ALCA November/December 2022

Page 20

How to Improve the Bottom Line

on the Run



PMD Certification

ALCAs Excellence Awards

2021 ALCAs Excellence Awards - GPM

ALCAs Excellence Awards - Native Resources


ALCAs Excellence Awards - Terra Designs,

of Events

2021 ALCAs Excellence Awards - Service Direct Landscape

2021 ALCAs Excellence Awards - Stillwater

Management, LLC

ALCAs Excellence Awards - Tree Pros, LLC

Excellence in Landscaping Award

Member Profile: All Season Wholesale

you really sure you want to be the

party on your “buddy’s” ROC license?

ALCA Member Profile: Cutting Edge Curbing Sand

ALCA Memer Profile: Hill & Usher

ALCA Member Update: Zach Cleland

Member Profile: Hunter

ACLP Schedule

on the Run

Become A Member of the Arizona



President Dwight Faires Creative Environments Immediate Past President Marty Monroy Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock –a SiteOne Landscape Supply Company President Elect Nickie Velten DTR Landscape Development, LLC Secretary Kim Kleski Kleski & Associates Treasurer Steve Shields Hill & Usher Insurance & Surety Chief Executive Officer Judy Gausman judy@ALCA .org Executive Director Barb Shehan barb@ALCA .org PUBLICATION Advertising Association Outsource Services, Inc. (916) 961-9999 Printing Diversified Print Solutions Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association 5425 E Bell Road, Suite 105 Scottsdale, Arizona 85254 Phone: 602-626-7091 The ALCA Influence is the official publication of the Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association. ALCA and The ALCA Influence assume no responsibility for the statements or opinions appearing in articles under an author’s name. The services of an attorney or accountant should be sought in legal and tax matters. For editorial information, contact the Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association, 5425 E. Bell Road, Suite 105, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254; telephone, (602) 626-7091; facsimile, (602) 626-7590; e-mail, President’s Message ............................................................ 4 New Members 4 CEO’s Message 5 Executive Director’s Message ................................................ 6 ALCA Sponsors 6 How to Improve the Bottom Line 7 2021
- Caretaker Landscape, Inc .... 8
Landscape 9 2021
10 2021
Inc 10 Calendar
............................................................ 10
11 2021
11 2021
Sponsors ................ 11 ALCA
Growers 12 Are
& Rock .... 14
18 2023
19 Plants
20 Why
Association? 21 Resource Guide ................................................................ 22
Exam Preparatory Courses Conducted Weekly Ornamen tal & T urf Right of Way Aquatic Core Exam Get Knowledge! Call 602-452-2900 Or Check Schedule And Register Online Now with nearly 150 acres of premier growing facilities we are providing the Valley with the widest selection of shrubs, trees, ornamentals, small and specimen size Agaves, Aloes, cacti and succulents. We know that for you, Time is Money, so we are focused on improving your purchasing experience; with an expanded pre-pulled order area, increased delivery capacity, and enhanced ‘Plant Locator’ services to find the plants you need even if we don’t have them in stock. ARIZONA WHOLESALE GROWERS “Growing Forward” since 1982 1634 W Park View Ln. Phoenix, AZ 85085 (623) 581-3100 4204 E. Lone Mountain Rd. Cave Creek, AZ 85331 (480) 488-1968 TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS:
Certification Exam Preparatory Courses Conducted Weekly Ornamen tal & T urf Right of Way Aquatic Core Exam Get Knowledge! C Call 602-452-2900 Or Check Schedule And Register Online 3November/December 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE

Greetings and Happy Holidays.

Wait, did I just say that? It can’t be.


is my third draft attempt for my departing and final President’s Message. First, it has been an honor to serve as your ALCA President. Much has happened over the last two years: First Covid-19, then the current adminis tration has led us into another recession, and the announcement of ALCA’s CEO Judy Gausman’s retirement. Major events that will not only shape our country going forward, but ALCA as well.

and secure.

I would like to thank the board members that I served with for their devotion and time spent through the last two year. In January, you will be in the hands of a confident leader, Nickie Velten. She is going to have a great board supporting her and with our new employees, new successes will be achieved!

City of Mesa Transportation Dept

Mary Croft

300 E 6th St, Mesa, AZ 85110

(480) 644-5078 |

Government Municipality


FirstService Residential

Jennifer Hacker

9000 E Pima Center Parkway, Ste 300 Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Community Management Company

Green and Clean LLC

Adil Essalihi

1520 W Page Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85233

ALCA is and has been a resilient organiza tion under the leadership of Judy for the last 21 years. We are who we are because of Judy and the volunteer board members of the past that have stepped up and kept this great organization going. I can say with great confidence that ALCA is going to be in great hands with our new Executive Director and Busi ness Manager. I must also say to Heather, thank you for your professionalism and dedication to keeping our education seminars thriving! These ladies have already stepped up and shown they want to take leadership in the successes of ALCA. Financially, the organization is equally sound

I would also like to give a special shout out to Steve Shields. Steve has served as the Treasurer for ALCA for the past 22 years and will also be retir ing from the Board of Directors at the end of this year. His leadership and guidance have ensured that we are financially sound and secure. He was instrumental in the purchase of our office suite and has managed to make sure our financials are posi tive and up to date consistently. THANK YOU, STEVE FOR YOUR DEDICATION TO ALCA.

The new Board of Directors will be announced at the November 19 Excellence in Landscape Gala. I hope to see many of you there! I will also look forward to my continuing service to ALCA in a new roll.

Finally, to Judy – Simply, thank you for being YOU! You are my friend and I wish you nothing but the best as you enter retirement.

Small company owner/operator trying to learn how to do business the right way.

Contractor Class 1

Longo’s Solar Lawn Windows

Joshua Longo

150 S San Jose Dr, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 502-0779 |

Longo’s primarily focuses on property mainte nance including full service lawn care, irrigation diagnostic/repair, tree/palm trimming among other services related to maintenance of a property. I have installed pergolas, irrigation, pavers, sod/ seed, turf among other small 1-3 day landscape projects.

Contractor Class 1

On Site Medical

AJ Aurit


I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.

God Bless, Dwight Faires ALCA Board President

8501 N Scottsdale Rd, 200, Scottsdale, AZ 85253 (602) 812-6892 |

We offer on-site industrial medicine solutions including rapid response first aid for industrial & workplace injuries, on-site clinics for enterprise customers, stand-alone urgent care locations & on-demand employee screening services. Our licensed providers give your injured workers the most convenient and effective care while we work to eliminate/reduce workers compensation claims, OSHA recordable incidents, lost time & fraud.

