ANZUP AT ASCO GU 2020 ANZUP was fortunate to have five trials in progress at ASCO GU in San Francisco in February. Congratulations to everyone involved in these important ANZUP studies.
PCR-MIB (ANZUP 1502) Study Chair Andrew Weickhardt presented the poster on pembrolizumab with chemoradiotherapy as treatment for muscle invasive bladder cancer: a planned interim analysis of safety and efficacy of the PCRMIB phase II clinical trial.
ANZUP Fellow Shahlini Subramaniam presented the P3BEP (ANZUP 1302) poster: an international randomised phase III trial of accelerated versus standard BEP chemotherapy for adult and pediatric male and female patients with intermediate and poor-risk metastatic germ cell tumors (GCTs).
ANZUP Fellow Elizabeth Liow presented the BCGMM (ANZUP 1301) poster: adding mitomycin to Bacillus CalmetteGuĂŠrin as adjuvant intravesical therapy for high-risk, non muscle-invasive urothelial bladder cancer.
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