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Publications and Presentations 2020/21


TheraP ASCO, 29 May - 2 June 2020 Oral presentation by Michael Hofman.

TheraP: A randomised phase 2 trial of Lu-PSMA-617 (LuPSMA) theranostic versus cabazitaxel in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) progressing after docetaxel - initial results (ANZUP protocol 1603) .


e-TC 2.0 Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 31 August 2020 Online psychological self-management intervention for testicular cancer survivors: promising acceptability and preliminary efficacy, but limited feasibility

Allan ‘Ben’ Smith, Orlando Rincones, Louise Heiniger, Peter Grimison, Ben Tran, Martin R . Stockler, Guy Toner, Beth Cohen, Ian Olver, Britt Klein, Margaret McJannett, Phyllis Butow BL.12 JAMA Oncology, 17 September 2020 Efficacy and Safety of nab-Paclitaxel vs Paclitaxel on Survival in Patients With Platinum-Refractory Metastatic Urothelial Cancer

Srikala S . Sridhar, MD; Normand Blais, MD; Ben Tran, MD; M . Neil Reaume, MD; Scott A . North, MD; Martin R . Stockler, MD; Kim N . Chi, MD; Neil E . Fleshner, MD; Geoffrey Liu, MD; John W . Robinson, MD; Som D . Mukherjee, MD; Yasmin Rahim, MD; Eric Winquist, MD; Christopher M . Booth, MD; Nghia Trung Nguyen, MD; Emma K . Beardsley, MD; Nimira S . Alimohamed, MD; Gail T . McDonald, MSc; Keyue Ding, PhD; Wendy R . Parulekar, MD

RAVES The Lancet, 28 September 2020 Adjuvant radiotherapy versus early salvage radiotherapy following radical prostatectomy (TROG 08.03/ANZUP RAVES): a randomised, controlled, phase 3, non-inferiority trial

Andrew Kneebone, Carol Fraser-Browne, Gillian M Duchesne, Richard Fisher, Mark Frydenberg, Alan Herschtal, Scott G Williams, Chris Brown, Warick Delprado, Annette Haworth, David J Joseph, Jarad M Martin, John H L Matthews, Jeremy L Millar, Mark Sidhom, Nigel Spry, Colin I Tang, Sandra Turner, Kirsty L Wiltshire, Henry H Woo, Ian D Davis, Tee S Lim, Maria Pearse .

SORCE ASCO Journal of Clinical Oncology, 14 October 2020 Adjuvant Sorafenib for Renal Cell Carcinoma at Intermediate or High Risk of Relapse: Results From the SORCE Randomized Phase III Intergroup Trial

Tim Eisen, MB BChir, PhD; Eleni Frangou, MSc (Res); Bhavna Oza, MBBS2; Alastair W .S . Ritchie, MD; Benjamin Smith, BSc; Rick Kaplan, MD; Ian D . Davis, MBBS, PhD; Martin R . Stockler, MBBS, MSc; Laurence Albiges, MD, PhD; Bernard Escudier, MD; James Larkin, PhD; Axel Bex, MD, PhD; Steven Joniau, MD, PhD; Barry Hancock, MD; Gregers G . Hermann, MD, DMSc; Joaquim Bellmunt, MD, PhD; Elizabeth Hodgkinson, BPharm, MSc; Grant D . Stewart, MBChB; Jim Barber, DM; Janet Brown, MD; Rhona McMenemin, MSc; Paul Nathan, MBBS, MD; Lisa M . Pickering, PhD;Mahesh K .B . Parmar, DPhil; and Angela Meade, DPhil .

TheraP The Lancet, 11 February 2021 [177Lu] Lu-PSMA-617 versus cabazitaxel in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (TheraP): a randomised, open-label, phase 2 trial.

Michael S Hofman, Louise Emmett, Shahneen Sandhu, Amir Iravani, Anthony M Joshua, Jeffrey C Goh, David A Pattison, Thean Hsiang Tan, Ian D Kirkwood, Siobhan Ng, Roslyn J Francis, Craig Gedye, Natalie K Rutherford, Andrew Weickhardt, Andrew M Scott, Sze-Ting Lee, Edmond M Kwan, Arun A Azad, Shakher Ramdave, Andrew D Redfern, William Macdonald, Alex Guminski, Edward Hsiao, Wei Chua, Peter Lin, Alison Y Zhang, Margaret M McJannett, Martin R Stockler, John A Violet, Scott G Williams, Andrew J Martin, Ian D Davis for the Investigators and the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group .

P3BEP ASCO Journal of Clinical Oncology, 17 March 2021 Survival and New Prognosticators in Metastatic Seminoma: Results From the IGCCCG-Update Consortium

Jorg Beyer, MD; Laurence Collette, PhD; Nicolas Sauv´e, MSc; Gedske Daugaard, MD; Darren R . Feldman, MD; Torgrim Tandstad, MD; Alexey Tryakin, MD; Olof Stahl, MD; Enrique Gonzalez-Billalabeitia, MD; Ugo De Giorgi, MD; St´ephane Culine, MD; Ronald de Wit, MD; Aaron R . Hansen, MD; Marko Bebek, MD; Angelika Terbuch, MD; Costantine Albany, MD; Marcus Hentrich, MD; Jourik A . Gietema, MD; Helene Negaard, MD; Robert A . Huddart, MD; Anja Lorch, MD: Fay H . Cafferty, PhD; Daniel Y . C . Heng, MD; Christopher J . Sweeney, MD; Eric Winquist, MD; Michal Chovanec, MD; Christian Fankhauser, MD; Daniel Stark, MD; Peter Grimison, MD; Andrea Necchi, MD; Ben Tran, MD; Axel Heidenreich, MD; Jonathan Shamash, MD; Cora N . Sternberg, MD; David J . Vaughn, MD; Ignacio Duran, MD; Carsten Bokemeyer, MD; Anna Patrikidou, MD; Richard Cathomas, MD; Samson Assele, MSc; and Silke Gillessen, MD for the International Germ Cell Cancer Classification Update Consortium .


ASCO GU 2021 – Virtual Meeting – 11-13 February 2021

Abstract TPS266: DASL-HiCaP (ANZUP 1801): Darolutamide augments standard therapy for localized very high-risk cancer of the prostate—A randomized phase III double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of adding darolutamide to androgen deprivation therapy and definitive or salvage radiation .

First Author: Tamim Niazi, MD

Abstract TPS367: KEYPAD (ANZUP 1601): Denosumab and pembrolizumab in clear cell renal carcinoma: A phase II trial .

First Author: Craig Gedye, PhD, FRACP

Abstract TPS390: P3BEP (ANZUP 1302): An international randomized phase III trial of accelerated versus standard BEP chemotherapy for male and female adults and children with intermediate and poor-risk metastatic germ cell tumors (GCTs) .

First Author: Shalini Subramaniam, MBBS

Abstract TPS177: ENZA-p (ANZUP 1901): A randomized phase II trial using PSMA as a therapeutic agent and prognostic indicator in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer treated with enzalutamide .

First Author: Louise Emmett, FRACP, MBChB, MD

Abstract 325: UNISON (ANZUP 1602) - nivolumab then ipilimumab + nivolumab in advanced non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma: Part 1—Nivolumab monotherapy .

First Author: Craig Gedye, FRACP, MBChB, PhD

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