A Magazine for Nevada’s Mulit-Housing Industry
Mid-Year Recap, Details Inside
2010 NSAA
COMMUNITY MANAGER OF THE YEAR: An up-close interview with One Positive Perkins
A motivating story and why they are this year’s NSAA charity focus.
IN THIS ISSUE News & Updates 4 From the Execu ve Director’s Desk 5 Upcoming NSAA Events Calendar 16 Pla num Sponsors Spotlight: Apartments.com
7785 West Sahara Avenue, Suite #201, Las Vegas, NV 89117 T: 702-436-7662 • F: 702-446-8445 Email: nsaa@nvsaa.org • Web Site: nvsaa.org Execu ve Director: Michael Fazio, mfazio@nvsaa.org Execu ve Assistant: Aysha Park, apark@nvsaa.org
& Quality Towing
Sizzling Stars: Paki Phillips, Deanna Radulescu and Emily Vidrine
23 24
2011 NSAA Commi ee Roster
Products and Services Guide
The Nevada State Apartment Associa on (NSAA) is a non-profit organiza on that provides the local mul -housing industry with legisla ve support, educa on and community outreach to benefit our membership and the community. The NSAA is devoted to suppor ng the diversity, integrity and ever-changing environment of the mul -family industry. We are devoted to you.
Feature Ar cles 6 Indica ons of a Recovery — Mid-Year Recap Looking More Posi ve
8 11 13
Street Teens
The Nevada State Apartment Associa on exists to support the mul -housing industry and its professionals with proac ve legisla ve efforts, by promo ng career development through educa on and by offering entertaining social opportuni es. The NSAA also strives to promote the highest level of professionalism with established standards and prac ces throughout every segment of the mul -family industry, including management, marke ng, maintenance and suppliers.
2011 Legisla ve Review An Interview with 2010 Property Manager of the Year Troy Perkins
NSAA 2011 Board of Directors 2011-2012 President Paula Lane ......................... (702) 362-6444 Pinnacle AMS West Treasurer/Past President Bret Holmes ....................... (702) 699-9261 Advanced Management Group Secretary Susan Bauman ................... (702) 368-4217 Western Risk Insurance Vice President Debra Peterson .................. (702) 255-3700 For Rent Media Solu ons (Las Vegas) Director Christopher Karsaz............. (702) 952-9321 Karsaz & Associates Director Christopher Hinojos........... (702) 860-0848 Apartments.com Director Steven Olmos .................... (702) 459-3192 Silver Lands, Inc. Director Chandra Vail ...................... (702) 798-4511 Apartment Finder Director Vicki Young ........................ (775) 742-5380 Vail and Associates Realty Director Donna Gill .......................... (702) 355-0277 Western Na onal Group Director Laura Parada ...................... (702) 476-8997 Greystar Real Estate Partners Director Stasia Wilson ..................... (775) 829-7368 For Rent Media Solu ons (Reno) Director Teresa Jackson ................... (702) 873-5995 Cer fied Fire Protec on
Bo om line… we exist for you, because of you.
Director Misty Jus ce ...................... (702) 269-5411 Fairfield Residen al Director Rhonda Sikes ..................... (702) 438-7678 Avion at Sunrise Mountain Director Debi O’Keefe...................... (702) 436-9293 Maxx Proper es Director Scarle Casas..................... (702) 227-0444 Stout Management Company Director Maria Avellana................... (702) 290-0228 Fast Towing, Inc. Director Daniel Turkin...................... (702) 227-0444 Stout Management Company Director Suzanne Richter ................. (775) 329-3528 Apartment Guide (Reno) Director Gregory Peek ..................... (775) 972-0213 ERGS, Inc. (dba “ERGS Proper es”) Director Michelle Symone e........... (702) 366-5299 Fairfield Residen al Director Elizabeth Morrissey ........... (702) 256-1797 ConAm Management Director Gina Albanese.................... (775) 852-2339 Pinnacle American Management Execu ve Director Michael Fazio..................... (702) 436-7662 Nevada State Apartment Associa on (NSAA) Execu ve Assistant Aysha Park ......................... (702) 436-7662 Nevada State Apartment Associa on (NSAA)
Pla num Sponsors: • Cer fied Fire Protec on • Western Risk Insurance • Sherwin Williams Paint and Floorcovering • Cox Communica ons • Silver Lands, Inc.
• • • • • •
Quality Towing Apartments.com Fire-N-Ice Hea ng & Air Condi oning Roadrunner Carpet Care Karsaz & Associates Evergreen Recycling
NSAA welcomes our newest members! NEW PROPERTY MEMBERS • • • • • •
El Pueblo De Las Brisas European Touch Nara Vista Parkwood Condo The Evergreen The Wellington
Global Pest ControL ista Lowe’s of Henderson Rock Security Seamless Flooring LLC
Apartment Insight Commi ee: Suzanne Richter (Apartment Guide) Board Liaison Michelle Symone e (Fairfield Proper es) Board Liaison Maria Avellana (Fast Towing) Commi ee Chair Brandi Cooley (702 West) Commi ee Chair Cover art courtesy of Michael Fazio and 702 West For Advertising Information, Contact:
Dani Gorden 509.301.4858 dani@mediacommunicationsinc.com
Apartment Insight is published by the Nevada State Apartment Associa on. Apartment Insight is the official trade publica on of the Nevada State Apartment Association, a professional associa on of mul -housing professionals and industry partners. The materials contained in this publica on are general in nature; the applicability to one’s par cular situa on should be reviewed with a professional who has all the facts pertaining to the situa on being considered. The publisher disclaims any liability for published ar cles. Adver sing Policy: Nevada State Apartment Associa on accepts no responsibility for unsolicited materials. Adver sements contained in this magazine do not cons tute endorsement. With the excep on of those products and services directly under the control and supervision of NSAA, it is the policy of the NSAA, its officers and Board of Directors, not to endorse any products or services.
Indications of a Recovery
Mid-Year Recap Looking More Positive
The Leisure and Hospitality industr y lead in hiring by adding 8,600 jobs while the education/health ser v ices sector came in second with 3,100 new workers. Northern Nevada has also decreased its unemployment rate to 11.7% in April, a 1.8% de cl i ne when c ompa re d to Januar y 2011. The local economy y ielded approximately 800 jobs mostly in the Professional and Business Services as well as the Leisure and Hospitality industries. Both areas are promising indicators that Nevada is starting its recovery.
The State of Nevada has endured several highs and lows since the start of 2011. Although cau ous, experts in the Market have been quoted saying “…we have hit and survived rock bo om.” Several indicators have proven this fact sta r t ing w it h Unemploy ment R ate s. Nevada started the year with a 14.2% unemploy ment rate but has declined since to 12.5% as of April, a 1.7% decline in four months. Most of the monthly employment increase was concentrated in the Las Vegas area where unemployment in April 2011 is at 12.1%, a 1.2% decrease when compared to the March 2011. The local economy yielded 13,700 new jobs, a 2.1% job growth, since January 2011.
