Escaping to Wonderland 378-431
The Surreal Escape 328-377
No Escape from the Pandemic 292-327
The (UN)satisfaction of Escape 248-291
Mental Escape 216-247
The Futuristic Escape 164-215
Escape for the Oppressed 120-163
An Escape to a Personal Space 78-119
Escape of the People 6-77
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
Group Abstract The contemporary world continuously overwhelms us with reasons to seek escape from, but it also offers us newer, easier means of escaping. We are now able to, with the help of technology, distract not our mind alone, but our senses and perception from the ever changing reality. The concept of escapism does not always refer to an individual mind departing from the unpleasantries of reality alone. This atlas attempts to study the various perspectives on the different dimensions of escapism, not only individually, but also collectively while exploring influences under specific topics that may cause us to seek escape. Through exploring the topic of creators and spectators, we understand better how people and society position themselves within the space of interactive media. The different views of escapism within this atlas may define escapism as the departure from the physical world, where we are bound by reality; to a space where we are given a sense of ownership, belonging and control. It is also the idea of freedom from the boundaries of norms imposed by the familiar that each of us possess. When brought together, the collective manifests a new reality that fulfills our yearning in the most unexpected way. Even though the future predictions of escapism are also about humans escaping from our boxes of possibility and evolving both body and technology over time, it could also be a break out from the problems in the physical world while using social media as a comfort space. The act of escaping may also promote negative experiences such as inadequacy of life or physical appearance. However, escapism can also be seen as a transition from tiresome routines into an imagination to create satisfaction in our life.
Moreover escapism, especially during the time of a pandemic which limits physical interactions, is the distraction of ourselves from reality and the feeding of our thoughts with what we want to believe. Additionally, escapism can also be defined by the ability to take yourself away from your current consciousness and allow your subconscious mind to take control of your innovations. The most extreme form of escapism is the departure from the mundane by diverting through the mind to an imaginary world. Escapism allows us to differentiate the perspectives of escaping through our own means; with the availability of technology and social media, we are able to interpret and analyse our own definition of what ‘Escapism’ is and what role it plays in our daily lives. There is no absolute definition to escapism and this atlas attempts to explore the possibilities of how escapism can be interpreted.
Escape of the People A Guide to Modern Forms of Escapism Darapon Chaibal (Manao)
Are you feeling too comfortable in your home right now? You have been locked up in your home for a while now, and it’s starting to feel like a prison. But this is your home, the place you are most comfortable in! Why would you want to go anywhere else? You still wish you can go out, but where? Surely not another comfortable place? How about somewhere complete opposite, the unhomely? Do you know that you are longing for the jaw of the unhomely? And it’s not only you who feel like this; millions of people longed to venture out to the outside world, far away from what they are bounded to for the past two years. And this black smart phone screen that has been your only window of escape; do you know that it could be used to channel your intention and rally people around this common cause? In fact, it had happened; people had patchworked their effort together for the sake of escapism before. This is the Escape of the People; your guide to modern forms of escapism! Escape of the People
Escapism 7
Abstract The human race is now on lockdown. We are bounded by enforced quarantines and social isolation in which we call homes. The longer these rules are imposed on us, the more we long to escape to the outside world. This is a shared feeling, a relatable need for all of us. Physically, there is no escape. The only form of acceptable escape is online. We consume media to escape reality, but there are certain contents on social media that not only make us want to consume, but also to contribute and add more to the original narrative. This shared purpose will be referred as “Collective Escapism”. Tiktok chain duet, Creepypasta, and Specific music edit community are case studies selected to illustrated this concept. Collectivism has always been an important part of humanity. Our collectives are our identity, and when under special circumstances, our collectives could effect our way of thinking and acting so much that our individual logic is taken over. If this longing for the outside world continues, becoming more and more powerful as time passes, a strong collective would eventually be formed. “The outside world” refers to places of the uncanny, the unheimlich--the opposite of homely places. Uncanniness emerges when the boundary between fantasy and reality is blurred, the familiar overlaps with the strange. It is the horror born when something that we have always thought to be alien suddenly exists in our known reality. Uncanniness could be created through a specifically designed environment and space. In this project, I focus on researching “uncanny architecture”, leading up to its association with Brutalism, the style of architecture that has been condemned as unfriendly and ugly. This leads to my design proposal: creation of a virtual or physical space that’s designed from our collective need to escape to the uncanny, and foster even stronger collectivism. Escape of the People
Escape of the People A Guide to Modern Forms of Escapism Darapon Chaibal (Manao)
The Collective, Collectivism, and Social Media - “Collective” and Collectivism - Collectivism on Social media - Identity VS the Collective Collective Escapism - Tiktok Duet Chain - Creepypasta - Specific Music Edits To the Unhomely: Uncanniness in Art and Design Brutalism: Uncanniness in Architecture
Escapism 9
Escape of the People
Escapism 11
INDIVIDUA LISM seek 1:1 chemistry brand yourself make your team faster loyalty to individuals dissent pick a side, commit look for your oppotunity seek to stand out individual inspiration ad-hoc-ism call out BS truth-seeking capitalist mindset
Collectivism is the principle of orientation in the group. The self-identity is directly related to a group or groups of reference, thriving by being sensitive to group harmony. In collective cultures they also believe that Broadcasting is not a conversation, which require listening, processing information and responding. And that in social media, unless you are a broadcaster, it should be about quality conversations and meaningful engagement.
Escape of the People
seek group consensus blend in with suit and tie make your team bigger loyalty to groups groupthink align, trade-off pay your dues seek to belong design by committee due process spare people’s feelings harmony-seeking victim mindset
However, the “social” in social media doesn’t translate into it being a place of collectivism. Looking at the comparative values between Individualism and Collectivism and we can see which principle prevails on the internet, especially in our westernized world where individualism is often preferred.
According to Venkatesh Rao--an Indian-American author and consultant-and his commentary on the soul of social media, “The media are “social” not because they enable sociability, harmony and World Peace, but because people are the medium. You don’t connect to people through the medium. The people are the medium to connect you to value. The technology itself is just the material that allows humans to act like a connective medium.”
Escapism 13
Some activities on the internet, however, could facilitate a temporary collaboration, and by extent, foster a temporary collective mindset in the usually individualistic culture of social media users, creating a widespread social phenomenon. The most recent one has to be our brief assemble to fight for the most clicks on POPCAT, where you can go on popcat. click and tap away on the cat Oatmeal and help your country win. After analyzing the situation, I’ve found various factors that affected its virality and its ability to immediately form nationalism-based collective action.
First, I considered the context; Popcat click emerged in the middle of the pandemic where a lot of people does not yet return to normality. Some countries (like Thailand) are still in lockdown because of the the government’s regulations. Not only that, but this period of time is also not long after the Olympic games ended, so nationalism is still somewhat fresh on our minds, fueling our effort to fight for our nations.
The website itself is also easily accessible, with a simple way to participate in, with unlimited chances. It also helps that the cat image itself had been circulating on the internet long before this, very well-known and loved. Moreover, the website also automatically identifies you based on your geographical location. Its virality was the result from its simple premises that are easy to understand and its recordability for further posting and sharing.
Instagram stories of influencers and friends whom I am following, sharing about their participation in POPCAT.
Other than its Olympics context and automatic way of identifying you with a country, the competitive and nationalistic mood was also powered by the easy-to-access leadership board that lists countries and their click counts in real-time.
Escape of the People
Escapism 15
Existential Identity
Before we have identity, we have self-concept. Self-concept, according to a British social psychologist John Turner, is a term used to refer to how someone thinks, perceives, or evaluates themselves.
It consists of two parts, our existential identity, and our social identity. Existential Identity is the conscious recognition of the self as a unique identity. It is the awareness with oneself as a separate individual. We have existential identity since we become self-aware, and that starts since we are very young, a baby around 1-2 months old is already self-aware.
Social Identity
Escape of the People
What I want to focus on, however, is our social identity.
Escapism 17
According to Sheldon Stryker, an American sociologist, “Society shapes self shapes social behavior...The various identities that comprise the self exist in a hierarchy of salience”. This means that an individual is intertwined with the network of society since birth. Later in life, they would be consisted with many identities that could be utiltized and realized based on their importance according to that individual.
Social identity theory was developed to explain how individuals create and define their place in society. According to the social identity theory, three psychological processes are central in that regard: social categorization, social comparison, and social identification.
Social categorization refers to the tendency of people to perceive themselves and others in terms of particular social categories—that is, as relatively interchangeable group members instead of as separate and unique individuals.
Social identification is when you turn around and ask yourself who you are. People’s general sense of who they are and how they relate to others is typically implicated in the way they view other individuals and groups around them. After that it’s Social comparison which is the process by which people determine the relative value or social standing of a particular group and its members.
Our various identities came from our roles in those group and our group memberships. If defined from a society’s perspective; social identity refers to the set of characteristics by which a person is definitively recognizable or known by the society in which they live.
Escape of the People
Another way to define social identity is “Social identity is a person’s sense of who they are based on their group membership(s)”. This definition looks at social identity as perceived by the individual.
When social categorisation and identification are completed, we have two distinct groups of people in our minds; the one who are categorized the same way as us and satisfied us are immediately “Us”, or the in-group. And the people who aren’t and whose values dissatisfied us are “the other”, or the out-group.
Escapism 19
Social identities are most influential when individuals consider membership in a particular group to be central to their self-concept and they feel strong emotional ties to the group. The more we identify with the group, the more this group will define our personality. Like a person being a football fans often are loud and cheerful, while book club goers might be more quiet, reserved and intellectual
Escape of the People
Groups also provide a variety of means for maintaining and enhancing a sense of self-worth, as our assessment of the quality of groups we belong to influences our collective self-esteem (Crocker & Luhtanen, 1990). If our self-esteem is shaken by a personal setback, we can focus on our group’s success and prestige. In addition, by comparing our group to other groups, we frequently discover that we are members of the better group, and so can take pride in our superiority. By denigrating other groups, we elevate both our personal and our collective self-esteem BLM Movement and its success had empowered many African Americans.
Escapism 21
SOCIAL IDENTITY THREATS After the research, I have established that we all already have identities that derived from some collective groups. Therefore, we are all susceptible to our social identities. They could influence us to such an extreme that it takes over our decision making process and actions, and in turn, determine how we or others identify ourselves.
Our social identity could take over our lives and logic if there are social identity threats The following are the various types of social identity threats:
Escape of the People
Group-Status Threat This threat occurs when the perceived competence of the group is devalued, such as when the moral behaviour of their group is called into question. This is sometimes experienced even by group members who can in no way be held personally accountable for their group’s behaviour, such as when citizens of a certain country may feel guilt or shame for crimes committed by their country long before they were born.
GroupDistinctiveness This occurs when individuals are treated as group members at times when they would prefer not to be, such as the complicated situation of Taiwaneses kept being identified as Chineses repeatedly, even though they would demand to identify with a separated nationality.
GroupDistinctiveness Group members can also experience social identity threat when they think that their group is not sufficiently acknowledged as a separate entity with unique characteristics. This is called a group-distinctiveness threat which is experienced when different groups of people are included in larger, more inclusive groups, nations, or organizations, such as members of linguistic minorities who strive for political autonomy.
GroupDistinctiveness This occurs when individuals fail to gain acceptance and inclusion in the groups of which they consider themselves members, such as when trans women were not except as one of the women, even though they vocally identified as one.
Escapism 23
There are two influences in conformity:
Informational Influence
Some beliefs about the world can be verified by using objective tests; others cannot be verified by using objective standards and hence must be verified by using social tests, namely comparing one’s beliefs to those of other people whose judgment one respects. If those others agree with one’s beliefs, one gains confidence in them; if they disagree, one loses confidence. Because disagreement is disturbing, people are motivated to eliminate it, and one way to do so is to conform to group norms.
Conformity in Cultures
Bond and Smith found that cultural values were indeed related to conformity: people in collectivist cultures displayed more conformity than did people in individualist cultures. Although the interpretation of those results is not completely clear, it is plausible that collectivists conform more than individualists because they give greater weight to collective goals and are more concerned about how other people view their behaviour and are affected by it.
Escape of the People
People sometimes conform to groups because they are uncertain about the correctness of their beliefs and believe the group is more likely to be correct than they are. People also exhibit more conformity when they are working on ambiguous tasks than on unambiguous tasks. In addition, they conform more when they have doubts about their own task competence and when they think other group members are highly competent in the task.
An individual might respond to a social identity threat differently and vary in the extremity according to their emotional attachment.
Conformity is the process where people change their beliefs, attitudes, actions, or perceptions to more closely match those held by groups to which they belong or want to belong or by groups whose approval they desire.
There are two categories of conformity: public agreement (compliance) and private agreement (acceptance). compliance refers to overt behavioral change in the direction of that norm, whereas acceptance refers to covert attitudinal or perceptual change.
Informational Influence
People sometimes conform to groups because they are motivated to be liked (or at least not disliked) and believe that other members will feel more kindly toward them if they conform to rather than deviate from group norms. In general, normative influence produces public compliance but not private acceptance.
Another factor that increases normative influence is surveillance by other group members. People who are concerned about others’ evaluations ought to conform more when their behaviour is public than when it is private.
Escapism 25
Physiological Arousal Anonymity
Escape of the People
Deindividuation, phenomenon in which people engage in seemingly impulsive, deviant, and sometimes violent acts in situations in which they believe they cannot be personally identified. Some deindividuated situations can reduce accountability, because people who are hidden within a group cannot be easily traced or blamed for their actions. Thus, the effects of deindividuation are sometimes viewed as socially undesirable (e.g., rioting).
Sensory Overload
Shared Responsibility
However, research has shown that deindividuation also strengthens adherence to group norms. Sometimes those norms conflict with the norms of society at large, but they are not always negative. For example, you can engage in letting loose on the dance floor with a crowd, or volunteer in a rescue organization.
Altered temporal Perspective
Altered state of consciousness
Novel Situations
In the 1960s and ’70s the American psychologist Philip Zimbardo investigated the variables that lead to deindividuation Some of the possible factors are anonymity; shared, diffused, or abandoned responsibility; altered temporal perspective (so that the individual focuses more on the here and now than on the past or present); physiological arousal; sensory overload; novel or unstructured situations; and altered states of consciousness (such as those brought about by the use of alcohol or drugs). He also claimed that those factors and others act to minimize self-observation and evaluation, reduce concern for social evaluation, and weaken controls based on feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and commitment.
#แบนดาราสลิ่ม The Freedom of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
On online setting, deindividuation is prominent as well. A lot of people chose to hide their real identity on social media, and that afforded the physical anonymity which frees people from normal constraints on behaviour, allowing people to behave impulsively and often antisocially. However, some research shows that, although the deindividuated context of CMC blurs people’s individual characteristics, an important consequence is that it also enhances the importance of groups and their associated norms. Accordingly, some research shows that people who are deindividuated by being anonymous on the Internet often adhere more closely to the norms of their groups than they do when they and others are identifiable.
Twitter users expressed their hatred for Most of these users don’t put their real names and face on their accounts, and that anonimity acts as a bubble that protect them from physical retaliation, thus encourages them to voice their true feelings on the matter in manners that they might not dare to do face-toface.
Escapism 27
After establishing the concept of collectivism and its role on the internet, I want to focus more on the collective activities that would inspire creative inputs from audience and create in new content.
