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Ill.4.2.3.a Pioneer of Ecological Architecture
Following on the lines of an IdealVillage, as envisioned by M.K.Gandhi, Laurie Baker produced a book - RuralCommunity Buildings [refer to Chapter 3.1.3], that helps one understand the process of reconstructing a village at a community level. It can be deduced that the philosophies of M.K.Gandhi related to art & architecture were implemented & seen in a tangible form through the works & writings of Laurie Baker, that acted as a pure medium to communicate the same.
Ill.4.2.3.a The Pioneer of Ecological Architecture | Author
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The generation in the current decade [2000 - ] is comparatively more vocal than that of three or four decades back. Youth today questions the existence of multiple aspects in life, may it be tangible or intangible, making them inquisitive in different ways. The universal concept of acceptance & denial is redefined by each individual in the present. Unlike past decades, the population is exposed to vast commercialization that manipulates the systems around & also the way an individual sees the economy.
Looking at the present day affairs in India, one can question the relevance of the Gandhian philosophies or a term made up for the same - Gandhism. It can be said from a generalized overview that except for certain of his devotees & their organizations, presence of Gandhican only be seen on his birth anniversary or in political agendas. His teachings, writings & thoughts are limited to textbook knowledge in the educational realm as well as professional world. The communal riots, political conflicts & discrimintaion based on religious, geographical & social grounds are an evident proof of confinement of the Gandhian philosophies to theoretical preaching with minimal or no implementation.
The nation today is experiencing a vast exposure to a form of economics that demands consumption. The sole purpose of self-sufficiency is denied by the means of economy. An unhealthy competitiveness has arised on the grounds of consumption, where community, which used to form the base of a habitable living in India is neglected. Population believes in what is shown & hence is manipulated by the commercial agendas to further accept the consumption.
As in commercialization, the same manipulative techniques are also observed in the portrayal of M.K.Gandhi. This forms the base to the misconception of him being a Godly figure, a saint to be precise. A saint is worshipped by many & they follow his / her teachings knowingly or blindly. Today people know about the saints based on their writings, verbal stories & lately through commercial daily soaps & web series. These saints are perceived as pious figures with calm & composure personalities, seen as a prototype of an ideal human being. Following different billboards & posters that carry a photograph of M.K.Gandhi in it, the portrayal is on similar lines as that of the saints. He is usedas an Avatar of a simple saint figure to draw an emotional empathetic connection with the reader or viewer.
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“Many ancientIndian masters havepreachedahimsa, non-violenceasa philosophy. Thatwas merephilosophicalunderstanding. ButMahatma Gandhi, inthis twentiethcentury, produceda very sophisticatedapproachbecause he implementedthatvery noblephilosophy ofahimsain modernpolitics, andhe succeeded. Thatis a verygreatthing.
- Dalai Lama
To understand the relevance of the Gandhian philosophies today, one must first understand Gandhi. Unlike how it is portrayed in mass media, he is neither a saint, nor an Avatar of the same. In his times as well, there were generalized statements claiming M.K.Gandhi to be a saint trying to be a politician. He explained himself to be a politician trying to be a saint. He was a simple human like other common men with a knowledge of what is better for the nation, relevant not just in early days but throughout the future, hence it being valid in the present as well.
When it comes to the future of a nation, the youth of the country is always seen as the prime contributor in the long run, as was seen by M.K.Gandhi. His preachings of self-sufficient lifestyle, non-materialistic ideas was a clear message to the younger population towards their own futures as an individual & as a citizen of the country. It can be stated that ideologies of M.K.Gandhi related not to the population as individuals, but to their mindsets & approaches in their lives.
As mentioned in one of the chapters above [refer to Chapter 3.2.3], the short film I Am 20 captures the mindsets & point of views of the youth then, in 1967, based on a set questionnaire. A study based on a similar set of questionnaires was carried out with the present day youth, in order to observe the [extent of] relevance in the mindsets of the youth & hence obtaining a relevance of the Gandhian philosophies in present day as well.
KEY NAMES : M.K.Gandhi ; Karl Marx ; Laurie Baker ; Dalai Lama
KEYWORDS : Self-Sufficiency ; Equality ; Economic Liberalization ; Decentralization ; Totalitarian ; Ubiquitous ; Liberty ; Small Scale Production ; Art & Architecture ; Self - Reliance ; Swadeshi ; Environmental Science ; Culture ; People ; Technology ; Amenities ; Potential ; Nai Talim ; Household ; Non - Violence ; Housing ; Cost - Efficiency ; Affordability ; Ecological ; Inquisitive ; Commercialization ; Gandhism ; Consumption ; Avatar ; Youth ; Non - Materialistic.