Va c a n c y r a t e s i n t h e mu l t i - f a m i l y industry have averaged 9% in Nevada. Northern and Southern Nevada faces dif ferent challenges. One factor that has a direct impact on occupancy rates is inventory; Northern Nevada has kept a tighter inventory during the recession period whereas Southern Nevada added s e ver a l t hou s a nd u n it s du r i ng t h i s timeframe. Northern Nevada reported a big decrease in vac a nc y averag ing 6% as of May. Ref lected numbers are comparable to pre-recession vacancy rates. A promising sign that the multi-family market is recovering; however high concessions are still being given away. Recent studies show approximately 82% of all multifamily communities are giv ing away concessions while only 50 percent of the market dur ing the pre-recession period were giving away concessions. Residents are seeing the value in staying in apartment communities; class A and B properties are seeing higher activities
a s renters look for nic er a menit ie s, larger accommodations as well as better location. Southern Nevada continues to hover a r o u nd t he 1 2% v ac a nc y r at e . T he difference in performance among asset classes is clear. Class A product is currently running 6.9% vacant, while Class C assets are more than double that, at 14.12 percent, according to CB Richard Ellis’ Vacancy Survey. Concessions are still averaging between one to two months of rents. Inventory stands around 160,000 rental apartment units where approximately 10,000 units are still in lease-up phase. Additionally, the shadow market or single family home rentals continues to be a direct competition for the multi-family market where an approximate 15% of the total Southern Nevada inventor y has joined the rental market. Due to the high inventory and limited demand, the Southern Nevada market has felt up to a 20% decline in rents during the recession period. However it is important to note that rental rates are comparably stable when compared to the prior year. O vera l l, 2011 ha s been favorable to Nevada. Las Vegas tourism has increased during the first half of 2011 show ing signs of consumer confidence during these tough economic times. Visitation is expected to reach the 38 million mark which makes it very comparable to 2006. April visitation is up almost 5% (or 3.35 million) when compared to the prior year primarily due to increase in convention attendees. This activity resulted in an increase in average room rates. The www.nvsaa.org
Retail Association of Nevada predicted that overall spending — including food and drink, lodging, local transportation, hotel rooms, sightseeing and gambling — will increase 11 percent, to $12.2 billion, this summer, up from $11 billion last year. Construction projects in Nevada are slowly coming into fruition, retail projects such as Lowe’s have broken ground at the Legends complex in Sparks while Las Vegas is scheduled to build the 500-foot Skyvue Las Vegas Super Wheel, which is planned as part of a $100 million Strip development across from Mandalay Bay. With all economic indicators pointing towards a positive direction, Nevada is finally starting its recovery.
Sources: Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilita on, Las Vegas Review Journal, Las Vegas Sun, NVSAA.org, CB Richard Ellis
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When you think of McDonalds you think of fast food. Never in our wildest dreams did we, as an associa on, think of McDonalds as a sanctuary for teens who are hungry.
By Rh o Board nda Sikes ,N Liaiso n an d S A A C o m mu Pr S u n r i o p e r t y Ma ni t y O u tr e s e Mo n a untain ager, Avio ch n at
Let’s back up to December of 2010. One of the NSA A’s board members having lunch at a local McDonalds, as she left she had half of a sandwich which was uneaten. She tossed it in the garbage can outside the convenience store that shared space with McDonalds. As she went inside to make a small purchase and then came back outside what she found was a life changing experience. She witnessed a very frail looking teenager eating the remains of her sandw ich, wh ich w a s pre v iou sly to s se d i n t he garbage. Overcome with empathy, and deep concern, she took the teen inside and bought him some food. While he ate she compassionately quizzed him about his life situation. She found out he was homeless and had no prospects of returning to his family. Much to her dismay, she additionally learned most homeless teens in our city survive by begging, stealing or prostituting their bodies. The experience made such an impact and caused so much concern this woman began looking for ways to help this vast population of homeless teens. Her search soon led her to Street
Teens. When she found out about this organization, she brought the NSA A Communit y Outreach Committee the idea of our organization adopting Street Teens as the beneficiary of our charity fundraising for 2011. After some research on the organization, we met with the director to find out exactly what services they prov ide. We learned that Street Teens was an acronym for: • Survival: Immediate support to help homeless teens survive • Trust: Relationships built on mutual respect and trust • Resources: Resources needed to help kids survive and go to school • Education: Opportunities to go to school and build self-esteem • Empowerment: Tools to empower them to move forward and progress • They: learn how to become effective members of the community This organization provides a safe place for homeless teens to get a meal, medical assistance, get help getting back into school or getting a job and maybe even
reunite with loved ones. This drop-in facility is not a shelter; it is a resource center that provides important essentials to help homeless teens get off the street. We were more t ha n impressed w it h the goals of this group and were happy to suggest them to our organization. A s board liaison for the Communit y Outreach Committee, I took the idea to the committee members and the NSAA board who all accepted the idea with open arms. In March, we hosted a membership mixer and silent auction where we raised $2700 for Street Teens. In May, the NSAA Golf and Putting Classic helped raise another $2200 for this group. This makes almost $5000 in donations so far this year and we are only half way to our year-end event where the donations will be presented to Street Teens. It is our goal to raise at least another $5000 before the end of the year and with the support of our generous membership, we feel confident we will reach our goal. On behalf of the committee and the board of directors, we thank you for your generosity.
Proud Member of the NSAA
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2011 Legislative Review Session Ends Quietly for Apartment Industry Despite Loud Bang Heard from Electrifying Renewable Energy Bill By Susan Fisher, Fisher Consul ng, on behalf of the Nevada State Apartment Associa on and the Coali on of Housing Providers
Here is a rundown of the bills the Nevada State Apartment Association (NSA A), in cooperation w ith the Coalition of Housing Providers (CHP), were involved in this past legislative session. To say the least, and for the most part, it was a quiet session for our industry.
AB226 — Landlord/Tenant AB226 is our landmark bill of the 2011 session and the one we have been working on since before session and actively at the witness table since session start. As introduced, the bill required tenant removal in “not less than 24 hours.” As amended, the bill now changes the definition of the time frame in which a sheriff must remove a tenant, once an eviction notice is given, to “within 24 hours of notice and no later than 48 hours.” What this means to our industry is a constable MUST remove a tenant no later than 48 hours, where before there was no definitive time frame to remove a tenant. The previous law was left open for individual interpretation or timeline. There were a number of other distasteful provisions in the original version, including definition of “essential services” to include appliances, f urniture and f unctional locks. We were able to negotiate “essential services” down to functional locks. We agreed that disabling a lock is both irresponsible and dangerous. In addition, CHP offered language to enhance disincentives for bad behavior of landlords by raising applicable fines for violation of provisions of this law. We also JULY | AUGUST 2011
offered language to require comprehensive noticing to the tenant of his or her rights to contest eviction actions, the applicable court, and relief available under NRS118A.390 in the event a landlord violates any provision of this law. The bill was successfully amended with our consensus language and passed out of both the Assembly & Senate unanimously. AB226 was approved by the Governor May 18. It into effect Oct. 1, 2011.
