2 minute read
Business Interruption
Mark S. Laska, PhD
Great Ecology, Inc. San Diego, CA Tel: (858) 750-3201 Email: mlaska@greatecology.com Website: www.greatecology.com Degrees/Lic: PhD Ecology – Rutgers, MS – Fordham, BA – Colorado Boulder
• Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDA) • Ecological systems including impacts to wetlands, coastal areas, habitat, T&E spp • Effects of contamination in water, land, air to biological systems • Ecorisk, greenhouse gases, climate change resiliency, PFAS, heavy metals, PCB, oil spills • Complicated ecological problems, data analysis and graphical presentation of complex ideas • Land use, real estate development, coastal ecology, planning Background: Dr Laska has worked on cases involving NRD, habitat restoration, mitigation banking, effects of contamination on biological systems, climate change, resiliency and wildlife. He is founder and President of Great Ecology with staff and offices across the country; established in 2001 – he has completed over 1,000 projects and has been an expert on over a dozen cases in California and elsewhere
Sapphos Environmental, Inc.
Contact: Marie Campbell, Principal 430 N. Halstead St Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel: (626) 683-3547 Fax: (626) 628-1745 Website: www.sapphosenvironmental.com Degrees/Lic: Master of Arts, Geography. Geomorphology/Biogeography, University of California, Los Angeles. Specialties: Environmental Consulting; Environmental Compliance (CEQA; NEPA); Biological Resource Management; Cultural Resources; Hazardous Materials & GIS; SWPPP; construction monitoring; permitting.
Margaret R. Eggers, PhD, PG, CHG
Eggers Environmental, Inc. P.O. Box 4484 Oceanside, CA 92052 Tel: (760) 757-7711 Email: meggers@eggersenv. com Website: www.eggersenv.com Degrees/Lic: PhD, Geology/Sedimentology; BS, MS Geology; Reg Hydrogeologist (CA); Reg Geologist (CA, AR) Specialties: Expert testimony, mediation representation, litigation support & technical consultation on issues of soil &/or groundwater contamination; geology & hydrogeology; contaminant source evaluation & timing; nature & extent of contamination; toxic tort litigation related to soil & groundwater contamination; cost recovery; cost allocation incl muti-owner properties or PRP groups; 3rd party review incl site assessment & investigation docs.
Mission Geoscience, Inc.
Contact: James R. Ashby, President 3972 Barranca Parkway, Suite J-450 Irvine, CA 92606 Tel: (949) 955-9086 Cell: (714) 270-6520 Email: jrashby@missiongeo.com Degrees/Lic: MS; PhD; PG; CEG; CHg; CAC; CIH; RCE; GE Specialties: MISSION provides consulting expert witness & litigation support services in both the environmental & geotechnical sciences. Experienced (35+ years) Senior level professionals provide expertise in the areas of geology, hydrogeology, geotechnical/ construction defect, site assessment & due diligence, soil vapor, groundwater & soil remediation, landslides, faulting & mining exploration/reclamation.
Jeremy R. Squire, PE
Murex Environmental, Inc. 42 Corporate Park, Ste 120 Irvine, CA 92606 Tel: (714) 508-0800 Email: jeremysquire@ murexenv.com Website: www.murexenv.com Degrees/Lic: Civil/Environmental P.E. (CA, 2006); M.S. Civil/Environmental (CSUF, 2006) Specialties: Site assessment and remediation; vapor intrusion/mitigation; risk assessment & site closure; hexavalent chromium, PFAS, PCE, insurance, and environmental litigation.