Escape of the People
Escapism 29
General Media Consumption Behaviour
The case study selection of collective activities followed this criteria: A content has to inspire contribution. The original narrative of a content is reconstructed every time there is an individual participation and creative contribution. The result is a new content, created by the collective. This content would help the collective group members escape reality through humor, or fantasy; as it was the purpose of the collective group.
Collective Escapist Media Consumption Behaviour
This social phenomenon would be called “collective escapism” in this project.
Escape of the People
Escapism 31
People use everyday object, postures CASE STUDY #1
TIKTOK DUET CHAINS My first case study is the tiktok trend called tiktok duet chain, which got started because of the feature on tiktok called duet, a collaboration tool which users could use to add their own clips to an already posted videos and have them played simultaneously.
Starts off as something ordinary: a rant video, showing your girlfriend, singing, etc.
People start adding to the original narrative, whether to have some fun, poke fun at something, or show who could make it to become the weirdest
Gathers attention because of the potential for further creative inputs Escape of the People
The original clips always have its own completed story, with no conscious intention to ask for continuing narratives, but because users see potential in more creative input, these clips become viral and attract people who want to add a little humor or just generally fleshed the story out some more. They add their clips on top of the original clips and then one another’s, and because of tiktok ability to play a lot of clips simultaneously, these chains are often in a form of enormous video collages, and the more viral it gets, the bigger it becomes.
The added effect of tiktok duet ability to “patchwork” coupled with camera angles help making them even more whimsical
A break in the mundane everyday life
Escapism 33
MARCUS DIPAOLA AND HIS GIRLFRIEND One of the most viral tiktok duet chains is the one started by Marcus Dipaola, who posted a clip introducing the audience to his girlfriend, but because of weird camera angle, coupled with the forceful way he talked and the seemingly uncomfortable expression on his girlfriend’s face sitting on his lap, people started to poke fun and the first user added a hand to make it seems like he is pointing a fake gun toy at his girlfriend, suggesting he’s holding her hostage (thus the reason she seemed stressed). Others start patching clips on top of one another to fill in the whole story from an FBI agent knocking at the door to the president broadcasting his grievance at the situation.
Rule set/ Criteria
Golden Rule for Popularity Potential Deadends
• Satire • Dramatic • Absurd • Complete the guy/ girl’s body • Set up hostage context by introducing relevant characters that would appear in dire situations • Act anxious/actively preparing to fight in the face of danger to create suspense (as if Mark is gonna escalate the situation anytime) • Deal with this situation in the most exaggerated manner
1 4
Original clip
Added legs
Added toy gun
Added gf’s binded hands
Added Mark’s right hand
Added police officer negotiating through loudspeaker
Added reporter reporting the situation
• Too many things happen all at once=hard to focus • Mark’s voice/video get too small, so the original context is lost
Added FBI agent demanding them to open the door
Escape of the People
Added agents getting ready to fire
Escapism 35
CANDY SHOP +BROOM HAIR This one is also one of the biggest tiktok chains at that time. Started by tiktok user @talib.lyy, who originally post a clip of himself imitating a young man singing candy shop by putting a broom on his head. It kickstarted another weird phenomenon where many users put household items on their heads while also holding an item that connected with their precedents to create continuous effect.
Mood Rule set/ Criteria
Golden Rule for Popularity Potential Deadends
• Satire • Mimicking
• Place things on your head, anything. (This is gradually changed from household appliances) • That item has to go off the frame to allow the next contributor to hold their own item and create continuous effect • Sing along mimicking the original boy’s expression or swag, or stand still with poker face • Find the weirdest, most unexpected item to put on your head • the original video get too small to make out what’s going on, so the original context is lost
Original clip
Broom instead of hair
Added another broom
added another broom
Changed cleaner
Changed broom to chair
1 2
Escape of the People
Escapism 37
HERE COMES THE BOY Another cute one is the tiktok chain started by tiktok user june_banoon, who posted a video of herself serenading a cat who was sauntering towards her. Her melody was instantly ear catching and summoned almost the whole band of tiktok musicians and singers to contribute to the harmony and make it into one of the most beautiful song ever on tiktok.
Rule set/ Criteria
Golden Rule for Popularity
Potential Deadends
• Harmonious • Melodius
• Original melody is angelic and disney-princess like=contribute performances of instruments/singing that could be played best in this tone • Follow original chord progression to harmonize • Play/sing to the best of your ability (is talented) • Keep it original and still distinguishable without being too glaringly distinct or covering up the original melody
• This chain relies on homophony to sound pretty, so too many sounds would result in it becoming discordant. • Original voice gets lost in all the sound, so the original context is lost.
Original clip
Added melody from piano
Added melody from another piano
Added melody from violin
Added melody from flute
4 3
Escape of the People
Escapism 39
I think it’s really interesting how tiktok helps facilitate something similar to flash mobs or spontaneous performances, which happen essentially because, other than showcasing their talents, we need to create an anomaly in boring everyday life, and with this “mob mentality”, bring everyone in the area some momentous wonderment and happiness. Through tiktok, we take a break from our normal lives by joining in on something completely unexpected and unplanned though the finish results of our collective effort are often cinematic masterpieces.
Flash Mob Dance at Liverpool Street Station, London In January of 2009, the crowd at Liverpool Street Station suddenly broke into song and dance as 400 tourists and staff members showed off their hip-hop, disco and ballroom moves. The flash performance was so outrageous and fun that T-Mobile decided to use it for an advertising campaign.
Escape of the People
WHY SOME PEOPLE MIGHT NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE? 1. They don’t want to conform to the rule sets/criteria 2. They don’t have the ability to conform to the rule sets/criteria 3. They can’t relate to the general mood of the content enough to make creative effort
Two Total Strangers Face Off for the Most Epic Saxophone Battle On the NYC Subway Back in 2013, several subway passengers captured video footage of two musicians having what is supposedly an impromptu saxophone battle on one of the train cars.
Escapism 41
My second case study is Creepypasta
Creepypasta are horror stories that get passed around on the internet. Usually, they are told from first-person perspective so that they sound real, and they have enough realistic elements to confuse the audience about their fakeness. Successful ones often inspire others to write more or make adaptations for the already posted ones.
Creepypasta are similar to urban legends, but because our urban space is shifting towards virtual reality via social media, creepypasta became the new urban legends.
Escape of the People
Escapism 43
Meme (Form of expression)
Creepy pasta
Horror (Genre)
Creepypastas get passed around the internet by copying and pasting, like memes. However, their genre is specific to horor only.
Escape of the People
According to CreepyMcPasta, a channel on youtube dedicated to retell creepypasta stories in audio form,
“ Creepypasta
has this lucidity to it; it ebbs and flows in ways that other horror genres don’t, changing with the whims of its audiences and artists. It probably wouldn’t exist without its community, from authors who toil over their fiction to intrepid new writers whom their works inspired youtubers [like me] who breath life to their texts. The genre is
stitched together from creative contributions of minds across the internet.
Tara the Android In 2009 and video was uploaded to YouTube called “I feel fantastic” uploaded by Creepyblog. In the video was shots of a pale mannequin-like character known as “Tara the Android”. Tara didn’t really do a lot of stuff other then have shots inside the house and shots outside and some other basic shots. But what she did eventually do was sing. She sang “lyrics”, if you will, but the thing about those lyrics was that they were off, they where “please leave” and “run, run, run, run...”
Escapism 45
And according to the channel Tale Foundry, regarding the attractiveness of creepypasta stories
—Tale Foundry
Escape of the People
For us, a lot of the allure of creepypasta as a genre comes from how interactive it is...a lot of that interaction comes from the fact that creepypasta is so much about the dynamics of its communities. In fact, the whole thing has its roots in people just sharing content with each other.
EVER DREAM OF THIS MAN? This is especially important in the creepypasta “Ever dream of this man?” in which the appeal of the story was based wholly on the sheer amount of interaction between people. “Ever dream of this man?” was a creepypasta that emerged from, who was supposedly collecting sightings of the man in the picture in dreams or walking pass that were reported by a wide range of people over the years. The interaction with the story even bled in real world when wanted posters with the face of This Man starts popping up at various places around the world.
Escapism 47
There have been various occasions of a creepypasta stories inspired bigger contributions and getting its own adaptation, from a video game to a short film. Slender: The Arrival video game inspired by one of the most viral creepypasta the Slenderman
The Smiling Man short film based on the creepypasta of the same name.
Escape of the People
Escapism 49
Escape of the People
The word “Meme” is shorted from “Mimeme”, which means “to imitate something”. According to the first person who coined the term, Richard Dawkins, a meme is essentially any idea, behavior, or style which can spread from person-to-person within a culture by means of imitation or mimicking.
Escapism 51
Resonant Distracted Boyfriend Meme have proved itself to be incredibly dynamic and easily alterable.
Easy to Alter Easy to Reproduce
Escape of the People
The key point that I focused on was a good meme’s easy alterability. Good memes are to be used in response to various circumstances. A meme’s fluidity to be in and fit in a context is a result from user’s creativity to reappropriate it to every new situation.
The word meme itself has a very broad term, but certain qualities of meme can make some more popular than others as they pass from person to person
Anakin and Padme Meme from star wars, which millions of people are reappropriating the texts of their conversation or the identity of the characters on scene to easily share an idea or just for comedic value.
Escapism 53
For my last case study, I dived into the quieter, more secluded side of the internet and its community of specific music edits.
Specific music edits is the process of choosing a song and making it fit into a specific scenario by making edits, distortion and adding sound effects to make it include the ambience you would hear if you were really in that place. It could be a scenario of something ordinary like driving through the rain, nostalgic like listening to grandma’s favorite song in her bedroom, or completely fictional like if you were cinderella dancing through the castle. But they all have the same ability to transport listeners directly into that world through carefully placed surrounding noises and effects that reflect those places’ spatial qualities.
Escape of the People
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What I’ve found interesting is that The title and description of these edits are often kept vague, leaving some to the listener’s imagination to fill in the blanks with their own stories. And they often leave comments about their interpretations and little anecdotes narrating the music. These attract and kickstart their own little writing community, Unintentionally create safe, hidden spots to freely run with their creativity.
l0user One of the most popular channel who is an expert in this is channel l0user. They have been posting up to 62 music edits since 2018 with their most popular video amassing 3.2 million views.
Tonight you belong to me but you’re alone in an abandoned mall Gymnopédie No. 1 but your depressed neighbor don’t stop playing that song for an hour in a row
Escape of the People
According to the posts on l0user’s channel community page, their audience are often people who feel sad and lonely, visit their channel to be transported from their own lives, and the channel encouraged communication and sharing of ideas, and they even created a discord server for their listeners to talk.
Escapism 57
Other than l0user, other channels had also tried their hands at creating music edits, contributing many new ideas and narratives to the community.
And other than on youtube, I’ve founded the specific music edits community on tumblr as well.
Run Boy Run but you’ve just stolen the crown jewels
by tumblr user @specific-musicsiblings
Fancy except you’re a Gotham hero
by tumblr user @bassiter
Escape of the People
In our current situations we are stuck at home, at the space we considered comfortable and safe. We are bored, and we longed to be let out, let go to the outside world once more.
Escapism 59
And in this project, I considered the outside world as to places of the uncanny, the unheimlich --the opposite of homely places.
In the horror genre, a lot of creators relies on “jumpscares” for sudden shock value. We have a tendency to view “the other”, something completely alien, as horrifying and dangerous, which evokes our animalistic fight or flight response. But what about something that doesn’t immediately present itself as danger, but could still creep us out. That is uncanniness; terror that’s generated from something familiar to us.
Escape of the People
Escapism 61
However, its second definition of unheimlich is something that is hidden in the dark inside the home, and was never meant to come to light. In his essay, Freud’s general thesis was that there is some beliefs that we carry with us since we were children, but because of the process of maturation, we become more rational, thus covering these childish fantasies up, repressing them. But when we are faced with the situation that fantasy overlaps with reality, something that makes us question our logic, make us doubt that our adult selves actually know better than our child selves, we become horrified.
Escape of the People
un-homey unfamiliar uncomfortable eerie strange
homey; home-like familiar intimate comfortable domestic
secret hidden concealed withheld from sight Private
no-longer-secret unhidden revealed the hidden exposed
An uncanny effect often arises when the boundary between fantasy and reality is blurred, when we are faced with the reality of something that we have until now considered imaginary —Sigmund Freud
Uncanny means something that is strangely familiar. The word uncanny was brought up in the essay by Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis. In Freud native language, the word “uncanny” is “unheimlich” which is the opposite of “heimlich” which means homeliness, something private, secured, and familiar, and unheimlich the opposite, something foreign and not from the home.
Escapism 63
Settings Blam! and Naissancee
UNCANNY IN ART+DESIGN In art and design, the uncanny effect hasn’t been explored much yet, except through the making of horror film. In my research I’ve found a few examples from various types of art that evoke a sense of uncanniness, in all of them, familiar things are merged together with fantasy in a realistic context.
Escape of the People
Music Everywhere at the End of Time
“Everywhere at the End of Time” is an 6-hour long album produced by the artist that goes by the name “the caretaker”, in which he tell a story of a mind suffering from alrzimer, slowly deteriorating and losing comprehension and familiarity of everything around it. The tracks on the album are old songs that sound like they belong in the 40s and 50s, tracks that in would normally evoke nostalgia, but they were edited and then heavily distorted, resulting in an uncanny listening experience.
Literature House of Leaves
“House of Leaves” is a novel written by Mark Z. Danielewski. When one went into this story based on reviews, they would expect horror stories of the usual style. Howveer, House of Leaves is actually just a man’s journal, but throughout the story, the man gradually spiral into insanity and it was told through artistically weird layouts and unexpected texts.
The architectures found in the setting of “Blam!” a Japanese science fiction manga series written and illustrated by Tsutomu Nihei, and a video game largely inspired by him “Naissancee”, where the character was set to wander around in this foreign mass of architecture. The architecture here is a mess of elements and features that looks familiar, but doesn’t look functional to humans, sometimes too small for a person to fit in or too large to climb or comprehend as a whole.
Architecture Liminal Space
The series of photos and videos have been circulating on the internet recently, where photos of familiar, ordinary places are shot without sign of a person in them. They are called Liminal Space. The word liminal actually means physical spaces that, due to their function, are transitional - such as hallways, parking lots, and rest stops. These photos look uncanny because while the spaces are designed to be used, to be filled with people coming and going, in these photos, they are completely abandoned. The unsettling music often put in the background of one of these videos also enhances the mood significantly.
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Architecture Evil Buildings
This trend of fascination and collection of pictures of “evil-looking buildings” Because of their harsh aesthetic, from sharp corners to cold concrete material in the style that’s not human-friendly, all of these clash strangely with the way they present themselves as functional, “normal” buildings, resulting in these architectures unsettling us. In continuation, I’ve determined that those buildings were often heavily influenced by Brutalism, a style of architecture in trend from around the beginning of the 50s to the early 80s. Through analysing its designs, its origin, I have determined reasons why Brutalist architecture often look “inhuman” and by extent “uncanny” to be near.
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REASONS WHY BRUTALISM WAS GREAT In my opinion, Le Corbusier’s design of the Unite D’Habitation was a perfect solution to the problem at that time.
After 10 years of interrupted practice from World War II, it is believed that the Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier’s love for concrete may have started the Brutalist Movement. His project called the Unite d’Habitation in Marseilles was one of the avante garde building spearheading the movement.
