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When ideating about how to creatively portray the heart and spirit of Catholic schools, collagestyle seemed like the perfect medium to stitch together all the wonderful and diverse aspects of schools. In this design, Jesus is central, surrounded by collage elements portraying the heart of Catholic schools. With Jesus at the center, His light radiates throughout the leaders, students, learning, prayer, friendships, and fun that make Catholic schools the vibrant, inclusive, and formative places they are. TO GET TO KNOW OUR CONTRIBUTING WRITERS BETTER, WE ASKED THEM: WHAT ROLE DID CATHOLIC EDUCATION HAVE IN YOUR FORMATION?
JOE BOGGS: For grade school, I attended St. Charles in Newport. As a high school student, I went to St. Mary Catholic Central (SMCC) in Monroe. I was blessed to have some amazing teachers at both schools who served as models for my own teaching career. Perhaps most important to my formation were the lifelong friendships I developed with my classmates. Many of the guys I went to school with from St. Charles through SMCC are still faithful Catholics who have helped me at various points on my life’s journey.
DR. KEATING: Catholic education played a crucial role in my life and in the formation of my faith. Twelve years of Catholic education — eight years at our parish grade school, followed by four years at a boys’ Catholic high school — placed within me a Catholic culture and mind-set that have shaped my entire life. I am immensely grateful to all those priests, religious and laity who poured out their lives so generously and sacrificially for me and my classmates.
FATHER BONIFACE HICKS: As an adult convert, I did not attend Catholic schools growing up. The rest of my life is now dedicated to Catholic education, however, in my previous role as a professor of computer science at St. Vincent College and now as spiritual director for St. Vincent Seminary. I have been moved to see the formative impact that having the Catholic faith fully integrated into education can provide.
FATHER BRIAN MELDRUM: In my 23rd year of Catholic education, I would say: It has played a crucial role! I thank God for the Felician Sisters, Christian Brothers and teachers who were great witnesses to the faith. They taught me to pursue God through goodness, truth and beauty. I am most grateful to my parents for their sacrifices, which continue to bear fruit in my current doctoral studies and for future students at the seminary.
LAURA KNAUS: My Catholic education played a critical role in my formation. I attended Catholic schools for grades K-12 and graduate school. I was challenged academically but, more importantly, I also gained broad knowledge and deep understanding of the Catholic faith. My experience in Catholic schools prepared me to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ and to serve effectively in the ministry of Catholic education.
KATE LOCHNER: I think my Catholic education was most impactful during my earliest years of elementary school. In elementary school, we ask such “big questions” that being exposed to the idea of Jesus’ love by teachers in classes and various lessons set the groundwork for my faith at an early age. The fact that the teachings of the faith were so deeply embedded into my education was paramount in my early formation.
COLLEEN PRESSPRICH: My parents sent my brother and me to East Catholic in Manchester, Connecticut, for high school. While there, I had the amazing opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Fatima. It was on that trip that I had my first real personal encounter with Mary. It changed the trajectory of my life, though I didn’t realize it at the time.
Galatians 6:10

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