ANZUP 2021 ASM Speaker Spotlight ANZUP’s 2021 ASM Convening Committee is pleased to introduce Dr Cristiane Decat Bergerot.
Dr Cristiane Decat Bergerot is a psychologist from Brazil with expertise in Health Psychology and Behavioral Science. She has been working with cancer patients for almost 15 years as a clinician and as a researcher. Over this period, Cristiane has had the opportunity to implement a biopsychosocial screening program at her parent institution. Cristiane has also published several datasets that focus on biopsychosocial distress and sources of distress in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma, whilst being a pioneer in the emerging field of psychogenomics, correlating genomic findings with psychological status. She has recently completed an extended postdoctoral fellowship at City of Hope in the Genitourinary Department. Her central clinical interests lie in; the psychosocial aspects of cancer, evidence-based practices, patient reported outcomes, shared decision making, gender and age-based differences in the cancer experience among different patient populations, including underserved groups. The focus of Cristiane’s research is medical factors and their psychological correlates, internet and mobile based interventions. From the perspective of clinical trials research, Cristiane’s main interest lies in psychosocial intervention and cognitive impairments associated with hormone-based therapy. As a member of our international faculty for the ANZUP 2021 ASM, Cristiane looks forward to the wonderful opportunity to share thoughts and ideas on the landscape of genitourinary treatment, psychosocial aspects of cancer and associations between medical factors and psychological issues.
We look forward to hearing from Cristiane at the ANZUP 2021 ASM, where she endeavours to cover patient reported outcomes in urologic cancer, shared decision making and patient’s perceptions of cures.
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