 4. 4. Ans: 2. 5. Ans: 1. 6. Ans: 1. 7. Ans: 1 8. Ans: 1 9. Ans: 1 10. Ans: 1 11. Ans: 2 12. Ans: 1 13. Ans: 1 14. Ans: 4 15. Ans: 2 16. Ans: 1 17. Ans: 3 18. Ans: 4 19. Ans: 2 20. Ans: 4
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Sony debuts 10-inch Xperia Z tablet
100 BlackBerry 10 OS screenshots emerge, reveal Evernote, NFC, Siri-like voice assistant
Sony 10-inch Xperia Z tablet
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మeమ ల 8ా
అంట] ాదు
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అవ తMం?d
aSలe ాv
గృOPణ ల - వంటల
బ (ాTయ, బ (ాTయ, ా"W p రసం: రసం:
ా"బ : సలe : సలe :
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ావలZిన ప?SWా ల : ల :
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vళ – 4 కపU
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మ క|ల aేZిన ఐ
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తయeW & Sనం: & Sనం
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మ క|ల 8ా
()67, 1vగt, ఉపU బ!8ా కB ి ే
తరlగ c ాB. 89ంజల ేZ[Zి ఆ
ా"బ : సలe Zిద ం. ఆWr8ా"
మ క|ల
vళ ,
బ (ాTయ,
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ఉప గకర న
గృOPణ ల - వంటల
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ావలZిన&: &
ిం67 కల(ాB.
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ట¤మeట!ల - 600 8ా మ ల
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ఆ?ే¬ాల : ాల
=W9యeల ()67
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367 3678ా 0SB
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"ఓ! ఇ K!" తల 1ంటJ కలను చూ ిసm ూ aెపTడ+ ా ా"Wావ .
"ఓ² అలe8ా... W ం6S?" అ0SKడ+ మ ర±.
ఒ ప శK Railway station లలQ ,Bus stand లలQ ఇదI రl ;చC8ాళ కBZి0S, ఇదI రl ా³p 3t ఇం´vరl కBZి0S అ678 ?d ఒ ప శK. ఏంట?d?
"v?d ఏ (ా p¶ాం?" ¶ాం
?·W¸ాయ ¹ా F భవ "0Sక aSలe ాలం(ాటJ బత ాల ఉం?d 6Sక/t. ఏ 0S Oºym ట~£q aెబ SWా?" అ678ాడ+ Wామ " ± aేసు cం67" సల¡ ఇaSCడ+ 6Sక/t.
"అలe8 » ే ఎక |వ ాలం బతMక SWా?" ఆశCర"(^యeడ+ Wామ .
"అ?ేం ల¼దుల¼. ాక(^ ే అపUడ+ ాలం
!రం8ా గడ+సూ m ఎక |వ ాలం
బ నటJ/ అ ిసm ుం?d" అసల సంగ aె(ాTడ+ 6Sక/t.
Zిగ "Zిగ ల¼దటయe" vక ? క¢రల తరlగ తMంట] 3ల ె89ంద Z లవ ా ాలంటJ0SK ా? ఆ మeట అన6S vక 0½W లe వ\Cందయe"" అW9aSడ+ ఆxీసt.
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వృదు ల
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హ"వశ: హ"వశ:
సరX: ౖ lణÆ:ౖ !! సరX: ప కృ జ ర
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р░д |р░и
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р░оeр░пр░Х ,
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ఆత &¬ాX ా Effective Quotation Swami Vivekananda
Inspiring Messages Famous Quotes by Swami Vivekananda.
Why are people so afraid? The answer is that they have made themselves helpless and dependent on others. We are so lazy, we do not want to do anything ourselves. We want a Personal God, a Savior or a Prophet to do everything for us.
As long as we believe ourselves to be even the least different from God, fear remains with us; but when we know ourselves
to be the One, fear goes; of what can we be afraid?
There is one thing to be remembered: that the assertion—I am God— cannot be made with regard to the sense-world. This life is a hard fact; work your way through it boldly, though it may be adamantine; no matter, the soul is stronger.
ఆత &¬ాX ా
First get rid of the delusion “I am the body”, then only will we want real knowledge.
All that is real in me is God; all that is real in God is I. The gulf between God and me is thus bridged. Thus by knowing God, we find that the kingdom of heaven is within us.
What the world wants is character. The world is in need of those whose life is one burning love, selfless. That love will make every word tell like a thunderbolt. Tell the truth boldly, whether it hurts or not. Never pander to weakness. If truth is too much for intelligent people and sweeps them away, let them go; the sooner the better.
р░м р░░┬Д р░кр░жр▒Бр░ир▒Б MATHS:┬ор░░l р░Тр░Х р░м┬Ф 6р▒Жр▒Ц├Пр░╡t. ┬кр░жр░Я~ р░╛/┬г
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SIMPLE: If folk is spelled Folk how do you spell the white of an egg?
LOGIC: р░Тр░Х р░о .р░┐
!р░░" ├Чр░Х| ^р░жW9
& р░╛р░╣р░В р░Ър░Я/ р░мр░ж┬Щ >0S?
aр▒Зр░╕р▒Б cр░╡р░бр░В
బ ర పదును
X≠G, అంట] ఒక ?SంటØ
ఇందులQ 3*3 ఉంట!G.
ªదట~ వరlసలQ A,B,C W ండవ వరlసలQ F,G,H ఉంట!G, \వW9 మuడవ వరlసలQ L.M,N ఉంట!G. ఈ ంద?d ఒక ఉదహరణ
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పక|న &678ా ఉనK& టJక ల . X=G, అంట] X,G, ఒక ?SంటØ 03 ఉంట!G
ŕ°Ź ŕ°°Â&#x201E; ŕ°Şŕ°Śŕą ŕ°¨ŕą
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By setting the snooze time to 9 minutes, the alarm clock only needs to watch the last digit of the time. So, if you hit snooze at 6.45, the alarm goes off again when the last digit equals 4. They couldn't make it 10 minutes, otherwise the alarm would go off right away, or it would take more circuitry.
LOGIC: ŕ°&#x17D;ŕ°&#x201A;ŕ°Śŕą ŕ°&#x2022;ŕ°&#x201A;ŕ°&#x;]
ŕ°Ž .ŕ°ż ŕ°&#x2021;ŕ°&#x201A; ŕ°ž ŕ°Ź Â&#x201A; ŕ°&#x2030;0SKŕ°Ą+ ŕ°&#x2022;న๠ŕ°&#x2022; SMIPLE: °ŕ°&#x2022;ŕ°&#x;~
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Hawaiian హ ాGయF వరÚమeల 12 అÈWాల
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ఆస mకర న జÁల
ఒక ఏనుగ మuడ+ ళ దూరంలQ vరl ాసన చూడగలదు (ాల
మeత >
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ఎపUడూ aె(ాTను.
ªదట~ బయట ప67
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