25 minute read
Presidents & Conferences, 1928-Present
1928 (Organizational), Oakland
1928-29 W.E. Whalen, Los Angeles
1929-30 W.E. Record, San Francisco
1930-31 David P. Hardy, Fresno
1931-32 George Yelland, Long Beach
1932-33 L.L. Smith, Bakersfield
1933-34 William H. Cox, Alameda
1934-35 John T. Cate, Coronado
1935-36 J. W. Edgemond, Fresno
1936-37 Arthur A. Knoll, San Francisco
1937-38 John A. Ormond, Riverside
1938-39 S.C. Joyner, Oakland
1939-40 Donald B. Rice, Coronado
1940-41 Walter Barber, N/A
1940-41 Vaughn D. Seidel, El Monte
1941-42 Al P. Mattier, Coronado
1942-43 M.P. Haviken, Fresno
1943-44 John D. Berger, Fresno
1944-45 Clyde S. Yerg, Fresno
1945-46 Louis L. Cunningham, San Diego
1946-47 Harold Yost, Santa Cruz
1947-48 Tom K. Hounsley, Coronado
1948-49 Ralph J. Raitt, Santa Cruz
1949-50 A.S. Nibecker Jr., Coronado
1950-51 Ralph C. Dailard, Hobergs
1951-52 Joseph P. McElligott, Coronado
1952-53 Rhodes Elder, Coronado
1953-54 Thomas H. McCandless, Santa Cruz
1954-55 Donald D. Cunliff, Coronado
1955-56 J.C. Trombetta, San Francisco
1956-57 Myron A. Hesse, Coronado
1957-58 Clifford R. Metz, Los Angeles
1958-59 Owen J. Cook, San Diego
1959-60 George H. Geyer, Fresno
1960-61 George C. McGinnis, Los Angeles
1961-62 Ernest W. Carl, Berkeley
1962-63 Joseph F. Fogarty, Coronado
1963-64 Edgar C. Egly, Bakersfield
1964-65 James C. Roos, Los Angeles
1965-66 Jack R. Sadler, San Francisco
1966-67 Robert A. Webber, Coronado
1967-68 Albert J. Churchman, Fresno
1968-69 Robert G. Barnes, Anaheim
1969-70 H Marshall Hansen, Sacramento
1970-71 Eldon E. Price, Los Angeles
1971-72 Robert L. Michell, San Francisco
1972-73 Robert Fisher, San Diego
1973-74 Richard B. Eaton, Lake Tahoe
1974-75 Anthony V. Trovato, San Francisco
1975-76 Donald W. Luce, Los Angeles
1976-77 James Graves, San Diego
1977-78 Lewis E. Holtman, Fresno
1978-79 Ira S. Carter, Lake Tahoe
1979-80 John C. Wolfe, San Francisco
1980-81 Herman L. Pede, Los Angeles
1981-82 George C. Palmer, San Diego
1982-83 Peter A Lippman, Fresno
1983-84 Arthur O. Bachelor, Lake Tahoe
1984-85 Carl E. Thompson, Monterey
1985-86 Howard A. Erickson, Anaheim
1986-87 Calvin A. Hall, San Diego
1987-88 Lydia L. Lobdell, Fresno
1988-89 Anthony R. Turcotte, Lake Tahoe
1989-90 Stanley A. Flandi, Monterey
1990-91 Benny E. Langley, Anaheim
1991-92 Marlene Brownell, San Diego
1992-93 Charles Hanson, Fresno
1993-94 Eugene W. Murray, Sacramento
1994-95 Helen D. Kerrian, San Jose
1995-96 David L. Hurlbut, Long Beach
1996-97 Pat Gibbons, San Diego
1997-98 Mary W. Turcotte, Sacramento
1998-99 Charlene Timilione, Anaheim
1999-00 Sarah Hart, Ontario
2000-01 Ron Damschen, Santa Clara
2002-03 Barbara Dean, San Diego
2003-04 Susan Murai, Sacramento
2004-05 Nick Ferguson, Anaheim
2005-06 Pearl Iizuka, San Diego
2006-07 Lora Duzyk, San Jose
2007-08 Bill McGuire, Anaheim
2008-09 Eric D. Smith, San Diego
2009-10 Sharon Ketcherside, Sacramento
2010-11 Renee Hendrick, Anaheim
2011-12 Gary Matsumoto, San Diego
2012-13 Michael Johnston, Long Beach
2013-14 Rich Buse, Sacramento
2014-15 Vince Christakos, San Diego
2015-16 Leeann Errotabere, Pasadena
2016-17 Melissa Anderson, Long Beach
2017-18 Nina Boyd, Sacramento
2018-19 Christina Aguilar, San Diego
2019-20 Molly Schlange, Palm Springs
2020-21 Jamie Dial, Long Beach
2021-22 Richard De Nava, Sacramento
2022-23 Diane Deshler, Long Beach
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Scholarship Recipients
Ryan Brewer,* La Mesa Spring Valley School District
Roxana Cruz,* San Rafael City Schools
Brittney Dixon,* Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District
Mary Driscoll,* Sylvan Union School District
Jeff Gamir,* Colfax Elementary School District
Tammy Giordano,* Brea Olinda Unified School District
Jana Hanak,* Alpine County USD & COE
Michelle Howe-Kelton,* Carlsbad Unified School District
Christine Le,* Los Angeles County Office of Education
Melanie Marcella,* Los Banos Unified School District
Jordan Miles,* Inglewood Unified School District
Angela Pacheco, Glenn County Office of Education
Vanessa Romero,* El Tejon Unified School District
* First-time CASBO Annual Conference attendee.
Attendee Tips
Below are tips to make the most of your conference experience.
• Download the conference app nutrition, payroll, purchasing, facilities, budgeting, M&O, year-end closing, and more.
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Best of all, introductory courses are free for CASBO members!