Associate Class 1

Salt River Project (SRP)

Ashley Reid 2342 North Lemon Circle, Mesa, AZ 85215 (602) 236-6351 |


Water Wise Sprinkler Repair, LLC

Robert Kemp

22845 E McCowan Ct, Queen Creek, AZ 85142 (602) 578-1615

Residential & commercial landscape contractor specializing in complete irrigation repair, upgrade, and installation. Focusing on SMART irrigation upgrades & installation. Complete landscape installation & upgrades.

Contractor Class 2

Westminster Village

David Hershberger

12000 N 90th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

WMV is a non-profit continuing care retirement community that has been established for 30 years. We have 300 residents that live in 248 apartments. We have assisted living and a health care center. The property has 30 plush acres of trees, shrubs, grass, and annuals.


States Wholesale Nursery offers over 400 taxa including desert adapted trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses, accent and flowering perennials, groundcovers and vines. We specialize in providing landscape plants that fuse natural beauty with water efficiency. It is our goal to provide quality plant material that integrates the spirit of landscape design, while reflecting the beauty of the natural desert. Mountain States Wholesale Nursery 13803 W Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85307 623-247-8509 We invite our wholesale customers to visit our nursery, explore the variety of plants collected from the deserts of the world and the innovative introductions produced at our growing grounds in Glendale, AZ. 1969 2020

A New Chapter

I’ve said it many times and it is still so true – I have been blessed to work at a job that I love and with so many people that I love dearly. I am truly grateful for the trust that you have given me to run ALCA since 2002. And now it is time to start a new chapter in my retired life.

How did I get here? Twenty-one years ago, I literally sold my house on the family farm in Indiana and packed up a few belongings including my two kids and made Arizona our new home. My daughter, Jama, had just graduated from Batesville High School and enrolled in Arizona State University. My son, Ryan, had graduated from Franklin College and was ready for a new adventure as well.

and Barb Shehan (Executive Director) build on the successes ALCA has achieved over the years.

They say you can never really leave the Green Industry and even though this is my farewell mes sage, you may still see me around.

My wish for you all can be expressed in the words of one of my favorite songwriters, Bob

Dylan, “May God bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true, may you always do for others and let others do for you. May you build a ladder to the stars and climb on every rung and may you stay forever young.”

Forever young and grateful!

Within a few months, I was recruited by ALCA as the Executive Direc tor. I have to admit, the first couple of years were tough. I felt like I made some strides and also made my share of mis takes but, it was my goal to learn from them and try to do my best.

Working at ALCA has always been a team effort. I cannot begin to thank all of the great people in this organization for their support, compassion, and willingness to help me do my job. I have worked alongside with some of the most amazing staff and made some of the nearest and dearest lifelong friends.

About six years into my ALCA career, I had my first date with an ALCA member, Tim Foraker, and as they say, the rest is history. Fifteen years later, we are both ready to see each other day after day, minute after minute as we enjoy our retirement years together and reap the benefits of working so hard for many years.

What’s in store? I grew up in the country with brothers and sisters and a Dad and Mom that took us fishing and camping every chance we could. I love the water, camp fires, fishing, boating, hiking and anything outdoors. So, I am anxious to get back to my roots. Last year, Tim and I bought a 900 sq ft cabin in the mountains on Huntington Lake, just outside of Fresno, California and close to Tim’s sons and our young grandsons. You could say it is a fixer upper when a tree fell on the roof four winters ago but, some progress has been made.

We now have a new hobby and we’re ready to put some sweat equity into fixing it up. We will be spending our summers at the cabin and still enjoy the Arizona winters at our home in Phoenix.

ALCA is as strong as ever and I know there are great strides ahead as Heather Taylor (Education Coordinator), Danielle Joyce (Business Manager)

5November/December 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE

Oh The Places You’ll Go-

There are times in your life when things come together in a way that can’t help but make you feel like you are on the right path. Just where you are supposed to be! The feeling that where you are, is somehow “meant to be”. The series of events that fell into place bringing me to ALCA is exactly one of those “meant to be” moments in my life.

A fresh transplant to Arizona, still settling into a new house and new routine; I was very passively looking at local opportunities. I responded late on a Friday evening to a LinkedIn posting for ALCA’s Business Manager. I interview in an “off the cuff” weekend conversation that Sunday and started working, on what felt like the very next day! In all reality, it took a few weeks to come together, but the connection was immediate and we have been running at full steam since then.

kindergarten. Their youngest daughter Cora is 3, and lives wild and free. Their family loves to attend live music and sporting events. She is a huge Ohio State football fan. Danielle spends her free time in the Pilates studio, swimming with her kids, catching a concert or watching sports. She is really looking forward to this new adventure and learning more from all of you!

Fast forward 6 months and here I am at a crossroads again. I am being welcomed into the role as the Executive Director and I cannot possibly articulate how blessed I feel to be taking this on. The ALCA team, its Board, and all of its members have greeted me with open arms. I’m excited for this next chapter with such a supportive crew by my side.

With that being said, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce ALCA’s new Business Manager Danielle Joyce.

Danielle is re-joining the workforce after spending the past 9 years professionally fetching snacks, day drinking, and being bossed around by tiny humans.

She was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. She left the snow behind in 2001 for sunny Arizona. She earned a Master’s degree from University of Phoenix. Over the course of her career, has gained a diverse background working for small and large corporations. Prior to leaving the workforce, she worked in large corporate environments in post-secondary education.

On a more personal note, Danielle and her husband Glenn have been married for 10 years and they have three amazing and energetic children. Their daughter Layla is 8 and in the third grade. Son Max is 5, and in

In closing, I owe many thanks for this opportunity! Thank you to our CEO Judy Gausman for your knowledge, guidance, encouragement and friendship. Thank you to the Board of Directors for entrusting me with such a vital position. Thank you to Heather Taylor, our Education Coordinator, who has helped shorten my learning curve and cheered me on. Thank you to our Business Manager, Danielle Joyce for jumping in with both feet. Lastly, thank you to our members for your continued support though this transition and your unwavering kindness!

