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New Times Newspaper

San JosĂŠ Costa Rica Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Horror at the airport and subway Brussels

Victims bloodied y mutilated bodies. These are some of the outstanding scenes of the attack on the subway and airport Brussels.

Tica victory

Sleep is health


Crime and Accident

New Times

The Red Cross Tibรกs moved to a man in delicate condition at the Calderon Guardia Hospital A man Mora Aguilar surname yesterday received two

Transfer of the victim. Photo: Isaac Rivera

bullet wounds, one in back and one in the abdomen, the man entered the Hospital Calderon Guardia last night. The victim was inside the Golden Eagle grocery store in Copey de Tibรกs. According to witnesses, a vehicle they were traveling three men parked in front of the shop, they got out and entered with gun in hand, shooting 34-year-old man several times. "We attended the 911 call where we noted the emergence in Tibรกs, arriving found in a grocery store a man with some bullets, forcing his transfer to hospital. When we were at the roundabout suffered a cardiac arrest, which indicates a very delicate health condition, "said Martin Perez, cruzrojista Unit Tibรกs. Amid the emergency, relatives of Mora Aguilar came to the medical center, where they said they must wait because the injured immediate attention merited surgery. Apparently this man aggression is because a vengeance. The case was investigated by the judicial authorities of the site.

Truck falls River with three people aboard in Puerto Viejo Two people were taken to hospital with various injuries after falling from a bridge while they were aboard a truck. The accident occurred yesterday on the bridge of the Puerto Viejo Villalta Apparently the truck traveling loaded with building materials could not climb a slope and when the driver decided to turn back, lost control, broke through the guardrail of the bridge and fell into the river. One of the companions did not require to be moved, however the other two people had strokes in the arms and neck so they proceeded to take them to a medical center. Tuesday, April 5, 2016


New Times


Horror at the airport and subway Brussels At least 26 people have died and 90 were injured in the blasts that hit the Zaventem airport in Brussels and subway station Maalbeek in the center of the European capital. According to official sources they confirmed to Belgian media, two explosions at the airport caused at least 11 deaths and 35 wounded. Initially it was reported that the death toll in these detonations had been 13. On the other hand, the attack on the subway station, located in the neighborhood where they are most of the headquarters of the European institutions, has left at least 15 dead and 55 wounded. The prosecutor's court of first instance of Brussels has confirmed that the explosions at Zaventem airport and the metro have been due to two separate attacks. Belgian media say that the explosions occurred at the airfield about 08:15 am, at which point there was a dense smoke that ran through the broken glass of the terminal, which was abandoned by travelers quickly.

Shortly after, another explosion rocked the subway station Maalbeek, an administrative area very busy at that time European capital. This latest attack caused the whole public transport network of Europe capital has been blocked

Obama calls for reconciliation of Cuba and the US President Barack Obama made an emotional appeal for

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

reconciliation between Cuba and the United States away for half a century by the Cold War, on the last day of his visit to Havana. "I came here to leave behind the past problems of the Cold War. I came here extending the hand of friendship to the Cuban people," Obama said. In the speech, applauded repeatedly by the audience that filled the National Theater of Havana, Obama said the embargo of his country on the communist island "hurts the Cuban people," and also called in Spanish young people of this country " build something new. " The embargo is "a burden obsolete on the Cuban people," he said, adding that Cubans "will not reach its potential if changes are made here in Cuba". In the speech, in which he quoted several times a poet and Cuban hero JosĂŠ MartĂ­, also called for reconciliation between Cubans themselves, and referred to the "suffering" and "pain" of the Cuban diaspora "who loves Cuba "and separated families. His words were followed from the balcony of the theater honor by Cuban President Raul Castro and senior officials of his government. Obama is the first US president to visit Cuba in 88 years.


Science and Technology

New Times

Human rights court backs Costa Rica's decree on legalizing The Inter-American Court of Human Rights on ruled that a decree IVF to legalize and regulate in vitro fertilization, signed by President Luis Guillermo Solís last October, complies with a 2013 ruling from that court. Justices of the San José-based court issued a report on the measures implemented by Costa Rica to comply with the 2013 ruling, which overturned an IVF ban adopted in 2000 by the country’s Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, or Sala IV. It should be understood that IVF is authorized in Costa Rica and it must immediately be allowed by both private and public health services. It says the executive decree demonstrated clear and concrete evidence of the Costa Rican government’s willingness to abide by the ruling. The ruling is a clear and specific order for all Costa Rican government agencies to fully comply with the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights’ orders. The implementation of IVF in our country both at public and private hospitals from this moment on is a priority for this administration.

Costa Rica's first satellite project enters decisive stage Officials at the Costa Rica-based Central American Association for

ACAE displays a mockup of the 10-cm picosatellite that will broadcast information to evaluate climate change effects on the growth of forests.