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• Visit CASBO’s Info/Tech Help Desk

If you need help navigating conference, this is your “go-to” spot for information. Located in the Long Beach Convention Center near registration, CASBO staff will be on hand to provide you with information and assistance.
• Attend Sessions
More than 140 sessions led by industry experts cover every school business topic and discipline. Earn CEUs, certifications, and more to take your career to new heights.
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• Join the conference’s conversation online at #CASBOHeroes
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Lunch Options
Professional Council Luncheons
Additional cost, advance registration required.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
11:45 am - 1 pm
Hyatt Regency - Regency A Ballroom
Human Resources & Retiree
Retirement Planning for HR Teams
Retirement planning is a process through which districts and county offices offer necessary options to employees that lead to departing financially secure. The goal is to support comfortable living throughout the golden years.
Presenters: Cynthia Carrillo, Executive Director, HR, Santa Paula USD and Rich Buse, Retired, Carpe Diem, Consulting for Educational Business Services
Hyatt Regency - Regency BC Ballroom
Maintenance & Operations
Attendance Improvement and ADA
Funding Results
Learn about attendance improvement and ADA Funding results. Explore a partnership with the Mayo Clinic. Hear about district relationships with some of the largest schools in the country.
Presenters: Jennifer Knuckles, CEO, R-Zero; Art McDade, Vice President, 2ionLabs; Frank Presco, Director, Partner Relations, R-Zero and Jim Wallis, President, 2ionLabs/R-Zero Affiliate
Hyatt Regency - Regency DEF Ballroom
Risk Management
The Good, Bad and Ugly: Liability
Lessons Learned
Recent settlements and lawsuits affecting school districts will be highlighted. Apply lessons learned to prevent similar ones from occurring. Keep district funds in the classroom and not in the claims.

Presenters: Stephan Birgel, Chief Claims Officer, Property & Liability Program, Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs (ASCIP) and Reshan Cooray, Executive Director, Property & Casualty Programs, Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Programs (ACSIP)
Professional Council Luncheons
Additional cost, advance registration required.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
2:15 - 1:45 pm
Hyatt Regency – Beacon AB Ballroom
Enjoy a networking lunch with an added learning experience with Heather McGowan – the Keynote presenter. Gain courage and inspiration in the path to lead your school business staff forward. Examine how the next phase of hiring and retaining a workforce will focus on continuous learning and empathetic leadership.
Hyatt Regency – Shoreline AB
Leadership, Relationships, and Office Politics: Perspectives on School Business Leadership
Leading would be a lot easier without the people! Leadership – in whatever form – is difficult, tricky, and constantly changing. Join two seasoned (and often worn out) education and school business leaders, also married for 26 years, who boast of being happy with each other most of the time. Hear light-hearted perspectives on how school business leadership may have transformed in the world and gain insights to navigate it.
Presenters: Marci McFadden, Chief of Communications and Public Engagement, Monterey Peninsula USD and Brett McFadden, Deputy Superintendent, Monterey County Office of Education
Expo Information
Expo Hours
Wednesday, April 5
Grand Opening Reception
5:30 - 7:30 pm

Exhibit Hall AB
Lanyard is required to enter reception. Please check your conference bag for a complimentary beverage ticket. Enjoy food and drink.
Expo Hours
Thursday, April 6 9 - 4 pm
Expo Hours
9:15 - 10:15 am
Dedicated Expo Hour No sessions
12 - 1:30 pm
Expo closed for lunch
3 - 4 pm
Dedicated Expo Hour No Sessions

8 - 9 am
Room 102A
ACA Won’t Go Away: Are you at Risk for Being Fined?

