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FOREWORD Education changes the life of individuals; it makes businesses and entire countries prosper. This success depends largely on the overall quality of the education system and all of its components. Every well respected education specialist knows that education excellence is an ongoing process that requires efforts from all stakeholders: policy makers, administrators, teachers and the community. KOULU Group has created an access to learn from one of the best educational systems in the world. Various training programmes based on the best practices of Finnish education (ranked as No.1 in the world) are now available for all those who wish to develop the quality of their education offering. The guide you are holding is intended to help you enhance your institution’s educational competitiveness and success. This guide provides information on Finnish educational excellence and practical solutions from KOULU Group to develop your institution.

We welcome you to explore opportunities to transform your educational institution to the next level of success. Long-lasting quality partnership with KOULU Group will give you the unforgettable experience and solutions to take the necessary steps towards your education excellence.

Antti Kaskinen Founder and CEO KOULU Education Group Ltd.


FINLAND Finland is a unique northern European country, small in population, but great in size and achievement. Finland is one of the most prosperous countries in the world and is counted among the world’s high technology leaders, with a modern economy centred on the industries such as cleantech, telecommunications, IT, consumer electronics, forest products, gaming and metals industries. World Economic Forum ranks Finland No. 1 in the world in terms of Human Capital Index. Finland has been recognised as one the top Innovative countries (e.g. No.4 in the world, 2014). It is also the home for the most innovative companies (e.g. KONE – 42nd position in the world according to Forbes). The traces of these merits trails to unique Finnish education system which develops highly motivated specialists who are able to thrive in the most challenging situations. Overall, Finland was nominated the Best Country in the World (Newsweek, 2010). It also received a large number of other awards, e.g. the best education system in the world (multiple years) and the best country to be a mother (2015). Added to this, World Economic Forum ranks Finland as number one country in the world with the strongest higher education and training. The Times higher education world rankings 2015-2016 list has placed eight Finnish universities in its global top 500 list, with the University of Helsinki in the top 100. Most recently Hanken School of Economics was ranked 5th best university (2016) in the world in terms of research and research links. This success is largely built on the Finnish education system.


FINNISH EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Student performance in Finland is recognised to be among the top in the world. Study results of the Finnish students have been on the top by global rankings, such as PISA, since 2000, TIMSS and PIRLS since 2011. Furthermore, Finland ranked world’s most literate country in 2016. In the OECD survey looking at skills of the adult population PIAAC, Finnish adults show above average proficiency in literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology rich environments. The welfare of Finnish society is built on education, culture and knowledge - citizens have equal learning opportunities in order to secure and improve their know-how, leading to the success of Finnish education. Finland’s success can be explained by following factors: • Education system that is highly permeable with no dead ends preventing progression to higher levels of education • Uniform basic education for the whole age group • Highly competent teachers • Autonomy given to schools Finnish education combines ongoing development and innovation policies, most innovative pedagogical solutions, teacher excellence, individualised learning, and holistic approach to studying. But most interestingly, it also ensures that students are happy and not overloaded – which keeps them eager to learn and study. Finland has excellent learning outcomes and small differences between schools. Moreover, it has very low drop-out rates (0.3% in basic education, 2–3% in general education and 10% in vocational upper secondary education).


How is it possible for a small country like Finland to have the world’s most efficient school system? 7

Effective use of Resources • • • •

Approx. 6% of GDP goes to education 190 school days per year, 4–7 hours per day in compulsory education Moderate amount of homework, no need for private lessons aſter school Only 2% of class retakes in basic education

Teacher and Leader Professionalism • Continuous in-service training for school administration and teachers • Teachers are highly respected professionals • Principals and headmasters must also have a university level course in educational administration

Child-centred Pedagogy in Primary and Secondary Education • • • •

Most of the learning should happen during school hours, less homework is required The children are not assessed at all for the first six years of their education 30% of children receive extra help during their first nine years of school No mandated standardised tests, apart from one exam at the age of 16

Equality is the most important word in the Finnish Education • The difference between the weakest and the strongest students is the smallest in the world • Public system: The school system is 100% state funded