AB416 — Energy As introduced, AB416 was not on CHP’s radar screen, although your consultant was tracking it on behalf of other clients. It popped up on the radar screen in the last few moments of the legislative session when NV Energy lobbyists secured an amendment that would allow the company to construct transmission for export of renewable power to other states and allow the company to recoup the cost of transmission from Nevada ratepayers. CHP/NSAA has written a letter to Governor Sandoval requesting a veto.
director of the Office of Energy may make loans from this fund only for renewable energy projects. This bill would make these loans available for efficiency and conservation projects as well. Moreover, this bill expands the scope of who may apply for these loans to include certain governmental entities wishing to create conser vation, ef f iciency or renewable energy projects. The State Office of Energy currently has a Fund for Renewable Energy, Energy Ef f icienc y and Energ y Conser vat ion L oans for constr uction of cer tain renewable energy projects. Senate Bill 60 expands the authority of the Director of the Office of Energy to allow financial assistance from the Fund for construction of energy efficiency projects. There may be the oppor tunit y for an apar tment owner/developer to install a net metering or other renewable energy system and obt a i n f i na nci ng f rom t h i s F u nd. A project could include car por ts/solar collectors, plug-in stations for Electric Vehicles and so on.
AB416 — the Governor had until midnight Friday, June 13 to either veto or approve the measure. TBD.
Amendment - Original bill only included renewable energy. Intent is to include conservation and efficiency projects. This amendment is to establish priority for larger projects concerning renewable energy.
SB60 — Energy Conserva on & Efficiency
SB60 was passed unanimously from both the Senate and the Assembly.
Currently, there is a fund for renewable energ y conser vation, ef f icienc y, and r ene w able ener g y pr oje c t s a nd t he
LEGISLATIVE REVIEW | continued on page 12
LEGISLATIVE REVIEW | continued from page 12
SB60 was approved by the Governor on June 13 and became effective July 1, 2011.
SB417 — Recycling/Apartment Complexes This bill requires the State Environmental Commission to adopt a model plan for the placement of recycling containers on the premises of apartment complexes where those services are available. This is a committee bill and is just one of the many attempted to increase recycling at the state to reach state goals. It passed both the Senate and the Assembly with a handful of Nay votes. Those who voted against the measure expressed concerned that property owners would incur additional costs to comply with these regulations. I recommend NSAA participate in the regulatory phase of this process once the Environmental Commission begins the process, which will be soon. SB417 was approved by the Governor on June 4 and is effective immediately for the purpose of adopting regulations. The regulations will become effective October 1, 2011.
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In meeting with Troy, to do a simple interview, I wound up being truly impressed. His zest for life and all things good is almost overwhelming. I arrived in a good mood and left in an even better one.
An Interview with
The NSAA 2010 Community Manager of the Year: Troy Perkins By Brandi Cooley
Troy’s future in the apartment industry actually started when he was a boy. His father owned a company that built real estate and apartments, so he had a strong idea of what was involved. Right after he got out of college, he went for his first leasing job. The ‘industry’ was then dominated by females and it was unheard of for a man to work in a leasing office. He had to nearly beg for his job, however, in Troy’s first 2 weeks he leased 64 apartments. That was 21 years ago. Since then he has been learning, growing and tweaking himself, and his peers, into successfuly managing properties. Troy ’s favor ite par t of t he job is building relationships. He is a sponge for information and loves to learn a ny t hing new. He ha s a pa ssion for t r a i n i ng a nd ma rket i ng a nd throroughly enjoys helping people succeed. His least favorite parts of the job are evictions and having employee issues. Troy says that sometimes its difficult to manage all the different personalities, but it’s an opportunity to learn at the same time. We discussed the moment he won his award last December. Troy was really hoping he would win but actually thought that it was going to go to someone else. He is really hard on himself and thought that some areas that he feels he needs to improve were too great to win. When his name was called he had a momentary “out of body” experience. He was actually speechless for once. Troy felt very humbled, nearly ready to cry. He says that “the recognition is nice!” I asked Troy what makes him so successf ul. A mong severa l great quotes, he has some basic principles that he believes in. 100% stay focused on the positive, no matter what the TROY PERKINS | continued on page 14
TROY PERKINS | continued from page 13
left when everyone is thinking right”.
situation. He recalled a story to me of earlier in his career as a manager, he worked for a community that was tough and the upper management was not as supportive as they could be. Whenever there was a bad visit or phone call, he would gather everyone into a room and play their song, take funny pictures and jump around until they felt better. He said it worked too.
When asked if he had any mentors that have helped him along the way, he only had a few. He definitely looked up to his father, who was very detailed, organized and smart. He watched his father negotiate deals from an early age and learned a lot of business basics from him. Troy also said that Carolyn Smith really had an impact on him. She
Troy’s advice on anyone following in his footsteps is to be passionate about what you do and care and make a difference. He always tries to involve a charity into every activity they do. Troy also advises “don’t let anyone else determine your path” and “have fun or find a different job”. When Troy is not busy thinking of the next awesome event, building a new relationship, or training someone
Another key to Troy’s success is to stay consistent, remember the basics, build solid teams, establish solid relationships with clientele, and be adaptable. “If your
not learning your getting left behind.”
Troy really likes people that can stay positive and take a negative and turn it into a positive. In addition to being positive, he b el ie ve s i n w r it i ng goa l s dow n. One of Troy’s quotes is that “a goal that is not written down is just a w ish.” G oa ls must be achievable too. Another key to Troy’s success is to stay consistent, remember the basics, build solid teams, establish solid relationships with clientele, and be adaptable. “If you’re not learning you’re get ting lef t behind.” Troy believes in being a step above the rest, to challenge yourself; to learn and grow. He sets himself apart in his thinking. He said “I like to think
worked at Oasis then, and was part of t he E duc at ion a nd Te ac h i ng division. Her sense of strong ethics and willingness to be present in the positive was so strong that she made an effort in every situation to do this; more so than anyone he had ever met. That influenced him to be even more positive focused. Debra Kopolow w it h Pinnacle is another person that has also had a profound impact on his life. She is very straightforward, is a great support and extremely loyal. Troy has taken some of Debra’s values and characteristics and implemented them in his own life with great results. He has an extremely loyal and amazing staff.
else to succeed, he is spending time with his family. He has a super-huge family with 66 1st cousins just on one side (and the other side is just as big)! He also loves spending time with Bowie his giant black standard poodle. He is always saying he is “lucky” and is thankful. In essence, if you can take anything away from Troy it is to focus on all things good in your life and remove those things that are not. Congratulations Troy on your very well-deserved award! We all look forward to seeing great things from you!
