4 team 7 re train the city final

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Re-­‐TRAIN the city Team 7 Miledi Chalimi, Maria Ioanna Fotopoulou, Reto Gassmann, Ioannis Kalamio?s, Adrienne Ma@müller

Main goals •  Connect city centre with the sea •  Reduce harbour in one area •  High-­‐speed-­‐line: reduce to single line, connect Rio and Patras, focus on exis?ng se@lement •  Local train-­‐tram: par?al combina?on with high-­‐ speed-­‐line, connect main points of interest: -­‐ City centre -­‐ University / Hospital -­‐ Port -­‐ Technical University

•  Realisa?on in steps, possible upgrade in the future

3 op?ons Retain exis?ng line

End of High-­‐speed in Rio

New underground line

Op?on 1: Retain exis?ng line High-­‐speed-­‐line •  Main Sta?on: old train sta?on Agios Dionysios •  Rio: centre •  Freight transport in the night Local train-­‐tram •  Exis?ng line: combina?on •  Branches for university /technical university Costs •  220 – 380 Mio € maintenance: 7-­‐12 Mio €/year

Op?on 2: End of High-­‐speed in Rio High-­‐speed-­‐line •  Main Sta?on: Centre Rio or at the university campus Local train-­‐tram •  New line: new na?onal road, korinthou street, exis?ng line in the south •  Branches for university /technical university Costs •  255 – 445 Mio € maintenance: 8.5-­‐14.5Mio €/year

Op?on 3: New underground line High-­‐speed-­‐line •  Main Sta?on: old train sta?on Agios Andreas •  Centre Rio or at the university campus •  Underground tunnel passenger-­‐fright Local train-­‐tram •  Exis?ng line (3a) or •  New line: new na?onal road, korinthou street, exis?ng line (3b) •  Branches for university /technical university Costs •  •

3a: 370-­‐640 Mio € + 11-­‐20 Mio €/year 3b: 385-­‐705 Mio € +12.5-­‐22.5 Mio €/year

Key topics •  Traffic system: Connec?on between train / road / ship (passengers and freight), connec?on to north and south •  User-­‐friendliness: Main sta?on near the city centre, local sta?on near well-­‐frequented places, easy interchange between different means of transport •  Impact on environment: Grade of separa?on of the city, noise of trains, interference with local traffic, improvements for bicycles and pedestrians •  Expandability: Realisa?on in steps, flexibility in case of freight or passenger development •  External factors: Dependency of other infrastructure projects, land requirements, poli?cal decisions etc.) •  Costs: Construc?on, maintenance and opera?on

Overview Traffic system

User-­‐ Impact on Expandability External Costs friendliness environment factors

1 Centre / ExisBng line 2 Rio / new line 3a Tunnel / exisBng line 3b Tunnel / new line




Final proposal

Main proposal Points of interest: •  City center •  University/ Hospital •  Technical Educa?onal Ins?tute •  Coastline

Strategy: •  Combina?on of Regional and Local system •  Re-­‐establish the rela?on between the sea and the city

Advantages System is expandable in future Affordable solu?on Main sta?on near the city centre / bus sta?on Independent of other infrastructure projects Local train-­‐tram independent of high-­‐speed line •  No new land requirements •  •  •  •  •

Opera?onal steps Step 1: coastal line

Step 2: + branche university / hospital

Opera?onal steps Step 3: + branche tec. University in 2 lines

Step 4: + extension to north / south

Urban  interven?ons Â

“Green” corridors crossing the city

Main points of urban interven?ons •  Passing the city over the rails •  Pulling down the landscape con?nuity of the hills •  Green corridors from the hills to the seafront through the city •  Pedestrian street network combined with tram •  Restore ci?zens’ rela?on with the old port area

Sec?on along the main sta?on

Eleva?on of the main sta?on

Recrea&on of the coastal front in order to give to the ci&zens the chance to be familiar with the sea (a8achment of new uses)

Master plan of the extended area of the main sta?on

Thank you !

Costs in detail !"#$%&'$"(" $)*+,%-".*%$ 7%$8,9$"*%:$+&9$%&" ;*-<"=>$$?"04*. !"#$%$&"#$'()$* @%%54."#1+&""""""""""""""""""" ;*-<"=>$$?"04*. ,$%$-$'()$* 7%$8,9$"*%:$+&9$%&" "#$%$!&#$'()$* A1B4."C'4*%8&'49 @%%54."#1+&""""""""""""""""""" &$%$.$'()$* A1B4."&'4*%8&'49


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