2 minute read

Great News! Increased Tax Credit Available For New 401(K) Plans

ALCA offers numerous benefits to its members. One is the opportunity to participate in the Arizona Landscape Contractors Association MEP 401(k) Plan. The U.S. Government offers a tax credit to offset small business retirement plan startup costs. The recently passed SECURE Act increases this credit from 500 per year up to $5,000 per year for three years. The maximum credit is now $15,000 over three years!

This tax credit is available NOW. There has never been a better time to implement a retirement plan for your company and employees. ALCA has partnered with Debbie Norrell from Latitude Retirement, Alan Cox with Northpointe Financial and KTRADE to offer this benefit to members of ALCA.

For more details, contact Debbie Norrell at 480-739-2374 or email: dnorrell@latituderetire.com . Alan Cox may be contacted at 623-208-3486 or email: acox@npfin.net.

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