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Thank you guys for reading our first ever newsletter for AOC Key Club! I just wanna say how proud I am of all of you for all of your hard work in volunteering and service in the club! All the participation and spirit you guys bring never disappoint. A quick recap from the past 2 weeks, I hosted my first volunteer event at La Mesa Junior High’s ‘Howl Den’ and was so happy with the outcome! Many of our members came (11, including me) and shared that it was a really fun experience! A lot of teamwork and organization were involved and I was proud to see all of your work together. I was able to host a second one the week after at Rancho Pico’s Open House! It was another fun experience that the ASB teacher offered me. I was able to invite 3 members with me. We were able to see our old friends, relatives, and teachers. It was overall a good time and I can’t wait to host more events for you guys in the future! This is the end of my small recap and hopes you guys all have a wonderful rest of your day uni-acorns!