Completed in 1952 and created as housing for the working class, Le Corbusier’s design called for a giant reinforced concrete framework fit with modular apartments” This enormous “apartment complex” could house up to 1600 people
Housing problems is an accumulating problem resulting from World War II, when all housing construction virtually halted in order for countries’ workforces to focus on war effort. After the war ended, When soldiers and war factory workers began to return home, there was no institution big enough to manage and house all of them in a permanent and satisfactory condition of living. The Blitz Children sitting outside the bomb-damaged remains of their home in the suburbs of London. 1940., New Times Paris Bureau Collection/USIA/NARA Trailer village. Due to students returning from the World War II battlefields to continue studying, neither fraternities nor dormitories of University of Idaho could handle the influx. 150 trailers and over 200 temporary buildings were placed as temporary settlements. 1951., Historical Photograph Collection, University of Idaho Library.
Brutalism was generally characterised by its rough, unfinished surfaces, unusual shapes, heavy-looking materials, straight lines, and small windows. Modular elements were often used to form masses representing specific functional zones, grouped into a unified whole.
Escape of the People
Poured concrete has been used because of its cheapness and plentifulness. Which was also the origin of its name derived from the word “Béton brut” s a French term that translates literally to “raw concrete”
The heavy and enclosed building with small windows and enveloped with limited glazing made it easier for climate control, which was economically sensible and practical for government-funded projects of enormous scale.
Brutalism became associated with the “socially progressive” and supporters of brutalist architecture saw them as bold monuments of egalitarianism and democracy. In a way, Brutalism is one of the styles under Modernist architecture, used to address and reject the use of excessive ornamentation in classical architecture, as it was influenced by all of these post-war problems and the modernist idea that rational design could produce the best architecture.
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A lot of brutalism architecture also had its basis on being inspired by its surrounding culture and environment, translating through its form. Gerhard Kallman, a german-american architect who is also a supporter of brutalism had said, “We have reacted against an architecture that is absolute, uninvolved, and abstract. We have moved towards an architecture that is specific and concrete, involving itself with the social and geographic context…Rather than an uncommitted abstract structure that could be any place…without identity or presence.”
Escape of the People
Brutalism became synonymous with the socially progressive housing solutions that architects and town planners promoted as modern ‘streets in the sky’. With an ethos of ‘social utopianism’, together with the influence of constructivist architecture, it became increasingly widespread across European communist countries such as the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia.
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Heading into the 1980s, Brutalism fell out of favor. Ironically, it had been criticised as unwelcoming and inhuman, contrary to its very original purpose. Michael Feely broke down the factors making up for Brutalist architecture cold and imposing presence.
1 NoTheOrnaments focus is on remov-
ing as much ornamentation as possible to shift the focus into the enomous concrete structures as priority. The resulting Brutalistic architecture often results in two extremeties--either aesthetically pleasing as a composite whole seen from a far away distance, or seen from closeby. However, when not seen through these two distances, the architecture can sometimes look confusing or incomprehensible visually. Use of 2 Excessive Concrete
The focus is on using the material concrete to be applied to the building as much as possible.
Escape of the People
The final result would create a cold exterior aesthetic as well as a colder thermal mass due to the material property. Concrete us easily weathered and wears down poorly over time, leaving rainwater and dirt stains that is hard to remove. once inside the building, the concrete overwhelms the visitors as you are surrounded by an enormous, unnatural material that is cool and unconnected.
Showing Function through Form The focus is on showing the building’s function through form. Therefore, it is often design from outside in, thus not prioritizing on the user experience. when looking from the outside, the mass is often nonsensical and is often perceived as lumps of concrete portruding out.
4 Prescriptive Programmatic Use
The association of Brutalist style with various communist regimes-
never helped its image, but beyond that, even popular Brutalist examples (such as unite d’habitation in Marsaille) tended to involve a very prescriptive programmatic understanding of their use, which was then embedded in impossible-to-change concrete. Soli 5 Emphasizing darity through
its Massive Scale the focus on emphasizing its mass and solidarity through sheer size, resulting in a looming structure above the heads of the visitors, while some might felt in awe, the majority of us often felt uncomfortable and in danger. The overbearing presence brutalist architecture gave us was also a factor that make it the fitting symbol and backdrops of totalitarianism and films made about it
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UGLINESS + UNCANNINESS? But why would ugliness be associated with uncanniness? One explaination of the more dramatic and radical comment by Susanna Viljanen, in the thread that discussed the reason why Brutalism is so ugly:
“Ugliness is not only lack of beauty; ugliness is an entity of itself. Ugliness is a sign of threat, hostility and danger; it is a sign get the hell outta there and quickly! But if a human being cannot escape ugliness, he will soon develop symptoms of sickness. It is the same as constantly living in an environment surrounded by hostile animals, humans or forces of nature. Ugliness is a health hazard; it raises blood pressure, makes mood depressed and makes you susceptible on infections. also a stroke or infart(amongst many other heart & brain diseases), due to anxiety and stress”
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An Escape to a Personal Space Pran Techamuanvivit (Pran)
A study on the virtual as a space for escape.
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Abstract In the physical world, where our existence is bound by reality, we tend to seek escape to places where we are given a sense of ownership, belonging and control. Technology has allowed us to create places where we are given such privileges through the recreation of the physical world in the virtual space of various forms. In the realm of interactive media, customization and personalization grant us with great extent of control, not over the virtual environment alone, but also the many aspects of our identities within the virtual space as well as the connection to communities and other users. It also connects us to the environment in ways which disregards the inherent rules of reality, namely distances and time. This allows for the creation and ownership of spaces where we may deem personal to us, identities that we may deem very much ours and ultimately serve as an escape from reality and the surroundings of the physical world where we have little control over. This chapter attempts to explore the spatial qualities of the virtual world with a look on extreme ends the virtual space, the space of social media and the space of virtual realities. This chapter also explores how elements and aspects of the space can be adjusted to better suit our interests and give us a sense of ‘personalness’ and turning the virtual world where we can escape into. In the physical world, the personalness of space can be achieved through our interaction and adjustment to the elements in an environment to better suit our preferences, while the virtual space not only enhances our limit of these interactions with our surroundings, but also allow us to make adjustments that can influence our perception of the space, inclusivity and exclusivity of the space as well as our identities within the space. An Escape to a Personal Space
An Escape to a Personal Space Pran Techamuanvivit (Pran)
Personalization vs Customization - Personalization in Media - Customization in Media The Virtual Spaces - The Space of Social Media - The Space of Virtual Realities The ‘Personalness’ of the Virtual Space
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MEDIA PERSONALIZATION An Escape to a Personal Space
Personalization Under the particular topic of softwares, personalization refers to the act of modification implemented by softwares and predictive technologies to fit the user’s needs or interests. Which is a passive engagement.
In Media, Personalization includes adjustments of content based on the user’s past interactions with an application, a software, or a website to fit their interests, or needs. Changes to the application, software, website adapt gradually with users’ interactions.
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Customization Under the particular topic of softwares, refers to the act of modification done actively by the user to suit their own interests and needs Which is an active engagement.
In Media, Customization is made available to the users in forms of customizable features, such as content filtering, interface display, custom themes or even virtual avatars. Changes are static until the users attempt to make a change.
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THE SPACE OF INTERACTIVE MEDIA, A recreation of the physical.
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The Space of Reality
Space, in its conventionsl sense, refers to an area within which things exist. The existence of objects are bound by dimensions of reality and its interactions, by distances.
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THE SPACE OF SOCIAL MEDIA An Escape to a Personal Space
The physical environment in a social media space is represented as information of various forms. And since the media promotes the users to be both the producer and the consumer of the content, the environment is virtually created by the the users collectively. Rules in the physical world such as time and geographical distances sieze to limit our interaction and connection with others.
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THE SPACE OF VIRTUAL REALITY An Escape to a Personal Space
The environment in virtual realities is created as a representation, a modification or an exaggeration of the physical world Even though rules in the physical world such as time and geographical distances can still be recreated in these space, they can be greatly manipulated.
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In Social media space, the boarder of our screens is the limit to the amount of information presented to us. We navigate between tabs and layers of interfaces, with one interface leading to the next.
An Escape to a Personal Space
In the space of virtual realities, we are able to navigate between worlds with virtual portals and teleportation of our avatars, while experiencing the virtual space as if we are physically present in it.
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CUSTOMIZATION of the Virtual Space
Customization happens through the availability of features that allow the users to adjust an aspect or multiple aspects or elements within a software environment. Thus, giving users the choice to present or be pesented with an experience that suits their specific needs and desires in the digital space.
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ART STATION Filtering Options
Filters based on the topic the user is currently following.
Filters showing the possible topics to explore.
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Filtering Options
Aspect Ratio Adjustment
Additional filters allow for sorting of content based on type and means of creation
Users can adjust the aspect ratio of content and how they are arranged on the feed.
Contents are sorted in and out of the virtual space with tags according to the user’s chosen filters
Content with more likes, views and comments or more recently posted will appear first on the feed according to the filters. Users can adjust how much content to view in one swipeof the feed.
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CUSTOMIZATION of the Virtual Identity
Virtual realities allow us to create a more direct representation of ourselves, with ‘virtually physical’ qualities, such as height and physical appearances. As much as we can create these avatars as a copy of our real selves in the virtual space, we can also customize them to escape from what what we are in reality, bound by the innate physical appearances. Social media platforms allow us to present our identities as a collevtive information of self. This may include photographs, text descriptions of self, videos, or in most cases, a combination of all of them.
The digital world allows us to create a representation of ourselves in the virtual space, which may differ according to the forms of virtual space we choose to interact with.
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SANSAR Avatar Customization
Avatar Features Allows for the adjustment of avatar body type and scale. Hair Style Avatar Features
Hair Style
Allows for the adjustment of hairstyle hair color in both male and female avatars. Hairstyles can also be imported.
Avatar adjestment features are not limited to the available presets within the platform.
Facial Features
Facial Features
Allows for the adjustment of the features of the face and skin color. Users can choose from presets or make adjustment manually.
Avatar Clothing
Avatar Clothing
The ‘shop for more’ feature allows users to download or purchase avater models, clothing, accessories, emotes from the available shop within the platform.
Allows for the adjustment of the clothing that the avatar wears. Avatar Accessories
Movement and Emotes
Avatar Accessories Allows for the adjustment of accessories on the avatar such as masks, earrings, hairpins and necklaces.
The ‘Import’ feature also allow users to import their own avatar models which can be downloaded from third party sites or created by the users themselves.
Movement and Emotes Allows for the creation of an emote library which the avatar can perform in the virtual spacce.
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In these virtual spaces, with all the power to customize, we can choose how we present ourselves in ways that cannot be achieved in the real world. We are able to choose how much of our real selves are presented. We can interact and connect with people, assuming a persona, rendering our real selves anonymous.
The virtual space allows us to assume not only one persona, but multiple while navigating and interacting in different spaces. While we may choose to present our real selves directly in spaces where we communicate with friends and family online, we can choose to present ourselves very differently on other spaces.
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COMMUNITY, CONNECTION & THE AUDIENCE OF CHOICE As an individual, we also have the ability to conveniently include or exclude themselves from certain digital spaces. We can essentially choose what kind of virtual environment we wish to be involved in or what kind of people we want to surround ourselves with.
As a community, individuals or groups of individuals has the power to create and host spaces, digital communities, where people can connect. The power to customize, aspects of the community can be adjusted, such as the level of ‘personalness’ to a certain group of individuals, or the inclusivity of the community itself. The community may be created to suit certain groups of individuals with similar interests or goals while excluding others.
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External Changes Internal Changes
‘Virtually Physical’ qualities
Perception of the virtual space
‘Style, Fashion, Aesthetics’ Expression of self & identity
Uniqueness A sense of ownership
A strong connection to the virtual
An Escape to a Personal Space
The ‘virtually physical’ qualities, when adjusted, may change our perception of the environment, whether it be the adjustment to our virtual identities, or the virtual space we are in. Adjust the height or size of our avatar and our experience in the virtual world may be vastly different. Adjust the interface, or ‘feed’ of our social media platforms and the information we receive may be presented differently. Elements that we may call ‘style, fashion or aesthetics’ in the virtual space may be customized to represent an identity, whether that identity be a rather direct representation or ourselves or the spaces that we are in in the real world, or an abstraction of the physical and spatial qualities that we are bound to in reality. We may choose the aesthetics of our virtual avatars to closely resemble that of our real selves, or be an abstraction, an escape from our real physical appearances. Our adjustments to the elements and aesthetics in the virtuals space creates uniqueness to the space. It leaves behind an imprint of our interaction and our identity in the virtual space that we occupy which is personal to us, allowing us to potentially take ownership of the space. The adjustable perception of the virtual space, availability of self expression and the sense of ownership allows us to have a strong connection to the virtual world, and a sense that everything is personal to us.
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The closer in definition a virtual space is to the direct meaning of physical space, the more immersive we feel within it.
However, the sense of escape cannot be measured only from how immersive a virtual environment is no matter its form. We do not necessarily escape from reality to see a world or experience a new environment alone. But rather, media, through the virtual connection with the people and the present collective experience with fellow users, allows us to create a world of our own, a space in our own mind where we feel a sense of belonging, relatability and connection that are difficult to achieve in reality. An Escape to a Personal Space
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Escape for the Oppressed Creating a Safe Space Taechit Chinahatchawarat (Bape)
The LGBTQ+ community plays an important rold in society. Currently, evey generation is debativg about the rights on gender equality. These basic human rights are only avaliable to limited spaces, in countries that have legal recognition. Basic social rights for the LGBTQ+ community such as marriage equality and domestic partnerships are still not widely accepted especially in countries such as Thailand. This chapter aims to intentify these issues both in the local and global context.
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Escapism is one of the most frequently reported motives for engaging to use social media. It is a complex phenomenon that involves specific motivations, cognitions, emotional states, media choices, media use periods, and short-term as well as long-term consequences. At present, the acceptance of gender diversity in Thailand is not yet widely accepted, and even if it is socially acceptable, there are still many conditions on gender diversity that Thailand will need to overcome in all aspects such as culturally, politically, socially, etc. Because of the limitation of physical safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community, many are now choosing to express themselves in digital and social media spaces instead, acting as both viewer and content creators. Currently, Thailand does not have a marriage equality law that covers the fundamental rights that heterosexual couples recieve, including limitations in thinking and expressing themselves or their potential. In order to be more than express themselves there is also coming out for their rights. Coming out allows a person to develop as a whole person, gives them more authority, and makes it simpler for them to establish a positive self-image. Rather than hiding or lying about their identity, the person who comes out can express who they are and what matters to them with others. The basic human needs in today’s world may not be necessary for social media, especially LGBTQ+. We don’t need water or food, but it’s a sense of security to use social media that’s fundamentally important. Most of all, if social media can’t be a safe space for LGBTQ+ people, it will cause problems for people who are unable to express themselves or their thoughts in the real world where they can’t have any channels that they can be able to express themself, which may cause psychological problems in the future. Escape for the Oppressed
Creating Safe Space Escape for the Oppressed Taechit Chinahatchawarat (Bape) Safe Spaces and the Great Escape -The LGBTQ+ Historical Timeline -Global Timeline -LGBTQ+ rights -LGBTQ+ rights around the World -LGBTQ+ rights in USA VS. Thailand -LGBTQ+ community in Thailand -LGBTQ+ Local Thai Timeline -LGBTQ+ rights in physical space -Issues in Thai environment -Problem LGBTQ+ directly impact -LGBTQ+ in digital space -Is social media really safe? -Prevention tactics -Case study of online platform functions -Instagram -Youtube -Clubhouse -How to embrase negative criticisms? -Social media influences -Viewer influence -Content creator influence -Come out -Benefits of coming out -Risks of coming out -Coming out in physical space -Coming out in digital space -Guide, how to come out with a sense of securiy? -Case study : Social media safe space for coming out -Associations of the various flags -Associations of colors -Example of object and symbol in physical -IKEA US. shopping bag -Full Spectrum -Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs -2021 Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs -LGBTQ+ Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs in social media
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WHAT IS ESCAPISM ? Escapism is one of the most frequently reported motives for engaging to use social media. It is a complex phenomenon that involves specific motivations, cognitions, emotional states, media choices, media use periods, and short-term as well as long-term consequences.
