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New Fellows

Dr Hayley Volk graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Melbourne in 2012. As a new graduate, she moved to the UK to complete a rotating internship and a research project in ophthalmology. Prior to starting her residency at Melbourne EyeVet, Hayley worked in small animal general practice and completed a second rotating internship in Sydney. She passed her membership exams in Small Animal Medicine for the ANZCVS in 2016 during her residency training program. Hayley is originally from the United States, but now calls Melbourne home.

James graduated in 2010 from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. Initially he worked in small animal general practice for 3 years at Booval Vet Hospital. After this he began a residency program under Mike Bernays at Animal Eye Services in Brisbane. During this time he attained membership of the ANZCVS in Small Animal Internal Medicine. After formally completing the residency program he successfully sat for Fellowships in Veterinary Ophthalmology.

Josh graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science with 1st class honours in 2004. He worked in small animal general practice for 5 years before working for a year as an emergency veterinarian. He then did 3 years of university practice at the University of Queensland which included a mix of primary accession cases, referral medicine and teaching of veterinary and veterinary technician students. In 2013, he obtained membership of the ANZCVS in Small Animal Medicine. Soon after, undertook a residency in Small Animal Medicine at Veterinary Specialist Services.

Katrina graduated from the University of Sydney in 2011 and has worked in general and referral practices in Hong Kong, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. In 2015, she commenced a three year veterinary oncology residency at her alma mater under Dr Peter Bennett. Katrina is a Member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Small Animal Radiology (2015) and Small Animal Medicine (2016). In 2019, Katrina became a Fellow of the
Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Veterinary Oncology. Her research interests include genetics in canine lymphoma and immunotherapy. In her spare time, she enjoys cuddling with her cat Larry and trying out new cafes and restaurants around Sydney with her husband, Chris.

Katrina Garrett graduated in 2004 from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science with first class honours. After working in small animal then mixed animal practice, Katrina completed an internship at the University of Queensland and achieved membership to the Small Animal Surgery Chapter of the ANZCVS in 2010. Following this she worked as a clinician in the Diagnostic Imaging department at UQ and started her residency training program, which continued at the University of Melbourne in 2017. She completed membership examination in Veterinary Radiology in 2018 and Fellowship examination in 2019.

Penny graduated in 2011 from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science with first class honours. Initially she worked in mixed animal practice in the Hunter Valley of NSW. In 2014 she completed a small animal rotating internship at the Small Animal Specialist Hospital (SASH) and went on to complete an oncology internship and achieve membership to the Small Animal Medicine Chapter of the ANZCVS in 2015. Subsequent to this, she undertook a Veterinary Oncology residency at SASH which was completed in 2017. She achieved fellowship to the Veterinary Oncology Chapter of the ANZCVS in 2019.

ELIZABETH THRIFT Elizabeth graduated from the University of Sydney with honours in 2007, completed a multi-discipline internship in medicine, surgery, ophthalmology and emergency/critical care in 2012, an internal medicine internship and ANZCVS internal medicine membership in 2013 and subsequently an internal medicine residency in 2015. Having now passed her fellowship exams, she is excited to continue to practice small animal internal medicine as a specialist. She will also focus on other important aspects of veterinary science, including antimicrobial stewardship and implementing infection control policies, as well as working towards maintaining Northside Veterinary Specialists’ commitment to its employees for being a mentally healthy workplace, where we promote and maintain the mental health and wellbeing of all staff through workplace practices.