ACA is here to stay, which requires management and upholding compliance. Avoid fines for reporting missteps. Hear case studies from others who’ve experienced infractions and fines. Learn why to complete reporting early. Know how to fix errors before penalty letters start.
Presenters: Jessica Frier, JD, Director, Employee Benefits Compliance Law, American Fidelity and Geoff Hinton, Regional Manager, American Fidelity
Room 204
Become Your District’s Spreadsheet and Excel Hero
Still learning spreadsheets, like Excel? Afraid to tackle a project? Build confidence and gain tips to create and im-plement a data system that brings out your super-powers. Monitor, test, and detect potential issues to increase data integrity. Sharpen your skills to be your best spreadsheet self.
Presenter: Christopher Raymundo, District Fiscal Advisor, Contra Costa COE
Room 101B
Capital Asset Accounting
Define how to account for capital assets from acquisition to the year-end closing process. Learn how to report Capital Assets of Governmental Activities. Learn how to track works in progress and to differentiate between routine repairs and capital assets.
Presenter: Heather Rubio, Principal, Christy White, Inc.
Room 104C
Communication and De-Escalation
Consider an effective, universal communication system that helps professionals maintain their own behavior in stressful, critical situations. Learn how to gain compliance from difficult people and achieve cooperation. The formula has been tested and used effectively for years in many crisis situations and public interactions.
Presenters: Jennifer McCain, Senior Risk Services Consultant, Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance Program (ASCIP); Erin Tarkanian, Environment Health and Safety Specialist, Redwood Empire Schools’ Insurance Groups (RESIG) and John Wilson, Northern California Projects Director, Knowledge Saves Lives
Room 203A
Developing Capacity Within District Special Education Programs
Special education programs have increasingly become more nuanced and difficult to navigate for districts and families. Prone to legal considerations and budget concerns, the ability to develop greater capacity and streamlined processes for staff can greatly increase the effectiveness of a district’s special education program.
Presenter: Jennifer Baldassari, Partner, Lozano Smith
Room 203C
Essential IT Strategies
Collaboration is essential between IT (tech), human resources, finance, payroll, and administrative/ business services. Take a rapid review of key areas to consider, such as: document management automation; data analysis, reporting and data visualization; and device replenishment, deployment, and support.
Presenters: Alvin Constantino, Director of nformation Technology, Orange County DOE; Eric Luong, Software Applications Manager, Orange County DOE and Louis Mazzarini, Director of Information Technology, Orange County DOE
Room 103B
Environmental Sustainability Programs that Make a Difference
School partners at all levels can play a key role to advance sustainability. Explore how to effectively combine multiple sustainability projects into a broader initiative that supports district goals. Gain tangible recommendations to navigate the technical components of sustainability solutions. Examples will include electric bus procurement and charging infrastructure, outdoor classrooms and related funding.
Presenters: Casino Fajardo, Director of Facilities, Maintenance Operations and Transportation, Los Gatos-Saratoga Jr. Union HSD; Elliott Feldman, Program Manager, Schneider Electric; Roger Orth, Senior Director, Maintenance, Operations & Transportation, Modesto City Schools; Gilbert Rosas, Director II, Sustainability & Adaption, Modesto City Schools and Tim Zearley, Associate Superintendent, Business Services, Modesto City Schools
Room 104B
Financial Services: Meet & Greet
Networking with Financial Services professionals.
Presenter: Whitney Hardison, External Business Coordinator, Sutter CSS
Room 201A
Indoor Air Quality
Assess, meet compliance, and plan for the future of your school district’s indoor air quality projects. Keep students and staff in safe, clean, and healthy environments while preventing the spread of harmful fumes, airborne microbes, or viral materials. Apply a layered approach to exceed standards.
Presenter: Doug Williams, Director, MOT, Merced City SD
First Time Attendee and New CASBO Member
Meet & Greet
Great opportunity for first-time attendees to interact with industry experts and peers in an informal setting. Build relationships with like-minded individuals and create opportunities for future collaborations.
Room 102C
Leading Transportation
Let’s face it, not everyone in transportation has a management career goal. Maybe someone noticed your ‘leadership gene’ when you were a school bus driver or garage manager. Take the lead by identifying immediate needs, getting to know your staff, and becoming a student of ‘the business’ of school business.
Presenter: Cristian Lepe, Director of Transportation, Mt. Diablo USD
Meet the asset management software that does it all
Dude Solutions is now Brightly. We deliver a complete enterprise asset management solution supported by decades of experience, thousands of implementations and satisfied clients who trust Brightly as the partner to light their path to success. Let’s build a bright future together.
8 - 9 am

Room 101A
New Buyer Basics
Explore an introduction to purchasing concepts for entry-level purchasing clerks, technicians, buyers, and similar roles. The purchasing team is an integral part of the business department. Learn about various compliance requirements for bidding, contracting, fixed assets and more. Understand the importance of providing exceptional customer service to all stakeholders for the common goal of supporting student success.
Presenter: Tiana Barton, Director of Fiscal Services, Del Mar USD
Room 102B
Operational Efficiency in the Kitchen
Learn how to set up your child nutrition program leaders for success with kitchen efficiencies. Explore new and innovative methods that reduce stress, minimize staff absences, and increase morale within the team.

