Why Should Organizations Adopt Biometric & Facial Authentication, Moving Forward? https://blogs.accops.com/why-should-organizations-adopt-biometric-facial-authentication-moving-forward/
Passwords – Not secure enough anymore • Passwords is one of the most conventional mechanism used to protect user identities. But passwords, by themselves, are not considered to be secure anymore. In “passwords-only” security model, access is provided based on “what you know” and anyone who knows the password of a user can gain corporate access. Thus, a password-based access doesn’t guarantee that the person who logged in, is the real user. Identity thefts and credential sharing are also increasing, rendering “passwords-only” security model ineffective by the day.
Multi-Factor Authentication – A wellimproved alternative • Organizations are increasingly adopting Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) to overcome the limitations of “passwords-only” authentication for preventing unauthorized access. • As part of MFA, OTPs (through SMS or email) or push notifications add a second layer of authentication on top of conventional passwords, minimizing the chances of security breach or identity theft. OTP- or pushnotification-based authentication improves the security by verifying “what one possesses” (phone, PC or laptop), along with “what one knows” (password).
Biometrics-based MFA – The best of both worlds • Biometrics-based authentication, like usage of facial verification or fingerprint verification, overcomes the limitations of typical OTP or push notifications-based authentication by essentially providing authentication based on “who you are”.
Continuous authentication – The way to go • Continuous biometric authentication – facial verification that keeps taking place on a rolling basis, once every preset time interval (say every 15 minutes) and locks out the user when the authentication fails – goes one step further in preventing unauthorized access and ensuring top notch security.
This Article is Originally Appeared on https://blogs.accops.com/why-should-organizations-adopt-biometric-facial-authentication-moving-forward/