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category websites and your partnership with Apartments.com is the ONLY way to receive exposure to its visitors. Apartments.com distributes your listings to relevant websites, further extending your reach to renters online. A network of high profile news media partners, nationally recognized real estate websites, demographic targeted sites and local information sites puts your community in front of renters wherever they are searching. Best part of all? We do this for you... for free! Apartments.com and Apartment Home Living extend your reach to renters with the latest and greatest emerging media outlets such as mobile, online video and social media. Through our outreach, your community is viewable by hundreds of thousands of renters each month on some of the most popular online destinations. Without ever needing to visit Apartments.com or Apartment Home Living, renters can easily find your community on Facebook with the new “Find an Apartment” search app, YouTube, mobile sites, mobile apps and more! Opportunity awaits and so do millions of renters searching online for apartments! For additional information, contact Chris Hinojos at (702) 8600848 or by email at chinojos@apartments.com.
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Name: Paki Phillips Property: Mosaic Years in Industry: 25 years
Company: Fairfield Properties Position: Property Manager
A Message from Pakiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Direct Report: Paki is a true team player and has successfully led his Mosaic team to Amazing results during an otherwise challenging tough market. Paki and his team have exceeded all expectations when it comes to NOI, Leasing goals and overall performance of Mosaic Apartments. He was instrumental in helping Fairfield maintain management over Mosaic when the property changed ownership in 12/2010. Paki continues to be the heart of Mosaic and has maintained the same staff since he took over as manager almost 2 years ago. Paki has the personality of a saint and is truly a joy to supervise and to work with. He completes all his taskS ahead of schedule and has taken a personal interest in the day to day operations of his property. Paki is a true asset to Fairfield and he is an amazing role model for the entire company.
What is the ONE THING you love most about the property management industry and why? I get a chance to build relationships with people on a daily basis and get a chance to know them and be a part of their life.
Name: Company: Property: Position: Years in Industry:
Deanna Radulescu Camden Property Trust Camden Del Mar Community Manager 19 years
What is the ONE THING you love most about the property management industry and why? The one thing I love most about the Property Management industry is working for Camden which is one of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;100 Best Companies to Work Forâ&#x20AC;? in the country. The reason why is they give me the training, technology, tools and the opportunity to be the best that I can be with no limits and they let me have fun while doing it.
What is the most challenging aspect of your daily job and how do you work through those challenges??? The most challenging aspect of my daily job is completing the project that I had scheduled to do that day. I have a large property and a large team and my Residents, Prospects and Employees come first. I work through this by prioritizing by
emergencies first, working smart, staying focused and calm with a smile on my face. At the end of the day my projects still need to get done so I will stay late until everything is completed.
they need. They had such little to give but were always willing to help where ever they could. This was such an amazing example to me that I will never forget.
What is your favorite television show right now and why?
Unfortunately, the resident lost his battle with cancer this month, but it is inspiring to know that even in the worst of life’s situations, people can still see be positive.
My favorite Television show right now is any show on the cooking channel. I don’t cook very well so these shows inspire me to cook and try new recipes for my family every night. They still don’t eat what I cook but I keep trying.
Name: Company: Property: Position: Years in Industry:
If you were a computer and could download ONE TRAIT of yours to your team, what would that TRAIT be? I would have to say the trait of how to communicate to calm people down but also get an outcome that is fair to all parties. I love when someone comes into the office heated and leaves feeling calm and good about themselves.
Emily Vidrine Pinnacle AMS West Boulders at Lone Mountain Leasing Agent 1 Year
What is your favorite song right now and why???
The economy has been really tough, describe a resident story or circumstance which has touched you the most? We have a couple that have been through it all in past year. Both have lost their jobs, their son was hit by a car and spent time in the hospital across the country; their dog was attacked and then passed away. When life looked like it couldn’t get any worse they both got jobs making well over what they thought they would ever be able to make again. The part that touched me was even when they were in the darkest of time they always had a smile on their face and were helping their neighbors and the staff with anything
“Stuck Like Glue” by Sugarland, anytime it comes on in our office we all start singing it and giggle. It’s always a song that I love to have come on when we are all in the office because it becomes a singing contest on who can sing it the worst.
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NSAA 2011 COMMITTEE ROSTER Apartment Insight Commi ee Board Liaison Board Liaison Commi ee Chair Commi ee Chair
Suzanne Richter, Apartment Guide Reno srichter@apartmentguide.com Michelle Symone e, Fairfield Proper es Las Vegas msymone e@ffres.com Maria Avellana, Fast Towing fas owing_ma@yahoo.com Brandi Cooley, 702 West brandi@702west.com
Bowling Commi ee Board Liaison
Steven Olmos, Silver Lands, Inc. steveno@silverlandsinc.com
Budget and Finance Commi ee
Member par cipa on is vital to the growth of our industry. NSAA commi ees are the perfect venue to meet with your colleagues and exchange ideas. You can help contribute to our associa on’s objec ves by volunteering to serve on a commi ee. To sign up for one or more of the following commi ees, call the NSAA at 702.446.8445. Or you can e-mail the Board Liaison or Commi ee Chair listed with your contact informa on and which commi ee or commi ees you would like to join.
Board Liaison Commi ee Chair
Steven Olmos, Silver Lands, Inc. steveno@silverlandsinc.com Doug Sartain, Cer fied Fire Protec on drsartain@cer fiedfirepro.com
Community Outreach Commi ee Board Liaison
Rhonda Sikes, Avion @ Sunrise Mountain avionsunrisemtn@lvcoxmail.com
Dinner Mee ng Commi ee Board Liaison Commi ee Chair
Donna Gill, Western Na onal Group dgill@wng.com Doug Sartain, Cer fied Fire Protec on drsartain@cer fiedfirepro.com
Educa on Commi ee Board Liaison Commi ee Chair
Steven Olmos, Silver Lands, Inc. steveno@silverlandsinc.com Dana Murrah, Apartment Management Consultants d.murrah@amcllc.net
Golf Commi ee Board Liaison
Christopher Hinojos, Apartments.com chinojos@apartments.com
Jewel Awards Commi ee Board Liaison Commi ee Chair
Misty Jus ce, Fairfield Proper es mjus ce@ffres.com Teresa Jackson, Cer fied Fire Protec on teresa@cer fiedfirepro.com
Legisla ve Commi ee Board Liaison
Christopher A. Karsaz, Karsaz & Associates ckarsaz@karsaz-law.com
Maintenance Mania Commi ee Board Liaison Commi ee Chair
Daniel Turkin, Stout Management Company dturkin@smc-lv.com Amy Hjerpe, Pinnacle AMS West ahjerpe@pinnaclefamily.com
Market Trends Commi ee Board Liaison Commi ee Chair
Susan Bauman, Western Risk Insurance susan@westernrisk.com Jill Glover, For Rent Media Solu ons jill.glover@forrent.com
Membership (IROC) Commi ee Board Liaison Commi ee Chair
Bret Holmes, Advanced Management Group bholmes@amgnevada.com Maria Avellana, Fast Towing fas owing_ma@yahoo.com
NAA Host Commi ee Board Liaison Commi ee Chair
Chandra Vail, Apartment Finder cvail@apartmen inder.com Debra Peterson, For Rent Media Solu ons debra.peterson@forrent.com
Poker/Reverse Trade Show Commi ee Board Liaison
Scarle Casas, Stout Management Company scarle casas@yahoo.com
Public Rela ons Commi ee Board Liaison
Teresa Jackson, Cer fied Fire Protec on teresa@cer fiedfirepro.com
Reno Ac vi es Commi ee Board Liaison
Vicky Young, Vail and Associates Realty vyoung98@gmail.com
For informa on regarding the NSAA website, ar cles which appear on the website and adver sing on the website please contact Michael Fazio at 702.436.7662.