WHAT DOES LGBTQ+ MEAN ? LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or sometimes questioning), and others. The “plus” represents other sexual identities including pansexual and Two-Spirit. The first four letters of the acronym have been used since the 1990s, but in recent years there has been an increased awareness of the need to be inclusive of other sexual identities to offer better representation. The acronym is used to represent a diverse range of sexualities and gender-identities, referring to anyone who is transgender and/or same/similar gender attracted.
Queer Questioning
+ Plus
L (Lesbian): A lesbian is a woman/woman-aligned person who is attracted to only people of the same/similar gender. G (Gay): Gay is usually a term used to refer to men/men-aligned individuals who are only attracted to people of the same/similar gender. However, lesbians can also be referred to as gay. The use of the term gay became more popular during the 1970s. Today, bisexual and pansexual people sometimes use gay to casually refer to themselves when they talk about their similar gender attraction. B (Bisexual): Bisexual indicates an attraction to all genders. The recognition of bisexual individuals is important, since there have been periods when people who identify as bi have been misunderstood as being gay. Bisexuality has included transgender, binary and nonbinary individuals since the release of the “Bisexual Manifesto” in 1990. T (Transgender): Transgender is a term that indicates that a person’s gender identity is different from the gender associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Q (Queer or Questioning): Though queer may be used by people as a specific identity, it is often considered an umbrella term for anyone who is non-cisgender or heterosexual. But it is also a slur. It should not be placed on all members of the community, and should only be used by cisgender and heterosexual individuals when referring to a person who explicitly identifies with it. Questioning refers to people who may be unsure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. + (Plus): The ‘plus’ is used to signify all of the gender identities and sexual orientations that are not specifically covered by the other five initials. An example is Two-Spirit, a pan-Indigenous American identity.
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Escape for the Oppressed
Policies : Some countries still blocking LGBTQ+ basic privilege (doesn’t allowed same-sex marriages or same sex activities). While other country such as USA already legalized same-sex marriages or same sex activities.
Religion : Some religions still believe that gender diversity is wrong. Some 68 countries still criminalize homosexuality, most of them majority-muslims nations in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa.
Mindset : Nowadays, there are still many people in society who feel that being non-male or female is something wrong or offensive. They are often found in countries where same-sex marriage is not legally recognized.
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America is a country where their citizens are protected by equal marriage policy.
30 Escape for the Oppressed
This allows LGBT+ people to enjoy the same benefits as their gender-neutral.
Many foreigners think that Thailand is a free country. People can be themselves openly and fully with LGBTQ+ attractions.
LGBT people who live in Thailand don’t have a law or a policy to certify gender or protect them, but in foreign countries, there is a principle to protect people as well.
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LGBTQ+ Community in Thailand Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people in Thailand may face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents. Both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal in Thailand, but same-sex couples and households headed by same-sex couples are not eligible for the same legal protections available to opposite-sex couples. With the aforementioned factors, LGBTQ+ groups such as students, parents, or lgbtq+ have to come out and claim their rights. In order to let those who have the authority to enact marriage equality or activities enact laws that protect the rights they are entitled to.
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First issue : LGBTQ populations in Thailand still doesn’t have any law or policies to certify gender or to protect them. This issue leads to problem of medical treatment which this group of people will not received basic privileges because the doctor can’t clearly identify their gender, or same-sex marriage still illegal in Thailand, so it raise the problems that LGBTQ peoples can not Unable to adopt a child if want to have children.
ISSUES IN THAI ENVIRONMENT Second issue : Thai society are lack of education about gender diversity so which is lead to problems that LGBTQ+ people directly impact.
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Social norms
-Bullying :
-Verbal abuse :
A form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle action.
Injuring others with sarcastic, insulting, or insulting remarks.
Parents did not accept their children’s gender.
Family problems
Love each other but their parents don’t understand.
-Sexual harassment : Sexual harassment affects people of all ages and genders. It is not only an action, but also a verbal utterance.
Escape for the Oppressed
-Limited to express them selves, their abilities or their opinion : LGBTQ people are often limited in the manifestation of their potential, whether in their careers or in unacceptable opinions.
Feel that parents are not a safe space because parents don’t try to open up and keep criticizing for giving good advice to their children.
Unable to address problems with his family because they think their parents will not understand what they are and fear their parents will be disappointed.
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Social Media ( A Safe Space for LGBTQ+)
Escape for the Oppressed
Some users of social media are now relying on it as a “safe space,” or a place where they face no discrimination. They do not have to feel harassment for who they are as a person, or the things they go through. One of the most useful social media sites for this is Instagram. A lot of features that can be used to find what you’re looking for. Most of the time, teen minorities turn to social media when they have no support at home or at school. Instagram has become an especially good place to find support in the LGBT+ community. There are lots of LGBT accounts, and most of them are shown to be owned by teens or young adults aged 13-19. These accounts spread positivity for the community. The LGBT community is not the only community on social media. There are also accounts for mental health awareness, abuse support, and other issues. It is much easier to reach out online to people who won’t judge.
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Privacy is an optional feature in this program. You may make your Instagram account private to allow just your followers to see your stuff, and you can also regulate comments on your posts by allowing everyone to comment, allowing only your followers to remark, or turning off comments entirely. Tiktok also gave you the option of making your account private.
IS SOCIAL MEDIA REALLY SAFE ? The comments sections of social media and news outlets have become the new playground for online bullying. There are many toxic users on social media platforms who publish poisonous remarks or make toxic posts. On top of that, there is also violent or potentially dangerous content on social media. These group of people have disrupted the social media world and caused people to fear for using the media or online channels to express their thoughts or identity. In addition, toxic comments on social media can cause other users mental problems, whether it’s bullying or expressing negative attitudes towards other users on social media.
PREVENTION TACTICS In order to prevent yourself from negative comments or toxic content from social media. First, are you sharing your content in the right places? There are some platforms that harbour such people who are prone to providing toxic comments. Moreover, every social media platform has its own set of optional features that users can employ to protect themselves from predators.
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YOUTUBE : There are community guidelines in the Youtube community to help content creators respect the rules. For example, in order to safeguard viewers, creators, and especially children, it is not permitted to create sensitive or violent content. To keep youngsters safe from things like sex and nudity, as well as self-harm.
Escape for the Oppressed
CLUBHOUSE : Clubhouse is a social media network where anyone may join and listen to whatever content they choose. The purpose of Clubhouse is to establish a safe environment. As previously stated, anyone can join the room, but you are only permitted to listen to the group of people who created it; if you want to speak, you have two options. - 1. In order to speak, the user must send a request, and the person who created the room (moderator) must accept the request. -2. If the moderator wants any user to talk, he or she must rent a request for that user, who must then accept the request. Escapism 147
Have a plan in place to respond to negative social media comments : The best responses to social media criticisms usually originate long before the comment is actually posted. You should have a plan in place for responding to the various types of criticism you may face, from accusations of unfriendly employees to issues with your product. Know who needs to be involved in composing the response and following up on the situation. Admit fault when appropriate :
Despite your best efforts, sometimes the criticisms leveled against you on social media will be accurate. No business made of fallible human beings can be perfect, after all. Saying “sorry” to your existing or potential customer in such cases isn’t a sign of weakness or a poor reflection on your business. On the contrary, most consumers appreciate companies that take responsibility.
“Whatever you do, good or bad, people always have something negative to say” -Mahevash-
Escape for the Oppressed
Respond quickly but thoughtfully :
Keep emotions out of your response :
Many negative comments on social media stem from a customer who feels that your employees aren’t listening to them. Help combat that impression by responding quickly to any criticisms. Doing so also helps you take control of the conversation before it snowballs. You should still be thoughtful in your responses, however. Try to see it from the customer’s point of view.
It’s hard not to feel personally attacked when a customer leaves a negative comment on social media, particularly if you disagree with their assessment of the situation. However, keep your emotions in check when you reply. An angry—or even worse, obscenity-filled—response won’t make the negative commenter look bad, but it will affect the reputation of your business.
Understand how to handle social media trolls :
Take the conversation offline as soon as possible :
Of course, sometimes the criticisms leveled at your business are completely illegitimate. Social media platforms breed trolls who like nothing more than to cause trouble. Since interacting with such trolls only encourages them, your best bet if you are certain that a critical poster is a troll is to ignore them. Comment once to state that their claims are inaccurate and then go silent.
While it can be beneficial to your business’ image for prospective customers to see how you deal with criticism fairly and calmly, drawing out the conversation in a public forum gives it more visibility than you likely want.
“To escape criticisms, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing” -Elbert Hubbard-
“Criticisms is both the easiest and least effective form of help” -Doe Zantamata-
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CONTENT CREATOR AND VIEWER INFLUENCE - Hidden themselves from reality:
- Community:
In the real world, they may be treated badly by the people around them, in the social media world they can escape from this crowd and can also limit or consume content or content only what they are interested in.
There is a same group of people who have the same needs or interest in the same topic. (new community)
- Freedom :
- Come out for their right :
- Encourage:
In realistic world can not provide freedom as same as social media world
The benefit of using social media as one of their claims is that they can spread the news quickly and not only in small communities but also around the world. In addition, it can also campaign to claim rights that lgbtq+ groups should have deserve.
A space to encourage each other and use a positive attitude to make the world of social media a safe space.
- Expression :
- Space to educade :
- Identities:
People may be afraid of how others will look if we dress like this or that in the real world. But in the social media world, you can be completely yourself because you can limit the number of viewers of your content and be able to express your thoughts more freely than the real world.
At present, many social groups still do not understand and accept gender diversity as a result of not being properly educated. Social media channels can be an important means of educating people in society because in today’s world, most people are already using social media in their daily lives.
Allowed people to hide or create new identities for themselves, trully be themselves.
Viewer influence & Content creator influence
Escape for the Oppressed
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BENEFITS OF COMING OUT - Ability to live one’s life honestly. - Building self-esteem by being honest about oneself.
COME OUT Coming out allows a person to develop as a whole person, gives them more authority, and makes it simpler for them to establish a positive self-image. Rather than hiding or lying about their identity, the person who comes out can express who they are and what matters to them with others. Coming out removes the worry of being "found out" and allows the individual to avoid living a double life, which may be stressful and humiliating. Finally, being out allows you to connect with other lesbians, gays, and bisexuals, giving you a sense of belonging. The purpose of outlining some of the advantages and risks of coming out is not to persuade somebody to come out or not come out in any given situation. Rather, considering some of the probable implications of such a decision might help an individual clarify their decision by assisting them in determining the best moment to come out and prepare them for possible reactions.
- Developing closer, more genuine relationships with friends and
- Alleviating the stress of hiding one’s identity. - Connecting with other people who are LGBTQ. - Being part of a community with others with whom you have something in common. - Helping to dispel myths and stereotypes by speaking about one’s own experience and educating others. - Being a role model for others.
RISKS OF COMING OUT - Not everyone will be understanding or accepting. - Family, friends, or coworkers may be shocked or confused, or even hostile. - Some relationships may be permanently changed. - An individual may experience harassment or discrimination. - One may be thrown out of their homes or lose financial support from their parents.
Escape for the Oppressed
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101 GUIDE HOW TO COME OUT WITH A SENSE OF SECURITY? “COMING OUT IN PHYSICAL SPACE” To come out and claim your rights in the real world, you may need to muster a lot of courage because you will encounter a real face-to-face confrontation where you will be able to recognize your displeasure or neglect. Accept people from their facial expressions that will make you feel bad. In addition, you may be in danger of a mob of ill-wishers rioting in the city or by the government’s discontent for not enacting gender equality marriages. In the real world, your face may be recognized so it’s easy to be dangerous for you to track down.
Block anyone who bothers you
All social media sites allow you to block people who you don’t want accessing your account. It is not permanent and they won’t be notified. You may also have the option of muting someone so they don’t know you can no longer see their posts.
Recognise the fakes
Not everyone on social media will be who they say they are. There can be young people and adults who pretend to be someone else and could cause you harm. For example they may want to trick you into sharing private or personal information that they could use against you. It’s important that you never meet up with someone you don’t know, and that you always let an adult know where you are going and who you are meeting. There have been occasions where children are tricked into meeting adults who then cause them harm.
When is the best time to come out for your rights?
When you feel most prepared and safe because you will not regret what you have spoken since you have thought it through. However, you must also be prepared for the consequences of your decision to come out and assert your rights.
“COMING OUT IN DIGITAL SPACE” Claims on social media you can get a lot more security than if you claim in the real world because you can create an account that doesn’t belong to you, which is difficult to follow up later. In addition, you can also choose a group of people who can see your content or deal with news or negative comments with the functions of each application.
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Hungary protest Budapest, Hungary — Rising anger over the policies of Hungary's right-wing government filled the streets of the country's capital on Saturday as thousands of LGBTQ supporters marched in the annual Budapest Pride parade. March organizers expected record crowds at the event, and called on participants to express their opposition to recent steps by populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government that critics say stigmatize sexual minorities in the Central European country.Budapest Pride spokesperson Jojo Majercsik said this year's march is not just a celebration and remembrance of the historical struggles of the LGBTQ movement but a protest against Orban's current policies targeting gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer people.“A lot of LGBTQ people are afraid and don’t feel like they have a place or a future in this country anymore,” Majercsik told The Associated Press. Escape for the Oppressed
Hong Kong protest In Hong Kong, there was a protest. In June 2019, a squabble erupted over the now-defunct extradition bill, which later morphed into broader calls for more democracy. Hundreds of thousands of people of all ages attended the protest, with many of them wearing masks to conceal their identities. More than 8000 persons have been apprehended by the government as a result of this crisis. However, as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, Hong Kong residents have turned to Animal Crossing as a welcome distraction in order to continue protesting, as Animal Crossing is an area free of political censorship. It's also incredibly safe for them because protesters don't have to put their identities in the avatar and are safe from being recognized their identities. Escapism 157
This flag is used to symbolize the overall LGBTQ community. Many organizations and businesses use this flag as a symbol to show that their establishment is a safe space for everyone in the community.
Many people tend to understand that the word gay only refers to men who love men, but in fact, the word gay is not only defined as men who are in love with or like men, but can also refer to women who love women as well.
Escape for the Oppressed
Blood, blood is thought of as a vital life force of the body. Red also Represents as passion among many culture.