Variety of choice in Upper Secondary Education • Popularity of Vocational Education and Training (VET) has been steadily increasing in Finland for over a decade • Vocational skills are introduced to children even at primary school level • Today there are more students in vocational studies than general upper secondary studies • VET is available to youth and adults • All VET programme put special focus on entrepreneurship and job creation


ABOUT US The Finnish word KOULU stands for “SCHOOL”. KOULU Group works in close collaboration with the owners, management and personnel of the schools to provide finest solutions that enable ACCESS TO LEARNING. KOULU Group is an expert organisation providing first-class and comprehensive education solutions for learning and development, based on the best educational expertise from Finland. Working through long-term partnerships, we strive to make quality education accessible to people of all ages worldwide. For that purpose, KOULU Group operates private schools and teacher education institutes in collaboration with local partners around the world. But most importantly, we work hard towards innovative and practical education solutions from policies to classrooms. In our projects we take advantage of the latest technology and blend it with tried and tested working practices and glimpses of the future.

KOULU Group shares success factors with its partners through high-class services based on the world renowned Finnish education


KOULU Group’s Expert offerings are




SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE We at KOULU Group are committed to working towards quality education for all. Finland is a country with a world class education system, top teachers and innovative learning environments. Now we want to work with local partners to build schools that bring together core elements of the Finnish education combined with deep understanding of the local context and working environment. The scope of the schools varies ranging from working in existing environments and focusing on school administration, pedagogical training of staff through our Teacher Training Academy programmes and learning environment design to building new schools fully reflecting the Finnish learning environment design principles that support the before mentioned pedagogies. The KOULU Group Schools of Educational Excellence work best in conjunction with the KOULU Group International Teacher Training Academy by offering the teachers an environment that fully supports and reflects the principles of learning today.


To bring quality education accessible to all by working in cooperation with education quality driven partners globally.


Students who have an opportunity to reach their highest potential while studying in an environment that is based on top quality education approaches. Students who will work less, play more, have fun, learn more and have high ambitions for their future transforming the world around them. To teachers our school provides a working environment that motivates them to continuously develop and enhance their performance and learning outcomes of their students.


KOULU Group’s School of Educational Excellence is based on the following VALUES Developing healthy and happy students. We believe that happy and healthy students have an active mindset which influence their learning behavior. Therefore, we provide an environment for the students to stay happy and healthy. By being happy, students love what they do which will enrich their attitude to be successful in what they do as well as increase their study achievements. Likewise, by being healthy, students are able to have an active lifestyle with increased energy. Therefore, KOULU Group School of Educational Excellence is determined to develop healthy and happy students.

Developing students with an international mindset. The rapidly changing global environment brings people from different parts of the world closer together. Therefore, students need an international mindset to deal with people from different parts of the world. Globalisation also brings a number of challenges which must be comprehended and tackled. An international mindset is essential while overcoming these challenges at both personal and organisational levels. An international mindset is the key to a deeper understanding of the world, which will provide outstanding opportunities for the student’s future.

Enhanced creativity. The present world is constantly and rapidly changing, which requires creative solutions. In order to apply imagination, students need in-depth creative thought to distinguish themselves from others. Also creativity enables students to be intrinsically motivated. Creativity boosts confidence and develops risk-taking abilities in students, which will be highly beneficial in leading a successful career, and for life in general.


Preparing students with 21st century skills. Critical thinking, communicational skills, collaborative skills, and analytical skills are all part of combined 21st century skills. The combination of of tasks and activities helps students develop their 21st century skills individually as well as collectively.

FOSTERING STUDENTS WITH iNFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SKILLS. Our School of educational excellence provides skills to master modern and highly innovative Information and Communication Technology tools. Information and communication technology skills empower students to combine technology with learning, which will not only help them to succeed in their studies, but will also help them in their future careers. Therefore, high level of Information and communication technology competence will be given greater importance which will enable the students to be competitive in the rapidly changing global world.

Developing students as responsible citizens of the world. Environmental, societal, and economical issues compete and cooperate in every industry today. Each individual makes choices based on this “tripod� on a daily basis, too. Social responsibility today is no longer a choice, but a must. Thus, students must realise its importance and the challenges it creates, as well as the opportunities it provides. This understanding will empower students to seek responsible yet gainful solutions.

