Strength Through Balance Envisioning Stronger Natural, Urban, and Rural Places - Harris-Juliano

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Florida Planning Conference 2023 September 2023
by Envision Seminole
Strength Through Balance
the Vision
2019 Board’s Key Strategic Priorities 2020 First Round LDC Updates 2022 Envision Seminole 2045 Evaluation and Appraisal Report 2023 EAR-Based CP Amendments 2024 LDC Updates Based on CP
Collaborating on

Policy related recommendations

▰ Compact Development in the Comprehensive Plan

• How Shall We Grow

• Energy Conservation → Urban Centers and Corridors Overlay

▰ Transit-Oriented Development Studies

▰ Attainable Housing Report / Regional Affordable Housing Task Force

Municipal Areas

Uptown Altamonte SunRail Corridor (Lake Mary) Cortland Apartments, 95 units per acre (2007) Station House, 71 units per acre (2015)

Existing Policy Conditions

▰ MXD FLUE (30 du/a; 0.6 FAR)

• Few locations

• No corresponding Zoning District

▰ Urban Centers & Corridors



Envision Seminole 2045: Public Engagement

In-person: ~300 participants

▰ Online: ~2,600 participants

* % of residents

Vision Goals


One Goal è Multiple Vision-Based Goals


▰ To implement the County’s Future Land Use Plan within the context of the Central Florida Regional Growth Vision to achieve an appropriate balance between public and private interests in achieving the following Objectives and Policies.


▰ Goal 1: Manage Growth and Conservation

▰ Goal 2: Wildlife, Natural Resources, and Sustainability

▰ Goal 3: Maintain Rural Places

▰ Goal 4: Grow Walkable, Active Places

▰ Goal 5: Enhance Existing Places

▰ Goal 6: Coordinate Investments

▰ Goal 7: Property Rights



Master Trails Plan (2021)


ACTIVE STRATEGY 2: Maintain and Expand Access to Parks and Recreation Opportunities

• Maintain great quality of service

• Increase neighborhood parks

• Improve multimodal access

ACTIVE STRATEGY 3: Increase Access to Water Bodies

2018 Leisure Services Master Plan proposed 4 new canoe/kayak facilities and 4 new fishing piers.

Seminole County government should seek new revenue or funding sources for additional parks and trail connections near residences to increase access to the outdoors.

48% 24% 13% 8% 7%

Growth Trends

▰ The County (including cities) added ~105,000 new residents from 2000-2020

▰ BEBR* estimates Seminole County will add approximately 90,000 new residents (18% increase) by 2045

▰ ~40,000 residents = ~16,000 new dwelling units anticipated in the unincorporated area**

*Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research ** Balmoral Group

Multifamily Rent Trends in Seminole County

Achievable price points influence the overall feasibility of a project and the potential types of construction.

▰ Average rents in Seminole County have increased year over year

▰ Large increase between 2020-2021 consistent with national trends

▰ County has mimicked regional trends

$994 $1,092 $1,191 $1,276 $1,554 $1,683 $1,040 $1,128 $1,225 $1,311 $1,566 $1,675 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 $1,800 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 20222023(YTD) Average Monthly Rent Seminole County Orlando MSA Average Monthly Rent Trends, Seminole County, 2023 Source: CoStar

▰ East Rural Area

▰ Wekiva and Econ River Protection Areas

▰ Redevelopment & Infill in Centers & Corridors*

*Opportunities to improve implementation

Anticipated growth can generally be accommodated under the existing framework
rural east wekiva river protection area central area

Related Survey Results

In order to focus development in areas with existing infrastructure, Seminole County government should invest in infrastructure and planning to support redevelopment of targeted vacant and underutilized commercial areas on major transportation corridors and near transit stations.

When new buildings or neighborhoods are built in the urban areas of unincorporated Seminole County, they should be designed to make it easier for people to safely and comfortably walk, bike, or take public transit.

