Prevent More to Treat Less 1st Joint Public Health and Primary Care Conference June 4th – 5th 2014 Toronto, Ontario
Introducing Public Health – Primary care Collaboration Online Toolkit
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Partnerships / Collaborations CONTENT EXPERTS
Multi-disciplinary Multi-jurisdictional Nurses Family Physician Dietician Epidemiologist French Translation
School of Nursing National McMaster Collaborating University Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT) to
3 Canadian Provinces British Columbia Ontario Nova Scotia
Research Instruction and InnoVation in Educational Technologies
host web site Web Design and Developer; ativainteractive
Dorothy C. Hall Chair in Primary Health Care Nursing School of Nursing McMaster University
Production of this Online Toolkit to Support Public Health and Primary Care Collaboration has been made possible through funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the view of the Public Health Agency of Canada of 20
Background Evidence supports the benefits of collaboration between primary care and public health
PREVENT MORE Improved maternal child health
Improved health promotion and health protection
Improved communicable disease prevention and control Decreased cost of immunization programs through reduced vaccine wastage. of 20
PROBLEM Health professionals working in collaborations have few tools/ resources to support building and sustaining collaborations There is an increased demand for these resources
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SOLUTION Free online evidence-informed toolkit created for health sciences students, practitioners, managers, and policy makers in a variety of disciplines working in public health and primary care. of 20
GOAL To develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that support the development and maintenance of successful collaborations between primary care and public health.
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The Development
5 case studies
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The Research Q-Sort Study
Provincial Environmental Scans
Interpretive Descriptive Study
Scoping Literature Review Multiple Case Studies
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The Ecological Framework Ecological Framework provides the structure for navigating an outline toolkit on building successful collaborations between public health and primary care workers (including nurses and others) as well as organizations. Interrelated Modules A navigational platform to explore:
Nature of collaboration
Evaluation research of 20
The Navigational Platform The interrelated modules offer a navigational platform to explore: a) the nature of collaboration; b) intrapersonal/interpersonal, organizational, and systemic level influences on a collaboration’s success; and c) an evaluation research module that touches on the measurement of processes and impacts of collaborations.
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Nature of Collaboration
Why we collaborate Collaboration Structures Strategies and Activities of ‘working together’ Goals, Outcomes, Risks
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Intrapersonal Level ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜
Personal Qualities, Knowledge, and Skills Personal Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes
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Interpersonal Level
Role Clarity Effective Communication Trusting and Inclusive Relationships Shared Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes Effective Clinical Decision Processes
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Organizational Level
Clear Mandates, Visions, and Goals for Collaboration Strategic Coordination and Communication Mechanisms between Partners Formal Organizational Leaders as Collaboration Champions Collaborative Organizational Culture Optimal Use of Resources Optimal Use of Human Resources Collaborative Approaches to programs and Service Delivery
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Systemic Level
Governmental and Regulatory Policies and Mandates for Collaboration Harmonized Information and Communication Infrastructure Formal Systems Leaders as Collaborative Champions Effective Decision-Making Framework Funding Models and Financial Incentives Supporting Collaboration Targeted Professional Education Health Services Structures that promote Collaboration
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Research Evaluation
Evaluation Collaborations Evaluation Tools End User Involvement in testing Formative o Summative o
Web site statistical Analytics
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Each of the
22 Modules has: Definitions
Test Yourself
t2c Challenges
Lessons Learned
Case Studies of 20
The Impact and Outcome
BUILD CAPACITY by increasing awareness of factors that can influence the development and maintenance of collaborations between public health and primary care. DEVELOP PRACTICE-BASED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS Will help to prepare both new graduates and practitioners for collaborative practices REACH BILINGUAL AUDIENCES Will reach French and English audiences beyond the public health and primary care sectors. In addition, this product has universal applications.
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Public Health – Primary Care Collaboration Website