Presenter: Crystal Eatherton, Director, Child Nutrition, Placer Union HSD
Room 104A
Pension Leaders Update: Fiscal Outlook for STRS/PERS

CBOs are asked, “Will our district pay for CalPERS and CalSTRS and how?” Schools face a year of no specifically directed State General Fund assistance in off-setting cost increases. Revisit the challenges of balancing out-year budgets. Explore the complex work of pensions, retirement, and school budgets.
Presenters: Marcie Frost, CEO, CalPERS; Kevin Gordon, President, Capitol Advisors Group, LLC; Cassandra Lichnock, CEO, CalSTRS and Rob Mangewala, CBO, Napa Valley USD
Reflecting on 2022: GO Bonds and Politics Moving Forward
Hear aspects from political, legal, and financial experts. Discuss results of the 2022 GO Bonds Election cycle. Consider the set up for local GO bond issuance for 2023 and planning for GO bond elections for 2024.
Presenters: John R. Baracy, Managing Director, Raymond James & Associates, Inc.; Jared Boigon, Partner, TBWB Props and Measures; Donald Field, Partner, Public Finance, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe and Rebekah Kalleen, Legislative Advocate, Murdoch, Walrath & Holmes
Room 202A
Retirement: The New Beginning Peers and mentors will assist those who have retirement on their minds. Hear tips and suggestions on financial guides, travel information, social security, CalPERS and other popular needs to prepare the transition into retirement.
Presenter: Rich Buse, Retired, Carpe Diem Consulting for Education Business Services
Room 201B
Timecards: It Doesn’t Have to be So Hard District-level processes impact student outputs and outcomes. With staffing shortages, timesheets have grown in demand and volume. With recurring monthly deadlines, change management is key to success in implementing new technology. Learn how to streamline business forms for greater efficiency and transparency.
Presenter: Nickie Hoff, Assistant Director, Business Services, Riverside USD
Room 203B
Why Your Employer-Sponsored Plan May Be Broken: A Discussion About How to Solve the Problem
Discuss changes that can be made to employersponsored plans to help retain top-employees and save Districts money.
Presenter: Kelsey McCarthy, Strategic Relationship Manager, CA, Equitable
9:15 - 10:15 am
Room 101B
Are Your Business Payments Safe?
Check processing has risks and exposes accounts payable to fraud risk. With internal and external threats on the rise, accounting teams must mitigate risk, safeguard sensitive bank information, and ensure the integrity of the accounting system. Assess how electronic payment solutions, such as virtual cards and ACH transactions, provide greater protections to manage the risk of payment fraud.
Presenter: Sierre Lindgren, Fraud Team, Paymerang
Room 104A
California’s Newly Emerging Political Landscape
California’s political backdrop has impacts on policy and finance. What is to come in 2023 with the largest legislative turnover since the inception of term limits?
Election-year politics and post-COVID policy struggles shape K-12 legislation and budgets. Explore new investments, declining enrollment and new laws that will shape our schools.

Presenters: Rich De Nava, Chief Business Officer, San Bernardino CSS; Elizabeth Esquivel, Asst. Executive Director, Governmental Relations, CASBO; Kevin Gordon, President, Capitol Advisors Group, LLC; Jack O’Connell, Partner, Capitol Advisors Group, LLC and Barrett Snider, Partner, Capitol Advisors Group, LLC
Room 104B CalCPA
Title: TBD
Description: TBD
Presenter: Denise Froemming, CPA, CAE, MBA, President & CEO, California Society of CPAs
9:15 - 10:15 am
Room 201B
CalPERS Hot Topic: Limited Duration Regulation
Discuss new regulations and how they will affect school employers.

