OTHER NEWS Hello and goodbye New Germ Cell and Prostate deputies Following the appointment of former Deputy Ben Tran as Germ Cell Chair earlier this year, expressions of interest were sought for his replacement. ANZUP was pleased to announce the new Deputy Fritha Hanning in July. Fritha is a medical oncologist at Auckland Hospital and the chair and initiator of the Genitourinary Special Interest Group for New Zealand. She is a key contributor to ongoing scientific research in genitourinary cancer, with involvement in current trials, and is a New Zealand representative on the ANZUP Scientific Advisory Committee. We were also delighted to announce the appointment of Lisa Horvath as the new Prostate Deputy Chair in July. Lisa is the Director of the Department of Medical Oncology at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse. Lisa’s research interest is predominantly in the field of prostate cancer and she is involved with a large number of clinical trials in prostate and colorectal cancers. She has been a member of ANZUP since December 2010.
A new Chair for Quality of Life & Supportive Care Following her recent appointment as Dean of Health at the University of Technology Sydney, Suzanne Chambers AO stepped down as Chair of the Quality of Life and Supportive Care Subcommittee. Suzanne has been Chair of ANZUP’s QoL and Supportive Care Subcommittee since its inception and has contributed significantly to the development and growth of ANZUP. We extend our sincere gratitude to Suzanne and are delighted she will continue to be involved in ANZUP as a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee. 32 | ANZUP UPdate Spring 2018
After a call for expressions of interest, former Deputy Haryana Dhillon was appointed Chair of the QoL and Supportive Care Subcommittee in August. Haryana joined ANZUP in 2011 and has been an active participant and contributor across all our research activities. She was appointed to ANZUP’s Scientific Advisory Committee in 2015.
Farewell Michelle We were sad to say goodbye to Internal Communications and Project Manager Michelle Bowers in August. Over the past year Michelle has helped us build our trial and member communications, enhance our website and grow our social media following. We wish Michelle all the best in her new ventures.
Welcome Fiona We’re delighted to welcome Fiona Bickerstaff to ANZUP as our new Internal Communications and Project Manager. Fiona comes to us following a recent deployment to Iraq as a Military Public Affairs Officer with the Australian Army Reserve. Prior to this, Fiona was a consulting project manager with the Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience, an Australian War Memorial travelling exhibition and has worked across a variety of sectors from military to entertainment.