Aeronautics and Space (ACAE) on Friday announced they will launch a campaign to raise $75,000 needed to orbit the first Costa Rica satellite, a small device called picosatellite. The 10-centimeter (4-inch) picosatellite is a key element of ACAE’s Irazú Project and is expected to be deployed into space from the International Space Station during the second half of 2018. The project takes its name from Costa Rica’s highest volcano, located in Cartago province. Project director Marco Gómez said the research consists of real-time measurements of temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide fixation. Data will be collected in a forest in Los Chiles, a mountainous area near Costa Rica’s border with Nicaragua, and will be used to evaluate climate change effects on forests. Data will be used by researchers from various TEC faculties in projects ranging from climate effects to numerical weather prediction. Information collected also will be shared on a website as open data so it can be used by investigators and students all over the world.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


New Times


Reventazon plant would begin generating electricity next week Timing is the first step of the entry into operation of the


conducting technical tests and synchronization, the first of four generating turbines of the hydroelectric plant Reventaz贸n was already connected to the national electricity system, so that next week will be activated and inject the first 73 megawatts to the system, something that will benefit 125 thousand families.

hydroelectric plant, which is the largest work built by the Costa Rican Electricity Institute will generate 305 megawatts for and provide electricity to 525,000 homes. Luis Roberto Rodriguez, director of the Reventaz贸n Hydroelectric Plant, located in Limon Siquirres, said "we are pleased to report that the deadlines of the largest engineering work in the country's history are being met. Each of the maneuvers reaffirms the ability of our staff and today we can say that Reventaz贸n is a reality. " Within the schedule in the last week of April comes into operation the first unit, the second in May, the third in June and the last in July, bringing the total operation of the plant will be reached in the first half "The process will be completed when all four units and additional -in its central ecologically compensation are operating at the same time. This task will be made following the schedule established. Blowdown will be the largest and most modern of the Central American isthmus power plant. Its construction began in April 2010, "Rodriguez said. .

Alajuela train line will be ready in May Work on the railway line that allows alajuelenses again traveling by train is about to end, so this service would enable in May. This was confirmed by Maria Fernanda Arias, spokeswoman for the Costa Rican Institute of Railways, who indicated that it is less than 250 meters to complete the work to the San Rafael Hospital in Alajuela. "We hope that work will finish for the month of May and it would be ready to start operations," said Arias. Fulfilled this purpose we hope to begin travel between Alajuela and San Jose in the first half of this year, bringing the promise to put the train to operate later than June fulfilled. What is not clear is what the frequency will operate this new route, because even some studies are required to define what would be the demand for the service. "We must finish the work first and then we define several service details to be announced later, said Arias. Regarding the rate will be the same as paid by users traveling to Heredia, which is of 垄 460. Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Higher authorities also insist on the need to adopt new resources to no longer think rehabilitate roads but on building new infrastructure to help prevent interaction between vehicles and train, as they have reported lot of accidents. So the call is urged deputies to support the project and allow the country to have a modern train and up to first-world countries and also avoid difficulties citizens and the country.



New Times The powerful Keylor Navas Keylor Navas, bailed out his Real Madrid team once again with a crucial penalty kick save against Sevilla. The goalie, added to his impressive list of accolades with Real Madrid’s 4-0 win over league rival Sevilla. The Costa Rican keeper now has three penalty kick saves on the season, giving him more than any other goalie in Europe’s major five leagues, according to sports statistic web site OptaJose. Navas now has become one of the best goalkeepers in the world thanks to its duly recorded in each training and their experiences in the fields of play. Real Madrid coach is very satisfied with having the Costa Rican goalkeeper Keylor in his team for their good performance in the field.

Great victory of Costa Rica to Jamaica 3-0 The Tricolor showed a high level in the scoring 3 - 0 to its similar of Jamaica. The first entry of the tricolor to Jamaica was fifteen minutes, making the number five player Celso Borges that shook the ropes of goalkeeper Blake. However, after the score, the ball spent more time on the feet of Jamaicans allowing them a little defend their territory but used little technique in the field to defend the territory, and that allowed the tricolor second goal made by the Bryan Ruiz famous player who gave form to victory tica thirty-five minutes into the match. For the second time Costa Rica was the most time in the enemy camp, looking all fronts attack the third conquest. Johan Venegas until he placed on the board the 3-0 victory giving the national team. The Sele kept the three points at home playing well, with great victory and qualified for the 2018 World Russia.

Celebration of the Tricolor

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


New Times


New releases in theaters A new preview of the anticipated film "Civil War: Captain America" shows new and revealing images of the confrontation between Marvel superheroes. Previous interventions of "The Avengers" in cities like Washington DC and Sokovia, to save the world and its side effects, unleashed a campaign by government authorities to control the actions of iconic heroes. In the midst of the plot the appearance of "Winter Soldier" adds a level of tension between the leaders "Avengers" Man and Captain America--Iron triggering a war between the heroes. The long-awaited presence of Spider-Man on the tape is another attractive than expected in this film and finally advance to the arachnid shown intervene in the conflict.

Two iconic superheroes face for the first time in "Batman vs. Superman: the origin of justice" flew to the top of the US box office in its opening weekend, according to preliminary figures released Sunday. It also makes it the sixth highest grossing film in history in its weekend debut, with Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman, this film puts first the two characters together on the big screen and sets the premise for the next saga about the "justice league" and future films dedicated to Wonder woman.

