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PORTFOLIO by Anzhelika Arbatskaia


University of Florida, SoA Area of interests: architeciure, design, interior design, graphic design, arts, modelmaking, sketching, hand drawing, painting, traveling, exploring, learning

Anzhelika Arbatskaia

email: arbat.anzheli@gmail.com +1(352)213-0130 skype:anzhelikochka linkedin.com/in/aarbatskaia

Technical skills: Revit, ARCHICAD, AutoCad, Adobe Photoshop, Artlantis, InDesign, Rhinoceros, SketchUp EDUCATION

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES | University of Florida, School of Architecture


ARCHITECT | Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering,School of Architecture


SUMMER STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM - MEXICO STUDIO | Summer studio: Advanced SoA Graduate Design 3

Summer Semester, 2016


Sea Level Rise and the Future Of Coastal Urban Settlements, Miami JOB EXPERIENCE

February - March, 2016

NY, NY | Miami,Fl | Gainesville, Fl

Architect-Intern Content Architecture + Interiors

Nov, 2016 - Current

Student Assistant

Jan, 2017 - Current

UF, Library archive, Special Collection

Research Assistant | Teaching Assistant UF, Shcool od Architecture

Interior design of residential buildings Private orders / freelance Measuring works of the building complex of the Bashkirov flour mills | of the Kostromin palace and the “Record” cinema Center Architectural studio of the construction company “SMU-77” Visualization and design of residential buildings Architectural studio “Studio of Architecture and Design” and Architectural company “PROjection» Design of baptistery of Dzerzhinsk City church complex

Internship at the Architectural Studio

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Sep,2015 - July,2016 Sep,2013 - Sept,2014 March - July ,2013 March - June ,2013 April - Sep ,2013

July ,2012

CONTENT DIPLOMA - Children’s School of Art




concert hall


city park


school for 500 students


Children’s museum


The Immersion in two Extreme Climates


Materials Investigation Project


City hall in San Martin de Las Canas, Mexico


final work for specialist degree, Nizhny Novgorod state university of Architecture

Nizhny Novgorod state university of Architecture design 5

Nizhny Novgorod state university of Architecture design 7

Nizhny Novgorod state university of Architecture Urban revitalization / design 7

Nizhny Novgorod state university of Architecture design 3

university of Florida grad1

university of Florida grad1

UF, Summer Mexico Studio

sketches social Work


Children’s School of Art

children’s school of art

street view

ground floor plan

second floor plan

street view

section 2-2

section 1-1

Children’s school of Art complex combines different functioning volumes. Architecture interprets artistic image as a synthesis of structures in form of a ring that connects various units. Assemblage of volumes reflects educational approach and process that are occuring in the school. Various multi-functioning spaces help to create a collaborative artistic environment making the process of studing continuous and comprehensive. Scale of building’s blocks is equable to surrounding historical environment. Elements and cubes correspond with forms of historical buildings, keeping memory about the place to remind and teach new generations.


Hotel+ Restaurant


Perspective view 1

Typical plan

Ground floor plan


4.200 level floor

Perspective view 2

Concert Hall

World Cup Championship Concert Hall for Nizhny Novgorod city, 2018

Concert Hall

ground floor plan

Concert Hall was designed in my city-Nizhny Novgorod as a part of future entertainment complex related to World Cup 2018. It is designed to maintain around 1700 people in two separated halls. The shape of the building consists of 3 big volumes linked to each other within through-passages that are actually could be used as a short-cuts over the street, to maintain exicting passages. The shape of all three volumes is irregular and “plays” with visitors and passers visual games of “unsertainty” and “misleading”. This is the way of how the space itself entertains visitors by its playful arrangment.

perspective view1 1

perspective view

facade a-a

perspective view 2

facade b-b

perspective view 3


PARK site

site analysis

function zones

links and connections

The city Park was created for central historical area of Nizhny Novgorod city. It is situated in natural valley, which is currently abandond place that needs a regeneration. Couple centuries ago this valley was a river. This is a natural devider between two important parts of a district. Two walking bridges were created to make a link and connection between those parts. The concept that laid behind this design was the idea of continuous flow between activities. Each facility provides further pass to the next one. Dynamic but flowing lines of pavillions and walkways associate with old river and keep visitors in a constant motion and exploration.