Presenter: Renee Ostrander, Division Chief, Employer Account Management Division, CalPERS
Room 202B
Charter School Financial Oversight: Deep Dive
Take a deeper look into financial analysis. Identify helpful tools, forms, documents, and applicable materials to support success in the charter financial arena.
Presenter: Debi Deal, CCAP Treasurer, Bright Lake
Room 204
Connecting and Collaborating in Conflict
It is essential to work cooperatively with others, even when relationships are steeped in conflict. Challenges occur when you are not the direct supervisor or must work with those who have opposing views. Determine how to gain influence without having direct authority. Define how to connect, build relationships, maintain trust, and work with challenging colleagues.
Presenter: Kimberly Vallee, Leadership Consultant, K2 Consulting
Room 103C
Female Leaders: Inspire, Influence and Succeed
Gain tips to earn respect, better navigate politics and bounce back after setbacks. Design support systems for strong, influential leadership. Embrace your role while expanding your skills in effectiveness. Fully embrace a leadership mindset.
Presenter: Lisa Gonzales, Ed.D., Chief Business Officer, Mt. Diablo USD
Room 102B
Financially Sustainable Meals
It is possible to design financially sustainable menus without sacrificing taste or variety. While battling supply chain issues, product shortages and staffing issues, schools might shift their focus on fast and easy, heat and serve meals. Discover resources and methods to manage the cost of meals without compromising quality for your students.
Presenter: Crystal Eatherton, Director of Child Nutrition, Placer Union HSD
Room 203A
How CBOs Can Support Improved Achievement and Address Learning Loss
The 3-year ADA average creates a potential fiscal cliff unless trends can be reversed. How can LEAs restore confidence and trust with our communities? Discuss approaches to communicate the importance of attendance with all students. Take a proactive approach to rebuild attendance habits and increase ADA.
Presenter: Erica Peterson, National Education Manager, School Innovations & Achievement
Room 203B
Plan for Bond Election Success
Recent years have been exceptionally challenging for school districts – navigating the pandemic, a divisive political climate, declining enrollment, and a looming recession. The need for facilities funding remains an imperative part of student success. Examine lessons learned from the November 2022 bond election cycle and how to best prepare for 2024 as the next opportunity to pass a bond and continue to fund facilities.
Presenters: Rick Edson, Chief Business Official, Redwood City SD; Alisha Fogerty, Chief Business Officer, Alvord USD; Erica Gonzalez, Managing Director, STIFEL and Joy Kummer, Partner, TBWBH Props & Measures
9:15 - 10:15 am
Room 201A
Protecting the Contract Price and Avoid Paying Twice
Manage change orders and follow easy steps during construction to limit the district’s liability to the contract price. Determine when and how to apply conditional and unconditional waivers and releases, withholding for stop payment notices, and when to allow joint check agreements.
Presenters: Patrick Cisneros, Director of Facilities Services, Desert Sands USD and Deidree Sakai, Shareholder, Dannis Woliver Kelley
Room 104C
Restoring Confidence in School Safety
After shootings, natural disasters, and COVID, the question of school safety continues to surface. Consider strategies to help restore student, staff, and parent faith in school safety. Explore methods to restore trust by building effective risk communications campaigns. Utilize behavioral economics in staff and parent engagement activities. Collaborate to ensure endorsement for risk activities.
Presenters: Donna Gingera, Principal, Hour-Zero School Emergency Program and Aaron Masson, Principal, Hour-Zero School Safety Programs
Room 103B
Safe and Sound: Legal Guidance on School Security
Providing safe school environments is a top priority for districts. Learn best practices, legal considerations, and real-life examples of facility security with online monitoring of student threats, law enforcement access to surveillance systems and records, and other topics of both physical and cyber security.
Presenter: Gretchen Shipley, Partner, F3 Law
Room 101A
Software Procurement Simplified for Educational Technology
Districts face technology issues of order lead time, classroom and administrative software solution needs, and staff time constraints. Plan to streamline software procurement to focus on product implementation and student learning needs.
Presenters: Michelle Bennett, Procurement & IT Contracts Specialist, Irvine USD; Leeann
Errotabere, Director of Purchasing, Clovis USD and Michael Johnston, Associate Superintendent of Administrative Services, Clovis USD
Room 203C
The ABC’s of Career Technology Education Assess the importance and benefits of Career Technical Education in classrooms and districts. Determine why CTE is important from a business perspective. Explain why CTE benefits businesses and communities. Debunk typical myths.
Presenters: Elena Hernandez, Program Manager, Colton Redlands Yucaipa ROP and Tracy Zerpoli, Superintendent, Colton Redlands Yucaipa ROP
Room 202A
Working After Retirement
Have you considered ideas to work after retirement?
Consider the do’s and don’ts of contracts with counties and school districts that hire temporary support. Define contract language including time, costs, insurance, taxes, travel expenses, etc.
Presenter: Rich Buse, Retired, Carpe Diem, Consulting for Educational Business Services
10:30 - 11:30 am
Room 202A
Capitol Insights: The State Outlook on Education
This session will provide an overview of the myriad issues in the 2022-23 legislative session, including the state’s fiscal conditions, the future of school funding, facilities support, and more. Join us to learn and gain an “insider’s look” at what’s in store for the second half of the legislative session and learn about CASBO advocacy efforts that are underway to support local education agencies.
Presenters: Elizabeth Esquivel, Assistant Executive Director, Governmental Relations, CASBO and Mishaal Gill, Director of Policy and Advocacy, CASBO
Room 202B
Charter School Financial Analysis: Deep Dive
Take a deeper look into financial analysis. Identify helpful tools, forms, documents, and applicable materials to support success in the charter financial arena.
Presenter: Debi Deal, CCAP Treasurer, Bright Lake
Room 101A
Contract Termination: Going Where No One Wants to Go
Learn factors, alternatives, parties, costs, actions, and instruments used in contract termination. Define the issues and determine if they are curable. Create a contract termination checklist and review termination scenarios. Become better prepared to address future situations.
Presenter: Neil Groom, Director, Contracts and Purchasing, Orange USD
Room 201A
Curb Appeal: Instilling Pride Through School Appearance
Attractive facilities instill pride and motivate staff and students to do their best work. Beautiful schools inspire support and favor bond measures. Learn how to garner support for curb-appeal projects. Lead facilities, maintenance, and grounds staff to be contributors of this success. Collect helpful input from school staff, conduct walk-through visits, and establish timelines that optimize efficiency and success.
Presenters: Alan Garde, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Hayward USD and Peter Parenti, Vice President, Strategy, TRiGroup, Inc.
Room 203B
Difficult Conversations for Successful Outcomes
Navigating difficult conversations is a crucial part of advancing your career path and supporting your team members. Discover tricks, tools, and techniques to support proactive resolution for conflicts, toxic behavior, and difficult or uncomfortable conversations.
Presenter: Lynne Lees, Communications Manager, KYA
Room 104A
Enrollment Marketing, Get More Students
Most districts are facing declining enrollment and have no coordinated marketing effort to attract students. Explore audiences from inter-district permits, students from private schools and home school families. Assess enrollment marketing examples. What did they try, what worked, what lessons did they learn, and what is the plan moving forward?
Presenters: Keith Butler, Ph.D., Chief Business Official, Torrance USD and Sara Myers, Director, Communications, Torrance USD
10:30 - 11:30 am
Room 203C
How to Collaborate with the IT Department
IT Departments can be misunderstood with a reputation of pushback. Understand why IT seems to start at “no.” What makes IT tick? Outline effective ways to communicate needs, break through and move IT from “No” to “Yes.”
Presenter: Robert Sidford, Director, Technology and Innovation, Mt. Diablo USD
Room 102B
Kitchen Infrastructure and Training Funds
Review the Kitchen Infrastructure and Training (KIT) funding allocation for LEAs to purchase equipment, upgrade kitchen infrastructure and offer food service staff training. Panelists will share KIT Funds uses in their districts.
Presenters: Jennifer Marrone, Food & Nutrition Business Manager, San Diego USD; Marley Nelms, MPA, RDN, SNS, Director of Nutrition Services, San Dieguito Union HSD; Anna Scimone, Director of Nutrition Services, Escondido Union SD; Naomi Shadwell, Executive Director of Child Nutrition Services, San Marcos USD and Juan Valencia, Director of Nutrition Services, Romoland SD
Room 103C
Leading Diversity, Equity & Inclusion without Guilt, Blame and Division
You’ve heard it before, if you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not growing. Prepare to dive into an unconventional, objective examination of what DEI has meant in the past. Consider ideas for leaders now and in the future. Challenge preconceptions and discover your best self. Unleash the power of a guilt-free approach that moves beyond tolerance to create a culture of variegated excellence.
Presenter: Shawn S. Cabey, Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services, Westside Union SD
Room 103B
Planning a Multi-Campus Site
Walk through the strategies and process of planning a multi-school facility. Highlight the value and lessons learned during the community outreach and design process. Consider the alignment of educational goals, facilities im-pact, challenges, and opportunities gained to pull it all off.
Presenters: Casino Fajardo, Director of Facilities, Maintenance Operations and Transportation, Los Gatos-Saratoga Jt. Union HSD; David Miranda, Executive Director, Long Beach USD, Facilities Development & Planning and Kate Mraw, Director K-12, LPA Design Studios
Room 204
Prioritizing Student Mental Health and Safety
In a world heavily influenced by social media, trends, and shock value, student mental health has increasingly become more of a concern. Districts face risks with bullying, retaliation protection, and vandalism. Examine tools and resources that protect and prevent your district from experiencing escalated emergencies and enhance a healthy school climate for students.
Presenter: Emily Fenner, CatapultK12
Room 104C
Protect Your Data from Bad Actors
Investigate what to look for when bad actors are gaining access to information, personally or through your district. Consider common access points that we may not consider on public Wi-Fi. Enforce passwords updates and add extra security features to personal accounts.
Presenter: Carl Fong, D.B.A., CGEIT, CISM, CCTO, Chief Technology Officer, Orange County DOE
10:30 - 11:30 am
Room 102C
Reducing Energy Spend and Increasing General Fund
Find out about new legislation allocating funding for energy projects. Explore what components are included in an energy project and learn from different districts. Determine the best ways to use technology to support this legislation and the optimization of these funds and energy savings for your District.
Presenters: Jennifer Butler, Facility Solutions Specialist, Energy Services, SitelogIQ and Ryan Hoest, Vice President Technology Services, SitelogIQ
Room 101B
Risk Management: The Unsung Hero in the Universe of Financial Madness