PRODUCTS & SERVICES GUIDE LAS VEGAS ADVERTISING Apartment Finder 6330 McLeod Dr. Ste. 5 Las Vegas, NV 89120 cvail@apartmen inder.com P: (702) 604-2351 F: (702) 798-8311
BALCONY REPAIR Nevada Gypsum Floors 3588 South Valley View Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89103 rick@nvgypsum.com P: (702)871.3330 F: (702) 871-7597
Apartment Guide (Las Vegas) 8298 South Arville Street Suite #104 Las Vegas, NV 89139 rdetagle@apartmentguide.com P: (702) 939-1494 F: (702) 939-1551
BALLOONS & HELIUM Party USA 800 South Rampart Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89145 cur s@aappusa.com P: (702) 897-7278 F: (702) 992-9915
Apartments.com 175 W. Jackson Blvd., 8th floor Chicago, IL 60604 l mko@apartments.com P: (312) 601-5391 F: (312) 601-6256 For Rent Media Solu ons (Las Vegas) 5740 S. Arville St., Ste 209 Las Vegas, NV 89118 debra.peterson@forrent.com P: (702) 255-3700 F: (702) 255-4901 Move.com 30700 Russell Ranch Rd. Westlake Village, CA 91362 P: (805) 557-2300 F: (480) 556-4623 Mylife Share 2818 Craigton Drive Henderson, NV 89044 lovepics.share@yahoo.com P: (702) 217-3552 F: (702) 217-3552 Rent Grow Inc. (Internet) 307 Waverley Oaks Rd. Ste. 301 Waltham, MA 02452 haolem@rentgrow.com P: (800) 736-8476 F: (800) 819-5182 APPLIANCES SALES/RENTAL/PARTS/ REPAIR Ferguson Enterprise 501 Parkson Road Henderson, NV 89011 chris.williams@ferguson.com P: (702) 564-2660 F: (702) 564-1329 Lowe’s of Henderson 440 Marks Street Henderson, NV 89014 William.S.Windham@store.lowes.com P: (702) 458-5297 F: (702) 458-6287 MOEN, Inc. 9109 Hilverson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89148 eca ani@moen.com P: (702) 523-7286 F: (702) 614-0957 Universal Service & Supply 3605 W. Twain Las Vegas, NV 89103 universalsvc@earthlink.net P: (702) 876-0333 F: (702) 876-5994 ATTORNEYS/LEGAL SERVICES Karsaz & Associates 375 Warm Springs Ave., Ste 104 Las Vegas, NV 89119 ckarsaz@karsaz-law.com P: (702) 952-9321 F: (702) 933-5077 AWARDS/TROPHIES Awards West 1957 North Decatur Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89108 awardswestlv@lvcoxmail.com P: (702) 648-1661 F: (702) 648-1602
BLINDS/WINDOWS/DOORS/GLASS Cherokee Blind & Door 4350 S Arville, C-21 Las Vegas, NV 89103 P: (702) 432-3244 F: (702) 432-3341 BROCHURES AND FLYERS 702 West 2470 Denholme St. Henderson, NV 89044 troy@702west.com P: (702) 278-8905 F: (702) 202-4513 CABINET INSTALLATION Complete Solu ons dba Roto Rooter 639 East Brooks Ave North Las Vegas, NV 89030 cwojciechowski@rrsc.com P: (702) 646-5273 F: (702) 646-0132 CARPET CLEANING/RESTORATION/DYEING Carpets of America 650 Kresgie Lane Sparks, NV 84431 carpetsofamerica@msn.com P: (775) 358-8080 F: (775) 358-8151 Roadrunner Carpet Care 8985 South Eastern Avenue #325 Las Vegas, NV 89123 jon@roadrunnercarpet.com P: (702) 262-6061 F: (702) 507-0094 Signature Restora on 801 S. Rancho Dr., Ste E4 Las Vegas, NV 89106 steveamico@signaturerestora onlv.com P: (702) 823-5500 F: (702) 385-6967 Solar Contract Carpet of Las Vegas, Inc. 4280 Wagon Trail Ave. #C Las Vegas, NV 89118 P: (702) 798-7100 F: (702) 798-1982 Ul mate Choice Carpet Cleaning 4320 West Reno Avenue, Suite I Las Vegas, NV 89118 suhailyr@ul matechoicerestora on.com P: (702) 515-1485 F: (702) 515-1486 Universal Carpet Care, Inc. 3111 S. Valley View, Ste. N-102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 stevec@universalcarpetcare.com P: (702) 220-9003 F: (702) 220-4818 CARPET SALES & INSTALLATION Seamless Flooring LLC 6555 S. Yenaya Way #700 Las Vegas, NV 89113 dave@seamlessflooring.org P: (702) 431-7900 F: (702) 614-4300 CLEANING SERVICES AE Janitorial Solu ons 5269 Burnham Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89119 ialvarez@aejanitorialsolu ons.com P: (702) 252-4630 F: (702) 736-8160
Genie Services 4300 N. Pecos Rd. #22 Las Vegas, NV 89115 njeancheff@genieservices.com P: (702) 452-1111 F: (702) 452-1179 CLEANING SERVICES MOLD/DISASTER Genie Services 4300 N. Pecos Rd. #22 Las Vegas, NV 89115 njeancheff@genieservices.com P: (702) 452-1111 F: (702) 452-1179 Odor Masters 4616 W. Sahara Avenue #178 Las Vegas, NV 89102 isimon@odormasters.com P: (702) 253-5030 F: (702) 242-9238 ServiceMaster 1st Response 451 Mirror Court, Suite #105 Henderson, NV 89011 smrep1@drylasvegas.com P: (702) 896-4197 F: (702) 896-3559 COLLECTIONS Allied Collec on Services 3080 S. Durango Dr., Ste 208 Las Vegas, NV 89117 jmancini@acsnv.com P: (702) 939-8390 F: (702) 944-4062 Clark County Collec on Services 8860 West Sunset Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89148 cccs@mgci.com P: (702) 940-5120 F: (702) 365-7927 COMMERCIAL LENDING Paragon Mortgage Corpora on 1130 East Missouri Avenue, Suite 204 Phoenix, AZ 85014 jchris ne@paragon-mortgage.com P: (602) 266-3865 F: (602) 230-1716 CONCRETE REPAIR & RESURFACING Precision Concrete Cu ng 3191 North Canyon Road Provo, UT 84604 ma @safesidewalks.com P: (801) 830-4060 F: (801) 224-0062 COUNTY/CITY OFFICES Constable’s Office Las Vegas Township 309 S. Third Street, P.O. Box 552110 Las Vegas, NV 89155 gronaura@co.clark.nv.us P: (702) 455-4099 F: (702) 385-2436 CRIME SCENE CLEAN UP Steama c Total Cleaning & Restora on 2851 Synergy Street North Las Vegas, NV 89030 mesposito@steama clv.com P: (702) 633-0383 F: (702) 633-0012 DEVELOPERS REAL ESTATE & GENERAL CONTRACTORS Basch Construc on Company 6226 Sandhill Road Las Vegas, NV 89120 mark.baraga@baschco.net P: (702) 314-4545 F: (702) 314-4547 Kalb Industries of Nevada Ltd. 5670 Wynn Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89118 rickh@kalbind.com P: (702) 365-5252 F: (702) 365-5257 Western Pride Construc on LLC 3924 Silvestri Lane Las Vegas, NV 89120 aimee@westernpride.com P: (702) 362-2800 F: (702) 362-1376
