Facts Your Should Know About Before Your Spider Vein Treatment in San Antonio

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FACTS YOUR SHOULD KNOW ABOUT BEFORE YOUR SPIDER VEIN TREATMENT IN SAN ANTONIO https://healthymouth.home.blog/2020/09/28/facts-your-should-know-about-before-your-spider-vein-treatment-in-san-antonio/

In current time one should be aware of the different consequences that can challenge some health problems. Complicity may range from pain to intense discomfort and may last longer if there is no proper treatment.

Spider veins are a sign of vein disease that normally have no signs at all. They are narrower and smaller than varicose veins, which appear like a spider web, and they are clearly discoloured. Spider veins, like hands and arms, can occur on any part of the body, but they most often occur in the legs due to elevated pressure and reduced blood flow.

Which is why in this blog, we will discuss about various facts you should be aware about related to spider vein treatment in San Antonio.


Spider veins, which are also called as telangiectasia, are thin irregular thread-like veins similar to the skin base, according to many physicians and doctors. They are further protruding on the top and sides of the leg and just behind the knee, which is clearly visible.

In fair-skinned individuals, these veins are more prominent and more noticeable in females. The spider veins can behave dramatically and have no distinctive symptoms. They can appear on the legs as a series of distinctive bluish or red spots.


Spider veins are small miniature veins and ligaments similar to threads. Typically they don’t cause discomfort, swelling of the legs or exhaustion. The spider veins are not the cause for the issue in any person that has such vein symptoms.

If restlessness, stiffness, heaviness, scratching, discomfort, or general pain of the legs follow the spider veins, you might have an underlying situation known as venous insufficiency or vein disease. Before you can get into spider vein therapy, this problem will need to be tackled. Spider veins will reappear constantly until the underlying condition is treated and fixed. When you are infected for vein disease the doctor will be able to prescribe spider vein therapy later in the recovery period.



Interventional radiologists and plastic surgeons in San Antonio who have expertise with non-surgical operations conduct the treatment for spider veins. They offer an easy and safe way to reduce the spider veins, allowing them to break and disappear. For spider veins, the most popular treatment used is Visual sclerotherapy.


This procedure requires that the doctor administer a sterile solution into the infected vein using a needle. This treatment uses therapies to close the diseased veins and redirect the flow of blood to the healthy, surrounding veins.

Afterwards, your body will reabsorb the treated vein. While Varithena is used mainly for the treatment of underlying vein disease, it can also be used to treat spider veins. Your doctor will determine which medicine is best for your situation.

If you’re suffering from spider veins and are looking for a trusted an experienced clinic in San Antonio for cosmetic surgery, you should consider contacting Dr Koneru today.

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