Grab your sunnies everyone, ALCA’s future is bright-

Thank You to our ALCA Sponsors All Season

Wholesale Growers

Arizona CLA Bayer

Belgard Hardscapes

Civano Growers

Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock – a SiteOne Landscape Supply Company

Evergreen Turf, Inc

Ewing Irrigation & Landscape Supply


Hill & Usher Insurance & Surety

Horizon Distributors, Inc

Hunter Industries / FX Luminaire

LeBaron and Carroll, LLC

Mountain States

Wholesale Nursery

Northwestern Mutual

Rain Bird Corporation Sims Business Systems

SiteOne Landscape Supply Southwest Sod, Inc

Sunrise Nursery, LLC

The Synthetic Grass Store / Arizona Turf Masters

The Toro Company / Irritrol / Unique Lighting Systems

West Coast Turf


RDO Equipment Co

THE ALCA INFLUENCE T November/December 20226

How to Improve the Bottom Line

Typically, it’s the little things that matter the most, but in business the little things can be the difference between success and failure. Small essential changes can result in a 10% increase in profits more often and faster than one, big change in the busi ness. The landscaping industry has grown an average of 4.6% per year since 2014. Unlike many other industries, large corporations do not produce the bulk of the profits. More than 50% of the annual gross revenue is earned by small landscaping businesses earning $500,000.00 or less each year.

Review the company’s business plan. You are not in business to give your services away. Your business plan is your guide for success and should be reviewed regularly to keep you on track and to help you find and identify potential areas for sav ings. No business plan? Then write one. Business plans help you avoid costly mistakes by forcing you to go over all the tough aspects of the busi ness. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” -Benjamin Franklin

Manage the bottom line. Analyze every single line on your profit and loss statement. It does not have to take a lot of time and when scrutinizing every dollar spent, you may find and identify ways to cut down on costs in at least one area. The key is to work through your budget and understand your cost of doing business. Know your direct costs and overhead. Plan on a profit margin that aligns with these benchmarks so you can be sure you’re growing a business and not digging yourself into a hole. (Remember who is the last person to get paid when times are tough – and any time, for that matter.) Also, this may be the time to find green/sustainable options. “Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.”

-Benjamin Franklin

Make marketing work. It is easy to fall into a rut: if a strategy is working, you may just keep doing the same thing, but change is inevitable or as in the case of the pandemic, forced on us all at unexpected times in unexpected ways. Brain storm with the management/marketing team and together at least one new strategy should result. The process may only take an hour or so, but when executed it can result in a huge increase in business. “Marketing is enthusiasm transferred to the customer.” -Gregory Ciotti

Cultivate referrals. In most cases, landscaping whether it be design, installation or maintenance is a personal service at a client’s home or business. Client referrals instill trust and confidence in a business and its reputation. Many established companies work on referrals only. Get to know the client and focus on them-understanding both the job details and the client’s expectations goes a long way to a satisfied client. “People do not buy goods and services. They buy relationships, stories and magic.” -Seth Godin

Invest in good tools. Any job takes longer when your tools do not work right. You pay for that in your time. Think long-term and big pic ture. Rent or buy? Calculate total costs, including upkeep, storage, efficiency and eventual replace ment. It might make more sense to rent or buy used equipment. Or, the wiser choice may be to invest in an expensive tool that is cheaper to operate and gets the job done faster. “You cannot mandate productivity. You must provide the right tools to let people become their best.” -Steve Jobs

Build a solid team. Every employee should understand their role in the success of the com pany and should be valued for that regardless of their title or their wage. Educate and train your employees and yourself. The Arizona Certified Landscape Professional program is there for your company. The result will be a more productive employee. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” -Benjamin Franklin

Cindy Odgers
480-721-2832 We build the strongest dumps you can find right here in Mesa. You can pick from hundreds of options to build it your way. Bring us your Ford, Isuzu, Chevrolet or Dodge, and we will build to your specifications! TRUCKS Dump Bodies • Flatbeds • Custom Fabrication Racks • Dovetails • Liftgates • Hitches Tool Boxes • Strobe Lights TRAILERS Landscape Utility Dump Flatbed 7November/December 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE
ALCA LANDSCAPING AWARDS 8 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T November/December 2022 2021 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Caretaker Landscape, Inc Sponsored by: Fountainhead Commercial Maintenance $75,000 - $100,000 Award of Excellence Cortessa HOA Commercial Maintenance $500,001 - $1 Million, Award of Distinction Union Park at Norterra, Commercial Maintenance $150,001 - $200,000 Award of Distinction Benchmark Commercial Maintenance Under $20,000, Award of Distinction CIO Quad Commercial Maintenance $30,001 - $50,000, Award of Distinction Santa Rosa Crossing Commercial Installation $500,001$1 Million Judges Award Asher Pointe Phase 1 Commercial Installation $1$3 Million Judges Award Bellamy Commercial Installation $1$3 Million Judges Award
9November/December 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE ALCA LANDSCAPING AWARDS 2021 Excellence in Landscaping Awards GPM Landscape Sponsored by: 1408 Casitas Residential Redesign $50,001 - $100,000, Judges Award Broadstone Osborn Commercial Maintenance $25,001 - $30,000, Award of Distinction Vitri Commercial Maintenance $20,001 - $25,000, Award of Distinction Montage at Pecos Commercial Maintenance $100,001 - $150,000, Judges Award

in Landscaping Awards

ALCA LANDSCAPING AWARDS 10 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T November/December 2022 2022 Calendar of Events NOVEMBER 3 ACIT Day 2 10 ACIT Day 3 11 Veteran’s Day 19 ALCA Annual Membership Meeting 19 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Program 24 Thanksgiving – ALCA Office Closed DECEMBER 8 ALCA Tucson Holiday Mixer 14 ALCA Phoenix Holiday Mixer 23-30 ALCA Office Closed - Holiday JANUARY 2023 18 Member Mixer sponsored by Courtesy Fleet 19 ACLP Plant ID – ALCA Office or Online 21 ACLP Plant ID – Online 24 ALCA Board Meeting 26 ACLP Soils & Fertilizer – ALCA Office & Online 27 SLM – ALCA Office & Online 28 ACLP Plant ID – Tucson *Dates Subject to Change* 2021 Excellence in Landscaping Awards Native Resources International, Inc Sponsored by: Wallace Gardens Exhibit at Boyce Thompson Arboretum Commercial Installation $1$3 Million Award of Excellence 2021 Excellence
Terra Designs, Inc Sponsored by: Paradise on Escondido Lane Residential Installation $175,001 - $300,000, Award of Excellence

2021 Excellence in Landscaping Awards


2021 Excellence in Landscaping Award Sponsors

Arizona Turf Masters / Synthetic Grass Store

Synthetic Grass Store provides contractors, synthetic lawn installers and Do It Yourself (DIY) homeowners with a one stop shop for all the materials and information needed to make their landscaping dreams come true. From design tips, tool rentals and safety specifications to installing your perfect backyard putting green through our partner company Arizona Turf Masters, our professional and knowledgeable team can support your project from start to finish.

