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Virtual Annual Conference Attendance Tips
Just as K-14 education transitioned to virtual learning, so has professional development. And thanks to custom platforms, interactive technology, and new ways to connect and share, virtual learning is putting school leaders in the driver’s seat like never before when it comes to focusing and personalizing their professional growth.
That’s certainly the case at CASBO 2021! Here are 11 tips to help you make the most of our virtual event:
1. Clear your calendar.
This way, you’ll be able to participate as you would at an in-person event – fully present and fully focused. So close your email, turn off notifications, put away your phone and let folks know you’re “out of office.”
2. Set learning goals.
What topics do you need more information about? What new product or service do you want to investigate? What keynoter are you excited to watch? By reflecting on these questions and matching your learning goals to the conference program, you’ll be sure to get the most out of the event.
3. Connect with others via chat.
At a face-to-face event, you’d engage in casual conversations before sessions and in the hallways. Thanks to the live chat feature during conference sessions, you can still do that! Use the chat feature to ask a question, share resources or applaud a great presentation.
4. Take notes, save links and keep track of resources.
Like all learners, adults can get more out of a presentation by taking notes. Plus, you can swap those notes with others and get copies of theirs. Remember to include key links and jot down any other great resources that are shared during a session or in the chat.
5. Provide feedback.
Presenters put a lot into session preparation, and they may be nervous. Be sure to provide feedback if asked, give presenters kudos for a strong presentation and be active in the chat if you have input.
6. Allow for technical difficulties.
As school leaders everywhere have learned, technology isn’t always perfect. Give presenters some grace. Don’t get frustrated if there are technical difficulties during a presentation. Instead respond with empathy, knowing that everyone is doing their very best!
7. Set aside time to visit the virtual expo hall.
Imagine how many booths you can stop by in a virtual format! You’ll take fewer steps, but you’ll make oh so many more connections. And our partners, sponsors and exhibitors are standing by to meet with you!
8. Build in snack and meal breaks.
Don’t let “hanger” get in the way of your learning. Remember to allow time during conference days to grab a coffee, have a snack and eat lunch.
9. Allow for stand-and-stretch breaks.
You don’t have to be confined to your chair during a virtual conference. Build in breaks between sessions to take a short walk or stand and stretch. Activity, even just standing or walking in place, can wake you up and get you refocused on the content at hand.
10. Set up time to review and re-watch.
A benefit of virtual conferences is that sessions are often available on demand, whether during the conference or right after. If there is a session you want to re-watch or quickly review again, you can – CASBO 2021 content will be available to review for 60 days!
11. Create space and time for reflection.
Plan time to debrief yourself, and perhaps your entire team, on what you learned during the conference. Debriefing with others is an excellent way to increase your motivation and provide some accountability. Plus, growing a team of informed change-makers advances your entire organization!
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