Expenditure villains are lurking around every corner, it can often feel like you need extraordinary powers to perform heroic actions. Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are graced with. Successfully navigate the universe filled with endless risk management decisions that can ultimately define your fate.
Presenters: Brad Keenan, Vice President of Property and Casualty, Keenan and Eric Preston, Senior Vice President, Integrated TPA Operations, Keenan
Room 104B
SACS Web System
The Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) Web-based Financial Reporting System (Web System) was released in April 2022, replacing the legacy desktop software. Participants will learn tools, tips and answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the SACS Web System’s unique features such as user management, importing and exporting data files, navigating the dashboard, form locking, and promoting datasets through the system. The latest updates regarding the system release schedule will also be provided.
Presenter: Christine Davis, Education Fiscal Services Administrator, Financial Accountability and Information Services, California Department of Education
Room 203A
Special Education Accountants Unite
Accounting for Special Education is a niche skill set with a knowledge base, training requirements, and allocation differences. Identify general topics, extraordinary costs, grant funding and reporting. Consider data’s impact on funding. Expand your network of others serving in this field.
Presenter: Calli Coleman, SELPA Accountant, Shasta County SELPA
California’s critical shortage of affordable rental housing has forced many educators and staff members to choose between crippling housing costs or a grinding daily commute. This lack of housing has placed many districts at a competitive disadvantage in attracting, hiring and retaining employees. Teacher-Staff Housing GO Bonds allow districts the opportunity to build below-market rental housing to help their employees live in and be part of the community in which they work.
10:30 - 11:30 am
Room 103A
Successfully Navigating Inflation, Escalation and Supply Chain Constraints
Unpredictable costs. Fluctuating materials availability. Labor shortages. These, plus logistics and other supply chain-related challenges, pose massive and potential risks for any district embarking on a construction project. Come learn what has been driving these ongoing issues and how your district can best protect itself and your upcoming projects from being adversely impacted.
Presenters: Ryan Holman, Senior Project Manager, Blach Construction; Nicole Johnson, Preconstruction Director, Blach Construction; Travis Kirk, Owner, TBK Construction Management; Sandy Mendler, AIA, LEED Fellow, Studio Director, Education Leader, Principal, Gensler and Ellen Powers, Project Manager, Blach Construction
Room 102A
Up Your Game to Prepare and Conduct Classified Employee Evaluations
Gain a greater understanding about the purpose, benefits, and legal ramifications of the performance evaluation process for classified employees. Discuss approaches, best practices, and pitfalls. Watch examples of effective performance evaluations and those that “need improvement.”
Presenters: Cynthia Carrillo, Executive Director, HR, Santa Paulo USD and Debra Marquez, Director, Human Resources, California University of Science Medicine
Room 201B
Ed Code Really Mean?
Decipher through Education Code, Government Code, and Labor Code. Identify which codes to refer to in certain situations. Identify which codes apply to school employers and which do not. Improve future payroll processing.