(480) 751-4343 |

(602) 996-8873 |

Evergreen Turf

Evergreen Turf has become the major sod provider not just for homeowners, and landscapers, but for Arizona’s demanding golf courses and sports facilities.

(480) 456-1199 |

Kalamazoo Materials, LLC

2021 Excellence in Landscaping Awards

Sponsored by:

Stillwater Landscape Management, LLC


Arrowhead Ranch Phase V Commercial Maintenance $350,001$500,000

Award of Distinction

Kalamazoo Materials has been in business for over 30 years and is the largest decorative rock producer in the southwest with mines that encompass Arizona and Nevada. They currently have nine mine locations with over 20 different colors. Kalamazoo quarries produce the highest quality, true inert decomposed granite that won’t weather or melt over time.

(520) 575-9604 |

LeBaron and Carroll, LLC

LeBaron & Carroll is dedicated to having knowl edgeable, professional employees and providing them a safe, enjoyable, and fulfilling work place. We will continue to be a trusted advisor to our clients and a recognized leader in the insurance industry.

(866) 808-1321 | (480) 834-9315 |

Northwestern Mutual

Business, estate planning and wealth management advisors, inspiring and helping clients achieve their goals.

John Hunt |

(602) 808-3416 |

Kent Welborn |

(602) 808-3458 |

Sunstate Equipment Co

Sunstate has a full fleet of powerful construction and industrial rental tools and heavy equipment from top brands. Our rental experts can help you find the right equipment for your projects today.

(888) 456-4560 | (602) 275-0601

V & P Nurseries, Inc

We are a wholesale plant nursery growing sub-tropical and drought-tolerant varieties from the desert and sub-tropical regions of the world, including many Arizona native plants, as well as vines, trees, shrubs, perennials, succulents, ornamental grasses and grass-like plants.

21919 E Germann Rd, Queen Creek, AZ 85142

(480) 917-9847 |

Service Direct Landscape
at Desert Park Village (DC Ranch Parcels 1.15 and 1.16) Commercial Maintenance $50,001$75,000 Award of Distinction Sponsored by: 2021 Excellence
Landscaping Awards Tree Pros, LLC Rising Star Residence Residential Maintenance Award of Distinction Sponsored by:

My Journey with the Arizona Landscape Contractors Association and Judy Gausman

The day I received a telephone call from Judy Gausman to request my participation on the ALCA Education Committee would be a turning point in my life professionally and personally. I became a member in 2006, one year after starting the nursery, All Season Wholesale Growers. Judy quickly recognized that I was passionate about educating our industry and set her sights on me to assist with overhauling the only educational program we had at that time which was the Arizona Certified Landscape Professional certification. Sixteen years later, under her leader ship ALCA now offers nearly 100 classes annually with more than 1,000 students and 100 volunteers.

Seeing the progress we were making on ACLP, the board asked me to join in 2010. After 9 years on the Education Committee, I switched gears to work with Judy on the Awards Banquet. The night finally arrives in late November and we will all show up with our fancy clothes to have a fantastic evening. There is very little knowledge of the countless hours of planning, organiz ing, ordering, confirming and gentle reminders to members and vendors to participate in the awards submission, judging and banquet participation. She is also directly responsible for the remarkable creativity of all aspects of the entertainment and program. I have often said, “Judy was meant to be a Hollywood producer.”

I want to acknowledge what a great organization ALCA is and how my participation has directly increased my business sales, enriched my life through relationships and my pride in supporting our wonderful industry. I am also thrilled that we have more nurseries involved than ever before and this diversity is good business for all of us, especially our landscape contractors.

Above and beyond, the most important blessing I have received through ALCA is my relationship with Judy. Since the first day I met her at the mini-trade show in 2006, it became obvious to me that she was a leader who was running a very successful organization that would benefit my business. What I didn’t realize imme diately was how important she would become in my life, personally.

As the CEO of ALCA she has been extremely supportive of my business, she is selfless and gives credit to others even when she has done all of the work herself. She is extremely business savvy; a genius at adhering to budget and managing the assets of our organization. She is always positive, invit ing and professional even in some sticky situations. We have spent many hours together judging, driving all over this state, board meetings, video production, traveling, camping, golfing, partying and just having a great time. Through our friendship, I have been fortunate to experience her loy alty, love and moral support. While keeping this organization on track and growing, she was also providing the same love and support to her family. As she nears a much deserved retirement, I send all my love to an amazing lady who always displays class, grace and professionalism.

Beth Postma

All Season Wholesale Growers

6623 South 32nd Street, #4

Phoenix, AZ 85042

602-276-0230 phone


Are you really




friend (or a friend of a friend)

to be the qualifying party (QP) on their contractor’s license

by the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. They might even make some

to the QP for their troubles.

Unless otherwise exempted, licensed contractors are required to have a qualifying party who meets minimum experience standards. However, being a QP is not just a hollow résumé stuffer or a source of “free money” – it carries actual risk.

By law, a QP must be able “to adequately supervise the work performed by the licensee.” That statute goes on to state – and this is where the risk kicks in – “the qualifying party is responsible for any violation of this chapter by the licensee for licensure regulatory purposes.”

The QP’s responsibility applies “during the period of time that the qualifying party is named on the license." Although that provision does not create personal liability, it can cause lasting issues for the QP if a license on which they are named is disciplined.

Unintended Consequences. A contractor can be disciplined for, according to A.R.S. § 32-1154(A)(20).

want to be the qualifying party on your “buddy’s” ROC license?
erving as the qualifying party on another contractor's license can put your own license at risk. An
occurrence is a
asking someone
13November/December 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE

Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock

Cutting Edge Curbing is a landscape material company aimed at providing competitively priced extruded concrete curbing, landscape materials and products for residential and commercial applications while maintaining superior customer service, quality workmanship and long lasting relationships with the landscaping industry, our community and our customers.

Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock, a SiteOne Landscape Supply company continues to add products and strive to be your one stop shop for landscape materials and supplies. One call is all it takes to order granite, mulch, curbing, sod, block, flagstone, pavers and more. We are conveniently located off Grand Ave so our friendly staff can load up your materials and supplies quickly and get you on your way in no time. Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock is no longer just a curb company. We are a hauling company with a fully stocked retail yard and a proud distributor for Belgard, Southwest Sod, Evergreen Turf, Phoenix Paver and Ackerstone. We carry over fifty colors of landscape rock, river products,

Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock offers 13 different styles of curbing to choose from in 16 different Davis colors. We use triple washed sand for a more uniform color to give you the finest quality cement in your concrete border. Rebar is available for installation in curbing when specified by archi tects or for those who are concerned about maintaining the integrity of the extrusion should any large vehicles drive over the curbing. It may be specified when 6×6 or taller curbing is required to hold back an embankment or severe drainage area. We warranty our curb ing for one-year against defects in materials and workmanship.

We have new items arriving monthly. Stop in to see why Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock has been helping our customers create curb appeal in the valley for over 20 years. Our address is 7540 N 67th Ave Unit A Glendale, AZ 85301. Tel. 602-353-1020 Fax. 602-353-1027




Customer Service is #1, when doing business with Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock!

soil mixes, rip rap and boulders. If you need your materials delivered, our knowledgeable sales staff will insure that your order is accurate and our experienced drivers will get your materials to you on time. Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock is equipped with a certified scale so you can be sure that you are receiving the correct amount of material that you order. If you have not been to the yard lately, come check us out. We have over 100 rock products on display so if you have rock that needs to be identified, chances are we have it here. All of our curbing styles and colors are also on display for you to compare. While you’re there pick up your pavers, block, bagged goods and flagstone. Contractor and landscaper discounts are available as well as volume discounts for material orders over 50 tons. Valley wide delivery is always free on orders of 10 tons or more with no zone minimums to worry about. Same day service is available so if you need something today, don’t hesitate to call and see if we can get you taken care of. Are you tired of paying a crew to wait for the rock to arrive so they can spread it? At Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock, we call you the night before delivery is scheduled to confirm a time window of when we will arrive so you can schedule your crew accordingly. It’s just one more way that we are working to offer our customers the best service in the industry.

Now part of the Site One team, Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Is your one stop shop for all your landscape needs. We are a hauling company with a fully stocked retail yard and a proud distributor for Belgard, Southwest Sod, Evergreen Turf, Phoenix Paver, and AZ Best Block. We carry over fifty colors of landscape rock, river products, soil mixes, rip rap and boulders. Our knowledgeable sales staff will insure that your order is accurate and our experienced drivers will get your materials to you on time. Our certified scale ensures that you are receiving the correct amount of material ordered.

Call or come by today.

Monday Friday 6A 5P Saturday 7A 3P 7540 N 67th Ave, Bldg. A Glendale, AZ 85301 Office 602 353 1020 Fax 602 353 1027

DE WE Y 14900 Hwy. 169 Dewey, A Z 8632 7 (928) 632-5320 PHOENIX 2815 E . Rose Garden Ln. Phoenix , A Z 85050 (602) 569-8722 HUGE SELE C TION o f boulders and decorative rock WE DELIVER STATEWIDE PRESCOTT 560 EZ St. Prescott, AZ 86301 (928) 776-2999 RIVER ROCK DECOMPOSED GRANITE GROUND COVER SURFACE BOULDERS RIP RAP REQUEST A QUOTE AT Big Enough to be Professional, Small Enough to be Personal Horizon has the products you need, when you need them—all under one roof. @horizondistributors | HorizonDistributors 800.PVC.TURF | |Irrigation |Outdoor Living |Landscape |Equipment Visit us online, or stop in to your local branch to experience the Horizon difference today. MORE THAN A STORE. EQUIPMENT mowers & blowers, trimmers, chainsaws, plows, parts & service IRRIGATION controllers, valves, PVC fittings, sprinklers, drainage, smart irrigation products & more LANDSCAPE seed, fertilizer, pesticides, sprayers & spreaders, safety products, and hand tools OUTDOOR LIVING including landscape lighting, BBQ, outdoor kitchens, pavers, fire features

Hill & Usher & Trim Risk

25+ Years of Service to Landscape, Lawn Care and Tree Professionals

About us.

Hill & Usher proudly celebrates 25+ years in business in 2022. Like you, we have enjoyed solid years of growth most years, and those occasional years with stalls and learning experiences.

A long History.

Richard wrote Arizona’s Prompt Payment statute that was signed in to law in 2001. His speaking on indemnity and risk transfer fairness issues led to reforms in nearly a dozen states. Richard leads a team of 40 insurance professionals in Arizona focused on fairness, family and lifestyle for clients and employees. Hill & Usher realizes insurance is a necessity but fights hard for premium reductions and improved insurance coverage.

How to Control Increased Insurance Rates.

Inflation is well in our midst. Our goal is to beat inflationary impulses for our customers who strongly control losses, while mitigating premium increases for valued customers who aren’t able to reduce losses.

As Steve Shields notes, “our landscaper clients can go two directions, and we try to have them as prepared as possible. One direction is to shop hard with insurance, which we always do. We have a strong team and solid insur ance carriers who put your account to market. The better, more sustainable long term strategy is to promote safety within the organization, often and regularly. Many of our clients abided by social distancing measures and in so doing, put a pause on in-person safety meetings. We were surprised to see what kind of a difference and the toll taken by a lack of tool box talks had on experience with both Workers Compensation and Automobile claims wrought from a change in routine safety conversations.”

Hard Markets.

Auto insurance is a problem with expensive auto repairs and increases in tort activity for bodily injury and uninsured / underinsured motorist claims.

The best managed fleets should expect an 8% increase in Business Auto insurance premiums.

Workers Compensation has traditionally decreased since the 1990s in Arizona. It’s down another 6% for most buyers today automatically, based on filed NCCI rates. Watch the rates as insurance companies will change rates upward (increase) to accommodate automatic rate reductions.

Get in touch with Hill & Usher

On your next renewal, get to know Hill & Usher by calling one of our Sales Professionals at 602-956-4220 or We appreciate the opportunity to serve you.

Let’s talk Safety, Training, Cyber Liability and Hiring.

These major risks go hand in hand. We preach an environment of awareness of these big known risks and emerging risks. It’s easy for your accountant to pay the wrong person, at your cost through a cyber / social engineering loss. Often its uninsured because its either a neglected risk or an unwanted expense of insurance.