Orange : Represents healing, as a color orange is believed to be a fun an celebratory color, fun and celebration are both healing activities. Yellow : Represents as sunlight. The color yellow functions as the flag’s radiant and bright center. The color is said to stimulate thought and new ideas. Green :
Refer to nature, which this color is on original pride flag is meant to convey. Nature is a healing place, and green is a associated with prosperity and growth.
Blue :
The blue color refer to harmony and it is the ability to feel calm and peaceful.
Violet :
Purple represent as spirit. Like blue, purple is considered as calming color, but also connects to the spiritual. Escapism 159
Examples of object and symbol in physical space Full Spectrum : In 2018, it took place at the London Design Biennale. When same-sex weddings became legal in Australia in December 2017, the theme of emotional states was chosen to explore happy emotions. Full Spectrum is a tactile and immersive light screen installation that uses light to re-create the sensation of love.
IKEA US. : Celebrated pride month by launching a rainbow version of IKEA iconic shopping bag
Escape for the Oppressed
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2021 Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs
LGBTQ+ Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation which states that five categories of human needs dictate an individual’s behavior. Those needs are physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.
This is Maslow's LGBTQ+ version. This Maslow hierarchy of needs is based on the digital safe space, and it attempts to reorganize the traditional MASLOW HIERARCHY OF NEEDS by not separating the needs into different layers, but rather by making the case look gradient and mixed together to make everything blend together. Additionally, attempt to utilize each color's meaning on the LGBTQ+ flag as a baseline for LGBTQ+ Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Self development
Self-esteem Psychological Needs Love & Belonging
Safety & Security
Basic Needs
Physiological needs (Food, Rest, Warmth, Water)
Escape for the Oppressed
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The Futuristic Escape escape to the digital reality Punyaderek Punyahotra (Phugun)
Chapter description My type of escapism is a prediction about human escape from their box of possibility and evolve both body and technology along with the time.
The Futuristic Escape
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Abstract How did we get to this point? What would our future be like? These are some of the questions that can be raised when our society has reached a point in technological advancement. As our human civilization progress, “ escapism” becomes a norm as more humans begin to reject the state of their own body. This act of escape can happen in both the physical world, but can be manifested in the digital world as well. In this chapter, titled “ the Futuristic Escape: An Escape into the Digital Reality”, the research aims to predict and ascertain what escapism might look like in the future, especially driven by the age of social media and other Virtual Reality technologies. This futuristic prediction is based on evidence of readily available technology in today’s society, current events that drive our society, and factors that are both based on realities and fictive imagination. These predictions come in both forms of descriptive writing and hand-sketch drawings which are inspired by everything around me- both in my physical and virtual presence. This prediction referred to not only the physical and digital change but the change in social norm and personal condition of mind set too such as status and phobia. The result that this project wants to achieve is to guide and make the preparation for our society to get used to the change and look forward to problems that might occur through this transition of time and find the solution of the problem before it even happened so that mankind can reach their full potential of a flawless evolution. I hope that this “Futuristic Escapism” topic will act like a guidebook of the future that explained all the possibilities of factors that are related to our daily life and finally answered all the questions in the first paragraph.
The Futuristic Escape
The Futuristic Escape Escape to the Digital Reality Punyaderek Punyahotra (Phugun)
The Virtual Human - What is the Futuristic Escape? - Escapism in today’s social media world - Vtuber & the Japanese Culture - Vtuber & Escapism - How to become a Vtuber The Distortion - Equipments of Escape - Futuristic Timeline Prediction - The Futuristic Distortion of a Living Space - The Human Distortion Other forms of Futuristic Prediction - Money & Status - Phobias
Escapism 167
The Virtual Human What is the Futuristic Escape? Escapism is the way people tend to “escape” their own daily life or their fixed point of thinking to go beyond and become the thing they always dream of. I see that this description is similar to the act that people nowadays who aim to reach and advance further into the limitless possibilities that lay up ahead. The make this topic easier to understand. The image bellow is representative of how people in today’s society may feel trapped inside a boxed cage. By creating an alternative form of escape and safe space, one can become free.
The Futuristic Escape
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Escapism in today’s social media world You might think that escapism nowdays might occured only with the introvert people without realizing that not just the people but it’s the whole community that becoming part of it wheter willingly or not. For examples, Global teenagers are now using filters to change their facial expression, or even tend to change themself with programs to make themselves become someone else that inspires them.
The Futuristic Escape
Escapism 171
Vtuber & the Japanese Culture
The Vtuber Trend in 2021 The history of vtuber starts with this blue twintail girl first digital idol name “Hatsune Miku”. Her appearance was made to promote the voice changing program called “Vocaloid” but with the insane rising of the character reputation, Miku suddenly became that first digital idol that change the whole perspective of becoming an idol thus creating a new kind of escapism. Miku’s trend is also inspire lots of cooperation and people into creating a trends that is very famous nowadays called “Vtuber” that is when a person use their digital model to represent themselves when they are recording and the first vtuber that appear is a girl with the pink ribbon named “Kisuna Ai”. The Futuristic Escape
People usually believe that most vtubers are from Japan because of the artstyle that relate to their culture called “anime” but in reality people who want to be vtuber can be from everywhere around the world if only they have interest in this topic of interest.
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Benefits of a Vtuber Escapee When you becoming a vtuber, the benefit of it might not seem muchbut it really is helping you in many way without you realizing it.
Body Manipulation
Exaggerated Features
You can adjust you body and facial features however you want whether to make yourself more masculine or to make your beard longer.
The feature that you add to the model that represent you don’t have to relate to realism at all, thus you can create or delete anything you want with the model.
Gestures While becoming a vtuber you can do lots of gestures that you might not be able to do in real life. The Futuristic Escape
Escapism 175
Tracking Device Equipments /Gears
(Not Necessory) Green Screen
Controlling Device Hand Gear
How to Become a Vtuber
Character model
Model making Programn
Streaming Platform The Futuristic Escape
Escapism 177
How to Become a Vtuber
Long and Smooth Hair This is my ideal of a hair condition that is smooth and longer than my shoulder.
Messy and Curvy Hair What I dislike about my hairs is that it’s very messy however I comb it and it also very curvy so it’s very hard to adjust the style that I like with it.
Bigger Eyes Though this might not be that necessary, I want my eyes to be bigger because every always say that my eyes in small when I took my glasses off.
Beautiful Mustache
This is the most annoying thing about my body. No matter the matter I used to grow it faster and longer it’s always stays the same and keep growing in a nail-like shape that keep itching my face.
The kind of mustache that I always dream of having. The beautiful curve at the end make me feel classy and cool.
Physical Features The Futuristic Escape
Digital Features Escapism 179
How to make your own model in Live2d
This is how I make my own vtuber model in a programn called Live2d and play around with each part of its movement.
Top Hat I add this accessory to raise the classy style of my gentleman model.
Eyes Bang I made this wavy bang hairstyle to suit the gentle man theme. It also add a little movement to my model too.
I would says that making eyes in live2d is not that easy because of the way they move around in circle thus having lots of spaces to move so the tracking device might not fully track my eyes in real life and the model’s eyes will be buggy.
Mouth This part is for tracking the movement of my mouth.
The Futuristic Escape
First is to prepare your PSD file that seperate each part of the layer into parts -Back hair -Top left eye -Top right eye -Side hair -White left eye -White right eye -Bang -Bottom left eye -Bottom right eye -Body -Left pupil -Right pupil -Neck -Left eyebrow -Right eyebrow -Hear -Mouth -Accessory then import it into live2d program Escapism 181
2.Layers Arrangement
3.Parts Arrangement
Next step after importing is to arrange the layer with automatic layour to not make the part overlap with each other.
Next is to create and put each model part into the same type of folder as their own ,for example, put bang and side hair in to the hair folder. This part is not neccessory but it can help you work easier. The Futuristic Escape
Escapism 183
6.Exporting Next is to make each model part into a standard mesh using mesh generator tool.
5.Adjusting Parameters This part is to adjust every moment of your model part to your liking. You can play around with this part however you want because there are lots of option such as facial expression to work with.
Lastly after finish modeling, you can check your model if the movement you adjust with the parameter is the way you want it to be before exporting the model as a .moc3 file.
The Futuristic Escape
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Future’s VR Gadget
Full Arm movement
This is a prediction for the future of VR gadget
VR Helmet Transparent metal
This is the next step of upgrading the tracking device into tracking the user’s arm based on the sensor that track the muscle movement.
The metal will become transparent in whinch part that the user want to see in ther real world and become opaque when the user want to use it.
Tracking Room
Sensor Streching By using strechy material the Vr helmet can fit on every kind of head the user has. The Futuristic Escape
With the helmet contained more than million of sensor that track the user facial expression, this helmet can cover the problem of tracking wrong expression.
Imagine putting the visual digital world into your own room and thus creating the fantasy world of your own. The futuristic tracking device will track the user body based on the color temperature then send the information to the projector on the roof to project the digital world in your room. Escapism 187
The Distortion
Futuristic Timeline Prediction
50 years
The first prediction is related of how technology nowadays is so advanced that people can’t live without it. The prediction is about how mankind is litterraly become one of the machine or even lose their essence of human and become more like a “cyborg”. The Futuristic Escape
50 years
The second prediction is based on the problem of highly decreasing rate of material in the world. If the original sources of material such as fruit and meat started to run out, people would try to create alternate material from extracted DNA and making a clone or even create our own man-made material.
2121 The third problem is related to the second one but not only the sources of material will ran out, the sources of electricity might ran out too. People would start a new kind of war that I refered to as “World War E(electricity)” to steal material and electricity from other country.
50 years
The last prediction is based on the question of “What if people didn’t care about the environment anymore”. If the global warming continue and all the icebergs are melted, the whole world would sink underwater and people might have to create a society similar to the mythical tale of “Atlantis”. Escapism 189
The Futuristic Distortion of a Living Space
Room Distortion
Based on real factor and the prediction of the future, This part is about how the society in the future change mankind and the things around them start with the living space.
Present Day (AD 2021)
The Futuristic Escape
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First Distortion (AD 2071) 1
1.O2 Provider In the future where the air so all polluted, this device that is inspired by the air purifier can provide oxygen to the room.
2.Futuristic Chair
Inspired by the stair chair for eldery, The moving chair that has its own rail can freely and quickly move around the room in the decision of its user.
3.Futuristic Storage
4.Futuristic Bed
The fact that make this storage better than normal one is that it provide more space to store and it can extract the moisture that can damge the envelop out.
This futuristic bed is made with soft material and cotain suction zone that create the maximum comfort for the user.
4 5 The Futuristic Escape
5.Futuristic Computer
6.Futuristic Bin
By combing the table and the computer together, this can provide more space in the room and also make it’s more convenient to use.
The upgrade version of the normal one that can instantly recycle the material into a cube for future usage, this method was inspired by how we deystroy a car.
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Second Distortion(AD 2171) This second and the last room distortion is the more advance version of the first distortion. With the highly decreasing rate of public spaces, This version of room is much smaller but have lots of advanced furniture instead.
The Futuristic Escape
The Platform Inspired by the idea of treadmill, this platform that is not only an exercising platform but it also part of the future Vr gadget that let you walk around in the visual world by your self. This platform come with a censor on every corner to track the users body.
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The Projector With all the the wall of the room and all the furniture made with projectable material, The projector can put the digital world into all side of the wall so the user wil see their imaginary world in every side they look. The projector also work together with the platform to create more realistic effect.
The Bathroom Inspired by the Transparent Public Toilet in Japan, this futuristic bathroom have a special door that use futuristic technology to blur the inside when occupied.
Transparent Public Toilet Satoshi Nagare The Nippon Foundation
The Futuristic Escape
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The Bedroom
The Provider
The more advance version of the bed from the first distortion the is now a full on room that inspired by the suction cup in spar that will relax your muscle and give you a comfortable sleep. This bedroom can also extract the unnessesory smell and dust out too.
Inspired by the vending maching combined with the quarantine event now, This combination of a computer and vending machine can provide you the usage of a computer and provide you with anyrhing you want like a vending machine without having you to go anywhere outside.
The Futuristic Escape
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The Human Distortion
175 cm 165 cm
150 cm
130 cm
The Futuristic Escape
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AD 2021(NOW)
AD 2071
Average human hand
The hand lenght is increase due to frequently usage and it also provide more conveniant to reach and grab thing in places.
Average human bone
The Futuristic Escape
Arm bones are longer and leg bone is thincker to carry the weight of heavier body due to less excercise.
Escapism 203
AD 2121
AD 2171
Neck Bone Thicker and shorter neck bone that let the head turn around more easily.
Lower parts The leg part and the part below it will become thicker and bigger due to less usage and the gravity.
The Futuristic Escape
Alternative version of the head This is the alternative head if a human dig deep into the digital world too much that their own eyes lost its usage.
Neck Bone By increasing the number of the bone and the thickness of them can raise the neck to its full potential the can almost turn 360 degree around.
Escapism 205
Body Part Speciality
1 All seeing eyes
Rotational of the neck
The eyes that can look around like a bug’s eyes can help provide the vision of things around the room.
The neck that can turn almost 360 degree like an owl will help with the eyes the provide more all-around vision.
3 4 The Futuristic Escape
Rotational of the arm
Suction zone at the finger tip
With more flexible joint can increase the rotation of the arm to be more freely and let people reach and grabbing stuff from behind their back.
Inspired by the octopus suction tentacle, this suction zone help people the grabing their stuff more firmly and easily. Escapism 207
Other forms of Futuristic Prediction Not only that people tend to escape from their physical body, they also try to escape through their society and their own personal probelm like phobia too.
The Futuristic Escape
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Money / Status Of course the money status would still affect future of human society because the world isn’t that of a nice place after all. Poor people would be the worker that transport the material to build to society or they might even sell part of their body for money because the medical treatment in the future would be able to make them alive after all the missing limb. Instead rich people would be the brain of the society and might even make themselves immortal for personal purposes.
The Futuristic Escape
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Phobia Escapism also applied to other form of action that based on personal thought of personal fear that can be state as “Phobia”. Phobia can be the fear that relate to literally everything because each people normally have the thing that make them feel unease or uncomfortable with. The phobia that I used as the example is the one that we related to the most at this lockdown situation nowadays. This phobia is called Agoraphobia which is a fear of open space. When a person live or stay at the same place for too long, that person will surely become fimiliar with the place and make it their safe space and will feel unsecure when they leave the place. I made this drawing to represent the prediction of how people will become or evolve to be in the future along with this Agoraphobia. I imagine we will become some kind of snail creature the live inside our technology attached shell all the time.
The Futuristic Escape
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Conclusion Even though the topic of futuristic escapism is a piece of wide-range information that also is not fully certified by the scientist but rather is only a prediction of what might occur in the future ahead, it can at least act like a brochure that advertises the upcoming product in the future so that the customers can get the message before they can prepare for the upcoming sale. Because of how uncertain of future is so it how this project can be distorted but I only limit the possibilities to only the things that relate to us the most to let the viewers get the main point of the project first. How this project can evolve in the future is that it might be not only just the brochure but turn into a full information guide book for the tourist thus containing more information and more topic.
The Futuristic Escape
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Escapism Mental Escape Yodsapat Lohavattanakul (Aston)
Chapter description We use social media as a mental comfort zone from problems we face in the real, physical world. However, social media is a two-edged sword. It can be use as a treatment for escape, but it can also be harmful to the user’s mental health.