DRYWALL CONTRACTORS Genie Services 4300 N. Pecos Rd. #22 Las Vegas, NV 89115 njeancheff@genieservices.com P: (702) 452-1111 F: (702) 452-1179 Rawson Construc on 3625 West Teco Avenue, Suite 10 Las Vegas, NV 89118 arlene@rawsonconstruc on.com P: (702) 739-9399 F: (702) 614-4287 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Dominion Environmental Consultants, Inc 12073 Cardinal Climber Court Las Vegas, NV 89138 bbojda@dominionenv.net P: (702) 368-2700 EXERCISE EQUIPMENT Equip Fitness 4760 South Pecos Road, Suite #103 Las Vegas, NV 89121 teperkins.tpa@gmail.com P: (702) 309-4198 F: (702) 974-0893 FINANCING R & D Commercial Consul ng 1800 North Green Valley Parkway #111 Henderson, NV 89074 lynn@rdconsul ng.net P: (702) 994-4644 F: (949) 429-0398 FIRE AND SAFETY Cer fied Fire Protec on 3400 W Desert Inn, Ste 20 Las Vegas, NV 89102-8354 fireone@lvcm.com P: (702) 873-5995 F: (702) 251-1972 Diversified Protec on Systems Inc. 4435 Wagon Trail Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89118 tmilton@dpsi.biz P: (702) 307-3473 F: (702) 307-3472 FLOORING COVERING/CARPET Criterion Brock, Inc. 1660 Helm Dr. Ste 1000 Las Vegas, NV 89119-3845 jason@brockinteriors.com P: (702) 458-6550 F: (702) 458-6584 Mohawk Industries 2514 East Turney Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85016 jayton_jadlot@mohawkind.com P: (480) 650-9315 F: (602) 926-2453 Shaw Industries 11411 Valley View Cypress, CA 90670 brian.hoddy@shawinc.com P: (714) 317-9999 F: (888) 367-6220 Sherwin Williams Paint & Floor Covering 7470 S. Dean Mar n Drive, #105 Las Vegas, NV 89139 swrep5905@sherwin.com P: (702) 895-8887 F: (702) 895-8892 FURNITURE RENTAL/SALES CORT Furniture Rental (Las Vegas) 6625 Arroyo Springs St. Ste. 130 Las Vegas, NV 89113 tricia.bernard@cort.com P: (702) 822-7368 F: (702) 822-7324 KRT Concepts 6170 W. Lake Mead Blvd., #168 Las Vegas, NV 89108 kcoats@krtconcepts.com P: (702) 490-3558 F: (702) 924-2562
Winston Contract 603 SE Fort King Street Ocala, FL 34471 jrega@brownjordaninterna onal.com P: (800) 327-1541 F: (352) 368-2471
Cox Communica ons 1700 Vegas Drive Las Vegas, NV 89106 Jim.Fitch@cox.com P: (702) 545-1361 F: (702) 545-4392
GENERAL CONTRACTORS Rawson Construc on 3625 West Teco Avenue, Suite 10 Las Vegas, NV 89118 arlene@rawsonconstruc on.com P: (702) 739-9399 F: (702) 614-4287
KEY CONTROL/ACCESS MANAGEMENT HandyTrac, Inc. 510 Staghorn Ct. Alphare a, GA 30004 eoverhage@handytrac.com P: (678) 990-2305 F: (678) 990-2311
GOLF CART MOBILE SERVICE, REPAIRS & PARTS Wheels In Mo on 6250 Banning Creek Drive Las Vegas, NV 89118 wheelsinmo on@lvcoxmail.com P: (702) 798-1991 F: (702) 837-6187
LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE D & K Landscape 3068 S. Highland Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89109 mfine @dklandscape.com P: (702) 361-5855 F: (702) 361-5866
HANDYMAN Genie Services 4300 N. Pecos Rd. #22 Las Vegas, NV 89115 njeancheff@genieservices.com P: (702) 452-1111 F: (702) 452-1179 Rawson Construc on 3625 West Teco Avenue, Suite 10 Las Vegas, NV 89118 arlene@rawsonconstruc on.com P: (702) 739-9399 F: (702) 614-4287 HOUSE KEEPING Roadrunner Carpet Care 8985 South Eastern Ave #325 Las Vegas, NV 89123 jon@roadrunnercarpet.com P: (702) 262-6061 F: (702) 507-0094 HVAC Fire-N-Ice Hea ng & Air Condi oning 2912 S. Highland Dr., Ste E Las Vegas, NV 89109 fire-n-icehvac@earthlink.net P: (702) 395-0071 F: (702) 395-0253 MSI HVAC 11700 Industry Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 awebb@msihvac.com P: (951) 727-2228 F: (888) 841-5254 INSURANCE Kaercher & Associates Insurance Brokerage 2500 N. Buffalo Dr., Ste. 230 Las Vegas, NV 89128 P: (702) 384-2813 F: (702) 304-7860 Nevada West Business Insurance 4175 S. Riley St., Ste 200 Las Vegas, NV 89147 jeffm@nvwes nsurance.com P: (702) 597-5998 F: (702) 990-0500 Renters Legal Liability LLC 466 South 400 East #103 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 gus@rllinsure.com P: (801) 994-0237 F: (801) 521-4452 Sterling Grant & Associates, LLC 2200 East Camelback Road, Suite #222 Phoenix, AZ 85016 loliva@sterling-grant.com P: (602) 954-7200 F: (602) 954-9624
Gothic Grounds Management, Inc. 2923 West Charleston Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89102 pabell@gothiclandscape.com P: (702) 676-1185 F: (702) 678-6968 Integrated Landscape Management 4555 Dean Mar n Drive Las Vegas, NV 89103 mdifabbio@ilm-llc.com P: (702) 283-9904 F: (702) 537-2294 Newtex Landscape, Inc. 271 Sunpac Avenue Henderson, NV 89011 alicia@newtexlandscape.com P: (702) 795-0300 F: (702) 795-0192 Silver Lands Inc. 2901 S. Highland Drive, Suite 15-A Las Vegas, NV 89109 pacoh@silverlandsinc.com P: (702) 459-3192 F: (702) 459-4372 Worldscape 8410 Eldora, Suite #1003 Las Vegas, NV 89117 worldscape@cox.net P: (702) 871-7027 F: (702) 731-1611 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Coinmach Laundry Service 501 North 37th Dr., Suite 102 Phoenix, AZ 85009 dwahlers@coinmachcorp.com P: (602) 722-6959 F: (602) 340-8907 LEAD TRACKING SYSTEM CallSource 31280 Oak Crest Drive Westlake Village, CA 91361 coldt@callsource.com P: (818) 673-4756 F: (888) 593-1999 LOCKSMITH ABC Locksmith & Towing 3981 E. Sunset Rd., # E Las Vegas, NV 89120 alertvp@gmail.com P: (702) 598-1630 F: (702) 454-7978 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES AZ Partsmaster 2950 S. Highland Drive Suite E Las Vegas, NV 89109 jerry.s ckley@azpartsmaster.com P: (702) 369-2121 F: (702) 369-4391