Hill & Usher’s Trim Risk for Maintenance or Construction We do the groundwork for you. 602.667.1848 • Hill & Usher • 3033 North 44th Street, #300 • Phoenix, AZ 85018 Professional, Personalized, and Experienced Guidance in the Sale and Acquisition of Arizona Businesses MACOR ASSOCIATES, INC. 602-989-9960
Jim Magrogan
Designated Broker Call me for a free one- hour consultation to discuss your business

Zach Cleland

Zach Cleland is a corporate benefits broker for NFP, specializing in con struction and trade industries. Zach moved to Phoenix in 2013 to pursue a career in professional golf, eventually transitioning to a full-time caddy on the and PGA Tour. After life on tour, he worked as a caddy at The Silverleaf Club and Scottsdale National where he helped train, recruit and oper ate two of the elite caddy programs in the country. This experience over the last 10 years has made him an expert at problem solving, time management and a high level of accountability.

Zach is originally from Wichita, KS, where his family all still resides. His father, Mike, retired from Boeing as an engineer after 30 years and his mother, Andrea, is a design drafter for the aerospace industry. His older brother Paul is a family practitioner and sports physician for the Wichita State basketball team. Zach’s younger sister, Alaina, is a physical therapist while his younger brother, Josh, is a chef for a fine dining restaurant on the West side.

Some of Zach’s hobbies include golf (though he thinks about quitting frequently), pickleball, attending sporting events and culinary experiences, as well as spending time with his girlfriend, Sarah, and their Dachshund, Little Jerry Seinfeld.

ALCA MEMBER UPDATE Become a Product Specialist. Boost your irrigation IQ with the no-fee Product Specialist Program from Hunter University. From best-in-class rotors and sprinklers to industry-leading valves and controllers, you’ll discover the features, benefits, and competitive advantages that make Hunter core and advanced products the most reliable in the industry. KNOW YOUR STUFF. IN THIS CASE, IT’S OK TO BE CALLED A KNOW-IT-ALL. HUNTER UNIVERSITY. CID,CLIA,CLWM TODDD.POLDERMAN,CID,CLIA,GRP Your Name has successfully completed the Hunter Advanced Product Specialist ONLINE TRAINING PROGRAM RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL IRRIGATION | Built on Innovation® Learn More: Australian Native Plant Growers Extensive Eucalyptus Plantation ♦ Eucalyptus papuana ‘aparrerinja’ ♦ Eremophila – emu bushes ♦ Callistemon varieties ♦ Acacia species ♦ Casaurina “cousin it” ♦ Melaleucas Specializing in: To schedule delivery or walkabout: Dani, Horticultural Sales Specialist 760-803-8288 Paul D. Chambers, C.H. 623-780-8500 No Wor r ies Mate! Aussie Out. quarter page ad 112619.pdf 1 11/26/19 8:52 AM
17November/December 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE

Tackling Sustainability Challenges One Irrigation Controller at a Time

From residential landscapes to agricultural zones to sports fields, a well-managed watering plan is a must for maintaining usable green spaces, growing food, and connecting people with the outdoors. Smart irrigation plays a vital role in achieving new levels of sustainability for the environment and the communities where we live, work, and play. Yet one often overlooked aspect of smart irrigation is the practice of upgrading outdated or broken irrigation controllers to current, more efficient models — and disposing of old products in an environmentally conscious way.

Elevating the Irrigation Industry

Star Recyclers

the irrigation industry achieve sustainability

making it easy to upgrade less efficient controllers to the current

of smart controllers. These new internet-connected controllers

fine-tune irrigation schedules based on real-time conditions,

significant amounts of water. Smart controllers offer two major ben efits for the environment: conserving energy by updating irrigation schedules

prevent watering when it’s not needed, and saving water, the source of life for our communities. Additionally, Blue Star Recyclers has inspired industry organizations to put competition aside for the greater good — establishing industry-wide best practices for sustainability in the process.

“We take our responsibility to the planet very seriously at Hunter Indus tries,” said Warren Gorowitz, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Hunter Industries. “By partnering with Blue Star Recyclers, we accelerate our ability to make positive social and environmental impacts that benefit local communities while safeguarding our world for future generations.”

At Hunter, we’re striving to advance our sustainability goals by develop ing new water-saving technologies, products, and services that will have an impact far beyond our industry. We salute the unsung heroes of the industry, like Blue Star Recyclers, for their commendable environmental and social achievements. To learn more about Blue Star Recyclers and the organiza tion’s mission, visit

Generally, irrigation products are meant to go unnoticed. They’re installed underground or in hard-to-reach places and are designed to blend in with the surrounding environment. When all parts of an irrigation system are working as intended, it’s easy to forget that these products are all around us. By the same token, we forget they must be replaced periodically and responsibly disposed of.

This is where Blue Star Recyclers comes in. The award-winning 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization creates jobs for people with autism and other disabilities by recycling electronics and other e-waste. Blue Star Recyclers is tackling sustainability challenges in the irrigation industry one controller at a time by ethically recycling old controllers and creating jobs in the process. Diverting waste from landfills directly benefits the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions generated during transportation and processing. Additionally, recycling the components allows them to be reused in new ways, which conserves natural resources. Finally, when these old controllers are removed, current-generation controllers can be installed in their place, saving significant amounts of water and energy.

Since launching, Blue Star Recyclers has experienced breakout success and reached full sustainability. Over time, Blue Star Recyclers has increased its e-waste processing capacity from 250,000 pounds to 21 million pounds, making the organization the largest electronics recycler in Colorado. The team has grown as well, from six to over 50 employees across four facili ties in two states.

How the Hunter-Blue Star Recyclers Partnership Began

As part of our broader Corporate Social Responsibility goals, Hunter Industries established a target to achieve a zero-net-waste certification by 2030. This means at least 90% of our waste must be diverted from landfills. So far, we’ve recycled more than six tons of discarded irrigation controllers and helped pay for six days of employment for one Blue Star Recyclers team member. Hunter wants every irrigation controller in the world recycled. To achieve this goal, we need your help. That’s why we’ve