Mental Escape
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Abstract Escapism is the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially through seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy. In our modern world where social media is too-easily accessible, of relief and break from the problems we encounter in reality. Despite the fact that social media is used as a comfort zone, the act also adversely provides negative experiences such as the inadequacy regarding your life or physical appearance. This chapter on “Mental Escape” will describe the relationship between social media and mental health through looking at both its advantage and disadvantages. Through looking at example case studies referencing various social media platforms, I experimenting on creating my own expression of sadness and melancholy through the use of social media, aiming to understand the complexity which lies on understanding user consumption of posts and feeds. Besides digital media, another negative impact of social media is through our surrounding- both physical and digital surroundings. Architecture can become a mediator to communicate ideas of sadness and melancholy in many ways. Through acts of expressing emotions through design and atmosphere, architecture can be used as an extension to express our emotion. Lastly, this chapter also introduces users on how to create their own “sad” moving media through consideration of factors such as sound, speech, filters, etc.
Mental Escape
Mental Escape Yodsapat Lohavattanakul (Aston)
Social media & Mental health Melancholic Depression Can social media be a space for sad addicts? Digtal media vs Physical space The Emotional impact of the place Architecture and its relationship to Melancholy Elements of a sad/depression video Use of Sounds and Songs Use of Images and Moving Media Use of Text Creating a Sad Video Clip
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Mental Escape Escapism The tendency to seek distraction and relief from unwanted realities. Especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in imagination. Mental Escape
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Social media is used as a comfort zone which give user a break from the problems in the reality. Meanwhile, it may promote negative experiences such as inadequacy about your life or physical appearance. There are multiple studies showing that heavy social media usage can increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts.
Melancholic Depression Melancholy or melancholia is a severe form of depression, and it is now referred to as “melancholic depression.” The word “melancholia” is a Greek word used to describe the feeling of intense sadness and hopelessness. Melancholia usually comes with a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. However, Melancholy has a distinct quality of mood that cannot be interpreted as severe depression. The ancient Greek doctors didn’t view sadness that way. They believed it was a dark fluid inside the body. According to their humoral system, the human body and soul were controlled by four fluids, known as humor, and their balance directly influenced a person’s health and temperament. Melancholia comes from “Melaina Kole”, the word for black bile, the humor believed having too much dark fluid inside the body cause sadness.
Mental Escape
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CAN SOCIAL MEDIA BE A SPACE FOR SAD ADDICTS ? There are some people who are addicted to sadness or feel they need to. Social media can be a space for them to get those sadness. The accounts that have posted about sadness and depression still have a large number of followers, it is confirmed that these people are real. People who love or are addicted to this kind of content may want to catharsis, the reason why we cherish sad stories is that they provide relief from the accumulated effect of ourself negative emotions in the physical world.
Mental Escape
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Mood all day (Facebook)
@Escapsim ( Tiktok)
Mental Escape
Although these examples speak of different types of sadness and depression, the same thing that these three accounts have is the negative feelings that come out of every account. They using the dark tone to create the community to make the user feel the sorrow atmosphere.
untoldstories_8 (Instragam)
Escapism 227
The architecture not only can communicate their vibes through their appearance but they can also through their story. For example, San Cataldo Cemetery communicates their vibes through their appearance and 9-11 memorial through their story.
Digital media can cause many source of mental illness, but in the physical world, your surrounding also has something to do with it too.
Emotional impact of the place Just the inhabitants have a bad environment and a negative mindset can cause dangerous mental illnesses. There’s a study that the environment can influence either positively or negatively a person’s mental well-being. A recent study showed how the idea of living in the midst of the climate crisis was affecting Greenlanders’ anxiety and depression levels. My point is The environment also influences the feeling of the residents.
Mental Escape
Empty place in Berlin by Andrew G. Fisher
Escapism 229
Mental Escape
Escapism 231
The picture was taken in Berlin by photographer Andrew G. Fisher, who attempt to discover beauty in the ordinary and melancholic. These black-and-white images, that ranged from outmoded structures to abandoned warehouses, capture simple and symmetrical features while still providing a sense of poetry that seems to express the relationship between life and time.
Empty place in Berlin by Andrew G. Fisher
Mental Escape
Escapism 233
San Cataldo Cemetery (1858)
9-11 memorial (2006)
Holocaust memorial (2005)
The Berlin Wall (1961) Mental Escape
The difference between those architecture on the right and left is the picture on the right side communicates their sadness through their shape and appearance, while on the left side show their sadness through their story whatever happened here. And some of them show their sadness in both story and appearance.
Jewish Museum (1933) Escapism 235
Mental Escape
Escapism 237
Major and Minor key
Chord Progression
The major key is present by nature in every note that is played. Therefore, it is interpreted as normal behavior, a happy day in our lives, ‘cause that’s what we expect to happen. The minor key is opposed to the major key and it’s perceived by us (without being aware) as if there was something wrong, hence sadness or restlessness.
A chord progression is a series of chords played in a sequence. When identifying chords within a progression, the main task is to find their harmonic functions within the key, which means to compare the chord to the tonic of the key.
SONG Most of the songs used in the depression video usually is a slow tempo and are not fully equipped with a lot of instruments mostly they use not more than 2 or 3 instruments. The reason behind that is if the song contains many instruments, people will have a lot of material that needed to be focused on. For example, if the song contains guitar, piano, drum, bass, and vocal, the listener can focus on the guitar or the piano or even the bass but not the whole song. On the other hand, if the song contains only vocals and guitar. It will be easy for people to focus on the tempo and melody of the song. Because of that, most of the sad songs will mostly come with few instruments. So people will focus on the impact that the writer wants to create. Slow tempo also makes people clearly hear the sad impaction that the writer created.
school rooftop - hisohkah
the loser - verzache
i’m tired of feeling this way - elijah who
Escapism 239
IMAGES A picture of a sad or depressed video can be a picture of any sort, a wall, an aesthetic picture of something. The condition is that the images should be in dark tones or black and white, have not more than one or two focus points.
MOVING MEDIA A video illustration of a sad or depressed video can be a video of some long road trip, yourself, or even a cartoon character talking. Actually it a can be any type of video. I not recommend using video that contains with fast movement because any quick action in the video may prevent the viewer from seeing the words we put in the cilp or didn’t listening to what we say because they may only be interested in the accompanying video clip.
Escapism 241
ELEMENTS OF A SAD/ DEPRESSION VIDEO Text and word can use to convey sadness when the text is about feeling alone in the world, the problem that you face, or things that you can’t undo. Talking about sadness and negative feeling can be very broad. The story that is used can come from our own or other people’s suffering. Choice of word are very important when it’s come to story telling, in order to make people understand what you want to communicate. I assume that you can use any word or sentence that clearly describes what you want.
TEXT Mental Escape
Escapism 243
CREATING A SAD VIDEO CLIP Video illustration The video we used for the background was a road in front of a village during the night. Background videos have their own sound hidden in the video to create a better mood for the video.
Text The text that I come up with, talk about how you fail in living your life and you don’t know how to fix your life.
Sound I created my own soundtrack using my own set of chords. As a result, the song I wrote was able to create a sad mood for the listener, and the song matched the sound of the background video very well, and didn’t overlap or clutter. I create my own sad/depression video from the materials that I found, This one of the video that I done. Mental Escape
Escapism 245
Song I use the Major and Minor methods to create a 30 seconds song for my video. I use 2 chords, D and G minor as the 2 main chords for the song. The song only has one instrument, the piano in order to make the melody as clear as it can be.
Program The song was created in program called “Cubase Le Ai Elements 11”. It’s the program that I oftenly use which is the reason why I make the song through this program. After finish the song, I use program “Adobe Premiere Pro” to edit the video and the song together.
Mental Escape
Escapism 247
To escape from an unsatisfying environment and unpleasant experiences that we are facing in our daily life with our preferences and self-satisfaction to fulfill and enhance unorganized and chaotic living behaviors. The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
Escapism 249
Abstract Nowadays, social distancing and self-isolation have been new behaviors that we have to follow since the COVID-19 outbreak affecting humans who are by nature social animals so it can be a difficult time for some people to stay in the same environment for a long period causing boredom and unsatisfactory life. We can say that from the isolation, many people have gained more levels of stress from the new way of living because of a huge differentiation in living and working systems. These systems include online learning, ineffective working online, a lot of distractions, and many health problems such as back pain, neck pain, and eye strain. No interaction with other people in the community leading to the lack of social skills. To escape from these feelings, we can start by changing the perspective of our living environment i.e. the physical components around us while trying to immerse ourselves in the surroundings. I try to explore and observe my living environment. What I have found are imperfections, unorganized, and unsatisfying elements without realizing them. Moreover, I try to absorb other people’s perspectives to see things from other points of view along with human preference through senses such as the alternative of colors, texture, smell, touch, sound, and perception to create gratification. At the same time, connected to online social media, which is becoming another significant way of communicating instead of meeting in person, to make our life become more convenient and faster. Since we are living in an era where technology has evolved by leaps and bounds and social media has almost become one of the significant factors for human wants to make our daily life much more convenient. Without noticing, Technology has become more influential in our lives. Especially, in this current situation that digital media and devices have become a need for working and learning. As I observed and used social media every day, I found out that the online media and interface can let us immerse in and create our satisfaction through preference and organization in an online community. The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
THE (UN)SATISFACTION OF ESCAPING Sawanna Kularbwong (Yaya) Satisfaction through sensory
- case study - vision: satisfying videos - hearing: ASMR - smell: incense and perfume - touch: slime
People behavior
- OCD vs Perfectionism - People perspective - subjectivity - People behavior with devices - user interface(phone and desktop)
Unsatisfying environment
- Exploring room environment - Exploring on social media - web browser tab - line - twitter
Escapism 251
ESCAPISM Mental diversion from unpleasant aspects of daily life, typically through activities involving imagination or entertainment. Escapism may be used to hypnotize one’s self away from persistent feelings of depression or general sadness.
satisfaction Satisfaction is the act of fulfilling a need, desire, or appetite, or the feeling gained from such fulfillment which lies in the human preference for symmetry, patterns, color and repetition and cause the release of chemicals(Serotonin and Dopamine) in the brain that bring out happiness and positivity also help with relieving stress and anxiety.
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
Escapism 253
satisfaction through sensory
smell CASE STUDY #3 Incense and perfume are aromatic biotic material that releases fragrant and it isused for the aroma, aesthetic/soothing smell, aromatherapy, meditation, and deodorant.
touch CASE STUDY #4 SLIME is a squishing and gooey toy with an additive texture of touch and color which can be a great way to relieve stress for all ages.
vision hearing CASE STUDY #1 ASMR(autonomous sensory meridian response) is a phenomenon that produce a tingling feeling throughout your body with audio triggers which is use to relieve stress and cure insomnia.
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
CASE STUDY #2 Satisfying video is described as a “brain massage” or “lightlyhypnotizing”, and as a form of psychological self-care to help overcome stress or anxiety.
taste Some food that help reducing stress such as Brazil nuts, Dark chocolate, Chamomile, Yogurt, and green tea.
Escapism 255
people s behavior People’s behavior from different point of view
why do people have
different perspective oN
various elements In their daily environment The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
The particular two behaviors that I am interested and trying to immerse in are the behavior of people who facing obsessive-compulsive disorder and people who are perfectionist. The term of obsessive-complusive disorder is often misunderstood mental illness characterized by thoughts and behaviors that can make it tough for people to go about their day. It can centainly be driven by perfectionism, but it is not the same Escapism 257
obsessive compulsive disorder WHAT IS OCD??
OCD stands for obsessive compulsive disorder, is a disorder in which people have recurring, unwanted thoughts urge or image that are intrusive and cause distress or anxiety, ideas or sensations (obsessions) that make them feel driven to do something repetitively (compulsions).
- Fear of getting contaminated by people or the environment - Disturbing sexual thoughts or images -Fear of blurting out obscenities or insults - Extreme concern with order, symmetry, or precision - Recurrent intrusive thoughts of sounds, images, words, or numbers - Fear of losing or discarding something important
- Excessive or ritualized hand washing, showering, brushing teeth, or toileting - Repeated cleaning of household objects - Ordering or arranging things in a particular way - Repeatedly checking locks, switches, or appliances -Constantly seeking approval or reassurance - Repeated counting to a certain number The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
Some of the most common examples of OCD rituals include Walking a certain way. Performing a repetitive activity, such as locking, unlocking, and relocking a door. Repeating precise movements like sitting up and down, blinking, or walking through a doorway a certain way Start off their day late because they are taking a lot of time for preparations by doing things repeatedly which they can’t stop. Such as, checking their door 5 times to see if it locks properly. After checking the door, if they step out of their house by left foot before right, they are going to think that it is going to be a bad luck. On the way to the destination by walk, they will be strictly careful to not step on the tile’s line or cracks, if they did they will go back a few steps and redo it again to make sure that they not step on any cracks on the floor. Seeing anything misordered or not sorted properly, they are trying to fix them as soon as possible by thinking that if they didn’t arrange them properly something bad is going to happen to them or their surroundings. If they don’t do it, their brain is going to order them to think over and over again about it even though they are trying to not do it or thinking about it but they cannot stop thinking.
Perfectionism is a broad personality style characterized by a person’s concern with striving for flawlessness and perfection.
Some of the most common examples of Perfectionism rituals is to reorganize things around you, rearrange things to be align by color, size, and symmetry. If they see un-
organized things, they are going to clean and make it neat as much as possible. Rearrange books on the bookshelf to make it align by colors and sizes of the book.
SInce perfectionists are concerning about perfection. They will align, rearrange, and reorder elements around them by color, size, usage, and etc. and measure them to be in the same degree or distance between things. But it is a habits that they follow rigidly, like certain morning routine or a way of organizing their desk and it is not doing out of anxiety.
Escapism 259
subjectivity Subjectivity refers to how someone’s judgment is shaped by personal opinions and feelings. DIFFERRENT PERSON = DIFFERENT BACKGROUND Since we are born and raised in different upbringing, education system, community, religion, and areas which influence our interests, activities, culture, rituals, etc. are different. For instance, behavior of dealing with waste between Thailand and Japan. In Thailand, people are more careless about dumping trash in an appropriate place. If you walk on a sidewalk in Bangkok, you can see that there are some places that have a big pile of trash along the road or sidewalk from the nearby community. Some might say it is a normal habit of people in that area that they do it for ages to make that place remembered as a NORMAL place where you can throw your trash there but actually it is not. Also the factory and the people along the water source, they are likely to throw or emit bad wastes in. From the number of waste in water pollution, Thailand is the world’s tenth-biggest dumper of plastic waste into the water such as canal and sea. On the other hand, in Japan. They have strict rules and regulations for their citizens to follow. They were taught to recycle and dump their trash into an appropriate place to be a NORMAL habit for them. So, their environment is more clean and well organized. It could be involved with the development of education and technology especially in Japan, a technology industrial country. Maybe they have better ways of dealing with waste and garbage disposal methods than Thailand.