School for 500 studetns for the Olgino town

section a-a

south facade

School for 500 students School for 500 students was made in a context of small suburban area. This place is one of the suburbs points of attraction, so the usual day scenario always turnes around this place. The building itself became an involute space around the inside closed atrium for students leisure activities. This atrium is open from all four sides of it and has access from different schools zones. Different functional zones are visible from the outside view of the building by twisting and shifting those parts of the building where the function is. This twiting and shifting game reminds of a children’s brainteaser toys as well as a pile of books, left by somebody on the desk.

plan 2nd floor

plan ground floor

plan 1st floor


Children’s museum , Nizhny Novgorod

children’s museum

situation plan

situation plan

site plan

perspective view


Children’s museum is the part of the cultural complex in a historical district at the edge of a small cavity. The shape is looped over the covered atrium which is the playground for children. Several colorful glass covered roof opening provide also playful space which making somewhat as is commonly believed boring type of facilities more attractive for children. The shape of the museum reminds somewhat like an animal walking on the edge of its habitat. It is also intelligently inscribed into the dual characteristic of the historical and at the same time natural environment. The scale of the building is mimicking the scale of the surrounding but the shape is corresponding to the edge. Apart from exhibition spaces and playgrounds Museum also includes the conference hall, restaurant, classrooms and administrative block.

second floor plan

ground floor plan


Grad 1 | Shaping the light with metal panels system

The sphere of my intensions in this project becomes a relationship between light and shadow and its eternal unity and confrontation Where are those edges between light and shadow? How are they shaped? What shapes them in environment? What senses do those shapes and edges bring to us? These questions are addressed in my material studies in which I use different techniques that help shape light through different materials. I investigated the possibility of creating a screen wall. Some of materials used were plastic, metal and wood. These were then layered, overlapped, cut and interlocked to create various light conditions. During this process my interest dwelled on the attempt to overlap two different kinds of shadows received from the screen wall. In addition, I was interested in interior side of a wall of building to create a unique sense of that particular space. panel’s connection sytem scheme

preliminary proposal axonometric view

facade connection system

proposal diagram


NATURE PHENOMENA EXPERIENCE Grad 1 | The Immersion two extreme climates


rainforest conceptual sketch

axonometric view -Baikal cabin

cabin conceptual sketch

cabin preliminary sketches

axonometric view -rainforest tower

This project is an exploration of idea of experiencing same physical phenomena – sound – in the different kind of environment. Sites that were chosen have unique sound characteristics. The site in cold climate is the Lake Baikal, which is one of the deepest and cleanest lakes in the world. When the Lake is frozen at winter, the ice is being pushed to the lakeshore creating the fascinating heats of cracked ice. Shores of the particular place I have chosen (island Olkhon) have cliffs that making the observation of that phenomena difficult. Rainforest is also known for its loudly environment and different kind of plants and animals presented in different layers of forest. Thus, to experience all of these layers and to feel rainforest from all points and senses I have created the observation tower with “silent room ” in the middle. The purpose of both projects is to enhance sound experience creating different kind of environments. The issue that connected those two sites for me became not only the unique experience of the natural environment of these sites but also experience of sound phenomena. Both of projects are trying to create complex experience through relatively simple forms.

cabin facade

cabin side facade

cabin side facade

cabin plan

tower perspective view


Grad 3 | Mexico Study Abroad Studio San Martin de las Canas



SOCIAL WORKWORK SOCIAL This is my current volunteer work in order to preserve and save old unique metal structures dated by 1882, which have been used as warehouses in a closed harbor. Nobody knew about the existence and value of beautiful delicate engineering work hidden under ugly metal deck. Now the small group of concerned citizens including specialists: architects, engineers, culturologists and others are trying to convince the government not to destroy this in order to make an average looking park, but to use this as a great multifunction space for urban activities.

This type of space could bring the city opportunities to attract local business and bring cultural and trendy events. Here I am imagining the simplest look of functions we could place there. This constructions might be a beautiful part of a museum interior with convertible characteristics of space. The shape and scale of building and trend of reusing industrial structures and revealing old details in a modern space making this space very atrractive for activities like fashion show, art and design events. This could also be a good facility for wedding and other celebration venues or a space for different kinds of festivals, temporary markets, concert hall and many other. Unfortunately public awareness of this is very little. Poster on the LEFT page is for public comprehension of the issue that is rising the question of whether we should save the unique piece of history or lose it forever. Recently our actions towards preservation of these buildings succeeded in a way this has been added to a list of historic heritages.

LEFT page: above: fashion show below: wedding/ catering



staircase ceiling detail

staircase ceiling

staircase details

rotonda ceiling plan

rotonda ceiling details

staircase ceiling

yard facades

concert hall plan

concert hall section

staircase ceiling




first floor plan

second floor plan



new plan

staircase plans

staircase facades

plan as built

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