19th Century - Black churches rose to prominence when slavery & racial segregation was common practice in the United States
Many of 1st Black Congregations formed before 1800 were founded by freed blacks
1787 - Free African Society founded by Methodist Preachers Absalom Jones & Richard Allen in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1816 - African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church
1821 - African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
1870 - Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church
1880 - National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
1897 - Church of God in Christ (COGIC)
1915 - National Baptist Convention of America
International, Inc.
1961 - Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.
1994 - Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“I’ve Been to theMountaintop” “I’ve Been to theMountaintop”
April 3, 1968
April 3, 1968
Mason Temple in Memphis, TN
Mason Temple in Memphis, TN
An Orlando neighborhood planned in 1946 specifically for Black community
Business & Community leaders formed a corporation to purchase approximately 300 acres between Lake Mann and Clear Lake to be sold without profit to African Americans moving to the area
First Black-owned financial institution in Florida
South of C.R. Smith Street, West of John Young Pkwy, North of Wells Street, and East of Florence Avenue
Washington Shores
Task Force Created
Monthly Meetings open to public with a “Community Planning Day” on September 2009
Task Force Members
16 stakeholders
3 Clergy
4 Business Reps
3 HOA Presidents
6 Residents
October 2010
Washington Shores
Vision Plan Adopted
April 7, 2010
City presents Task Force recommendations
June 15, 2010
Municipal Planning Board approved
Washington Shores
Vision Plan
October 18, 2010
City Council Adopted
Washington Shores
Vision Plan
Support & enhance the pedestrian-oriented nature & characteristics of neighborhood through the application of appropriate urban design guidelines.
Promote revitalization and redevelopment of properties in the neighborhood.
Encourage the application of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles as a priority.
Program appropriate transitions between residential, commercial and office districts to provide opportunities for compatible development.
Encourage, rather than restrict, development, redevelopment and property improvements.
T5 - Urban Center
Mix of building types - larger multi-family, office & mixed-use buildings.
Commercial required on ground level
Building Heights 4 to 5 stories
T4 - General Urban
Mix of building types - rear-loaded townhomes, small apartments, office & public benefit uses.
Building Heights - 3 stories
T3 - Suburban
Existing single family residential
Multi-family & Non-residential not permitted
Building Heights - 2 stories
Senior Pastor
The Hope Church
Foundedin1934 Foundedin1934
Founded in 2007
Founded in 2007
Senior Pastor
West Orlando Christian Center
Beyond a Sunday: The Role of the Black Church in Planning Communities