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
subjectivity cannot be proved as true or false by any general accepted criteria
Escapism 261
user interface phone/ desktop
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
Escapism 263
MY PHONE HOME SCREEN ORGANIZATION - unorganized - some application in group,but some don’t - arrange randomly - hard to find - crowded and chaotic
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
OTHER HOME SCREEN ORGANIZATION - organized and arranged by color - easy to find - looks neat and clean
Escapism 265
MY PHONE HOME SCREEN ORGANIZATION - unorganized - arrange randomly - hard to find
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
OTHER HOME SCREEN WITH DESKTOP ORGANIZER - organized by the purpose and usage - arrange by color - easy to find - looks neat and clean
Escapism 267
unsatisfying environment
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
Escapism 269
1 2
1. Table 2. Bed 3. Shelf 4. Trash 5. Wardrobe 6. Bathrooom
MY ROOM The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
1. Table 2. Bed 3. Shelf 4. Trash 5. Wardrobe 6. Bathrooom
tangle cord
messy pen holder
my perspective
pen neatly arranged by colors and sizes
tidy cord
perspective of OCD(people on a spectrum)
organized Sequence
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
things aligned perfectly
perfectionist perspective Escapism 273
waste separation (plastic bottle)
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
my perspective
perspective of OCD(people on a spectrum)
perfectionist perspective
my perspective
other perspective
Escapism 275
arranged by random color
arranged by random color
arranged by color and size/ use a bookends messy wardrobe organizer
arranged from dark to light color
my perspective my perspective/ unorganized
other perspective/ organized The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
other perspective/ organized Escapism 277
human preference
in living environment The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
Escapism 279
of the wall Bad smell create unsatisfying feeling and some people used the scent candles to remove or conceal an unpleasant smell in their room. - the smell of Lavender helps maintain emotional balance ,insomnia, relieve stress, and relieve migraine pain. - Vanilla, the sweet scent gives you a feeling of peace and bright mood
From my point of view, the texture of the wall in my room is unsatisfying since it made of cement and leave the bumpy texture after painted. I feel uncomfortable and give me goosebumps sometimes after looking at it. Some people also prefer using wallpaper and use warm color for their room’s wallpaper and it also make their wall looks clean and cozy.
light color The suitable color for bed room and learning environment. Each color create different feeling of the room. - Neutral Colors such as white, gray, black, brown, beige and cream. They give a simple, clean feeling. Especially, White and cream, giving a feeling of relaxation and warmth. - Cool colors like blues, navy, purple, or dark green are widely believed to make you feel calm and focused, also makes us feel comfortable and relieve stress as well. - Pastel Colors, these are colors that are mixed with white. To reduce the intensity and brightness of colors such as light pink, light purple, mint green. It gives a feeling of softness, tenderness and relaxation. Reduce stress at work as well.
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
- Daylight bulbs provide natural white light. It is considered to be the brightest color. helps to see clearly and also gives a feeling of bright energetic helps to be active and feel awake. -Warm light creates a warm, romantic atmosphere that helps you feel relaxed. It is also the most comfortable light.
sound In this period that everybody is having a online working and learning at home. It might cause lots of noise pollution such as pets sound(dog barking), construction, other family member noises in case you are living or sharing spaces together which are unsatisfying for working or learning environment. Some people prefer using headphone or ear plug to prevent them from any noise disruption.
Escapism 281
social media The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
Escapism 283
MY WEB BROWSER ORGANIZATION - unorganized - arrange randomly - hard to find
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
OTHER WEB BROWSER ORGANIZATION - organized by the purpose and usage - arrange by color - easy to find - looks neat and clean
Escapism 285
Private messages
Official account
Group In “All” Line chat window is hard to find the chat because the Grop chat, personal chat, official chat is mixing together which is unorganized The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
in Line chat window, it allows us to find the chat which is friends chat, groups chat, official chat, and openchats in catagories for us to find the chat easier. Escapism 287
SEARCH FILTERS allow you to look only from the people you followed or a people in your area
entertainment random article
art news if you search any hashtag or word into the search box, you may not find tweets that you want to see or not relatedwhich are random and unorganized. The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
#__________ + lang(__) allow you to search the tweet in that language
Escapism 289
my perspective
other perspective
conclusion the differences between my perspective and other perspective of organizing unsatifying living environment to create satisfaction In summary, I have researched and studied about how people create satisfaction in different ways of thinking, perspective, perceptions, and individual preference through living environment. I have observed and explored from my perspective and compare to other perspectives of surrounding elements in your unorganized/unsatisfying space, not only physical but also virtual space to create satisfaction for ourselves. For the next design phase, I aim to create a space for a specific group of people who can use their perception and sensibility to create satisfaction and escape from their unpleasant living environment.
The (UN)Satisfaction of Escaping
digital/ virtual Escapism 291
No Escape from the Pandemic A Conspiracy Theory Thanpitcha Tiemtree (Aom)
Escapism in the time of pandemic results in a lack of physical interaction. Through the use of escapism, wee seek the means to distract ourselves from the harsh realities of our daily lives by occupying our thoughts with what we chose to believe.
No Escape from Pandemic
Escapism 293
Abstract It is the year 2021, and the entire world is currently facing the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. Everyone has been placed under lockdown.We all trapped, living in a world limited by quarantines and social isolation. At this time, we are now looking for a way to escape and perhaps social media is the only acceptable method of escape. Our thoughts are drawn to the idea of “escaping” because we are increasingly obsessive with reclaiming control and autonomy over our lives. We look for ways to escape everyday- daily- because we would rather be “there” than “here”. Escapism, in today’s age, therefore is a means of seeking distraction from reality. The Covid-19 outbreak is increasingly causing difficulties in our daily lives.It causes fear, a sense of anxiety, and raises people’ awareness. We are all turning and relying on news as an aggregator of information, grasping on social networking platforms and other online sources for hope. Unfortunately, the internet can be a dark place that is uncontrollable and, thus, can quickly become a vehicle for the transmission of misinformation, fake news, propaganda, and even conspiracy theoriesNot only are we fighting a pandemic, but also a co-evolving infodemic—the quick and broad dissemination of low-quality information. Social algorithms keep us trapped in the echo chamber, validating our beliefs. We interact with information in echo chambers, which are confined environments where ideas are reinforced via interaction and repetition without exposure to contradictory data. If we live in a bubble where we only hear from others who have similar beliefs to us and get information that supports those beliefs, it tends to reinforce what we already think. It’s also about the individuals we have faith in. We know only one side of social media.
No Escape from Pandemic
No Escape from the Pandemic A Conspiracy Theory Thanpitcha Tiemtree (Aom)
Escapism and Conspiracy theories - Why do people believe in conspiracy theories and fake news? - The Echo Chamber Effect - The Echo chamber and the Social media algorithms - Case Study : Reddit and Twitter - Echo Chamber and Misinformation - Why do conspiracy theories seem to flourish during the pandemic? The COVID-19 conspiracy theories - Origins - Beliefs - Future Investiations Effect of Conspiracy Theories - What is the truth? - Spreading of disinformation
Escapism 295
AND Conspiracy Theories No Escape from Pandemic
Escapism 297
Why Do people
Conspiracy theories or propaganda based on fake news have been around for a long time, but with the emergence of the internet and social media, it has become a monster. We Simply sharing conspiracy theories or fake news article without even reading it.
believe in Conspiracy theories & Fake new?
Propoganda must confined itself to a few point and repeat again and again. The more often we hear something, the the easier it is for your brain to process, This makes it feel true regardless of its basis in fact. We feel more familiar, and therefore becomes easier to process. Moreover, Bad repetition can even increase acceptance the information we know to be false.
High contrast
Low constrast
No Escape from Pandemic
This is noe becomming absurdly common. People who shared news items did so without first reading the article. It is a huge component which meakes something feel true regardless of objective truth. If it easy we just tend to nod along accept it and move on. Even if we shouldn’t.
Ease of text processing
The easier to process the text itself not just the content of the text/ studies show that text easy to read fonts and those with high contrast are more likely to be seen as true than difficult to read fonts or those in low constrast.
Factors that cause social media to be easily precessed?
That’s True!!!
Regular Photos
Photos that don’t prove anything but are relevant to the content you’re reading. It also increases the acceptance of knowledge. The main difference in this experiment was that half of the statements were accompanied by a non-probative photograph.And those who saw the picture were more likely to the statement was true. The photo bias people by facilitating the conceptual processing of the statement because their effects is much greater for unfamiliar topics. HoweverThis is because their impacts are significantly stronger for unfamiliar themes and the images prejudice individuals by helping the conceptual processing of the sentence.
Source Name
It is enough to impose enhanced confidence and reliability on a person only by having an easy-to-pronounce name. For example,customers trust online vendors with names that are easy to pronounce more than those with names that are difficult to pronounce. And They are more likely to believe that the product will live up to the seller’s claims and that the seller would follow the return policy.
Escapism 299
The Echo Chamber Effect An echo chamber is a situation in which people are only exposed to similar ideas that confirm each other’s beliefs through the use of the internet. Confirmation bias allows people to quickly limit the amount of information they consume. These technology advancements worsen the echo chamber by personalizing users’ content by showcasing their interests while filtering out others’ perspectives.
Social Media Algorithms
No Escape from Pandemic
If we live in a bubble in which we only hear from people who share the same views as us and information that supports that, that tends to reinforce what we already believe in. It’s also about people we trust. “Echo chambers” that reinforce present viewpoints enhance confirmation biases.Technology that was supposed to strengthen human relationships has instead resulted in the ripping of our social fabric, as we are divided into social groups with opposing worldviews.
This is our real life social media circle family friends classmates coworker.Many of these people more likely from a similar background as us and have a similar worldview.
But your social new feed takes that to a new level.Social Media algorithms promotes the types of posts we like and share.
Social Media Algorithyms It hide away from posts that put us off or that we don’t interact with this.
This means that we are surrounded by what is known as an echo chamber. It implies that we are only exposed to ideas from people and media outlets who share your viewpoint and agree with.
Escapism 301
Echo Chamber & Social Media Algorithms
Facebook When people check their Facebook feed, the Facebook algorithm determines which posts they see and in what order they appear. Facebook, for one, wants people to remember that there is no single algorithm, but rather “many layers of machine learning models and rankings.”
No Escape from Pandemic
Twitter is unique in that it ranks tweets based on the time and date they were posted, rather than the individual who posted them. Content that is fresh and current gets a higher rating than news from the previous day. The number of comments a Tweet receives has an impact on its ranking.
Reddit Reddit uses a story algorithm, meaning the number of votes and submission time of links have the biggest impact on how stories rank on the platform. This is what makes the front page always appear fresh to a new user. If a piece of content is popular, it will start as popular.
Instragram Instagram’s goal is to spread as much information as possible to as many people as possible in a single day. As a consequence, its algorithm takes into account all elements of social media, such as relevancy, connection, engagement, and the popularity of material.
Social Algorithyms
When it comes to social media, there is more than meets the eye. Not only does each platform attract a different audience, encourage a different style of content, and generate a different type of’results,’ but it’s also working to create a different user-experience based on what the platform thinks the user wants beneath the surface.
TikTok Driven by an algorithm The Following feed is the For You feed, which shows only the people we follow on the service.So Just keep in mind that TikTok continue to use algorithms to show we the films or content it believes we’ll enjoy the best and interested the most.
Social Algorithyms
What you see in your feeds isn’t up to you
If the player is leaning towards one perspective
Youtube The YouTube algorithm chooses videos for users with two goals in mind: selecting the ideal video for each individual viewer and encouraging them to watch more.
The next chamber will be created with a new statement with even more opinions on similar viewpoints
So on in the end the player will see the exaggerated comments from his or her perspective.
Escapism 303
Reddit is a news and social networking platform. Users of Reddit may exchange links to internet information as well as upload their own original content straight to the site. Other users may then vote up or down on the material, as well as offer comments.
number of votes
How the Reddit Submission Algorithm Works Reddit uses a story algorithm, meaning the number of votes and submission time of links have the biggest impact on how stories rank on the platform. This is what makes the front page always appear fresh to a new user. If a piece of content is popular, it will start as popular.
vote up Vote down
Echo Chamber
Using Reddit
Comments When you go to Reddit, you’ll see a front page with a list of links that other users have submitted. Subreddits, which further categorize content into areas of interest are also available on the website.
No Escape from Pandemic
How the Reddit Comment Algorithm Works
Popular Topics
Every Second
Because using the hot ranking algorithm for comments would be impracticable, Reddit uses a different algorithm for comments. When it comes to comments, it’s more logical to show the highest-rated comments first rather than older remarks. Instead of using the hot ranking algorithm, Reddit uses a confidence sort algorithm based on the Wilson score interval for its comments.
A comment with 88 up-votes and 1 down vote will rank higher than a comment with only 44 up-vote and no down-votes, even though the latter comment has a 100% upvote rate. The comments are ranked by data sampling and the date the comments are submitted isn’t an active factor
Escapism 305
Trends for you
Twitter Timeline Options
Trending hashtags and popular patterns based on our interests are included in the Twitter trending algorithm.
By clicking on the small star icon on top of your home feed, we may move between the two feed alternatives.
Twitter is looking for new material. As a result, they’re sticking to their original strategy of showing tweets in reverse chronological order. That’s why it’s important to keep track of what day and hour you send out a new tweet.
Relevance Twitter Timeline Algorithm A user is more likely to see a tweet in their timeline if it comes from a person they interact with frequently and has a lot of likes and responses.
Latest Tweets
People enjoy what they see, and engagement is confirmation of that. It’s better if a tweet receives a lot of retweets, likes, clicks, and impressions. However, Twitter’s algorithm takes into consideration an author’s overall interaction over time. Rather than one-hit wonders, they’re searching for consistency.
No Escape from Pandemic
Top Tweets use an algorithm to display tweets in the order in which they are most likely to be of interest to the user.
Top Tweet In the Latest Tweets section, The timeline is reordered in reverse chronological order, with the most recent Tweets at the top.
A tweet’s keywords and hashtags inform the algorithm what it’s about and who its target audience is. Users are more likely to notice tweet on their timeline if they interact with such keywords and hashtags on previous tweets.
When your follower retweets you, their followers now see your tweet. If more of their followers retweet, the process continues ad infinitum.
Twitter tweaks its algorithm on a regular basis to guarantee that more of the appropriate information reaches the right individuals. In the end, they aim to increase user engagement and keep as many people as possible checking in on a regular basis. Tweets were first arranged in reverse chronological order.
Rich Media
The material is valuable or “rich.” On social media, for example, videos tend to attract the most attention.
Escapism 307
Twitter Timeline Algorithm
“In case you missed it”
13 Hours ago
1 Hour ago
“In case you missed it”
Ranked Tweet
Extracted them from all of the tweets in my timeline. Pushed them to the top of my timeline.
Promoted Tweet
Despite the fact that there were numerous tweets in between these two, the algorithm determined that these are more relevant to us than the others. As a result, they were at the top of our timeline.
Suggested Tweet
13 Hour ago
-What you see in your feeds isn’t up to you-
It determined that these are the tweets we most likely to be interested in.
15 Hour ago
3 Hour ago
No Escape from Pandemic
Remaining tweets
Ranked Tweet
5 Hours ago
This part will display at the top of your timeline and seems to be identical to the normal timeline at first look. However, it only includes tweets that Twitter believes are relevant to you.
Remaining tweets
The tweets were not arranged in reverse order. They were also older than 10 hours, which I would have missed if I had been browsing through a reverse-chronological timeline. This area contains tweets that Twitter believes are relevant to us, similar to the ranked tweets section. However, the chosen tweets are sorted by relevance score and may date back many hours or days.