Western Risk Insurance 3140 S. Rainbow Blvd., Suite 400 Las Vegas, NV 89146 francie@westernrisk.com P: (702) 368-4217 F: (702) 368-4219
HD Supply 320 Lava Beds Way Las Vegas , NV 89031 Max.G.Chris e@hdsupply.com, ty.kilpatrick@hdsupply.com P: (702) 917-5746 F: (702) 622-7222
INTERNET SERVICES/ACCESS Clear 7455 Arroyo Crossing Parkway, Suite #100 Las Vegas, NV 89113 connect4gnow@gmail.com P: (702) 479-4100 F: (702) 270-2710
Wilmar 4119 Bola Drive North Las Vegas, NV 89032 bcrofford@wilmar.com P: (702) 296-0664 F: (702) 643-5948
MAKE READY Genie Services 4300 N. Pecos Rd. #22 Las Vegas, NV 89115 njeancheff@genieservices.com P: (702) 452-1111 F: (702) 452-1179 MARKETING CONSULTANTS SERVICES LeaseLabs 2870 Fi h Avenue, Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92103 john@leaselabs.com P: (619) 233-4700 F: (619) 233-4702 ScentAir (Reno) 14301-G South Lakes Dr. Charlo e, NC 28273 rcarter@scantair.com P: (775) 250-0121 F: (775) 622-3565 MOLD REMEDIATION & TESTING Eagle Restora on 6225 Harrison Dr., # 1 Las Vegas, NV 89120 services@eaglelv.com P: (702) 895-9991 F: (702) 895-9992 ServPro of Northern Las Vegas 2828 Synergy Street North Las Vegas, NV 89030 shelly@sonlv.com P: (702) 656-0203 F: (702) 656-6246 AZ Partsmaster 2950 S. Highland Drive Suite E Las Vegas, NV 89109 jerry.s ckley@azpartsmaster.com P: (702) 369-2121 F: (702) 369-4391 MYSTERY SHOPPING QSI Specialists 2190 East Pebble Road, Suite 150 Las Vegas, NV 89123 kenerson@qsispecialists.com P: (702) 891-0550 F: (702) 891-0550 NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION American Red Cross 1771 East Flamingo Road #206-B Las Vegas, NV 89119 krisd@redcrosslasvegas.org P: (702) 791-3311 F: (702) 791-3372 SNHD Tobacco Control Program 400 Shadow Lane, Suite #101 Las Vegas, NV 89106 chacon@snhdmail.org P: (702) 759-1276 F: (702) 759-1416 OFFICE SUPPLIES Advance Office & Janitorial Supplies 3261 S Highland, Ste. 603 Las Vegas, NV 89109 lisaburchard@advanceoffice.com P: (702) 735-0213 F: (702) 735-0147 OUTDOOR FURNITURE Renu Casual Furniture 975 American Pacific Drive, Suite #105 Henderson, NV 89014 fred@renucfr.com P: (702) 568-9004 F: (702) 568-9007 Total Pa o Accesories 4760 South Pecos Road, Suite #103 Las Vegas, NV 89121 teperkins.tpa@gmail.com P: (702) 309-4198 F: (702) 974-0893 PAINT SALES/SERVICE Dunn-Edwards Paints 4300 E. Tropicana Ave Las Vegas, NV 89121 sharon.brenner@dunnedwards.com P: (702) 845-7539 F: (702) 243-8131 EA Beltz Corp. Paint & Drywall 3370 Pinks Place #FLV, NV Las Vegas, NV 89102 eabeltzcorp@hotmail.com P: (702) 233-3583 F: (702) 871-0595
Empire Community Pain ng 5940 South Rainbow Blvd., Ste 2012 Las Vegas, NV 89118 dwhitaker@empirepain ng.com P: (888) 278-8200 F: (702) 939-9940 Genie Services 4300 N. Pecos Rd. #22 Las Vegas, NV 89115 njeancheff@genieservices.com P: (702) 452-1111 F: (702) 452-1179 Primo Pain ng 9053 South Pecos Rod #2910 Henderson, NV 89074 tori@lasvegasprimopain ng.com P: (702) 457-5552 F: (702) 457-3620 Sherwin Williams Paint & Floor Covering 7470 S. Dean Mar n Drive. #105 Las Vegas, NV 89139 swrep5905@sherwin.com P: (702) 895-8887 F: (702) 895-8892 TGJ Pain ng 401 Max Court Henderson, NV 89011 tgjservices@yahoo.com P: (702) 558-0816 F: (702) 564-0617 PEST CONTROL R and C Pest Control LLC 5415 South Cameron Street, Suite 112 Las Vegas, NV 89118 randcpestcontrol@gmail.com P: (702) 257-2847 F: (702) 257-2842 Terminix Commercial 3147 West Post Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 svach@terminix.com P: (702) 837-6520
F: (702) 837-5980
PLUMBING AGA Plumbing & Mechanical 3325 West Ali Baba Lane, Suite 609 Las Vegas, NV 89118 agaplmg@gmail.com P: (702) 321-6404 F: (702) 463-7961 Lange Plumbing 4690 Judson Avenue, Suite A Las Vegas, NV 89115 slange@langeplumbing.com P: (702) 254-1908 F: (702) 228-8170 POOL FURNITURE Total Pa o Accessories 3275 S. Jones Blvd., Ste 106 Las Vegas, NV 89146 admin@tpa-lasvegas.com P: (702) 309-4198 F: (702) 974-0893 PRINTING & GRAPHICS A & B Prin ng and Mailing 2900 South Highland Drive #18-B Las Vegas, NV 89109 anthony@abprint.com P: (702) 731-5888 F: (702) 731-2272 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE AppFolio 55 Cas lian Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93117 nora.betz@appfolio.com P: (805) 617-2161 F: (805) 968-0653 Century Payments 2611 Internet Boulevard, Suite 201 Frisco, TX 75034 Jeremy.straley@centurypayment.com P: (469) 252-2674 F: (469) 252-9812 RealPage Inc. 4000 Interna onal Pkwy Carrollton, TX 75007 stacey.blackwell@realpage.com P: (972) 820-3015 F: (972) 820-3383 RentPayment 505 Sansome, 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 cnelson@rentpayment.com P: (866) 289-5977 F: (866) 786-4775
PRODUCTS & SERVICES | continued on page 26 JULY | AUGUST 2011
PRODUCTS & SERVICES | continued from page 25