Presenters: Tracy Neufeld, Payroll Manager, Clovis USD and Stephanie Villarreal, Principal Systems Specialist, Los Angeles COE
1:15 - 2:15 pm
Room 101B
Account Code Introduction
New employees in accounting and those promoted may not hold a clear understanding of the account code structure. Gain a basic understanding of how to expense properly. This foundational introduction applies to anyone that enters requisitions, processes timesheets, or works in fiscal services.
Presenters: Justine Galura, Senior Program Business Specialist, San Diego COE and Kay Pugh, Special Education Financial Analyst, San Diego COE
Room 204
Employment Law: With Great Power, Comes

Great Responsibility
Gain a general understanding of the overlap between CA employment practices liability and workers’ compensation tailored to the education system. Learn labor law compliance with emphasis on labor code and federal/state mandates that many find ambiguous. Topics include Leaves of Absence/Return to Work, Reasonable Accommodation, Wage/Hour Litigation and Union Considerations.
Presenters: Eric De Wames, Managing Partner, Employment Law, Michael Sullivan & Associates and Brad Keenan, Vice President of Property and Casualty, Keenan
Room 203C
Enrollment Impact on District Resources
Analyzing historical trends and estimating future enrollment is difficult. Understanding and communicating various enrollment category patterns is vital to build your plan for finance, staffing, and student performance. Walk through methods districts are using to design enrollment projections and research their changing student population.
Presenter: Eric Eggan, M.Ed., Senior Advisor, Analytics, Frontline Education
1:15 - 2:15 pm
Room 103C
Everyday Leaders
Leaders should not be defined by their title, their office, or their salary. Everyone can be a leader. How can managers and directors lift-up those around them to lead together? Explore methods that show empathy, compassion, and team building.
Presenters: Tracy Dreher, Purchasing Manager, Livermore Valley USD and Anne Wells, Payroll Supervisor, Livermore Valley USD
Room 201A
Facilities Master Planning Wins Resources
Tackle Master Planning to obtain resources for your facilities and educational programs to improve student outcomes and increase local pride.

