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A022 ACLP Schedule
May / June 2022 ACLP Schedule
Cost: $60/ALCA Member $120/Non‐Member Register: www.ALCA.org/Calendar Loca�on: ALCA Office—5425 E Bell Rd #105, Sco�sdale AZ 85254 ** Workshops are non‐refundable ‐ Limit to the rst 22 students ** *If you cannot a�end in person, Zoom is available. Please note the Randolph Center in Tucson is closed un�l further no�ce.

Irriga�on—IA = 4 CEUs
Common irriga�on components Basic hydraulics Precipita�on rates Irriga�on controller programming Mul�‐meter demonstra�on Drip irriga�on and smart controllers Pipe repairs & adjus�ng sprinklers Troubleshoo�ng valves, controllers and sprinklers
Turf Care and Installa�on

Iden�fy the varie�es of turfgrass used in the Desert Southwest Demonstrate mechanical steps to properly install sod Discuss proper cultural prac�ces including mowing techniques, thatch removal, overseeding, fer�liza�on and irriga�on for various turfgrass varie�es Explore problem solving strategies for common turfgrass diseases and pests Dates to choose from:

May 12
ALCA Office or Zoom 7:30 AM—12:30 PM
May 19 or 21
ALCA Office or Zoom 7:30 AM—11:30 AM
Plan�ng & Tree Staking — ISA = 3.75 CEUs
Tree and shrub selec�on: right plant ‐ right place How to inspect nursery stock for root and structure defects Steps to plan�ng a tree: AZ811, soil percola�on tes�ng, plan�ng hole, amendments, tree well, irriga�on, and surface mulch Tree plan�ng and staking demonstra�on Effects of staking on plants
Tree & Shrub Pruning — ISA = 3.5 CEUs

Provide basic plant biology as it pertains to pruning, decay, disease and wound closure Discuss the safe use of basic pruning equipment Dis�nguish types of pruning: crown cleaning, thinning, eleva�ng, reduc�on and restora�on/rejuvena�on Describe & demonstrate shrub renova�on pruning Explain common pruning mistakes and how to avoid them

Dates to choose from:
May 26
ALCA Office or Zoom 7:30 AM—11:30 AM
June 16 or 18
ALCA Office or Zoom 7:30 AM—11:30 AM
Annuals & Perennials
Discuss selec�on and transporta�on of annuals Explain bed prepara�on for annuals or herbaceous perennials: soil prepara�on, calcula�ng amendments or mulch Iden�fy the blooming season for common annuals and herbaceous perennials Discuss proper plan�ng techniques Discuss ower bed maintenance including irriga�on, fer�liza�on, pruning, deadheading and mulching Troubleshoot common color bed diseases, insects, weeds & abio�c problems
June 23
ALCA Office or Zoom 7:30 AM—11:30 AM

What is the ACLP cer�ca�on process? Anyone may a�end the workshops to increase their knowledge and skills. To become ACLP cer�ed, each student must par�cipate in all 10 workshops and pass the exams. Students will be declared an AZ Cer�ed Landscape Professional when he/she receives a minimum score of 70% on each of the exams. Ques�ons: Contact the ALCA office at (602) 626‐7091 or email Heather@ALCA.org
Arizona Landscape Contractors Associa�on • 5425 E Bell Rd, #105 Sco�sdale, AZ 85254 (602) 626‐7091 • www.ALCA.org