Workshops at a glance 2018 en

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Workshops at Glance | June 13 and 14, 2018 WEDNESDAY, June 13 Location Buttonville Upper level

Learning Session A 10:00 - 10:45 a.m.

Learning Session B 11:15 - 12:15 p.m.

A9: Racial Battle Fatigue

THURSDAY, June 14 Learning Session C 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Learning Session D 10:30 - 12:00 p.m.

B7: ‘Not My Kid’ | Walking C4: Culturally and the Path Linguistically Tailored Health Promotion



Richmond A A1: Addressing the Service Upper level Gap


D12: Vers une stratégie provinciale communautaire afin d’étendre l’accès aux services en français pour les Franco-Ontariens et les Franco-Ontariennes H

B3: Towards More Equitable Engagement | Mental Health Through M an Equity Lens E Richmond B A11: Using Data to Drive B4: Understanding Upper level Practice Improvement institutional and clientlevel determinants of appointment no-shows D at a CHC I

C6: Trauma Informed Care M


C11: From Change Fatigue to Energizing Change through an Administrative Redesign Initiative D

D11: Design Thinking | Co-Designing Quality Improvement | A Case Study that Exemplifies the MHWB

Richmond C A6: Rural Change Upper level

C7: Reframing Governance

D2: How Can We Measure Progress on Health Equity?

P Richmond D A12: Rx Community I Upper level

B9: Introduction to Inclusive Leadership in Governance G B12: Creating Collaboration



Stouffville Lower level

A10: Impacts and B11: Equip Your Opportunities of the Organization for a CQIP Provincial Election to Advance an Integrated Health System G H D A5: Caring for My COPD B10: Interprofessional models of care incorporating midwifery | Client Intake that Improves Integrated Health and Wellbeing T I

Aurora Lower level

A7: Quality Improvement in the Neighbourhood

Markham A Lower level

A4: Cultural Humility

Markham B Lower level

A8: May the Force Be with Youth

Thornhill Upper level

B1: Productivity Tools for Community Health Workers I


A2: Health in Housing Initiative

A3: Using the HEIA to improve a respiratory program


C12: Boards Engaged in Health System Transformation


C5: Learning Health Systems: Using data for improvement


D3: Consumer Health: Fad, or the natural evolution of health care?


C8: Breaking Down Barriers to Accessing Quality Healthcare for the Amish/Mennonite Population | Moving Health Equity Forward P C10: Can I trust you? Enhancing the trust paradigm between clients and providers




D9: Chronic Disease SelfManagement | Engaging interprofessional primary care teams in quality improvement I


D7: Organizational Commitment to Indigenous Cultural Safety for Senior Leaders in Health Settings



C2: Advancing Organization- and System-level Indigenous D Cultural Safety T


D1: Visioning for Change P

B5: Integrated C9: To Peer or Not to D13: Rx: Community II Supervised Consumption Peer? Harm Reduction at H Services M Work M


D4: Breastfeeding Support | Informed Decision-Making: Learning how to have infantfeeding conversations D I

Newmarket Lower level

E Health equity and anti-oppression

P People and communities at the centre

D Demonstrating value and impact

T Truth and reconciliation

M Mental health and harm reduction

G Community-centred governance and equity

H Transforming our health system


D8: Leading with a Racial Equity Lens for Structural Change

C3: Tapping the Potential D10: Building a Seamless of Primary Care Nurses System | Designing a Better Experience for Patients and D I Providers H B2: Health, Wellbeing, C1: Food Skills for D5: Providing 2SLGBT and Welcoming for Families | Empowerment Specific Care Within Newcomer Populations in the Kitchen Northern/Rural ON | Ottawa Senior Pride Network | Mental Health Services and LGBTQ2S Youth B8: CCA Accreditation and Quality Improvement 101

D Vaughan West Lower level


B6: Managing Pain and Opioid Use through Inter-Professional Teams E

Vaughan East Lower level


D6: Surviving Overdose, Healing Communities

I High performing interprofessional teams

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