Our vision is to develop students who can be the future leaders having the skills to create an impact in the society. 13

INTERNATIONAL TEACHER TRAINING ACADEMY The lack of competent teachers is a global challenge that has a major impact on the quality of education offered to students, young and old. In Finland, highly-trained competent teachers form the foundation of education and a lot of effort is put into the initial as well as in-service training of our educators. The Teacher Training Academy is a full teacher training programme, based on the guiding principles and themes of Finnish education and culturally adjusted to meet the needs of local environments. With our international partners, we are creating world-class teacher training institutions. Our Teacher Training Academy programmes are targeted at all K-12 teachers, including vocational education teachers.


To develop high-quality teachers that have the necessary knowledge and skills to inspire the best learning results in their students. Teachers that also become continuous learners and learning developers.


Teachers have a key role in enhancing students’ performance and increasing the quality of their education. Teachers who keep developing their skills and approaches are a valuable resource in effective education systems, by coming up with practical grass-root innovations adapted to their setting.


The programme is based on themes that give teachers the knowledge and skills required to improve their performance. These themes are: Embracing the paradigm shift in learning. We begin by taking a look at how learning is viewed in the world of today and how that aects the role of the teacher. The module sets the baseline for the training programme and its working methods by introducing the guiding principle behind quality teaching and student-centred learning approaches, the core of the Finnish education system.

Lifelong Learning Skills as part of education. Teachers are not simply subject matter experts passing their knowledge onwards, but they also have a larger role in introducing lifelong learning skills to their students. These skills include social skills, group working skills, problem solving skills, research skills, digital skills and entrepreneurial skills. In this module, teachers gain an understanding of how to inspire the development of these skills in their students through pedagogical choices implemented in the classroom.

Learning Design. In this practical module we work with teachers in developing the everyday, practical skills required for top work performance. A vast part of the teacher´s work happens ouside the classroom, in planning, preparing and designing courses and classes to ensure that learning objectives are met. The teachers will learn how to manage their working days and plan lessons eďŹƒciently to maximise their performance. We also look at cooperation with the wider community outside of the school, i.e. how to work with parents and other key stakeholders.


The Pedagogical Toolbox of a Teacher. The main priority of a teacher’s work is to ensure that the students meet their learning objectives. Learning objectives vary, as do the students and the ways they learn. In order to be able to design engaging, motivating and performance-oriented learning opportunities, teachers need to be able to apply a multitude of pedagogical approaches in their work. These include i.e. learning environment design, various participatory learning methods, inquiry-based learning, project learning, and gamification. In this module, we work with teachers to give them a variety of approaches commonly used by teachers in Finland in their everyday work.

Teachers’ Tools in the Digital Era. Schools are not laboratories but active contributors to the world around them. Today, digital tools are rapidly changing the world and have a major impact in the world outside schools. Mobile devices, social media services and various applications, in addition to learning management systems and schools’ administration soſtware, form an essential part of a teacher’s toolbox. In this module, teachers learn how to integrate digital solutions and services into their teaching and how to assess existing services from a pedagogical perspective. We study the design and pedagogy of eLearning, and also enable teachers to design and implement their own eLearning activities.

From teachers to learning facilitators. It is well known that one feature of the Finnish education system is the limited amount of testing. Instead of exams at the end of the semester, teachers assess their students on a continuous basis, which enables all students to enhance their performance throughout the school year. This approach, which aims for all students to be able to perform at their highest level, has a direct impact on students’ learning results. Continuous assessment stems from the learner-centred teaching approach, which is a foundation of the KOULU Group Teacher Training Academy.

Teaching practice. During their studies, all teachers will need to implement the approaches and methodologies shared in the Academy in actual classroom settings, either as part of their regular teaching or during training practice sessions organised together with KOULU Group’s partner schools.


SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Our School Development Framework takes a holistic looks into the different elements that make any school and education institution successful. We have used the quality criteria of the Finnish educational system as a strong basis for all solutions within the Framework. All content is carefully processed to suit the international context.

