Welcome to Seniors WrapAround Delivering People Centred Care Presenters: Chris Pearson Susan Turnbull Jill Turnbull
Objectives Increase knowledge of the WrapAround process Increase knowledge of the strength based practice Share information of outcomes and lessons learned
What is Seniors WrapAround? Helps seniors with complex needs to find solutions Team-based approach that mobilizes the community
What is the Purpose of Seniors WrapAround ? Assist seniors to be able to live independently in their own homes Reduces barriers to health and well-being Increases individual and community capacity
Who are the participants? Oldest client - 91yrs Youngest client - 62 yrs Average age - 78.7 yrs
Why do we need Senior’s WrapAround? 40% of our registered clients are over 55, and a high percentage of these are over 65. Large aging population with declining health Social and Geographic Isolation Reduced capacity to safely care for themselves Increased risk of requiring emergency services
Why do we need Seniors WrapAround? Prefer to remain living in their own homes and communities Have complex needs Don’t know where to turn Need for increased safety
Common Issues For Seniors Complex physical/mental health issues Decreased capacity in caring for self Loneliness Safety Housing Depression Separation/Loss Isolation Poverty Sense of diminishing purpose Transportation/mobility
Exercise Take a couple of minutes to think about a crisis or a difficult time in your life. What happened and how did you deal with the crisis/problem. You may use a friend or family member as an example, no names please
10 Key Guiding Principals of WrapAround 1. Community team-based model 2. Maximum voice and choice 3. Collaborative and integrated 4. Individualized plans 5. Services and resources are community-based 6. Strength-based planning approach 7. Culturally competent 8. Maximum use of informal supports 9. Persistence in delivery 10.Outcome driven
How does WrapAround work? Senior/caregiver once referred meets with the Wraparound coordinator to assess “fit� WrapAround facilitator is matched with the senior/caregiver to identify their strengths, culture and preferences Priority needs in different life areas are identified
Life Domains in WrapAround Safety Social and Friends Recreation/Leisure/Fun Legal Housing Health Financial Feelings/Emotions Family Employment/Education Culture Spiritual
WrapAround Family Team Identify potential team members Senior must know or be comfortable with those invited. Professionals, family, faith, and friends. Balance of formal and informal team members
WrapAround Team Meetings Work through a structured, planning process to addresses the top 1 or 2 needs chosen by the senior Brainstorm strength-based strategies to meet the need/s Senior/caregiver chooses the strategies that they think will work best Team “Wraps� services and supports around the senior
Our Partners Community Care and Access Centre Community Supportive Services Geriatric care Seniors groups Faith groups Community Volunteers
Strength Based Planning
Paradigm Shift to Strength-Based Planning “A strength-based paradigm offers a different language to describe a persons difficulties and struggles. It allows one to see opportunities, hope and solutions rather than just problems and hopelessness. The new paradigm avoids labeling and assumes individuals have the power to help themselves as well as casting service providers as partners rather than experts� Wayne Hammond Ph.d
Exercise: Strengths and Deficits Using pathology or deficit-based descriptive words or terms, briefly write a paragraph describing yourself (Share with a partner) Example: I am a procrastinator. I don't clean up after myself. I am mean to my dog when no one is around. I miss meetings on purpose and make up excuses. I cheated on my taxes last year. The inside of my car is a mess. I eat too much junk food.
Exercise: Strengths and Deficits Using strengths-based descriptive terms or words, describe yourself Example: I have kept the same job for 15 years. I take really good care of my children. I wrote the agency newsletter for two years. I am a caring person, especially when my friends are in a crisis. I am good in an emergency because I am levelheaded.
Deficit-based Planning: Focuses on the negatives, the “Can’ts� Ignores potential resulting from adversity Obscures the recognition of a persons unique strengths and abilities Limiting labels such as dysfunctional, noncompliant, unmotivated Prescribed programming approach as opposed to individualized planning
Strength-Based Approach Individualized plans People take the lead in their own care Draws upon resources of the individual and community Future focused, which builds hope Builds a trusting relationship Sustainable by increasing capacity and resiliency through experiential growth
Strength-based plans instill a sense of hope and dignity Motivates and encourages the senior/family to take on the challenge of change and ownership of the plan. The starting point is “What’s right with people” “A doing with not a doing to”
Mary’s Story A volunteers experience in facilitating WrapAround
How Does WrapAround Fit with the Health Centre Model? Income Social Support Network Level of Education Physical Environment Personal Health Practice Health Services
Health Promotion Strategies Create a supportive environment Develop personal skills Strengthen Community Action Health Services
Lessons Learned Internal and external awareness Community Development Approach Develop relationships with informal supports i.e. Faith Community and Service Clubs Realistic and ongoing funding to meet the need
Next Steps Continue to build capacity Recruitment and training of volunteers Mentoring, supporting, coaching Further develop relationships with other health agencies Continue to develop outcome measuring tools
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