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2024 Expert Witness and Consultant Directory Pricing
Basic Listing: $465 (37 lines included)
Additional Lines: $5 per line
Additonal Category - Repeated Text: $150 (per category)
Additional Category - Different Text: $250 (per category)
PHOTO: $50 per category - 1“ wide x 1” high (maximum size) – photos placed BESIDE the listing in black and white only
LOGO: $80 per category – 2“ wide x 1-1/2” high (maximum size) – Logos placed ABOVE the listing in black and white only
BORDER: $50 per category – Two point frame/box around your listing.
Photos and Logos must be submitted as high-resolution TIFF, eps or jpg files with a minimum 300-dpi resolution. All photos and logos will appear in black and white. We accept color images, but they will be converted to black and white and do not reproduce as well as black and white original files. Please use this form to calculate your additional costs and add that cost to your registration order form to be included in your total cost for your directory insertion(s). Please return this form with your registration information and order form to your sales rep.
Display Advertising
For full page bound inserts and covers: trim size is 8 3/8” x 10 7/8”, full page bleed size, add 1/8” on all sides (8 5/8” x 11 1/8”).
Other than covers, all ads and inserts are placed at the discretion of the publisher. Advertisers should specify the secion and category they wish their ad to appear. Placement is based on a prepaid/priority basis and is not guaranteed However, the publisher will attempt to fulfill placement requests as closely as possible. Banners and insert placements cannot be guaranteed.
Mechanical Requirements:
-Display ads should be submitted as press ready PDF, EPS, JPG, or 300 dpi TIFF files.
-Borders are required on all ads less than a full page.
-Production charges will apply if artwork is received past the material due date and/or in the incorrect format.