KOULU’s School Development Framework enhances the education system by largely impacting the learning results, outcomes, atmosphere and general well being at the schools where the Framework is being implemented. The entire school is sensitized to the core elements that make the Finnish schools’ and students’ performance world known. Our School Development Framework consists of the following innovative solutions: • • • • •

Professional Development Programmes Certificate Programme in Education Development Innovation Camp for Educators Capability and Opportunity Assessment Study Trip Programme for Students

Our School Development Framework is carefully adapted to meet the unique circumstances of every school where it is implemented to ensure good impact with visible solutions.


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES At KOULU Group we offer a variety of in-service professional development programmes for teaching professionals, teachers, principals, headmasters, school managers, administrators, and other educators. These programmes focus on increasing the capacity of all educators to improve their educational performance. The pedagogical and didactical framework of the programmes are based on the best practices of Finnish education. The foundation of our professional development programmes for educators emphasises pedagogical issues in the educational environment inspired by Finnish educational excellence. It is not only teachers who need in-service training, as headmasters and school administrators will also benefit from further professional development. In this way, the entire school can become a continuously improving and developing organisation. Our programmes are always tailored to meet the specific needs of our partners. They are delivered either in an eLearning format or using blended learning, combining a personalised training approach with eLearning elements. The programmes always make use of the latest digital tools available and are led by top Finnish and international educational experts. Studies consist of guided but independent eLearning. Our Professional development programmes have a module-based course design for in-service teachers, headmasters, principals, educational leaders, school owners and school administrators, and the programmes consist of one or more of the following modules: • • • • • •


Teaching and learning in the 21st Century The Pedagogical Toolbox of a Teacher Teachers’ Tools in the Digital Era Educational technologies and collaborative learning Learning environment and infrastructure development School management with modern methods

Content of the programmes is designed according to the customer’s needs and preferences from these modules. Within the modules, the participants work e.g. on development projects, which incorporate the learning outcomes into their working practices. Aside of the pedagogy, special themes and substance skills are built into the training processes. The greatest value from our PDP is individually tailored competence up-skilling for immediate change. All the knowledge and learning processes of the programme focus on increasing the capacity of school managers and educators to improve the performance of the whole school community. The result is a better functioning, effective community with energetic and inspired educators. Note: The core of our Professional Development Programmes is in eLearning mode but it can also be offered in blended learning method combining personal training with eLearning.

CERTIFICATE PROGRAMME IN EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT The objective of Certificate Programme in Education Development is to introduce to

school owners and leaders how modern educational institutions are lead. During the programmes, the participants will receive a full understanding of the structures of the educational system in Finland and the full learning design spectrum. They learn how to lead 21st century schools that strive to highest quality through constant development. The programme leaders are top Finnish educational experts. During the programmes the participants are introduced to guided thinking. Targeted for educators, managers, school owners, educational leaders.

Main goals

Professional growth of participants, encouraging them to apply modern pedagogical and managerial methods in their work with the best practices of the Finnish Education System.


The learning programmes are hands-on and practical, based on assignments & tasks and online guidance with course leaders. The course leaders are leading Finnish educational experts.


Duration & Location The five-day Certificate Programme can be organized in any location according to client’s choice, including Finland.

The programme is built on five essential components: • Pre-assignments based on course literature followed by an online session prior to the visit • A five-day intensive period consisting of different learning methods and workshops • Personal developmental assignment where theory is applied in the participants´ own professional working fields, combined with online sessions with Finnish experts • Personal feedback and evaluation of the learning process • Certificate of the programme Certificate Programme in Education Development for Educators is to enhance the professional growth of participants and to encourage them to apply modern pedagogical methods in their work with the best practices of the Finnish Education System. We bring you the latest pedagogical know-how from one of the leading countries in the world, we offer well thought-out and thorough assignments and tasks, and learning by doing during the course instead of traditional lectures. All necessary materials and assignments of the Certificate Programme in Education Development are available beforehand of the five-day intensive period. The contents of are comparable with the Pedagogical studies at the Department of Teacher Education at Finnish Universities. Note: Certificate programme offered in Finland can also be combined with two to three days’ visits to the Finnish schools for observation.