18 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T November/December 2022 ALCA MEMBER PROFILE HUNTER GROWING NATIVE DESERT TREES & ORNAMENTAL SHADE TREES Arizona Certif ied Nursery Certifiable to ship out of state Contract Growing for Large Projects Office 602.243.6125 • Fax 602.243.3764 3401 E. Southern Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85040 Hunter Hawkins 602.625.1566 hunter@westerntree com Mo Ibarra 602.763.8004 mo@westerntree com SA LES: Eric Johnson 602.738.8733 ej@westerntree com 24” Box up to 48” Box expanded our Irrigation Controller Recycling Program to Hunter Preferred Program members nationwide. For more information, visit: https://hunter. info/controllerrecycling.
goals by
WHERE: Zoom Online or ALCA Office 5425 E Bell Rd, Ste 105 Scottsdale, 85254 Tucson — Randolph Center, 200 S Alvernon Way, Tucson 85711 WHEN: 7:30 am 11:30 am / Tucson 9 am 1:00 pm COST PER WORKSHOP: Early registration: $60/ALCA member or $120/nonmember Register within 72 hours: $80/ALCA member or $160/non member REGISTER: QUESTIONS: Call the ALCA office at (602) 626 7091 or email This educational program is for those aspiring to be professional landscapers. Anyone may attend any or all of the workshops to increase their knowledge and skills. To become certified, students must attend and pass an exam for each of the 10 workshops listed below. Plant Identification Annuals & Perennials Soils & Fertilizer Planting & Tree Staking Tree & Shrub Pruning Irrigation Plant Problems Pesticides & Calibration Safety & Tools Turf Care & Installation Jan 19 or 21 Jan 26 Jan 28 Feb 9 or 11 Feb 16 Mar 9 or 11 Feb 25 Mar 23 Mar 25 Apr 13 or 15 Apr 20 May 18 May 11 or 13 Apr 29 May 20 May 25 June 22 Jun 15 or 17 Jul 20 Jul 13 or 15 Jun 24 Jul 29 Aug 17 or 19 Aug 24 Aug 26 Sept 14 or 16 Sept 21 Sept 23 Oct 12 or 14 Oct 19 Oct 28 CEUS Available: Arizona Landscape Contractors Association • 5425 E Bell Rd, Ste 105 Scottsdale AZ 85254 (602) 626 7091 •

Plants on the Run

Plant Response to Drought and Heat Stress

When the climate changes, so do the presence of plants in different areas worldwide. The fossil record has proven invaluable in tracking plants from one location to another in response to drought and heat stress, showing that plants are indeed mobile organisms. For plant species, migrating in response to changes in environment is a mat ter of survival.

One may think this migration occurs slowly over hundreds or thousands of years, impossible for humans to notice. But from 1970 to 2011, researchers at the University of Miami tracked plant communities consisting of 20,000 species and 20 million individual observations across the Americas. They found that warmth-loving plants were growing more common everywhere the researchers looked. Many North American plants have moved in the last several decades approximately 36 feet to higher elevations or 10.5 miles to higher latitudes every ten years. The Arctic tree line moves 131 to 164 feet northward towards the pole each year. Plant and vegetative zones shift in response as temperatures increase and soil moisture changes. Plants experiencing a shift in their range will affect the ecosystem (a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment) they are leaving and the ecosystem into which they are moving. Disruption in any part of an ecosystem affects the entire ecosystem.

To understand how plants may cope with environmental changes such as drought and heat stress, scientists at the University of Washington compiled geographic coordinate data for the locations of nearly 300 plant species within seven distinct regions (including Arizona) across west ern North America. Researchers compared these findings to changing environmental conditions, such as drought, temperature, rain, and snowfall. The expectation was that plants would move toward cooler temperatures, but the research indicated water was a more defining factor than temperature.

Drought is a distinctly different stressor than high temperatures on plants, and plants respond to each differently. “Some plant species are very tolerant of drought, some very intolerant, some in-between,” says Professor Alex Niemiera, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences at Virginia Technical University. “Soil type will also affect drought response. Plants growing in moisture-retentive soils fare much better than those in less retentive soils.” Extreme heat may eliminate plants that do not have the mechanisms to withstand even short episodes of high tempera tures. To survive or go extinct, plants must shift their distribution, alter their annual vegetative and reproductive cycles, or acclimate or adapt to environmental changes.

The effect of drought and heat stressors on landscape plants will vary over a species distri bution. Creosote in Phoenix, for example, may respond differently than creosote in Tucson. Increasing temperatures have brought about

earlier plant bloom times, creating a potential timing mismatch between pollinators and plants.

Invasive species have a greater opportunity to thrive and, in extreme cases, take over land scapes when drought and higher temperatures occur. Buffelgrass, common Fountain Grass, and Stinknet top the list of invasive and noxious plants causing widespread problems in Arizona landscapes and threatening the unique Sonoran Desert ecosystem.

As the weather warms, more destructive insect and disease pests will survive the milder winters, have more reproductive success (more genera tions during a given season), and their growing populations will cause more damage to landscape plants. Rising temperatures are also driving some insects to invade new territories, sometimes dev astatingly affecting the local plants.

One can implement several strategies to sup port the current landscape plant palette during stress. Appropriate irrigation practices, fertilizer and pesticide application reduction, and minimal pruning will prove beneficial. Surface mulches will reduce evaporation and lower soil temperatures. Planting times are more crucial during prolonged stress periods. Even though one can install land scape plants at any time during the calendar year in Arizona, preferred times such as mid-fall and early spring result in better establishment and, in turn, longer-lived plants, reducing costs and labor. Some plants may survive and perform well, while others may not. In all likelihood, the landscape plant palette will change.

Photo by Daniel Tuttle on Unsplash
• Create four different zones on a single transformer • 200W per Sector, 800W Capacity • Compatible with any transformer • Includes all installation materials and instructions SECTOR SELECTOR ALCA_202211.indd 1 9/9/22 1:32 PM
THE ALCA INFLUENCE T November/December 202220

Why Become A Member of the Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association?

s you can tell by the number of new mem bers we have each month, I find myself

quite often to the question

should I become a member of ALCA?”

benefits you and your company

knowledge, networking, promotion and certification.

ALCA works on your behalf to protect your interests in the legislature and informs you of the rules and regulations that affect your business.

ALCA provides professional training oppor tunities for owners and managers to help run their businesses effectively.

ALCA provides a certification for technical training in every aspect of landscaping designed for interaction and hands-on learning.

ALCA promotes its members to Community Managers through the AZ Association of Com munity Managers (AACM) and the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) by providing certification of Sustainable Landscape Management practices.

ALCA provides many networking opportu nities including round table discussions where members can discuss common issues and share experiences.

ALCA honors contractors for their beauti ful landscape projects through the Excellence in Landscaping Awards program.

ALCA members demonstrate their profes sionalism by staying up to date on the latest techniques, newest trends and designs, and ever changing industry rules and regulations.

You are invited to become a member of the Arizona Landscape Contractors’ Association and become connected to a reliable network of over 400 professional landscape industry businesses representing approximately 35,000 employees.

