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Vision for WY

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Heartland Kubota

Heartland Kubota


To the People of the State of Wyoming and America: Wyoming is often described as the most conservative state in America. What is conservatism? Conservatism as provides the maximum amount of liberty while holding people accountable for their actions. With that as our definition, the actions of the Wyoming state legislature would not align with the title of the most conservative state. Two examples are the legislature’s unwillingness to stand up to the federal government’s overreach regarding vaccine mandates and the legislature’s very near passage of Medicaid expansion in the previous session. Is the population of the state conservative? Polling shows that Wyoming is the most vaccination opposed state indicating a conservative population. The state has a long history of being populated with folks who are independent and willing to take risks far beyond most Americans. Our climate is harsh and our occupations are far from easy. We are spread out over large geographical areas and where we do gather, it is in much smaller numbers than other states. These challenges promote independence and conservative values. If the people are conservative, then why are the peoples representatives not? I believe that the answer is laziness. For far too long, we here in Wyoming have become soft and dependent on government assistance that has made our determination to keep and fight for our independence weak. Rather than fight for the freedoms our ancestors died for, we have allowed others to watch over our liberties and have not held those others to account for their management of our great freedoms. Should we correct this wrong? If we choose not to, then our descendants will never know the freedoms and liberties that we have enjoyed. Those are freedoms and liberties that have allowed us to provide more aid and protection for people around the world than any other country in world history. They have made this country the envy of the world, the target of China, and arguably the best place to be live in all history. Never has there been a more perfect form of self government than our representative republic. This is something we should be proud of our ancestors for securing for us and we should be just as willing to lay down our lives to preserve for future generations. How can we fix this? First, we must no longer allow others to represent our best interests. Each of us must take responsibility for our own freedoms and liberties. If you believe that our elections are not fair and ethically maintained, then YOU must be prepared to do something about it. You must be willing to spend a day of each election year as an election judge for your county or a poll watcher for your party. If you are concerned about the education young people are receiving in this country you must be willing to give up two to four hours a month to observe what challenges the school board of trustees is faced with. You should get involved by finding conservative solutions to those challenges. There are more open positions in our community than there are people willing to fill those positions. But remember, only three percent of the colonists were patriots that were willing to fight the greatest military (England) in the world. If only 3 percent of the “conservative” people in our state were to get involved, we could easily put this state on the right path. Why have those that are liberal been so successful at directing our state down a path that is in opposes the will of the people? First of all, they have been willing and eager to serve. They have valued public service at least as highly as service to one’s self, one’s family, or one’s livelihood. Second, they have been willing to set virtue aside when it conflicted with obtaining the end result quickly. “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” In addition to setting virtue aside, they have also been willing to allow the goals of any subgroups they belong to, to take a back seat to policies that conflict with those goals so long as they will eventually lead to a better chance that their faction will get what the want. An example is the LGBTQ subgroup of the Democrats will say nothing about a homophobic slur aimed by one legislator at another, so long as that legislator slinging mud supports the actions of the teacher’s union. They know that if the teacher’s union maintains power, it will eventually lead to changes that positively promote the LGBTQ agenda. Even if they are seen as hypocrites in the mean time. This is a quality that those who possess integrity based on a core set of beliefs will find difficult to do as their good behavior is based on maintaining righteousness in all areas of life. “He did what was right in the sight of the Lord.” What must conservatives do to turn the tide as those who have stolen our government from us will undoubtedly not give up their hold on power without a fight? We must prioritize our fights. We must be willing to allow our own personal goals to take a back seat to fighting and winning in critical areas where our common goals lie. We must learn


to play the long game and not look for immediate satisfaction. We must find common ground and agree on priorities soon so that we can begin to fight the good fight in areas where we can win. What are some areas where we can focus the energy of most if not all conservatives?

1) Fight to reduce govern-

ment spending - This is where government reduces your ownership of property and thus your freedoms as a whole. It is also how government grows itself to be an ever increasing burden on us all. It should never be that, working for the government pays better than working for the private sector.

2) Fight to gain control of our

education - The children are our future. They deserve the best education we can give them. The best education is NOT the most expensive. Our founding fathers clearly understood that a well educated populace was the best defense of our republic. 3) Fight for state rights - Our form of government depends on a constant struggle for power between the state and federal government. We must elect legislators who will fight against a federal government that strays outside of it’s constitutional powers. The federal government has taken their power to tax the people to mean that they can tax us and then use those dollars to blackmail the states into governing as they see fit, even in areas outside of the federal government’s powers. Only the voters should determine how our legislature performs its duties. We must begin to look for ways to stop the federal government from controlling us with our own money.

4) Fight for election

integrity - Even the most fair and honest elections will drift out of compliance if we do keep a vigilant watch. This must happen right now because many are losing faith in our elections. These elections MUST be honest.

Fight For Wyoming,

America’s Last Hope.

- Publius

Our First Amandment Rights MATTER.

Constitution of United States of America 1789

Amendment I:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


REjEcT the Mainstream Media (MSM) Their skewed agenda seeks to destroy our society’s culture and children’s future.

Proven to Make False claims on Many Occasions:

ABC NBC Don’t believe CBS The New York Times they have extreme bias? CNN The Washington Post Ask yourself: PBS BBC How many retractions and corrections Here are Some Alternatives to Try Instead! have they EVER OAN – One America News made? For instance: The Right Side news • Anti-Christian Real America’s voice News statements • Medical data Newsmax on Vaccine Sky News injuries • Hunter Biden Go Victory Channel Laptop Blaze TV • Russian Collu sion Delusion, Breitbart News • Impeachment Hoax (twice), Epoch Times Newspaper • Election Theft Wall builders.com with Dave Barton & MORE! America’s Frontline doctors - Can help you with COVID! For Locals in WY: Dana Lash, on Basin Radio 107.5


Try using duckduckgo for your search engine, this currently lets you bypass propoganda filters. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) also assure less intrusion and greater privacy

REMEMbER, You May be using Heavily censored Social Media:

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook

Try Instead:

Telegram Parler Gab Rumble Clout Hub Frank’s Voice Gateway Pundit

Suggested Reading:

1984 by George Orwell Animal Farm by George Orwell What’s fascinating about the above books is it reveals Communism and Socialism’s objectives in the glaring light of satire - and was authored oVER 70 yEARs Ago in England. The Hunger Games Quadrology - Suzanne Collins (For young adult audiences)

EDITORIAL OPINION: The views expressed herein do not necessary reflect the opinions of our advertisers and readers

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