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FREE TO BEme festival
On Saturday, March 11, Unis gathered together at the Canyon Country Community Center to volunteer at the City of Santa Clarita’sAnnualFreetobeMeFestival!
This festival is a community event that celebratesthespecialneedscommunityand theirfamilieswithavarietyofdifferentbooths forthemtoexploreandplaywith.Unlikelast year, the festival was held inside the community center, with even food trucks outside for attendees to enjoy. Specifically, Key Clubbers volunteered with the Include Everyone Project, a non-profit organization that focuses on providing kids on the spectrum with performing art related activities.Asvolunteers,wehelpedsetup,run an arts and crafts booth and a drum circle/movementbooth.
Overall, it was a day full of bonding, music, movement and service, and we were so happy to work with the Include Everyone Projectonanotherwonderfulevent!