42% 38% 11% 4% 5% 59% 23% 7% 5% 6%

WALKABLE STRATEGY 1: Create Mixed-Use, Walkable Places

▰ Somewhere to go (nearby

▰ A safe, direct path

▰ Interesting and comfortable

WALKABLE STRATEGY 2: Transportation Options

▰ Park once

▰ Walkable places make transit work

▰ Bikeways / micro-mobility

▰ 2045 Mobility Plan (coming soon)


Grow Walkable: Major Redevelopment


WALKABLE STRATEGY 3: Spur Redevelopment in Centers and Corridors

▰ Clarify mixed-use standards

• Already underway: Mixed Use Corridor District

▰ Simplify policies

▰ Rethink densities

▰ Coordinate infrastructure investments

▰ Develop area-specific redevelopment plans

How do Densities Impact Financial Feasibility of Infill Projects?

(Project size ~15 acres)

Year 1 Initial Development Yield

NotFinanciallyViable FinanciallyViable 6% - 8% 60 du/a 7% - 9% 100 du/a FinanciallyAttractive 2% - 4% 15 du/a 3% - 5% 30 du/a 6% - 8% 30 du/a 7% - 9% 45 du/a SurfaceParking StructuredParking

Small Lot Analysis

▰ Attainable housing opportunities both for owners and renters

▰ Opportunities for small businesses

▰ Small sites (currently undeveloped) could produce up to 4,500 new attainable residential units and up to 900 small businesses


WALKABLE STRATEGY 4: Allow for a Variety of Housing Options

▰ Already underway: Missing Middle LDC Standards

6 units per lot

(25 du/ac, 0.53 FAR)



Allow for a Variety of Housing Options

Before After


6 units per lot

(25 du/ac, 0.53 FAR)


Small Lot Examples within Urban Centers and Corridors Overlay

9 units per building

35-50 units per acre on 2.2 acres with small business spaces


Are these Small Lot Examples Financially Feasible?

Year 1 Net Initial Development Yield

0% - 2% Not Financially Viable Financially Viable 10 du/a 3% - 5% 20 du/a 4% - 6% 30 du/a 7% - 9% 50 du/a Financially Attractive

Policy: Urban Centers and Corridors Overlay

▰ Opt-in to pedestrian-oriented design standards for increased density/intensity

▰ Opt-in to MUCD in Non-Residential/MU FLUE Districts

§ Subject to site plan review by BCC and bonus criteria

§ Tiered density up to 75 du/ac, 1.5 FAR

§ Special exceptions for overlapping overlays / special area plans (Oxford, HIP-TI, HIP AP)

▰ Density based on lot size in Residential FLUE Districts

§ 25 du/ac on 6 or fewer acres

§ 50 du/ac on 3 or fewer acres

Policy: Mixed-Use Developments (MXD) Land Use Designation

▰ Allowable Zonings with MXD

§ NEW: Mixed-Use Corridor Development (MUCD)

§ NEW: Missing Middle Alternative Standards

§ Planned Developments (existing)

▰ Densities/Intensities

§ Base: 10 du/ac (new) – 30 units per acre (existing)

§ Up to 60 du/ac (parking structures or lots under 3 acres)

§ Increase Floor Area Ratio maximum from 1.0 FAR (was 0.6)

§ 0.2 FAR Bonus for Workforce Housing (existing)

§ Bonus: 20 du/ac for affordable/low-income housing

§ LDC standards to be updated periodically based on market


GREEN STRATEGY 1: Preserve and Plant More Trees

County roadways should be lined with trees to provide shade, make the community more attractive, and support the natural environment.

GREEN STRATEGY 2: Sustainable Landscapes and Streetscapes

▰ Increase Florida-Friendly and Native Plants through education, regulation, & leadership

▰ Support pollinators and birds; improve water quality

66% 22%

GREEN STRATEGY 3: Manage Water Responsibly

▰ In progress:

• Holistic water policy

• Multiple basin studies (addresses stormwater / flooding)

GREEN STRATEGY 4: Expand Green Building


▰ Re-evaluate existing incentive programs

▰ Already underway:

• Solar Facilities Standards

• Electric Vehicle Parking Standards

Source: Sightline Institute

Policy: Green Building Practices

▰ Policies to support existing/pending standards

§ Electric Vehicle Readiness

§ Dark Skies Policy

▰ Expand FAR Bonus for projects that meet minimum green certification levels for LEED or FGBC

§ 20% (was 0.2)

§ Previously only in UC&C overlay

§ Excludes Rural, River Protection areas


Envision Seminole


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