This section accomplishes exactly what its name implies. It displays tweets that we might be interested in but didn’t see in the previous timeline because they were from a long time ago.
You’ll also find retweets, promoted tweets, and suggested accounts to follow in this area (and occasionally in the two above). It’s possible that you’ll see tweets from accounts you don’t follow. These are tweets that Twitter believes will add relevance and interest to your feed.
Escapism 309
Echo Chamber Misinformation
A harmonious group of people congregates online, and tunnel vision develops. Participants in online interactions may find their beliefs constantly mirrored back to them, strengthening their specific belief systems.
Some authors use the terms “echo chambers” or “filter bubbles” to characterize communities of individuals who accept the same (perhaps incorrect) ideas when it comes to fake news and deceit on the internet. In conclution, “bad algorithms” are responsible for the formation of such groups.
There are certain signs that point to a link between these two phenomena—echo chambers and the spread of misinformation—since homogeneous clusters of users with a preference for self-confirmation seem to provide the seedling of rumors and misinformation. A polarized digital Space where users tend to promote their favorite narratives, form polarized groups and resist information that does not conform to their beliefs may be the fertilizer that makes the Internet so fertile for the growth of misinformation. Bad Algorithms
Social Media Algorithyms
No Escape from Pandemic
Group of people congregates online live in Echo Chamber
Algorithm bias code create echo chamber filter bubble connecting people with same similar ideas in crowd online
The viral spread of digital misinformation has become so severe that the World Economic Forum considers it among the main threats to human society. This spread have been suggested to be related to the similarly problematized phenomenon of “echo chambers”, It finds an “echo chamber effect” is the presence of an opinion and network polarized cluster of nodes in a network contributes to the diffusion of complex contagions, and there is a synergetic effect between opinion and network polarization on the virality of misinformation.
Escapism 311
Why do Conspiracy Theories seem to flourish during the Pandemic? “Those drawn to Covid conspiracy theories are not necessarily stupid – they’re scared and desperate to feel in control” -James Bloodworth-
Similar to conspiracy beliefs, pandemics are about an invisible and dreadful enemy lurking among us. Conspiracy theories are contagious, or “viral,” in the same way as pandemics are. They are linked, however, by deeper affinities that go beyond their superficial likeness.
No Escape from Pandemic
Conspiracist beliefs are influenced by social circumstances. Conspiracy theories have long been a part of human history, and they are more likely to emerge during social crises as a way of making sense of and controlling uncontrollable events.
These theories originate in times of uncertainty and danger, when we are anxious and feel compelled to learn what is going on inside this unstable environment.The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on people’s lives, with substantial attempts being undertaken to stop the virus from spreading.In times of crisis, conspiracy theories flourish. When people are looking for strategies to cope with fear and uncertainty, conspiracy theories.on the other hand,It frequently makes things worse rather than better.
We have never faced a pandemic when humans were as connected and had as much access to information as we do now. It has led people to consume fatal home remedies and flout social distancing guidance. And it is disrupting the sweeping collective actions, like staying at home or wearing masks, needed to contain a virus that has already killed more than 79,000 people.
And finally, social media is the perfect breeding ground for conspiracy theories, and the uncertainty created by the coronavirus outbreak is allowing them to flourish.
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oronavirus onspiracy Theories
Conspiracy theories is an effort to explain damaging or tragic events as the product of the acts of a tiny strong organization is known as a conspiracy theory. Such theories contradicts the widely recognized account of the events, in fact, the official version may be viewed as more confirmation of the conspiracy. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to numerous new conspiracy theories related to the virus. As COVID-19 spreads quickly throughout the world as well as social media platform and also other viral phenomena such as misinformation or conspiracy theories.They are spreads faster than Corona Virus.
How does conspiracy theories forms? The world is facing a worldwide disinformation epidemic as the COVID-19 issue deepens. Conspiracy theories that act like viruses are growing online at the same rate that SARS-CoV-2 is spreading offline.
COVID-19 has quickly grown to become the greatest public health concern in a generation. People are increasingly turning to social media to learn about the virus, receive updates, and learn how to stay safe. The name COVID-19 is one that no one wants to hear again. The illness has wreaked havoc on people’s life, causing widespread unemployment, rising poverty rates, and general uncertainty and mayhem.
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Where does it originate?
Coronavirus conspiracy Theories
Some of the most interesting conspiracy theory about covid19
No Escape from Pandemic
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Why people believe in Covid-19 conspiracy theories The term “conspiracy theories” refers to “attempts to explain the significant causes of important social and political events and situations by claiming secret plots involving two or more powerful people.And people believe that the world has a secret structure. Moreover belief in one conspiracy theory tends to overlap with belief in others. This is because most conspiracy theories are based on the concept that important information is kept secret from the general population. As well as They often appear as a reasonable explanation for unusual or difficult-to-understand events or situations. In the times of uncertainty so there are much more the need to clarity.
No Escape from Pandemic
People may believe conspiracy theories because the sources they frequent present them as facts. Not looking at a wide range of sources: People may believe conspiracy theories because the websites they frequent promote them as reality. The truth may also be complex, and people may be unsure whether or not sources are trustworthy.
Locked in the echo chamber
People engage with information inside echo chambers, where opinions are reinforced through interaction and repetition within a closed environment without exposure to conflicting facts.People prefer to deal with information that is either conspiracy-based or scientifically grounded. This leads to confirmation bias, also known as “my side bias,” in which people seek out information that supports their beliefs while ignoring evidence that conflicing them.Moreover,Individuals who believe in a conspiracy theory about a pandemic are also more likely to believe in other conspiracy theories in unrelated contexts.
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Future Investigations
AI-Enabled Drug Development
COVID-19 and other viruses will be contained more quickly if we can develop and implement an effective and safe treatment as well as a vaccine to prevent the virus. Because it can speed up and complement human efforts, artificial intelligence is a great drug development collaborator. Our current reality will inform future efforts to employ AI in drug development.
No Escape from Pandemic
Contactless Interactions and Interfaces
Prior to the pandemic, we noticed the growth of contactless payment options via mobile devices. However, as people grow more aware of what they touch, a means of paying for goods and services that does not need physical contact is likely to become increasingly popular. In certain firms, machine vision interfaces are already being used to apply social media filters and enable self-checkout. Expect to see a rise in voice and machine vision interfaces that identify faces and motions across a range of industries to minimize the amount of physical contact.much more the need to clarity.
Increased Reliance on Robots
Viruses have no effect on robots.Robots can help us now and play an essential part in a postCOVID-19 world or during a future pandemic. They may be used to deliver groceries, collect vital signs in a hospital system, maintain manufacturing operations, and much more. Businesses and organizations understood how robots may help us in this uncertain time and play a critical role in a postCOVID-19 society, or even in the event of a future epidemic.
We began to receive letters from healthcare experts urging individuals to have a virtual consultation instead of going in person (unless absolutely required). Many doctors are either adopting or reminding their patients that video consultations are available. Instead than rushing to the doctor or healthcare facility, which increases traffic and crowding, remote care allows clinical treatments to be provided without an in-person visit. Before COVID-19, some healthcare practitioners were already practicing this, but interest has piqued now because social distancing is required in many regions.
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Effect of Conspiracy Theories The problem of living inside echo chambers Many individuals want to blame the “social media bubble,” which is the notion that everyone is divided into like-minded circles and only hears like-minded opinions.outside the box, innovate, and adapt to a new environment.
No Escape from Pandemic
Social media algorithms compound the problem by reinforcing rather than changing our beliefs. They point us in the direction of things we already know and like. They make it easier for us to construct our own echo chambers, complete with others who share our ideas. As a result, confirmation bias emerges. Tribal allegiances lead to incorrect assumptions and perceptions about what constitutes a normal organization or community.
If it weren’t so hazardous, the spread of urban legends and conspiracies would be amusing. Approximately 61% of millennials get their news largely from social media. However, we are triggering algorithms that curate our feeds in the process. These cherry-pick information that we are inclined to agree with and discard data that does not appear to match our tastes – frequently at the expense of accuracy and balance.
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What is the Truth?
Disinformation / Fake news
The use of social media in distributing information about the epidemic was particularly important, albeit it was not without its drawbacks, such as false news and panic transmission.
Fake news one film claim to show crows in the heart of Wuhan during the pandemic’s peak. They were attracted to dead bodies, according to the passage. In reality, this footage came from a place 1000 miles away in China. While it did depict crows, the fact that they were in the city had nothing to do with the epidemic.
The majority of the cliams dealt with health information or disinformation. However, the most prevalent form of cliam we saw had to do with policy and public authority activity.much more the need to clarity. Most of the content involved recontextualising,reworking or reframing a grain of truth or a true fact in a way that it was no longer true.
recontextualising reworking
How does social media disinformation spread? One of the ways that misinformation spreads once its creators have seeded it online is through the actions of individual social media users. Ordinary people may distribute the knowledge to their own social networks by using intentional sharing, which is a core feature of platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Other content-related behaviors, such as “liking,” lead social media sites’ algorithms to show it to others. This is known as “organic reach” It has a huge potential for disseminating false information.
Misinformtion Misinformation is described as “false information disseminated with no aim to deceive.” Misinformation is information that is incorrect but is being spread by someone who thinks it to be true.
Disinformation False information distributed with the intent of harming a person, a social group, an organization, or a country.
In fact, this footage came from a place 1000 miles away in China. While it did show crows, the fact that they were in the city had nothing to do with the epidemic.
reframing No Escape from Pandemic
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Why do people spread social media disinformation? Individuals who share or interact with internet misinformation have essentially been encouraged to do so by its creators. Influential theories of social information processing imply that persuasion can take several forms. We may carefully evaluate the information provided in particular instances. While a variety of other elements are likely to influence the spread of disinformation, there is reason to believe that consistency, consensus, and authority play a role.
No Escape from Pandemic
Bot networks are used to automate the distribution of low-credibility material on Twitter. Bots have been implicated in the fast dissemination of information, tweeting and retweeting items several times.
Consistency refers to the degree to which sharing would be consistent with the individual’s prior practices or viewpoints. According to a large amount of research, people tend to behave in ways that are consistent with their attitudes. Even when plainly labeled as false, social media users regard headlines that coincide with their pre-existing beliefs as more trustworthy [18]. This might make it appealing to people who sympathize with the message’s substance in the context of disinformation.
Humans reading the messages may interpret the high retweet counts generated by bot networks as implying that many other people agree with them. “Any degree of plausible bot sharing activity tends to elicit a disproportionate level of human participation,” according to studies.
Consensus refers to the degree to which people feel their conduct is congruent with that of the majority of other people. In the current circumstances, it’s likely that reading a message that has already been widely circulated may prompt people to pass it on to others.
Authority refers to the degree to which the communication seems to come from a respected, trustworthy source. People are more inclined to share a social media post if it originates from a trustworthy source, according to research.
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The Surreal Escape Escape to the Subconscious Mind Peeraya Chiracharoenwat (Jenna)
In this chapter I will investigate the effect of social media addiction and how it links to surrealism and the subconscious mind. The disadvantages of social media addiction is viewed as a medium to connect us to a third reality (dreams) which you can endlessly curate and express your view and opinion defying the laws of current world reality. Considering dream as a space where you can connect with other individuals through different techniques. The Surreal Escape
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Abstract Surrealism is a cultural movement way back in the 1900, it is one of the most influential movements and to this day still influences many artists and can be seen in many surreal digital art. Surreal art allows individuals to express their views and opinions escaping from the current world’s limitations. Back in the day, surrealists used various techniques to induce hallucinations in order to create their art pieces, however in the modern world over stimulating your mind by being addicted to social media is now a medium for you to connect to the subconscious world. The disadvantages of social media addiction is seen as a bridge which enables us to enter a third reality. Social media addiction has a huge impact on our daily lives including disrupting our circadian rhythm causing us to have disruptive dreams. Disruptive dreams can be categorized into 2 main forms, lucid dreaming and telepathic dreaming; this empowers us the ability to create space within our own mind or as known as the theory of Spatial temporal and emotions. Spatial temporal and emotions suggests that interpretation of dreams relies on logical relations between dream representations and real perceptions of the recent waking reality, which are compared in Space, in Time and by the Emotions they hold. This theory entitles us individuals living in a sleepless society to be able to connect and curate within our subconscious mind.
The Surreal Escape
The Surreal Escape Escape to the Subconscious Mind Peeraya Chiracharoenwat (Jenna)
Surrealism: - Surreal Digital Art - Surrealism Timeline - ‘Persistence of Memory’ Analysis Social Media Addiction: - Effect of Social Media on Mental Health - Social Media Addiction as a Drug - Surrealism and Social Media Addiction - Social Media Addiction and Circadian Rhythm The Subconscious Mind: - Approaches in Dreaming - Disruptive Dreams - Lucid Dreams - Induce Lucid Dreaming - Telepathic Dream - Induce Telepathic Dreaming - Spatial Temporal and Emotions
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Escaping To Wonderland Down The Rabbit Hole Suchaya Wanuchsoontorn (Prae)
This chapter will let you leave the boring aespect of your daily routine and and take you to Wonderland through the digital rabbit hole.
Escaping To Wonderland
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Abstract If you have your own world, what would you like to create? Have you ever considered getting away from your everyday routine? Where would you want to escape to? Escapism is a diversion from human daily life. Even if some individuals appear to be joyful, the reality is rarely as pleasant as one might hope. Reality is often not as good as expected even when some pretend to be happy. Life is full of stress and unpleasant aspects, and this is where escapism begins. Humans, in general, are continually looking for new, exciting, and enjoyable experiences. The place where they can escape to achieve This could be categorized into three main spaces: physical-, traditional-, and virtual space.Through social media, virtual space has played a big part in today’s media saturated world, and it’s not unexpected that social media has become the primary and powerful means of escaping reality by entering an imaginative world. The power of social media lies in providing users with the ability to control what we can barely grasp in reality. This research has taken inspiration from the story of Alice in the Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. The research focused on exploring the experience of social media escapism through the experience as Alice journeys into the Wonderland. The rabbit hole that Alice falls into is similar to social media from the real world. Since we fall into the digital world, we get to explore everything in the new world ourselves. The research initially provides the reader with historical,politica,social, and cultural context referenced from the Victorian era. Ideas of the power struggle in a class-based society, praising, cyber racism, and identity issues of beauty standards are amongst the research that bare resemblance towards the views of social media.A final manifesto was introduce in order to design the wonderland that I would like to escape into.
Escaping To Wonderland
Escaping To Wonderland Down The Rabbit Hole Suchaya Wanuchsoontorn (Prae)
Escaping from reality - What is escapism? - Why do we escape? - Where can we escape to? Case Study : Alice in Wonderland - The Victorian Era - Representation of power - Behavior design - Why do we “like” and praise? - Cyber Racism - Identity - Unrealistic Beauty Standard If I had my own world . . .
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Escape of the People A Guide to Modern Forms of Escapism Darapon Chaibal (Manao)
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Escape for the Oppressed Creating a Safe Space Taechit Chinachatchawarat (Bape)
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The Futuristic Escape Escape to the Digital Reality Punyaderek Punyahotra (Phugun)
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Mental Escape Yodsapat Lohavattanakul (Aston)
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Nightmares: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment Vivid Dream Causes: Why They Happen and How To Stop Them Erica Cirino dreams%20are%20nothing,that%20can%20cause%20health%20problems.
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