Lyme Treatment with AONM

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Lyme Disease Treatment • lyme DiseAse is iNfecTious DiseAse hArmful for heAlTh come To AoNm cliNic lAbs here our TeAm proviDes compleTe lyme DiAgNosis services

lyme co iNfecTioNs TesTiNg • Welcome to AONM Clinic in united kingdom is the best place for lyme treatment or chronic illness or any type of allergy you can visit any time or contact us today !! for all info visit our page.

Allergy TesTiNg cliNic •The blood sample test, where a blood sample is drawn from the patient and centrifuged before sending it to the lab via courier. •The capillary blood test, or blood spot test, which the practitioner can carry out with the patient, or the patient can do him/herself following the instructions provided.

Bitmap Bitmap Lyme Co Infections Testing • Once your tests have been selected and you have calculated the final price for the tests and courier shipment, please make your payment (see the payment instructions on the back of the order form). After making your payment you will receive an authorisation code.

Lyme Disease Tests • The folloWiNg checklisTs Are eDiTAble forms cAN be DoWNloADeD AND filleD iN DirecTly oN your compuTer or oTherWise by hAND. pleAse ANsWer As AccurATely As possible As your ANsWers Will DeTermiNe Which TesTs We WoulD ADvise you To TAke .

Lyme Clinic • Borrelia burgdorferi, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Chlamydia pneymoniae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Yersinia, Epstein-Barr Virus, Cytomegalovirus. . • This test is highly sensitive and can detect even one single Borrelia burgdorferi-reactive T-cell. This is one of the most sensitive cellular assays available, as detection levels can be as low as one cell in 100,000. .


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• Academy of Nutritional Medicine (AONM) 03331 210 305 St. John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS

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