Presenters: Eric Hall, Found and President Emeritus, Eric Hall & Associates and David Randolph, CEO, Facilities Maintenance Planning
Room 103A
Get Audit Ready
Are your retirement plans audit ready? Now is the time to review documents and determine if they meet current IRS requirements. Gain insight on common mistakes, corrections, and best practices to avoid sanctions from an IRS Plan Audit.
Presenter: Darin Ditmar, TPA Relationship Specialist, SchoolsFirst Plan Administration
Room 203B
Have you maximized your revenue? What don’t you know about your unduplicated pupil counts and related grants?
Too often, money is “left on the table.” Learn how to maximize your Revenue with a special attention to Unduplicated Pupil Counts. With the influx in unduplicated students and declining enrollment, it is critical to understand all the funding options related to pupil counts.
Presenter: Khary M. Knowles, Arch., M.Ed., Managing Vice President, EH&A/MGT
Room 104B
How to Survive Your Annual Audit
The annual audit is a source of stress. Findings can have serious consequences. Prepare for, navigate, and understand the annual audit process. Learn tips and tricks to avoid audit findings, as well as how to maximize the value received from their annual audit.
Presenter: Jeff Nigro, Partner, Nigro & Nigro, PC
Room 102C
Leveraging LCAP to Strengthen Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation
Highlight key strategies for FMOT leaders to participate in the process of setting LCAP goals. Create measurable objectives and establish milestones for progress. Gain positive attention to increase resources for these departments.
Presenters: Alan Garde, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Hayward USD and Peter Parenti, Vice President, Strategy, TRiGroup, Inc.
Room 102B
Navigate Special Diets
Requests and requirements for special diets are steadily increasing. Discuss issues and decisions from health concerns, liability, and food item availability. Establish processes for forms and paperwork to determine student’s need and/or parent’s want/ preference.
Presenters: Angela Gomez, School Nutrition Coordinator, Lunch Assist; Naomi Shadwell, Executive Director of Child Nutrition Services, San Marco USD and Juan Valencia, Nutrition Services Director, Romoland SD
1:15 - 2:15 pm
Payroll Best Practices
Explore basics of payroll processing. Learn techniques to keep payroll operations running efficiently and in compliance.
Presenters: Mike Stribling, Administrator, Payroll Services, Riverside COE and Lena Young-Gallardo, Director, District Financial Services, San Bernardino

Room 104A
Planning and Budgeting for Technology

Replacement Cycle
Technology does not last forever. Through age, use and abuse, technological obsolescence or change in how technology is used, all tech will need to be replaced. Prepare for and uncover the secrets of the multi-year technology replacement cycle. Define crucial elements and outline benefits to students, teachers, schools and the district.
Presenters: Thomas Tan, Ed.D., Executive Director, Technology Services, Huntington Beach City SD and Blake Van Room, Lead Information Technology Consultant, California Polytechnic University, Pomona
Room 101A
Purchasing Rapid Rounds
Explore essential purchasing principles, applicable across all school business departments, in a fun gameshow-like format. Insights will assist small districts that may not have purchasing departments.
Presenters: Tiana Barton, Director of Fiscal Services, Del Mar Union SD; Sharon Clay, Director, Purchasing & Logistics, Cajon Valley Union SD and Tony Crapo, Director, Purchasing Support Services, Sequoia Union HSD
Room 102A
Revitalize Employee Recruitment and Retention
Consider how the burden of student loan debt impacts both the district and staff. Describe student loan forgiveness programs that help improve morale, recruitment, and retention. Identify retirement education and options available under CalSTRS, CalPERS as well as supplemental retirement accounts. Realize district benefits from increased retirement plan participation and payroll tax savings.
Presenters: Tim Mazza, Senior Agency Consultant, The Horace Mann Companies and Daniel Sanchez, Agency Business Consultant, The Horace Mann Companies
Room 202B
Student-Centered Charter School Oversight
Public schools, including charters, exist to provide a quality educational experience for students. District and county-level charter authorizers have the responsibility to provide quality and kid-centered charter school oversight. Receive insight, tools, and strategies that support high-quality charter school oversight.
Presenters: Jeffrey Hunt, Ed.D., Director of Charter Schools, Fresno CSS and Janea Marking, Senior Director, Charter School Services, San Diego COE
Room 103B
The Fiscal Side of Facilities: Making it Work Well for Both Departments
Fiscal and facilities are both responsible for project budgets, expenditures, and specific information about high dollar, high profile projects. Diagnose different ways that each department views that data and consider ways to collaborate in a coordinated way.
Presenters: Lettie Boggs, CEO, COLBI; Cherie Chenoweth, Coordinator, Facilities Accounting Compliance, San Juan USD and Mike Fine, CEO, FCMAT