COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FORUM ANZUP held the sixth annual Community Engagement Forum as part of the 2018 ASM in Sydney on Sunday 8 July.
changes after cancer and Kath Schubach addressed the effect of cancer on sexuality and intimacy.
This free event provided an opportunity for the audience to engage with an experienced team of healthcare professionals and patient advocates and featured presentations and panel discussions covering a variety of topics.
An engaging panel discussion with audience participation was facilitated by Leonie Young and wrapped up another informative and interactive question and answer session.
As summarised by one attendee, there was “a broad spectrum of subjects – it was brilliant.” The forum began with Ian Davis providing a brief overview of ANZUP and an explanation of how ideas move from concept stage to clinical trials. The next topic was presented by Suzanne Chambers and stressed the importance of quality of life when undergoing cancer treatment. A highlight was Gavin Marx and his patient, Rob Palmer, who provided the audience with a most informative account of their shared decision making process in relation to participation on an ANZUP clinical trial. Richard de Abreu Lourenco discussed the impact of the cost of cancer care, Haryana Dhillon provided guidance about making emotional, social and lifestyle
The forum was promoted in print media (including The Saturday Paper) and online, as well as via PCFA, Cancer Council NSW, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and NSW-based ANZUP members’ clinics.
“Relevant, focu sed and well presented ” jargon, “ No technical onal and very conversati engaging”
ANZUP UPdate Spring 2018 | 9