To apply for membership, go to the ALCA website at Dues are based on your annual sales revenue and range from $275 to $880.

ALCA is dedicated to elevating the quality and professionalism for its members and the green industry. And so I ask the question, “Why not become a member of the Arizona Landscape Contractors Association?”

Respectfully, Judy Gausman, CEO

ALCA BULLETIN BOARD Your One Stop Shop Rentals • Sales • Parts • Service Locally Owned, Family Operated... Since 1960 Call, Text or Visit... Four Valley Locations West Valley 803 E Van Buren St. 623-925-0200 East Valley 1313 E Baseline Rd. 480-539-8700 Central Phoenix 4050 E Indian School Rd. 602-955-5100 North Phoenix 15634 N 32nd St. 602-992-1150 * See an A to Z representative for details regarding fleet qualifications. REAL STIHL. FIND YOURS. GAS & BATTERY POWERED MADE BY STIHL. Arizona’s #1 Stihl Dealer • Chain Saws • Blowers • Line Trimmers • Hedge Trimmers • Pole Trimmers • Cutquick® Machines • Pressure Washers
To Become an ALCA member, go to:
21November/December 2022 T THE ALCA INFLUENCE


Macor Associates, Inc.

(602) 989-9960 |

Please see our ad on page 16


Diversified Truck & Equipment Sales, Inc.

(480) 721-2832 |

Please see our ad on page 7


Hill & Usher (602) 667-1848 |

Please see our ad on page 16


Horizon (800) PVCTURF (782-8873)

Please see our ad on page 15 Hunter Industries (760) 744-5240 |

Please see our ad on page.................. 17



Metro Institute (602) 452-2900 |

Please see our ad on page 3


A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales (480) 539-8700 |

Please see our ad on page 21 BCS (800) 543-1040 |

Please see our ad on page 13 Stotz Equipment 623-936-7131 |

Please see our ad on page 5 Vermeer Southwest (480) 249-5111

Please see our ad on page 23


Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Landscape Materials (602) 353-1020

Please see our ad on page.................. 14


Material Delivery, Inc.

dba MDI Rock (602) 569-8722 |

Please see our ad on page 15 Pioneer Landscape Centers (480) 739-6505 |

Please see our ad on page 2


Brilliance LED, LLC (800) 867-2108 |

Please see our ad on page 20


All Season Wholesale Growers (602) 276-0230 |

Please see our ad on page 12 Arid Solutions Nursery (602) 437-5194

Please see our ad on page 22 Arid Zone Trees (480) 987-9094 |

Please see our ad on page 22

Arizona Wholesale Growers

(623) 581-3100

Please see our ad on page 3

Australian Outback Plantation (623) 780-8500

Please see our ad on page 17

Mountain States Wholesale Nursery (623) 247-8509 |

Please see our ad on page 4


Arizona Olives & Ornamentals LLC (602) 833-8252 |

Please see our ad on page 5


Evergreen Turf, Inc. (480) 456-1199 |

Please see our ad on page Back Cover

Southwest Sod (602) 271-4266 |

Please see our ad on page

West Coast Turf (888) 893-8873 |

Please see our ad on page 23


Wilbur Ellis (480) 921-8500 |

Please see our ad on page


Western Tree Company (602) 243-6125 |

Please see our ad on page




All Season Wholesale

to Z
Rentals & Sales 21
Growers 12 Arid Solutions Nursery 22 Arid Zone Trees 22 Arizona Olives & Ornamentals LLC 5 Arizona Wholesale Growers 3 Australian Outback Plantation 17 BCS 13 Brilliance LED, LLC 20 Cutting Edge Curbing Sand & Rock Landscape Materials 14 Diversified Truck & Equipment Sales, Inc. 7 Evergreen Turf, Inc. Back Cover Hill & Usher 16 Horizon 15 Hunter Industries 17 Macor Associates, Inc. 16 Material Delivery, Inc. dba MDI Rock 15 Metro Institute 3 Mountain States Wholesale Nursery...... 4 Pioneer Landscape Centers 2 Southwest Sod 9 Stotz Equipment 5 Vermeer Southwest 23 Western Tree Company 18 West Coast Turf 23 Wilbur Ellis 13Specimen Trees for Desert Landscapes ARID ZONE TREES phone (480) 987-9094 fax (480) 987-9092 WWW.ARIDZONETREES.COM Variety ‘AZT’ Quality,Uniform,Desert Adapted Trees SIMPLY THE BEST Prosopis Hybrid ‘AZT’ Thornless Mesquite Cercidium praecox ‘AZT’ Sonoran Palo Verde Olneya tesota ‘AZT’ Desert Ironwood Cercidium Hybrid ‘AZT’ Thornless Hybrid Palo Verde Chilopsis linearis ‘AZT Bi-Color’ Desert Willow Chilopsis linearis ‘AZT Desert Amethyst’ Desert Willow Cercidium Hybrid ‘DM’ Desert Museum Hybrid Palo Verde* *AZT propagates the ‘Desert Museum’ with the guidance and permission of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Document1 2/29/04 2:44 AM Page 1 e-mail: “Your success is our success” 1 gallon thru 36 inch box Stop by and see all the new exciting changes we have made. P 602-437-5194 F 602-437-4719 3815 E. Southern Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85040 THE ALCA INFLUENCE T November/December 202222
The RTX200 pedestrian trencher can handle tough challenges on your landscape jobsite. The machine is designed with the intuitive and enhanced VZ steering capabilities, providing additional leverage with operating on uneven terrain. The slender profile (35-in width) allows the RTX200 to access small spaces - including passing through typical backyard gates. Vermeer and the Vermeer logo are trademarks of Vermeer Manufactoring Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. ©2022 Vermeer Sales Southwest. All right reserved. VERMEER RTX200 PEDESTRIAN TRENCHER Scan the QR code to learn more. Ask us about other water saving turfgrasses 888/893-8873 QUALITY, VARIETY, SERVICE, SOD ~KURAPIA~ • A turfgrass alternative changing the industry • No need to sacrifice lawns to save water on landscape • Grows low to the ground rarely exceeding 1” • Dark green year round, and if left un-mowed produces small white flowers May-November • Extreme salt tolerance • Advanced striping ability • Shorter dormancy period • Versatile mowing heights Less water + less fertilizer = more $ in your pocket and a “greener grass” for the environment DROUghT TOLERAnT gROUnDCOVER SOD

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