How Data-Driven Decisions Can Help Businesses Optimize Remote Work Infra
• Switching to remote mode of working wasn’t a smooth or an easy transition for most of the organisations in the first place. Many of them were compelled to jump on the bandwagon unprepared, to keep their operations running during the strict travel restricts. With work from anywhere becoming the new normal, organizations now need to take a fresh look at their strategies to ensure an enterprisewide remote work for a long time.
• The disruptions in business due to the Covid situation and the lockdown have already driven many organizations to the edge. They should look for ways optimize their remote work infrastructure to contain costs while ensuring seamless productivity in the long run. They need to assess infrastructure usage and scale up or scale down as per the actual requirement.
• Employees are using internet and their own devices for working from home, widening the threat landscape and increasing chances of loss due to cyber security breach manifolds. IT teams need to identify and mitigate any potential threat at the earliest, for which they need real-time data on security postures of endpoints.
• Work from home also means that user behaviour may not be as consistent as in the office environment. Employees are no more working under the direct supervision and guidance of their managers. Thus, enterprises need a means for productivity monitoring and a new approach for performance assessment. Further, with employees working in isolation, organizations need to put in extra efforts in ensuring that their infrastructure operates at an optimal level without glitches to ensure good user experience.
• In short, what organizations need is actionable information or data for effective infrastructure monitoring, security posture monitoring, user experience monitoring and user productivity monitoring. The remote working tools should provide event logs and critical data in a way which is easy to comprehend and analyse to aid the managerial decision-making process.
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