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Three Considerations Before Buying your Next Compact Construction Equipment
With the market’s high inflation rate, businesses must carefully consider its decision to add to its fleet. RDO Equipment Co. team members share their expertise so business owners can find equipment to get the job done at the right price. Often, compact construction equipment (CCE) helps landscapers to efficiently complete jobs.
Both skid steers and compact track loaders (CTLs) are dependable machines that can dig, load grade and move materials. These machines are highly advantageous for landscapers and precisions projects because of their exceptional maneuverability. They can also adapt rather easily to a range of project needs by adding on attachments such as buckets, brooms and pushers.
There are any number of reasons to consider adding either machine to a fleet, whether business is growing, or existing equipment is aging out. Before you make that investment, RDO Equipment Co. sales professional Rob Mommsen offers a few suggestions on choosing the right piece of CCE.
The first piece of advice from Mommsen is to look at what your current projects might be telling you about your future. “When thinking about buying CCE, consider current and future projects,” says RDO Equipment Co. sales professional Rob Mommsen. “Sometimes jobs completed in the previous months give clues to future opportunities.”
1. Start from the ground up
CTLs are often the go-to choice for many landscapers because of their turf-friendly low ground pressure, reducing disruption as well as clean-up time. With their tracks, CTLs are also high performers in loose, soil, sandy or muddy environments, Mommsen explains.CTLs also offer heft and can push off better and lift more. They also have a slight edge over skid steers for operator comfort.
On the other hand, skid steers are great on harder surfaces like concrete and asphalt. They are also a little faster and lighter than CTLs, meaning they are a little heavier to transport but also have higher clearance which may make them easier to load.
2. Count your pennies when it comes to costs beyond the price
Consider that your total cost of any machine will extend beyond just the purchase price. Mommsen recommends paying attention to dealership quote details including warranty and service plans.
“Many times, customers buy an affordable machine, and find the aftercare service is lacking,” he says. Mommsen recommends comparing warranty, interest rates and long-term costs.
3. Consider the long-term care of the machine
In terms of skid steers or CTLs, they require a similar commitment to preventative maintenance. Doing so will ensure that the machines perform their best and last as long as expected.
“The big differentiating part is tires vs. tracks, and both of those should be checked on a regular basis,” Mommsen says. “Tire pressure on skid steers, track tension and adjustment on CTLs.”
Mommsen recommends having the aftercare discussion before buying equipment.
There are any number of additional considerations that may influence your decision about whether to purchase a skid steer or CTL. One of the best ways to clarify the decision is to speak with an expert at your local equipment dealership.
Learn more about compact construction equipment, parts, and service at www.RDOequipment.com or scan the QR code on the page to get connected to the RDO store in Phoenix, Arizona.
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