New music 2016 – Top 10 These are the best songs of the week and the most recommended. 1) Run Away With Me – Carly Rae Jepsen 2) Love Myself – Hailee Steinfeld 3) Style – Taylor Swift 4) Cake By The Ocean – DNCE 5) Sorry – Justin Bieber 6) Fith Song – Rachel Platten 7) Shut Up And Dance – Walk The Moon 8) Lay Me Down – Sam Smith 9) Keep Holding On – Avril Lavigne 10) Give It Up – Hannah Trigwell

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Politic and economy

New Times

Approved convention to protect the rights of older adults The Special Commission on Human Rights of the Legislative Assembly unanimously approved the Inter-American Convention on Protection of Human Rights of Older Persons. The convention was adopted at the General Assembly of the Organization of American States. This instrument provides for regulating specific areas related to health and healthy aging measures. It protects the right of seniors to health, to have information about treatment, palliative care and contains instruments against discrimination and abuse, it protects a population whose rights are disrespected, mainly found in poverty.

Basic passive rate will rise; Reference interbank rates of Return will lower long-term From Thursday, the passive basic rate will rise to 5.70%, according to weekly review of the indicator making the Central Bank of Costa Rica. This is the second consecutive increase after relocating to a minimum of 5.55% in mid-April. The basic passive rate is used as a reference for calculating quotas of long-term loans in colones and interests of some investments in local currency. This week the first update of the reference interbank rates, which first published the previous week was also performed. For the long-term rates will be downward adjustments: 5.56% to 5.39% for 6 months; 6.52% to 6.06% within 9 months and 6.96% to 6.74% for 12 months. Unlike the basic rate, which incorporates the cost of funding of all maturities, benchmark interbank rates try to incorporate the cost of that funding for each specific term. Tuesday, April 5, 2016


New Times


Costa Rica decrees emergency to prevent spread of Zika, other mosquito-borne viruses The spread of mosquito-borne diseases throughout Costa Rica led the authorities to declare a state of emergency Thursday 31 cantons located in the seven provinces. The executive decree after the recent confirmation of the first three cases of local transmission of Zika virus, as well as an increase in cases of dengue and chikungunya. Health Minister Fernando Llorca in a press release said the order was a preventive measure to "safeguard life, health and safety of the population." The declaration will remain in effect while the Executive considers appropriate. Llorca called on people to help remove all objects from their homes that can serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Dengue and chikungunya cases during the first five weeks of this year rose more than 600 percent compared with the same period last year.

The Health Ministry launched a fumigation campaign this week with assistance from the National Police and other public agencies. They’re also urging the population to eliminate objects that can collect stagnant water.

Sleep deprivation makes people eat more and worse In modern society, a growing number of men and women who sleep less than seven hours a day. Whatever would imagine is that, besides depleted dawn, wake up, literally, Hungry. A study by the University of Chicago, in the United States, found that sleep deprivation makes people grow by 33% a compound known as 2-AG. which stimulates the brain, it is a mechanism that increases the desire to eat so little people who sleep make this compound to flow more. In tests, participants who slept little for four days up to 300 extra calories consumed, while others maintained their weight or lost weight. Studies show that with just a little sleep that night, and disorders of insulin are produced and increases the sugar in the body. In these people, what happens is that the normal biology is altered, because they eat at times when the body is not prepared to digest these foods as revealed by the investigation. Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"Despite the study's limitations, such as the small number of volunteers -14 people- or the few days that lasted the evidence, the findings are clearly significant and consistent," the authors said.


Classifieds ads

New Times

Find what you need Vehicles Mitsubishi 2013 for sale... San José/ $15,000, excellent condition, all legal paper, owner sells, receives vehicle as part of payment. Info. 8441-9912 or

1983 Chevy Conversion Van San José/ for Sale by Owner beautiful Chevy conversion van 7 passengers, Automatic, very good condition. $5,370 or best offer!!! Call: 2282-6043

Animals Dog for Adoption Guadalupe. Male puppy (Zeus), 8 months, small size, very cute and playful, Need a home urgently! Contact Tel. 86355163.

Dog for sale Female dog (light brown) ,3 years, obedient, spayed, medium size, nice companion, good with other dogs. Contact 84964612

Cars for Rent

Cats for adoption

San Carlos Cars for Rent $175-$295 a week Everything included! Call Aaron 2282-7013, Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 5 pm, Saturday, Sundays: 9 am – 1 pm.

Moravia. Male cats, 5 months, very cute and playful, Need a loving home urgently! Contact 22345623

House for rent or sale Beautiful condo for rent in Heredia San José. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, 2car garage, security 24 hrs. $650.00/month+deposit. Availab le inmed call Juan Carlos 88534418

Escazú, nice House for sale For Sale by Owner, House for Sale in Escazú, very nice view, 100% secure, 3 bedrooms, TV room, 2 bath, 2 car garage, large kitchen, potable water service. Contact: 8747-3647

Apartment for Rent, Paraiso, Cartago For Rent by Owner, furnished apartment in Paraiso, Cartago, private, secure, /Internet included. 1 ó 2 person. Contact: English 8878-5089

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

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