INNOVATION CAMP FOR EDUCATORS Today there is a vast interest towards Finnish education globally. Every year, hundreds of delegations from all over the world come to Finland to get an understanding of the key features of a leading education system. At KOULU Group, we welcome these groups and provide exclusive experience in exploring the Finnish educational environment. We are truly excited about the idea of being able to present the best that Finland has to offer delivered in a modern way of learning. Our Innovation camps take visits further and will leave permanent results and development ideas with all participants. Our Innovation Camp is a combination of visits and hands on experiences of study visits combined with work done by participants innovating solutions and new practices that can be adapted in their own work aſter return.


Innovation Camp for Educators demonstrates the success factors leading to top quality education in real-life practical conditions.


Traditional study visits are oſten considered inspiring. However, upon the participants’ return, transforming the ideas to local practices oſten proves challenging. With Innovation Camp, participants work on solutions that can be implemented in their local setting during their week in Finland, guided by Finnish top education experts. Innovation Camp transforms inspiration to solutions based on the world´s best educational practices, but adapted to own needs, for immediate improvement & development in local education processes and methods. Innovation Camp for Educators is best suited for school owners/operators, managers and educational developers.


This programme enables participants to get hands-on experiences about the Finnish education system by • • • •

Observing & visiting schools’ classrooms, discussing with students Discussing with Finnish educational decision makers, education developers and practitioners Participating in innovation workshops lead by Finnish top education experts Adapting the new knowledge to their own working practices.


3-5 days

The programme builds on the core elements of the 2016 Finnish National Core Curricula for early childhood and compulsory education. The concept of phenomenon-based learning is strongly incorporated into the methodology of the Innovation Camp.

The programme covers all aspects needed when developing a successful school of the future: • • • • •

Student Centred Pedagogy Quality and Assessment in Learning Digital Learning and Educational Technologies Learning Environment Design (Physical and Virtual) Education Leadership & School Management

The Innovation Camp is adjusted and tailored to suit each participant’s needs and concentrates on the topics which are most useful for the participants’ professional development. The Innovation Camp is organised by KOULU Group together with our partner network of experts, schools, universities, universities of applied sciences and other highly respected official institutions working in the areas of education. The program is organised in the major cities of Finland depending on the themes chosen by the participant.


CAPABILITY AND OPPORTUNITY ASSESSMENT – COA COA is an analysis tool to review the quality and performance of educational institutions. It gives the education providers a tool for evaluating their operations and activities and for identifying current strengths and the areas for improvement.

Highlights of COA • COA is a reliable tool for educational institutions to improve their competitiveness and to reinforce their success • Identifies strengths, analyses the institution’s current success factors and creates a systematic path for future development • The highly appreciated Finnish Quality Criteria for education forms the framework for COA. The assessment is based on a data collected with an online survey • The participants will receive a comprehensive analysis followed by a participatory online feedback and discussion session As an additional component of COA, our expert facilitators together with the participants will join in a workshop to unlock the potential of the institution, construct the necessary development projects and schedule them in the annual school plan.

Method of COA online survey

analysis & report

summarising discussions & feedback


Framework for quality criteria in education



STUDY TRIP PROGRAMME FOR STUDENTS Study Trip Programme for Students is an improved, modern and powerful version of the traditional study visit. The students’ journey to the Camp begins with knowing about Finland and its environment prior to travel. During the visit, students will communicate with Finnish peers, school administrators, and teachers. This is a unique opportunity for getting into know the Finnish education system at depth. Study Trip for Students empowers students from abroad to experience and explore an educational system which is widely different from their own. Students are exposed to an extensive range of things including culture, educational practices and teaching methods. They will be able to meet fellow students from a foreign country who are totally different in terms of learning behavior, study culture and attitude. Gaining new thoughts and ideas from foreign peers can inspire their learning behavior as well.

The objective of the study trip is to familiarise the students in real life settings with the key elements of the success factors leading to top quality in Finnish education: • • • •

Students will learn about the different pedagogical approaches followed in Finland Innovative use of learning environments Use of technology in Finnish school environments Exposure to Finland and its culture


3-7 days

All venues of the visit are authentic, they are schools where normal, everyday routines get implemented genuinely, leading to globally recognised top learning results – the schools are not specially “tailored & polished” for the group, but chosen for their authenticity. Study Trip is organised by KOULU Group together with our partner network of educational institutions in Turku and Helsinki, Finland. The programme utilises the multiple institutional and best open learning environments of Finland.


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