REAL ESTATE BROKERS Johnson Group 10631 Professional Circle Reno, NV 89521 floyd@johnsongroup.net P: (775) 224-3183 RECYCLING Evergreen Recycling, a Republic Services Company 770 East Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89104 tskenandore@republicservices.com P: (702) 599-5502 RELOCATION SERVICES Reloca on Resources 8379 West Sunset Road, #110 Las Vegas, NV 89113 jennifer@reloca onresources.org P: (702) 444-4088 F: (702) 444-0079 ROOFING SERVICES Monier Life le 430 Eastgate Henderson, NV 89011 streland@monierlife le.com P: (702) 417-3304 F: (702) 629-5183 SECURITY DEPOSIT ALTERNATIVES SureDeposit 293 Eisenhower Pkwy., Ste 320 Livingston, NJ 07039-1783 brian@suredeposit.com P: (973) 992-8440 F: (973) 992-8770 SECURITY SERVICES PROTECTIVE SERVICES Ace Protec on Services, Inc. 1610 West Oakey Las Vegas, NV 89102 jcompno a@aceprotec onservices.com P: (702) 638-7776 F: (702) 638-1292 Courtesy Patrol Services 1450 E. Pebble, Ste 3151 Las Vegas, NV 89123 samamici@msn.com P: (702) 206-3493 F: (702) 586-2778
Rock Security 3200 Polaris Ave, # 28 Las Vegas, NV 89102 jus n@rocksecurityllc.com P: (702) 586-7982 F: (702) 410-9305 Rocky T’s Inc 1516 East Tropicana #239 Las Vegas, NV 89119 rolandthurber@yahoo.com P: (702) 278-3470 F: (702) 436-0489 Southern Nevada Security Patrol, Inc. 3140 S. Durango Dr., Ste 103 Las Vegas, NV 89117 vegasamanda07@hotmail.com P: (702) 270-9116 F: (702) 256-6037 SIGNAGE Fusion Sign & Design 3443 Niki Way Riverside, CA 92507 robin@fusionsign.com P: (702) 949-0760 Na onal Signs, LLC 3830 Rockbo om Street North Las Vegas, NV 89030 rick@na onalsignslv.com P: (702) 645-6444 F: (702) 645-1178 Western Sign & Flag 4181 W. Oquendo Las Vegas, NV 89118 bobglennon@westernsignandflag.com P: (702) 798-6030 F: (702) 798-8314 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Century Link 330 South Valley View Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107 Stephanie.x.riley@centurylink.com P: (702) 244-1220 F: (702) 244-7385 Connexion Technologies 111 Corning Road, Suite 250 Cary, NC 27518 susan.knowles@cnxntech.com P: (919) 535-7342
Cox Communica ons 1700 Vegas Drive Las Vegas, NV 89106 Jim.Fitch@cox.com P: (702) 545-1361 F: (702) 545-4392 TENANT SCREENING CoreLogic SafeRent 7500 W. Lake Mead Blvd., #9-542 Las Vegas, NV 89128 tsedminik@fadvsaferent.com P: (702) 839-1736 F: (702) 839-1738 Contemporary Informa on Corp. 42913 Capital Drive #101 Lancaster, CA 93535 dan@contemporaryinfo.com P: (800) 288-4757 F: (800) 677-8494 LexisNexis Resident Screening 818 SW 3rd Ave., Ste 1128 Portland, OR 97204 duran.crain@lexisnexis.com P: (323) 828-7467 F: (866) 653-4264 TOWING AA Ac on Towing 3035 Westwood Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89109 bobbyhowell@ac ontowing.net P: (702) 737-9100 F: (702) 737-8567 Ashley’s Towing 201 North Mojave Las Vegas, NV 89101 ashleystowing@live.com P: (702) 382-3508 F: (702) 382-8090 Fast Towing Inc. 3850 Lossee Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89030 Fas owing_ma@yahoo.com P: (702) 290-0228 F: (702) 383-9513 Quality Towing 4100 E. Cheyenne Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89115 jberry@unitedroadtowing.com P: (702) 649-5711 F: (702) 633-4447
SNAP Towing 250 W. Warm Springs Rd. Henderson, NV 89011 clark@andersonpc.com P: (702) 564-1180 F: (702) 565-3956 TRAINING Academy Of Leasing Specialists, LLC 7495 West Azure Drive, Suite 203 Las Vegas, NV 89130 rossfried1@aol.com P: (702) 429-3490 F: (702) 874-3490 UTILITIES BILLING SERVICES ista North America 4715 Viewridge Ave., Ste 100 San Diego, CA 92123 kosgood@ista-na.com P: (866) 759-6340 F: (858) 244-2343 WASTE COLLECTION Republic Services 770 East Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89104 feinbergk@repsrv.com P: (702) 280-0051 F: (702) 599-5585 RK Property Services 4148 Megan Circle Salt Lake City, UT 84107 rtkendall@comcast.net P: (775) 996-2433 F: (866) 580-4858
RENO ADVERTISING Apartment Guide (Reno) 3555 Airway Drive, Suite 314 Reno, Nevada 89511 srichter@apartmentguide.com P: (775) 329-3528
FIRE AND SAFETY ABC Fire (Reno) 1025 Telegraph St. Reno, NV 89502 dale@abcfireco.com P: (775) 856-1553
For Rent Media Solu ons (Reno) 9650 Gateway Drive, Suite 102 Reno, NV 89521 stasia.wilson@forrent.com P: (775) 829-7368 F: (775) 246-2534
FURNITURE RENTAL/SALES CORT Furniture Rental (Reno) 4745 Longley Lane, Suite 101 Reno, NV 89502 Tricia.Bernard@cort.com P: (775) 828-3900 F: (775) 828-3909
CARPET SALES & INSTALLATION Carpets of America 650 Kresgie Lane Sparks, NV 84431 carpetsofamerica@msn.com P: (775) 358-8080 F: (775) 358-8151
F: (775) 856-5204
LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Signature Landscapes 3705 Barron Reno, NV 89511 steve@siglands.com P: (775) 857-4333 F: (775) 333-0844
MARKETING CONSULTANTS SERVICES ScentAir (Reno) 14301-G South Lakes Dr. Charlo e, NC 28273 rcarter@scantair.com P: (775) 250-0121 F: (775) 622-3565 POOL & SPA CHEMICALS & EQUIPMENT Lee Joseph, Inc. Swim Pool Supply & Repair 864 South Wells Avenue Reno, NV 89502 leejo864@sbcglobal.net P: (775) 786-5085 F: (775) 786-5022
PROMOTIONAL ITEMS Gi Values 4 U 4217 Talladega Drive Sparks, NV 89436 vyoung98@gmail.com P: (775) 742-5380 F: (775) 332-3097 REAL ESTATE BROKERS Johnson Group 10631 Professional Circle Reno, NV 89521 floyd@johnsongroup.net P: (775) 224-3183
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